Newspaper Page Text
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nit kTim m#w «Mi Hwiw *m
tortrtfi m *##-•*#«••** «*•
vac wiix iworm: murala
At tks Nbt» tf«tal
. *«* •« r*«»»i. »*** *w4.
I In Mto*. M '•»# **<**«. ••*
H f#"* ffißrtitsn-JU ths Chnrttofv*
in J*#** T«rtt ntr-A* m*wi Bm
*ir. **<t tofts A**«s* H"***-
I •**•* stand# and rnrtmnSawid »"®
1 . k««t toy ftpnrtiM Hto »*"« to tto*
f The dst# «*»»»*«* y«*r *»**►* *»" lh *
UMI point on >o*ir p*r*r »*fL» *•»«
■k« )<Ntr *et**crtpt»«« r«P*rc«
|VU Hi. to It snJ *»«j »» >“«r remit -
Kmc before the «*•*» <•!**"» or jour
will toe *to*n«»*»n#4 •! that
I lor trouble and <*<>«'« mts# >oor
Ipaftorl , - -■
Herald Prize Letters
From American
Summer Resorts.
„ , „ Th* Hamlil thl# year will offer
• mtMm at prtin for th« tort
let»rr* wiiltcn from ton Ameri
can ffummer H*eort. TT. ,** tori*
tn* mart be published under
a Worn tfe plume, and. after ttoa
conical ha* cloned ttoe whole ac
tion will ton aubmltled to • com
»m tent and Impartial commit -
k mil tea for the awarding of
a prtaea. The real name of the
writer, *« w* II o* the nom d
■ plume, ll.ur: ai company ea- h
i. :;,r acr.l In lor pu burnt ton.
-X K f r the p-.irpo*# of libni lfl,«
. Contestant* mutt confine their
S|||? Iciiera to a re«>onnble lengtt,
■ft No letteaa ought to exceed 90S
II words. OKteetiinta can write
aa many totter* an they wiah
for the prUe. hut one cent rat -
SB ant ran win only one of the
M prisa*.
HE ly. goa-ipy letter*. and the
prizes will u« a worded for the
§■ best, most Intel eating and tnort
reads bio U-lfriy ,of Summer It.-
■& aort
B ontestOpflS June 18.
W Contest JCloses Oct. 1.
■N)R THR/BtoST I.KTTBR «6.(vn
Bj«,Trfrc 2D BEST LETTER.... lto.OO
Can have The Herald de
livered to their Homes
Bpstal to Mr. S. B.
Pine. Agt.. Colum-
Hik'' ■
1 K
Alobuma r
Spain had batter pad her solar
Bkkiii tarried at Santiago tiutll lie
imiliTc.) Herald stands
Rip for the Old South:
r Gett. Wheeler refuses to die In re
sponse to newspaper reports.
The counterfeit ten dollar bill is now
seeking whom It may devour.
Whet Is fame? The Boston Trans
cript calls,Tiim W. "H." Hearn.
Kill of pen. Henry K. Jackson
a million dol
: Mi ' -
.iv-'liw. ■ )
Mat if »As iff m» WWt
Th* MfftWMwak at Naa. l to tto» tw*
(toll tony ».«wa»4» uffWIWH h# • «trtH
Mfhwaf to tfc« §h|Hl' -«• MUMM to*4 of
#-»<<•• lie inrt tok • porttto*
atoa will tortrttort* ttto »•»•«»**
•Mafe I* to htod • market WytMMl the
ltto*4 smi ere of ted eat net end
I#l f ir*i tth# :
itoijfi|M m ttkim# IMI Ilf !
iHNik (tl< MMIiUIIHI !•*«
m 9 tow** to Areeto.
tl to Mtoeedaff that Ik# tofftoM-tee es.
He welt, when* trade to wliilU wst tot«
luett, Witt twin Ih* dltto'M e 4 tto*
\ reran eea twee I Wh*a that hen toera
s tntojitrnrd the very ernei wtl? h#
ehtte 'With vneeeto Mll.ed frune Hie j
aeellrtffi Itorta MMI Inedrd »111 l thej
tma. aeet eed mMM es tlto eeeifc The |
turret tree# to tine Hr trade te then#
yeetoeedlttne whah eew
Teehswtohd •«! t* »eentorr*4 le ito
Meth- The eiteee wed the awthne toida
of Oeoflgto. Aleheeie eed Traaanerr
«tr ieertoh to they e»»e» he»* before .
They wttt to rtoflflly te touch wtih the
greet rtrt»eeo«* ct the re*’, towerdfl
which ewr irede to tert flhelt tow hy
way of the wret
It WM e great day tor America when
Hawaii wea newelrd not le ■ tee-rty
•yrrflf eagle aeefle. bet aa a preriical
bwateaea fact It waa a part of tfwt
morar of aipai* lo * »»> ,rh Georgia will
feel sad Aoguata yropoctlonatrly pr°*-
par eadcr.
No weadtr that ao maey of oor Naw
England rtreL. who already see their
rattan maeufactorlbg ledeatry alippina
away from lire, elffomoaly oppoaa thta
plan of commrrclal conquert. They
kaow that It wrttea their doom and
the *00164 prosperity Bat It will come
ea teeeHahly aa death and tasaa.
lit* IndurirtaJ centra of gravity la
shifting New and battar condition* are
being uahered Is and thank Ood tba
south. Ilka an cvl«d king, to
into It* own.
jfdtanapotla ta making great prepa
rations for the rntrrtalnnirnt of tba
Uniform Rank of the Knight* of Py
thias. which meet* there on Augual 22.
The supreme lodge of tha order be
gins Hi session on the following day.
and It will continue for ten days. There
arc In tha United States about 600,000
of tha Knight* of Pythias, In addition
to SO,OOO Uniform Rank. At 20,-
000 of the Uniformed rank it expected
from some of the staten, and other
atatea aa remote at California. Texas
and Maine will be larg-ly represent-d.
It la expected that there wIL be at
many as too,ooo strangers In the city.
Th- e will be- a big parade on Tues
day. August 23, and there will be
something going on all tha time, for
It Is clearly the purpose of the cltlxen*
of Indianapolis to make things pleas
ant for the multitudes who are ex
pected to be present.
A large number of Pythlans from all
over the country have gone Into tbe
army For instance the three leading
officers of the local lodge were Capt.
Re.ukl and the two Lieutenants
The Indication* are. therefore, that
the Augusta lodge will not be repre
sented at the grand encampment
Several patriotic Augusta ladles.
w‘ ose Idea of the needs of a soldier Is
not confined to hardtack and coffee,
have taken a deep Interest In the report
that the boys In the trenches around
Santiago lf they are not tn the
atreetß of Santiago by now—are suf
fering because they have none of that
“Sublime tobacco, which from east to
Cheers the tar’s labor and the Turk
man’s rest.”
Perhaps the nuco-quid will argue that
the use of tobacco Is a naughty habit
and its discontinuance should be a part
of the wholesome discipline of war.
But the army doeen’t go lu for sump
tuary restrictions to any great extent.
And tho boys want to smoke. There
can be but one result—they will smoke.
That they have been undergoing
hardships through the loss of the
weed is painfully apparent. The only
smoke they see comes from tbe guns.
They have been reduced to smoking
dried grass, we are told —“life ever
lasting,” presumably—and even that Is
rapidly disappearing.
Tba Augusta ladies are right. They
are engaged In a noble cause. Nothing
is too good for the heroic defenders o;
our national honor and glory. Fighting
furiously under a burning sun and
sleeping In the dewey but unpoetic
grass, they are making sacrifices which
I dwltofli the wtoetitotoW eed twrtt#
I tea gfatt'-wia at (%mw whe ornate at
tWI« wwtto stoats tot aw#**uM
'ease to tha *tt*at es faveiahtea
Ithawt wtia i iihaavw tt to »«##< ttowa
[ fate, ffwi tha padfet* of Aaffawa will
teaks • a*e*v«*« iwaimem t» th* call
[of Mo te».»#s (j fintotoae aed tots*
I Hathna« ffeaah. whw hev* tha ieatt#v
te vhaftot, tod that sene tha ifetofel
i ottotaara ettk etaedy ecvvwa teey
swtwha te th* health es Iwe es Aeaa»t* *
l toMl ttoeghtraf eed yatttett. whom'a
Tha#* to avery teamne ta tolltw (hat
th* tod Is >*w, that ih* demit tew of
A#*ia Id th* Wartave Mesastoe has
I hereto* a this* es tha peat end aoud w«
•hall have aa opparttwetif es aartep
“patofl hath h*r victor.**
No toe* r*e«w>w*a than wt,"
Th**e ta antorthtop trfflf lesplrlna In
th# trumpet:aa end trapping* es war.
It# “petop. prtd* fled pariaM rlrraas
ataew*" eheltoepa lb* admiration, eat
te*r*lf es th* mtaeea of slttaea ayila
heh aemmsfi who esrhaaa* tower*
for buttoea. bet stir th# heart* of • o*
*pon*ive eattnn. It rtrrefihaea tha
founds! ton* es th* republic to so rum m
ao msay brav* men to Its drfsas* end
ming’s th# smile* of Mate* sod Tent,
th* taera of Mamatouarlta and Qfor
tie. War rtira tha atapaanf depths of
aortal and roßmrrrtal Ufa antll. Ilk*
tha pool of da lorn*, th# eaters btaom*
sweet spots.
Bet whan Insult he* base avaeped
sad honor aatlafird—
'When i tawv, Ilka a pou tie#, coma*
To heal th# * ottnda of aouad”
and tba atara, unclouded, twinkle Ilka a
myriad Paw of tract, bow awaat 'a
feel that toon th# hosraa thunder at
the guns w'U die stray Into erhoaa if.
melody and. with the light of Joy gilt
tiring la his ay*. Johnny Will room
marching home aa full of fireside atom
lea at Tartaric hlm»#if.
Piece! To many anxious hearts it
will rom# Ilka tbe sunlight from tha
vary pc rials of bsaven. Peace! No
more anxloua scanning of th« dally
bulletins when the cruel bead-roll of
death sends Its message* of despair to
mother and slater and sweetheart end
wife; no more harrowing detail* of tha
hardship and suffering which so many
brav* boys, reared In luxury, have had
to undergo; but unbroken recitals of
tho detail* of victory-r ’ thc charge, the
fearful cannonade, the rapture of the
It la almost here, for sheave* of vic
tory have already been reaped and
toon thry abali be bound forever with
the oily*-bough.
That If Is pcuibte to print the newt
the day It happens ta becoming mom
*ud more apparent to tbe reading pub
lic. The way the afternoon newspaper*
have handled the war news—time after
lime way In advance of the morning
dallies has been a striking object les
The paper that Is best for tho read
ers is certainly best for the advertisers,
and thrifty merchants who appreciate
the value of printers’ Ink aa measured
by circulation and prospective buyers
have reatixed that the home and after
noon paper Is the paper to reach those
Intenrated In the thetr ware*.
The Herald Is printing more papers
than all the other papers In Augusta
combined, and Its circulation Is still
climbing. Thta Is something for the
advertiser to remember when he is In
the market for publdty.
Rev. Charley T. Walker, who haa
been appointed a chaplain in the army,
is one of the most deserving colored
men tn Georgia, and his many friends
rejoice in bis success.
Savannah, too. will make a test case
to determine the right of the Southern
Express Company to compel shippers
to pay the tax of one cent imposed on
every bill of lading issued by it.
"Hobson, Blue and Bagley have dis
played no more gallantry than old ’Joe
Wheeler.’ Not one mtte should be de
tracted from the glory of the former
ch'valrous young southerners, but the
’O'd South' cannot be eclipsed by the
New.” j ,
The New York Commercial says:
"The annual convention of the Georgia
Press Association will be held in this
city tn September, at the Hotel Ger
lach. The extensive repairs that are
being made at the popular hotel on
Twenty-seventh street, oft' Broadway,
will be completed before the convention
is held."
•fffiPAY ASTKirtrtlfi
On* of th* awl pmnietot awpwta]
Hi the tuttatry ha* taken up tha sub-
Jart of whrttor dun day advertising
pay* th* m<-rt hast hto of th* polo's
that h* make* ta hi* let*raa<mp talk
lon th* tohfsct *r* let era* Hag. Among
other ti-. na* bt any*;
"St (a aaual to lotolfttae where Pun
day advertising la Indulged la for the
| paper* to bavt a somber of pud. big
1 advertisers Now If Ih* Move ewa as
: ford to hold It* own with th*** btfi a«V
yrrtiaer* It will asually gft pood r*
| turns from fiunday adoaettolnp. But If
|»hr* aitofp ll ft mmII oai afti CiO otlf
I ftftt llirh fttt MtV ftlffflßlt ftft WO*M
| apparently h* lost among th* aumher
of large os«w. t am pretty aur* tt would
b* a aim policy to stay out and take
another day whan there would he lea*
competition la ilm advertising col
It I* generally agreed that the Wench
Lias Company will hava soma hard
question* to answer.
Now that Gan. Mile* hat gone to the
front perhaps the looting terrier* will
quit barking for awhll*.
The merry rhorua atilt goes on while
“Th# lark alnga. ‘give u* glory.’
Aad the dote aaye, ‘give u* peace.’ *
Tha Atlanta Commercial hat again
been alerted city printer and Editor
Blackburn smile*. He cays be fattens
on anag*.
Tbe Rome Tribune eaya that Camara
could give old PharaSh some points on
1 the Red Bea. Cerverm could give him
Lome on the redder see.
lion. Wir.lam Little ba* announced
himself a candidate for senator from
this district. He Is an abla man and
will make an acceptable representative.
Another American victory. One of
our men who la a student at Cam
bridge broke two record* and won the
diamond sculls in the Henley regatta.
Congressman E. B. Lewis has been
renominated without opposition to rep
resent the Third district He has made
on excellent record and deserves the
endorsement term.
There are 2.200 dally and 15,000
weekly papers published in the United
States, and twenty-three different lan
guages. other than English, are repre
sented in the newspaper press of this
Farewell Sweet June.
Farewell, sweet June,
Gone are thy grief*, thy Joys and thy
Like unto those of the past fleeting
Splendor of moonlight and starlight’s
bright gleam,
Frangranee of flowers and musical
Soft love vows broken, and mystical
Farewell, aweet J*une.
Farewell, sweet .Tttne,
Never a past June seemed fair ns thou.
Reck not of aching hearts or furrowed
A few vow* proved true, perchance a
The future seemed fair. In the light of
June’s bliss.
Never a thought of words sad as this.
Farewell, sweet June!
Farewell, sweet June.
All of your skies were divinely hlue,
All your caresses seemed lenl and true,
If the aftermath proveth a web of pain
Weary hands pick up the tangled skein,
Hopeful, face life, and its June tides
Farewell, aweet June.
Through all your gladness you could
not know
How much of sunshine, how much of
Would out of your radiance grow,
Into lotus dreams, we were lulled by
your tune,
So. fare the well, rarest, sweetest
! Have you any old .gold or silver? It
you have call at my new Jewelry store,
where there Is a lady in attendance,
and, we will either exchange for new
goods or all cash given. Lewis J.
Ecbaul, the popular priced Jeweler.
fl ftft hfttrt# 111 it G«ft#fft) Hr fl I
}*ft»ta tfftrriftftft it t*)i#tt| fciMHf it]
I rr**rr* tor fit* •»*#* of Hi# »<*f ft*-!
(p bHran arttonsS coavtottoa,
Honors or* Min pouring Ml on As* •-
toot Naval iloitrvdsr Hog too At a
flu#*## shnarta Iwra lart *». *k a p*r
t culsstr gargvoaa proap. attk pvtal
lol4 afethara, vsaa rat I*4 "Lt*ut*M*at
HoMng “
RrpratontaiSve lla'toy oaor* taith hi*
•uimirf nit a wait* Hato tt*. which
<>#*** tosch aasaa»m« at fay Its kobrt
of aitpp’ag around sad at Irking op
from hi* collar under ha tgr.—-Phlindti
pb!a Coll.
Ctorelond haalrai down Ih* A series a
| flag la HcanWln. Mr Holley mod Item
errata if hi* small aad sluggish kind
jar* lavltad to ohaorv* th* p«**«at r*la-
I tiaa* brtwrna th* Dvog-cfnOc party
I and Mr. Cleveland.
I Col HalloW#ll. formerly of Wichita.
Kansas who died th* other day. oraa
th# i pponaat of Mr Jerry filmpsoo.
when that populist first ran for cost
er* ta. and wsa the originator of th*
famous nickname, “fiocktoss" Simp
Mr. John W. Markay has purchased
and forarded so Santiago for the us#
of the troop* a achoon*# kail of ’re.
He has also arranged with Mr. Morse,
pros idem of the Consolidated ice com
pany of IVnnaylvanto. to forward an
other schooner load of Ice aa soon as
The Reverend Doctor William Jones
of Richmond. Va„ object* to an invita
tion to lecture befova them extended
by tbe student* of Richmond college
to President Harper of tbe University
of Chicago. IT. Jones complains that
Dr. Harper la unsound on Jonah and
j other teat problems In orthodoxy, and
that the tudeata might better invite In
geraoil. fit
Capta’n Robert Powell Pag* Waln
svrtght, of the Flrat United Slate* cav
* airy, who la among those commended
j for good eonduct at tbe battle of la
I Quasina. la a son of Commander Jotut
(than Walnwvlgbt, killed in the battle
lof Oalvesron Bay. la 1863; a briber of
| Jonathan Walawrlght. killed tn the ex
pedition against tbe piratical steamer
Forward: and n brother of the actreas
Marie Wnlnwrlxht.
At a recent sitting of the French
academy the member* met In the ves
tibule on their way out turo Sister* of
Charity seeking elm*. Everybody gave
them something, but the nuns, not
hiving perceived that M. de Bomior
had contributed bis share, solicited
from him » second time. Naturally, M
de Hornier politely protested that he
had done his dtuy “I believe him,"
said M. Coppte, in tho ear of M. de
Httwdfa. "but I did not see it.” “And
I," replied M. de Heredia, “I saw him,
but 1 do not believe It."
Anri How Mrs. Ptnkhom Helps
Overcome Them.
Mrs. Mart Boi.ijwokr, 1101 Marianna
6t, Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkbam:
“ I have been troubled for the past
two years with falling of the womb,
leucorrhnea, pains over my body, sick
headaches, backache, nervousness and
weakness. I tried doctors and various
remedies without relief. After taking
two bottles of your Vegetable Com
pound, the relief I obtained was truly
wonderful. I have now token several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
and ein say that 1 am entirely cured.”
Mrs. Henby Dobb, No, 806 Findley St.,
Cineinnati,\>hio, to Mrs. Pinkham:
“For a long time I suffered with
chronic inflammation of the womb,
pain in abdomen and boaring-down
feeling. Was very nervous at times, and
so weak I wu., hardly able to do any
thing. Was subject to headaches, also
troubled with leuoorvhoea. After doc
toring for many months with different
physicians, and getting no relief, I had
given up all hope of being well
again when I read of the great good
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound was doing. I decided immedi
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply past belief. After taking four
bottles of Vegetable Compound and
using three packages of Sanative Wash
I can say I feel like a new woman, I
deem it my duty to announce the fact
to my fellow sufferers that Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable remedies have
entirely cured me of all my pains and
suffering. I have her alone to thank
for my recovery, for which I am grate
ful. May heaven bless her for the
good work she is doing for our sex.”
If Alive,
Ton Cutset Afford Tt Tam
10c. Collar.
R war* tort sort Crtfeft aMloifi
tnartv *%* cart*. Tnarty X) a to
Mtrtl Roto
Blue Serf* Coat# -- Id- 00
Crash Suit*
Bike Capa. Belt*. Lie.
We have a’vo received a full
stock of the cookat and roost
718 Broadway.
t iQEffigy v Hum
Cold Wav®
Soda 00 Icc
§|l Glasses 017 Ice
l ■ Sirups 017 Ice
Ice on Ice
We use only very cold Ice end very
wet water, so that we have unusual
attractions to offer to the hot and the
dry. 5 cents to ail alike.
S Hathorn /
'■ Water y
j Fresh shipment direct float C
\ spring. Delightful nioiuiag /
» water. /
V Roll <
/ Toilet Paper /
7 Past quality 10 canto—3 for f
V 26 cent*. \
\ Seeds For
/ Summer Cardens S
/ Fmll Turnip aort KuU BagnSy \
i )it?nn% < orn, Cabbage and alt C
f otba? Catalogue frac— C
V becd for it. /
) Aleiandsr Orer&Seed Co.
■ 1 ii.-.. ■■'■■■ ■ 1 .11.1— ■ i
f I he / C !V^
Whitely /1
Exerciser. \l to#^
A practica., timplaand V
efficient Home Exercieir, * t,\
one specially adnpteii for lj[ju JKJ
ladies and children, but \ f\\
at the same time cau :>o V t
profitably used by the \ \ll
strongest athlete. / A J?®t\ll
PRICES: / ll ‘l\
75c., fl.oo, 11.50. / I
LANDS, »40 up: VIK- I ! V
lN't;S, 136 up; GEN-1 ll
DRON'S, *lB up: THOM-1 M
AS, *SO up. < all and see j s*
them. Every one guar- 11/
Richards & shaver
Three very desirable double offices
and two handsome sleeping rooms. All
located In building corner Broad and
Seventh streeK Apply to Arthur Mar
tin at Commercial Bank or to Leonard
aTjrtflT TTfPP todays; Dakota official and
fIJDuULU lfl* ttorne ' r : Burke, Eastern
nrrr/vnnnri office ’ N - Y - Ijife BniWihr,
N - Y - L<; K* lU > insured,
jUIfUiUJIJU consultation Free. Write.
sf pftft «ft* 1
>fc s* to ftftfjuT'gfi 'tlNNi toft
IftNftM tftltli ft f. f .y »sf a~ % Mill
[ilto H »l 4 toi ftwiif nWb pmlklf
II A. Gardcll Druggist
1 i«A f HI Ks ;
l gwl tft rr : t!ftftl Ito 4ft
! ffftftfftftt fttol |aid ftnitoi 1 ftftt
[ ftMftftL
L A. GardclK Druggist
Tto fbftftpftfl «Naf *p t.ftjr m
by tto l * lift (ram m*k* I«a ton#
l Mftt tft ftftM <df vtot fmtoftitftft <nk
fbft Nft>l feftVft ft tftfft* fftHHif
, tfftto «*ft Kk Oft# ftoUftf and « gaar>
' ttf ftpeftf.
,L A. Garddic. Druggist
mum *******
209 7<h St., A«k«5U. Ga.
tins FRtt m t«t« ** *n <t*tocu <■
Mgbt. ftriiMt* Um pr«ptr gftMW aad WftJA#
ftairr* iftffw*
Lftfiac# cut mtf ffmf Ac*** wlftlc j#s# VftKt*
CliiMren’s Eair cm
while toe weather is warm
Ai*o u* Hlf KEY'S MAGIC
For Sale By AI! Druggists.
Wiß vS siws. RIBS,
run any masl op uin.
And ftrpalm inr Mine. ftbft|t|ftir.
i»J»«u£Td. I lpee. Vimtc* and TttUug*.
LOffliM ißiix *«tts t ami hi,
A large o«rg» of shirts, the sixth ex
pedition from New York, to Augusta,
ha* Juat arrived. Dollar goods, with
two collar# ond cuff* with each shirt,
to go at 5* cants. Our shirt* arc *0
popular they won't stay with us and
we have to dlapati h weekly for more.
Thea are the l>-#t of the seaaon. See t ur
patriotic bu*lenders, the ta,k of ,ha
town- F. Q. MBRTINS.
924 Broad St.
“If You Want to Make Money,
Move In the Company of Thors
Who Are risking Money.”
' 'tad
advertisers who USE THE BEK-'
Paine, Murphy & Co.
803 Reyislls st=T eleptone i fiks?. n 3
I male L, arfQ V,ir*« Euect to Naw York
Chicago and New Orleans.
Orders executed over our wires for
Cotton, Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro.
visions for cosh or on margins. Local
securities bought ond sold. References
—National Exchange Bank of Augusta,
or Mercantile Agencies.
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