Augusta herald. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822, December 28, 1821, Image 4

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Sheriff's Kales P eTpoiied. WiLLHIi SOLI),, On the frsl iv. .liLtwry next, (it the Cinirt-fJ- ire the f'liu-ii of o 'uynesimrough. HU' k 1 Co *fy, within the uxiyd's " houra : l!).) I i n] * ‘i Land, more or Jr>*, i!j iyi' Xt.t Lv.nV. !.r ill ! J„ni , K,,,. ie'l mi .•>«; lit- properly <*!' A* iii, to ati-fyum cxccuiivti in I is,our r.f" Mi; i hi hchley against, Vm. Key and Y\ hi Gvtiu. sH.'.o — 7<)o Acres of Land, in ore nr j less, adjoining Lands of fie. ry *1 I- I ulrhp »uJ i.iffis. i’l-il ihn-f N erm-s, | (viz.; NcgiJi r. nod Cl. aides. !e- > vied mi as 1 lie j> pert) es IV ter J Colliding, In s.'i-f; MJnlry • sedi tions in favour ill' .1 'l:ii ( .irp<Tii<-r o. Co. and ethers, returned to me by a coiistabl . —•ALSO—. Our. P,ny named Hen-. rv, 1/ vied mi an IJll* property nl l» ! I). Cavnitali. 'o satisfy I*ll ixecu'itui hi favour of George Bullneli, proper- • tv pointed nut by def miaul on- 1 didoes Cash. hi. W. Mount, Sheriff li. C. December t~ ' 60 VAu vUr* StvVc. Will In to ld it lie Ji rat 'i'nes. da;/ in ./ next, til the I ('unit 1 hni.-<(' it Hip Uncn of j ]l\ivpi <-horoiis;!i, ’ urlre Conn- ' It j within the annul Sole hou. .1 : ! J i Negroes, lowit, JoHi, Haiph ! Daniel, liocky, Nnney and her chili! ! yViliittiii. Kir, I ob ai.l! her rin children, henry, II idy mid Mnr.oh Levi.m! oil as Iho prupi Ily of A. I’. Lew is, to satisfy hu'itlrv Execution* «.in favour of I. .fit d Gariiek & Co. and others. — ALSO — Ui)()’ Acres Laud adjoining I,anils of Ciiiiio. B > 11.01 and, levit il (•!! n* llie jo i jieri, 111 i.uljerts ThnuiK*, lo eat 1 sly «n Execution iu fsvrtor of Eli* 1 A !. nvili, Adminis tratrix, of I homo* L r.vitt, (!(*•• • <«- eil, property pointtd nut by defend - ant. —aiso— -liS Acres build adjoining f.tM'is il'W 1‘■ i. in iirynni ami others, ! lasted on .is ibeprnpirty of Thomas | Bc;i’r .x I En-kiel Deal, to rtitiefy no Execution in fuvcitr of James Grubbs, return lo ine by John Muijihrvi, rci.i-n I,lp. —a 1 .s o lie half *.!’one. hundred and , i*i»iy nci .... .I, ..;J 2 ,t^ (of Thomas Cn ■/,h r :.n<h others, h - : xini on ns tjii' ji ; t-fi el John Cro srier, to snti-l) ‘sm.; y I x.-cutions I 11 fa,mu of ,1 mo Bussell arm others, •rrui Ifd 11. n by <• ust, bit*. J I So 117 Anns of Land, levied on ns die jiri ju'iiy i f Le„i» Cmdy, to r tisly Hx-.'cutions in favour nf.l'it u Cr.rjteiitf 1 i- (y„. 1 djoniin* i l.i s of John >: j.ji, Scn’r. and others K. \1 . lllomit, Slu riJ} *, li. C. November if, 1 1 Sheriff's Kali'. Wit h till SOLD, Out/. fr>( i'ttxdayji .fnnuarynext, ! ai t < (l')urt ilmi #, m ttir town of j b’aynrtboroujt'f Huike comity, with- ■ in flu; sate : O te JSegro. t't.vii,*- j vi • l mi i s the |i. o|h iI y iif CliarK* f ( . Hiii't, to s.itirfv t .vo exi eutiont l it favour »l Turner t, Mont, and , ethers, rv mind to uie by eoust.ble. | \L«o— Two Negroes, tow it, .lack an 1 Fiivi, levied on us the |iio|ieriv if .1 ,!.it tl. Klieuey, to satifv sundry ex*'Uti. 1* in fivour of L. t> an ah, and billets, imnned to u;e by con,table. One Negt 1. n tiled Prince, le vied onus t , |ii, j 'it, 1 .1 si, I, \||. day, to sai isf, tindrv 1 xerutim: •mi fa vour of L. i>. thnnii ii. amt .! ,b i'' llotvcll, r•.•turned to m t,v eni.-l.ible. 11. 0. I‘urk, I). s. It. c. Nm embor 46 11 Notice. W ILL «H£ SOLS), Thv first Tui'iilai/ >u January mwl. c? I I.’ (la'irt-Jioust, in Jtu :<xonh.>r- S'r.Tvn Comity, agreeable to Hi; outer of the Ito now * h- Court i f it'.it c i.. 1 Mit-. JT Or*. ' _ r" r c ,! " '• y.-.ft. , .s'd .ni l tiiiny-three yy t , - ~ :i i s ,U it'd lytlia; .Util t> :,.'t t ou tv, the stone btin; llie Veal vsi.iL'ol M ilium lioh rts di tefi'c t, an ! sain ’or ill" (•ni jcive . ‘ a division the licirs of said deeei'Mil. t.oiuiitius mad-.: kuovvti on tli day of sale. Thomas II Hums, .hlnrr. in rifit of h is u ife. Oaolicv 3, IS 41. ’ •>.! Rlte.iff's Sale. AY ILL 13 Ii ‘OLD, Oi the first Tuesday in I'tbruavi Tier?, tit. the Court-House in tin town of Cwiii county to tw-eii tl- ibuiu tale iicur*: 100 Ams of J.s»U, levied on rs ;lie i , :** l 'riy ot Mytoy Sharp. ndjoioini; Lands of.l tins vlnrpliret p.iid *t..! i She.iji, to sf-hsly an exeeu lim in favour of Wilfinm Ston**, at!- , n:it,i«;r:itor, with the'viU r. n'a. 1! ot I*3 li Carter, dcv'i iu'd, on llie lbre tlonirc .<M•.»»£'>• <:e. -S; V'. fllMunt, Sh'Crif. li. C. November 2M Ij Kheiiii’s Sale. W’l L! fi!<; SOLI), <)m 0“ ji: •>! 'J'ursdmj in January re.rt at, I'rr. ktin Conri-Uoute., in the w u//t Kite haurt :— Tint iolh/Miiig Property.—\iz. Ode Negro Miin, named S-i mon :.s (lie |)rop..| ty of '.l m. fieot. to satisfy an execution in favour of Win. G. j Gilbert. A— -281-1 Acres of Land, lying on tlie waters of Nails Creek, a«Jj oning Lewis Janes and nth is, as (he pro perty of Lli/.abetii M reer, to siusis fy « JiJh, in favour of Joshua iiud- i on. ulso— One Hundred Acres of Land more or less, lying on the w h is N uts ('reck, adj lining \\ m. Cattell, -s the prop.'.-ty us Tiitmts Garri son, to sitisly a li:a hi favour of Kieha: d L ker. Al.siv— 4 7A Acres <if l.ind more or iest, as the properly til .1 tin Ai Ii e, whereon said John J'tlee tiovv lives, to selisfy a tji i in favour of I'homas j Nicl, returned to r>i- by a constable, j ■ j.t-i One, ('iiinincy Facing Piece, as the prop riv of Gr 11 W. Srni li. to satisfy a lift in f ivottr of M'Dou* | aid and Pope and Co. ■-HI O One gri-.d Ktoiie, one Trunk, : vv.lh sundry otlier articles, ns die | property- (iV J .lm Trigg, to-sutiriy'a j li a, in lavoor of Job liulhpioud and otlii is. Thndihiiis He ill, Sheriff. November it 11 fitiarci.'ni’s Mile. Ou the first, I'ltr diti/ in February iie.vl, iv. U be old at the. Court- H ire, in fVr.yn 'sborough,at pub lic -.ii 1 ■ ij to !lu ICxhe t b <!li ■ Hie fod-nina-e l, nets of Laod--v z : One tract of seventy live j;cre«, j adj i ng ! oeds o* V M. \i e.i, no MflufiisU Ci ek—tine -ether of 60 j acres odj li’ s lid Aden and ibiie Vfidoise ndi-r coutaing 30 acres, m’j itiicg A. Birrovv—ait ii> Gurko c o il'—sold far lliii beu lit of said niiLu: s. diaries Hooft, (luuidir.ii of said minors. ‘ D-'ceniber 1 t 5 I Kite till*. Kale. AY ILL HESJLI), On the first Cuesd'n; in January re.rt, IV the. (out House, i-tt/ie town of li u ,ne<b'\r»i\gh, Hurke county, with in the U’-nitt sate hours: Two Negroes,, Smart him! Silva, levivd art toe prep riy of I’eter J. Gouldiog to satisfy lib ber'*, 1 bfimutt nod inkers. , —ALSO— One Stivrt'l Horse, levied on j as Tie pro erty of .*• Hi mm Gum, to j satisfy ae executiau in L..»ur of | Willi m M-hley. { 1L l). Hurk, i). s. n. c. November 4C> Ji Notice. N INE months after date we shall apply to the Honorable the lu lu mr Court of Seiiven county, when' sitting for ordinary purpon-.'s, for leave to sell three hundred acres of Land, sila.ite Ivt.g and being iu said county, belonging to the es tote of the iate Witii.iiu !t l,i n. live asul : to he st.ld for th use «.( list' he .s ht'd creditors of said dte'd. W.G. D>tua.Ulspi!, ir. , . It , ;; t. * IS John i’’lv, J.nMiHiy lif* isii. finO’n NO TlC'li] It, T 1 \ 2*i llinuihs afi ;, r ,la';' plica g \ 1, 0 w .ll be m he ro the i foil or»ble lit >-'er 0 Court of -c iveil ««’ w while sitiieg for Ordia.irj j.rfXpoH s. for leiveAo soli a tract of land, cmtoi ii ig one hundred ncies (mure or less) situated, L ing and l>.*- hu* in tin* c-muty ah.:e».-u,l on the Motet's oi the lot tie-Og» ehce, ad joining lands of George Best aau Jans'* Joyce—also. A Negro M>o '•am d Lewis, tiie surti" being rlie re-1 ci'a’.ctif David Lee, late of suit ciiiinty deceased, and sold for ill iirn lit ot ilvfe heirs and creditors ot aid decea-i d. Georg" Heat, ,ltln'r. in right of his 1 rife Oi tuber 3, 1841. lm Jm 49 A TTiAZm. ONE who lift-l by Mai fxprrierrp ieamt (lie art* of DUNMKh. 11 rs his services to Merchants. Eh*, stciatis, Erinters, '1 avcrn kecpers, mi'l oilier*, »■ im are pleased to m piov h'in ii; the unpleasant, and u. thank:ul task. to collect and iiqu - dale iheir accounts— And is, lie mrsn Ime lie le i;* lee i■, «|,» ice. that from upward* i.l ihrce < ris ,n --• iisposiUoii, lie I is at i,;sl recovere.. his health, and i els an.q: (e In Ir ns et iirt <■ >otiiifin kitsines--, bu the \V .n I id tin *-’*, prevei n him ■*!(- tug i:i'o bii'inc'.s, having I t live vain li*> son :i!> by d ~H <.m ~f s v t ii. Et*. v d•_ V- i:* ii * l;ci [j , ick for upwards of three errs end :• now coidiiiid to her bed. ;;od In,m:* iifiiv rds of then! l lions .ad dul r., building ayd r- pairs nt tin r Spr|'op*/(vitli tl e expenses of t :-n - it>g in |l;t- d If. rent lnum.'s dp .V, i . r..i Epri/xs imi sustuinirp »*.-» icse* 1.1. 4 bf-i g poor, lies pa; | n,r Ell.l. <'/»> I fen ii. the buck griuu-d ho then - Jorc < Hits his mtvi e* as iaokv, to till those nhost I. di.'gs vte to.) n ee, or tiiirit uke (hr trouble f * aliet sing or liquit!i tieg lisri: nrer-tnis i |. - 'lornte eorvirt.ssiot:.** ' m i»'‘H as n Man u:.d a ,', . it. t • .e --i v U iflg tiiis|ci le it s car-'-. s< aii u strictly, altendml to, with the in most pttiiehi iffy, an I tot..mis . ; hi., sure* - ss be made ~s olitn us re quested. lie lifts alreidv r :imn p ,if d th collection for t •• t inner kiM’ors o* he Chronic!'- Ooise. and observe::» he ahull eiilon-e on i ;! those in deb yd to redd t'fnee. end ifil.-y do in I pay stv d«;i* ||; f pec* s they will 0 .'oiled upae lie :i cer with itt !bi liter e tviuun, d "bit l s taiihcr to o jseivi , (:,-••; .■ tlio-e r editors who f v■ ■ n ■ p t scented him i.. Ids ,111 et; ■*. w h»« hrst eoiisi-.creti'io. aftt i tv entity muiiioi n tne*' lee his . •:> and to those , i;t> It s it ■ the feed, y of » grateful iteurl. N, i);.rktie. Deprmb r 7* 4i; To tiic i i.:,:ic. A HMI’Ob l li ■•» l e-i eireuioted yk through this coni'..: since tits fleadt id'my friend l« " : ; . [£ asn iriiiiid, who died at the 5 ;:,e ii NV unify .1 ek;*ii!, |' qin t! t horjo., on tile i,«s IIV of '.’gust, • ; hi. way to Augusta, tnd. l ii d >,J and taken aw -y sever ' hundred d.d l.'Hs belongt; dto him, is will » ; s horse, e inen port orisiit id trotn the f )*e ami cruel ins tit; tu>: s c: Mr. S t-.draV; isogun oi the >.!oisni...n, r. dr .! eksett tun I nth nd. the lime of A! jor l l .rum * deatli, end hies s nee into !><i. i motion by J iities K: i of b.. insicit County, a, <i Eewis rdsey «*i b.i.- - field, .'iouil'.-Carolinn, after! ' ey iiueo th t the r. |V rt et.ti. ely it:inj cd—l he fdiooing cfrtificate will I hope s.tisfy tit-' public of ,-ty i;i: o cet'ee, un la. the s me ti«n' e.tji!, n the rn'ifivts and prjuc pies f ti.,- u tiiors and s . f ii.e rtp it. •Seaborn 'i'iiurrt. At t:*o request n;I in jus lice to dir Scidiorn Ti urn. Id . ce lt y certify, that ;;jur .i, . ii,m lit end i.l, late Copiiriu: r. « ,*o t.fd on i way i, out it ~-11: i, n-- , in \ tty 'i*t lit it, t -i* home as Ie - it to me t ter It ■ hi t t m , M i. a ■ more (it at t’ ee o *o|i,.rs him, n*'tl a,*:,. . s*, was sent home by nt ,i r hi tie alii. - IJ . 11, ; ' . . Ml. Gwin fit f »t-' .. V . i m; Atlu.i::; rator » ~ < ,y, TVJ. INK ii H'in frt.t:, t l ." u e hete _i *ii of, is- 1 ~ppt> Ui It. I, -or ahi. the Itdcior Co .r; of Co!'.. cm y c! i sitting tor o.dttt.try ptirp; so. j i ve to set; - s.f-.ti acre? of Laiift in th- e- ttitiy f rcsuitf ttti ''j.v'd; cr t-k, nu-iuding the hm:? cs win iicn I'lifm by T. Eailtam deccasi n, oii iy resided, the scim brifig h r dti'iie es‘tg;ittl l r wid t f p- rti.ion t > Beuj iuiii F. I*-; ?; ,ru. it minor, and since dcct:. cd, anti otto of the heirs :■ it,i distributes id s,k! Tiromli; ,15-• th.tni, deceased ; the s. tut; will he stdd for tlte benefit id the heirs and eredi era of v id dic'd. xiTilet! JSluimate, Ailtn'r. In right of hi* wife August 31, t$ 20 lin 9 lit 20 KOIKE. INF, mordbs idler date hereof, cprtlica! on v,id be made to tit.* flniiorab etln Inferior Court of liieh mond County. fox leave to divide tlte real and per-ioiusj estate of Lewis (Jauteiou, late id' Etlgefi. - ld Distciet :n th" state of South-Caroliua, de ceased, t :u ag the heirs oi the said deceased. L. r. C. 'Kdou, ? ,1 . i i<- ,r < .it/w rs. J.eraucl h aafclou, 5 October 12, 1821, lin9m 80 To T\v\A\c \r jhi tirtd, rstgee;. with pkasnre ft ur*iif,imces lo the public, tlint l.e dill tomniHv! on 2d i f .ink ’os'. to erect .1 to « u- aud iiamburg. in ... * soi !.-l rtroliua, ■ cppngite uguslft, 0:1 the Savaiiuuii l iver, unit liaa stic eoedeil vviiit the aid end essM; riee ;l his fntads. to eree, T& buildings j ’■•tttn.ix » h:»|, there is a v,hi e-hei se oi 50 by ?.00 let:, fin cotton ard to : also as, : ins ~t:d cotivcn v*■ ’ but id. n;: BO h\ f 0 tec : lot 1 job ■) h* list. uni! r cumber of ,| a; i-ms tires, s.- ipe i f nine iu I". ( 0 i--ci. tili of which lire calculated for •it: 1 til br:>i,cl ~s «)• ii-ineg*. :;e s< r-.srr d waie-hon-i e,re from 2to S !•*• ah .vi tiic levs ! :■( ‘he streets in All: n t . i"! considered peritedy s d ir 10 id. hen-nges cl freshes I lit w-r'e-ho* *•' ! ■'*im.i sup and tU*wr i.e me;, t-iu.m 80 Let of the liver bnr.k—;o stores are frenting the*- vsre-housi. " (be s me dtreciion. Lp •v;;en vvb.cli tiiere is a street <d 300 . . 't, intended 1.l h mark t street lly : ,t eausiruction of the wnie-keuse there wilt be no expense of drav ag'*. I '.-re ii a good and safe l.n»t landing ti preset!*, ai d .*iilistMitial wit ;es t1 <. cr. ii.i.g lj*! erieeted 10 : ate fi'-e.luad'itg ted Mtioadirg o bunts, i'lic'ware-fi* iti.e is also ccm iderei’ free from .ill danger of Site— r.:*d ( -o tno.-e are now liniidirg of the m* - :,unei:*iims, »nd in .lit s:-me «!i --•; uni outlie Ii .nk of the river, in h- Ii tti»re<are «!ep trito -n'.* • deu i d for eio-..e storage of -* ,;.. tiro ee.. s I;. nt, <^‘■. ! here is also a t* ; O lice t* iUi'isbed. out if nhteh ietter:. ee 11 bf reeeived oartlrr than mi ;. ‘nd which will b-: kept • pen. knurs Inter ibitn the o ee ' v . .• 1 v. ii .>.!t‘it..i 1, -i-at eon* v. ei '.i'- t> mer.-hniits, a, they cun • » r ;neir I * rs by the return hi il in-re vid also be a swing • : * i s 1 Ad- d n ; i 21 . 3 per cent. A- '1 it in \ ".-(istii. Tne rate of s ' • ul' o>l*.* Tob.icc.i. cVe. ig •h'ot ua ; i ti e rates as cltutaed itt ‘ l»jhhnut one qociterola ui'*e f.- out tile ricr, the e-1 >tes i GO feel, which rds be,tills Illc SI d !:- lii.t'V Sliuiitioa- fur sit 111 mt" M-«idn ;*e.« - li"-li there are 1 > l».:r of spry. ? ~{ ns god «•: •a* ‘-.a tkjs eiiotii.y ~h rds, 2200 bait s of en. on have been pure: > s* d cud slewed in the iv re-i .use fr 29th O • ber to tin- xsd lost, nd jrouds h b- ■■ i s ild il. pr■ s ru< it. :!. ;e ; S'- ■0 ' nt.-ii' I<i as■ coils hll id i.t.i is to.- * e.i wii'h. to whi ii su.-t inis .ire i.!_ been sub scr '.Ltd. is H. ynlsurg . iii .•ftrrct ‘l’ent tr .1..011 ,; the. e t isvens of fso'n ii-(.aro liin>,North-; >ll olnia and i(». .essee, nd nature 1. j , iiig do e n.uch Id ■ it ;, if "saist by ..* 1 h»* ut'dersl.gired has ini 1 tie sin eii d- übl it tvili b.sotiie a piece o« great i'oportatiee. lieiiry BlmV.z. N. It ihe Editors of all the pit "■ s m also, those tr Vogus.a and -uvannab, in ■it tin . b'.ie three times and f,.r i'C'i' t' eir aeeou. ts to me in ‘laui bin -• : *1 p'ym nt. IJ. S. NuVi-mlier 2“ 3t 43 Koticc. IA fc ntonf s after date, the stib- sertbn writ apply to the Huu oralne ihe .Indies of lite Inf.-j-ior i. Du;a eiiit.ity, for leave Ui seil uit the r: ;il hit tale belonuiitg t (' PPti B--11. late e-f s .ul con y e l" v.c, Jor the lirUthl of ihe i.,iis of s to deceased. - Jcss't; W'.ito, Tijc’op. I- i right of It is ./ifr *>3s*' fi, IS.'O. In. Gin IS oiict;. ». E innnths uiti r date r.p'diea j. nun mil ,iie to t?> ffon ore.hie <de Inferior t'ouri Burke ■ fti--;ty, for r.v. order to s- il thv thieo fcilitwiag (tacts of i/a:d,'to wit.— Out tract, C0”.*.,» *<ig about 73 acres, ‘ting on ki liiJi. ii creek. >‘joiiiiiig 1 ii-is of A -t. Allen. Esq—One 1 ii.i i tract eoDtniiMtig .-bout ito acres, j ioiog sai! AMm and J: hn B» ne ; --I nuoiher Iraet, lying 0.1 Brier reek, adjoining Aaron Borrow , e-m (ii ing about 39 acres—nil hi' nug ng to (he heirs (mini.-.s) of Ffirgu on Conk, late o! Burk- couttly, de eased—'J'n be sold for the bmietit of he heirs and er dito.-s of said estate. Charles Scott. Guardian of said minor. Rlnreh 20, tS2t lrr.9:n K OT icliT ~ # F' LE suhsct b*; h:*s removed his Notary Eitbl.e and 5 Irate’s (••lice to » room ti the huiioi-ig lately eeupiid by M srs Sleuart end iiurgruv ,-s. on i, opposite the Eost-(('rtiee. * tdin Kitmey, juu. Deeeirhcr ti tv We are authorised to state t -ut A. Bic-, F. q. '\i»l be a f thv ■ ‘•e «'‘iFce c', Receiver of iax JiMurns for ti.ehnmril <•< m ty, at the essuiug Eeclion. October IS. 32 *■*£s? «i\ IVmUe, Salt, nr m; subscriber intruding to (rang-. j( IV r his Planting interest to Last Kio! ids, ''ill dispose of his 1 J.AM TA'I IO\) in A i lev it ie Ji.yi rier, !-otiTt: - v arn|i: y, pi hi Y> like Huli. it is iis \uiu•" bin :• j;!a eas tur wits «,f --•Vit'd far sale in the upper iu<ii>i{-y, having a n.ll;cieuey t i Land ek-jirtii, md under-a em d fence to wcik oro huirf;rib in i.i'i ui.d upwards to ni larttg . With tin jl i.UiticK, riirbe licit, a Im--e iiletl; ei'Loms, Cattle, Corn and :ue Plantation utensils if i l l]' ircd. On. the int mists, ere a good Jiwoiliiig lincste, Kildnn, (Hrr *eef*« iUiiise, Slr.bie to ‘53 head of lietMa (< BiplYte Bin f.nd Cotter Louse, large him Serev. eap i.tife nf nun pressing -fa hales ol'Cit tun day IJlaeksmnlPs (*h p,. Ne gro lloiises so contain frun one to iv i.u. dreil N-grots, ah other i.ecotk sary Out Building* hud sever .! J cir-rds df the cniicst F.nit. i'-.Y lermi’s, an;)' ly tit the subscriber? or I>. ke G■' :i;-n, J q. in Clitfles'cn, or to JoliuY. iv-.yuold*, on the tion. CII UfLES \V EULOVA g"?’ N. li The Editors of the ,jfV£- escitp'., .'.I Co!u > b:a, S. C. and fia gusta Herald, Georgia, will j. Ase insert the above for one month fnd forward their ;>eounts to Duke <• i-j- U!i?><,.Kiq. Chat Luton, for pa, nu Deter..her it Si 47 Jit ~TV* TIIE ffi YAiiV. tN the Cbrnnieie of the 29th naiuo, • am charg'd by P. ii. Carn'is, with bavins; advertised for sau. n part ot ms lii:! —Justice to niysiifg and til use wltuse rjjuui I am, ienuirt-i that i should declare Mr. Caru-ci, statement, usinqa milder term lima ■ it deserves, to he mirontots— ’l i»ef foundations upon winch P H. pn tcad* to- piedica-e liis claim, a, ij ih-st—the li st following of which he has more (ban »n»ee ulli.nred in mv prescncv*-'hat by a recent survey' us bis tr»et >t land, lie says lie find* a email d< (Money, Million' n-fti ctit-g up it: the natural ealisc which might ii ie pro* need 1 1:is d niifuition in •pi • iily, pinm-ly, the near approach of:he he-J of the ri.or to the G’yrgia shore), mil secondly, the rumour ’. inch his fur sumo time prevailed, tV t t! present pr j.iirU't* of *< -> 1 • frptii their apparent oegU el of ft, »ere suiip/md not ta be in pi.ssc-i --simi r gitod <V- sutVtci -lit lit* •- ofl thef'iiy, from the eireuiiigtrt ce of the lot I ring siiiir.led eontiguou* to fig trai £,connected w ith tlu*foregoing rea sons constitute l»i«* whole Haim t» it i Ci mmon report allitm* P 11 C rntg jr. li- already in po> -cssiun «f ater r unier of acres ttrttn his pi-t calls tor. wilhont tiHiching the Lot No, 1-2. Jutlgme ? w« obtaii* din the Fe ll t nil Court in 1:i to, h gainst i>.• i jor George Walton., and p s* fion if said i ot No 12, given ;,i tin in,* j»r.l tor- bv the Federal Marshal in April Ist—This Lot is tis coarse, heielofi rc, oflVrrd fur sale—(L nerul w«rr nty titles wi'l be given to the ran base ; and if cor,tested by P. D'v, C .cues, who ! ,:s no’ shaiKiw title, he will be firin.y opposed by if those who know how to estimate Ox* well as defend thc : r rights. >. atl-aniel Bcuitleaun Juljan. M~wm, November 2 31-39 GF.OP.GI \. ii hm a l eojidty. . L’y the Honorable ike Court rs Ordin my of tad county | To :'tl r,'Stout it may concern, ft lIr.HK.kS" Assph V, aterman V f aud Angus Martin, executors of. William Young, deceased, have nppib- d to the suit! court for letter* d.sniisaory. «s‘t Now therefore these are to cite 1 ii A adinaiiish all and singular lbs l.»yf dred and cred tors of the said dseebs cd. to tile their o -jeetions (if - ny they have) in the office of tile Ckrk of tiiis onrl. on or the first Mon day in November next, o-tlferwise Let ters disni'.ssory wiil be granted to tin. til. i Witness the Honorable- Holland M**]';re nniC-if (lie Judges of the said Court this 27(h day of A pril 1821. 6in Isaac Herbert, ('Vk. of the Coa t of Oratiar. f-A We arts autirof: :et3 to an nounce JaHH) il’X.v.-s, s ( ■i- lat j «*r ’c , - v -*i s <>t ilierK of tlu Supt ricr s.r.d f; i 4 r Cuitiof Ii c imoijd ccntuty, at tlw a l , ?rc:ichin'r I'Jec^iun. *(r icher : J \ -34 A.HHK —. A m IV mm m. - — »m-mm % l-Cr.t.lSi.Kl) KVI.KY TY EHBAY & MU HAY, KY M 1 LI. I AM J. tIUNCfc, (ycorgia. \T FIVK I) ULi.AKS iM'.i! AKNUSf Fay able in N leaver