The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 12, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 THE MJGUSU HEMIO tft > f tffYf MlCJtrt «VM t m':lr« *# ywnMl «<>«*»•« . * !•# Ctffc M**HY4 • •fiT* Ottii M»*« .... — -Mn 4ii«r- iw* mm, •'» *» t; * ||g§|l i k,*h. . #»»«••*» **« ■• ; HMilHii I1I.M1.I) ™)„ MnMI A'x * •# 1 W Stmf »-4M “* •„a •« DMMT* X**# MAM t* M*< « At iM Mruuu »t<<m* •** •g .. | l ir j | y. ».!*•# • la Cftertaotaa-ff* tk* li**"'* H<M _ „ la CMwnM*—At Ifc* «*#*>*» * *»<»*•• la Paw Turk CUf 4 tl •!» Mwtat •*• , ptu »»d rtltk Awmum H4* l ■ Forit#* totting #l* tmMXt-- M * r *’ l ** La< ««f A **d r„ K< a. It« Ik). ■? V- - f »*. : -W f ns Jime ! fl * ' if test Closes Oct ! . ■ ■ ; py :• l:> -T ! ITmt ... I, 31* i:i:,'T UTl'l.ii ~ 6.90 Hhe herald DELIVERED IN IHlstbr, s. c„ Every Afternoon at lo Cento • Week. Drop ■ Postal to Mr. 5. A. Murpbey, Agent, Cheater, S. C. Not merely In June come perfect Bay*. - , Think of hungering tor a smoke In the Island ot Cuba. , _ < It’s a pity that a few more tertlble /Turks can’t be lost at sea Two million Chicago citizens ate jpow trying to catch up on the news. Jr Walter Wellman says he Isn’t com ing bi Wsan(.\ be duds the north pole. * Toral’s orlgloiH terms are. If you don’t make me give up, I’ll surrender. Capt Phillip of the Texas is « man of feeling—«m<» flglua #1 the better for It \ ’ Weyler Is about to type-Wite htm eelf Into a difficulty with his own gov ernment Tne riant system is preparing for n ereat rusu to Cuba after the war is vvet—and well It may The death of Hon. John L. Holzen dorf will carry sadness to the hearts of a large circle of friends. He was well known In Augusta, where he was a fretjueDt visitor and his death Is , elncerely mourned. L t&.en*/./ «Mu i« mi. Tk* *►** oaft tk* u*u«ft»f Mk* 41**- 4*4 itMA ft** tk* plat p« A*** Ml »ta*t> <l**r» tratt • ataspiUM** 0 IPMAW* A** ‘ka hm <4 *«M*po fcw* * Ml <4 )«» |4M#tK %*Mu*»*d '*« | pmi». anffpw* TIM MMtka* kiwi a «a*rt*tft* «%* jm i mat Juu* tawpaaktaaa tp tka •*? tkat iftapo ta a*«>k 0 ue #• ason at •** j ptata takt*k o'uus *ka mu 4 Hu*a a tra*t tartwtat «» »•**• tfc* It *t«M« Hum puuw m neu# «• *k». k*ca<tk mi tka fwtk# kattr at 4 tk* «ku't | Vr*dta»*q 0 tk* AMWk ttwaal-a (feat j Hp *4 o«toM*4 tri»t4t»r j ii njiii -1 (tat? aptakWM « pa*aj fcaa* Think 4 ip «»*M MgktßMff Ao«r* | 14*4*4 tkatt'iMiitaf ri*tat#rng M a* | a i "itana ml tka vattr aakaa •§ t* tat* ■ tkal «»4 Ml a ’at ary ft #oanda ttk* a fair* **» - fcw> lat «* k» thaeklwl M p ranlt'y Tka M.pttiiti kraata ka** ta» l>art*4 at#at atffaptk to tkr «tagt * *t«t> •ad raar fwtmpt tk t|* baa#i Tk* taaaaa «#.tat* ta kava f»is*a nsJanp aa4 4raaM*4 tkat !t ara# Pl* Ortokar W« eouMI rlaaa atr *r*t #o4 olnnant stack 111 atallta frafrattr* nf Ik* pant* prpMMt aak tk* krtatk of tfc*. tara Hold* »h«ra an 4 *kork*4, a* tka* artwftod ta tka aatatas oua It aaaai ad tkat Tkaabai *ta* rod* upon tk* frankstlt| kt**«» and t'brial*** tta* Juat ottrr tka kill* Tka enaapkorutad nwllflt cat* fma tk* tadar rkeal#. and oar* Mot* *#*4» It a la*ary ta strop. A fr* MlMlttva luupl* U thr* cauckt tk* aauKil of tka drit'a* rata 4,t. .n tka ranf »**a #at»nala*4 liiilWi of a fir* Bm yal, wtklaa op to a raalltat'na HH* < *'• i-l •< . •.« . » »■ (i. I Hat* at til Julr? t. !'.«• -r lh» Ai#l an .1-*. i• U-r --&sSfßmo «r*#n an.l f. «r..»- i' :« to hav# liti n aaabrnil thrr# BHiff th# rtfiUK.' from It). Oanirn i.f Hi*- praaont inniwtal in it t < BHhi‘l* 'hat II 'll I'l I-*. n »k-Ii Hero from m *' tuinU-r tij* tonic mi HHktaplral upbaavai. all of »hi. u »<■ art duly «rat* fli Aaaaiiito or the woods* ihduh. HUM SSxicnt a»K that tka early aatllars of Atnerira fall krat upon their knaec and than upen (heir aborlc'nea. Etdaaaea of rl*Uliation hat dil*- nohla rad nim into a few taota rorra of iba areal weal, and II couldn’t drive him hat abso ibaorbed him. bow. aa If !n the vary apirtt of Mon. the wooden Indian Is rap idly dtaapprartne. ao that aoon the placet which knew him before will know him no more forever. Perhapa yon nave not panard to observe |t, ei ther In Außtiata or else where, but li'a true, and the explanation briny a out a significant and Interostlny fact. The truth of the matter la that the wooden Indian —like Ibe live one—la an expensive luxury and doesn't pay for hla keep* ax an advert iaement. He has been an anachronism for over » eventory, for n wooden Cuban, aa we ail know, would be a much more typi cal dgure. Hut be is disappearing because ad vertising U becoming a line art. It Is worked out on a scientific, business basis, and tobacconists realise that the. most effective advertising medium known to this resourceful age is tbe dally newspaper « Iho <>* The disposition to throw away money on Wooden Indians or their equivalents In relation to any other business la wisely disappearing, and (he Intelligent advertiser adopts the means which ho knows by experience yields thn best results. And yet Klckapoo, (or Tbmmeeh'ee chee or whatever may be his generic name), has served his season of useful ness and we part with tiim with re gret. Oft in the stilly night his tins been the only semblance of human form In -sight the only companion In the dripping and desolate street throughout the long watches which some must keep. Let us hope that be may reach the Happy Hunting Ground In safety and find repose with Glcltee Manltu the Mighty. SOUTHERN TSOOTS SIPE 1 RACKED. Surprise and impatience that thus far not a single regiment, not a solita ry battalion of southern troops, has been sent to the front are rapidly as suming very emphatic proportions, and protests are going tip from all over the smith against this apparent discrimina tion. It was whispered in the beginning that the. south was to be held back and lama tkat baa aakMW «M m* «*• <►*■' afPw « tkP ewaafff tka pmpMwh* iPhradPi AklUf Ali!*) J _ I «a«tt tk*. .Mkdkaato aof dal iksat ! ftnf n| (to iwß §to ( om 4 ttmirng tnnnto* If Umi #4# *-p» «mm»i iy**s ftitwiff * iii i‘fftiiurti '§ if B« *wtm | f fto Hw(f | fIII ifi HUfi*. ff* fWfllf mrnwwmim" 11*4 *wo ts wiaowM tkaf tka fwa . ©ifiiftifW# (if fNPff IyfWNI ’ «r« WWNk ff mb to BMffflf I**p* *• ■I I i i j Tk* prrae of tka aMPU* |Mg wdk tkaaa puaalkMa aoa *** •**•* tkef anr* aaawvrad k* Mwrvty M wt»4fc kaa fcy k4w »*• *•«•*« 11 § a ta tk* fnswt, wkar* kaaor aki pfOuwtkMi awaM tka * -a#* wk»k woo'd tw»***aoJy bo tk*trw. fUIWI »M AUT ~ta|i»pr*<~*-~ wow aad lor****," la th* grwu laanwa of tk* Powrtk of fwty. i sad U- laaae tk* wwluai people eh*H M fra# lo He* foHeat aawaw Utr Aw .gaata hav# many ww day* aw.-k aa laal Moo ter Aacueta Roond Takfa li ia N«e that tka working prwpf* eaar* p**w*wt aw tka wewewww to M grwilfpiwf WWMlart* ak4 tkoy •h»w<4 l»y Ik* *!•» wf fkeir applwoae that tka* awe la hearty accord wtth tk* patriotic eewtlMvata of tk* Mowwaot epaaker Tka Mi wko think* that oaly tk* letaorwty elaae of rtrtaeo* are coaap> lawt part* of tkla (rest democratic towwamewt of »or wary poorly appre henda tka wwiura of ikw repwblt*. Tk* alardy worhleg peopla wko *arw tlmlr living by manual labor ara tka *«ry foundation of our aailowai llfa They are bvallblar. happier aad. not Infre quently. wlner. than Ik* pampered pelt of luxury, and are aa Juaily aaiitlad to participate ta lha affairs of govern ment. Independence day has a peculiarly touching significance for them. On that day waa bora the republic under which the laboring paople enjoy great liberty and more abundant btraalngs than anywhere oa earth. It make* the cottager and capitalist brothers aad equal*. It eatabliahea lha eternal truth that "'Tia only aoble to be good— Kind hearts are more than coronet* And almple faith than Norman blood.'' Such at least ta Hi* theoretical ata loa of th* working man. t'nfortu oately, it 1* still possible to take ad vantage of hla neceealtica, to make him pay tribute to organised wealth and withhold from him the indulgence of the law which other* enjoy. But the moral aensa pf the whole country Is awakening to the Just right* of tbe laborers and the amelioration or their condition ia the chief concern of a great and growing class. We were glad to see so many of the working men at the celebration of Independence day. Their presence wag peculiarly gratifying and appro priate. It la hoped that they will al ways be present on such occasions and feel that they are an important factor In their great American government, whose foundation stones are freedom and equality. Congress adjourned with the mem bers of the House singing "America" lustily. We are growing. The Columbia State fairly sparkles under the touch of Editor James Hen ry Rice’s graphic graphite. Show your thoughtfulness of your lady friends by mailing them The Her ald during their absence from the city. In tbe approaching municipal elec tion tho Constitution says it will have but one favorite—tho city of Atlanta. The Spanish vessels already destroy ed were worth 423,000,000, but 'he old monarchy was a ship of state yet to burn. James Lane Allen denies that he in tends to desert Kentucky as bU flel.l of fiction and his admirers take a long A breath. The whole nation gave thanks for the victory which has crowned the Am erican arms. It was realized that “though Paul p ants and Apollos wa ters, ’tis God that glvoth the Increase.” Julian Harris, the tgjpfted city edi tor of the Constitution anTl son of Joe. Chandler Harris, has written a sprightly curtain raiser which will bo presented at the Grand In Atlanta Ibis week. We douot that it will prove a great success and we congrat ulate tho author in advance. the j^jjqxj bta herald I tk* a**4UM HtfMH* fto (imm to# toß# m - Eton (to n* M**»*4 e#o#tl#M rf * "ts **A I c*j hngfiekfnAat kne in, t aaawA ft* M I ,(cty*Y ## m ’ i**4*v k I «gp#wAn to tana w*nn twar# ka* t*»*- |#t«*Aia and nakla a*u* fkaa tt **k|ki I *ll* *k*»i mi gafiMff oat a papur to la# eott#v moo Ik. Tk* n*#*M nota* *p*ade aeot* wx>a*v fur »*w* ta**'#* Ik#* alt ta* Aiiguate papaew *o4Hkiaad twkeq a a** ThM t* 0 fart that tka people, kot oaf», Ml A««»Ha hot ikroagknat Onargta j •ad kootk c* mil aaat * (net nap***tat • j MR Taw a*t mot# Pa* ya«* aokarriylloa 1 ta Tk* Herald la tk* #*# of aaw* tkaa 1 la *ay nth** *a**t la *M* larvttawy If 1 run warn tk* a*wt aad want It pud, rand Tk* Herald. Aaamrta la paMiag kkf dura. Th* Haw York Mail aad Hapraa* an*' | Auauata Oa. #•* Ik* drat Mooik*m rlly lo taaaM* Ik* *«l*hr*ilaa of Ik* ffewnk of Jaiy. akak4wa*d aftar ifc* civil w*r Tkla ywar wxa<*ar4 k«r third son oaf e*i*tiraU(>a." •imm tklaa* that apaak tor tkc« aafv*a. Tka Herald aprada ivba aa mock M<m*y tor Ulcgrapki* aod »*a«4al iaMt war now* aa all th* otk*r paper* la Aogoata lag*tk*r. Tk* Herald print# mar* paptrt than all tk* other dalllaa ta Augusta com htoad. Tkr H*»ratd‘a oot-of-towa Hrcalailoa Is doobla tkat of aay atkar Aug ax* papa*. Tka Herald* clrrulaUoo la still grewiag. POIRIEB VAEAuEAfUS Wl- n j»>m» pror>lr court trouble It ro ll all a to marriage. Home architects ran draw bettai hou se* than aom* actor*. Lota of young folk* look like anima ted clothing dummire. The proof of the pudding la some times th* post-mortem. When ta doubt os to what to any. supples, your thoughts. Intellectual women make better v.lveu than they do sweethearts. It t* better to discover worry go ene my I* than where be was. A man may he heart and soul In the war, but yet bodily absent. The more a man put* in a slot ma chine tho leas he take* out of It, Promises that arc the hardest to ob tain at* the surest to be fulfilled. The girl whose Ideal heroine Is found In cheap novels should never marry. Rome people are never go happy as when they run to Ik of their ailments. The opportunity of a life time sel dom cornea heralded by a brass baud. The minister who write# out hla ser mon is moat opt to realise its length. This Is the age of substitutes, but none has been discovered for honesty. A man always thinks he la good cviough when he docs not act worse Some men hatch up excuses to call on their neighbor# Juat after dinner is over. This world would he a paradise if the people were aa good as ttselr pic ture look*. A woman's words are the milk and her meaning tha cream that cornea to the surface. The relations of a man's first wife nearly always rejoice In the troubles he has with hla second. I The who stays down town late In order to get a balance usually loses It on his way home. There la method In some people's madness. It Is said, but method never yet saved madness from disaster. When a man says that all women are alike he has had an experience with one of them that Is no credit to him. Some men who ate always grumbling about hard times would consider It on Insult If anyone were to offer them a job. A woman Is always harping on her Heal man to her husband, hut n man j seldom says a word about his Ideal wife to her. A woman who is a slave to fashion should never marry a man who Is averse to the financial encouragement of slavery. When a man nearly breakh his neck In trying to doge a lightning bug while crossing a street car track, It is time for him to sign the pledge. —Chicago News. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ; The Kind You Have Always Bought ! Bears the //f>j st j Signature of HfiMfllik AMOCT IV* H I to# ### ftf,M Mwi itoltof# B’tol i J to*# * it* to* *toto to; * | 'fit #to to* **!■► r *to to* j ■■ wm pi to. ¥t 9 toto ftoto * to«Y (to# ] immm mm* (#*#l (S||m» 9 toto* to--'** | T aaasa a-ka* aoraMM d» pa* **ar f* j r to toi # to l tor fr* 9 #wtor * | 1 «to fiKii • ito •'totoI*** 1 *** I fto 'into 9 to# to (to <toi I I ** mmmmwfr •«# *## rnmto* I (*•»#* Tk* mnmtm I ww»r M *•» *d [sad da I kakto* ai**od Uh* a wwaana j witti «u(t MH> ktfrf 0 Timm ito iLii *4 I# iß#to Bto! l»to#T!(!•( to BBBtoi to iHMNi *to j \mm to ototo. ***4 #to j ##l4 «to ytlirturrtl *9mm% hl## l *# Mh*to# I wm& 4 4m to# tor toto, #M •« 1# (to mm j I A *4r. mhmm ****** to Uto ’ f to#'t##s#.§ 1# iwi !*»•» wito# tocwimtiß# | 1 1# % !it#f>4 #b# to ill# #«rv'#«i« to to# I •any Mfr- (fc* Mm «f Ik* jfiy k«**r •#<- 0-00 tMtototo »!*(• '-toto i#M to * > #O l fitonlf | » I * dtp### hhM (tot #fd» •* j [ta «h» **a a* »*r* *mt awaaM-** { to - trial it- SteM*WH*at* aa*. I I 'two M lake* fraakrr Ml lawn I am j , ia «ot*k 'am,'* ; - * I A ynuag l*4y wfc« waat oa aa **- I [rararaa l*> tk* cuoatry, yraitfilty. M I j uik b* - plaaaor* sod' t-*aaitfui dfwol I tvt v* •( Joaf tariaia a ftttt* May kl* |pw*4 -a*#kra." Aad <haa ik* MU* tr y ] *ra( boa** aad told hi* mother tkat ’ that pal's I*** war* pointed.'' Tho ipnnr Hfftr ina«*at hod arm • airload ;»i<#klai Car Uh Aral Urn* la kla young lift I A man wkn f -and a rklrkra la on* *«r th* rgga art hrfor* him la a raoiaa- I root roll'd th* watt**'# altnllm to th* fact, whoa th* waiter grumt i d not 1 that aooM pr«fdt aro aovrr wluM. |lh*y growl whra you twmrt thorn hr right dollor* <• *-r#k and throw Mi pool* ilry for broahfaiM. Two Itttla boya wrr» playing, aid mm sail to thr Mhrr; "My mother's got a guttar and yours ain't.** “Tho Mow •he ain't!" rvptted th* other; "my mo. th«r*a had Ik* rolarrh far thrwo years, and tt makes her snort llko a wtaA br„krn kora* going up a hill.** "Put *->me perfumery ow my mas t«< hr," said a young man to a barber, who waa putllry oa th* fttruhlng tou rkaa. Must be going to mah* a can,** said th* polite tnnsortal artist, "Tta, going lo d*op around la so* aomr folks," was th* reply. "Oolag to •** »om* of yirwr young l»- dy frl *<U, of roan**," laalnuaud Urn knight of thr rnanr. Then ,k* young man roa* up out of that barber chair, and said: ''Ur* hero, my friend, do you ruppoa* I pul perfumery on my muntaehe b*- cauee I’m going to are a maa or a b»jr or an old woman or a baby In armaT Do men gather grapes of ittore* or figs Of thl*tle*T'' The borber raid grapes were out «f m#v end fig* were dear In this coun try on account of th* freight; but Irng ohwervatlon In hla prcfeaaaion had con vinced him thrt perfumery on n mus tache pcwaeaaed a certain significance ta mn«t case*—but there were instan ce* where th# mao who wonted tho hair on hla uioer lip a'-ongiy *e»ntef knew to a certainty that th* girl he was going to nee that night wax in the |habit of rating ohlona for dinner. And th# customer laid down a quarter to j ay for ht# «har* and aaid that the har bor bu*lnc*« must afTord n magnificent field for the study of human nature. In a reporter'* wandering* about town last night he heard a lady talking across the street to a neighbor, thus de. liver herself on the subject of *c4uod*l; "Of nil thing* I do hate In the world. It'* a scandalising woman. Now there's Mrs. Jlngh'tc.ngue, that everybody knows Isn't a bit better than ehe ought to be, and whose two daughter# cut up go shamefully that no decent woman ought to speak to them, and whoa* husband gets drunk. ar>A they do aay she owes tVr the grenadine she put# on ao many airs in over her betters. If I v-as to soy mean thing* about people like ehe doe*, I would pull my tongue out by the roots, the nasty, scandalis ing, stuck-up old cat." A tall, gnunt-looklng Individual, who at first and last glance would be taken ! to' belong to the noble brotherhood of bull-punrbera, walked up to the bar, and, laylag down a smooth quarter, called for whiskey. The barkeeper set out the bottle, and the customer, cross ing ht» legs, placing the forefinger of his left hand firmly on his coin, and, grasping the neck of the bottle with his right hand, asked: “Is there here stuff strained?" "Strained?” said the barkeeper, with an astonished look, “strained of what?" “Look a' here, mister," returned the ex-mamnger, "I'v* got an ajid mother back In Missouri; I cum out hyer to make a stake for the old gal. and I haln't got It ylt. Besides, I was brought up relijus, and my old marm told me never to die till I was prepared to face the music. I haln't prepared to die; and what I want to know Is, If the snakes Is strained out of them air whis key?" The barkeeper assured him that the snakes were strained out, and he pour ed the glass level full and threw down the liquid as If it was mothers milk. YELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should he sup plied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This Is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from yellow jaundice for over six months, and waa treated by some of the best physician* In our city anl all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our Elec o 1 v .- ■ to any perscsd rible maladyff A. Hogcrtyo| Howard & If Alive, Tm (to*® l Aifi|4 ft PsM DORRS 10c Collar. • .mtwmrv mmi faffM* <****• • Is g«ii fin vast a tally Myut h» •tout (ton## Blue torg» CoffU 54.00 Crash Suit* f J-°° up Hike Cap*. Bfflta. Etc. ILPiCi COATS. 11l liw. We have also receive J a full stock s ef the too lot and wwt com i of table ( UNDERWEAR ma4e., INI’S GOOD TISTt ITOKb 718 Broadway. ■ 1 0000| —MMmoamM———— i StrucK^^ Cold Wave Soda 01? Ice Glasses 017 Ice m Syrups on Ice Ice on Ice Wa use only very cold Ice and very wet water, so that we have unusuai attractions to offer to the hot and to* pry. 5 cants to all ailXa. . S Hathorn / ( Water J S Freak sbltment d r«ct from C \ «pYmf. 2>tU|(litful Diornio# j 1 water. f S RolJ < / Toilet Paper / # 1 ast quality 10 cent*—B lot f I 26 oasis. \ \ Seeds For S 1 Summer Cardens \ / V’rrsh Turnip *nd Rule Lag... J I Beuns, (iirn, <J*M>»g« and sti S f ctb.r H«#ds. Catalogue ft*- V V tend for lc / s'AliiaiderGfiitSdCii. \ ( W 8 BROAD It J • n,,. Wtittely Exerciser. \l M A practical, simp!* and V tfllcient Home Exerciser, V s * * t A one specially adapted for \IJJn IKj ladies and children, but \ A\ I 1 at the same time can be Jhrt-iA, VIII j profitably used by tbe Vjl strongest slblel*. / A Jim \w, PRICER: I I 1\ 75c., *I.OO, *1.60. I I ?"l\ BICYCLES - CLKVE- J ' \ LANDS. »40 up; VIK- I | \ INCH, *35 up; GEN-1 \| DRONS, *lB up; THOM-1 LJ AS, *6O tin. < all and see them. Every one guar- \j / auteed. J i J Richards & shaver TOJRENT. Three very desirable double rfflees and two handsome sleeping rooms. All located In building corner Broad and Stwvecfh street. Apply to Arthur Mar tin aft Commercial Bank or to Leonard JULY 12 BEA BATH AT HOME 03k, hap 0 aa* ask hat |M» ka< diSM 0a ii on* 0 gwwr ****»*Jf thd# hat wg#h*f. Natko y.-o- bwky to gsith wiMto i#tt mt* fr fssi #4 ### ##ti A»« ft*. M «t* aiiou 0 fwd powda*. wi'k put# mm 0 po*. *m4 K mi' i frt o«tt«y «pit# ,y to>H L A. Girdcllc. Druggist ' AAY H Yi#B to f%*mm T*mm dun 9 ;##• f# i‘-*xAt«e«* (to ##’«*#!# I# litoftoto |WtotoM* mm toKwr #wr L A. Gardclle, Druggist | Tto rfNßkjtoto *** «« to? mfrtm** fef lit to* 1 * M# www t*e (toll# | (tout to. I# mm mi (to wifttK twltito## ww S i## | 8 4 f-< 0 <f||r #b (|. fhrtf# #Bt fttlltf 4#4 # %###• L A. Girdc’ c. Druggist Li •». i. ■■ —I PROF. PJL WHITMAN, 209 7tb Si., AscbsU. FIICC CYC TESTS fm an (Meets a Stahl, #»4- the groyr. iOmm «a* Walk. . am' Mr-m- L*ao*e cut UHB year fir— whik fun SMSb FREE OF CKAfniE, llAffK YOIIN Children’s Bair cm while the weather is warm hickeysTarber shop A<«« mu HIIKEY’S MAGIC IIA lb A ll'F. li* th* HAIR. For Safe By All Druggists. c m REPAIRS M m stuns, ribs. BRISTLE T^ r IN T E, BABBIT, Ac., ro# ary muck or ihr. t i ENGINFS. BOILERS AMD PRFSSES ’ An* Brtoto f«r •whim# ‘‘tol.ltif, r«l llfi.Uiiir. . l l{>«*o. VsAvt-n nii*l i itdleg*. LuMiiAHU llli tons k Slit! i% Alßi at.l, U.L HAVE Alt HIVED AT POUT. A large caepo of rhlrt,. the *!xth ex pobttion from New York, to Augusta, ha* juat arrived. Dollar go,da. with two collur* and cuff« wtth each chlrt, to go at h 0 cent*. Our ehlrts arc so popular they won't .lay with u» and w* have to dlepatrb weekly for more. Tbi# are the beat of the 9e* „ur patriotic;ridi-rr. the latk of tha town. V. G. MERTINS, tut Bread St. » 1 • ' '~* ' * "l o.Sf You Want to Make Money, * Move in tha Company of Those * W ho Ara flaking Monay."* SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC*. CESSFUL FATHER TO Hl3 ' SON STARTINO OUT . ; - IN LIFE. , 1 S-, » ADVERTISERS WHO CHE THE HER-} ALD UKI REcULTa ; WHY SOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.) Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BC3 Feynolds Sl==T eleplione l fikS;. 1 rivals Lrared Wire. Dnrct to New Y’ork tbinigo and New Orleanr. Order* executed over our wire* for Colton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margins. Local securities bought snd sold. Reference# —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. NEXT HAVE AI h f. _ j*,