The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 13, 1898, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 12 Pound* • • • • * 8c 2ft **»•*• Oo 60 * * • • • 200 100 ***••• "iOo A discount of lOper rent on nbov« I* matt* to purchaser* of Coupon Book*. We gua*«nteo a prompt and reliable *ervlce. Ttlfttnw fc- a CONSUMERS’ ICE DELIVERY CO. A UTTLT. MOUNT AM IMtAMA. I fly ffoUtUtaot ft. Wkki I On |cnre{]r iOtfiiWtl. J»**l #9#**# j f*m fti •#*» iMi H*f, • ptflf mi ittarsrr rwri* mw tfi* !*»>«•• H» t*i, mm> n*»fi*<* a «»4*f w •"•***' iiftotiiiM Ttrrr «*••■’ »*•* *t»fc tft trwia tor MtnU. eMril •* **•' I ug»* ie MtiMw «* tl* ratlra**! WW- j ill u> it* Twmr> Yallvy. *1 e*r* j I*4 tfc» part? aa •*»«» for Ttark t," loctts* tot »»r In** «*• .•** i a rtaw pMiali? tft IN* M*r»e**a] croup of Me MM tfi*ff«mlft OlfitotoUftl. ■rtt*r h*4 »m**4 at Qml'i m tta»| maltl of III* **ro»4 4a]f Iron Wwt. o*4 Wtt Mfe Ml«*»**l Sftxm* It* . d*tftchc6 roltat** of I Nut fioofli koo tairjr. At n Mrtr «w»r ««i* f«»tlowlM tat Hwlot |iaK*ia down tain lb* boot jrnnt to loot tor lb# wrHrbod quadrupeds that tb* war# t ratostttott il* «ont*rtb«o tar Ik* poif* A wblt#* rr*A aurtaoc hat XTrai.r pfomlw of rtrtrltf (tit A* bobuirr of It* A)ot*4 rrtoiurr* tuwnt fitaM (On tnnr, oof IMon a«Utl»4 tbit **- j tin Jlttl* quadruped tar bit own ot* j dortour tbt dt|T. UHl* diratglo* »»»*> what trowMt kit activity would laanrb kiiß- Bf m*b o'clock lhr whole pftcy had breahtaaiwt and mounted tar the nip to t*»# tree*. Tbrlr war led *><*■« a bridle path that tWrtrd Ibe have o| the Wilt, which wwra beromta* rather prfctpltoot la that locality. At Hatton fcK coursing through hi* vrtot the exhilarating atmotphere ot Ihoaa alUtudea, brightened by the (reshneot of early morning, he gave hie whKe-eyrd muttang Ita head an-l cantered briskly through the wood* natll he had orerhaoted each member In turn of the plodding egtraeadc. at tha head of which rode a number ot ladle*, among them a blooming 'Frisco widow, eacorted by an Hngllihman by the name of Mortimer. These Hot* ton anluted, and. whirling about, can tered bac ktoward the rear of the prn retalon. Before he had ridden far he eeplcd a cluster of wild rosea growing on the hlllalde, and leaning over In hit* saddle he picked a bunch of them, and horrtt* forward aga'n to present the blooming widow wih the first trophies of the wilderness. It was eTldent that she was greatly pleased, for she select ed from the bunch ft scry pretty half ' I «*n bud. produced ft pin and motioned .0 Holaton to tide close beside her. This bo was by no means loth to do. and managed It go well thnl when she leaned forward so pin the hnntnnp'ere on his lapel he fell the deUrirte, tendril of a golden curl agalst hi* chceß. Mortimer, who had been watching this proceeding, and glowered blackly upon him whea/>c bandyd the roses to the widow ,at this point could contain himself no longer, but burst forth somewhat to the following effect: "I may. now. youre making yourself al together too familiar. I call It down right rubbish. You had better go back to the rear, where you Bclortg.’’ The suddenness of this outburst In the ycry midst of the triumph and pride of hie gallantry, stunned Hoston Into epeechleeeness. He narl turned and was sneaking back towards the rear, Tgr noe crestfalllen, when Brace brt/tgorHcmyng. the autho rof thy "Jack ‘ Harkaway” stories; Senator Conover, a Florida carpel-bagger; £ap tfita Jack Crawford, the “poet scout'’; a Mr. Hutchinson, who had figured In a duftUor two la Parle, and General r.ovla, a <3hbat» patriot of the revolt of JB7jB, stopped him. Theytacl seen and heard the whole pihcdwUßg, and the ready wit of Hem yng-(who wae the greatest practical in the world), saw at a glance a rare chance, for a lot of fun. He im mediately eEfifl, “Yon must challenge h'm. »W will arrange*a mock duel. Yes, I have It; when we stop at the trees, You must demand satisfaction, land the Cuban will be your seconds; the dtnator and Hutchinson can act for Mortimer, and Captain Jack, here, will make an excellent referee.” While he was thus rapidly maturing his scheme, Hoston was getting mad der and madder, as the sting of the In sult festered In his breast, and he told Hemyng he would fall In with the plans, and that be didn’t care much whether It was a mock duel or a real one. Immediately the six of them got their heads close togcther.a nd after much subdued conspiring arranged the commencement of the plot, which gradually grew under Hmyng’s cun ning wit Into the monstrous practical joke that set the whole country wag ging Its tongue about Hoston and the beautiful widow, tl was arranged that Senator Conover should manage Morti mer so that they would have an oppor tunity of meeting him apart from the rest. Captain Jack, Mr. Hutchinson and the Cuban were to keep off all in truders, and Hemyng was to take fchargp of Hoston. who now began to ftnter thoroughly Into the fun of the King, ell really felt deeply incensed H that he was the more ready to yield Si the plans of his friends, who pro ftrd to make an opportunity for re >9Lal that would be suitable in all re- Hts. He did not have to wait long | III# UMttftf Mss'tifi{f|#(#s of III# tstft# fiHUMU ft dtlMt* ■* Ttftfjf Si'### 111 III# tlel#**# «*f t|# toil#®* HKSlMftf* Ij # #f tl#* Hfltrt|N#!Mi snmp #f I####* ill# ; fldM# t»#Urd t|» I#rt| |»»il Wt wrv ft MtV# i»* •f9#N i fwinrtiii t***M tm i,| tft#lr fttaiMMiu Aloft# 9 ft# tnmli itl tftl# wwwAirt## of ill## j f*g#t fl #iUk#ft]f ft*# lofllf# l»| IlMl taoUlt mlw ol loori#!# #t»o b*4 #i#iitMl ! ill# upoi, ia4 v###ilv##i of lli# p#ny #|i a# 4 tl* #T»#t t fit dll I til### (ftfMt four Abs C#«|, llwinti. while kreptad hie #y# m (Mover avoided Moiilider. ofttll he I tow Cahovcr ftppiworh Mortimer ftftd [ lc*4 him o* to o spring, kamted In fkr glide! cf a group of email willow* o ehort AiMaore from the halting glare i Tti*a he «ald lo Hodion. “The tlmh he* now come; there la only one path to that spring, and you must manage to meet the senator and Mortimer la (hat path on the verge of those willows you der •’ They aaw Conover drink and hand the rap to Mortimer. tb*o they started. I Hoietoo wae wearing a long Kara ut leter and a raklash pair of gauntlet ■ glove*. lie had borrowed one of Cap- I taig Jack's anmberoa sad Hemyng * huge mrrn haunt pipe, to that he pre sented quite a formidable appearance, leaning aa he walked ct» Hemyng’a arm and puffing volumes of lob*re i smoke over his shoulder. They rootd net have timed (heir, approarh to the aprlog with greater nicety, for they were practically out of sight and sound of the other mem Iters of the party whrh tbry met Conover and Mor.lnter. Hem yng and Coaover nodded, while Morti mer and Hoston scowled. As they were about to pane Hoston stepped out In front of Mortimer nnd accosted him “T aay. Mortimer, you Insulted me back there before the ladles, and I demand an apology!" Mortimer replied with something In the effret that he might go to the blooming devil." Hoiton waa dallying with h!s left hand gauntlet glove, and closed wub Mortimer Instantly, slightly brushing his check with the loose glove In ap proved French ltd*. Mortimer jump ed backward and throat his hand Into Into bis side pocket as though to pull a weapon. This was only a bluff, lor nothing of an alarming nature was re- I veiled. ,At this point, in order to car ry out the comedy and give the practi cal jokers an opportunity to get In their fine work, Hoston waived Morti mer to Hemyng lor any further com •nunlcation with him he might choose tb make. At this, Conover, wlh ap parent solicitude, offered his services to Mortimer; and as Hoiton swagger ed backward and thrust bis hand Hctnsng's roeerehaum like a locomo tive, he left the trio In excited consul tation. Ho swaggered about a great deal during the whole afternoon, and what with his accoutrements of som.- bero, duster, mocrchaum, top-boots and gauntlet gloves, filled Mortimer’s heart with a great dread. His appear ance was altogether too exotic to Im pose on any one who had even a slight familiarity with Western ways. After the party had arrived at “Clark’s," and just prior to the an nouncement for supper, Hutchinson came to Hemyng’s apartments and In formed him that Mortimer and Con over had gone Into the barroom. Hem yng and Hoston at once started for the har themselves. Hoston had added to his equipments, stnee returning, a belt filled with cartridges borrowed from the stage driver. This added to his fe rocious appearance not a little. He had also borrowed an old M-*xleau spur from an attache of the hotel, which rattled ominously as he stamped through the hall. When the bartender Inquired of Hoston what he would take, ho replied, In a sepulchral voice: “Brandy—atrong brandy!” Mortimer turned vlslvly paler as Hoston swal lowed this decoction iwth a jerk. They eo arranged It that Hemyng and Hos ton sat at the same table with Mor timer and Conover. All were seated when they came In; every eye was fix ed upon them, scanning thHr move ments. They marched to their places like a couple of troopers, and when they had seated themselves Hoston pulled out grimly from his belt a large bowla-knlfe. borrowed from the cook, and placed tt on the table In front of hie plate. Mortimer’s eyes fairly pop ped from tbeir sockets when he saw Hoston do (his. After the meal Memyng, Hutchinson, Harry Ogden (an artist), Captain Jack and one or two others, including Hos ton, betook themselves to Hemyng’s room to smoke and discuss the situa tion, They bad not been long engaged when a rap was beard at the door. They all felt Instinctively that Mortimer was outside. Hemyngs comprehended the situation, and at. once turned down the light and enforced profound si lence. He then went softly to the door, unlocked it, cautiously removed the key and abruptly stepped out, closing and locking Ibe door behind him. The walls and partitions of Clark’s hostelry were for the most part composed of pasteboard, and they could consequent ly hear perfectly well every word ut tered in the conversation that follow «4 btasra M«wu«#r aad Hia»*i M-mtasr bsqaa. as mum a* ||f : #*MMi If tl *« !##itf# ftt#tic4 ituif ## #s#«.l sad that ft. ••* |Mfl— AIM **<«*. l!r!r«ss'sii ' I <or#* lit lt#pl In in# #|f| I #im tin! Imp *mN I# n* I I *jMt It* I# A#*-- “«U* IMI ti« I min## nt(#4 Hmu# ituift wiiffwW ! M 4 #** in 4# in :>n, I imk#rf I'» Hlf# Vi f* j ' !*## Tlii Mtff es <mnc MwWal 4»* I m »lt for ti*inr*ft * n#!** Ii« |# V tl# f f h| ftfSfttriti qf'ttlfttlu# - M#o4r tiaiHn# Hu* #t>f# wilt jt»t#i. I nn wtMf r##tr#<«i tiint t* *## n###*f,** At tt>l# llm## l#*<4# ivYit4l | fairly hw»c Vftfllßicf • Kftnv fitilc Ift* i j H# •# Im t#i {ftfoteHii m 4 mat- (#p#rviloß. m 4 | {#i#Hl##ly #nd blankly ft *«#4 to fttht ' I Mmfii i ortglnatity of fotiry. ncmp. I resource ot langaagc aad Impermeable Idsmssaor were Atsplajrd la sorb su la- I imffable war H the sot to vnee dtalogu# I that tfios# vttbli would tala have ro* ! 1 laved tbemttlvea by ballnvriax forth | tbeir merriment la posts of boisterous . laughter To frrv-ftl this they rolled !ns lbs bed and stuffed qulh* sad pll lows la their mouth*. Hamyax prt ionx -l the dialogue a* tar aa tha raaf» as hi* tnvrutiaa pos rlbty rould, rtagtag tha rhaaaes on j Itnatoa’s tamelty aad thirst for blood; 1 rad finally declared lo Mortimer that If ha didn't fight. Honing weald have j the right, according to (hr rule* of the 'rode duello, to laslat tipoa fighting wt* lof Mortimer's see rinds —either Coanver jor Hutrhlnsna- for fight lloslon must ! an 1 world. If he had lo fight a but*- I saw. This poaalbillty and tntrrpreta i lion of the rode seenttd to art as a sort lof safcty-valva on Mortimer's fears, | tar he Immediately said (hat If althar lof those grutlrmrn wanted to fight ■ Heaton they might do so. hut he would jhe d— —d If he would fight and with (t ft Ms he walked away. They -mploved a {Mexican to tallow Mortimer and watch hla movements. He reported lhal Mor- I(lmre went Immediately to his room nnd look'd himself In. They paid the 1 M xl< i*n a couple of dollars to sleep on i Ills door-mat. and, having thus (Va por’d of Mortimer tar the night, they proceeded with tba fun. About nine o'c lock In the evening ft •party of gentlemen sllrotly and my*- j terlntisly left the hotel, going toward the north. This was composed of Cots- 1 lover, Hutchinson, and Harry Ogdvn.j I XhtsperlugK that a duel was on the ta-, | pis ware nbrood, and the ladies of the hotel were filled with dismay. About nine-thirty another party of mysterious j gentleman left the hotel, going teward the south. This party waa compos'd |of Hemyng, tho Cuban, Captain Jack, n local physician and Hoston. The j night was one of those marvelously beautiful moonlight creations that nn-1 turn lovea to throw off at a dash, as It were. In those high altitudes of (he “Western Slope.” Tho two parties: had by agreement agreed to meet In n certain canon about a mile and & half from the hotel. A solitary and enor- j mous pine waa the conspicuous land-; mark of the canon. The rendezvous was beneath Its boughs. The Hemyng 1 party reached the spot by a circuitous route In a few minutes, and found tha. Conover party already on tho ground. | It bad been arranged that Hutchinson j should fight Hoston. and he was In the ! hands of Conover and Ogden, while! Hoston was acting under Instructions 1 from Hemyng and Captalu aJck. In j the preliminary arrangements all the minutiae of the code duello were com plied with In the strictest manner. Ev erything was conducted with the ut most brevity, as though a mortal result was anticipated from the meeting. Fif ty paces were solemnly stepped off, and Hutchinson and Hoston were pla ced at the extremities of this fixed THEY WANT TO TELL These Grateful Women Who Have Been Helped by Mrs. Pinkham. Women vftho have suffered severely and been reliertd of their ills by Mrs. Plnkham's adviee and medicine are constantly urging publication of their statements for the benefit of other wo men. Here are two such letters: Mrs. Liezib Bivehi.y, 258 Merrimac St., Lowell, Mass,, writes: “ It affords me great pleasure to tell all suffering women of the benefit I have received from taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I ean hard ly find words toexpreSsmy gratitude for what she has done for me. My trouble was ulceration of the womb. I was un der the doctor's care. Upon examina tion he found fifteen very large ulcers, but ho failed to do me good. I took sev eral bottles of Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, alsoußcd the Sanative Wash, and am cured. Mrs. Pinkham's medicine saved my life, and I would recommend it to all suffering women.” Mrs. Amos Tbomblbat, Ellenburgh Ctr., N. Y.. writes: “ I took cold at the time my baby was born, causing me to have milk legs, and was sick in bed for eight weeks. Doctors did me no good. I surely thought I would die. I was al so troubled with falling of the womb. I could not eat, had faint spells as often as ten times a day. One day a lady came to see me and told me of the benefit she had derived from taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s medicine, and ad vised me to try it. I did so, and had taken only half a bottle before t was to sit in a chair, After taking three bottles I could do my own work, I am now in perfect health.” THE -A.TTQ-TJ STJk. H32R.A.LXJ ' : . —' G^oD IUCK BAKING PdWD&R, IS TU BIST. Hlghos*. of AH In Leaven ing Power. distance, lb ih of them went la their •kin •Ire tv*#, wttti ih# tight itt#vft rw|! I tt|t i# ih# «*?)#»«*, Karlt #ai Ann* r 4 w«(h a f» rmi«tnHlr'.iookinir rfvoitif. A# HctftUift #troa ihrr# «Hh hi# hark n *nn\ Ktstcfcls»*»i, airaUlnc lha »ia aa! la turn and |fr# t ki* waa fxmc? fully imi reared with tie grandeur of the sera# that was. so to speak, coerced la lo serving as a framework to their pretty tittle meck-duel extravaganza. The majestic ranna rose up on #ttb*r side with ns dentate 1 edge* clearly outlined against a cerulean sky; de tached avaaart end fragments of rock lay sleeping la the moonlight nt It* base; the (•« ».in~ mood like ■ weird •ratine) la the foreground; black blotches of forest, far up the mountain aide, that towered abovn tha ruien. rout raster! with the atilt remoter white blotrhea of snow; white over Ibe whole chaste Ilian, riding In her ear of light, waa at onevr spectator and revealor ot the scene, “One. two. Hire, fir*!” At (he word both Hutrhinsoa nml Hoston turned abnrply on their heels, faring each oth er, nnd slmultanecualy blazed away In to the tare of the blestrd moon. Chaste promptly pulled the rover of a cloud that happened to be floating conveniently near over her face, nnd they might have heard a little feminine shriek of dismay had the goddess not been something like two hnudrext and tarty thousand miles out of ear-shot. At the first discharge of thetr weapons Hutchinson staggered forward, and fell with a dull, qjekenlttg thud on the greensward. His two seconds sprang forward to his assistance, and while Conover raised his head In hlg lap, Harry Ogd- n, the artist, smeared a quantity of red pigment over his arm and shirt-sleeve. A shutter which, with rare forethought, had been brought, from the hotel, wns placed in requisition and tvpon this Hutchinson was deposited, while his groans rent the air. The poor fellow was borne to the hotel and tcpderly placed upon his own couch. • hotel was soon in a high state of agitation, and the guests gathered about In groups dis cussing the duel. Soon Hutchinson was surrounded by the ladles, who, at first, pale and frightened, were soon, when the real state of affairs became manifest, offering mock condolence to him. They <vcre not, however, fortun ato In deceiving lh.t stage-driver on the night-coach carrying the mall to Tris- Ico. He conveyed with It a harrowing tale of carnage to the eager press rep resentative* ot the coast metropolis, and grotesque particulars wero tele graphed to the New York papers. There Is a tradition that the next day Mortimer Invited everybody to the bar for a “pick up of whisky and bit ters” to wash away any hypothetical stain that might be supposed to have attached Itself to his courage. Not withstanding this propitiatory offering be was obliged to ride in the rear stage tho balance of the trip, while Hoston mounted beside the blooming widow in the front one, and basked in her smiles during the remaining days ot their jaunt through the Arcadian re gions of the Yosemite. A dhan in Virginia rode forty miles to Fairfax Station for the express purpose of getting Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, «nd tdok home with him a dozen bottles of the medicine. Ttoe druggist, who relates the Incident, odds: “Your remedy seems to be a general favorite wherever known.’ Its effects are In deed wonderful in all lung nnd throat troubles. Procure a bottle-at Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Social Arithmetic. Question—ls nn unmarried woman was bom In 1858 how old is she? Answer—Twenty-three. Question—ls a fast young man loses 115 at potter how many dollars is he out in the hotel eorriddi- next day? Answer—One thousand dollars. Question—ls a bicycle enthusiast has ridden 3,400 miles a. year, and Intends to ride 10,000 miles, bow long will lt take him to make up tho rest? Answer—About, two minutes. Question—ls the greatest man of let ters in America gives a lecture on the same night that a sixth rate Europe an celebrity appears, how will he pay for the lights? Answer—The Lord only knows. Question—ls a ebaperoin has a young man all to herself, how qan she watch her charges? Answer—This problem cannot be solv ed. CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of M.MMI If Kt.‘.*Oßt& TiEEID ST.ALBERT 30TEL At Hillman, Ga., k» mmw *fta At *!# tttfv* WM A i»tf ## 4 *• 9k# t t»i*ll># #lll k# (#ln tk# kifk#»t #nmh*«#4, At*«»kk#«a ##4 WRia##Ai ##»#* *#*#####*• 4 ka*i| #•#! h#t»4s 1 1#9 |«#l lAkl# 9# |#aik J94il|###, J O. BnmCß. Bilim Cl THE REED HOUSE - Ready For the Ammmodfition of b'nmtuer tiuetta. Mr*. If A. t:#r4 hm (#!#« rk#rf# of the 11 1'lfii a! lUrit m in 4 lk#kffih m mviUm •«4 •mtrtor •<# ttiß t)itiitn« #rtl) k# ft,or# tk*Vi !#All>tAltM<«l 4r«iv»# Ik# g HARPI) F«»r Hoorn* *i)4 Rat# «| ptj l# MUS. M. A. ItKKD, Harlem, Ga. SEASON OF 1898 HOTEL ! MONTE SANO HUNTSVILI.E. ALABAMA. Tie Queen if Kanntain Bemrts OPENS JUNE 20th- PRICES MODERATE. JACK H. CLANCEY, Manager- ~. ~ PRETTY rough on the chimney sweep. Ilk occupation, like , Othello’s, “i* gone.” Let him get tome cleanlier employment. Our housekeepers won’t tolerate dirt in sny form in connection with cook ing. No soot to Ml down Into your cook pens. Dirt mid gas stoves sre bed friends. For particulars call at the office of THE GAB LIGHT CO. OF AUGUSTA, 422 BROAD ST. FOR $3,000 I offer For Sale No. 425 Fenwick street. House contains 9 Rooms, Bath Room, Pantry, Etc., all in perfect order. There is also good Stable in yard. Lot 50 by 132 feet. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AMerlUoln Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 2191. Summerville Plumbing Company Car-Plumbing. Sewering and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Special y. Estimates (riven on All Kinas of Pipe Work. All Work Guarantied. mailhoao HO*>«teuLi» Charleston l W Carolina *lti»t« • g. tiftiutd s««atv a f tfisdato m gs **t Ism thfi, t«-s L« A •*»••* .......... ~..f ftlkstv la mm As t.'S'SVftd.MMK.,.,. I l. <-tW 11. ..... * A»--*ra»d.«.»..,«,.... Altasa * it. tiM *> tit-5nt1hi.......... .. It*,* tft UMM * vtow# fit l 'ls**..a. .... ' CV|j * fipaWftfthftlfi ... .-am ;|a.Stadi "fctae*,,,,,,,, ........ 1 "i#i ........ * lira haitmvlMa........ j * sb**,- ...... t* Ashevdt......ri”M(isij I * ft|*nsst>fte« ......ktagai ** 9*A*»# kfif{### *,,•• «. *••«••••] ! *braravtCs-............. llAftsat <<**#■ ' .......... i,ti)M • %qftft * 4ft4HMtM<m mC At.(ft _ •UiswitSf.. fiJfifim; .«««*** A* Aft***** 4Jll*sii laAXftl ik* ll«wns.«4 * ........ < At Itstotah .............. If Jtv. * MA. itasm * r5t5tvtaMg............. ft.»*ta ........ I * kw.i*i«t ! I4g*»m| Lv A«'«» I i tfi*si At Altrodftl* IMfipm * PsU’s*. j.. Sl't-ta * \ **■>•<■*•. ............ j fidfisn *. A>,» *• *m«M( ............. ;MUna tv#* -Wart Roy si. In.fitamj TJbpftl * 1t0t5nn5b,......., I » ttftpm * tkxlwtis 1........ 3 h im 1 MnMIMHu I |Mfi " ft5v«m.5h.j........ T.Mtota *M Kef51............! 1 4opm gtwo “Rssut. tt...............| Udffti! *4m 'Ystrsaws.... .....j s (*.-j«. s (Asm * Ps rtft* lO.Msai “ Altradsta. ...... II (Asm At Aft*«»'» | ..! t |4|B« 1 »< r n> (t*tn him a tic* n-sft* d# rastwettra •Itilkion f sih k>r *U wvm a* fi. A. L (b*» tet nitiUftt •! Gtvrawieid fit ftb petit** it fJ.I. »l 1. Hi ts.’vsys. tft.i ttsosi inrv with tmhb.ta fistiway fur *n) It ft rtttstu.a r.l.(iv« I* txJt.(l ISM* .( «f., Sddims tft.i. ( IIAIO, Uen. Pa*. Art. X. M. KOItTK. ftallrMlac Act- T. M AMI.UMIN. Itsthc Mtnsgsr. A ut(i*ls. Ms- ATLANTIC COAST LINE. j tHOLTrtf AND Qt It iCKST ROl'Tfi TO Tim KART Afill NORTH Irhohtkbt and quickest route TO THE EAST AND NORTH. t:lft|>m, 1.v.. August*. Ga..Ar I 7 54am | !:o*pm Lv Aiken Ar I 7 Mam !:!7|im Lv Denmark.,..Ar ! 4:l7pm t:Btip-ji Lv Orangb‘g....Ar | 140 am (:Mpm Lv..Sumter. 8.C..,Ar i t 20am S:3spm Lv....Florence....Ar J I:2sam M ::3pn. Lv...Fayetteville...Ar I l ltpm 3:2lam: At.Peti ndiurg.V«.l.v ! t 12pm 4:ooam Ar Richmond....Lv | 4:l2pm T.tlamj Ar..Washington..Lv | J:44pm 9:o3am, Ar... .Baltimore. ...Lv I 3.24 pm ll:2sant, Ar..Philadelphia..Lv (13:0:>pm 2:o3pmj Ar.... New Turk....Lv j 9.30 am Pullman palace buffet sleeokig earn from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. It. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 723 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, j H. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE. Receiver East bound. Westbourd. ‘ First Scc’d 6 •i-v-jr.-f'j First Sec'd | Class Class £ ' ' Clars di.ts Mix’d .6 " Mix’d j Ply. Dly. J Ctatlon. Ply. Diy. N 0.12 N 0.4 N 0.5 AM.|PM.| lArrive. Leave.|PM.|AM. 10:36| 3:00) 0j... Anderson. ~s| 3:20|11:00 10:18: 2:36| 7|.... Denver ~..f| 3:41.11:23 10:07| 2:20 10| Autun fj 3:50,11:33 ! 9:58] 5:16)13!... Pondleton ...s| 3:59 11:43 9:49| 2:0416] Chrrry Crnss’g f| 4:08 11:53 9:42| 2:00i 181 Adum’s Croes’g fj 4:14 11:53 9:2G| 1:35)241... ‘JENACA ...B| 4:29[12:20 ; 9;15| || I 4:39| 8:45| |32|. West! Union .sj 5:09) 8:35) |34|... Walbulla ...s| 5:17| AM lUM-l jLeave Arrive)PM. jPM. j No.ujrlo.B No.ll N 0.5 , S. Regular Station. F. Flog Station. All regular trains from Anderson to Wnlhalla have right to track over trains of the same class moving Ip op posite direction, unless otherwise spec ified by train ofders. Will also stop at following stations to take on or let off passengers: Phin ney’s, James and Sandy Springs. No, 12 connects with Southern rail way No. 12 at Anderson. Nos. 5 and 6 cownert with Southern railway Nos. 12 and 37 at Scuaca. J. Ji- ANDERSON. Superintendent. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect, March C, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:18 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G. P. A. Attention, Housekeepers When *n Need of Table or Cooking Shcrrien, Imported or Domestic Port Wine, Claret, Fine W'hlskies, by the bottle or gallon (all popular brands), Schlitz Beer, Schlitz Extract of Malt, Bass Ale, Guinness' Dublin Stout, or anything pertaining to a first class Whiskey House, send to or coll ob T. P. FAGAN, *,%5 x. 917 Broad street. —ORDER VOUK COAL and WOOD FROM THE North- Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantilv and Quality (Inaranteid. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2104 Stronger 305 Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received ’at Herald Office. JULY 13 RAtt-ROAD rcrtffUUUiM S. t i G. RAILWAY CO ftl <*> AM *,«•>* ( M»» MitfprtA JtaA* I Aft. IVC tadftW.'Wts* JSSkta * Art I’stVV. • (SM !>*■(., tt Jftive*.: ataa|E« rkfts’tAftf I#mß At I utftSShtSlu MtslU la.SiHs * «•* At * hiartm. .| u«a At Aqw(A .I.AhMft f.« Pthi, >fit |(«t<t. 1.. a ku, ia"L., * s#s»m(PT3C5 At t *ll* tSsle.KftAftlLv ItotrtßM* *'o*ss At (*«*'••*. AftfiltsjAt A■#(*.** t»*A)4ft list*, tl auy I t'lfifttfi*** 1 ftstti I , Vi>,*«"'» T. 1 * tjpaidsti... .•Mata At * *an>#« it (Asa At |ltM*ttta.K*'A*m | i 41»| I t.v fsts lift-. t.i»vm At ( t'hs : At Kuvw«,v | t*.l fttftto A.ftAfi Iklt tlhMultAllUA it tolly Kinfi Sunday I Lv A A tnpm t.v A »#<• A ltatfi At A‘*sft.... .YJtafs At Augastft.■.AftfMß fill HI H A»u soli H YU i'Xftkt Ahi Tt>'<*-*t< ts«t" h> std Irasn It* Ysrk f« AM*****, 1 * fitw Yrtft.lkPara At Aikso f.i’H w l.t MssA'Ma t fPf«s At IhnftiAtk. llfia Lt IVemsrk A ITsat At ll*ki<>'4 lftiut Lt hwhaid-.1 Upta At to ssh'tssv .TjOttots At Ath*W At fi»« Y«.tkl,tapW.|At Anfttrtft... 1 Vtoaft r.KohGIA I'lVUUvifi. i>. . nevpt SB •ms-wy. Only fast* A ' itlgsm Iv t And. tsv(t«...j Ifi pn*| l.Sftetn IMps A trto# Ji nttills..! 1 .A’ In> O.ftpm i Saiab Ai m iUo ia..,. t tofn-' t.lftsn Arm* 1»«it»t1a....) Mh-(« ........j Cum. [awwsltnftfta.T.......... liUM twn fitaa ’? V*m ii..tApm 1.. #v* tstiailts......... .i Ovtos Kiopm U### •••••*! ! lt-(Ni 4fftf Anrq*t> . «„,„1 #.<• #ft* . : I (tiMCinrt st tlsrhstnn wMb New Vet iii.ort. slto suk imatn tor Jt'ksotivl '*. >l*.. et>,slllt>*<!*(•*: Augusta «iti> lb* < • .-rrls trad 10 and tram all poluli to m sa.i MeuiU. J. M. ft.tfißto. I. A. r.MKBPtMI. (itnxvl M.iititt, Infft bn.ifto P. fi. fitsu«*. Gstt. Apt , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. _ Owitrtl TlmA r.tlwftfii rolwa*!* **4 mmbv 111*. E*ft(cr« Tlhmi Mrlw#«*» C#- |«mb>4 a«4 Otk#r i*®lnffi. Kffneiiv# 1?. I'M# • V *»*. •• #4 N«r(hbonn.l. j i*»Uy. iMtly. ir J'Ttlto. rrVp.Bj.. . ««»» J^s - BHVMUMRk • .*.* *1 S 5 Ar (ktiomH. __ 4 * 4 “ * Lv, ObaitoonJICAORK. j • to lfin Ar CflumWs.. _. ._ ! ,w “* "HS Lv. Angus!*. So. By. s»! S 18 * S • Uruteville ..... JJJfMtWS | “ JohCßtun#. . ... ? f/P J 5? Ar Ool«unW»l'u. d#l> 9* fv! 1 i Ji? Lv r »l r biik Hlacti'g fit J J}#' 5 ! Wtnjufitftoro. !Sj : SK‘ls.l. gs {«£ JBS ! Lv. UrorisMbore H* ..*•••• Ar Xorfoik .«• 1 j *“~T>nnvill# . impj 1 k Ar. Kichmond 1 Q 4Ua, 6 2Sp u b.::::::::: nS{ : SSSMSSSK*.;.: “S?j lIS Lv. Now York, Pa. B.U. 4appi " Philadatpki# ftf»pj ft .Y)» " Paltimoro 0SOp( ft LI a Lv. WuMh'ton, Ho. RlO 40 pi 11 IS# Lv. Richmond 1 12lUnt V! 01 in Lv. Danvill# j 6Wo 6 lap Lv Norfolk j 036pj Ar. (}'“cer:gboro | 615 a .. .... Lv. Greensboro ?05 a 7 U2p “ (’harlotte la SO p • Rook Hill 10 '& n 11 u»lp “ (’hewtor . 10 66»1 11 U 7 p ** Winnrooro. 11 41 a I 12 20 a Ar Corbin Bland’ff 12 l.'mn IHI » Lv. ColumlfaUn. dep’t 1 Ift p 4 0.) a “ Johnstonn. 2.MJp; 6 o>a “ Treuton UW»p ft 25 a “ (fmoitivillfi H3B p 7 «'7 » Ar Angutftu.. ..: ... 4OS I> 00 a Lv. Anhevlilp. K uOip Lv. bportanbcrc . n 40a c Isp Lv. Corbin, h*.C.*(f.Ry I uOO p 700 a Ar. Charleston. I 0-10 pf 11 uoa Lv. Col’, K.OJtP.Ky' 11 SSs; M4Tt» “ Nuvannah 447 p 520 a At .lucksonville. 1 0 26p 9 16# «LjCK»'INO~ CA H >KKY 1< K Excel lout dally passenger ao rvico between Florida and Now York. Noe. 37 and 38—Washington nnd Southwestern Limited. Bolid Vc-sfibuTod train with dining curs 04!d first rinse couehv#.north of Charlotte. PnJJmaa drawingroom sleeping care betweon Tainjoa, JackaonvUle, bavauuah, Washington and Now York. Pullman HJorping Care between (Tharlotto and Kichmond. Pul!in;m drawing-room sleeping oars be tween (iroeueboro and Norfolk. Clone connec tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving thwro in time for breakfast. Solid train, witli Parlor ears, between Charleston and Asheville. Nos. Ho and 86—U- S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping curs be tween .TnckaonviHo and New York and Pull man eleepiug cars between Augusta nnd Char lotte. Pullman Bleeping ears between Jack sonville and Columbia, ©n route daily between Jacksonville and Cinetnnati, via Asheville. FRANK 8. <4 AN NON, J. M. CULP, Third VP. dc Oon. Mgr. T. M., Wn;ihington. W. A. TURK. 8. H. HARDWICK, (4. P. A.. Washington. A. Q. P. A., Atlanta GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) j Schedule EfTectlve April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleeper, between Macon snd Kcw Tor!:. Through Pullman Sleopera between Au gusta and St, Louis. Lv Augusta ..I 7:osam| 3:2opm|lo:3opin Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| b:ooam Ar Macon .... ll:16«m| | 6:4Dam Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7;3opm| Ar Gainesvllle|*3;46pm| | Ar -White Pl'a|*l:oopm| I Ar MiU'ctfle .|10:10am| | 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ..|10:l0«m| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at B:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Auguste 8:18 a. to. 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m., and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. r. A,