Newspaper Page Text
Dec. 15. In the Senate this morning, the
bill to amend the charter of the Bank of Bruns
wick, was ordered to lie on the table the re
mainder of the session. The bill authorized
the bank to establish branches in other parts
of the State, to issue post notes, to establish
foreign agencies, &c.
In the House this morning, a motion was
made to reconsider the Internal Improvement
bill, passed yesterday. The motion was lost,
yeas (iti, nays 88.
Also this morning, the bill to lend the credit
of the State of Georgia to the Savannah River
Embankment Company, &e. was lost.
The bill authorizing Limited Partnerships,
passed the House this morning, without any
amendment; yeas 118, nays 42. The bill now
requires but the assent of the Governor to be
come a law. ,
Dec. l(i. The Senate agreed this morning
to reconsider the bill, lost yesterday, amending
the charter of the Bank of Brunswick.
A resolution was adopted this morning in
the Senate, yeas 57, nays 17, appropriating
§4OOO, to defray the expenses of an agent to be
sent to Great Britain, to examine the colonial
records relating to this State, which may yet
exist in the archives of that country.
The House has passed the bill to repeal the
4th section of the charter of the Marine and
Fire Insurance Bank of Savannah. By this
section, failure to pay specie, or redeem its
bills, creates a forfeiture; the holder of any
bill entitled to sue and recover ten per cent,
damages; and for every«bill issued after such
refusal, on conviction, fifty per cent, damages.
A bill to be entitled aiv'act to authorize eacli
county in the State, to retain the general tax
for the years 1837 and 1838, to be applied to
county purposes by the Inferior Courts, was
read the third time and passed,
Mr. Hazzard reported a bill to authorize the
Wardens and Vestry of Christ’s Church, St.
Simon’s Island, to sell the Land belonging to
said Church.
Mr. Sheffield reported a bill to require the
Major commanding the battalion Georgia Mil
itia, to hold battalion musters at the court
house in Wayne county.
The bill to make it the duty of the tax col
lector of Camden county, to collect his own
tax executions was passed.
We have received no western mail for the
last two days, and ol course have not heard
from our correspondent at Milledgeville. Wo
understand the bridge over the Oirechee river
was carried away by the, late freshet [Au
gusta Constitutionalist, 21st inst.
The youngest member of the unfor
tunate Hungarian family of Ileleczuai
has just increased the melancholy fame
which appears to be its doom. The Count’s
eldest son is now expiating in prison an
attempt at destroying his brother : anoth
er died on the scaffold ; and the younger
son recently shot at, hut fortunately mis
sed, the fiscal agent of bis property, on
the very spot where his brother killed a
man. lie was immediately arrested. The
head of the family has alone remained un
stained with crime, and lives to mourn o
ver the tarnished honor of a house for
merly eminent and respected.
Pope’s oath was, ‘God mend me.’ A
link hoy, to whom he had refused a pen
ny, looking at his diminutive crooked
statue cried out, ‘God mend you, indeed !
it would be less trouble to make anew
The i.ittle great actor. In apart
where Garrick had to play the lover of a
fair and cruel heroine, which happened
to he personified by a very large though
beautiful woman, when he ended a long
speech with the words—“l fear I may seem
LITTLE in your eyes.” “Deuced odd if
you don’t,” bawled a fellow in the upper
gallery. Garrick from that moment forth
discarded the lines from the part. [N.
\. S. M. News.
Illinois Scrip. The Louisville Ad
vertiser notices the arrival in that city of
Gen. Rawlings, on his return from New
York. Gen. Rawlings, Col. Mather and
C. Oakly, Esq. ns commissioners of Illi
nois, have,it is said, sold, on advantageous
terms,six percent. Scrip to the amount
of £5,200,000. The proceeds of two
millions to he added to the capital of the
State Bank of Illinois, and one million
to the Bank of Illinois, at Shawncetown.
The scrip is redeemable in 23 and 43
years. Gov. Duncan has also sold six
per cent. Canal bonds to the amount of
£400,000. Total amount of sales of Il
linois scrip, £5,000,000. On the bonds;
sold by the commissioners about £300,000
per month will be paid in Philadelphia
and New York.
Metempsychosis. —The doctrines of
somnambulism, maintained by the Ani
mal Maornctists seem to be but a modifi
cation of the Pythagorean doctrines of
Mttrmpsyrhosis or transmigration of souls.
It one man has the power, as they assert,
of infusing his spirit into the body of an
other person who is sleeping, one might!
live forever, by making it a practice, :
whenever he of putting saute young
person to entering into his
body—and thus live life over again.
• [Boston Post.
Penxsylvaxi v Canai..—The Pitts
burgh Gazette, gives a statement of the
business done on the Pennsylvania Canal,
as follows : From the opening of the nav
igation tortile 5$ Ist of October, tonnage
4.'>,. f »42,<)l?lbs; tolls For
the whole fiscal year, tonnage 50,098,-
0901bs. tolls 48,805,(57.
A lady at sea, full of apprehension in a
gale of wind, cried out, among other pret
ty exclamations, “We shall all go to the !
bottom mercy on us, how rny head swims!'’ j
‘Zounds, madam, never fear,” said oneof!
the sailors, “you can never goto the hot-j
tom while your head swims!”
Egypt. Letters from Alexandria, dat
ed the IStb September, mention a most
remarkable trait of character in Mahomet
Ali. On his arrival at Alexandria, he
made known to all the women of his ha
rem that they were free, except those by
whom he had had children, and thus are
one hundred and fifty females, before se
questered in the Alexandrian harem, re
stored to Egypt. An intelligent gcutle
man writes from Alexandria under the
above date, that every day convinces him
of Mahomet Ali’s pretensions to govern,
and gives stronger proof, that the sooner
the Parliament and Cabinet of England
acknowledge him its King, free from
1 urkish extortion and tyranny, the soon
er they will be establishing anew and
rapidly rising power, to aid their own
arms it ever they war again, particularly
with Russia; and I beg here to mention
a prognostication of my own, that Russia
will gain little credit in the forthcoming
skirmishes with the Circassians ; this last
will allure them to their mountain passes,
and leave them to shift for themselves in
the winter season, which the Russian
commander will find quite as desperate as
Napoleon did when put to the same shifts
in Russian snows after the burning of
Lord Mansfield and his Coachman.
The following is an anecdote of the late
Lord Mansfield, which his Lordship him
self told from the Bench :
He had turned off his coachman for
certain acts ol' peculation,not uncommon
in this class of persons.
1 lie iellow begged his Lordship to give
him a character.
‘What kind of a character can I give
vou ?’ said his Lordship.
•Oh, inv Lord,any character your Lord
ship p] eases to give me, I shall most
thankfully seceivc.’
His Lordship accordingly sat down
and wrote as follows :
‘Tiie bearer, John , has served
me in the capacity of coachman. He is
an able driver and a very sober man. 1
discharged him because he cheated me.’
John thanked Ins Lordship and went
off. A few mornings afterwards, when
his Lordship was going through his lob
by to step into his coach for Westminis
ter Hall, a man in a handsome liverv,
made him a low bow. To his surprise
he recognized Ids late coachman.
‘Why John,’ said his Lordship, you
seem to have got an excellent place ; how
could you manage this with the character
l gave you V
‘Oli, my Lord,’says John, ‘it was an
exceeding good character ; my new mas
ter on reading it, said he observed your
Lordship recommended me as an able dri
ver and a steady man. These are just
the qualities I want in a coachman ; 1
observe ids Lordship adds,that he dischar
ged you, because you cheated him. Hark
you, sirrah, I am a Yorkshircuian, and
I'll defy you to cheat mr.
Anecdotk of Napoleon. When Na
poleon returned to his palace, immediate
ly after his defeat ot Waterloo, he contin
ued many hours without any refreshment.
One of the grooms of the chamber ventur
ed to serve up some coffee, in his cabin
et, by tiff; hands of a child, whom Napo
leon had occasionally distinguished by his
notice. The emperor sat motionless,
with his hand spread over his eves. The
page stood patiently before him, gazing
with infantine curiosity on an image which
presented so strong a contrast to his own
figure of simplicity and peace : at last the
little attendant, presented his tray, ex
claiming, in the familiarity of an age
which knows so little distinctions, ‘eat
sire, —it will do you good ’ The emper
or looked at him, and asked, ‘Do vou not
belong to Genesee?’ (a village near Paris.)
‘No sire, I come from Pierrefite.’ ‘Where
your parents have a cottage and some
acres of land ! ‘Yes, sire, ‘Tin re. is true
happiness,’ replied that extraordinary be
ing, who was still emperor of France, and
king of Italy.
Burke’s habits at table were temperate,
preferring the lighter to the stronger
w ines, in opposition to Johnson’s grada
tion of liquor, ‘Claret for boys, Port for
men, and Brandy for heroes.’ ‘Then,’
said Burke, ‘give me claret, for I like to
he a hoy, and partake of the honest hi
larity of youth.
A Correspondent of the Public Ledger
asks the editor to define the different isms
of the political parties of the day. The
Ledger replies—“skin your own skunks.”
Goon Society. It is said that the ci
ty of London contains, on an average, i
10,000 professed gamesters, 20,000 heir
gars, and 80,000 thieves!
Some writer has correctly said, that,
the only way lor a rich man to he healthy !
is by exercise anil abstinence—to live as
it lit 1 was poor. •
Sir William Temple says that a man’s
happiness is all in his opinion of himself
or ot her things.
Marine intelligenle
Selir. Tiger, Hearse, Burnt Fort, lumber to !
G. Harrington Cos.
Sloop America, Burr, Savannah.
Sloop Argo, Morgan, Turtle River.
Ar at Boston, 10th, brig Levant, Caldwell, 1
THE second annual REGATTA of the A-
commence on Tuesday, lGthof January, 1838,
at Brunswick, Glynn County.
Members of the Club will meet at Bruns
wick, on the day previous, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
for the transaction o£Club business.
CHA’S. R. FLOYD, ) Secretaries
Dec. 28.
THIS is hereby to forwarn all persons from
harboring or trusting my wife, ANN
CAIN, as she lias left my bed and board with
out any provocation—therefore I will pay none
of her contracts. Given under my hand, this
13tli day of December. 1837. his
Dec. 23. mark.
07“ JOHN M. TISON is a candidate
for County Surveyor at the ensuing election
in January next.* Dec. 11.
C7*G. B. AUST will he a Candidate
for the office of County Surveyor, at the elec
tion in January next- Dec. 7.
07 s ’We arc authorized to announce
Mr. JOHN B. FLINN, as a candidate for Re
ceiver of Tax Returns, for this County, at the
ensuing election in January next.
Nov. 30.
(’(‘Bilial F"«3el, Iftncon,
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends, and the public, in general, that he
has taken the above mentioned establishment,
which, having been recently thoroughly re
paired and enlarged at great expense, is now
open for the reception of Travelers, Boarders,
»Scc. The chambers are large and airy, the
servants competent and .attentive. His table
shall be constantly supplied with every deli
cacy the season and market will furnish. 11 is
bar is stocked with the choicest V* tnes and Li
quors ; and in order more eitVetiiniiy to make
it a first rate House, he has called to his aid the
services ol Mr. A. Elder, of Baltimore, whose
long experience at Baruum's City Hotel, Ins
justly untitled him to the reputation of a cater
er for tile public. The subscriber therefore
hopes by his unremitting exertions to please, to
receive a Ida nil share of patronage.
N. B. Good Stabling attached to the lle
tel. with faithful and atfi ntive Ostlers.
Dec. 21.
f ft mm in ; i-3 iJOHilt
James, applies for
¥ V Letters of Administration on the Es
tate and Effects of Samvel l’.i i. eii, late of
said County, deceased—
Those are therefore !<> v ile and admonish all
and singular tile kindl'd ami credit u's of said
deceased to be and appear at my office in the
tmie proscribed by law, to shew cause if any
they have, why said Letters should not be
Witness the Honorable J Hamilton Couper,
one iii the Justices ofsaid Court, this I -1!i De
cember, 1837. JOHN BURNETT,
Clerk C. O. G. C.
j Aim l ERE AS Loris i Bum: applies for Let
| 1 V ters of Administrat ion on the Estate and
! Effects of Tug/ixs Cat::, late es Chatham
i County, deceased
These are therefore to rite and admonish all
j uqil singular the kindred and creditors of said
i deceased to he and appear at my office in the
j time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any
[they have, why s.tid Letters sh mid not be
| grajited.
| Witness the Honorable James C. Maugham,
: one of the Justices of said Court, tiiis u".* ii day
of November, 1837. JOHN BURNETT,
C. C. O. G. C.
t'lror.'i'ij*— iAltma f'autitu.
VATIIEREAS Mrs.Sauwi 11. M.i.i mt has
I IT applied to me for Letters of Adminislra-
I tion on the Estate and Effects ot Doctor F. E.
K. Miller, late ofsaid County, deceased—
These are tin relore to cite and admonish all
mid singular the kindred ami creditors of said
j deceased to be and appear at my office in the
| time prescribed by law, to shew cause if anv
they have, why said Letters should not be
granted c
IN itness tin* Honorable J. Hamilton Couper.
j one of the Justices of said Court. tliis2itth No
; veniber, 1837. JOHN BURNETT,
Clerk C. O. <;. C.
HP! iF, Brunswick b ind Company offer for
JL sale, from one to two hundred well se
lected LOTS.
1 he sale will commence at Brunswick, on
Monday, the sth day of January. ISIS, under
the superintendence of the Directors, or an a
gent appointed for that purpose.
The terms of sale will lie—
One Fifth Cash,
“ “ one yi ar,
“ “ two years,
“ <. three *•
“ “ four “
The last payment will be remitted on any
lot, on which there shall fie erected and com
pleted within one year from tile day of stile, a
substantial House or Store, not less than
feet front, by 30 in depth, and at leas', two sto
Other terms to be made known at the time
and place of sale.
By order of the Directors,
EDW. ELDREDGE, Gen'l A .rent
Nov 2
Is * iV.
Howell Cobb, attorney at l*.w.
- Ojlieo, at Perry, Houston County. (>’a.
Howell Conn will attend to professional
business in the counties 1 loustop, of the Flint .
Twiggs, Pulaski and Doolv.of the Southern :
and Stewart. Uaiulolph, Lee, Sumpter and Ma
rion ot the ( hattahouchie Circuits.
July 20, 1837. ly.
Mouse Wi-taht.
NI OS KH W . W I I, SO N ,
\T7OUJ.D inform the public that he is ready
TV to contract for putting up Houses,Stores,
or buildings of any description, at short notice
and on reasonable terms.
He has Lumber anil building materials of all
kinds on hand, which he will furnish to order
at low prievs. Also, White Lead, Paints, Oiis
Any favors in his line will be thankfully re
ceived and those who employ him may depend
on having" their orders executed in a workman
like manner and with punctuality.
Brunswick, Nov. l(i, 1c37.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
June 15
Respectfully informs the public that
he has opened anew and commodious
STORE in this city, and will be constantly
supplied wiih a full assortment of the follow
ing articles, viz :
GAREN SEEDS, from the New England
Seed Store, &<•. Ac.
Also, for sale, one covered Pleasure NVagon.
OHn addition to the above, he has now on
hand and intends to keep constantly, a full
TERIALS, of every description, which will be
sold in large or small quantities, on favorable
terms. Dec. 14.
3U\R- DUPREE offers bis professional servi-
JL> ces to the inhabitants of the city of Bruns
wick, and the surrounding country.
Dec. 7.
' IVwtice.
rgrllE public is cautioned against purchasing
A- a note of hand given by the subscriber,
payable to Ai i'n v Sauk A Cos., of Savann: li,
for sixty dollars, due Ist January. 1 ~38.
The terms of s lid note not having been com
plied with, 1 shall not pay it.
Dec. 7.
VLL persons are hereby cautioned against
trading for any articles whatever, partic
ularly Corn, from any of the Col. Island ne
groes without, permission, as the law will b’u
rigidly enforced aera inst such.
Col. Island, Os. 10. 1837.
mi!E subscriber 'wouldgive notice that all
j A goods, Ac. shipp cl liv the sloop Arm. nff
' ter tiiis dale, must be paid by flm shipper, ,i r <>n
delivery of the goods, I• v the p 1 - o to" whom
they are shipped. JOHN J. MORGAN.
| Briinswic k, Nov. 23, I ■- .7.
!j!OUR. months nflerdat" application will be
, - made to the Honorable the Justices of the
j Inferior Court, of Glynn County, when setting
; fur ordinary purposes, for leave to s'!! the real
and personal property in Georgia, of ELlZA
lilil li HARRISON, of Glynn Countv, de
ceased, for tin* benefit of the heirs and eredi
, tors of said estate.
B. B. (2OWEN, Executor.
i Sept. 7, I 837.
I ITT OUR months afterdate application will be
j A made to the Honorable the Justices of the
s Inferior Court, of Glynn Cuiulv, when setting
l'or ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real
and personal property in Georgia, of JOHN
COU BEit. .ir. late of Mobile, deceased, for flic
benefited the liens and creditors ofsaid estate.
\ t i'l 4in.
•Vfti 1 i re.
jjj'TOUR. months after 'date, application will
|A. be made to the Inferior Court of the
County oi Glynn, when setting for oidinarv
! purpesi s,.for h ave to sell the real estate of
j JACOB UNDER, late of Glynn County,
1 Oct. Iff, |
j ll luoiitJis niliT <!;*It; ;;p|jlic;ifion will bo i
l unit!.’ * » l!w Lite Justices of the |
I n.( fit r Court, oi* C k iiu co uuty y when Hotting
: I’T oidinary purposes, f.r leave" to sell Urn real
1 and personal property in Georgia, of 1:-A.\‘:
HOUSTON, of Gi,mn Cmiaiv,' dec a:,-d.!
ior the iwiiHit oi the lit ii’s and creuitoi.s t
1 uakl osta'.e.
B. FORRESTER, Administrator, j
j Oct. 2(5, ]f 37.
nOUl! inonlliK ;• ft< rtinta•. application will l.<:
-■ made to tlic lufcrii'-r Court uftitc C nut»
of Glynn, when setting fir or.iinar,- purji<;a s,
for lei'll e tn si'll the li'A esiate oi’ ELIJAH
HORNSBY, late of (ih r | Ci.llllt V, flerens 'll
Oct. iff. j-;-;7.
I'iiiS’r rate pair of GAR i' WHEELS.mndc
Jtai to order 10-. l muudu In N--w York, wiii be
sold ut mi application to
Col. Island, Nov. 543. 1537.
r, nisii ” : yi.r't; ■ -
N the first Tl ESDAY in F lim ey next,
xz will be sold ut Brunswick, at die usual
tilin' es sale, the real e,.ti!e iff - ELIJAH!
!l()i.2,i3i)i . late of Glynn County, deceased,
consisting of a tract ofl'and lying on the. Hon
ey-gull. in sne! Coiiiily. and sold by permission
of file Court of Ordinary. .
1 erms fflade known on the day of sale.
By her Attorney Jives C. Mix on m.
Brunswick. Nov. 23, !'37.
Ua.TWfl’tfr’g Suite.
ON the first TUESDAY in January next,
will be sold before the Court House in
tie' ( tv of Brunswick, betv.- on the usual hours
i. t!i<- pin i.tat m .civil ns A shinirn. situ
' and | a the Gr. •' in.., do Swamp in Glynn
' omity. e utaming 7o*i : --:-<-s more or less,
whereof acres are cb a red and cultivated
linnniook under fence nrid ready to receive a
crop: Pill acn sos unclean and hammock, and the
remainder inland swamp and pine land. On
‘i ' ptvin ' are as. :aII but comfortable dwell
ing house, an excellent, horse cotton gin, a
a vri.-t mill, cotton house, carpenter's shop, anil
negro houses. Also a tract of' land adjoining,
i,4ii acres more or less, consisting of hammock,
pine Dud and a part of the Great Buffalo
‘together wdh three negroes. The
v.b-.'i the property of JOHN <‘< Hi PER. Jr.
late cl Mobile, due-eased, and sold by permis-!
won-ei tiie Court of Ordinary.
I erii’s made known on the d;y of sale.
J. H. COPPER, Executor, i
Oct. J*.), 1637. I
ON the first TUESDAY in February next, j
will be sold at Brunswick, at tiie usual'
time of sale, the real estate of JACOB LIN-
Di.R, late ot Glynn County, deceased, con
sisting of a tract of land lying on the Big Buf
lalo, in said Gonnty, and sold by permission ot
the Court of Ordinary.
- Terms made known on the day of sale •
Brunswick, N0v.23, 1837.
A IIRST RATE COOK and two Waiters,
f*- for a. Hotel—by J. DAVIS, Ogle tliorpe !
House, Brunswick. * Nov 12. '
Champaigne, Strong ftecr, Potatoes and
Paving Stones.
TUST received per schr. Tiger, from Boston,
10 baskets “ Sillery” CHAMPAIGNE,
. (pints,) » .
5 bbls ‘'Cook's” BEER,
40 do Eastern POTATOES,
o 0 tons PAVING STONES, a good article
for celiars, yards, Ac. For salo by
Dec. 14.
iViSw V jpeffcs.
JU S r received from Boston, p,.. sc'ir. Colum
20 Bbls. New FLOUR;
Bbls. Clear and Mess I’ORK ;
1-2 do. do. do. do.;
Bids. BEEF;
1-2 do. do.;
Kegs LARD ;
Brown and White SUGAR;
Negro CLOTHS, Ac. Ac. t
W liieh will be sold low for cash or approved
credit, by GEO. HARRINGTON A CO.
Brunswick, Nov. 23, 1 -37.
S3s*M3s<w'EC-Ii :ii:d EiaiJ
rgTllE Stockholders of the Brunswick Canal
A and Rail Road Company, are notified that
assessments on the Capital Stock of said Com
pany, are made papahle at the Eagle Bank
Five percent on loth Nov. next
Five per cent on Ist Dec. next.
Five per cent on 15th Dee. next.
Five per cent on Ist Jun'y next.
Per order of the Directors,
Ex’ ra cl from the Acts of Incorporation.—‘ In
j <".'■■ ■' any s<holder should refuse to pay his
,or th ir iii.-- iiiie.its v ..ii called on i:i a in m
j ncr aforesaid, ii shall be lawful for tiie Board
jto doclar • sue ii she res of stock fi vfelted to the
| use ami bene fit of the Company—"
H.m* pay me.if by the State of Georgia of
i their stibsenpi h> ; i, il*s•• Provided, that the.Coin
j niissioiiers or Board of Directors of the said
i( anal aid ilnil Iliad ('< utpany shall exhibit a
j < erl'N a'm that III" indiv dual Stock holders, en
their part,shall have first paid their instillments
' bci :••• lied for, ago "able to the terms of the
; Act. oflimorpomlim,."
JOHN J. FISK, Treasurer.
| Get. 2oth.
rii. . ti 4*
. 1 .Neil) L or, and a .'Jew Inducement, for sitb
orribing to l!.c If’edify Jle.-:.,entrer !
rsnlil. rhiitpe.U anil decided! v tlm mas! pnp Family NetVspujier in the 12 Slati s.
With aeiiculatinn of many thou and suhserib
,ma Th" Aur a; ; VVf.iiki.v ’lies! •.«.i.h is
I übiisir and every \Vedm sday, on beautiful wiidi;
jp i per, iff tiie largest cl a: at f«'2 per annum, or
| ten subscriptions, for :«tl().
I Us c .litcnts are ad p‘ed to tin*-wants of the
j Farmer. Mechanic, Tradesman, Agriculturist,
i Merchant and Manufacturer.
! Ties Journal was commenced on the first of
January hiss; and. without any previous effort
j to herald i‘ i success, went into immediate arid
rapid oirculatton. Such was the unprecedent
; i'd popularity which aUrnded its projection
! that, in about six months front the period it
! was first issued, not less than fifteen thousand
i names were embraced on its subscription lists!
j which have been ever since constantly and
rapidly increasing, and now bid fair to super
cede m extent and stability every other pub
j hca.tiou tv hick lias existed in the literary world.
| it nera'iy eoneeded that the contents of
j the MessPngi r embraces as much original!
j /acV'T -;:iv other periodical of the present
! day. Tim diffusion ol useful and wholesome
iiitormaiiou. with a view to the cultivation of a
cor.ret hn ... ledge iff P d.te ijiterature, is the
elii"i i icct t. wiv h it. ms. Arrangements
l-.ive " ,i cut .T.-d nit i. by v. liicli tin* pubiish-
, 1 r v. oi i e i. i ,»i toe i d.tonsil and« pnrtment
jby the tii • le.iot three < r lour geuilemeii of
! distmg. isiied ibii tie:—-air; it is intended to
j introduce several impiota it improvements, i
j wnicit will bespeak additional popularity ior
; its r ffuiniis.
As tie character and leading features of this
J ■'irn-il arc well known throughout the Uniti and
Plates, it will be superfluous to enter into a
reeit-ii of the same. The season is approach
ing, Imwi y r, when the reading public are cx
pected to make their selections for the next
year, mi! we deem it. advisable, therefore, to
furnish a brief and explicit statement of our
terms, which we hope will prove satisfactory,
and be impl-ei'ly observed ;
A ten dollar bill, forwarded by mail, postage
rend, will pay t-if ten oooiea ot llm Messenger i
ior one year ! A live dollar bill, forwarded by |
mail, postage paid, u ill -pay for four copies for
one year ! Two dollars, paid in advance, is j
tiie price ol'an individual subscription for one j
year One dollar,, in advance, will pay for a j
single subscription for six months only.
A five dollar note will pay one year’s sub-j
scription to the Weekly Messenger and also]
t ie Gentleman’s .Magazine, edited by W. E. I
Burton, Esq.
[f Remittances from Clubs, to be entitled !
to tiie tall advantages of the liberal terms here
offered, must be made in sums of five's and
ten's of current Bank notes—any lesser a
iiioiint, forwarded by mail, will be classed a
long with individual subscriptions.
A premium of FORTY' NOVELS, neatly
anil appropriately bound, containing the pro
ductions ot many of tiie celebrated writers of
' Site present day, will ho presented to any Agent
; forwarding forty subscribers, and the jay in
j advance,ns heretofore stipulated.
: At the expiration «and (lie term subscribed for
j md paid by clubs, the paper, will invariably be
, discontinued, unless the advance money is for
warded previous to that time, and the subscrip
tions renewed, in the manner above specified.
It will lie a great saving to the publisher,
j and facilitate the early mailing of the paper, if
the individual forwarding the sum required d» r
! iour,.cr ten, or more subscribers, when they
are Ideated together, will allow the package to
i be addressed to the Postmaster, or some orte a
uioiig tliemselv'ps, who being made acquainted
1 with the names of the Club, can as readily dis
j tribute them as if directed eiynaratelv. i
All letters must, be post paid, or they will j
| taken out of the office. Address
Athenian Buildings,Franklin Place, Philadel'a. j
Mfrenetor?* Safe.
ON the first Tuesday in January next, will
be sold before tiie Court House door,
Glynn Cos. between the usual bonjs of sale
THREE NEGROS, Jim, Tinner and Albert’
sold as the property of Elfoabeth Harrison, late’
of said County, deceased „\y an in
ferior crfijft of said County, for tlfe benefit ol i
the heirs. B B Et'r. I
Nor 9. IWT - ■ * -■’
Increased Attractions!
ffAHE vast patronage whitfh has town a§rar
-■ tied the Ccurier is Cbe heat evidence of
its approval. It has the largest subscription
list in this country. It is the large*t»nd chea
pest Family Newspaper ever isstn and m the Lr
nited States, containing articles in Ifiteratme,
Science and the Arts ; Internal Improvement/
Agriculture, in short every variety of topics
usually introduced into a public Journal. Giv
ing full accounts of sales, markets and news
of the latest dates. *
Without interfering with the usual vari'tv,
the Courier has presented ten volumes of the
most popular literature of the day within the
last year. This feature put3 into the hands of
its patrons the most entertaining and popular
current literature, amounting each year to six
times the price paid for subscription—in addi
tion to the immense quantityof other matters
which appear in its columns. In the contin
uation of this feature’ we shaft endeavor to pre
sent new and popular works with such eXpedi-’
tion that the publication cannot be anticipated'
in other sources. In the future numbers we*
shall draw from the pens of such writers as
D’lsraeli, Miss Mitford,
Capt. Maryan, Leitch Ritchie,
Miss Landou, J. R. Buckstone,
Charles Dickius, Barry Cornwall.
Cornelius Webb, Douglass Jorrold,
Theodore Hook, Crofton Croker,
Thomas Campbell, Mrs. S. C. Ilall,
Haynes Bayly, Mrs. Gore,
Countess of Blessington,The celebrated “Boz,”
And, in short, from the whold range of the
current literature of Europe, with which our
arrangements will supply us at as early a mo
ment as they can he received in the country.
Besides we have the pleasure of numbering
among our contributors many of the most dis
tinguished writers of our country, from whose
tinue to add interest to its columns.
The Architectural beauty of many of th«
l’l BLIC Bl I LININGS of tiiis city is prover
liiii 1. Jh lioving it will be acceptable to our
numerous patrons to be presented with EJj-
fices-, we are engaged in bringing out a com
plete serieM. which will
may well be termed, THE LIONS OFPHIL
i DELPHI V. Where it is expedient, we ac
e-mpany the engravings with such descriptions
o! size arid facts of history, as may be of inter
,,s[ n
J he Courier is published at the low price of
Iwo Dollars. For this small sum subscribers
get valuable and entertaining matter each week
enough to fill a common book of two hundred
am! fifty pages, and equal to fifty two volumes
a year, and which is estimated to be read, week
ly. by at least two hundred thousand people,
scattered in all parts of the country, from
Maine to Florida, and from the sea hoard to top".--.
lakes. -fl|
This approved Family Newspaper isstrietfy'
neutral in religions and political matters, and
rite uncompromising opponent of quackery of
every kind.
HAT A- a trifling expression of our regard,
\vo shaft print .the whole series of the Engra
ved Illustrations, at tlfeiri completion, upon fine
whit * p iper, in uniform style—forming a beau
tiful collection of Views, and present them t*
such of our Country Brethren as may oblige
us by an insertion of Van above advertisement.
Philadelphia, 1837.
DOZEN choice WINES, rii:
(»>v/ Townsend Madeira, 18ti,
Juno do. do.
Brown Sherry, 1806.
Pale do. 1820.
Maruislcy, 1025, dtc. &».
For sale by
Nor. *. GBO. HARRIKGTOH 4k 90.
Jt' T*l?X THIS new and elegant estab
lishinent having been fitted and
ll ifurnished in a superb style, is now
i*-i:—open for the reception of company
under the direction of the subscriber. The sit
'nation of the House is airy and tile prospect de
lighUul. The rooms will be found extremely
cool and comfortable during the heat of the
summer, and board for families or single gen
.l mien may be taken by the week or single
day , and no pains nor expense will be spared to
i make the house an agreeable retreat for all
those who may honor the subscriber with their
The Bar will be stocked with the eholeeat
Wines, Liquors, &c. and the Larder filled with
the best the market affords, and the subscrifak
Hatters, himself that he shall be able to pladfj*
his establishment under such rules and regufi*.
liens as iviU meet the approbation of the com
munity. His acquaintance with the duties of
i Public House and lys entire devotion to those
dirties lie hopes jftll secure him the favor of
the public. . ."i
*#* There is a commodious Stable at
tached to the establishment, well stocked with
Hay and Grain. • JOHN DAVIS.
Terms of Oie American Hlag
f jnHE work will be jiublishcd in monthly
A numbers of at least forty pages each,
making a volume about 500 large octavo pages
at the close of the year, including a table of con
tents and title page, also about 200 finely exe
cuted engravings on wood, representing views
of cities, jiublic buildings, likenesses of emin
ent men, remarkable natural scenery, &c.-
The subscription will be Two Dollars per
year, payable in advance. . ’ •
Any person who shall remit to the publisher
in Boston, Tea Dollars, will receive Six Copies
‘J. Magazine for one year ; and any number
of jiersons, uniting their subscriptions lor the
purpose, who shall remit Thirty Dollar*-, as
above, will be entitled to Twenty Copies fa*
one year.
Any responsible person disposed to act iur
Travelling Agent in procuring subscription*
for this work, will receive addional encourage
| ment, proportionate to the amount of service*
: Tcndesed * ,
O’A If Post Masters are hereby authorized
•W'l requested to act-as agents in procuring
subscribers upon terms above named, and in
remitting the amount of their subscription*.-
4 11 orders and letters relative to*the Man.
zinc, will be addressed/ree of postage. So
Publisher of the .American Magazine,
Franklin Avenue, Boston, Most.
Hour, oWofame*. &c. ~
X ANDING from schrNile, from Boat on ,
J-i Bbls. FLOUR,
Half bbls. do.. m
Hhds. MOLASSES, *' "*•
Tea, Soap, Grindstones, Ae.Btif—
For sale by GEO. HARRINGTOH 4‘COk
Nov. 2. • * '
■ Job
N*a«y Pxwhted Mha