Newspaper Page Text
Tie liUiil Work la ik# B*co»4 As*
Malt (Ht Saatlico.
Th* Float AttMkfO Pn>l»p(l>
<M> rWct»| M 4 ' Bar* a M f iring
AImOoLmI (Mnin la th# CM).
I t# The M#ml4 I
Ajuiihtfi piin4n> —Hy fMNNNMPic^9 ( t#4
•fTtflfe > fn< > n(s «llh ihe *r*fly l||« (kttlgiNl
of til# mvy ihtlti lAt# Ihe rlly
tike t(trrii<w« If *H arrant*4 that
Ihm should hr MnuKiurwir Bring 14
ihr akipa »n 4 Iwl artillery, twgtnatn*
at 4 or lor k, but a (wavy ram (all,
which Ihierfetad with thr teiaphoaa
>n4 signal *orii from thr array Uaaa
down to 4h» railroad fonder at Agua
doraa and tt»» wigwam atatloa aatao
llshcd on tbr bearh. At I:It thr rumbla
of aniUory on tbr Amarlrana Ultra waa
board, and thr Brooklyn, lying half
mllr aast of Aguadoraa, a minute latrr,
opaearl Arr wjth t-lr.rh shrtls from bar
port battary. Thr T<xa>. to thr west-
I >
ward, assumed position, and waa fol
loard by tbr Ind Una. Tba Bring waa
at long Intrrvals and was krpt up until
thr Brooklyn had planted fifteen S-knii
shrils and the Texas seven IS-Inrh and
three t-lnfh sheila. Tbr Indiana sent
a number of eight-inch sheila over a
steep hill and Into the enemy's lines.
The Bring lasted one hour. It was Im
possible to estimate the results, as a
view could not be had over the first
hill. The range was north by west, ten
thousand yards.
Less than a minute after the Brook
lyn opened flk\ the danger flag, white
above yellow, was raised above Morro
Castle. Reports have been received
here that the land artillery shelled the
Spanish entrenchments for some time.
Our loss during the bombardment was
slight. The losses of the Spaniards
cannot be ascertained. The earnest
fight Is expected to begin tomorrow,
The steamer Bratton, a Norwegian
freighter, was chased and captured
this morning by the Brooklyn. She had
on board a cargo of supplies sent to
Santiago on speculation by meichants
at Kingston and Port Antonio. She has
been tied up until the fleet enters San
tiago harbor.
Off Snntiogo, Sunday.—Since the ex
odus of the refugees the Spanish sol
diers have indulged in uncontrolled
looting of the city, tl*? homes and the
shops of the fleeing men and written
have been entered by bands of armed
men. mho have robbed them of every
thing valuable and destroyed wlmt re
mained. The soldiers obtained wines
ond liquors from the cellars of the resi
dences and ream about the streets
drur.k. fighting among themselves ami
assaulting the remaining residents who
are terror-stricken. The last pa ly of
refugees from the city reported that
lest night a party of drunken soldiers
broke down the door of a magnificent
residence of a wealthy widow, Sonora
Rosa Charon de Odio, who had remain
ed in order to protect her costly objects
of art and other valuables. Thy sol
diers wrecked the palace in « few min
utes. The lady appealed to the mercy
of the soldiers, but the appeal vas in
vain. She was shot down acid stabbed
repeatedly, and her lifeless body was
dragged about the rooms.
LAIMA. CLOCKS, **'.?♦.
Mid-Summer’s Astounding Revelations m°th« business havo we boon ahlifto quota such U
Figures as we will offer for the next Two Weeks. The manufacturers would tremble in their boots if thsy kt.ew that their products
being slaughtered in this fashion. i
W. kavv 1 •hmII kX of Hart 0 Parkard • (hlrnl and I’hoeotaie Color•
el Vtn Kid tar. Mon. rap aad plain low Worth RAM and NN; trill
rioaa ml at K U.
A Uvai'a ntrmkli C >lor*<t Russian Calf lat* Rhea* bit* toe*. • line
tkat ha. M# sailing ft r ISM. but thr price front now on until aold will he
Bear In mind the customers interests are ours. We are always on the lookout for the best for our patrons, and our efforts are usually
crowned with good results. Be mindful of good advice and seek us for bargains.
Love’s Fright.
Far in the north my heart goe» forth
O’er league* of land and *■•*.
With thoughts like bird* whose winged
Fly southward, love, to thee.
Fain would they rest within thy
Or. shoulds't thou scorn their art,
All summer long besiege with song
The fortress of thy heart.
—Win. H. Hayne In The Outlook.
Army and Navy League.
Universal Interest is felt in the or
ganisation of the Richmond County
' Branch of the Army and Navy league
'of Georgia. Mrs. W. Y. Atkinson, as
president, has shown splendid Judgment
| In appointing as vice president of the
'tenth congressional district Mrs. C.
' Henry Cohen, who possesses all of 'he
'attributes which best tend towardMma
king a successful lesder of a great or
ganization of this kind. Mrs. Cohen
; has successfuiy appointed other vice
presidents Ift the rountlpg of the district
and Is now interested in pushing the
worit in Richmond county.
A fleeting Thursday.
For purpose* of organization, a meet
ing is called for Thursday nfternoon at
six o’clock at th ■ Library. At this meet
ing. members will be enrolled, and offi
cers elected. Tbs annual fee will be 11.
A special plea Is made to the young
women of the city, who are urged to
lend their fresh energies lo a cause
whi>h cannot fall to appeal to every
patriotic citizen of the United States,
j The charitahlc organizations of the
city will give efficient aid in the un
idertaking. Those who will prominently
|co-opeiate are Daughters of the Con
l federaey, the Daughters of the Amer
! lean Revolution and the King's
Daughters. All of the women of Au
gusta an; requested to
Mrs. Atkinson’s Letter.
The following letter writien by Mrs.
Atktnsrn will explain ip detail the
character and purposes of the League:
Atlanta, Go., July 6, 1898.
My Dear Mrs. Coben:
I wis’ to express my gratification at
your acceptance of the vie ■ presidency
for our Army and Navy League in -the
tenth congressional district and to as
sure you of my feeling that our v/ork
will -rissume successful proportions un
der your management. As a guide to
the organization of your district. I vlll
tell you, first, of the principal purpose
of this league. It Is to encourage and
aid in the organization of local relief
associations throughout the stnto end
to urge that they eo-eoorate with the
state organization,as it I i i.n close touch
with the surgeon general, who knows
best where help is needed. So much
for the general state plan.
1. The local associallons may send
their funds to the treasurer of the state
organizations, Mrs. Thomas H. Morgan,
No. 783 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga.,
to be transmitted through the national
organization for use in the general
army hospitals, for we honor every sol
dier who is defending our flag on land
and sea.
2. The local associations may se.nd
their funds to the treasurer of the state
organization to augment the state
emergency fund which will he used for
the comfort and health of the Georgia
volunteers in the regimental hospitals
before they go to the front.
3. The local associations may send
their funds to the treasurer of the state
organization. to be devoted to those
families of Georgia soldiers and sail
'd s which may be in need of aid.
The privilege is given each local as
sociation to specify which one of the
three purposes they desire their funds
to be used for: or. they may leave it
to the discretion of the state organiza
tion to expend it where it is most need
ed iti the alleviation of suffering.
Great July Upheaval Sale
I Further iuiimtl<in« in regard to your
vrark will hr rent you from tint* 10
time, foul Ihr foirgolim will rußlrv for
llh- Immediate pnwnt, Tour local or
ganization In Augusta will hr of
I routs,- Ihr h.-adquarlera of thr work
In your dlalrirt. Thr plan of definite
organisation In some counties la a diffi
cult mutter, however, and In such local
ities. I would suggest as the better
plan that you appoint committee* to
solicit subscriptions, sending the funds
thereby secured either to your head
quarters in Augusta, nr to the stale
treaaurer, as you may direct.
Wishing you every possible success, I
remain, very sincerely yours,
Teddy's Swells Are (iame.
"The New York society swells who are
members of T. ddy Roosevelt's regiment
of rough riders have been the recipients
of nttniy social courtesies at the hands
of our citizens.' said Mr. H. C. Wallace
of the Alamo City.
''Colonel Roosevelt himself haa been
llonix.d. and so many invitation* have
poured in on him that he has been
obliged to decline them all. The camp
fare of the regiment hasn't beici on the
Deimnnloo order by any means and a
good deal of grumbling has been made
by the troops at the Inadequacy of the
arrangements for their comfort. Singu
larly enough, most of the kicking has
beeen done by the eovthoy element, al
though one would naturally think that
the New York contingent, used to lux
ury In every form, would utter the most
"But the prtted darlings of upper len
dom stand to the rack like men. and
take whatever falls to their lot cheerily.
The Intention of the men all along wos
to get away to Cuba among the first
companies sent there."
Mrs. Carlton lllllyer is In Asheville,
N. C.
Mrs. W. A. Rigsby has returnel from
Mr. J. B. Botbwell Is at Harlem for
the summer.
Miss Mi obeli is summering on. Sulli
van’s Island.
Miss F.leanor Carroll has returned
from Atlanta.
Mr. nnd Mis. Will Boyce are on Sul
livan's Island.
Miss Crowell Manly Is spending a few
days in Atlanta.
Mrs. H. H. Walton is spending the
summer In Harlem.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M Lyon are spending
the summer at Harlem
Miss Dcde Carroll will visit friends
in Kirkwood this week.
Miss Harriet GanahS Is visiting
friends In Jacksonville.
Dr. nnd Mrs. William Harrison are
summeiing in Asheville.
Mr. a.iid Mrs. .1. O’Dowd are spend
ing a few weekH in Tybee.
Miss Kittie Boggs is the guest of Mrs.
Jo'-jn Butt on Telfair street.
I Mrs. Heard and Mr. Charley
| Heard ru e on Sullivan’s Islaind.
| Miss Moore and Miss Adelaide Moore
left yesterday fur Sullivan's Island.
i Miss Maggie Cotter is spending a
few weeks with friends In Hearing, Ga.
Mrs. Cornelius Garrett and Miss Re
to Garrett are at Harris Lithia Spring.
Mrs. C. T. Gause and Mrs. J- E. Bar
ton are spending the summer at Har
Mrs. J. Jefferson Thomas and Miss
Kathleen Thcmas have returned to At
Miss Henrietta Evers of Atlanta is
'visiting the Misses Meyer on lower
Miss Mattie Wright and Miss Bur
well are visiting friends on Sullivan’s
Mr. and Mrs. George Timmerman are
spending the summer at the Reed house
In Harlem.
Miss Emmie Balk has returned from
Charleston, where she has been on a
visit to friends.
Guests of Miss Anna Montgomery on
the Hill are Mrs. William Montgomery
of Savannah and Miss Ms- y Denny and
Miss Vamna King of Rome.
Men * All ftoild Katin C*l( Khaaa. Ifi tar* #ad r«**r*a#. »t»t heavy, bui
■nod «enter, and full II.M vaIUM, the rloalMl MM prior trill h* »l »
A Boy*' All Kotid Haim Calf I-ac* Rhoe. wifi find plain tor, consider <d
good vain* for ll ». hut aold by u* for It m,
Mea * aad Boy* 76r. aad ll.fifi Kira* Hat* marked down to die.
All of onr I* Colored »I and RAM Oxford*. Vlrl Kid and Vast
Mr* Alpheu* Richard* *lll fin to At
lanta next week a* the guent of Mr*.
Haralson Bleckley.
Mr. and Mr*. C. K. Wellner leava
tomorrow on a cummer vacation at
Mr Weltner'* old home In New York
Mr. Wallace Addlaon. manager for
Mrs*re Fleming * Dunbar, returned
from a bualtre** trip to New Yors yes
terday. .
Mr. and Mr*. Turner Howard hava
gone to the North Carolina mountain*.
Mr*. Frank Beane ha* returned from
a vlatt to Harlem.
Mis* Mary Auguiiu* O'Nenl, after
spending neveral week* with her aunt,
Mr*. J. 11 orris, at her lovely home In
Hearing. Oa,, returned !j her home
in Charleston yesterday.
Miss Janie Em force, who has for some
time resided ot the home of Mr. Jo*.
Bignon on lower Telfair street, leave*
tomorrow for Atlanta, where she got*
to live with her sister, Mr*. William H.
Miss Josiedelle Bignon will leave hi n
few day* for Atlanta, where she goes
lo visit relatives. Before returning to
Augusta Miss Bignon will spend a
few weeks at Harris l.ithia Spring,
where she will be the recipient of many
social attentions.
How a Chatham County Justice Did
the Jury’s Work.
Savannah, July 10—Seme of the most
'lnteresting storiea of court procedure
come from the Justice court*, and In
cidents moil amusing are now and
then reported.
A Savannah lawyer hod a case before
a Jury in one of the Justice courts of
1 the county the oth.yr day, the case hav
ing already been passed upon by the
1 Justice. He represented tbe defendant,
las It happened, lost the ease. After
! going throueh with the evidence and
' arguments, «vhleh occupied some tim?,
I (he justice turned to the Jury and in
substance said:
"Gentlemen of the jury, the law of
Georgia does not require me to charge
you in these cases, but this Is such an
Imporlant case that I feel called on to
say a few words to you about it. Ju
ries in these Justice courts are not
required to be guided by the law and
the facts in the case, but the princi
ples of equity involved which you well
know. Gentlemen, I have decided this
esse in favor of the plaintiff; you can
retire and make up your verdict.”
It is needless to say that the jury
agreed with the judge under the cir
cumstances, and the defendant s only
hope now is in certiorari.
Don’t attempt to buy every man who
hns price unless you foave the world s
money market cornered. Chicago
Reign of Riot
In Porto Rico.
The Ugly Report That is Heard
From There Today.
[Special tc The Herald.J
St. Thomas, July 11.— Reports from
Porto Rico tell of terrible rioting. The
disorders nr.j principally among the
volunteers. The whole country is ter
rorized. In the interior murder, rob
bery and rape are rampant. The gov
ernor has disarmed negro machedores.
Several executions have occurred.
The President’s Proclamation Heeded
There Yesterday.
(Special to The Herald.)
Hephzibah, Ga., July 11.—Messrs. J.
C. Acton anil W. K. Turner, of Au
gusta, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Kilpat
rick, near Waynesboro, and Mr. Omo
Keen, of Brewttin, are visiting here.
Rev, F. D. Cuntrlee preached in
Brothersville, church yesterday
morning, so tlnyt. in accordance with
the President’s ( proclamation there
would be a thanksgiving set vice—sing
ing and praying -at the opening of the
evening service:!'. 1
There were th* usual Sabbath school
exercises in the churches yesterday.
Reirfall yesterday, one and one-tenth
of an inch.
TWO 834 Broad Street, Name Across Sidewalk TWO
STORES 722 Broad Street, opposite Monument STORES
Notice to That Effect Given to CaptaiiJ
General Blanco. 1
(.Special to The Herald.]
Washington, July IL—White the na
vy department refuses to affirm or de
ny the truth of the report that Com
modore HoweJl had notified Blanco
that the harbor defense* of Havana
Even Austria is Trying to Bring till
Spaniards to Their Senses. 5
[Special to The Herald.]
Berlin, July 11. The Austrian gov
ernment has Impressed on Spain the
hopelessness of the conflict, even ad
vising Spain to surrender Santiago.
This would furnish an excellent pre
text, it Is argued to demand an armis
tice from the United States, anil would
at 'be same time present a basis for
peace negotiations.
Premier Sagasta, however, Is known
to be anxious for the immediate! ces
sation of the war. Berlin diplomats be
lieve that the Spanish government will
soon resolve, perhaps within a day or
W 0
two, to sue for peac*.
Sampson’s Official
Report is In.
Now We Will See if Schley is Given
His Due.
[Special to The Herald.]
Washington, July 11. Ensign Pal
mer, with Sampson’s official report of
the battle arrived at the navy depart
ment this morning and has delivered
the papers.
An Elegant Evening Dress
of black net over white taffeta silk de
signed and sent here by Lord & Tay
lor, of New York city, for a special oc
casion, had an apron front embroider
ed in cut Jet beads and spangles; the
back composed entirely of narrow net
flounces corning up to the waist, wilt
net sash trimmed with narrow ruffles.
The low neck corsage find two straps
across the shoulders, with long sleeves
(without lining) attached by the lower
part of the arm-hole, and the full net
front was ornamented with jet bow
knot des.gns.
Don't write popular songs if you
would retain the goodwill of your fel
lax Tops a prrtiy (‘iniinnail line must a<» and «b« price will M IMN^B
W» have p!*< <*t in onr aha* window* a lot of letdiea* Tan and
lalr-CVlorad Oxford* and fltrap RHpper* stmt* of (ha to*# a Uttt# MM H
dal*, others that will pan*. • good Un* And worth front »JOO on nr i* 8.8.
Will rkww th*m out at II J*
Wr have also placed In this same window lower *W» - another W *f
heeled and *prin* heel Rtrsp Rllppen Tan, Patent WhfiMwr and Kid. TtM*
ar* r*r r <fi*lty n*ew for house sllpp'-r* and worth tnort than doable th# pries
that wr ask. BN.
| would be bombarded If h« did not haul
[down the Spanlab flag and evacuate the
city within four day*, there i* the gen
eral belief that auch an ultimatum ha*
! l .-cn Issued. It Is a part of the general
| system of terrorizing which is to be in
Position Spain Takes.
Rome. Juiy 10. —The Spanish ambas
sador assures me that his government
ivli! yield at the insistence of the Pope
and the powers and begin negotiations
at Washington for peace, If assured of
the assistance of financiers in raising
a loan to pay a war indemnity. The
ambassador declares that Spain will
not give up Porto Rico nor grant the
independence for Cuba, which is inca
paple of proper self-government.
Causes Excitement.
Ilong Kong, July 9.—The news that
peace negotiations were under way has
Hospital Train
Wrecked Today.
It Left the Track in Florida--None
Is Hurt.
[Special to The Herald.]
New York, July 11. The hospital
train conveying the wounded from
Tampa was wrecked at High Springs,
Fla., this morning at 8. None were
The Inn Restaurant gives
special rates to grass
Black or Colored Silk Mull Hats.
never lose their hold on popular favor,
and among soft folds and ruebings,
branch out stiff quills or wings, but the
novelty for tennis, golf or yachting is
the “golf bonnet," mads of plaided or
gandy, with a flaring front, loose
crown, tilting toward the front and
it deep frill'(or cape) at the back, wiitt
Song, wide .strings to be tied under the
chin; in fact almost a reproduction of
what was once called in the country,
a “cracker bonnet.”
JULY ll'
Ash fwr iku I'fcwtuNt flfl
W hen X ow .Take a "unliMfl
ett Kuril tad along tfta Cuban (oJ
Blanco I* hard (treated for food. Sup
plies front Jamaica via CienfuegOt bava
naso cut off and half the population In
Cuba arc thoroughly rick of the war
and dealrc a resumption of buainess
’ [jV !
and normal conditions. 1
< in- ■ t! qr. at ax it«meat here, an.l
t-peculation Is on a* to whet dispoß|
lion will be made of the PhillppjJ
It I.' Iwlieved hare That Spain can
make peace natives
the United States Tan return thera^B
j Jm
Spain. A leading official fmre say* thfl
the United States must either anfl|
the islands or give them independence.
The German altitude at Manila is as
mysterious as .ever. Their ships are
surveying the Luzon coast In both dl
notions. They are landing supplies at
5% , j
Murtvala and German fra
ternizing with the ,
The Crrman consul viafl |
ir mi; n... • olillv r.'i.-ivßg'if
—... h
CSMM ' ■ ’
rle I)e“"a t his Morning That His
Fleet is Bound Cor Spain. j
(Special to The Herald.)
!’"it Said. Kgypt, July U.-Jm
• i :• :i i i>oini’ roal tod^sf®
written guarantee that his entiral
squadron was bound direct to Spain.
The Kmperado, Carlos V., and ten
transports have joined the squadron.
Mistress —Bridget, these are ewers. I
hope you’ll not call them,. Jugs any
more. V \
Bridget—Thank yez, mumAsure.W'.
is these others mine,
\V"i-kiy. AMaiapußß A vS.-A' : ',-
■V : V. _ g
■ A %
i n'. \\mkmkaMM