Newspaper Page Text
No llm* for firm writing t no tlm# on
your part to road it* Haro ara facta In
a nutahali.
Practically Evary Da part -
mcnt la Affactad By Liberal
Exceptional chancaa growing put 61
axcaptional clrcumatancaa.
i r. film mm
Wts HwwnMj WtrlwncM From
tke Valutm Ara>.
Tali* or Damp Life ood Romo of
lh« flks#ci#fi
Mr W K OuMlar, Jr , kfco haa
torn TW H#ftl4 i mn<|»nnil»nt al tip
tMgerrmrt Oaof|ll' iflftH Utkltß*
!■ an Interview (Mu momma Mr
CMtMrr mM Ibal "tit* Imps tir •»
4<-tar till la ramp. »»J are am# art’ ,
MM with lHr ration*. *tr " Hr alan
**ld Hr tu my «ir rf «• h*** - to I
Inti thr tamp and Barry m •» Immr
tatdrr thr clrrusalanc.». but "very
l)tl to Hr la old Augusta Mtir morr
I** rHmatr In Tampa la very much
hr* It hint man la generally wi|>pnnd.'
Mi. Chaadln wyitt «n (o aay, "and |
tker* are only oar Wavered and ala mm
•Irk out of thr whole dtvlsbwi. num
tmtm orrr five thnnaand mm. Thla
la an exceedingly smalt number. <on
*l daring thr fart that Tampa la a vrry
low plate and. In ihr inmmrr. suppos
adly * vary tmHmlthy placr."
Mr rhandlrr la Inoklna well Mttd.
although a trifle •on burned and brons
Hr funhrr raid: "Thr paymaster ar
rlvrd thr day I last Tampa and. In
rnnmiurnc*. lha boy# wrra all frrllng
good, and at paarr with themselves
•nd thr IfßWfll H
Mr, rhaqdlprJsj!* aqp'f VM > amu *'
In* talra, »m* u/ »”>“•' a
(rear many of hi* frland* Bar* Hr I*
very proud of hi* Honorablr discharge,
although If will forever Hern him from
nghtm* for hid reuntrv. He la very
murh afraid Idi'danl. •'hie* *»• >'*'
Jurrd In a rallreffil HtrWepf, aevrral
year* ago. I* *4<MI W .gl'r bl«l\
serious trouble, although It, I* hoped It
will not.
' Letter ReccHvadSyCdpt- Wither* ol
Company A, Camp toud-
The following letter wa* received
by Capta’n Wither* from Colonel
'Sniyth of Charleston: ~ ,
Captain C. A. Wither*.
Company A.. Camp IWL U. C. V.,
Augusta, Ga.
Dear Captain: Ynur feteetoed fa
vor of the 22nd loststtit at hand, and
jv* are glad to know that you and your
gallant comrades enjoyed tbelr visit to
this old elty by the sea. The only
regret we have is that you ataid with
im so short a time. Come again soon
and slay longer next lime.
-Come in the evening or come In the
Come when yo» are looked for or come
without warning:
You never can U'-come, you always are
well-come. ■’
Yours cordially.
J. Adger Smyth.
Meeting Tomorrow Night at Har
mony Church to Raise Funds.
There is to be a meeting tomorrow
nig nt. Tuesday, at 8 o'clork. at the
Harmony Baptist church, the purpose
of the same being to collect funds to
purchase a regimental flag or stand of
colors, which Is to be presented to the
Tenth regiment U. 8. Volunteers, now
at Camp Dyer, out ilt Turpin Hill. The
prime mover In ihe affair Is W. 3.
White of The Georgia Baptist, who de
sires It to be known that he will take
charge of any contributions of cash or
other offerings in aid of the cause. Any
donations from either our white or
colored citizens will be taken charge of
by him. and he especially requests that
a full attendance will be at Harmony
church tomorrow night. Here is an
opportunity for all those who would
like to see the colored slodiers in pos
session of their country's flag in camp,
where It may proudly wave from sun
rise to sunset, to respond. Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Augusta
House Furnishing company will take
place tomorrow night at the Young
Men's Christian AsoSciatioti hall at 8:30.
All stockholders ore requested to he on
ha nd.
The statement that men in the army
will fight better when they are well
fed is contrary to all domestic experi
i ii turns of Jim.
The Btuistsf Wbkb W»s Trasj
if iH ii lbe Curts Today.
Mr*. M. W Ouuds Will Waa
Probated In ftoiana Porta.
Judge B*e presided Is Judge Wal
toa’a court thla tu >rn.n* abra the will
of (ha lata Mrs. Matgatst W Gould
was probated la solemn form A re
cent act allow* the judge of the county
• >tiri to preside for the ordinary In
case that ogher t* disqualified. In the
probating of the will. Judge Wnltoa
tras disqualified on account of being
related to Mr. Walton, one of tbe rte-
Judge Calloway handed down a de
els. 03 this morning la the car* of J. H.
Jackson va. the Sttowger A are mati«
Tclephcnc Exchange. Tib* declaration
to a demurrer wo* dlsmlaaed and tbe
taniirrtr mtui!Q(vl.
Charier# wtrr grant d today to the
"Augusta Finance and Really Com
pany." sos which Mr. Win. H. Barrett
■Ya* attorney, and to "The Benevolent
Relief Aseoctatlon of Georgia." for
which Lyon* A Porter were legal rep
Mr Floyd Seales and ether attorney*
from Waynesboro were in court this
morning arguing before Judge Callo
way ca*e# from Burke county. The *O
- waa present and the appearing
was called.
A criminal case, in which the defend
ant hnd been found guilty and In
which a new trial had been applied
for, and tbe defendant relagged. was
brought to the attention of Judge Cal
loway In chamber*. Th' nr«v trial
was dismissed on account of the failure
of the defendant's attorney to Ur proa
ent. As the defendant U to be re
arrestrd the name Is not here given.
Wonderful night blooming
Cerus in full bloom—so
flowers on exhibitio/i at
Lawrence's Soda Foun
tain tonight.
Subscriber Voices the Sentiments of
the Public.
Mr. Editor: Will you pinup excuse
me for asking this question through
your newsy and widespread Herald, for
It Is something I. as well as many oth
ers. would like to know. Why Is It that
.Uelalr on the Georgia railroad Is not
B flag station? Now. If It was a flag
station, there are a number of persons
who could go up on Sundays on the
fast train In the morning and could
have time to look around and select a
lot and not have to hurry to catch the
noon train coming to Augttsta. It
would not detain the train or Inconven
ience It. but would be « great assist
ance to both the road and the people.
Give us Uelalr ns a flag station and
please all. SUBSCRIBER.
Tybee Party.
There were on Tybee yesterday :
Mrs . J. Moore, Mrs. T. S. O'Leary,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connor, Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. Rice and children. Mr. J.
J. Kelly, Miss May Mahoney, Mr. W.
A. Herrman. Mr. T. H. O'Connor, Mr.
J. S. Maloney, Mrs. Mamie Herrman,
Miss A. O’Callahaci, Miss N. Brenner,
Miss M. Brenner, Miss Mena
Mrs. J. L. O’Dowd, Mr. and Mis. P.
J. O'Connor, Miss Mattie O’Connor,
Miss Lula Hire. Mr. Ed Rice, Mr. and
Mrs. Needham of Columbus. Ga.
Rates to Buffalo by Southern Railway.
On account of the Eighth Interna
tional convention. R. V. P. TT., the
Southern railway will sell excursion
tickets lo Buffalo, N. V., at one fare
for the round trip, Kates front Augusta
$24.55. i i sale July 11. lx' and 12i lim
ited to July 20. By payment of 10 cents
tut extension of limit can lie obtained to
August :i.
Many will take advantage of this low
rate by this popular route. For further
information regarding schedules, Pull
man reservations, etc., apply to M. C.
Jtvics, C. T. A.. Broad street; W. A.
Gibbes, U. T. A., or J. B. Heyward,
T. P. A., Toll Broad street
o#t gs g Vries 1 1 Mill TV fix !*»»•
f*tf»U4 Us» M*tL •
Robber* o*l |* Ike Rare Of OOp*-
tSwo. M Howard
An . (inf (A§ r»4 * Im
|»f tw* immi*. f**#i**
tMH*< t , im< *»#? 44
Inmi Inn# fHfctiml <44 9# I# m*4k#
111 flic tM ##* jmH flit HI #1 li W
<**» H h«**N #i Umi##f#if
\m t mt i T*lt»tr vumu ptmt*
M| #t •# ###f f hour ikl* mmrw** tfc*
t#r i» tar* M Ntetl (
Alt #t (A# #t * A
| »t«rc ar* ** lb* yard a*4*. are **eh
prat •■ted by atgßfee* beat t rw*ad.
inch tank itoa Here, aork Har »»ak la
to Uk* solid kard wood etear up I* t.H«j
prkka sad Innalag a barrier that ik»
atowleat as*a a**ftlag kla full
•ttcag'b. ,co*Ma i mo*a a heir’s
Tke aarglit or Burglar* white a*
eofnvwd. hsd fried fk* iM* door th*
mark* of fk# tHlart aad other tasirw
asaata keki pi*ta 1 > vialbla Ik Is asCew
fag but Is as egret and lha* si I**l is*
waa taraed t* th* iroa bare
A qwarirr log of pta* wood akout
•va few Mg. waa aelerted. and takiai
lb* lowaw bar for tke assault a
aMffkty egert **» mad*, splitting **•:
I loaaeatag Ike woodwork up la Ike top
of tka rrssmcuL
I Th* pfMt most have ke*a heard Half
I* Hlork assay, aad tkea il waa simple
work for Mr Burglar to raise tke ate
dow. Insert his body beiwaea Ike bsra
I rim) fffvl Into iH.* itoit
H 1* the habit of the captain to tear*
two laeawdsarent elsrlrtr lights Hum ,
ling all nlghi aad Hat night was no »*■
Two swingir.g door* al Ik* Telfeir
j slrael salraacs are alao hooked Hack
j shea closing at night nod thus passer*
Hy can plainly see thr lighted inside
The burglar grst tamed out tbe light i
fopposite thl* door and tbm crawl.—l to i
Ilk* other Itgbt. in front of the Camp
bell si reel entrance; this la turned *Ait
and darkasM rstgns save for the re- j
fteeted light from the an- lamp out no
j the street.
The ewsh drawer under the bar Is
; overtook** and Ike tblrf make* for th*
mala drawer. In which the captain
kc.-pa a pile of yellow periodical t!ck
elc. . '.<iq
| la the darbasw* Ike thief Hager* dr
pile of paper thinking h* has strurh'lt
| rich, but takes a handful nearer to th*
| front of thr store to see If the bills are
fives, ten* or twenties. When he dis
covert that instead of money It I* noth
ing bul paper, the drat banditti is
rrumpel up and thrown on thr floor la
The other rontmtg of the drawer are
about t 2 worth of sliver change for
Monday morning s opening, and this la
The captain's bookkeeper. Doctor M
B, Mots, left his vest banging on the
gas bracket in tbe office on Saturday
night. In a pocket was the doctor's
small alit-d silver watch, with tbe In
itials M. It. M engraved thereon.
The chain hath one of the patent
spring-ring fastener*, and when the
burglar could not unfasten It quickly,
enough, he simply wrcnchefl thr chalk
off. (saving the ring In the buuonhnlt*, j
nnd the dolor's watch was pocket'll '
An examination of the store (his:
morning revesls no further loss than
tbe contents of the Ihoney drawer and
the watch, and Captain Howard I* con
gratulating himself that tbe cracksmen
did not follow up the effective break
ing in with a successful attack upon j
tbe safe.
This was apparently unscathed and
Mrs. Smith, who livra upstairs over
the store, reported having remained up
late last night until about half past
eleven o'clock with her family and the
note.* of the splitting woodwork, di
rectly underneath, must have been
heard by them had It oecurred < befora
this hour.
While Capt. Howard was very fortu
nate In suffering such a small loss, hr
commented on the fact that the police,
knowlug It was his habit to leave the
lights burning, should not have noted
the daTkness Inside.
Also It would have Seemed as though
the crash and noise of the hreaklhg
woodwork should have been Investiga
ted. provided, of ooufee. an officer was
withlng earshot.
Burglary seems to he rnmnnnt In
town. Messrs. Miller * Elmore's to
bacco store, was recently broken In
to, and Bowen’s gun and locksmith
shop was also /Altered on last Friday
Colored Regimental Chaplain Preached
a Special Sermon Last Night.
Dr. C. T. Walker, pastor of the Tab
ernacle Baptist church, delivered a spe
cial sermon to young men last night.
The sermon was a noble one and was
highly enjoyed hy a cultured and ap
preciative audience.
Dr. Walker gave the young men of
his rare good a<id wholesome advice.
After ihe sermon the young men pre
sented Dr. Walker with a purse of
money, for which he thanked them.
This vus quite a surprise, but a very
agreeuMe one. |q>-ttm reverend man.
Dr. Walker has lately appointed
chaplain of the Stir regiment, hut, it is
•said, he will be transferred from the
Sth lo the ltlfli, which is now In camp
at Turpin Hill.
r -—tb—
e Party.
The Independent Order of (jkvod Tem
plars will have an enjoyable Ityteks isttr
ty tomorrow' even^-. The? boat wifi
leave the basin at 7130 o'clock.
•111113 II- WMI
Ufi 4m. T*ik* rs life Hi* irf
Mlw 14a Mil irf l *»» CM}.
UUMt May'# j»iWl>tM
CAhpf J#*r, M T MMfsifM. #N§<ii <mni #1
A i fev* i T wtANAt, iNilll 9? VlhN# #4*
F | «t#f| Aftf# ##4 Al*
; A-HAnMA VA# •#<*#* ll#f itIANNNi fit *A*
,*Hs< I# Ufa** M* H#J. Ml
Mat«A«l«li. «*##* 9€k*±k lAI# #V#f#■
Ofefi* THjp mm w» ’
lit M *<'«»•. #4 •#«#'* Oil .
I# nil##4*4, >#4 ###i
ftti# Mat*## 4### I#
IHe ifiAff is*s* >■-« * %%t f'**4 #| t-A# #•*#
4#m+ <4f il* #rl4**♦ ##f##u )# A####* |
##4 Mr»t • tsTfjr ##MSI ###-* A I*4 •
*<t*#*i A#yaa##li I# TM# ll«Mf#44;
**w *•
Tl# a*rriit«« tis c*»#« *9
Twiggs aad Mtaa Id* C May. ad Sgvaa- ]
ash. osv at red feta saargtgg. The
arauai I* at lb* Aag**** ffiMß* 1
t«ay I* Cat. Hay’s r.giwwwt Tk*.
brtd* la Ik* daughter ad Mr W F. May |
qM Is g great anal lytsrllr.
Mis* May ka* dtS-d Mr aad Mr* T. j
I. liirkmaa. o# Mi* Mill, aad sit* Mia*
Mary gtr*«*s*aß t’larfc sad ka* Hosts j
of -frlaada aad sdgMrvr* k#r». There,
Had Hr*a go in .maitog of a gmrrUgr
m *oo«. aad tk* attgooacaaisat ts a
great emprise It? tlyy Augusta filrad*.
of fee bride aad greoaa,
Tk* w roogdoin«» of a Somber of An*
Mires* Alice Files, J*M* Hall and
Emnoi H« II • IHR if dunk}
•flM>#ffMN| jkttlffi OTRhlp irf fut
rmiln)} m*f»y with Htr mnd amhiH.
TVr mlrnt ii#4f lln fMEIIHw **rf
#Htf Al»4 I#»|Ni##4W» tnf ffcotf
mho 4##4y«nS to ftltffki *«»Hy 4*«ntUr
n rnlnir dfvothrfi#-
KRflMt strtiiNi wtr* In vain. »»4 th#
adlt g, v** roit«p#tl#4 to #lr» th»m a
to | },*♦ r« <i)(pf In COMURIit fR
They contrihtited M each this morn-
Kugene Der.l. a peammUtlc and tec- j
It umi negro, with •'■rlsllstic tradenclee.
acquired a eotttary J sg Saturday night
and wheel requested hy the policeman
to arenmpatty atm, flatty refused and
proceeded to honrsague the crowd oa
liar topics of the Hour He stun fought ,
the cop and they had a merry tussle.
Kugene was fine,) gig.
Rf Darby, colored, got drunk yester
day and went to Mattie Mahoney's
house to sleep |i eg Mattie was not
prompt crush In her mlnlstrslkm* to
suit Kdward and he proceeded to emu
late the famous act of his distinguish
ed namesake--the earn of Iht old bal
lade-and hutted her. Mattie retaliat
ed, and officer Campbell tugged them
In, and It cost gIHI each.
John and Mary tlreer, a colored cou
ple. Indulged In mutual recrimination*
last night and John shipped Mary on
the fare. She was discharged this mor
ning. but v hen John was fined 12 50
by the recorder, be dug viciously hnto
hia imckcts and continued the slapping
act In court, hy slamming two silver
dollars and a silver half with a berg
on the wooden d-»U right in front of
the recorder. When threatened with a
few day# kt Jail there’ were no further j
exhibitions of temper; he shut hi# lip*
together and stalked out with a gleam
in hi* eye that presaged 111 for the phy
strol well-being of Mary when he got |
Allen Williams is one of the pillars
of a colored church and incurred the
er.mlty of a brother by reason of his
standing and popularity. After asrvleee |
yesterday Alliui expressed his opinion
In language that was neither befitting
the day or the locality. In oth--r words |
he cursed him fluently and vehemently
—and his remarks coat him 12 this mor
Captain Beatty Invites Them to an
Individual Silk Flag Raising.
Upon un Invitation from that genial
gentleman and courteous soldier, Capl.
Cha*. A. Beatty, of the Tenth V. 8. j
Volunteer#, a party of about twenty-,
five Elks, went out to visit him in
camp, yesterday afternoon. The cap
tain greeted them cordially and as far j
as poss'ble made them at home in
his tent, and after refreshments had
been handed ground, be escorted them
through the camp. About two hun
dred and fifty negrn soldiers were al
ready there, the latest comers having
been put to work in cleaning the camp
streets. Vi
TheTvisltors saw the guard mount
and witnessed the distribution hy the
sergeants of supper .rations, which yes
terday consisted of either bread or hard
tack, roast pork and potatoes, coffee
and suger.
The uniforms and other equipments
were also Issued yesterday and ihe col
ored boys present a much more ship
shape and soldierly apearance than be
Capt. Beatty was the proud recipient
of a solid piece silk flag from some
of his lady friends in Washington, and
yesteiday afternoon with the assist
ance of his brother Elks tbe same was
raised over the tent with appropriate
Gentleman in Alkedi-Coiiiity Died at
Age of Ninety-Six.
At ton o'clock on,ihe' tenth of this
month, early yestekhiy morning, the
oldest inhabitant of-stHhen count-' died..
It was Mr. Daniel Gunter, whose post
office address was W indsor, S. C., but
who livefi' .in the country nenr that
place. was ninety-six years of
: it i m\m ii.
CSi|4 Mißirfcy't Imhr in V«
)i A# Am).
Tk* OrffigOl Of Msstws# tg a Mo**
late*wanes Oa*
Find L'cniietMwtt M W < ka* it a*
ISaikfeiiSiKk Mm#ik tid
j |#ri #f fA# 1 mm#* *4
cry p»ii I# ## Ml A#| ,| **li
Ikf-ft# 5 * ##4 ##fMf l#4# «#»##MNI w*
A# <## A J)####
mi# ff##4 #HHI *#H4* #i mm TIMMf
'sags* I# Aatgaafe fla# *k# putyne# as
NMeterisic d*to is* aisivic* as fa# a
gefl BUtea Ikwtikni Ik ffi'ffiksn as
Ckgt A F M Malta* a» • r»aiga*y as
MMPaaaa, aka acs la Ha g pact aad
panel pf iH* T»*«k Re*i»a*‘ Failag
fliaiew .oiuatcr* Tk* taus> .riag
was flatsHed Hy aooa a*4 lHer* a*r*
fffl gs*a *>fca ka4 takesi Ik# walk la
fe« Frwaaseat of fk* Faffed (hates
Ibe r sggertMr cdfoars aad I* fake
asms as 1 defead IHe tosSl ry ft ,da
war casisy *kairear Tk* a*ik aas
is ad la a rksar and yiagiag salve Hy
hiestrasai Rowell aad tke 93 stalwarf
qakdVd *wa auk Ihate fight Head*
ralwcd fa 0«4. answered egaFkattaal'y.
Holdlrrt (Ist * retag
Al aia* osluck tk* wea Who had ea
sy t OaffigMl line's Tbetr friend*
aad atqualnU* <*• of kotk eesee had
time aad akea fee aaaviaHly rail araa
•outided am the bogie tka afreet t*
frt-oi •as parked w'th pexple Many
of theta aoeffigted to |Wisuaila ike loan
lo hark out frog* golag but Ikelr eo
treat es were, taut at mu b avail, a# %llt
ka about* Halo* Tk# «>-* as tea o'-
clock fell Ik. n dt übl. rank la tk* ar
mory, aad (Her* wave oar bundred meu
Tbe mustering <tg.cer smiled at sea
lag sorb a tremewftms mmpsay aad
fee ether commissioned officers prt*
am comment'd ca tbe patriotism and
**<buslasm that axialed m lbs colored
pypulat on of Auguwa. Among tk*
off-errs who wet# wltmaulag Ihe nss-
Ur mrrr Major Hawke*. Lieut A. R
Joyca. Adjutaat of tbe H- xtm nt rapt
Bes'if cf Ibe Tenth regime*! AD of
l brae gentlemen were eery welt pi **•-
•d al the appeansaag of tk*
Aligns a troop* aad so expressed tbeffi
Too flaay Men.
When ibe mustering officer bad call
ed the roll aad ccuated ibe toco, be
found feat ibere a- re 100 many of
them sad accordingly annitiared that
if any present did not want lo go. bow
was their tlma to say #o. and oar men
ptcmptly stepped to thr front. The
Tfficrr watted a moment for any otter
to make up bis rotud on tbe subject,
and It was found that sere: men out
of the crowd did not care to be mus
tered in.
The officer then took the men s#rn
tlm and made them walk across the
floor, and noticed their defect*. Tn
this test ha threw out several men and
lowered fee number to tbe limit. When
feo men were being picked out to be
left at heme, a mxa wife round shoui
dsri was among tbe number. He was
-«cr3 ; much disappointed at being taken
out of ranks and riejertion was written
r.n every lineament of his face. The
lieutenant carried fee man to Major
Hawke*, who looked him ever, asked
Li pi a few questions and said. “Put h'm
In ranks; he’ll make a splendid sol
Another fellow was called forward
and asked his age.
'Tectity-one," he replied.
"Are you able to work hard all day?"
asked the officer.
' Yes, sir.”
"What's tout business?”
"Put him back in tbe ranks.” said
the officer.
The Lieutenants.
Although there has been no'hing de
finite given out tn regard to the lieu
tenants of the company, there baa been
a deal of guess work indulged in. It
was noticed tn fee armory this morning
that Joe Matthews and John Grant
were the assistants of the officers and
enjoyed their confidence and respect.
It is safe to say that they will be the
two lieutenants of the company. They
have both had a great deal of experi
ence In military mailers, as Matthews
>.v3g adjutant of tbe local battalion
and Grant captain cf a company. Joe
Matthews is the janitor of the Masonic
building and is especially well known
among the society men of the city, as
he lias always been an attendant In the
men's dressing rooms at the germane.
He is about six feet four In height and
will make a fine soldier. John Grant
is a middle aged man, has been for
many a y.’ar a restaurant waiter and
is one of the most highly respected
colored men in the city. He is a con
servative and deep thinking man and
will make Captain Mullarky a valuable
The m?n are now in camp, busily en
gaged In pitching tents and cleaning
Wonderful night blooming
Cerus in full bloom 50
flowers on exhibition at
Lawrence’s Soda Foun
tain tonight.
Festival Put Off
The Ladies-' Auxiliary of Asbury
church have postponed th-ir festival
from Tuesday next until Thursday, Ju
ly 14, at Asbury parsonage yard.
There is no man suddenly cllher ex
cellently good or extremely evil.
111) Mgfct* Were Nrrrr SgOrfts
TNy arc N»w.
Prop a Forsook Veranda* mod
Slept Under OuVsnat.
It** I roW 4#jr I# July aad HMAA f#y
I tA&t lt*t i record t»rr#A#r l#ft it#At
! «ii o#r rs th.* (ootMt nl|hti that Au-
Ku*taa« have thjojH I# a noatti or
I. eo and cnsaidtrlng ike aaaaoa at fee
I > car, it la o*r at fee Psimsimi gflli
lof wfather feat k*s been Her# ft r aonn*
I years. Many people slept under light
Kovertax rad alt day yesterday tke pi-
I oaxas and viraotfaka were desert ed. it
I waaMo* teal for the open, and families
-a. laAoora. A reporter asked aeraral
I t,f tke prominent riUteat at tbe dtf If
they recalled any July whea ibe tker
j .msMUf waa •* lew as yesterday. Tbey
I Invariably replied that yesterday aad
i today were reg_-rd breaker#. The wra-
I tker report la as follcwa:
Angus.a. Oa.. Monday. July It. ltt*
I Office localsd la Failed State* Govern
ment building, telephone No, 141.
Forecast fur it. hours ending 8 p. m
July tl. ISM.
Washington forecast for Georgia and
South Curalma: Fair, rxrrpt showrr«
near the coast tonight and Tuaaday.
Uril (.recast for Augusta and ricln-
Ky: Cloudy wenther tonight and
Tuesday. .
Maximum temperature. 80.
The river at 8 a. m. this morning wns
U * feeL a rise of X. 4 feet In the past
24 hour*.
A low air pressure Is centered this
morning over the east Golf section
while a high barometer la located over
the great tnkm, this condition being
fee catiw* of the low temperatures over
all part* of,fee country, except along
the Immediate Gulf coast, and Is also
responsible for the heavy rainfall that
has occurred in the past 24 hours along
the Atlantic from Savannah to Wil
mington. Charleston reports 3:3(t
Inches. Wllmingkon 1.38. Savannah 1.2,
St. Georges. S. C„ 2.04. Quitman, Ga„
2.32, Thomasvllle, Ga.. 2.32.
Th# lower lake region la tbe coolest
section this morning, where the tem
perature Is In the fifties.
No Stamps Required on Checks Drawn
By State, County or Muni
cipal cfficals.
Attorney Wm. H. Barrett received
fee following letter in his mail this
morning, which sets at rest the ques
tion of taxation on all dcrumenU is
sued by state, county and municipal of
ficers in their official capacity lor pub
lic purposes only. A copy Is as fol
Washington. D. C.. July 8, 1898.
Hon. William H. Fleming.
House cf Representatives.
Sir: —In reply to your letter of tbe
4th Inst., enclosing a letter to you from
Hon. W. H. Barrett, city attorney. An
gusta, Ga., which I herewith return, I
have to say that section 17 of the war
revenue law of June 13, 1898, is con
sidered by this office as exempting all
checks issued by city or county officers
upon deposits of public funds, anil, in
general, to exempt all documents is
sued by state, countv or municipal of
ficers In their official capacity for pub
lic purposes only. Very respectfully,
J. B, Scott.
Commissioner. A. C. B.
The Condition of Cotton as Shown at
the National Department.
Washington, July 11.—The crop re
port of the department of agriculture
toilav says: Cotton returns up to July
1 indicate an average condition of 91.2
as compared with 89 on June 1 and 8«
one y-ar ago. The averages follow:
North Carolina S 7, South Carolina,
Georgia and Louisan a 90, Alabama 91,
Mississippi 94-
Ice is the only thing these days that
is what it is cracked up to be.
& r fm) haul
R beat, fAlloa u 4 Storks Dffllie
All Almk tl* Lilt.
Wb#4l I* Orowing Floa'p—Oot
•on Bureau COBdl'ioc
Wh*&t to down, ration :* down an#
Utoeko all nine* tk# Hu#
j TS# loouktlik ftftdl HatkYtU# ««0*
matFrtl Rurplii* for tt'rk for ft oral u«r
‘»fuSirf Juft# Jock kt SICS. lit. or tftiMt
jIHJ.IAY m lit: %itd IMTTJff la S«4K
I Hw* l*ullo trill tar Hi rotitnrf In otr* kr
j thki trrrfi. It lr thmicbt. la Now York,
lowing prknrlDrily lo cofMnuod i#o#»
talk and t itMdy ktyHig of tk# Vnn
dr rhlltf ■
The coal sit eat lon Is expected in he
interesting this seek
Tke i mp report a be leeurtl this sftsr
n« on Is expected tn meke a very fine
•hoeing fee eheai.
Advices from Dallas, Texas, report
eheai rolling hi Hy wagons from a ra
dius of M mile* around and the esti
mated receipts from now until August
t will exceed two million bus heir.
The following quotnttons, closing pri
ce# taken at 2 p. m,, are over the spe
cial wire of Paine Murphy A Co.:
i WHEAT— Op-n. Clone
July .... .. TV
j Hcptember ~ •• .. .. 48*3 4T T %
I December .. «H r\
| rOßN
september «• •• •* •• •• 3214 M(4
December *3 *>H
July re .. .. uk mmm
S-q t.-mie-r 2®W
PORK- j||||||l| rr.lcr 9“
•' ' •
I mi is
■ •
NEW V"l;K ''• ’TfH
• •
Match *
Augu*' *' 'Wimm
r * '•'mmmm
<»• tOli-r *
N. "(■■■■l
IV, ,-mVr e
S 2-16 |B^
NilU \"I;K ST> •••KM
> c IVA—H
Telia' i
i A. M. S
IC. B. Q D>7Li
! Chicago Gas UWAI 9VW
jj. C #1 90R
Louisville and Nashville .. 5414 54S
| Manhattan lAS's, 107%
i Omaha *•? *4
| t'nlon Pacific 24% •
Rock Island 9"% 9'M
Reading ,s JAIAg
St. Paul «»% flffi;
p. n. q *» '
Western Union
MV HR POOL -l l"
Jmj ß
"I '!.*• SHS ; ll
i ■ ; .lui
.1 , ' I '
\ .e o 1 i s. i .. ..
Oct. and Nov. 3.2t|^
NOV. and Dec 3.20 Tjlrf
Dec. and Jan 3.20 3.20
Middling 6 3-16. Sales 200. Rereip«
today 67. Receipts to date 374554.
on hand 18570. *1
1895 1897 18931
Galveston 7 ll
New Orleans.. .. 335 130 8041
Mobile 1 1 *1 8 10 Sfn
Cbarleston 1 5 1
Norfolk 27 lW
Philadelphia ... 287 301 7(2
Boston.. .. .. .. 160 253
Too Late For Classification.
gold watch with chain and charm, $5
I reward will be paid for the returti ’of
the same at The Herald office. .fulyl2
v..." , ■ - - ™ . A
Sunday school centennial picnic as
Orovetown. Tuesday, July l?ta, IMS.
Round trip—2s cents. July 11 \
porter, hesstlpr. yard mac or any kind
of work. Apply 1463 Jones street-
July 12 _ A