The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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FRIDAY 2 ..—TO i close Oil Hie Balance of Birdies on Hand , i t *tij f**» . rt* , $3 00, $4, $5, $6 and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. YANKEE DOODLE IN CUtJA fe SwbbUM Muck to th# Ew. of wf floidlat lint* Lirs imam athoii NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS $l4O UP SECOND HAND SQUARES $40.00 UP Parlor Organs S3O up Sacond Hand $lO up fuu. us* or HGMOIL ooow IT bottom run. Tbomas & Barton, W. H BARRETT, Reoelvar. til Bmlvijr. Augusts. O* THE NIVAL STATIOfL Port Royal OwH h Hire Hi, lb* Emlnrkitloi. Naval V«w«h fixpactad to Arrive any Day Now. pnrt Hd|||, *1 C . Jalr ll.—The •'■out I Kfienn Ml.*h Jwll M .j. htl , Hh(> wll | <u u| amt w*hf. end , f t * d to K**r Writ for afrter* * W art* Lukin* for pom# of the n»vy * ».rl« to be brnusht In her* I® h» , . , jrnatrf,! and clesncd. Every-' thKtE I* reertv at the stall.*) to do any k %.i m zz t ,.. * h evidently are old hand, at the bo . Thev have front time to time, < lUil numtwn <>f -attic to I'ort Royal ' butcher*, clalmisx • that they mad* a ' LADIES’ TIES; SOMETHINQ NEW J. mMfilm THE HATTER. .KUtSTOIX: HATS .buclneaa of purchasing and selling cat tle. . , v : Large quantltle* of stoflr I* befog brought through here and being taken down the river to be weed In the for tification*. The wonder It here why tt»- govern ment took the reinforcement* through £har)**t<>n to be carried to Cid)*. And the impresHtw is that Uncle Sam must have "money to burn.’’ else hla ser vants would have W«l « route such as Jport Royal or Kava’inah, for Inntanee, where the utwswl* could have l>een brought right to the railroad truck, And not by « eourae In which the heavy -transports had to remain outside the bar. toile# away from lit* railroad ter minus, aeveasßatlnir the handling of troops ond supplies by means of small boats, ond this. too. at th* risk of life ond properly In transit. The extra ex pense must hove been very great. Af ter a while, perhaps, If the war lasts h y ea r or two, government officials will take the most direct route, and not go all around the world to please politi cians. Under present management. It would appear that the opinion Is that the 'furtherest way round Is the near, eat way home." OLD QI.ORY RUN UP. Without any great ceremony Bbut with willing hand and patriotic Impulse. Mr. C. P Mulherln this morning hauled down the popular shoe store standard, "Mulherln’s.” which Imß Hooted over Wm. Mulherln’s Sons & Co.'a building for the past two years,and in It* place w as raised the flag of the Grent Repub lic—Old Glory. And a* the fresh morn jig breezes unfurled Its graceful folds , It reen|ed to sf>eak it* liberty, to pro claim Its victorlee and to glory In the beautiful foot that for our home and country, God Is king. OASTORIA. Kind You Have Always Bengit CRUSHED TO DEATH. A TtrrlMi Arrtortl Owr la Mail CartoiM. Hr B. IX $ aßrn' "»**<• WNB a HwiWi Head. I.ii-t—- 4 C.. tmif Ift -Mr 1 V ' i taker* at ill bom M<»»Ba* for intoa .lata, bmH *HB a Barrlfcla (Ba*l leal r rtg#y ll* <eae lirMikilllf *aught I* tßa NUtt IB gaaa* ara> aad B<arßM t« *ia HMk By tßa »a|*dt» r* »# Blßary Hto Bead wea ere'B*4 *» urea Bia ana tora *1 and Both l«*s t.raßaa A atnal t>i«aa at awMUliaa 'wear By araa aetaally Byoßra l« (wo Br tb* ***#l*l*B Bid, * Mr, Xaljn* aa* *«*••*! *» r»«n of, aaa ltd at* U bAkAHoH Bard work lag ptrati outs llr araa a aaale*** t'BrtaUaa. gaff amM frequently tilt au atllee afirr a Bard day * worß to nm4*H prayer aMitt Ha wae a mm Bat at Oak Midg* Rapt let rhurrh Ha iMtraa a winter. arßo la a atatar of Mr. Crawford Stogear. wlto Nvaa t«l Bata, and ***** rßlldrea surviving Blai HU remain* vara Burl ad Hat ur.lay at Mod HIII rßurrß. tßa la* iaaaa Uay diktat lag TO OUT noRE PAV. Postmaster F.n#ar Vialta tßa Waafc* Inf lon Department Columbia. A C-. July It- I'natasaa tar Knaor rrttiraaff bontr fvo Wash ington yeetrrday, arhara Ba Bad Been to m tßa po#foff<r* departnwat and la dona tßa Bio aiaat IBa Columbia ogle# audittooat flarfc* iota* Inert** of pay fir tß# Bard m*W9t tab* dn4 the es tablishment hart of a ittbitilioa lie worked fflllgratly <o am mnUsh there aad*. but thoagh tht dei-agCm**! ran. ognlxed Ilia Jwatee of IBa rwiuaat II he'n* wall tiniest* < off Mrdf thir (istr la alatoal alarayy cjowt.ed with wort atilt tbr dealer could only partially sucre d lit araa reminded that tßa poatoSk-a fund* bad bean greatly rui and that the department coaid not therefor* u pre»- < nt give him the extra clirlti or put In the substation, but aa Inrraaae la sala ty am ttjg the clerks wax granted, the sefregst* increase atnoanting to about I f 100 a mouth. DiacovCHlCO HY A WOMAN. I Anuther great discovery has been i made and that toe by a lady fn flits I country. "Disease fastened It* dutches [upon her and for seven years si he with stood Its severe tests, but her t ital or- ' |gabs were undermined and desthtgferri !rd Imminent. For three month} she I coughed Incessantly and could- not steep It he finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption and was so much relieved on I taking the first dose that ala- slept all i night; and with two buttles has been I absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs. I Luther Lutt. Thus write# W. C Mam. mick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot tle* 10c. at Howard A Wilier* drug 1 store. Regular slae 00c and 11.00. Every bottle guaranteed. LIGHTNING'S WORK. People Killed and Several Severely Shocked. Plantcravllle, 8. C., July 15. Dui ing a vety severs electric storm a few days ago. there were a number of casualties. On Saudy Islund one negro was killed; on upper Waccamaw three negrfoss weiv shocked: on lower Waccamaw, near Georgetown, one negro was killed, and two shocked; on -Pen Dee one ox was killed and a negro shocked. The storm see' * to have been general in this county, thought pishing has been heard from Santee. The weather Is still stormy and too much rain for the good of the crops. Caterpillars aro re ported In the Dee from several sec tions. HON - JOHN C. SHEPPARD. ——• ‘J ’ He Has Announced Himself For the Senate From Edgefield. Trenton, 3. C., July 16. Hon. John C. Sheppard has announced hlmaelt for Ithc state satiate from Edgefield county. He was at one time governor of South Carolina and was recognized as one of the ablest men In the constitutional convention of 1695. He Is an eminent lawyer and has served bis state well in many capacities. Mr. Sheppard Is a gentleman of broad mind and liberal v'-ws, and would make a leader whom men would trust and willingly follow. It’s e curious thing that when a wo man til’s to you about some little un important. yet impressive thing, such as her retinue of (servants or the num ber of her tailor-mades, and so forth— you knowing all the time that it Is a fib—you don’t feel half *o much asham- Jed of her fibbing as flattered that she should think It worth while to Oh about !such a thing to you. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office, Geniuses are rare, thank heaven, or this world would not be tolerable. jNAVAL RESERVES SAD. I Tit) wm \d B* til to (to in# I Sift Am. Mm umtoli Mdßaa ta Sb«* ftMflfe, •atraapaß Ob.. Joty it TBt a**## laaß bb**l *•*»**• ttra «m •**« «a#a I tspy totototototoNt tto miis §to# j Mdpi fak to«ft« t*f |lmp i'll it# 4 IMUCJ } Y%tof (to*# #4B# tonlMW En4*f MM* tofftlsft>» f IMN* 111# ItoftoufYlMtotoi tMUfi A## l**#**n 4 I** s<l |ft4r:» (ba i •«»s'%t*to >4 tlMPif 11*| In** I ImpaH Mt ill f«af fltoNlflHl l» #AMaI toftoi If j ft* )»•$ f!*** (Krs| $ fslr jrA to (to* to l|*T Mtoii |ps** N»| tmsf on iUhto I mmM At dFAIt* «f (I# INUNtoI IHiUto fk#tf jAAFAIE# liw ftoMMl of ■ gl# of MIU (Eg I Imp Of Ik* (*sr4l) BFBaa Ideal fr*4*tlrk W Uiwtlwf | aerttad leap IN*rt H**r*i thee* pa* a - B*a Aiaappoiaiiaant la atapa for Ow bb* >*v*aß BBtal rarataaa TBaft idbrn Bad aauarirM ihaai Hi ramp at White IHtrd end at ;t*Betdereble axpeaaa Bad held I Bam tfl*f Bar y«twltfl| IB* arldßat M ila rareufflda atorwr Unt. Oraaa : has duty arrtr < 1 aad w*« aceompaaiad by Adatatani ow*aoa INalda of St • OrUaaa madkal aiamtaea aad CBUf. ' Iddtiaar Hobart hut of the ttitj All •baa* are railrtd oMrar*. add rajgky ’ raeallrd lata the aarvka At an early tour la if* mrrataa tßa oil*ac* «f tb* XaeBMPaB aaral raaareaa railed apm dim They war# aaaioaa ta *o, and Ideal Oretaltaf tea* adiloua Ur labai them Rut a eeeeat nwdlaa of Bia la- ] •frurilr aa ehowad that Be <eaa oaty air-. ißurtaad ta aalM them at aailon aad ' aeamea No provtetoa aaa made for: i arc*pi log IBa oMr*ra Of roar**, far- ] ibar aallalmeat earn* to a etaadetill j TBa map a*re dumbfounded Ideal. { Orernleaf aaa ragrnful. Bat eoiild do, noihtng Hit Hiatrarilnaa aera tlmpiaj aad *e*ara Ha nnatd oaty taka an - Hated mm. aad area then e-mld not waive aay pßyalrat defect a aa Ba would have done at the opening of the war ■ lie row id not guarantee the awn that j they would ha ernt ofT on the amt* •hip, In fart enlUtmrnt muat Be eoadlUotral. Urut, nrnvßltaf atatad Mr a Pftwa reprcantatlye that he rPgf»tt*dnviTf | rnurh thaae romplUatUma He tVlfiftbt a grant deal of trouble wae brought t>a In the Baglnnlag by lha nrtlon «4 the Oeoncla naval teaerva l« aaktng to ha < n lined under I hair own oMcera and ta |ba uaed for guarding lha coaat of Oeor , gt* Thaae coudlUoaa ware unfortu nate. The nary department eould not 1 accept them and tht naval raaarve had !aof been muttered In. Lieut. Orernleaf aa’d that the Char teal on naval reserve » nt into the ear- I alee early In May. They were accepted j without condition, but It so happened | were shipped on the same rennet and jara now aervlag on the Celtic, a llnltml ! states supply ahlp In the West Indies, j The Beaufort naeal reserve* are on dti ; ly guarding the batteries of the naval j flat ion In Port Royal harbor. Ready Always j To discount eompetltlon. W# make trunks attd soil at manufacturers firloe. Trunk factory, H 3 Rruad. MONET-«A v JN° BALER Are In Order Outing Mid-Rummer Mura so thatj Other S.-ssone, u And the Rlre A O'Connor Shoe pb, are the leaders In pointing out how and where to save money. Money saving Ik one of the moet Important duties im posed upon our people, and no advant age offered In this line should ever be passed by. As you save so" will your suceess In life be attained. When one has accumulated some money he be comes more easy and th* most direct way to acccumulale to be cautious In your purchases, and deal with the best people In all lines. When the Rice A O’Connor Shoe company tells,through | the columns of this paper, that they are | offering great values In the shoe and I hat line, you ran usually depend upon it that It comes pretty straight. They •re out today offering special bargains In summer goods and those who wish anthlng In their line will do well to give them a call. THE TEACHERS. >n The Staff of the Sandersville High School. [Special to The Herald.] Sandersville, Go., July 15. At a meeting of the hoard of education held yesterday, the election of teachers In the Sandersville High school for the en suing term restated as follows; Miss Ella M. Mitchell, assistant principal; Miss Pauline Herman, principal of (he Grammar sejioot; Miss Nora Hopkins, principal of the Intermediate depart ment; Miss Marla B. Haynes, principal of the Primary department; Miss Ad dle Lee Martin, assistant In Primary department. The curriculum was rais ed so that the graduates of this insti tution may enter the sophomore class In any southern college. Two recruit*, Guthrie and Harion Cave, leave here tonight for Camp Nortben. BTOY’S EXCURSION TO CHARLES TON. Get your ticket and he t&ady to go on Stoy A Moa?’ excursloqjto Charles ton On the 18th—41.00 rtmfijrtrtp. Train leaves colon depot 6:45 a. m. sharp. See advertisement. Shatter has .hemmed in Linares; Schley has basted Cervera. Perhaps It is too much to expect the Spaniards un der ih« circumstances to remain unruf fled. THE -A/CJOKCTST.A. HERALD BURNED 'UI DfATH 1 it- a* 11 lad* | 11"* k»n» I (lift I AMij| Ihdmaßfc u Her Jto«* M • r*4MU f J IvfMM *4|RHMIIMfe fPvt4%* »IMM» $ W>iP»' ItW lift)# 091 «#• »«*•* M t*' JM» Mtolto lH Uma nftMfßtoMn !•* IMW to»m» ttodfty* ••)s*'» Im •4 m jam t» a fan la*#** Ima atiiaiM? A an I '•■m *' m lit » *•**• St ar »*t ,f # N* 1 h r 4»u,i»*rtr aatamtHMi I IN# gfffl rMMIf. MHI» (»• |<M4 rflaa **r<«»*t M) aa*«<Nf. Nit mm**** *i* I T?Ti it»f J N )Y»*w« »»• mmrtwmf mi | T6w •"to* Wight IB* • 884 4Mdr** *•* cl |w* MM B _ . . _ j MB* MB* "•'P * n * r * •" * drtgM MU'* "** ’****«!'/ 'who Bn*«* B*r Bud »•»*» man* *'«*** 1., mugrw B*r g*H«**» —m*r«wi Couw'y Otiws /H'Ptll.lfS'fN A WtH NUED All lb* faUeeto. B HB Owe KwlfW*** IMng Well. i AiUnta. o*.. July IL All tb* w -aa fgsd *i ro« HrPßst mb «* «•*•« I with the except lu* of C*p*. Joßn Big* (low. eke la addl'ioei to tb* s*rlou***#* of B e etoßßi* m combßtUßg • Bigb I* 1 eer Ha Amt • gun dßat wo«Bd IB Ik itblgß end calf oTiß* I** *•* flo«*r & IBs igfl Band It gßkttefod. BBi **» rlgbl LloblMw bled* wae cupped by a if*»- Ikß bßllkt. , I Major Blair Taylor, la ebarg* °‘ *■' i apertal. told M Pr*a* rtpet jler Idat captala B gekia * wi*uo4« w«w* | heat ng akoely. but a fever, euperia doerd by malaria contracted la Cuba , was causlag th* gailaat New T urker I tome trouble. Capt o. A. Due** Tweaty Pourtb infantry I* Iroprcrvm* rapidly, and baa , sp.-at tb* better part of the day «i I th* big plate* of U»* hoapHa*- IB *** shut through *k* *Blgb. He and his i second officer. Lieut Lyon, expert to 1 start for gait Lake tomorrow nigh.. H their leave* of a been*-# are received 1 Ll**t Waeeel. Twenty-lecoad infantry.- wf.oae home If In Plt aburß, hope* lo get a way fromrlb# hoapltal by the end at the reck. While using bia glaeacs during tb* firat day # fighting he **■ j struck by a bullet which entered hi* i Utile flager aad pasting through hit hand struck hi# iamb, aad puncturing his Jaw came out at the small of hi* hath. HU aseapa from death was xalr i acuioua. Regarding the death of C* C. A. Wickoff. of the Twenty-Second, whose , home is at Eaton. Pa . And to whleh some doubt was attached. Lieut. Wii sel said: "Col. Wtckoffff had beam dead at least twelve hours when found Ills body was In the dense wood* aad nobody with perhaps tba exception ot> Hi. ll linos, a bnndffian. knows bow h# met his death. I dqn't know where thr band roan ta.” Lieut Parklaa Eighth infantry, ami Lieut. Salzman, First- ravalrjf, who were suffering from the effect* 6f she heat, arc fmprovlng rapidly, and expect to start for the west, In a few days. Lieut. Oeo. .Oodfrey of the Twenty-t Second, whose home Is In New York, and who was wouuded in the head, it out of danger. Hundreds of telegrams have been re ceived during tbe past two days from all pari* of the country making Inqui ries as to the condition of the men. The hospital authorities willingly re plied to them, hut were embarrassed regarding sn nppropriatlon for revenue stsrops until Informed by the telegraph company that they would furnish stamps for all messages of that charac ter. SOLDIER BOY SLEEPS. Private Dick Lsld at Rest in His Native Soil. Sumter, 8. C., July 13. —The remains of Dwight H. Dicks arrived from Cblckamauga Wednesday afternoon on the 4:50 train and were taken at once to the cemetery, where the funeral ser vices were held. There was a large at tendanc at th funeral, for the entire comunlty felt his death to be a loss to Sumter. Inasmuch as he was Qie first member of the Sumter Light Infantry to die in service. The services at the grave were simple, but particularly solemn and impressive and inexpressi bly sad. The brief adress of Dr. Ed munds by the side of the open grave touched a responsive chord In the hearts of all present, and they were made to realize the grief ond the loss that war carries in its train—a feeling of sadness that the glory of victory and the pageantry of a triumph to the re-’ turning heroes can never efface from the hearts of those who have been be reaved. There weremany beautiful flowers to deck the grave of the fallen soldier boy, many of them the offerings of his classmates and friends In Clinton, where be attended Ichool a few years ago. They knew ist of his ojoath until his remains arrived In thatjpjace ep route to Sumter, mt they paid to his memory every mask of respect that was within their power, and his sister, Mrs. Cordes, who came from Chatta nooga with the body, was the recip ient of a thoughtfiil and sympathetic attention-that Canflot be forgotten. MRS. TAILOR DEAO. m unit. Mgi—ni'M| AB *''«f. Nlfitoi If* V$ Tl iuea f waM ReH P Pwaeg 4 S*tee Igg g|HI fig IB Ml Me I .«•**4 m tsu*' Lrrg^^^ws llt IN, «l # -i. I&**4*9 m*m ILU I - Iff Aik iM kE# ; | t »;e tf | f . #VV | Mtoill |H|i_lTt I**? 4i] Ito1 to u •tnaHNOf It. Tm I | gigr # (Hit) IH Etofto l * t tit 7s^ltoF IMM j«s fay- •mmmm ft** to# vto ntoto*4toiNl<Ml in 1 toff-yffiA tof» Hit tfIMNNK Ilto4 INI fl<X Ml j ■ III# |)ftofu to#* ft#gfn fumiil j I utlOß f|f 4ii4 Hdtli «-t). sfto# *»T# toNtot j |««#f i n i to# 0 in# ton ill# I «to#riV. to#to* tom to##fti to#'iNl ; totoi oii4 ' I -toft# fa |«fcr|| hp Oton if HftHdll to#t | |tß* - Ba** efracß Tarlefs frail aa4 ar*{ IM purwuit as Bias TB*y bt» e* I pe-r tgd ltd (to* Basra *4 *a4 .i tor d*s *M Mrtftg TB.-Irr • « I<m Beg • ll] -t» boi* da 44 bobbi •!>«*», rTSTgo... ™ Tfcr I-iß> P»s»l» *f 'to W*-H«g d• I tetef are easy ainrß autragrd at ißt' heleou* et*Bia *n iksh o stBU 'f. aad a Mege aumber of *•* Bgv* Been M j |Ag't as Taylor Btac* »a Bogs »d* , ■r tragedy ~ ” TB* - do bm Beellale to aar that if they fled h,«n 'Bey wtlietrtat dim to, a see* add >B fart eoau people h*» lev*. h* ba* already been fnaad aad promot- 1 fy dean arltA TBt* la Bot - regltad By 1 •he cgieees aad they *Ol eaatia**! ibeir eearrß for the fagjtt** Kit Tay-' lor, who waa WHB Bia Brotßar when tß* tragedy oererred elataaa Be d < all ha could to preeeut the horrible trage dy. CANDI E«~AND HIS TEN. Camp Nortßrn Regiaalßg lo Fill Up WHB Rev rafts Ortgta. Oa., July IS.—CoL John B.' Caodtrr baa mad# Camp Non hen a place of romfbn. aa hlvouas Arc* have been buralag all day. Bel la aatklpa t»< o of being called hurriedly to war. ogl that the root hr****# might be mil igaud by tb* hot smoke. . tTbia Bu rning recruit* earn* la from' AJbaay, Savannah. Abbeville, Brume •etrk aad Newnaa. while tbe (frlgßt received several. Col- randier, who spends most of his ' Urn* In gritiag acquainted wi:h his ireops. my* to I* immensely pleased with hi* ramp and that th* drill uader ijeut Klmbtqugb was especially flu.- He had about 104 mea under bis charge, who after a short time were almost perfect Aa a matter of court*, the examination of the troop* la a task, hot It hat been given out from th* colonel's headquarters that contracts' had been made with surgeons over the 'staff where recruiting officers were Id: do the examining. Lieut J. M Kimbrough, of Capt. Burr’s company, hat been a hard work ed officer, and today when seen. said-. "I bavs about forty-live accepted men, < with more to hB examined, and l am 4Ure that my company will be complete Before the other*. Th* first guard mount occurred Tues day afternoon at 5 o'clock, when twelve rt were Instituted* Informally, so as give the recruits an Idea of whaf itiey might expect. TFhlle the music #-as lacking, everything was In shape •Aterwlae. Adjutant W. 0. D. Rockwell and Qunrtemrmasier S. 0. Orr received their fine saddle horses today. Dr. L. B. Grandy, chief surgeon and major. Is off today on » visit to New man. but It Is sold that he was not en ticed there by the press barbecue. WEDDING AT BOSTICK Rev. Oeorge floors and Miss Annie Seales Barnes Married. Bostick, Qa., July 15.—At the home of Mr. W. M. Barnes, to the dulcet chime of sweet wedding bells, Rev. George Moore, of Quitman, led to the altar beautiful Miss Annie Senrles Barnes. Miss Annie Richards played the march, and around the rooma were grouped Miss Katie Richards, Mr. Wade Barnes, Miss Moore, of Perry; Mr. Harvey, of Quitman; R*v. L. W. Parrott, of the Baptist church, being the officiating minister. The bride was very lovely In a gown of Cadet Blue, with harmonizing hat and gloves. She carried a bouquet of blushing bride roses, tied with ribbons Miss Barnes is an accomplished mu sician, a recqnt student at Cox col lege. Rev. Mr. Moore is a noted young Baptist divine who won great distinc tion at Mercer university. Miss Moore, of Perry, was exquisite ly gowned In canary organdy; Miss Richards, of Talbotton, was electrically fair In white organdie. The dining hall was very picturesque with rare flowers and pot plants. A delicious dinner was served. A charming acquisition to the occasion was the presence of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. J. Adam son. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George Graham. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Searcy, Mr. and Mra. G. G. Tounsley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Searcy. Messrs. Richard and Thomas Maxwell, Misses Annie and Kate Rtftbards and Lyndla Lee. _iU, Sylvester has just received another shipment of those 50 cents negligee shirts and they are going very fast. It does not matter to some men whe ther they ride an a carriage or o patrol wagon. j _ CUT THIS OUT X a. J ta urjat 3 fiMMUH—■— I —TTT I * Ff * M * 4 "■■4 k Wf<!4 your At(vci|)t#ftofll on. Ihi« tylpnk, gnetogg amount pacetttify to OM# H"’ tiiagf* ticoa ng you Bb4fit« Miitt gntifgf nittil of ggnd It to IHE MEHALU adyektiscment coupon. TO THE AtXRJ#TA HERALD. pigAM inggrt thg •d' , titlNm«nt writ ion t>glow —tkngi in your “WANT” column*, for which you will find gnclotod $ ——oonti SION HERB —r faitae« ye** wswtek, Vsecved fm*. r» , • h><p f ! »»<*•*». J*'* • r **a*'- *•* Bi*. MB* K#t#4 \ mfSeaas B** *X» * AM-A-Bofff h. • rrawra* t *re les* ik»* H **•**- T 0 SH T A TAHUB. - TB* mrrert osellHcd <4 setting a taU* ! -for dinner depend# upo* th# Ba* and ( rtsemm of lb* ."Brofty In bttb-e Vk<r» 1 i tbor* Is «a ctpeet tnsrter ae a aß'fui | | waiter tß*#e aerennt* do lb* eßevia* of itb* dawtee ta th* sad# rwoai or basti»e • Uaagry- tb# dtnßer. ia tat# *##*. »• a#" • lerally oerved a lo Rows*, and Boat and laegteas *e# semvvad ft am *ll ear* I* j aervtag the die act The moet tmpwet ant Josata ae* toisttlaos t»lac#d upon I ! th- fable ft.r tm lastant. aad then r* ' moved t* tb# aide la‘.-l# to be carved i and served. In famlll. a wber* tbe din- - n*r la served by a wattr*e* »b* h. ai j does bt* awn carving, aad all tbe chief t .list.** ♦ tb.- dlfferven < *Uf#ea •»» !»••*- J *4 t»f re them, except tb* wmp. the ,»*i.i<l. th* deeert aad ttar coffee. | j n #fiy fuf, wfy |srr tto# tiW# 1# wait-d upr-n by a liveried footman w 1 hy a Simple maid Hi aproß and cap. th# table *t the beginning preeent* RHke J | differ*#** la ll# general features In j famlllr* where the servants are trained jin refined, correct method* R.itfnd ta- , Me# sre preferred, lir-urh msny ohlfdtg [tables With rounded corner# are need. > j A heavy M.mketlng. which erdne# ror | ,tb* purpose, sht-uld cover the table un der the linen to deaden the sound a# j ! well a* protect the potiehed top from , {hot dishes t# Ihe center of the table 1 a low Jardlniser# or an arrangement o | . powers or delicate fern# la genera V .placed It may b* simple, and It ahould | 'never be composed of flower#, with a (decided frnmrence, violet# alone bring the exception to this rule. It •b*’U not cut off th# view eeroes the table, j High eperrne*. however elahorste, are little used for Ud* reoaon. bo esrh abb td the centenrtece there should He low ' t ompotiere of aeeorted cake*, dtahe# of -bonbere, celery, olive# or rsdlshea: nnd o pepper caetor i yptalclng white an red pepper. There should be tnr» of i theae at a table of five oc six peraon* ; and * gl*»» of *»<*r •* rt * ht ®* • each piste, and an Individual salt-cel lar at the left upper comer Is necesaa ry. Th# soupspoon, flshknlf* and the oyster-fi rk and atl knives or spoons previous to th# desert course used at , the dinner arc placed st the right side ( 'and all forks at the left side. Th# nap kin. often with the Initial or monogram of the hostess on top. Is simply laid cm the cloth In front of the guest It us ually holds an oblong slice of bread cut rather thick if soup Is the first course. Where oysters or clam# are served, they are arranged on ehoped Ice on their plates, with a piece of lemon In ■ the center. It is a matter of taate. where there Is a waitress, w-hetber she serves the ! soup froai the bullefi pantry or wheth er it I* placed In a tureen before the I hostess. In either case the waitress {should place the soup at the right hand . iof the guests. All piste* are removed j by the w alter at the left hand anti are • placed by th# waiter at the right. All 1 dtehea accompanying courses are pass- j ed at the left hand. A plate of each ' kind of course served Is placed before !each guest, who can refuse It If there Is a choice. A dinner may consist of many cour ses. but one of few courses, each one \ delicious of Its kind, is always to be j preferred to on elaborate dinner of many courses Indifferently cooked, which receives nothing but contempt from well-bred people. After the soup, fish of some kind la usually served, though It Is by no means considered necessary, as it omce was. A .relieve of meat may take it* place. Poultry or game is usually the last course before the salad, and after this the table Is cleared of the castera, salt cellars and ay dishes except the flow era, fruits, bonbons and cakes. The fsble Is brushed and dessert spoons arc placed ot each cover, and the d?ssert Is put before the hostess, who serve* it. The cloth Is not removed. Tees are served after the pudding with a des sert fork, made for the purpose, or with « spoon. Serve the finger-bowls to their plates, and after these serve fruit, nuts or w'hatever is a part of j this course. Finally, bring on the cof fee.—New York TVibune. OASTOXIIA. th, *«• Max—w ’ v :r Some women are not as bad as they are painted and some artists are -flat as bad as they paint. If Austria is so much ftiterested she might et*p up to the rads. hnd stJB Spain' bond to keep tire .peace. JULY 16 ONE-CENT A WORD SITUATION WANTED WAJTTBt) *— pOiITIOM IIY YOI’XO j u •t«*r.«#r*pW *«*l ljrp< WTIUO* , WAN'ft4>-A IHWffTION As HOt'AI | fftrl **x4 n»m*» ttowwl M* ( mftr Hu**ry. m mtotom •trckK# July if U YOIYVa MAN, t* Y 2AIUI (>l*o. | jtift tfd A litfttoMM fHUfMI At lOf (kDHfff# of AtlfUAlß. ,<|o»lrft a at I m to*to*|ag*r or oftrrto. > A(Mr -• J Me H e. tM>s H. unlock* Juim ,itok to C- * JiiH 4 IS ItAKTKn A POFfTTf*N OF ANY toind; ihr*y ytir** tipriHiw In *h"|j 'And fltttr S»Y-JA4P cHHI AtiUniMry Mtyln tintoy <'in furnlHto of rcfmmYft. No* ifriwi of work. *'»n l«c *#«*« «t ) work r*t No. Sio Jur'koon utrwpt. M. .11 Emit to. July l< |WA VTKI>-FIsACK TO DO FITHKR | MBfeftmr or hou* *work. Apply At Ml | fYifi)ptM*ll elty. July If [wantctwwork YIF AWY KIND. j wutlnir u> work. AWilli,' Wll jlltointo. 50# July IS HELP WANTED WAKTRD—AGESTB AND CANVAB SBI.S, ttopaiwlleled money maker f*v ■ you The He an Ideal Pin sells to every lady on sight . No competition . Some ■are making M to fl* « day. Cm-alar ■ free. Mme. Thonopaon's Hair Novelty Ml Broadway, New York city. July It FOR SALE CREAM—CREAM AT M JACKfION BT. j ■— ■ 1 ■ ——- 11 ■ VERT CHEA P —Pistole, guns, must, csl Instruments wstchsa almost gtv*a away, at Unci* Lew'*. FOR HALE CHEAP—A PAIR OF young horses. Will work double or single C. H. Howard. Jr., at Howard [A Wlllet Drag Co. June 21 ts FOR SALE OR RENT-HOITSE OF 7 j rooms an Lincoln street. In good con dltlon, on easy terms. Wm. Schwelgcrt. Aug 1. FOR SALE-A LOT OF SECOND j hand doors, sash, blinds and wnooden (columns. Also a large lot of roofing {•late. In good condition. Apply to Ja jeob Phinixy. Aug 1 | ; : I— : FOR SALE CHEAP—PAIR RLACK young mtilee. sound astd all right! al so heavy two-horse earing wagon, car ry two to three pound*;, ajso - harness complete, all no*' 1 rly now. Call ’or address G. O, Witte A Co., Jackson | street, city. Jul* 19 TO RENT FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1. 1898, THE dwelling No. M 2 Ellis street. Apply to Jacob Phinlxy. . Aug 1 TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING 1229 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. Julg; 24 ' LOST AND FOUND PARROT. SLATE colored with red tall. Escaped Sat urday morning. Suitable reward to finder upon return to me. P. J. Sulli- I van. Aug X MISCELLANEOUS ■SUMMER GCXCRSyS OSBORNE S dU gjNE'Sp commercial cthft-se noticed febhn’ fSO to 139.- Short hand pvdi k fyp*wfllllfa)t ’iMt • anil girls from 15 years and up taken. June 17 ts TWO BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 Telfair street; Con give a Jatge, pleasant Toofn beds, on rea sonable teems. *.«.» - Aug.gTa*.— 1 -