The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 13, 1898, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY mum rntMIV, >»**sto*»a« dllMljM •• •net***. Uatoto* I tiUftAWO miMIV Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GEORGIA COMMENCCD 111 SIM Nt* Util .“ll** M |l. »%*• PAID IP CAPITAL, OlftfSCTutt * - N j, wrT Ttrfiii. W> Hm> «( Ram N»t» |> B<t**»wi Waw»)l*«* M‘ Mm Im*. ftmam • IwaAi !#«••#• Ih«nto*. t. Jwwh Ffctotr Wav. HON. WM. H. FLEMING. Ilf A Ml)** the Rtceftl DtMftiik Ctaru. hb Q«HI Nalabt* Artkto In U« P«a4. Hon. W.illa* M, FTaaalAff of O*ort a to wi to M Ait ic to |»Wttot(l In tto Waafctaftoa Pott, o* Jon* 2fl. »b«v*ta to fair to ■Duly*** 'to Itoi and *«T ctonrly to* Ml (to* urn* ptoliwi of lb* atnorni i> party. or nt l*n»t vital M ahouM ba. in r**«*» i« imny mtkm alba tnmrwl bf ri»r«i fllllNto. tl •boald b* rrma.'k'vi In paaalng that judge IftomtoA la on* of lb* nto fair’ •fntod m*n wto baa totoilf non* to «sn*t*«« and lb* pwarr of h • logtoal Mind la fa*J atwaming national aa*o ttm. o*lo| aatltsdy to bla aiai“«nta*t' tig it atdity, and tb* aptrit of Jaaw iba*. •rrm> to dototnni* but draoorral ,c ac tk H# d*f*nd« Mr Bn! toy’a poaliloo in lb* T*ua toadnr’a fwlir to obtain unl ttoa'toa of an ton of bla party, and yn d<j*t not iuatify tb* tout amp! aged to obtain that rad. A rntmta of Ut* m*tu ton of tb* bona* to outline a party pot to* after tb* ocmaloii for aarb action bad paaa*d *>aa nt but attain. Tb* boat courp* for Mr. Dal tty to tutor pur sued would ha** bran to arrur* an in fxotal cottf*rrpce for the purpoa* of defining futur* party action. Wb*n it *■*« «*:d*et that a bindtag ennrua araa not ini*t>d*d, and **p*riaJly wb*n Mr. Bailey bad amcpttd tb* rraolutlon of Congressman Mcßae. which provided that raucua artlon ahould only ba bad upon tto principles laid down In tha Chicago platform, tbla ••much ado about nothing" that baa br«n atirrrd up by a ao-rullrd democratic praaa. wboar •very utterance denote* them to b« tb* anemic* of true drmorrary, la to say tb* Ivaat. abaurd. Mr. Hallry'a reaolu tlon may not have exprras-d the Id** It man Intended to convey, but tb* (act that Pougreyaman Mr Kao **ttl*d the qut* t on through bla wsdom, in pre t*n;lnk tb* above mentioned amend ment. and Mr. Bailey's acceptance of tb* same, should bav* ended the matter there. Hlnro then tb* hired pres* who maa querade under the name of democracy have ,*«et> gpraalon to unjust!.' abuse ssi vHllfy tb* p*r*ofia!|ty nf Mr, Bel lay Tha haa born done without any re aped to Juatlce or common dreency. and baa assumed the proportion of bru tal persecution. The wr ier haa disagrrod with mans' poaitlona Mr. Bailey baa taken, and atilt lrelieves that had an older and mere experienced man bren chosen a» tbe minority leader of the house. It would have been better foe tbe demo cratic party. But as the leader of that party on the floor of c*ngross, and when It is evident tha' his intention In havng the caucus called was for what be believed was for the heat Interest of the pause he represented, he deserves the protec tion of the democratic press, who be lieve in principle rather than in comic m nation of those who are controlled b.v mcr. enary masters. The Asaayer. CASTOITIA. Biurt th» Kind You Have Always Bought A THOUGHTLESS REMARK. Washington Star. "It, Is remarkable," commented Mr. Meek ten’s wife, "bow many men are •uxi'.ua to leave home and engage In war.” "Yes." he answered, nbsently, “aome people never knot* when they have enough of anything.” Diamonds Watches Jewelry Silver Novelties We are still continuing our Special Sale. Don’t fail to visit our store be fore all the Bargains are sold. FIXTURES FOR SALE. Fine Plated Spoons and Folks. Odd Sets. Get Prlws on Them. Wm. Schweigert & Co., JEWELERS. HE MAY BE LYNCHED. \ Bibb C*sM) (rlaiail b Hbh l*«r*W. lto Daspft* Altewft tw Murder Mil to M*. Abner Taylor. • young farmer of lto I Warrior dletrtot of Bibh roopty, at- I tempted to bill bla wife and bar father. Mr. Louan, Jala Buaday aflettxwa Taylor - * wtf* left him about t»o I mtuttba ago and retaraed to bar h tber a bom*. Sunday after*ooa Tay lor weal to Mr. Lun«#a bouse sod ask *d hi* Alfa to r«ar» bam* with him and ah* r«fua*d Taylor torinr terribly mad at Ibl*. and aald. rurslag •» h* did, that abr would bav* to go boas* with him or be would bill her, Mrs. Taylor * father told Taylor that be did not thluk be would kill aayow*. aad ba atepped la front of bla daughter. A* b* did tbla Taylor ahot bin Tha ball bit him la tb* forehead and glan ced upward, InStotiag only a flesh wound. Bat lb* shot must hare atua tied tjouge, aa b* tall to tha floor. A* ll* did *o Taylor shot bits In tb* thigh, making a aerloua wound. Taylor then turned npna bla wife, * h.. bad run Into tb* house He bil lowed her and atabbed her set era I times ta tbe back and attempted to cat her throat. After ramp!»tlt>g tb* horrfbla work be left and returned home. While go ing down tbe road be met two men and told them what he bad dona They Immediately gave the alarm end a larg* party started tn pursu.t of Taylor. It la thought that both Mr*. Taylor und her father will recover, but If Tay lor la caught by the mob which la now after him be will bo aeverely dealt with. Taylor commlttad bla crime not far from where Tom Woolfotk killed nine people Bath of tbe houae* ate aot far apart. Both Umge and Taylor are well-to-do formers end arc very popular meu Many people gathered at the arena of tlic crime and the crowd talked aa If j they would lynch Taylor If he could be caught. Nothing ha* been heard from tb* acetic of tbe crime since early Monday morning, and It 1* not known yet whether the man ha* been raugot. DR. STOKES ENDORSED By tbe Farmer'* Alliance of Dougherty County. St. George'*. S. C., July if.—At a re. cent meeting of the Farmers' Alliance of Dorchester county, the fqjkiwlng officers were elected: L. W. Wetoberry, rreetdenf, I>. U. Campbell, vice pres ident: A. W. Rumph. secretary; W. B. Murray, treasurer; Johti Klier, chap lain: L. E. Parler, lecturer. The following resolution was adopt ed: 'Whereas, Dr. J. Wm. Stokes ha* been Untiring In hi* efforts ns » mem ber of congress from our district In trying to break up the gambling In ag, rlrultural product* by money sharks; therefore, be it ••Resolved. That we, the member* of Dorchester County Alliance, reiterate our former endorsement of his action nnd pledge him our support In trying to carry out his object, which we deem II grand object to tbe agricultural in terest*. “ A. W. Rumph, Secretary. ESTABLISHED 1890—Reliable TTnels Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all hinds of personal property at a very low rate of Interest. All transaction* atrlctly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof cases. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street. Lewi* J. Schoul. THE RAILROAD WORLD. | Wli) tli CcAtnt** An U**t It firwiL i tto* faewtags of lto* tto*rgig A Ala* ba*** >a»r»*»* Apsakttto of fb* Criltvl *f flaw a * I railway, Tto to#** Turk JawrbaJ as r*flMW»n* aad CtoaMWtrrtoi flwlia ta say, that lto cwasnsi 14a*swt »«w't*ar § pr f t*wf bawd* bav* tw*a l*w*w fwt name day* It app**** tha* tb* baaswb tow ttoatf dec It** la lb* diaao lut.wß ad lb* ayadrat* wkbb a* *ba IHS* m s lb* rvefpatv toth-o *ad*fwfwta As a*to* t * oßrfWd as tb* snatalh atbtok *»» a*t vary a**r***d*l. Tb*** bawd* ba** anw b*** p a** t* <b* »y*d <at* *•**»- hefa. wbu bav* k»ro*aa fra* t* tall If tb*v d»v;i* ta da a*. Tbay a*® a**erai potato below tb* ayadtoat* prit*, Ttw towtbraaaiat report of tb* road wltt show tb at lata* aaaa* bar* bora *■• pawdad w lb* prapsrty tbla yawr for impraveaaawia awd ie*tisnara* tb#** bvtr>a rUtrgsd to oprratlag aapea*** A larg* propowkw of tb*** atpraae* are la ib# aatar* as paraaaarot improve ments Tk* «' «bt of rati baa tmw miriiot aad torw* a***utto* of atabty fie* pound Mvttowa bav* b**m pat down. Tbs raralags of tb* Ceatral nt Ortr gta ra.lwap during tto* four'k w*sk la Jua* way* |Io7JU apal*a< (MPA tow tto* lorrenpondl** week laat year. Tto* total earn tags alucs Jan*ary | to tto* **d of tto# footib w**k ta Jan* **e* IS.4UPM. *ga aM tLMN.Ud for tto* ram* period in 11*7. Tto* rsniigt of the Georgia %ad Alabama railroad da rap tbe fourth arek to June were $77.- •U. against $111«J during A# corren poodlng week Into year. Tto* total earnings since January 1 to tb* end of tb* fourth weak la Jua* ware sSk7.tlS. against $494.7(2 for Ike same period a 1*97. Grou earning* (or alt roada la tb« I'Di'd RUIN report In* for June or part of the month ara fS2.3di.iil, S.t prr (•ml owr last pear, and 4.1 per teat over 1822. The latest return* arc Mr tee than earlier flgu re*. HouLhsra. Western nod Triiah line* are the on!* roads reportln* a moierlal gala over 1822. On Rout4twest*rn mad* there la. a loss. Tbs advantage at report tn* separately earnings of Canadian and Mexican roada la again ahoarn In the' June atatement In tbe rompmltion with 1822. The anU-training bill prohibiting ticket brokeia. reported m both houses cf coogreaa, went over to the next act- j aton. Tbe Chesapeake and Ohio Is at ill in- > creasing Ita export facilities through ! i Newport News, and the loading of ! adatiieri thete for Manchsater, Eng land. having proved sstisfactory. and demonstrated the poaa'bllHlts for a large trade In both directions, k. range menta have been made for a regular line to be called tbe Manchester and Virginia. The Pullman Palace Car company; will distribute f 25.200.000 of lla $26,- I 792.258 surplus to stockholders. A cash dividend of twenty tier rent will be paid tn addition to tbe regular quarter ly two per cent dividend. In October a slock dividend of fifty per cent will be distributed. With tbe new stock the to tal Issue will be $54,000 000. The div-) idend tate on the new stock hereafter hus been fixed at 1 1-2 per cent quar terly. The Railway Age says: During the past half year receivers base been ap pointed for only Bcven railroad compa nies. with an aggregate of 347 miles, and a combined capital aud bonded debt of $25,400,000. This statement : compares with twenty-seven receiver ships, an aggregate of 6.232 miles, and a total capital and bonded debt of $370,200,000 in tbe first half of 1898. 1 gales under foreclosure, being the cleaning up of the wrecking of 1893, reached n total of $110,078,000. Nine teen properties with a mileage of 2,- 374 miles, have been sold under fore closure proceedings. The sales dur ing the past six months have been the largest of any like period in five years, with two exceptions 1896 and 1897, when the totals were $349,049,000, and $277,616,000, respectively. CANADA’S FEELING. How the Maine is Remembered in That Section. Waycross, Ga., July 13.—Alfred 7.. Wesley, foreman of the Journal olflee, is in receipt of a postal card from a friend at his former homo, St. John. New Brunswick, which is printed to colors, with "Old Glory" in the upper 'left hand corner underneath the Amor- Icon eagle. The words "Canada, Mem orabilia, Maine, U. S. Davy,” are in tb? beak of the eagle, Canadians are "re membering the Maine." DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Another great discovery has b:en 'made and that too by a lady in this 'country. "Disease fostened Its clutches [upon her and f r seven years she with stood its severe tests, but her vital or gans ..ore undermtoed and death seem ed Imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle |of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con i’sumption end was so much relieved on | taking the first dose that she slept nil I night: and w ith two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Ham miek & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot tles 19c. at Howard & Willet's drug store. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Every Ir'tw .--t-V-d. THB AtIdIJBTA HERALD. AUGUSTA CONFERENCE MtUcfiptin* fivfdtMKld tAlrrti»« tlto Itoifgfllfv mat * * *■* uatoHwt Appmtalad •# tof*v(da toanaaawry I mfgtwga *f%& A ft ONll< l t VI it it*m***m m M*m* t*t *W «af Ip« MMwt *• | I'fp JsftoliWNl'N MMI i *** f « |js)t||fyff!itt rtl l##T is** IS 9IMI ! met. We laaea that to**, I. to M>a»*. ) tto* praaldhtd tide*, tfl abdraewfbd *• ! get on* of tb* btotoop* to toe pwwl and pwable On l**t P nod ay maratoi I Re* W to ftsanbam appotntod iba I iwicrwtaa commit to* ta **w*t* totwam j tmt (bad» lepa'r* aad to meet them a*4 mwnrt tto*** t* ttoato b»m** j yistswa. K to, Gibpn*. Due* WililM** ] awd It B M*m* Tbla rammMta* will «wl) apnn tto* Aidarawt mamtu<• at | tk* MettoadM rtoarA I* • law day* *<f obtal* tto* **mk*r dI dsolrad borne*. It wilt ant b* aay litwbi# tor menra boms* for lb* d*to«ai*a. fur Mlltoda*- yltla will mtaad la a**to aad terry ea#, a aaoot cordial nrltaan Friday wbll* tb* eoaf****** M *» I aanalo* ba* baas a*t a*id# by Dr. Mia-j op fbr tA* go worth flawpwa. Tbt# will carry abe*t twrwty detopa*** *v*s* to! tb* Hty far tbat day. Mr* Anrai Braotf*. aad Miaaea Ml*al* Onrabefi ard Idly Frame, have ton rboat* a#| a commlttm t* •***»» bom** for tb**a ■tr isgat»a A mow iat*rs*4i*a prapram i h#* hfffl irriftfH fnr UU nyhl'Wi MTfkil *IH M fc#t4 Hr,a Walter R Hill of Macoa. wllti [ <StlfY«r mi tddrtoM •( tight. Tti? Matiot of Ilk# fofiffrtoftff tiH tM • moot fottmtisii oo# th^| tifiißift of ffc«#r ftvoU'f tortiHi In t|» viitfird of th+!r Mw’tf will fctva upon nil of tli# WUrtttrM* gvopl# CAPTAIN CAPRON. Ibe Dead Nero of AaatUgo Well know a In Georgia. j Captain Align K Caprua, who waa killed tn tbe bailie Friday rooming be* Isteefi tbe Rough Rider* ond lie* Span :lth. near flantlago de Cuba, was wrell .known by sever*! gentlemen In this ! city, sa4 by all of them he was es [teemed and admired. Hl* father. Cap 'tain AUyr Caprco, la f raptaln In the I j Firm Artillery, aad I* regarded as ona } of the moot reliable officers la that , I branch of site service. When young Allyn K. Caprofl reached 1 |Ms majority h* determined to follow [ the life of a soldier o* hi* father before | him had done. After vainly endear- I i ortng for some years to obtain an sp- [ jpolntment to the military academy at I West Point he determined to enlist as | a private nod trust to bui abllltlea when (he time came to apply f»r » commiaalon. , „ | He did not over-estimate Ms ability. ! He was rapidly promoted through the list of non-commlaaloned officer*. and when, a* a sergeant, he was ordered up for examination, he readily stood the lent On <»ct. 7, 1893, he was made second lieutenant, and was ordered to report to the fifth Infantry, now sta tioned at McPherson, for duty. He did not, however, come to thl* city with his regiment, having been prgvb ouafy ordered on detached duly at Mount Vernon. At hit own request he was transferred to the cavalry j branch of the service on Nov, 39, 1894, and reported for duty to the seventh cavalry. There he was tn the company of Cap tain Jamea R. Erwin, who is now a«t ing adjutant general of the Georgia volunteers, hnvlnß sure ceded Captain Oscar Brown. Capron remained with the seventh cavalry until he was giv en the position of regimental adjutant of the Hough Riders.-with the rank of captain. At the time young Capron received this appointment, his father. Captain Capron. wus nt Tampa with his com pany of artillery. The old gentleman showed the telegram from his son an nouncing the appointment to hi* friends there, and seemed almoet as | happy as the message indicated young Capron was. I Thedwttle of Santiago was the first i battle Captain Capron had ever en gaged In, and it rather hard that oi.e [of such promise ond ability should lose Ihls life at the verv outset of the wor.— Atlanta Constitution. AT CAHP NORTHEN. Many Hen There and More Arrive on Every Train. Griffin, Ga., July 13.—Sunday was a day of rest to the soldiers tn camp, as all were allowed to go to church or do as they pleased. There ore now needy 400 men In ramp and more ore arriving on every i train. About 100 came In this morning. They were Immediately carried to the camp ground and given quarters with their respective companies. Capt. Kolshorn's men. numbering about 46. arrived Saturday and Sunday, and seem well satisfied with their sur roundings. and enter very willingly up on the discharge of their duties. These are a fine lot of men, being all Germans and of the healthiest type. The regiment Is now supplied with the regular army ration, which Is fresh, wholesome, in obundonee and enjoyed by all. Many of she commissioned officers are eating with the men and seem to enjoy It as well as the others. Col. Can jdler is well pleased with the appear ance of Ws men. and thinks he will I have the crack regiment of volunteers. He has not yet put tbe men In regular routine, but expects to do so very soon. In a new picture displaying device curved guided rails are r.tached at the top and belt cm of a baseboard and Blotted to receive pins projecting from the movable picture cards, which slide over from one side of the track to the other to show both sides. Chicago X'*Vs. 4TH OF JULY INCIDENT Tl* IttMMtdd ill lie Af«aU dI tfe* iirtutaft Vk by lb* Coinfi< MdlWbuia tMd *W Hoar taospt* Ofpeaa. Tb**« baa b**w a* maab AtfflrOt IlMl Miff HiMMI to ]i oi fghCK litt • MMUm tn poHff 4g»Oi« |Ni tgs# j*||#nM«ti ctuM fawiHii of Jnif i (lit tl to <«m»4 II Ii I%m tl* tig lito Mltoto MMMt«9 topfuft jUto IN Mtm. Tto Mtottol #jfrnpnti4»ru Ml tlto In* IfMNNiI irntt tMt fit* It tttto ttoftotont* | !f of ti« r rrutof toftto |ln4 ll toM; ItM ilfiit,Atvi tltoftom Is tiftoflHti r tlto loot firtcrdfl mm* ink j I wtlfUtoL Tlto Mi* Uni tot mm j | in on tnvotonn tontine tto nfdftni nf I j Col IMI ton Wtokto: IntM cm. aacihi. on. I "Tb# Afwroa Clak cordially Hivltsr < yo* to part«ctp*t* ta tb* rwMwattoa of f tb* npprawbtap Fo*ftb *f July, aad to atuad Ms a body, tbe addraa* t* to [ delivered by tb* lira. Jobs Tempi* i Grama, ad l to o'clock p m. •J, C C. Black Pm *Jf aay ebaap* la pwA* la tb* pra i graaa dm brntow wIU ba ftraa »a iba , newspapers I ! "dealt provided la gallery. G rev as I street entrnac*. In response to tbl* taritatloa. Cot B'orkvr **at tb* fed lowing. August*. O*. Jua# 29th. I*9* I "Ho* J. C C Bl nek, Frea. J*P*r*oo | Cl*b, City -Dear Sir Yoor lav I tat ton extended to tb* Tbtrd hotiallpo. Geor gia To'untrers Colored, to bond. I will lay tb* matter before tb# mil itary board of tb* halt a lion, at * apt rial meeting you In advance of tb* de claim of tb* board for tb* Invitation to tbe rswbratkw of tb* approaching Fourth. I am. "Your* very respectfully, (Signed ) "Uolab Blocker. U*ut. Col. Com," Rol. Blocker a too caused to be rent put tb* following order to tk* cop ula* nf h.r battalion: ••('apt. Sir: —You are hereby ordered to appear at tb* armory . with your command on Monday. July, 4, 1891. at 4 o’clock p. m. la dree* uni | Ton* lo participate In rebrbrptlng the 1 Fourth of July uader the auspice* of tk* Jißeraoo Club. “We shall march to the opera hou**l to ttataa to an oration by Hon John j Temple Graves. It is not certain tbat there will be any street parade. • Maet promptly at 4 o’clock. By order: “I Blocker. "LX. Col. Com. "Lewi* E. Moseljr, lat. Ut and AJL" This order having been promulgated Col. Blocker received tb* following: "Tbe Jefferson Club. Augusta. Ga.. June 30th. 1898.—Lieut. Col. 1. Bleak er, city.—Dear Sir:—Yours of tb* 29th Inst., and nlao of this data received. I did not know until receipt of yours of the 29th Inst, tbat tbe Invllaeion you acknowledge had been sent There, were a number of printed Inyltatlon* with ray name to theta, also printed, one of which I suppose was sent to you , without my knowledge. I have not been .able until now to advise you of the mistake, which I very much regret. •Respectfully. (Signed.) "J. C. C. Black, Pres." Upon the receipt of thi* rycall of the Invitation Col. Blocker withdrew hi* call to bis captains. The matter of recall of tnvltatioo was thus alluded to Mr. E. B. Hook, aecrotary of Club, aa the publication of Col. Blocker’s order had given rise to gossip of a sensational ebrracter. Mr. Hook thought It best that the public be placed In possession ot the facts In tbe caae. "so that they might Intelligently form their opinions nnd ho saved any unnecessary misun derstandings or undue excitement.” Ho eald: “Major Black r.?nt me seme printed Invitations signed by him as president of the Jefferson Club, to be mailed to different organisations tn the city. In viting their attendance upon the exer cises of Kre Jefferson Club and the speech of Mr. Graves at the opera house on tha Fourth of July. Being so licitous that Mr. Graves should have a good audience to hear his speech after mailing Invitations to all the organiza tions, I also sent oue to Dr. Burrows, Dr. Plunket, Dr. Kendal, Father Mc- Mahon and other ministers, asking them to announce the exercises to their congregations on Scnday and Invite their attendance upon this patriotic oc casion. “Having done this. It occurred to me iharth? empty top galle-y would bo a dreary looking wastJ to a speaker, and tt would be much better to have It ftll e'd with the best, element of our negro citizens. It was not probable that any but the more intelligent would care to attend such exercises, and they would te benefited by hearing whal would be said. I accordingly sent a similar no tification to Rev. C. T. Walker, Rev. C. J. Wilkins and Rev. W. J. White, tha three most prominent negro minis ters that occurred to mo, Informing tfci-n that seats in the gallery would be provided for negro citizens desiring to attend the exercises, and asking them to make announcement to their congregations. An invitation also sent to Lieut. Col. Blocker to have his battalion occupy seats tn the gallery. So careful was I that there should be no misunderstanding that 'l stated in writing that fK® mtpn®-.- ra the *M- 8i Cents Saved ON EVERY PAIR by buying our $2. 10 Gonts Shoes thlg week. They are strictly $3.00 Shoe* made up in newest styles amt best quality leather— Vid Kid. Willow Calf and Cloth Tops. See our window. Mulherin’s, 846 BROAD ST. l#ry atm M Ofttfii ttrett ia4 coloffd | rtti**n* voaM tutor Itort. "After ssttdlaa out tbra* lev I tat lout j I weal to-Atiauia to tb* eta to roevsa uou. aad tb* eext day, la my atota*. Major Black received from a aegru minuter and tb* colonel of tb* bat tallow note* of acceptance of tb* last-1 tatloa from iba Jeffrrsoa Club. Not [ knowing tbat awy Invitation bad been I Usucd them, nod supfftwing tbat tb* print.d Invitation bad gotten to them through a mistake. President Biai k j called a meeting of tbe exeruUva com-, mittee. explained tb* situation and as- j Ur aome discussion. It waa decided to writ* tbe negro ministers and officers tbat tb# Invitation* bad b««a **ot, them without tbe knowledge ot tb<- president, and by mistake. This was done. "The artlon published by The Her-, •Id yesterday was probably taken by 1 tbe colored battalion before President ’ Black's note r.ealllog tbe Invitation j was received. Tbat I* tbe whole story. I Invited them to occupy seats lo the negro gallery, and tbe Invitations were subsequently recalled by tbe executive committee. Aa It now stands, the gal lery will be open, and seats will be there at tbelr aervlce for any negro citizens who desire to attend the excr clacs. but tbe Jefferson Club extends no InvHatlon to them to do (b ” OABTOHIA. ■ Hon. C. R. Bush, president of tbe Ollmer County (W. V.) Court, says that he haa bad three cases of dux In his family, during the past summer, which he cured In less than a week with Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Bush also , states that in some Instances there were twenty hemorrshge* a day.— Glenvll!*, W. V., Pathfinder. This rem edy has he >n used In nine epidemic* of flux and one of cholera, with perfect suceesa. It eon always be depended up on for bowel complaint, even In Its meat severe forms. Every family should keep It at hand. The 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug A Seed Co.. C. R. Farr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Mr. 3. T. Harris, Proprietor Harris Lit Li a Springs. Dear Sir: While It !p contrary to my custom to give testimonial* to remedial agencies, I feel free to attest to the effiracy of the Horira Llthta Water (whrn uaed in large quantiles) In the Rheumatic and Gouty Diatheses; In engaged states of the Kidneys; In in flammation of the Bladder, end In all eases where there is an excess of sol* Ids In the urine. Yous respectfully, GEO. HOWE, M. D. Camden. S. C., August 24, 1893; Mr. J. T. Harris: Dear Sir: I enclose you in this lettea several pieces of calculi posssd by a pa tient of mime, who has been taking t)io “Harris Spring* Water” for the past 1* months. This gentleman has been a sufferer for two or three years with Cystitis, caused from stone. The solv ent power of tho water has been, I think, clearly demonstrated In this cage. All these fragments were passed in two evacuations from his bladder in tha past ten days. I consider Harris Spring Water o most excellent remedy in the Uric Acid Diathesis,also in chronic dys peptic troubles. I am, yours respect fully, A. W. BURNET, M. D. THE HERALD’S WIT m FNJOY LARGEST CIRCULATION JULY I a VOtNO PI LLMAN. H «• Stated That He ftoy Oo ta War. Chrago, July 17 T ung Georg* Pult i roast h*a left the city for |j*g ftrajwh. jevtd bt* friend* here araert that to baa I »re»e there to btd goodbye to bla *no-> It her before entering tb* army. It was • t first eald be bed ntlptM: hut the .recruiting oflt<*# records do oot show [that this la so, | It la eald that he ha* l«n urging gms |of bla tat* father's Influential friends ltd secure hint • r,.mmts*ion, and tbat | hope has been held out to him that <me may ho had. From Lout Branch he ! will go to Washington to urge hta ! claim* ; denied any knowledge at Mr Pullmaa’g | intention to enter tb* army, but he added that rnmmiaalons seemed easy to ’gel. awd It might be that one would it* given to the young man. Cartaia ■ friends of the latter assert positively that he will enter the aervlce. A JOKC ON STONEY. The Letter Made him Laugh and Cogitate. Assistant Surgeon Stoney for tfyj j related company I* at present the vk | tlm of *i y*#d J >l|*. Dr. Stoney la a colored man of rduretlm and muen courtesy, awd will consequently appre ciate Its puMiratlsn He examined a recruit yrsterduy and need'-dm letter con.ornlnr him. A note was written to a certain lady to) tbe city for whom Uilile worked. In answer come a lat ter from the lady. She said that Billie via a hard worker, industrious acd "aa honest a* colored folks generally are.” % Dr. Ston»y la a colored man himself, but appreciates a joke and handed tlm letter over to a reporter of The Regto j ter, remarking: “All coon* look aliko jto this lady; but she docs not know a Georgia negro." Dr. Stoney 1* a responsible phyalclan of Augusta among his people, apd. every white physician In that city' signed his apnlieotlon for the position he now occupies.—Columbia Register. A novel sort of window class hag been Invented. or sons on U» insldb of the house can see through It. hut 11 Is opoqiue to those on the outside.