Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, June 01, 1839, Image 1

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BtAiitsSuitb JUruocatc. CHARLES DAVIS.] VOLVKS 2. BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. AGENTS. BM County. Alexander Richards, Esq. Tttfair “ Rev. Charles J. Shelton. Mclntosh « Ja meß Blue, Esq. Houston •• ft. J. Smith, Esq. PuUski " Norman McDuffie, Esq. Tteiggs « William H. Robinson, Esq. TERMS. Three Dollars in advance—s 4at the end of the year. ILrNo subscriptions rooeived for a less term than six months, and no paper discontinu ed until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the publisher. O’ All letters and -communications ia relation to the paper, must be POST PAID to en sure attention. CP ADVERTISEMENTS conspicuously in serted at Osk Dollar per twelve lines, or less, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cf.nts for ev •ry subsequent continuance—Rule and figure work always double price. Twenty-five per cent, added, if not paid in advance, or during the continuance of the advertisement. Those sent without a specification of the number of insertions will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. Legal Advertisements published at the usual rates. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY Report of Rallies? Fashions , At One Dollar per annum. THESE fashions are arranged by one of our most celebrated Modistes, and are BEAUTIFULLY COLORED. Subscribers may rely upon their correctness. The Fashions for each month are illustrutcd by two or more full length figures, and always Colored, OTHERWISE THEY ARE USELESS. The months of January, April, July and > October, in addition to the plates of Fashions also contain a Colored Pattern of Window Drapery. Full directions always accompany the Fash ions, not clothed in foreign language, but in plain English, so as to be understood by every person. The coloring of the plates is superintended by a person who lately officiated as Director in one of the largest Parisian Establishments, and their beauty cannot be equalled, at least is this country. The cheapness of the work may be tested 7? by a comparison with others. A Magazine is sued in New York only once every Three Months, is published at the price of Six Dollars per annum, while the MONTHLY REPORT Is only One Dollar.'.'.'.' They will be furnished Monthly to persons who may wisli the fashions only, without the reading portion of the Lady’s Book—at the above very low price—carefully packed and sept by mail to any direction. Cash of cuurse -frih Pi Vance, postage paid. Any postage that has to be paid by the publisher, will be charged | to the subscriber. The Volume commenced with the April Number, 1839. Price $1 for Twelve Monthly A'umbcrs. I A liberal discount allowed to resident or tra velling agents. Address LOUIS A. GODEY, || til 1 Chestnut St. Philada. I lune l f I Steam B>oat Wood. t TEAM BOATS touching at Brunswick can Mat all times be supplied with first rate j jth pine wood, on the wharf, and at a low Jce, by Apl 27 ROBT. WALSH & Cos. f Wanted, ! BY JOHN FRANKLIN. HIDES, Beeswax, and Tallow.—Cow and Buck Horns.—Also, Bear, Cat, Deer, and tter Skins, for which the highest market price will be given. Mar 9 Havana Cigars. "• A AAA FINE Havana Cigars,of the J. VaUt/U most favorite brands, for sale * *y Api 27 ROB’T WALSH & Cos. To Planters. |IT>LANTERS in this vicinity, wishing sup. ■( \ plies for their Plantations, can be furnish ■ { with Merchandize in every variety, on as ■ tasonable terms as can be purchased in Sa- Hlannah or Charleston, at the store of H EOIBER. KvIHE proprietors of the Darien upper Steam SAW MILL have on hand LUMBER of dimensions for sale, and are ready to to order. They have a good supply of logs and are able to furnish cargoes as fast they can be loaded, at the Mill Wharf, where depth of water is sufficient for vessels draw- Rk fourteen feet. TURNER & JOHNSTON. Darien, March 2,1632. ts (D*Reference may be had to P. M. Night ingale, Esq. in Brunswick. “ Oglethorpe House. 'i THE Public is respectfully in- If TlliTSs that this establishment •* '’liillHK continues under the direction dSSBm the Subscriber, who hopes, by un remitled exertions to merit a continuance of a the patronage he is grateful for having hereto- L fore received. The bouse is large, airy, and with spacious piazzas on every Waide—the charges will be commensurate to the ■ times. -The prevailing sea breezes and pure J air, render this perhaps the healthiest and most •comfortable Summer residence in the State— salt water baths may be had a «om the bouse—also good stabling for horses. . . R. W. HOLMAN. T Brunswick, April 27tli, 1839. * D7 The Savannah Georgian and Darien Herald are requested to give the above three insertions, and/or ward their bills to this office. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, IN THE CITY OF BRUNSWICK, GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1839. Unexampled Mammoth Scheme. THE following details of a Scheme of a Lottery to be drawn jn December next, warrants us in declaring it to be UNPARAL LELED in the history of Lotteries. Prises to the amount have never before been offered to the public. It is true, there are many blanks, but on the other hand, the extremely low charge of S2O per Ticket—the Value and JYumber of the Capitals, and the revival of the good old custom of warranting that every prize shall be drawn and sold, will, we are sure, give universal satisfaction, and eapocfcd ly to the Si*Hundred Prize Holders. To those disposed to adventure, ws mMS mend early application being made to us for tickets—when the prizes are all sold, blanks only remain—the first buyers have the best chanoe. We, therefore, emphatically say— DELAY NOT! but at once re-ntit and trans mit to us your orders, which shall always re ceive our immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, and applications made to SYLVESTER & Cos., 156 Broadway, New York. ffyObserve the number, 156. $700,000!!! $500,000!! $35,- OOO! * ’ 6 prizes of $£0,000!! 2 prizes of $15,000!! 3 prizes of SIO,OOO ! Grand Real Estate and Bank Stock LOTTERY Os Property situated in New Orleans. UrThe richest and most magnificent scheme ever presented to the public, in this or any other country. tickets only S2O. Authorized by an Act of the Legislative As sembly of Florida, and under the Directions of the Commissioners, acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December Ist, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER <fc CO., 156 Broadway, New York, Sole Agents. No combination numbers!!! 100,000 tickets, from No. 1 upwards, in suc cession. The deeds of the Property and the Stock trans ferred in trust to the Commissioners ap pointed by the said act of the Legislature of Florida, for the security of the Prise Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcade—2B6 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 feet 11 inches, on Natchez street; 126 feet, 6 inches, on Gravier st., rent ed at about $37,000 per annum. Dollars. Valued at 700,000 1 Prixe—City Hotels—lft} ft on Com mon street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000 — Valued at 500,000 1 Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining the Arcade) No. 16, 24 ft. 7inche» • front on Natchez St. Rented at SI2OO. Valued at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18, 23ft. fronton Natchez St. Rented at $l2O0 —Valued at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez st. Rented at $l2O0 —Valued at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, north east cornerof Basin «fc Custom-house at. 40 feet froi-.t on Basin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep in Custom-house st. Rented at SISOO Valued at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 24, south west cornpr of Basin and Custom-house st.; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin, 32 teet, 7 inches on Franklin, 127 ft. 10 1-2 inches deep in front of 0i Custom-house street. Rented at SISOO. Valued at $6,000 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 ft», 11 inches deep. Rented at SI4OO. * Valued at . 15,000 1 Prize—2so shales Canal ■ Bank Stock, SIOO each, 25,000 1 Ditto—2oo ditto Com do do do 20,000 1 Ditto—lso ditto Mechanics' and Traders' do do 15^00 1 Ditto—loo do City Bank do do lOyOOO 1 Ditto—loo do do do do do * 10,000 1 Ditto—loo do do do do do 10,00 ft 1 Ditto—so do Exchange Bank do do 5000 1 Ditto—-50 do do do do do 5000 1 Ditto—2s do Gas Light Bunk do do 2500 1 Ditto—2s do do do do do do 2500> 1 Ditto—ls do Mechanics' &■ Tra ders’ do do 1500 1 Ditto—ls do do do do do 1500 20 do—each I<> shares of the Louisia na State Bank, SIOO each, each Prize SIOOO 20,000 10 do—each 2 shares of SIOO each, each Prize S2OO, of the Gas Light Bank 2000 200 do—each 1 share of SIOO, of the Bank of Louisiana 20,000 200 do—each 1 share of SIOO, of the New Orleans Bank - 20,000 150 do—each 1 share of SIOO of the Union Bank of Florida 15,000 600 Prizes. $1,500,000 TICKETS S2O—NO SHARES. The. whole of the Tickets, with their Num bers, as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners appointed under the Act, previously to their being put into the wheels. One wheel will contain the whole of the Numbers, the other will contain the Six Hundred Prizes, and the Srct 600 Numbers that shall be dnrwu out, will be entitled to such Frizes as may be drawn to its number, and the fortunate hold ers of stick Prises will have such property transferred to them immediately after the drawing, unincumbered, and without any De duction! O’ Editors of every paper in the United States, in the West Indies, in Canada, and o ther of the British Provinces are requested to insert the above, as a standing advertisement, until the Ist of December next, and to send their account to us, together with a paper containing the advertisement. SYLVESTER & CO., 156 Broadway, N. Y. may 25 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Pone at this Office. POETR V. [From the Knickerbocker for May.] GOD IN NATURE. Come, climb along with me this mountain top, Thou unbeliever in Eternal Good, And look upon the wide outstretching scene, That from the summer meets the eager sight! Far as the eye may reach a varied map Os earth and water, upland, mead, and vale, fields, and forests waving wild: ■fifes, which bless the thrifty farmer's toil, And barren peaks, where not a leaflet grows; This varied scene in solemn beauty lies, On which each heart, with just conceptions fraught, In admiration muses, and is mute. What say'st thou, unbeliever, dark in soul! Did chance accomplish all? Does chance * maintain The graceful harmony in constant round? I Come, thou most learned of unbelieving men Whose deep philosophy has mastered art: With all thy skill make such a simple flower As this fair blue bell that amid the crags Looks up in beauty, smiling to the sun! Thou canst not! Then, perhaps thou canst unmake, Here is an atom, which thy art declares To be the smallest part of matter known, (Atoms on atoms piled: compose the world;) Take this, and o’er it exercise thy power; Destroy, annihilate! Thou look’st abashed! Thy boasted skill is vain! Now, answer me; If the mean dust be of immortal mould, Why, what art thou, who to the soul deniest Its immortality? Blaspheming man! Go hide thy pigmy head! In sackcloth weep, And pray thy soul may be by grace illumed! IISCELLAIVY. [From the New York Star.] Town and Country. —We manage our domestic concerns on a large scale of expenditure, considering we are a young country and have not exactly the means of competing with Europe, and many persons of large fortunes abroad, —when we say large fortunes we mean $500,000 —would be surprised to find in this city, houses and furniture, and equippage and equipments, among men of business of small capitals, far exceeding in magni tude and splendor the neat and unosten tatious establishments of millionaires in the old countries. At a late musical soiree in one of our fashionable streets, we took time to look around and examine what we conceived to be a very splendid display of taste and elegance. The style of finishing parlours and drawing rooms in houses of the first class in this city, give an air of great magnificence to the lout ettsei>i‘ bit. The highly polished and beautifully va riegated mahogany doors; the superb fold ing doors and plated furniture, the ele gant stucco work and centre pieces of the ceiling, the ponderous and beautiful ly veined marble mantels, and grates, al most of themselves furnish the parlours. When to these elegant fixtures we add the rich wilton and royal carpets' and ram, the highly polished mahogany chairs Mkit. divans, the satin curtains and elabo rately carved and gilt cornices, the pier glasses, rich suspending girandoles and mantle lamps, the upright piano and pier tables—we have a combination not often found in such elegance iu many of the I£uropean families. Such drawing rooms filled w ith elegantly dressed ladies and gentteihen, and made light as day by an immense number of candelabras and lus tres, may be well imagined as presenting a scene of richness and luxury only to be expected from persons of overgrown for tunes. The refreshments and supper were in corresponding taste. The folding doors of the two spacious parlours were thrown open kjid lined with Grange trees, gerani ums and other flowers, throwing around j their various perfumes. A table groaning . under the weight of rich plate of every I kind and quality —china from Dresden, cut glass of the most exqusite quality, to i say nothing of the*choice delicious con ; fectionary, pyramids, fruits, and old wines i tha’. adorned the tables.. In every rapm was a rose wood 4 coltage piano, of exquisite touch and finish. Glees from amateurs and songs from popular vocalists, a gal lopade, quadrille, and a sober game of whist, were in progress during the eve ning in Hie several saloqns thrown open on the occasion. It was altogether a feast fit for princes, where elegance and taste were united to hospitality and good breed ing. The dresses of the ladies were dis tinguished for richness and variety* and the blaze of diamonds was only equalled by the blaze of beauty. Such scenes are not unfirequent during the season Mi this city and it was long after our headhad pressed the downey pillow that we could collect our scattered senses for repose. As Spring bursts upon us,eariy and gloss ing, and all nature had put on its richest livery—Spring so *rare in our climatft, with verdure on its brow, and primrose is its haudj we took a ride over son* of the “ * delightful roads and avenues of Long Is land, to catch an appetite for dinner and on our way to the South Ferry passed by a two story cottage, painted white, with greeu Venetians, piazettas and porticoes, in neat taste, surrounded by a white paling. While .gazing on the simplicity of the building and the air of comfort thrown a round it, we were roused by hearing some one call "Hallo Stranger!” and, on look ing up discovered it to be our worthy host of Place. He wore a pepper and salt grey coat, and a large Manilla hat, half summerish in dress, but neat as it was plain. “Come, come, light and see my improve ments,” said he. "I must go to town to dinner; it is now four and it will be late.” j“No you don’t go to town for dinner; my dinner is just ready, and you shall dine with mo. Here Toney, take the gentle man’s sociable; and put his horse in the barn.” Having enjoyed his hospitality when living in splendor, I could not refuse his bread and salt under adverse circum stances; so I alighted, and walked iuto his parlor. What a change! A plainly fin ished room—Wooden mantel piece, hav ing a pair of oid fashioned plated candle sticks, and China dog, as ornaments — rush-bottom chairs and settees—ingrain carpets, and mahogany-framed Looking glass—au eight day clock ticked in one corner—two maps, and an engraving of the Great Western. What a contrast with the late splendid exhibition at the party! The table furniture was in strict keeping: a white cotton table cloth, blue China plates, black handled knives and forks, tumblers and wines blown in the cheapest style, at the New Jersey works, and salt cellars dear at sixpence each.— The dinner however, to my surprise was excellent: a boiled trout of good size, with fresh butter sauce, a pair of broiled chickens, fresh asparagus, and a nicely boiled batter pudding. Our host took from the cupboard a bottle of old Hock and old Madeira, the remnauts of better times, and we were waited upon by a strap ping girl with red hair, who squinted aw fully. But the hostess—the lady of the princely mansion—she who not long since wore a sattin dress of exquisite lustre, ov er which was Mechlin lace of great value, ! who had the whole stomachers, bracelets, and ear-ring of diamonds—how changed, | she looked we thought, more beautiful in j her cross barred muslin loose gown and | bobinet cap, in which a rose-bud and sprig |of geranium had carelessly been fixed.— ' She was cheerful, and appeared to be hap ! py. We mused thoughtfully on the insta | hility of human affairs and could not avoid saying with evident pain: “I am glad to i find, under all circumstances, that you ! bear your reverse of fortune with so much J cool indifference.” The lady stared, and | our host rolling out a volume of smoke I from his segar, and looking with much as tonishment said, "what! reverse of fortune? Why my dear fellow did you suppose I was broke—done up, gone over the dam, eh? O no, no, this change, you see, is | owing to no reverse of fortune—no alter ation in my affairs; I am as rich as ever, have as much business, and attend to it daily, but the fact is 1 have come to my i sober senses, I and my cara sposa there, j VVe did not wait until bankrupey over took us, but considering our children, and our future prospects, and the obligations jof duty we owe to each other, we agreed j that it was folly to live in a splendid house, keep a retinue of servants, horses and car riages, give grand parties for the accom modation of the busy fashionable world— to all the gay young ladies and moustach ed young fellows—to see every body care for a few only, so that after making a fair experiment, we took a survey of the field and agreed, as the upholster had done knocking up, we would send for the auc tioneer and get him to knock down—so now you see us a sober, metamorphosed couple, by consent of parties, living plain ly, comfortably as you see tis, on SISOO per annum instead of $10,000!” We were overjoyed to hear this—it exhibited moral courage and great good sense unit '■ ed—it was an effort to save a fortune, not |to waste one—it was altogether worthy of imitation. "Now, my dear fellow," said he, “don’t believe me to be miserly and wretchedly close. lam delighted to see a friend, if he will take my plain, substan tial cheer. I bake my own bread, make my own butter, lay my own eggs, grow my own vegetables and fruits. 1 ride to town by nine o’clock in my waggon, and here I am by four with a keen appetite and robust health. I have always a glass of old wine for a friend, and in a few years if I dont make a fortune by business. I shall save one by economy.” We took our leave of the sensible, dis creet pair, regretting that there were not many others ready and willing to follow their happy example. Money invested as furniture, too ex pensive for a man’s means, is worse than dead stock—beoause it requires, or at least induces a corresponding mode of living. The eye is ill pleased at the expense of •omfbrt—and to fill a sheriffs inventory i* small ambition. Who would not he. a Farmer? —ln this glad season, when the earth is all around bursting into life juid beauty, and nature is keeping holiday—when winter is over, and vegetation is waking again from its deathlike sleep—when the birds sing tlieir matin songs from every bush, and man himself wakes to new life amid the activity around him, tc/to would not be a Farmer? —For him, almost for him alone, bloom the fair flowers in nature’s field—for him the feathered songster pours her sweetest note, and for him the face of creation wears a constant smile. Not so with the inhabitant of cities, or with the professional manor the man of business any where. These are shut out from the .blessed influence of nature. Their busi ness is with men—restless, ambitious, and oftentimes dishonest men—they them selves are engaged in the eager scramble for wealth and distinction, sometimes car ing little whom they thrust down with their unhallowed tread, so they mount up on the wreck, and they lose the salutary lesson of benevolence which may he learn ed from the ways of Providence in the out ward world. They must maintain a con stant struggle with temptation, or yield to its power. Accustomed to so much of evil, they are sometimes almost tempted to deny the existence of good. But the farmer pursues the "even tenor of his way,” undisturbed by the passions of mep. His dealings are with nature, and he may ifhe will not shut his heart against it, learn true wisdom from its teachings. In the springing grass, the opening flower, and the ripening harvest—in sunshine and in shower—he may sec a tokcq of God’s love and goodness, and in the quiet of his own home, lie may almost forget the ex istence of evil. Thus widely different are the conditions of the two classes spoken of. Yet we sometimes find farmers dis contented with their lot, and eager to join with their fellows in the feverish excite ment of trade and speculation. And ve ry often we see young men, impatient to leave their paternal acres, and to seek, as they vainly think, some more honorable or genteel mode of earning a living.— They hail rather show a lily-white hand to a lady, as they measure off a yard of tape, than exhibit a manly, muscular frame with a hand which does not shrink from contact with implements of husbandry. It has, indeed, become one of the great errors of our time, that young men are deserting the true nobility of country, for the sake of wearing a more delicate com plexion, or living, as they vainly hope, more at their ease. Hence it is that all trades and professions are overstocked, that we have more lawyers than clients, more doctors than patients and more par sons than parishes. We hear men complain of hard times, mechanics cant find situations, yet the country is actually suffering, and very se verely too, for a want of proper attention to farming, and why is it? Because ma ny a man who should have followed the plough, has become too proud for that, and in his aspirations to he a gentleman has undertaken to wield a pen or adminis ter cataplasms and boluses. To this state of things, too, is to he attributed to some extent, the present scarcity and high pri ces of provisions. The production has been allowed to fall below the consump tion, and this great producting country, with its sparse population, has presented the strange anomaly of importing bread stuffs from the thick settled countries of Europe. It is all wrong. Young men should be taught to regard the employ ment of their fathers as one ot the most honorable in the world. ~ . Your farmer is the independent man. What cares he for hard times, or high prices? Banks may fail—merchants’ notes may be protested, and their drafts dishon ored, but "Seedtime and Harvest,” that old and stable firm, shall never “fail”— drafts upon them are answered at sight, and the hank of nature, where the farmer makes his deposites, is "good as gold,” and always discounts liberally. He laughs at, or more likely pities, those who are left at the mercy of the times, and compell ed to cat the bread of carefulness. Beef at twenty-five cents a pound, and other edibles in proportion, docs not worry him. He takes the favors Providence so boun tifully bestow upon him, and asks fe\f of 'his fellows. While want afflicts the rest of the world, he may snap his fingers in his face, as much as to say, “Who cares i for you? ' —[Nashua Telegraph, "" 3k Absurdities. —To attempt to borrow money on the plea of eatphihe poverty.— To lose money at play ( and then fly into a passion about it. To wk the publisher of anew periodical how many copies be sells per week. 'fes-ask a wine merchant how old his wine is. To make yourself generally disagreeable, and wonder that nobody will visit you, unless they gain some palpable advantage by it. To get drunk, and complain the next morning of a headache. To spend your earnings on liquor, and wonder that you are ragged. To ait shivering in the cold because you [TERMS....4S Ilf ADVANCHr. NUMBER Si *• :»*M3L Z rati won r t have a fire till November. To tap pose that reviewers generally feed mote than the title page of the WoSkft they praise or condemn- To judge of peopled piety by tlieir attendance at church- To keep your clerks on miserable salaries,, and wonder at their robbing you. Not to go to bed when you are tired and sleepy, because “it is not bed time.” To make your servants tell bee Ibr you, and after wards be angry because they tell bee for themselves. To tell your own secrets and believe o'ther people wib beep them. To expect to make people hoofrit by har dening them in a jail, and afterwards sending them adrift without the means es getting work. To fancy a thing ia cheap, because a low price is asked for it. To say that a man is charitable because ho subscribed to an hospital. To keep a dog or a cat on short allowance, andcotnplain of its being a thief. To expect that your trades people will give you long credit if they generally see you in shabby clothes. To arrive at the age of fifty, and be sur prised at any vice, folly, or absurdity, their fellow creatures may be guilty o£ Tiie rotal mustachios. —“In Angus! | last, the King of Bavaria published au or dinance prohibiting all persons excepting | the military from wearing inustariwos, and directing the police to arrest offenders n gainsl the decree,. The mustachios soon fell; even ee the dry leaves when shaken by the autnmu w’ind, and singular as the fact is, the de cree met every where with unresisting o bedience; there was not a single instance of obstinacy to punish. The last week, however, the gendarmes met several car riages filled with travellers, one of whom wore an enormous pair of grey mustachios. VTlie gendarmes demanded his passport, which was delivered. It was found cor rect, but as the bearer was the Count d’Au, they inquired ifhe was a soldier. Upon the traveller answering in the negative, they declared hint their prisoner and di rected hint to accompany them, comfort ing him with repeated assurances that as soon as he waa officially shaved and their expenses fur the job defrayed from bis purse he should be released. His follow travellers protested loudly against this severe process and threatened the officers with vengeance if they persisted. The gendarmes continued obstinate, and de manded a military title or the mustachios, and one of them had already grasped the collar of the traveller, who thought it prudent in such au extremity, to reveal his name and rank. He declared himself the General of the Bavarian army, and that his name was Louis Charles-Augustus, King of Bavaria, travelling incog, to Italy under the name of Count d’Au.” A young inan in Boston lately tost his life in a sudden and melancholy manner— The Boston Times soys —he was playing with a jack-knife, the blade of which he was trying to throw open by a jerk of his arm, when he suddenly spoke to a friend, saying, “1 have cut myself,” and would have fallen but that his friend caught him. The knife had entered the groin, and sev ered the great artery of the leg, so that be bled to death in less than fifteen minutes. Surgical aid Was called, but did not arrive till life had departed. Indeed, if the best surgeons had been on the spot at the mo ment, it would have only been a miracle that could have prevented a fatal termina tion of the accident, as the division of the artery was to that point where it emer ges from the trunk over the bone of the pelvis. Had the wound been lower down in the thigh or leg, the flow of blood might have been arrested by a firm presure up on the artery at this place, which was just above where surgeons produce a power ful compression in amputations ofthe fewer limb. This shocking event shows how fear fully and wonderfully we are madcg-pM: teaches also, the vast utility of a general knowledge of ourmmtoaiieul sttuuttwe, that we may avoid injuries <»fetal jrfaets; and be of immediate service toft#W|>W beings whenever human aid is heeded us calamity. Horrible Transaction.— Orleans Bee states that “an ilnli jpw iiii * lation of law and justice oocur|nMl in the Circuit Court of Copiah a few days since. „,“A man named. jSerpenter had been tried ou a charge' of murder. The case was submitted to the Jury, who, af- _ ter a brief abeeneaV returned s. verdict of manslaughter. As the officer of thftftourt was about rumoring the prisoner, a tu mult aroae, the lights were extiNgttiufcei, and Clrpeoter was stabbed in three or four places, one of his hands cut off, and he fell a corpse in the hall of the conrt. It is supposed the persons who were en gaged in this heart siekemog piece of cru elty nil relatives of Mr. Keller, the indi vidual murdered. Can such awful outra ges be tolerated in a civilized community, or is Misbissippi degenerating into bar bar ism?”