The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 15, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY 4 THE HUGUm HERALD t«Df illtllf 1 * ****** ****** i oit9 " ■■ mSStt ftftMpffftv*. i- * *#'-• *%#*** *# fttlttS tinWTIH-, .»»••*■ . . . «.»« »»oH•■*•<•♦»»*•••*•»•• J aNH • H*>N *»».•«»»*•.»•*«** •* w** j ft *9 ##ft9 w ( “" * ■■ f (MW* *M*M. Akg****- °** I HERALD WONEA hm<m4> o#a* ihfii dm i #* r j Mt *9*99*99 *■*•. „ nt> MtoW-MI MM. *•*“•'*■» ***■ j *•# «••• tnftrr •**«•»—*••***•* •* VOU WILL- FIND THE HtUtAIJ) |» AHMM4-AI Hal* *«#»• *» 4 M , | to s „4 m MtoMT* KM* •(•(**■ to m — *• it* *»»» m*«m 4*4 ; l JIMMI i*ftftft*f- a . _ to Ctoclrota»-Al tto Utorlrotoa , w « t lit Calais***- Ai Ik* Oran a Cant rat i In N»» Tat* CHI'—AI Ik* M»i*l Km grilm in 4 nfift AwfiKf Htffi Pari la* falling •><> »k 4 Tto H«rol4 m or a. aland* •»« r*ora*4a wit «>nfro ! a tow to raproUag toa toet •• #*• j •Ml<*. I watch voir übbul Tto data nffaHa v«*r hm •• «*• lahal pa»t«l your p«rar roach* U*« lime y.»ur .uh*4f.p<t..n aspires Match it and read to ><ror remit- U aca tolore tlto Mt* r»p*s». •» y*nr ytrt t will to MtocoaltoiMd at Hut Sava trouble and thto’t ml*# y#«r paper! Herald Prize Letters \‘i From American Summer Resorts. a , . Tha Harald thl# rear will oiler • aartaa of prii.i for tha beat ( letter* written Iron an Am*rt *•» can Hummer Rcaort Tltaa# lat ter* mint ba published under • item da plume, and. after tha r.aiteat ha» clna*d the whole •*- rtaa will be aubmlttad to a com petent uuJ Impartial comnilt mlttee for tha awardlmt of prUee. The real name of tha wrttar. aa well aa tha horn <t« ■ plume, moat accompany each letter rent In for puli.icatlon, tor tha purpoa* of Identifica tion. , . . Creitentanla mual coniine their lettaea to • reasonable length ronteatanta can write aa many lettera aa Ihey wiah tor the prlae, but one conteatant can win only one of tha prlae*. ... Tha Herald wanta Ilya, aprtfht |y, gossipy latter*. aetd the prlaea will ba awarded for th« beat, moat interesting and moat readable letter# of Summer Ha sort News. Contest Opens June 1 5. Contest Closes Oct. I. jpon THE HEST LETTER W 6.00 FOR THE ID BEST LETTER.... U 09 FOR THE ID DEBT LETTER.... *.W "the HERALD IS DELIVERED IN Winnsboro, 8. C, Every Afternoon at 10 Cents • Week. Drop a Postal to Mr. J. H. Skinner, Agt., Winnsboro, S. C. I 1 If you want the news, rend The Her | aid. We will have to corf all General To raL ui Hobson Is at once a corker anil a sinker. , 4 % '1 The popular loan was popular enough to suit the moat fastidious. Carranza left Canada under protest, but you notice that he left. It takes a brave man to confess that there Ie nothing to do but surrender. If yot» want the largest number of readers for your ad., put It in The Her ald. Just listen at The Johnston Monitor: “ Til remember the Maine,' said the crap shooter.” “Valdosta's - midsummer 'carnival Is now in full sway and southwest Geor gia is radiant. Hew happy Porto Bico should be at the prospect that General Miles will be Its governor general. Ex-Queen Lili will toll not, neither will she spin, under the present regime, go what bae ehe to kick about! j. - riMUJtUiy eMfMWt Tin* #*f 9 lni ****‘ , m d*'**## m t tMflrtl 0§ ft **• b§ t lift#* ftftft ftepUftOMl Nl ftftlftWftft •ftfpftift #ftft• ! § omf if ftfH in 90m *o9* *9o9ooo*s *f%o9 *# 001 1 *%* 0%990 9*ooos ftftftftftftjft: ft## omm* 90900 90 I IN* 090Hfk99 ftpftHtl 009904001 000000000 $ 090000000 tU** 90 *»TM*fM MHfIrfWMMNt in 990000009 9INMA» %%* f%irtttnn lAnm mini Ml €*oo9o s##!tSU I* R«| 'WgtMMf'* »r*<| • *h«m ' lag Mtoi 'toy ton dwytavd tw mub <b# wwto#a. Ik* arttoibaUtf ibvy 1 toditt ItraMMalv** Ilka to Ml*, aad •• IpiTSta r.l tool • prldv to lap df •«rb dnnnw. how* **» ikvy may et» port Mhmmwlvm to ball)*. Ttorv to** baaw hmw* dtwfratvtol acaiia* la tb* Mraato wnhia <to p*M tow day*, fiwn to tirkaa tha pwopla tor* with tha volttoiaat army. Of eoaraa. ail tha 1 attMiar* are hot *o Tha diagtbtafai j roadart la rtb biicd oaly by • tolhortty I of the irnrm*. w* hope- bat thaaa ara ' enough rowdiaa to totoy ahaaaa to tto who la tore*. ''That* *hoaM ha aoroa cloa* rwtraia placad na tto troop* Mtrtct. torah diartyllaa alon* will control auch rL>- arhtra. Tto cooMMMtor* ahould to lag tto haavy toad of wartlai amhorit; ayoa thrtp "If lb* natal of tto regiment* In f"totl*«toa t* a fair *ampi* of tna spirit of tto army at larga, God halp tto SpaMMd* to Santiago and Habana Theta will be area** aaoctad to tha captured town* that would shoe* Wry■ tor h<«r»#li " The glc ry arhlavad by the Amrr'eie •oldtort on to* field of battle tbould my. ba t.ntitobed by tha tootut tr of thair cntidoct el»ewhere ft it hope) that we have beard thr lait of lire** unaoidletiy abiurnalla. LTCIDIf ciARPCa. Wr believe that the action of the di rector* of the Auguata Lyceum la de riding to hold tto count# hereafter It, tto Maaonic hall will meet with gen eral MUtfactloß. There Is no dtogutolng the fart that the member* were not a* well pleased with a*t year'a course aa during pre vious year* A great deal of tto dla •atltfactlon waa attributable to ifet fact that tto *ntrrtalament* were not gtvrn In thr hnme-llkr atmosphere of the Maaonir hall, with whfen tto Ly ceum *4*d been Identified ever ilnce ti* establishment Practically (peaking there I* a* much •eating capacity In tto Masonic ball aa there la tn the opera house, with the exception of tha upper gallery. The •eat* In that altitude naturally were not popular and on very few. if any, occasions, were there more people In tho opera house than had been In Ma sonic hall. Tho latter will aeat 6RO people com ftotably. It has therefore been deter mined to limit the membership to 526, each member receiving two ticket* for each performance. A few seats will be sold at the door to non-members to fill up any vacancies for a given even ing. The Hat of lecturers and musicians decided upon by the directors, as pub lished tn yesterday's Herald, should forestall all criticism at the beginning. The list docs not consist of experimen tal numbers. Men of acknowledged ability have been Invariably chosen, while the nature of the entertainments are such as to appeal in turn to nit tastes. The first number Is etlll nearly three months off, but the Indications are that during next winter we will have the most brilliant course In the history of the Augusta Lyceum. Since the membership Is limited to 325, It will be necessary to speak early In order to secure tickets. The books ure already opened at the office of Treasurer Jones and all the tickets will soon bo disposed of. *_ GERMAN AND AMERICAN FLEETS. The Herald referred yesterday to the ability of the American fleet to put to fight the Teutonic tubs of the Kaiser, If It ever became necessary for the two countries to come to conclusions. The statement was not id.e bluster, patriotic but easily punctured. It waa statistically true. Germany has 81 armored ships, while the United States has 33. the German being armed with 422 guns, while the Americans have 631. We have 33 un armored cruisers to their 32, ours hav ing 561 guns to their 460. Only to tor pedo boms do they us, in the ra- THE AUGUSTA HEEALD Mg as Ml to t. tot than *p«* to to tow . a that ***** Mtat tto WWI pfgrttaat AagwwMMigMato that • inapaA* bast la a« gwM taa ti* gaaM tMtgattwtot tt at*** whw*» gto* *v» vatl #r» **i a* ! * imtil ttowwltn* «f MlNglk, tto* tha tag*! atwator *4 **>»» Ml Urn ***i m Tto »ta«w tow I tot. to* Attorttoto f«■*•*• ladtrai'f a tsf tha gwaltfy gs tto ahiga intapan a** avaan wi aagtaat Mawahtya with ito Taaiat ItUMaatvb Math tow stoat tto «•«* laagtk a*4 brass, tot tto Wataaw'h la t.iaa boaa haavta* ta««ah M to ♦ toi to haraa j p- »•* t'anargaaat.y tha ItcaalNit la * atftar asahtag SI * hawta ta *b* Mia-: saawfc'* It Tto ana* giant* of tha las at* prato tig a tost agaal Mwt tto | Mataskly* to* a coal wgswtty to 1,»4* baa*, ta tto Biasairck* I tod. That laat itaas. wtth tto gttf. aalUas tto gaaatloa to taysfiariti ta favor to tha Uattad Stataa abtp. W* wltt tomato throagh admlotatw >ag pawgDflr t« um bumptiou* toy klac. aad If at that ila* Mitt Hatoa itolvra aavlf Mto ta ahy bis vaabw. tat him aba tig HAW ivuiinu Tto long coal as* ta ovar aad Xaatit |go to* fallaa. That lawd look ad tor j hor aa tto atMttora roast to Cato has I baag tto ragtra to lalrrvH aver atfiea It waa d*a( natorrd that Carvara'* myatartoaa Saai had foaad rtouga 'hart. l-vrhaaa ttorv baa ato tot ta «wf rra tl»*a a pawn*, for tto aaslaty •ad aacartalaty which prwvailad dur- I lag tto partod when no on* knew Jnai where tha wtly admiral tod lauded Today to would to at Curaroa. tomor row at Martinique and tto arxt day at (to Capa Verda Islands. Thera waa •omrtbing uoraeny shout tto altua ttgh. jrirat. Commodore Schley aaoartatord that tto phantom fleet waa really In Santiago lnformation which was twice confirmed by that gallant doutb Carolinian, Limit. Victor Blue. Then ram* tto measured movement towards this aamc-saka city of the patron taint. “On to Hantlago!” be came the battle-cry. And around it* precinct* have hero enacted aeenea which will ablne with undlmmed lus tra when current events bava been em balmed Into history. Tto short, sharp engagement of the Isolated marines at Guantanamo, tto daring dash of tha Rough Riders Into tha ambush where an outnumbering force awaited them; the fierce hurricane of fire and sword through which they passed during the first three day* of tba present month; —all culminating In that magnificent sea duel In which Cervera’s fleet waa swept away like thistle-down. This la a history which will not soon be for gotten. and It Is not yet a month since the Inveatmrni of Santiago began. American aoldlera and aailora have demonstrated their valor beyond all further question. They have challenged the admiration of the whole world. In view of that fare. It la a matter of gratification that Santiago has fallen without further blood-shed. To have resumed the bombardment of the city would have meant the loss of some Uvea on our aide, no doubt, but at the same Ume It would have meant practically the annihilation of the city, the citizens and the garrison of Santiago. Let us thank God that the necessity for such an ordeal has been averted. Whether Blanco will now surrender la a matter of some doubt, but tha probabilities are that he will not. He Is bull-headed and proud. We shall now have to turn our forces against Porto Rico and against the mother country Itseir, unless the home government comes to Its senses and pleads for peace. Lieutenant Isaac Newell, Twenty- Second United States regulars, under General Lawton, has been with the ad vance column ever since our troops lan ded at Santiago. Much interest m his welfare has been expressed by his friends in Milledgeville, especially du ring the memorable Friday battle. Captain A. B. Scott, Thirteenth regi ment, late commandant of college ca dets, in Milledgeville. was wounded in that battle. The Johnston Monitor says: "George Tillman could knock down and drag out about a dozen of the brainless or conscienceless crew of politicians who are trying to create (be impression that he is too feeble to attend tp the duties of governor. Tillman’s strictly origi nal method of skinning some of their pgt political cats Is the occasion for the misrepresentation concerning his phys ical strength. We hope the voters of this state will not be deceived by such flimsy, falsehoods.” L( , , maatoaigi jpsww B tha «M to* e Baarf «*• gwM <« •*(. day Ml (to w**h . • en»**i«* '•» u ‘*4f ■•ddh* «ab h% »»*.«a»*#n%t- VagfejM** ai , **4r Mild* ItoM * m **• Mtodaahi tor*' •• wmald I a eve toms gang togas Hi gga*«e is, ; '4*i twang **4 *i*#g*to Mi the agUA Ogty MM toss *ho*M h* aMMMtotwl! | tw <he g**Ml«g to Mdlhayy §**«»#»* to ' Gvto. um at* asm* la Mntbggb Ito* The W**aty Iwm Mawgiaa will i told It* Mat anneal gMeantg Mi DaMMi > ! *9k4 ft ftftfdtfti 99&P00H If INHINI IMtl ; It Ift ftffftN*### (ftftt tftlt) ftt | ) «||U «br«||f UK fftiftft ft*4 IlMt ft . j ftiftft ftfftft-* ftltli 9Hi mil N lift# 4ft4-1 I 1 **' It aeatl to raltor ike 1* own tto i Kktsdih* hto Ida* ibis* to #•**•• a | ta* to ai tamtrt to Cato tolar Ito N*v*v mind wlk> geie ito cvedii fiat to iwaiiaga tnsh. no l*a« a* there will a* a fail llthM to two foilan ! Is rash. Ceverra, Is rrmark ng that 'Sailor* I *ra always g'Stkmea." gins a very i pretty Itttla Umawrt on hi* own coal. I trot to daaereva IL •leva Craag otmfa**** that to waa ■ frtghtessd ma before to got la night 'to tto Span Lards After nth rasdor. ; much esa to forgive*. It dors seem strange that tha south• era troop* ara sot a*at to tto front sal yet when hoatUltlaa began the cry •real up that the aotiib would have lo ito all Ito fighting A beautiful park oa tto alia of tto ••ttUag basin would he a Qod-srnd to i tto residents of that part to (to etty and reflect tto highest credit upon the Judgment and tuoaldera* ion of those who established it. A small ad la The Harald get* more readers and ta a totter money maker than a small ad. la any other paper. R I* also worth more than an ad. twir* Its alae to another paper, because It has twice as many readers. COTTON HUA 8t Matthew’s. 8. C- Cotton la small but promising. Yorkvilla. 8. C. Crop outlook ta moat encouraging- Floresvlll*. Tex. There are com ! plaints of boll weevil. The temperature to the cotton belt yesterday was 64 to 76. England. Ark. Outlook for cotton to thta lection waa never belter. Brawl on, Ala. Cotton prospect tn this county Is the best for many year*. . Tift on, Ga. Since we bad rain, cot- 1 ton has come out surprisingly, and wpj will have a fair to good crop. Rockdale. Tex. lt la generally be lieved that more cotton will be realized on the same acreage than laat year. . There was a heavy mill Tuesday at ! Camden, S. C., and a light rain at Hen dersonville, N. C., and Blackvllle, S. C. ( W'TWtC < 'J-pv^-lfTfikW Evergreen, Ala. There has been \ marvelous Improvement In cotton since we have bad rain, and the crop as a whole Is very promising. People who have been through Texns say that from personal observations, and from facta gleaned from reliable sources, they believe the crop this sea son will be more abundant than for many years. Columbus. Ga. Prospect for a good 1 crop could hardly be better. The only ! danger we can see now is a sudden change to hot dry weather, which! w..uld be Injurious to the plant In its present sappy condition. DEVIOUS DEFINITIONS. Foolish—A main who imagines be un derstands women. Matrimony—The destroyer of many delightful engagements. Idiots—Harmless people who have Im pediments In their thoughts. Conversationalist A person who can talk without saying anything. Impulse Something that makes a girl want to try on another girl's new hat. A man In Virginia rode forty miles to Fairfax Station for the express purpose of getting Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and took home wtth him a dozen bottles of the medicine. The druggist, who relates the incident, adds: “Your remedy seems to be a general favorite wherever known.'i Its effects are In deed wonderful in'all lung and throat troubles. Procure a.bottle at Alexander Drug A Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. A pawnbrokers shop is always a place of interest. £ HERALD PRIZE LETTERS »nNM THU— SDIIER RESORTS. Mi For He Btof, s|3 Ffif Hi 2M •M $3 Fit UM 3(4 v o|4« »# AN Ctrot*algal*. 1 ran *4* fcet* eat affair tag a fetota* [«e*pir *w» ta M's fa* *toa* toaeat I I trot wagutAed people, vk*. la t tmU ■ |vs a. ealeater* to Aad trot rorrro- I (Nl *Vm| MM * U» (r . ' Hr* • #tT TtKi •!! I ftf****#*. ftftft tuNft mi \ t *f*fHftfttiy Ift 9909* *900000V09 * ft*** fin • ft* tnd ftll (Ms InM* •-efftft r*ftll ftt I i n **oi ftfft ft*#4# 9p 0 ftt# -k #S$4 | ; Hlffß gind ftrtiMit ft«K'4|ftl “tft 4*»* I tlft#* Um «Nftftftft|wfttlfift 'tfft lifti'ftft Ift "lIMMMt (NHIM 09*104* t • (ffUKR tft I I tliftif fcoWft f*tiirftU ftlljr ft aft | iMM-fftf ilmhi ftft#ft Ulty **irt ftft . jft fftftiltt nf tft# Rllßtlf 9ft (ftftl#fti (fc'~F j illvt «t tft#ft# r» #< rift I of i»»r fftiiww iftftftftii ftftft# ifilft- I taken to»r|#e ab-nf tk'* Ita*. Tkey I eeem ro forget that the mate i*y' * as I Mmatf vacate.n ta ie reet raat ftro j tabor, tr m (ttMltelK* and frot* aerial I I ladalgeacro; tbe real wtock rvtlevro tke I Itlted Mr tent troey brotne Ttaa reel I ran sot ka foaad at tke regular rammer j resort, • tie tv mirth and merriment told j , toll easy. * here social fprott are 1 see* and vkttr tto gay daatef* nightly I i tn* the light fantastic t«* until tto I I wee etna' tours. The surrounding* of I like fa ah I unable summer resort are SUM irondorlve ta health and rest, la my hamM* opinion the Ideal resort t* as* shir* aoffnts tw grealeat benefit* ta lone's tired *yst#m end at the same time eappllro all needed recreation and amasemeots. dach a resort la Porter Apr la*, tto queen of lb* mountains. Rome writer boa truthfully aald. *M ' 'made the country and man made tto ; |towa.” M tto reader* of your paper 4r. latre a verification of this adage, let them eteel away from their home* in :lto torrid city and spend a few day* at ’Porter Springs, 0a.., the quean of the I moonteins. whoso thrn* Is at the baee of the Blue Ridge Ist Lumpkin county Everywhere throughout thl* far-famed sect ton are evidenc e* of tha work of lOod'e own hand. Tt..• hill*, which *eem 'eternal, lift ttotr emerald-hued creel* far out Into tha empyrean blue, up among the fieecy, flying cloud*: the lmurmurtng brook*, whose limpid wa ters are a* clear and crystal aa the my thological pool into which fabled Nar rlaoua gat' d. In the day* when the earth wa* young,” wend their way down *un klaard vslleya and Mope* to the bcautl :ful Cheetotee and the ever-complatntng I Chattahoochee: the wood*, tmaoved hy | mountaineer'.- axe. retain thetr pristine perfection; the w hole landscape, blend iing In a beautiful, pleasing and pictur esque panorama of the products of God'* own creative genius and power Nestling In tiw heart of thl* Piedmont paradise, at the foot of Cedar Ridge and Stone Pile, elands the queen of the mountain* the hotel and cottagra owned and operated by Col. Henry P. I Farrow. Galneavtlla's present popular land versatile postmaster, who 1* ansiat led by hi* charming wife, whose prro lence at the hotel I* a aource of great j pleasure to the guests who visit this famous resort annually. Just below the j .hotel, a few hundred feet to the tight, j bubble forth from the base of the I mountain* two cold ypvWiga.on* strong ly impregnated with Iron and other | minerals, and the other of pure free !alone, aa delightful water aa wa* ever I quaffed by mortal map. Here eternal Iqufetude reigns. No rumbling train, no Jostling crowds, nor busy marts disturb .the Sabbath like solitude of this #e- I eluded apot. In this sea of quiet one I may steep his sou! during these torrid 1 (toys and troublous times, away from 1 the noise and heat and confusion of city life, "fnr from the maddening crowd* Ignoble strife, ” amid the mountain flowers, the stings of soaring, singing birds and under shadowy I clouds, surrounded by all the blessings and privileges lavished by the prodigal hand of a beneficent God! To thl* Mec ca of the mountains, as regularly as the Mohammedan wends his way to ward the Holy City, a band of pilgrims turn their faces as the summer suns wax hot In the lands further south from Galveston, New Orleans, Blrming iham. Montgomery, Savannah, Bruns wick. Atlanta and many other smaller cities and towns,these summer sojourn ers come each recurring year here, to rest end drink of the famous waters, I which, like the fabled "fountain of ; youth.” gives new life and vigor to all i who partake thereof. The table fare is ‘excellent at Porter Springs. The cli mate is delightfully cool, The altitude Is three thousand feet above sen level, one thousand feet higher than Lookout mountain, and the highest point in Georgia. As an Ideal summer resort, none can be found which Is superior to Porter Springs, the queen of the mountains. C. M. FITRLOW. H»n. C. B. Bush, president of the Gilmer County (W. V.) Court, save that he has had three cases of flux In his family, during the past summer, which he cured in less than a week with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Bush also states that in some instances there were twenty hemorrahges a day.— Glenvllle, W. V.. Pathfinder. This rem edy has been used in nine epidemics ! 0 f flux and one of cholera, with perfect success. It con always be depended up on for bowel complaint, even in its most severe forms. Every family should keep it at hand. The 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. The Australian aborigines are now ranked bp ethnographers as fifth or sixth in the list of so-called natural to.'. -1-'—— 1 A I NEW LJNE OP-^ Straw Hats Shipped fey miatakN and must Dm told at one** YOURS AT— N Half price DORR’S “Good Taste Apparel.” 718 BROADWAY. 1 ‘/jL ft* ■■*-***d StrucK^tb. Cold Wav® Soda on Ice © Glasses on Ice Sy| Syrups on Ice Ice on Ice We use only very cold Ice and very wet water. *0 that we have unusual attractions to offer to the hot and tiro ary. 5 cents to all alike. S Hathorn / \ Water j S Flush shipment direct from V \ (spring. Dciij(UtfOi morning / 1 wattr. / S Roll < / Toilet Paper / f Pert quality 10 cents—3 for f V 25 cants. \ \ Seeds For S / Summer Cardens » 7 Fresh Tnmlp »nd Hut* Bag**. J l Henn*. Corn, Cabbege and all % f olhsr Heeds. Catalogue free— v v fend fork. / > AlmoderOrßir&Seed Co. £ ( 706 BROAD BT. ) file Whitely / Exerciser. H A practical, simple and X efficient Home Exerciser, ya. • (A onespecially adapted for ]ri ladies and children, but \ f\\ ai the same time can be jrypsii V ' profitably used by the strongest athlete. / 11 FRICKS: I It ft\ 75c., *I.OO, *1.60. j j ffljl BICYCLES CLRVE- I , \ LANDH, HO up: VIK-I 1 l INIiS, *36 up; G EX-1 \l| MUONS, *lB up ; THOM-1 _J AS, *SO up. Call and see tlnsn. Every one guar- \1 j anteed. j 8 j Richards & Shaver TO RENT. From September 1 st next, office 739 Reynolds St., next to Exchange building. Apply to W. H. WARREN, 828 Oreene Street. ATICIfIT TTm?|oOdays; Dakota official and A HNliljU Hi attorner: Burke, Eastern office. N. Y. Life Building, nTVfIRPE'i N- Y. Legality insured; uliUiluxlU consultation Free. Write. JULY 15 TURNIP SHOD. NEW CHOP 1 sea, I I ftftYft Iftft* fftCftftftt 9ft F ftf ftl| j Vftf|rl|«ft Tftfftlp §*94 *4 tft# 999 f Po*»§ *fti Tft# 9900 rfiif 409 m 990 t*m » . 909 ift# lift#4ft ftf 9ftf ***4*9o9* itt l I J *4lf t ft»4 ftlY 904*9* ftfft ftfft Ift #ft;# jmy iMpk'tp viftiil ifttf ill# npv tfno [ fiMfft## (ft, Tft Mfeft fft#9 llfftftffl ftftft, •n.rrbaeta 1 *i*a tto towetf t*hnlaa*!a I irkn I a**e gtoi ator*to lata Cebtoga fieri I faf Hill *€* 9 tft# 9hi ift# lift* Ift L. A. QAk'DEI I H. : Drugs nag firogs, - 412 Broad fit. 1 •aiaroi* ****^ PROF. P.M. WHITMAN, 209 7lh St., AnjSßSti, Ga. 8! V YB F(l€€ EYf TESTS Hr afi dederta w tight, »«...(. Ik* prupwt glaasa* ato WaJ«- ■AgT* lima LOnsas cat tato your Ari** while jroa wto. FREE OF CKARUE, JEJLZIZI .to ~■■■■ . laftaii . —■ .. ■■ - ——— If AV R tor® CliilireD’s Bair Cnt while the weather is warm HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP Abo tiro HICKEY 8 MALIC IIAIUALINK for the HAIR. For Sale By All Druggists. Cflil REPAIRS M■ IV SAWS. RIBS. BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, Ao., KOk ANY MAKE OF (JIN i ENGINES, BOILERS AND PPFSSES 1 And It 'pair* fnr mma Hhaftlnf. i Belttn*;, lujector# I’tpo#. V%Jyc* and KUUngm. LOMBARD IRON KOMIS i SCPI'Lf CO, AIIGUATA, OA. HAVE ARRIVED AT PORT. A large cargo of shirts, the sixth ex pedition from New York, to Augusta, ha* Just arrived. Dollar goods, with two collars snd cuffs with eech shirt, to go at 50 cents. Our shirts ore so popular they won’t stay with ua and we have to dirpatcb weekly for more. Thea are the beat of the season. See our patriotic suspender*, the ’talk of the t OWB F. O. MERTINS. 924 Broad St. 1 r.jf You Want to Make Money, t Move in the Company of Thora • \ Who Are flaking Money.*^ r i SOUND ADVICE FROM A SU&s CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS * SON STARTINQ OUT IN LIFE. 1 i :i v ADVERTISERS WHO USE THE HER*} ALD i.iK'l KKk?ULX6. 1 • WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.! Paine, Murphy & Co. tOMIUSBION MERCHANTS. BG3 FeynoMs st=TelepliOßß I hew-.s* liiViiU Lfaerci W ires I>ix«*ct to New York Ciiicago #pd Kew Orlean3. Orders Fixecuted over our wires for Cotton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for c«sh or on margins. Bocal securities bough: and sold. References —National Exchange Bank cf August#, or Mercantile Agencies. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE cr&E — Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWAJID & WILLETT DRUG CO.