The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 11, 1898, Image 1
THE W, ft, YOl’Mu, AUGUSTA. a wkiul** 1 SAVIXUS ABw »*«. sk.'&ss l*t *nM *• PbMm 0 --- TORAL DEFIED GEN. SHAFTER AND MAJOR M’KINLH THE AMERICAN GENERAL THEN ORDERED THE FINAL ASSAULT ON SANTIAGO-THE HEAVY FIGHT ING, SHAFTER SAYS, ON THIS AFTERNOON—YESTERDAY'S KILLED AND WOUNDED. f by Assort* ted Nhw ) IlMtk*. A ll*A4^UArl. ft, latjr II Via Ktng«n*i At »»■* yv*t*td*y » n m!n([ fl»# ffbaf ««■ aotinm o«n. T»mi tba Brsrtah (omnixln lht< by praaldrnt MKlnVys <ttr*< tton the ftpaelah prep—ttt»n «• *«r* render If the yantaon «sr* al lowed to beve Mantlago with •Mr arms. »M rejected. and «h* United male* ««uM • crept no term* twit ImroetllAtr wM un conditional aurronder. Oen. Torsi replied In a brief note. He rejected Major MrKMtrj't proportion and would dteouea no other term* than thoae sus* Bested by hlmaeif. At *:U Orn. Shatter notified Oral. Toral that armistice would be terminate! and bosttltttes reetuned at four ©’clock. At the aame time be la aued Inatructlnna to each of the division command* to prepare for a fiesb attack or the Span tah works. Theae order* wore promulgated from Agundore* to Caney. When the courier left with a dispatch Ju*t be fore four the artillery was pre paring to open on the Spanish. A heavy storm came on In the afternoon, however, end the work of attack was seriously in terfered with. Signaling was practically halted and what work was done by the fleet and land artillery was In the nature of skirmishing. The dynamite guns have been trained on the Spanish block house with such absolute pre cision that the first shot will ob literate it. The American sol diers slept in the trenches last night. GENERALS WHEELER, YOUNG AND LINARES. . Three of the opposing ge A eral 3 of Santiago are Major General Joe leader; Brigadier General S. B. M. Yonng of the regular army and General Linares,.the Spanish commander. TfN CIWTA A WSBK THE AUGUSTA HERALD. VOU ME VIA. Right Patterlfs of light artll- My are in pqsitton. and the atege tuna last landed ware r«"•<!> fur Ai iiofi lit 4 f hi* morn* respondents of the Aaeoctatci Ptiii utter non®; **Onr lift** cannot tw» mi.lf mom ef frrttvr. Mm If n dinner offrm to (■crease our etnngth I win take advantage of It. I artll w>t be surprised if wa have Santiago la three day*. - ' At Caney there are f.m ml*- ffiblf rr fycifa from stn fit old men. women and children, whom the Spaniard* permittud to go Into aur tinea to get food. The plight of theae people la heartrending. The Bombardment Aguadorrs, via Kingston, July It.—The Brooklyn. Teia* and Indiana, under Schley, began the bombardment of Santiago fit 5:15 Sunday after noon in obedience to a request frem Shatter. The warship* lined up from the east to tho west, a quarter of a mite from the store end fired over the limestone cliff*. The bom bardment continued one hour. The damage Is not known. After about thirty - five sbet* were fired from eight inch guns. Schley became con vinced that the Brooklyn* tire was falling short and or dered a cessation, permitting the battleships to continue, they, with larger guns, hav ing a longer range. The shots were fired with great delibera tion and at intervals of two minutes. Signals from the shore announced that tho shcHs fell one thousand feet abort and a Ittile to the left of btt Spanish pooMion At dusk the squadron rented firing and Schley teal n launch to fob •bore to nak Shatter If ht de sired (be firing continued dur ing tho night. The Attack Today. (Special to The Harold ] The men of the at my toy on their arm* last night and the attack wa* begun by (Jen. Shat ter’s forces this mornieg. Own. Shatter went word to the VVaste- Ington department early la the day that the firing of the morn ing wa* confined to the navy and to the artillery. He also wired the war department that he expected to bring on a gen eral engagement this afternoon. The Spanish are replying with vigor when provoked, and there are a number of American* wounded already It cannot be said what the Spanlah loss la, but It is known that Sampson’s ghelij. yxdirj’Uai want right into the heart of the city. Killed and Wounded. Washington, D. C., July 11.— The following repart of casual ties in the first dlvison at San tiago yesterday was received at the war department shortly be fore 1 o'clock: ‘'Playa del Este, July Sl. Killed: Capt. Charles V. Row ell, Private Peter Nelson. Wounded: Lieut. W. U. Luetz, Privates W. J. Ausch, Chas. W. Leutikt, United States infantry; Nelson Gltlsort, Jr., 21st Infan try.” Fleet Not Heard From. Washington, July 11—Sec retary Long, Admiral Slcard, t'apiala 4 a ban and Captain (’rowntastjlrid. of lb# naval war bohtM. grv In roofarwar# with the Praaldant Sacfgtary Iking states] In hla opinion the ■ fleet had ao far taken no part IB today* tngaaamant. Other wise, be said, aampaon would have reported, which he had not done. Washington. D. C.. July 11. —On leaving the conference Secretary 1/>ng said nothing had been received Indicating that • decisive engagement wa* on at Santiago. The sec retary said be expected to get new* of the fall of Santiago at any hour, but added, however, that his expectation wa* based largely upon hi* hope*. The indications are. he said, that all truces *re off and that tha final struggle may even now be on. Telegram From Shelter. Washington. July 11. The wat depaitment at 2p. m. made public the following from General Shafter, received early this morning: ' Playa, Sunday. The navy promised, after the bombard ment begins, to get In close to the harbor with come light draft boats. If bombardment tomorrow (today) is not quickly conclusive, they will make the attempt. As soon as Henry’s reinforcements ar rive, we surround the town, and can knock It io pieces with our light guns. My plans for tomorrow are to keep up bom bardment of the trenches and the city and complete the in vestment on' tba northwest by the troops which have just ar rived at Ciboney, one regiment of which, the First Illinois, has just reached m.?.” Soon after noon today the following was received: ‘‘l regret to report Captain Rowell, of Second infantry, kil ed yesterday.” LAWYERS FEES. The Claims on In the Federal Court Today. Atlanta, Ga., July 11.—The fee of several lawyers represented in the fa mous Eagle Phenix receivership case were taken by the United States court this morning. It will require two weeks t otry the claims. WATSONS SQUADRON. The Cincinnati belt Old Point Comfort This Morning. Norfolk. Va., duly 11.—The Cincin nati left Old Point this morning. The colliers Abaranrht and Alexander are still here. All belong to Watson's squadron. BRYAN PUT UNDER liEE TV Nebraskan* Ordered te Report at Florida. (By Aas-'-lsted Press] Washing!;*. July U.— Aryan's reg iment of infantry la ordered to Join Lee at Jacksonville. CMRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. ! Tba Seventeen International Sea*ton Quite Successful. Nashville, Trno.. July 11.—Tha 17th vent Ico closes Its session with an ex cellent program at the Centennial Park tonight. While Ihe attendance this year ha* not been a* large a* waa expected, the exorcise* have been "of the most interesting nature and pro ductive of much good. The program for the rleaing day began w‘tto oariy morn ing prayer mept'nga at seven rhurche* and the daily quiet hour service at the Rev. J-). '*7B SO9 . .78905, .9087. .6.. gospel tabernacle was conducted by Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, of Philadel phia. The rjmmtttee conferences were held al the various churrhe* fu’lowed by officers' conferences. The junior workers' eons renoe on school methods at the First Cumberland Presbyterian church was presided over by Mr*. Jas. L. Hill, of Hales. Maas. RUSHING NOW. The Great Army at Camp Thomas On the Move. Chickamatiga. July'tl— The great ar my at Camp Thomas la new being equipped with all possible haste and supplies arc reaching the camp by the carload. There Is an Impression among the officers there that there will be a heavy movement during the coming week. The First Ohio cavalry leaves tomorrow, its preparations for depart ure being complete. It i* said the en tire First corps will get away tv-fore the end of the week. The Second bri gade. First corps, may get awoy to morrow or Wednesday. The departure of this brigade depends upon the abil ity of the official* to get transports to Charleston. THE WOUNDED. The Olivette Ready to Sail For Hamp ton Roads With Them. [Copyright by Associated Press.] Guanianamo, July 11. —The Olivette SHAFTER, SAMPSON AND GARCIA HOLDING A‘COUNCIL Oil| Tho war conference in the camp of the Cuban general Calixto Garcia, at Acorraderoa between («■ General Slinfter and Rear Admiral Sampson is likely to prove historic because of the fact that it marked beginning of definite hostilities against the Spsntßrds tty the combinad anny and navy of the United States iM tion with the Cuban army of The conference took place in a. hut, and on guard abon, the thnu| leaders were live brawny negro sentries,’ naked io the waist. FlVfl TfH I ARA A Vr AR MONDAY, JULY ti, iM lin hr fr fwdy to Mtt fc»f IIA fit ft* f HI Itoidt with |MI firti ft tut iroiio4*d. among tfettn Gti M, $ tlitltin, MaJ Jk. O. Rrodir. MnJ H 11. Cnpti. Knot, lleCHntocti nntl Li not* Nkbol Young. fV**r#gtti nod Ftincun MF.SPAOE FROft PRESIDENT flaj. IVKlatay Thanks Mr Howard Murphy For a iTsau Card. tn Its imop of tha 4th Inst. The liar aid apoka of tha magnificent hill of far* and tha axquialta menu card for that day's dinner at tha Arlington hot-*! that night Clark Howard Murphy, who la up on at ary thing pertaining to tha running of a firat-clasa holal. directed on* of tba menu* to Preaidant McKin ley. al Washington, simply .enclosing one of hit own card*. Tn hit surprise and gratification. In this morning's mall. Mr Murphy received the follow ing letter Executive Mansion, Washington. July Btb, 1898. My Dear Sir: In the President'* behalf, permit me to express bis sincere thanks for (he handsome atueeulr card which you have been good enough to send him. Assuring that your courtesy in Ihi* matter Is thoroughly appreciated. be lieve me. Very truly your*. John Addison Porter. Mr. Howard H. Murphy, The Arlington. Augusta. .Ga CAF*T. IWIGGS MARRIAGE. An Account of It Telegraphed the Herald. The following narrative of the Twiggp-May manage in Savannah this morning is telegiapbed to The Herald by Mins Florence uold'ug. society edi tor of the Savannah (Ga l Press: Capt. John D. Twlgg*. Jr., of Augus ta, and Miss Ida C. May. of Savannah, were marrted this morning at the res idence of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. Mrs. Moses A. Cohen. Rev. Jcfcn L. Scully, of St. Paul’s Episcopal church, performed the cere mony. The groom was attended by Mr. Stuart D. Boyd, of Atlanta, as beat man. The bride entered with her father, Dr. W. F. May, who gave her away. She was attired, In a dainty gown or white organdie with white leghorn hat trimmed with pink roses and chiffon. The groom wore hla fatigue uniform of white duck, with military trappings. A wedding breakfast, followed the ceremony, after which Capt. end Mrs. Twiggs left for Macon, to remain until he Is ordered to the front. Don't try to reduce flesh by acting as your own barber. i xi bciS xTi c u ii uifl NR 18 Ati NCt-JHIN Ull CONFERENCE t IS NOW OJU IV I’rrMtient ( lostitd Witfa (hi French .Tnhavsgdor. J IIN taaeeia •*! Pres*.] I W‘a thing! on. Jl. C.. July 11.—PifJ dent MeKtnlay Anting Hccratßrp Moot* ami M. Cnmboa, ib* French siatias J ssd'-r are non tn •onsultstto* at iJ frhke tvo«- ~A'*n£N DEAD. ■ Hr Wi., i the War B<*! thfc Slate*. W a»h i • :i JnH 11 rtmr AH * Ammrr, b.-ro ,-f the ,-lvll wnß •his lit- 11 !* sat ,| Th At >h* fIgEH i 'll of 1’ >’ Royal h.* held the • ntil .he >i,ny u,oh p CHICAGO I»\FI:RS- Mj !h- v a Now huii ii-i In Size. - < Incog" Inly II i’he pfl ’ Ja ' 1., . -H..M 11/ :md HH ■ .-hnte io mz • Th< it,- Mtu:,' ti ,;j > , 1 .■!, ••>>!« rs All 1/ are filled iß9Hh| CAMARA’S FLEET.* it llai EaileJ From Egypt Hum Bound. ISpii’lal to The H.-rald.® ; Port Snt-I. .lul* Uama^HH t• f ■ -i • i to ' 'in i ludll Mi s.- n.-i, Sicily. July 11 icning S . ;ifi AloimlE i ■ ■ , s, M i . fi 'oi N ork Furl I'.’v 1 ! - ■ inijß Sc A in nl N . 1 uimr If * ' i- ' MjJH 0.i6. JEM&