The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY 2 Close Om ilio Balance of Girdles on flam .. V * ■■■ ■ mumhtM, »fetl ■ «*:■»■— $3.00. $4, $5, $6 and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jewel!*. VANKKiC DOODLE IN CUBA • a*- a. * 3#- * * I it Sweet•*( Mr«k is Use Ear* of the Soldier Bojr» LETS BATS SOU iT HOIK NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS $149 UP SECOND HAND SQUARES $40.00 UP Parlor Organs $39 up Second Hand SIO up jrt'Li. uri or amcAL uoom at BOTTOM ITUt‘EH- Thomas & Barton, W. H BARRETT. IMcrivw, tl# Broadway, AafM**> <»». SOUTH CAROLINA DOTS. What 'la Going on Over In Thai Slut#. The opera house at Onlamhia ha. l, , n leased for 11.1*0 per annum A number o» people of Anderson ai> complaining that their well* are trolmr &Ts. •>,. clover. 8. C.. Cotton Munufar tur,rtg company ha. been authorised to ~. . . it, capital Bloch to It&O.Mt) 15'i‘il# Nance of Abbeville, who ha* I ■ In had health for a lon* time,! i* r* -<it Improve. He ha* hone to At- Jfrlta for tri'iiw^nt. Tto* r, t ruiUnjr atfirm who won* «t > P ri»«*tt#vHl«* Ibh( wct>k only ■tlcrnflwl [n gfttHtg osM rtrruH from the cflusiy. (itenn WollAf of Btehfcfin• * Tho cotton mill*, better i known a« the Kl«Nn| Croak, wss de- j LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. lILLERWALKEE THE HATTER. IKHSTOX: HATS stroyed by tire n few days oeo. The in. Huranit on the building and machin ery waa $35,000. The war It var hat broken out In Greenwood again, *t)i\ Una Jtßietbe feeling Is auch a* to warrant the be lief that a company wltl be organised frnm that county. It I. expected that the Edgefield cottue factory will he running In about two weeks. The last tnstnlmunt of ma rhinegi' has arrived and Is being plne ed In position. <>• Greenwood had an Ice famine for two days lost week. The soda fountains had to ahut down on Wednesday. The need of an lee factory there la becom ing more apparent every day. Ninety-til* Is In telephone communi cation with Anderson. Abbcvllle.Green vllle, Cltoton and sister suburban loan*, among them may be mentioned enterprising, go-ahead Greenwood. OAfITOnXA.I B«an the - Haffl Always Bought H T" A KOUOH RIUUR. He Is Lecturing Down In South Georgia. Way cross. Ga.. July IS. Dr, A. A. Luther of Oklahoma, who has received an honorable discharge from Roose velt's Rough Riders, on account of In juries received after the first famous engagement of the Rough Riders, near Kcntiago. made a lecture last night at the armory of the Waycrnsu Rifles. .[■].,., v vaa a splendid audience and a L-iuetUm was taken up by Misses V 4un at;d Hennlngton, by request of Chairman John T. Myers, to purchase quinine and tobacco for the Rough Ri der*. PALM READING. Chicago Record. “Cau you tell anything by looklug at tay hand?” "Yes, .1 should infer, looking closely at youfiftajfd, tlat a Wvy war tax had GROMHNG THE FRUIT. Tit Mull} lit* at Clwk * Hitt fIM leaalr) Around Alaat Adapted |$ ||M tU**4«tt« •% (|lp*€f*l te Tito N«ni4 1 Ctsrto* llill. to. C>. i«lf t) frama to Qf |me*|vv jNMlf* s(prt tototo I*l** ft It Iftto dirt mi, Us 0. A* toMi aM ft H •roH «rt toll •*»•# ifljr of *#s#'* if * if« ' armm of (Mtf It f*MKli 19488 *o*l iffw Ifent (lot i%*f b#** fe#*s rutit*titf, ftoiil ftof ilUtoill tilA ssrjtM »wt [**##» Tlhff <o*lll Oil «** Sft4 |*«n 04 flit butticfi fti4 had to luri It. u oil otliff booto*os of |vtoi(tl volos I* IfOtOtol, Ot ttto *rbiH»! of *tpsrirOO» Ai o ffitlt of their oamattowc* tto*y sot not* tlglrt nr Un tfeotasssto fiwi» jvirriftf to %srl*ti#s too the tsrltou to iht toto*i ind ttnt not otto cor* In odoot «*#rto amttety to tbr (Mfviiif toil oaroomty in (to# p#rf<e k>s 0# r*rb It 1* worth the tltor »mJ trnoblr of »n»* not to vlolt eithat at roro of to*o* of* chard*, for they wilt be snrprtaad at itetr magnitude and beauty. Tour c,froapottdcol baa raerntty vts- I ted these orchard, and la aatiaßwd that they will furnish three or four thousand first-riaas paacbea for market this year, and these 1 pel ode all the finer varletlea from the rarly Alexan der to the Rtwquehsntish The draw hacks that these gent lenten have to contend with ran be principally rlataed under taro brads, via; Exorbitant at proas rate# and tmfalrnasa of rommla at on men. The commlaalon men uanally take the larger share of what the express company leaves The growers have now made ar rang. ir.-nta to ship the bulk ot their | erup by freight In refrigerator ears ar.'l while the rates ar> high They am still considerably leas than tbs express j rat-?* and If all goes well promises a hsudsome relura to the growers. There are hundreds of acres of land adjoining these gentlemen well adapted to mosi of tb-e small fruits and can be j bought at very mod- rate price*. I am told that In the memory of the oldest I inhabitant there he* never been hut one total failure In tfee fruit crop ot this community. With all the draw- I backs of high rates, rascality and Inex-! perleore on (heir part thrt these gen-: [tlenien have had to contend with tlw»re i have bem several years when one or mor* of them has cleared from four hundred to one thousand dollars on their fruit crop. The great need of this luuilnexa here I* more growers *o that they ran form a combination strong enough to fight combines and tliua secura better and rheaper rntea and terms. There ’* more In It If gone Into properly. ORDERLY'S SUICIDE. Reprimanded He Took Hl* Own Life. New York. July 13 —WUWsm Smith, orderly to Capt. Rrownsoo, ot the aux- | Illary cruiser Yankee, ftlew out his . brains In the cabin of the vessel. Ha | was nn old sailor and had faithfully served hla country for msny years. A dispatch arrived yesterday fort Capt. Brownaon, and. It Is sold, entrusted to Smith. Lots of visitors were wandering about the ship and In some way the missive varnished. Whether tt was taken from the desk or from the orderly’a person la not known, hut he coulitn’t find It. Someone said sharp words to the old orderly, who prided himself on hi* rec ord. and all visitors were ordered from the ship. Whether Smith regarded the repri mand as undeserved or whether his heart wo* broken over the Jacketing he got no one knows, but he drew a re volver In the captain’s cabin and shot himself dead. He wai buried with na val honors. BALL AT ALLENDALE. A Delightful Evening Dow nat Port Royal. [Special to The Herald ] Allcndnle, S. C., July 13.—A german was given here Monday evening In honor of Mr. J. E. All, of Clemson f.nd wias a grand occasion. The music, was of the very best anu was made by principally home talent. Quite a num ber of Invited guests were present from neighboring towns and cities. Among them were: Messrs. Daniel and Bracey, of Augusta; also Mr. J. F. Franklin, of Augusta. The hall was handsomely decorated. Miss Sally Tobin, of Allen dale. was the guest of the evening. Trunk Repairing By expert trunk makers. Augusta Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. ’Phone 2181. Greece and Turkey are the out Eu ropean countries into which the tele phone has not yet been introduced. Sweeden has <he largest number of tel ephones per capita of any country in the world, i.J DISTRICT CONFERENCE > IlfNlllt Chtniln HfW it !»)*»•• Ml. * >1 1 a mis V*r* IwSsroslksg UA"»w W SCS 11f4W4 t<|kWrtal is TAs |f*rtsk| j RrlVAlMh. Sfi, m jfi m The flfip •• rnirati AtHfMfi matfiroswr-* roairoixvl ! bar* oh kgrwdsv aighs kMX Tk* tatas dwrtoif hOmm ISA* pro-a.-1 Ay Bov J f fiifiw at Oaiftaa Bswsval *Wf •Mg wm •# sw, p*M>h' 4 dwriß* t M egaifiroaate*, I*l *W -Maklr tlt, mhu*4 liv-rod «a W<4srMif «l«kl hf l*r-.f 11 r*< f sf gatotf <ll-*, A) (k, wsi< of thr asmk's* ha a,,ifs qWIIS II MUrrosnag talk fa (ha isisbit at tha nslkf, sad awrows-Agt la gg.f .a* aaaro la tha ißKsal at uaw haadrod a«4, fifty tWtara. Hr* W I, Wrawwo si M'il*a a'r. 4at In r*4 a vary flat grtfiM’at It fi-i aa WalcnAai ta<a| tbs ataay vis tors th attaafi , %»', and wkoav savsa as »*r. taut hah * joyed a*»r* fir, }. A. Thttauatna n :K, Cook of Mvaaaab. J. I ’ witfiia of Watiurtaro W R Mtimfnrd >4 Mr i oa, X M deruega u 4 Mr lmo aid of fiavaanah and ntkars. la rooafip- isa . with ih* rsahisaw, th* Ijaufib laaotir ha Id Ka rowrontlon oa ashkb a number of dtlagaiaa attataded Tka •Mata Bpworth laafiaa pf*a*d*#t. Mr J, L. Uardlha, and the stale iasau •ecoad vie# proaldeht. Mtm Hsttla ftawaat’’. of fiavaaoah asro p reseat *ln Friday a ght Mr. Qardlwa mad* tails so ah la and I m [Ohaa ‘aa lertore oa Iha ; Worka of tka l-racwa. aod Mia* Ha«*s *y ic4d ta a moat graceful an.,nn< r a vrrv intaroattng paper oa My Work la >ha: ittrood 11* part meat Quite a number j of names! and loetrarttv* talks tsar- \ mad* by tha dlfferrnl dakrgataa. The lonfemnr* and convention rimed on Friday n.gki. Tbs miu stem aod la la- j I gate?, up. eased tbalf spprvrtstioa of the h- spballt. and klndn*sa of the pco-, pla of Kvtvsnia by passing raaolntiona !to that effect. i Among tha fair vialtora In SyDaa.t • M prem nt are M'-ae* Roaa Full he.-.; He He Cot of Wayncabrrn. Halite Mini?, i llf at ft# Hmlngtr*. es Mobley Fuad,. i Ixmiae Moore of Monroe. La . Puraley. and ftlmoinn* of Gifyion. Col. J. W. O.’aratreat, a rlaing young d* nr cratir aurrney of tkia plana, and tdlicr of The kylvasla Tel- ple n< baa just nt,Bounced hla candidacy lor rat-- j ie.raiiiativ* from Hcravan rotinly to rf.a j unit larlJlalura. Mr. H. 8. Whits j will oppose him on tha populist Grief. I Mr. White ta also a young lawyer of this p-acr, and aa both of thaaa young men ba.-e much popularity and .* of tu rner In their rt-spe live parties Scivv ‘cn axperts lo have "kut timas" befor* the rmnpaign will have closed. A party composed of Mr*. E. K. Ovtrsluet, Mlatea Annie May and Corrla Ovanrtroet. M-sara. R. M. Iliy sn Mid J, W. Overstreet, left Tuesday for New York, to be gnno | some Urn*. Before returning, they will .visit Washington, Balllmore. Norfolk and Asheville. LOVES AMERICANS. A Comment on La By the Defeated Admiral. Portsmouth, N. H., July 13.—Admiral Cervern has consented to talk with rep resentatives of the press, who went out to tha St. Louts on a tug. ‘‘You ask me," he said, “how I like America, nod I answer that I hove al ways liked—and, I may say. lowed— I your people, but this war has been a •duty with me and the men under me. | “I knew that the American fleet e’ear |ly out) 'asaed me. but It was a question of flghl-r.g either inside or outside the harbor. “I have many friends In America,and have only the kindliest feeling for them —but every man has a duty to perform to his country, and alt Spaniards tried to perform that duty. Ttv’re has been much feeling in Spain, and I Wink all Spsln to know the truth—that awry ship of my squadrpi fought untM the last, rood When wA could do no more we surrendered "1 have much Interest to kflow th’ exact situation in Spain. Capt. Good rich has trented us all ss well ns one could possibly be treated. My officers have occupied quarters In the saloon, and w-e earmot conwhiln." A telegram was taken to Admiral Corvcra at 10:30 o’clock night before Jast. Nothing Is known about the send er or tha purport of the dispatch. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA 6ALVB. Tha best Salve In the world sot Cute. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhoum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all SklD Eruptions, and poeitively cures Piles, or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For aale by the Howard & Willett Drug 00. HEPHZIBAH. Personal Hention-Visitors in the Village. [Special to The Herald.] Hephzibah, Ga., July 13. —Mr. G. P. Brinson, wife and child, of Lawton vllle, are visiting at the residence of Mrs. T. R. Farmer. Miss Sarah Farmer has returned from a peasant visit among friends in Louisville. Mr. Henry Miller has rented the Story place, two miles south of this village, and will soon move into his new home. THB AUGDBI’A HEHAU) GOOD* FOR AUGUSTA. f A— • ! Tit iifM 11 tit »»ft* it trf Mini A I Nils') V I * • V 1 Haw AafiMMW I aWj' H»# Tiff f*§ AfwM I prootai w#*ka wfifi tk* vM# 1 «ff *<*•*• !«a o*. safe RtMMififi w*i*h as • I<l p#t i roat hiiiaMi as sm». sh» ta a* aaataat idea It M aaat t*a* Hhw* Uw taw- . et* of alt anarth*** mtaa **4 **•-• * I sll totft tof# W tM Wi Atotototti thf H** ft Ito* j ! I*np C9$4M A s*s*** I*4# |sll* j I litot'** flfNMtotoilf- ***** to ** st h to» : : «n«ff|i Ml <lto ip. (| mat Ml * ctofM- { | toil tto iwmh at totoi totoltotoi ttoutt < $&4 ’* lL* MUM*** Hi $4 j in rfty • *toMr* «to m at**4f 4 i |u| a |w( tkfi.3r Hi * t*{ *to f*Zf $ ’* s *. a I Anmw*tm to tha amt h 'iiKtrr 1 tear* at-. Iltot (Hi tit* tm hmm ftf* H * tow haam iikta mta*mt to *to toto a»n --0 * |x «< aakS sll * t ton warn fte£*tst# Inn»4* am fmh m* to"«'• Hm 4 «s*rto* tii# m*L ft* to**** at <Hs«t c iD‘4 i* 1 s«' «i*w» simml ' mi« 9 Hi# j fsif rs • vto| •a 4 t*mm *ttmi (*t th* Mih to Ktltlt#f lss«r» stvr sss at hat ran - •#$ tor * Imnmi t< t! towm to ito# mtol-1 mttai itottdi ifll~ 1 iu*H #a4 tv her maw ****** ha\* h*m mrrta4 am so 4. w»th tot* *sl mUoM. taaea $* *e t#*6 both lot* to tof iaq U ftM Tht« ton not mty to «stahii*s - th# ki(h fiAAAfitl fffDti tout hi# - h##s $ exultsnt if»<it»r» v w*ti! to lo“fu ’ i MMQtoHumi wit) shrsjr« aaSar j 1$ $ City WfltT* l#i(i •“ HfW Ann ilrr pmbUc nft*nri*l fH*ndto« htsb CHi#s .with iufb $ itiMisi cmn rff**r ;oth#r *dviint*<*s to roumtnf sn4 iodoftr; sttract cip'ltl llurb ait what* ißwattmn trill b# raadr, 1 fsad this ta cm# at th* raaaaa* f >r cos- ’ itfnt#m* to tha frovtl at tb# south. It | hp on* of th# r#a*on« why we tool uJ? ( to rallii»« th# stfeotton of j [ sad lows* wnon th# so uthern rsll -10*7? ““ Southern FI#I4. WINNSIiOIfO. The Fairfield Coanlv Teacher* Insti tute ia Session. | Special to The Hrrald.l W i.a*l»’ro, 8. C..*luly IS.—The Fair-1 field county Teachera’ Instllut.* opened at Ml. Zion college Monday morning I and will remain Ip aeealnn throughout the week. Sup nieadcnt Wallace of the Newlarrj 'graded schools and Hu Eurlntmdcnt Haort as tba Cheater schools and Mias Nellie Chapman, of Spartanburg. a r ? broe *c attetulaacr. Quite a niimhcr of teacher# enrolled on Monday. Several new store* are going up hero. Dr. J Biuhanah la building a new (Jrug store. Mr. H. E. Kitchen la put - UP a dry goods ttordf Several j ofhfr, ore also being ereeted In the lot left vacant by the fire a few months ago. h A’ f’rllghtful german vena given In the ormory last week. Quite a large crowd was prea-nt. Tha Columbia baiid furnished the music. The following teachers were elected I for the mrulng year at Mt. Zion: Prof. IW. H Withrow, principal: Mr. J. F. Fooshe. assistant principal, and Misses F,. J. Obcar. M. J. Harris, Agne* Rice. Nanine Phinney and Mary Withburn. music teacher. Last Thursday night L. Landlcker’a store was broken Into and about fifty dollars In money and seme valuable paper* were taken. No clue to the tblef. Ready Always To discount competition. We make trunks and sell at manufacturers price. Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. COTTON BOLLS. Memphis. Tenn. The crop contin ues firm. .Macon, Ga. Cotton Is In tine con dition. T .Leesburg, Ga. Cotton crop doing well. Helena, Ark.—Cotton is in fine con dition. Palestine. Tex.—Weather favorable for farm work. San Antonio, Tex.—Weather favor able. Columbia, Tex. Farm work well advanced. Selma. Ala.—Crop clean and doing well. Alexandria, La. Prospects are very good and with a dry July will make good crop. Statesburg. S. C. Refreshing show ers have fallen on four days of the week. The crops have been greatly ben efited. Brenham, Tex. Dry weather is badly needed. Cotton choked with grass and weeds. Mobile, Ala. Cotton is growing very rapidly. There are pomplaints of excessive rains and grass, from some sections. « Montgomery. Ala. Rain on five days of the week has done much good. Outlook fine. Charlotte, N. C. Cotton is doing very well, but it, will only 4>e a matter of a f<*w days before tt will need rai®. . . l: f LETTER FROM C»NP. TV ibtt? inm lit* N«* filrtf fft t* Tr ,jadif |ii#hli»r« Faafih *#••*### Fhaa 1 hvs,» tttm* •$i m to* it*»*’4 i I r%.’f $m m*m *•*< Th****- ft ] ; imfil ivm ** iv ftokir! “ a * f * ? \*%i aw* %*ata aa at** h toss at tori no* to to 4Mns4 ■*••*(f*toj 11,40 itofSc 4#»* f -to#f# to** ha*m ama *-uto* 1 jat ito* if suns sfcfl < *tm ah- 0 s | ! *f#b toft stfto&l hat* It# at* Ur* a sft sto t# tosii ss $Sa tat w* aaa ttoUsr i#####• 4 *-#•. *.■ -*’ toiiy at tha j ■ b*%'« t #1(1. mo #i||* s tossfei at *%*m l at 1 i ■2*4*oo mi****** *amm§ tt is » -1 *.. (n h***m Otty Tha ana* ■' M ] a4* #1 mmny torn** ata ft id | ■ a*4 tha. a*-tiiaata fii#4 op am to j b rJO ito# ri44# Stolls ««*#*#s f *#* j ..e m •>«*»»** fff'#•»** »tM*a <f * h* '*•'ll vii Mffh#* «>( <Ma* "f* »<r <1 art taf th# «,»i*3{*V if*4 when it (kfta SSi Of 4 at- ] tss s rsls vto#f mto •KtoiT~ > to«| fftoprcnljm s (to# trs * h* t * r#rr # I • * totofflsKy (tot man thm J r* d Jfn * s ti#*K** ton#* to- SMto9#lf<“*Ni ata tout ss toss ss(•#»■ * to srsK tat rrtofoi#*s#» o*s? I* risi#'; #4 sS»to tills s*ornfS|t stoest bs*f-psri j •tx sn4 si Is still fK*ries 4otoSj in sto##is Gssr4 mount «n ma*t* to . 1 -j <in _ wit to i taao order [lea hHag arlectad by I Baxley, the • o>er of the guard la a few short momenta. The aahttaiat? m< pon poets are eatchlng aot aolda CLEANING UP CAMP. Something the very reverse. Moat of the men are too well segsoned. after two months rough ratnp Ilfs, to be lia ble to even a slight cold or cough from th# wet; but It Is very uncomfortable, being wet. and then there are the rusty j gun* to clean In the morning, and the j brasses to repollsb. The salt air rusts ■teal and tarnishes braes in a few hours andl every morning for half an hour af ter the firat drill Offieej Goetchius gives oil to the so'dleri of Company C, and they are toon at work rubbing the red rusty barrels of the guns to the original blue polish. The wounded soldiers from Santiago passed through Tampa yesterday in fifteen earn They all seemed in good spirits and took their misfortunes like men. The care of the wounded has not been systeroixed perfectly and white and colored were mixed in ir respective of color. Their wounds are not painful for the most part, and few amputat’ons will be necessary. These men go lo Atlanta and o-hor stations north where there Is bexter accommo dations and cooler weather. Where a bullet from the Springfield rifle would kill a man instantly, the Mauser rifle, used by the enemy. »"nds a bullet In flicting a wound which gets well and allows the soldier to be In the field again within a few weeks. It is said by men who claim to have served in the Cuban army that they have known men to be shot through the body in several places and fight on for perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes, and would be back from the hospital in two month*, ready to go into another bat tle. A regiment of artillery left Tampa yesterday for the Port, ready to leave on thq next expedition. The Second Georgia seems to be lost In the shuffle, and all the boys ace properly indig nant. The reports of the fighting in Cuba only heaps more fuel on the pa triotic fires which blaze In their breasts, and many of the men are dis gusted with the whole wax, ’because ibey have not sconer been ordered to the front. Will Sledge, Cleland Rood and Mr. Mann of Cedartown have thrown iheir lot with the volunteer army, and will no doubt prove a valuable addition to the ranks of Company C. They ar rived late Saturday night and have since expressed themselves as much pleased with the life and willing to stick to the end. Gardelle, the druggist Jiaa Just receiv ed his fresh supply of turnip seed, and, remember, they are good if they come from Gardefle’s. , Macaulay & Co., advertise today for a competent dressmaker^ CUT THIS OUT I % .. taawnSWfWmmmmmmmmmmWWmmm * *** ’ % * | # Wftt* your AdvaftlMflidht Aft till MtC'OM bmount nafaMfi’v to pny lor tt mtiuy Aaßr ticiM nt you wAni. And ant Per mill or Mind It to THE HERALD. ADVERTISEMENT COUPON. TO 1111- Al'iUTl MLRAI.D: Pfgfilt intfirl tha mJvertigommt written tot low-”' tlffifii In your “WANT** columns, for which you will find BncioicKf S— osnts SIGN HERE r—> wmwOwt % f yriffil to*##.. j Rated List at AfvcftlM t Ottawa tob#** ifttrf* wttl s4*oa* way ns4*#rti*- Hl. s«k3 ftißM' tto# ‘.sl A rwttSS *' v# IJU»IICS LIST A— \nrA* K. ARtonon. Mrt W. B—Mm Jam#* Itrotos. Mr* Ui*i>Hh Hfiiiirj' t*a*'f Botin. Mts# Aina C—Ml** Ftotfllnr Coofst* Mi#* toril* Col# Miti IMkSta oCltor. Mi** An* F— Mr*, e P a Mi#* Ruth UMmor*. Mrs. Nobis H-Mr* > Ms» ttos ItoiiS#*. Poly Hsto. Mrs mnjamto Harr!*. Mr* Brito* J—Mrs. Id* Fvss* Jofir*. Mi** Muff Jlatoto#. Mts* M*mtr Jfctomiß, Ml** Mam*# Jose# <sperk»l>. K—Mrs. N. A. Ktrj. Lr-Mm* Mils B UnA**j, Mrs H A. Mi** Hilda Lv*!s (J>, Mi*. Alb u taowberres. M Mlsr Jnsl# Mr* H V. Mays Mrs Belle V. MttcWll. Mrs. Agnes May*. Miss Deller Mcßum. 0- Miss t’arrte frimy. p Mra. M. A. Parla. R -Mrs. Anna Iloherao*. ff—Mra. Mlt Bummeray. W Him Mary W.lght, Mra. Clary W right. OtNTLBMEN B LIST. A—P. H. Alktnaon. Cecil Arthur. B—Joe Bendlea. »» K Bolton- Sip B»l --ty, W I. Uarnes, F. R. Blgnon. (colored.) |(.—Theodore Cargill. C. L Casstty. J. F. Carswell, Luthur Chiles, Charlie D-Cirorgo Duocan. O. Doarn, Edward Draton. I B—D. F. Edwards. F—Jaime Fay. Thomas Fyfe (foreign.) G—Glover Glover., H Felix Hunts). J W Hammcll. H. Haydon Charlie Hognat. Y-Jamro Jackson. 8. T. Jackaon. A. B. Jones. K—James L. Kelly. L —C. A. Irfgueaux. H ns Lee M —Will Myera. Golden More, W. ‘ M orman. N—Charlie Ntokens. f J•, P— Lafayette Parker. K—W J. S—Rev. Wash Samuel*. Jno. Sheltcn, N. Sergent, J. L. B ** r f*’ n W W P. Western, John t\ orsley. u. H. Williams. Richmond Washing ton, W. B. Weeks. MISCELLANEOUS). The Raptlat Centennial, Miss <^ fma * > & Jones, Colored Raptlst Church. Messrs. Cloy. Midwood & Co., Va riety Springs. The Mission Echo. McMataon A Johns c THIRD class. Wulton Way. T. A. MIL hell. FOURTH CLASS. C D. Lyones, Mrs. Hattie Williams, Sarah Johnson. Thoe. Means. Geo. L. Thomas. W. H. STALLINGS, P. M. Special Notices; Dr. Frank W clch. Resident Dentist ROOMS 413, 414. AND 41» DYER BUILDING. Take elevator. Bpac;a. attentlon giver, to orthodenture, oral Surgery; Crowe and Bridge work. Webbs Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M. Augusta, Ga., July 13, 1898. . A COMMUNICATION OF WEBBtS Lodge, No. 166, wili be held in the Blue Room, Masonic Hall, THURS DAY NIGHT, 14tti inst., at 8:30 o’clock. The M. M. Degree will be conferred. Visiting brethren cordially welcomed. By order E- 8. McCREARY, W. M. C. K. COFFIN, Secretary. JOHN F. M’CARTHY, Solo-Violinist. Late of Royal Conservatory, at Leipzig, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. For terms, dates .etc., address 512 Ninth St., Augusta, G*. CAUSE FOR CONGRATULATION Quincy Nonpareil. Cervera may congratulate himself that he is at last safe in the bands of the Americans. L July ra CNE-OENTA WORD SITUATION WANTED WAXTKt> hmiTIOX AS M'HVR* wot!: trotted hattee Jiul 1/itt.lO Kai> loci it mi, city. July 13 WAXTirv-WOHK; HOSTT-4CR OH ysirimoti <»f in} think stmut tto# N» #d:wa^ito. Api’tv Wra- Jscto#on ntfwi, rlty. July li W A NTE r>—B ITl* ATT ON AS BUTLKi: csschmsn or porter or tny kind f work: 'it a.ume. Jm>. 1 • KoU loeli rirvot. elty # July 12 WAifTBD-FOimON A# KXdIN FBIt or to take f har#.- of vtationasy SftStS# Itlici ta* fhltfeg*. C*)6 |Ciu** iwil ot references. J. K. Merrill. 1311 Railroad avenue. July 14 HELP WANTED 1 WANTED —A FIRST CLASS I HESS- | ! MAKER to take charge of a work- | room In a pronln nt S--ui*i Caroima WANTSSD—AGENTS AND CAN\*r^H SFRS I -k --you. The Dean Ideal i’!n sells to [lady on sight. No comp tttlon. | are making 14 to )1Q n day. CtrculJW five. Mme. Thompe n’.- Hair Nov.-fJB I Co.. KS Urooda ay, New York city. I a L FOR SALE CREAM-CREAM AT 24 JACKS jN BT. VERY CHEAP—PIat ot*. guns. must, cal instruments; watt ben almost given away, at Unoh. Lew’s. FOR~ SALE CHEAP-A PATR OF young horses. Will work double or single. C. H. Howard, Jr., at Howard & Wtllet Drug Co. June 28 ts . FOR PALE OR RENT—HOUSE OF 7 rooms on Lincoln street. In good con dition. on easy terms. Win. SchwelgerL Aug 1, I WILL SELL VERY REASONABLY a lot of second hand doors, blinds, sash and wooden columns. Call for T. J. D»ly, Oliver Row, Monument street, and he will show and price them. Ja cob Phinlay. Augusta, Go. Aug i i TO RENT FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1. 1898, THE dwelling No. 522, Ellis street. Apply to Jacob Phlntxy, Aug 1 a... 1 11 ———— TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING -1229 Broad Street, containing ten rooms Apply to T. T. Wingfield. July 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST—AFRICAN PARROT. SLATE colored with red tail. Escaped Sat urday morning. Suitable reward ta finder upon return to mo. P. J- Sulli von. Aug 1 LOST—HEAD OF SCARF PIN, PLAI TED gold, with diamond centre. Re turn to Herald. July 13 TAKEN UP—FAWN COLORED COW with crumpled horns Monday. Own er can get same by calling at Orphan Asylum. July 14 MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER COURSE OSBORNE’S BU CTv£cc rm.T.FCF—FuII commercial course reduced from SSO to 135. bhort hand and typewriting $45. Boys and girls fiora 15 years and up taken. June II ts WANTED TO PURCHASE —A SMALL retail drug business. Address Drug gist, care Herald. July 14 TWO BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 Telfair street. Can give a large, pleasant, room with twp l*fcds, on rea sonable terms, . Aug 1 _ _