Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, December 28, 1821, Image 1

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it iii) • f — *. — Vol. XXIII .No. 32. 'IUK NEW CLOTMLNG STORE, IS RE MOV BO To the South side of Broad-Street, nearly opposite the Augusta Book- Store ; and furnished with ' A COMPLETE ASSeUT>fnXT OF Cloaks Dress Coats Big (josts Coatees hurtwuts Pantaloons Frock Coats, Vests with w ith - Drawers out Capes Shirt*, &c. &c. AU of which are ni xie after the atist New-York and Philadelphia Fashions, and for sale at a small ad vance for Cash- Also—Clothes cut and made at the above Stand, after the latest Northern ■T-yashious, by C. Clark. October 30 I2t 33 l New, Fresh and Fashionable \Wau\n (Some real superfine, for the most particular customers.) lately receii- i fed and for *ale by Dimock & Marsh, Merchant iailors, (J Vearly opposite the- City-Hotel.) Augusta Oet •b. , c 26 i-t 3* The Subscribers, Have removed to the Store, next door above Mr. fC.iee/and. where they are recelv bg ; and opening AX I.X'PKSSIVK ASSOttTXKKT OF Books & Stationaacj, Among which eve thef&lh<ving;J\Pli> W,orks .- Ddier’s Letters, Ward's Letter*, Percy’* Anecdotes,*No. 3 and l and Blackwood’s Magazine. N-> 20. J. & H. Ely. October 10 fit 31 TUfc SvkbscAibcrs, CONTIXVP- TO KKKF OX HANO AS AN.-ORTAItXT OF CHOICE groceries, SOU FIMII.I SIT Pi. I KB, Which they offer for Sple on reosunuhk term* (VIZ.) OLD East-lndia Coffee, Jamaica Sugar, Treble refined Loaf fypgnr. Fresh Gunpowder and Imperial leas, Superior No. t Chocolate, Mould Candles, Rice, Old Cogniac Brandy, Do. Jamaica Hum, Do. Hollands Gin, Do. Madeira, W iue, Do. Li P. Tennerifle, do. Do. Port do. C •ret do. Sparkling Champagne, do. Ihbbert’s Loudon Porter. Superior '.Vine & Cider Vinegar Nutmegs, .Mace,'Cloves, Currants, Ciuuainon, V Basket Salt, K Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Segars, <5‘,C- #c. Win. Bostwick, & Co. October 23. 33 <>*t liiw THE Prophecy of Dante,a Poem by Lord llvron, Mary of Scotland, or the heir of Aver.el u Drama, founded on the popular Novel of “’The Abbott.” Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, by John Howard Payne, Esq. St I’jjcant UTvd Rawlc* s Keporls, o vote. ouse SvnyrOT'iunl Poysiciao, desijrn for tile use of families with Concise ' Directions, price §l. ' rfff A fresh supply of AMES’ best better Paper, for sale at the AitgUi.'J Baok-S-tre, vt. '.f. HOBBY. .July 3' 3* A ’ _ MIMS As OitA*. THIS Co-psftiierghip is this day dissolved by mutual consent. — Those to whom we are in any itnn . ner indebted in the city of Augusta, will please to render in.tlicir ityunnds, in order that due method may be ta ken hv the c.tncern for the payment thereof. Mims 8; 6 ay. Edge fold C. H. Oct. 23 fit 3-3 A CAlii). m3». - 5 1 32.4 i, T1 BSPKCTfX i.I.V informs tier frier .Is JLfc aiid the I’uiuir, that stie intends open iu her SCHODC on tile 22.1 in stant, 10 Keynsdd-street, ilo-te\.y opposite M" .times ti.rdner's, sh r; she'wilt a'tend to ail-tnc Branches of the Hngbsh Langiiage, Erenclt a,d Music. Mrs. I. has also eojrsg cd 1 voung l.ady, to attend to thgdifictTul BrsiMhe*. f N'ccdieAVork. Octvbei I<>. st' t 31 FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER SB, 1821. NorVYv anvt Ylonn e, A few doors above the Planters’ otel, BROAD-STREET. Have just received, and are note offer mg for sale, at i! hole sale, or Retail, AX EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS A. VI) GROCERIES, • 15000 nait* of Fashionable 1 1 Boots aiu\ S\\oos, Assorted, A TAB OK ASSORTMENT ()F~ Os different kinds. TIN PLATE T.y the Box and Wire. ; Tin aiu\ Wwler Wave Manufactured by them us usual. As one of the firm resides in NVw- Ynrk, they intend atall times to have their assortment complete. Country Merchants and Tiaders can at ell times be supplied on the must accom modating terms. November 23 42 ' Irasf WiMiiio XIN Bathing Tubs. very superior du. Roasters d:ii'*rent sizes, do Scales' with beams properly j regulated do Buckets, different size* do Coffee Puts do do do Pans and S.uce Pans do do do Watering pots do do do Powder, Tea and Sugar Can nistes s. Tin Candle Sticks do Candle Boxes do Candle Moulds do Cheese Toasters, do Liquor Pumps, do Liquor Measures do Graters, large, for kitchen use : do Nutmeg graters upon an im proved pi -in do Chandeliers, in sets ofas i perjor construction do Sconces, an improved pattern, j do Cups, pint and half pint, do Spitting Boxes do .Lanterns, both large & small I do Skimmers and Ladle* do Cullenders do Scot ps and Funnels do Engines for the purpose of watering Gardens, otc. I do Pepper and Drudging Boxes, j do Sillabub Churns, j do Trumpets for hunters tk stage j drivers do Pudding Pans, () r any other article or articles in the Tin-Plate Worker’s line, by Whalcsße or Retail, will be fur- j njshed,at the shortest notice and the work well executed on the most rea sonable terms, by applying at the store of John Davies & Co. |{JP tin GUTTER* for horses, and put up at short notice.— Apply as above April 6 81 DA.NW VXU .HMimMViA. MR. COLMESNIL, 1 g-j KaPKC 1 FULLY informs the f li idies and Gentlemen of Au * gusta, that he "ill open his IVaucVng »c\\no\ 1 on the first Siturday in November, and it will continue open-throughout the season, for Hiibscribe s. Mr C. being well known in this place, flat ters himself that Parents and Guar r di&nswill favor him with tlte lui ’ lion of their Children. 1 Lessons w ill be given on every Su -1 turday morning, from 9 until 12 o’- clock, and in the evening from three ! o’clock until sun set. Price of T«i --y , (ion 'l'en Dollars per quarter paya ble in advance. * | Two and an half months Tuition ’ will be the full quarter, iueludi ig T ; three Exhibition Balls, to _ which Pa rentis and Guardians of his Scholar* are invite*!. j N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen who : may wish to take private Lessons in Dv.neing, Mr. 0. will be happy to wait upon them at their howtrs, or at the Dancing Academy, on Green j Street. Augusta, fJctnjter 23. 33 H ’rite Subscriber will «c --1 Commodate v* 1- BOARD, a f w j ! Children, should any offer from the :i c.iuntrv who a r e desirous of aUencl ■- ing school in town > | itoljert W alker. ! October 26. 31 STOCK .TV// EXCHANGE " subscriber has taken an of- i lieo in the building lately oecu j’ied by Messrs. Stewart & Har- ■ ! graves, no the North stile of iiro d- | * street, opposite to the Post Office— I j where he oilers his in the i ! above business, aad hopes, by si riel ' persona! attention, to obtain the pat ronage of his friends ,mt! the public. The great facilities all'*<di*d by brok ers in commercial (operations gett er.illy, render it remarkable ii at the i merchants of Augusta the plan- I ters have long sustained the iueon veoience of having none, and p t■ ficu iarly a Cotton Broker; 1 i nlnmst every other cotton matt the business j is principally done by brokers; and lienee the iase, certainty and d spatch with \» (licit it is executed The saute system is perfectly practicable here, ! 'i'he merchant, by applying at the of ! fige of the subscriber, may hereafter j save himself the trouble of sittnp ing his colion and looking up a purchaser; | —tlte planter need b no ioitgur in- ' vol < d in doubt an« (Jißi.ii’ty to | ascertain the true slate ol the mar , ket. nor subject himself to the caprice | of the tv ary speculator —and the pur- i ehasi'r v.iii ut all tinea know where \ to resort for cotton at the market ; ' price. i Office Regulations relative to t otl.O’l. J Ist. hi order to give time for sum ! pliog, citizens oliNriiig Cotton are re- | | quested to leave the warehouse re- I eeipt* by eight o’clock, A. M.—if i left later thlVlf sites c uiiol be I reified till the -UPfieedin'.' d y. If | i more eon entriit,the re -eipts mat be eueiosed in a letter of insiruelioiis | aad dropped in the letter box the ; night previous. id. Cotton will l»e seta l*‘d nrd re ceieved iYom w itgui.s til t n o’clock, : A .M.—if ottered that hour, sales cannot bo realized ill next day. ! 3d Warehouse expeu> s will in ! variably be deducted IVoin the account j j salts. - *'* ] -till. Rale« will eeminence nt ten j j o’clock Mill close apt we ve, A M. stll. Persons choosing to limit and | limit eg higher than tiie market, will ' have their receipt’s returned them on \ paying 6$ cents for a lug entry and ; sampling. r>ih. Commissions on sales, 25 I cents it hide. Orders from (in’ wintry., en ! (doling the warehouse feeeipls, will ’ | |,e promptly executed. ftUwlv, IVsj'iYAUgP, Atvt\ . Bvokevagu, IN THI'.HI VARIOUS *HA\’CHi-.S, Will b: a tended to atiall time* dur ing nfjjee hours, which, w.ll be from j eight o’clock A. \l. liij two o’clock i P ' and from three ojeioek tili live P. M. John Kiincy, juu. Qjr- Money is sometimes Worth tie re than at otiiers: Persons having Ito loan, tnsv, in the strictest confidence, av;l them*-Ives of the aesttiMagcs of the marL<*, by applying at the above office. December 11 ts 4 7 3c WiMllMfa j y clvavvV 'I vvvUv v. , EBPECTFIJLI/V informs hi* Ij£ Customers and tin Pubfie gene rally, ih <t he continufji to carry on his *hii ii ness it* CuUtcl >n’« Brick : Rtorc, on Broad-StreeiJ nearly oppo- j ! site the Cii y-HoTri.; e feels thank- j for past favours hnd solicits a i continuance; beplcdgs himself that j bis work shall not be exceeded by j any done in this city -.He tvill con- i stonily keep on baud Lllo Its, Cus-i- j meres and Vestings ol the best Qua- j thy, which lie wilt sell and make up 1 ! on moderate terms. ! £7® Received the tlest New-York atu 1 Pltiladelpii a FASHIONS. 1 October 41*. 81 3 2 . £y* Have this lay received by the Steam l’oat, tip Life of G*'o - eral Greene — J aeksonjou Fever—No • ; Fictim, a Narrative bunded on lie <;tal and Interesting lact*. -JU.HO . i A FHF.SH ASS OR' HE XT OF I'OR SAJE j Jit the New-York Cikmission Book j Store. J Samuel Sluris, Jlgent. J dy lr a : -Si —■ DissuYuViow. r PHE Co-piitnersui.p * existing under the (.• J n» of Ml /Uvh A)’ Holt, is this day dissoK’.- ; cd by limitation. The unsettled hu i sines* of tit* 1 Voncern, will be a-ttci.d 1 ed to bv Mr. John 8, Holt, who will be found generally at the Compt i ing-Uooin or Ware-House of i!ie late i firm. | We retern nnr sincere thanks to t our friends mid the public for the ! In*re.l snpport they have given us and hope their sueee-sor, Air. J. 8. I'm.T, will continue tn enjoy rn equal share of public patrouage, iu Lite AND omwlissio t\ wtMsvivwsa. It is di-s rable to have tit" nffiirs | of tlie late firm settled witboui < ! e I lay, and we therefore solicit those, j who are indebted to make pav'inebi, I ami I Lose who have any dent tttds i against the late concern, to present them for settlement. .lanws M’Lnws, Jolm S. Holt. i November 6 8t t 3T I ’’ ’ • t .- , AN it CoiUYttlSSimi l»U8llUV8^. r 'jjj v; HE 8 o',. seriber. having taken ] 1 w ibe W HE HOOhR, recently { a.ecnpied by J. 8- Baunky. tenders his i services to his friends and the Pub- 1 ! lie i the j Storage, and V nanuisslon WvvftVncsa. I His Wore-Houses «vnit 81ores are now in complete order f-r tlte reception of rt) I' i'()\ „ r MERCHANDIZE. | lie hopes t*i'oin a e irrect fcr prompt i ttoiitiiMi to busittesk, to met it n share ' of Public Patronage. A. Dan forth. In store & Toy Sa\r,, I irtisbels Liver,tool Ground Salt., 300 Ca«k* Titoiit.islow n Slone j liinte, 80 Pieces Colton Bagging. October 23. ft! 33 I I’ oUon \Vavvy-Wowsm. ICMMHI JOHN r. HOLCOMBE, ?, 7) E fURN* thank* to hu friend* AA and the public for p <st favours i in hi* Line '-of Business, and takes : ■ ibis method of informing them—-that [ be ha* erected .\ -N’cnv Wavfc-Wauac,, iOlt THE ft DC HV i IDA Ul-* ! © DTTDJL Near the upper end Koullt side i Broad-Bireet—ontt'.e Lot next below | Messrs. It. tk B. Lang iv, 11. Mu*-| j grove, and be hopes from strict per* \ j soiial attc.ition to all Business coin- j j iiiift’.d to Ins cure, to on sure a con- : I tinnal.on of patronage. He will con- 1 i tiiinc t‘> receive anil forward GOODS . to hi* friends in the country and to transact all Business in the COM- MlBBl ON LINE. j e;7» ;i be situation of the Ware j iiouse, exr-lniles it entirely from the j danger of lire. Oil Consignment I Best Cypress Shin glc* and i 00 Tierce* Boston Stone Ivnie, For sale low for cash—apply as j aitove. September 11 4-t t 21 i AND ] YjovnimlsVinu \Yusvncsft, The Subscriber having taken a least i on the IVure.-IfoUse recently occa- I jiied l>y | 1101XOMBE & TUCKER [Opposite Messrs. Him * ij* William* V. "4711,1, be thankful to his friend* % 7 and the public for a share of their patronage. Every attention i will be paid to the interest of those who may favor him with their busi ness, whether in receiving and for warding sales and purchases of Cotton oi* .Mrvr.VmiuMsp, jof arty description—Hi* WARE ! HOUSES if S POUFS arc now rca j rj v for the reception of Cotton and | Merchandise. R Malone. I Augusta, May 1 88 lftr _ r Yi holk N'V t njq. u ’ ~A ' i ii»illM>> iiWiiniiiiiViijs i'T vijL '*»■■»■■■ PH I ■■ i Mfiw»ir»w ■ m Hardware and Cutlery. vjj Conned a tmttiiwyjion n ith U an extensive ’>’< row tit nrHJwnse in Now V..1 k, havejMt rdbeived ffbrfc ■ . that city, niid are now opening in l l road-Btreei, next doorto the IJnok • l ore <>C William J. Unbbjy R*q. a large and valuable Aesoc.irvetii of Fancy imi -Kapii* Dry ware awl Cutlery : AMOIO WHICH AltV, iU‘ V\v j tlwwAsj Extra sapor, -Hjit iii ai«l enm imrti Cloths Cassimeres. assorted colors :«f»o’Uinetty, ddf rent color-. * . lilue and white l'laius ; red. chile, yellow and .:recn PinmieU ; bine .and green Harking Mr i/e*; lie*;' I".'.ink- A els, assorted. tVcin 7 tn 12-4; Point dn ;Id :«k and enlnred pUtit, li nib d aid |>rin ted Rnmb.. z. Us i.d KH* (metis ; Carlin* or ircass.iMt m d j i’artan Pi-tids ; black and entnr d j plain and (inured Hanlon Ora pea and ! Hrap" Dresses 5 block., b*.«. ,grei\« and ; assorted iatiey C’ vll»■ e; super 1,0. - -don priojs iuwi printed Haiti lines : f’ric Cambric; pUtdOi,;'name; |>l :rii* ■ | figured Itu ik j .court e. 111 aic ;td laney Vtasims ; corded and t muslin; itislx 1, litres, vnr* its •• qualities ; line end en rseln ,«n d ; I Dil Cloths, biUid-.onir p,ttiri; : ',l s d»\(n, ttii.n ite and li r obi ,■ d printed V .iencia V .siins;» ; bod’, ! chintz, i.nil .tiou silk and eoti,, n IM > 1 printed boideivd eossime.ri Sbn 1 s : India and Heim .11 silt-. II g and ii.ti,- i c!ai:a HUiilkurelin Is ; l».<*.s K. mI erss -1 barnil Hanlon do; 111. Mass, pul.,rat ! and 1 will* d eottnn tin ; spnui <1 cro**-* barred and white hord'd earn lire re v.iis: linen unil c.n.'.iic H> ii like re file fs ; imitation do 5 !,iaik and while siiK, eniion a d m-oi * ed H"s<* ; ladies ah (I gcnlle-iMci *s block, white, and ossoried eol rr l, kid, beaver, castor and si!lc (sieves; S»». ing ,‘silks ai.d Twist* black and col ored iiibbnns, various widths; rie giint pjoid garni lire da; Pin#, in l packs ; gilt coot at.d vest, pearl end ivory shift BollOlls ; button moulds ; j do n stic Shirtings, hheeling- ( lie ks, > I*' tills nud St. ip> s s lie ai d common jßi d lii'ks ; black tabby Velvet; . worsted tshnds end Drawers; silk U iiibrellas, different q.inliti's; fore top. It v. k, ivory and pocket Ho mbs ; coarse and tine linen and cotton I'li rends; Colton Ralls; file strum '■ lno.ii Shirtings; Hispendcib; an it«- : gortment nl'Shoes; . nruui, luiitatiou i unil real beaver 1! is : and or H.ivv\\\v\vc n\\A C«Ucvy, (•lias, assorted, some very elegant; Dan Worms; Tr ee Chains ; chest, b"*t, !,' and 111, Hinges; Thumb L.iteh -s; trunk, chest, till, pud, knob 'and mortice Docks; tea and table spoons; pocket, pen, barlow, two blade, pear,, carving, dirk, i desert, shoe, bread, butcher nnd dr* < - Img Knives ; Ivnives and I'urks; U.- ; zors, in cases; .Scissors; *laM|- j saws ; hands.w an I bastard Files; j Hurry Combs; h itl Irons; W aiters j and let trays; Cut p'liter’s Rules; i Squares and Honp- ss-s ; Sand Ri per; Shovels and I'ougs ; cut Tacks and Brads, assorted ; Trunk ll.m dlcs ; Wood ai d Bed Screws; r w Bn Mies ; (Jcn.llesii”ks; Curt win Kin gs; Nail hoil Spike GimbLis; N -iilTI in iners 5 Jew sharps ; Shaving Boxes and Blushes ; metal if Paste and I asle Blacking ; mid an assortment of i>i uslie*. All of which are now off. red at re duced prsees, wholesale and retail for cash or tfpproved paper in (bis city ; and from tlie they wii! possess in the s«lertinn of their Hoods, having n purchaser constant,. Iv in the New-York market, hope to merit a share of public patronage. Walmsslev iS' Fonter. * 41 December t+ 44 VUutks VbsU‘(\. A YOU.NH Man who is at leisure • j % the af'trrpiiri of the day and every evening, would lit* glad to be employed Posting -Merchant's Monks. A line left at lb 1 * Heraid-OlQce, ad dressed to M will meet intention. December 7 4t 4(» $"/• We, tiiv. autliorizrtl to au onriet VI j«r BA.MHKD I,A UK., us » (’andidatc for the Dlliee* of.(Murk ft f the Hop rinr and Inferior yf Richmond County,at the upproleh- 1 1 e g Elect inn. November b 38 ,4