The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 15, 1898, Image 7

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PROTESTED NOTES ' • OF A PRINCESS. A tWUMMAx (WfciWMlt «• tM •*»» i .«*. An'«—■ *♦ *•**-»vmwrr# *m« « Mm mw# «M4> •• Vlmm aM# #* *"»■ ! i#»l> M tM r|«A M* HHWWH M *«M «* «•* tM TM# •*«#»##■ i %*»*• <»f it* MM# tuaM W Mwkf Awe« #4 lirHHMI •*# W*A IWNNk *# <«•<•* PHM AMI *« tb*y •*♦* »»»I' imhM** *»♦•* a#* i*iH l»»»—«ii.'» I# Ml m h*#ra»« ib. •»»“ *# |W MM |#W M ••• gwnhpNy mwM amaiNf #**•*#«*» .aabgb *bt imm *»Ma nyiwuM »M*» IUMMiI Ml «h* I*WM«M *•* Mm »t«i«>4 Na*MM Bn..# AM**# #1 btat I Mfl MM MUM IM# bin# #f i tM# NMiglati ba*-IMp h»WN I# UMM Nr# Mi *#y *M TM# Mar# of It##* #w m N 4 I# IM# Barba HMMrM-CMriM. m wAal II .#ll# t# A# • #•*# awtb-mr. «• H - r* t# Jon* i Wt •**,«ra'#L»#dt«* »*'*« w# MMMP bMM »»M»t •» MM* ni«M fall Our a»4 Mm MlftM M** •ran** (Mm !T|M»*h tW *#•!. .MM* IM* M#f AMM* *HI IM# ptlM### •Ml* nil“f i#M ■•»«#* •Hb • #M# Wp-n*-#* M 11pr.m• 1 MM MM t##l HmUMtMuMUM MM«#M #M# O* lM*f #*•**•* M# ##*<ri «M# rr#*ii#M f*r fa I'tliialji K Min- and 1 far * fMIMf Mai# #1 STUM* a#!*##. I TM#* Arid Kar#. Nrt n#»rHl t<* Ira* IM# 1 w #i —r if an «M# pap-r *»* ***.*#•* »*» ta# #a»TM«r nt Au.irlfi s# I*# Mlaf M . •%#**) im Lalar iM*y m'««i «• a##a*t iM» (adur—paat as »M# rfM#a piMMi rttiiMr' vulml JW»» *riib Mar la- ! an* ht*ri»<g • Ml** **•# «l t- t#r#«t Mar# th#r*Up«b gt*#** «*> »*#"» i Om «♦ IM# M M|l#P**a# h#PP*t.Ml «• ] tn*a lal » • *l*#* •*•«'• OM* *>•» •"I" I Urn iMt.a • pkTara <4 tMa <W*» PHft 1 wm.viiw Mar rtg»#.t«r* »bd#ra**#'h B 1 atru.k Mm (Mat Ibr n.»d wn Mug J. . #ot ih« mM m «M#i m Ala n«l##»nd it SHRAPM-L. Tom mi tore t*cm» to be »i %r,mr la i*» ffcooWw now In *ru(- raa*. ** TUatu »- m* in k i strong barb part •liag atU'-hmrnt to Mw igbt'nt l»*t of tb* Cvbaa attlra. * ‘ Th# war halarr may *»ala up aotnc Kc ratag to flml tat* drram of snpus . bat tb* aubataoro of a republic. If Auatrla la ai much lßt*rrii«l ah* | intght H-'i n(i to tbe rack and algo Scain’ bond to keep the peter _____ Only a fr* year* ago Senator dot man was a page In tbe P*U*d Stale* Senat*. Row he la barely a paragraph j Tbe citizen who baa »en*e enough to { wear a comfortably eapac oua ataoe gen rurally aporu a bat of a corresponding gtaa. Tbe unfortunate sons of great mm ‘ are making a desperate effort to keep j up tbe family name, bat R’a npblil work. • •‘Hore. young man.” exclaimed her fathar. at he suddenly appeared at tbe parlor door, "what are you doing?”! “Mere!? stamping on one," the boy said | aa he took taia lipa away from the girl's. "These are war timet, you know." CUre land Leader. HIS WINNING PLEA. "Prisoner,” said the atern-lpoking Judge, “stand up. Have you anything to say before sentence la passed upon you?” • We”,” tbe culprit responded, as be arose and looked around at the people who filled the court room almost to suliocatlcn, ”1 bad intended t follow the advice of my counae'. and say noth ing. I'm paying him <vell for doing my talking, but still I have dec ded to take advantage of the 'court’s kindness In affording me this opportunity to say something, that 1 have had on my mind ever eince tl>l* trial began.’* .-. "Very waUy' the Juage. urgaj, ”tha court. Is ready to bear you and to welch well tbe word* you are about to utter ” "THanks," the prisoner returned; ’•»pw I Rbtlr lb* able to take my sen tence fhlh>aopWr«l^.,wfa t,^, ‘ r 11 ma > be.. • 'What 4, .wiab. to say la thin: ”Re Then:,of erwse, he was given a min imum sentence. "I don’t quite understand the latest exercise you have given the king, re marked tue Spanish queen. “You mean the one in wh ch he se lects a number and proceeds to count rapidly backward?” Inquired the tutor. “Ye® ” “That’s to discipline his mind, so that he can at all time keep account a! the number of ships in his navy. Washington Star. Aunt Mary— lsn't that your mother calling you, Sammy? Sammy —*Yfcs no- Aunt Mary-Well, Why don’t you fin Temmy-f)h, what’s the use? Dad tjfq’t at home today. '!,■%&**■ ■■ ■> i' j ‘‘Why,’’ said the teacher, did tbe Romans’ call their emperor Augustus?" * iCTcaVIV, it is r ‘the opportunity cf the badtoy,' who is seme day to. be admiral a*, a .secretary of the treasury or some jjftfng. r? Jfffhey didn’t dast to call him ‘Gusl’ 4e siiiouts.dtescmantiy.—CJallaUn Torch. ~Mi*. UN »*«*#f ## M» M* M*#MMt •<. iM# raw#*# pft#a##a N»>*»* TM«m|M !#•* itaiM.l la la# frill# If. M# MUM#. a* tfana MM «M a*#M# i« *M#I <M* Ma* *> **l Mia#l • filiiMMiMf AM* i«l a** MM* Ml Mm UN IN Maul awM*Ai la IM# paw— #uA ina Mar*. Ml »M» WU|.a tfNMMNI lA# #*##» ‘ #Ma»#A#*taMi la •**•*# »*> N* la*#** :im iM# a##* PBMOM* ura-at#* Mm •mum IMI aha Ma* mmm #IM an* im» #1 aat* Mr iAm imp# Annaaa* I###. »<*4 M«* «**•# At* r#wMa* a rambiry Mai w-ar Agtum la Ik# r#BM» *» I Malt N#r#af. .Ml Ilia Rail**# ##» a Mat mfbfatWW i TM# U#at—i#ai • *#m> *4 •# Agr*m !a« IM# ptM.d .f • #wdt. #1 «•##.•• • tUm A#4#f «al.| Nt t# ai-pl»c#ll.-l» pat «WA Mt*# M# At* a# A# M# »»• *#M#a M* a# aN*#i arm#*, lA# i«»- kn «##n#4 IMI M# mm tirtw-i MM.m# iha furl.# M#f**» arr-aMlaa Mil#. H#m*» • Hilt III# itlhM «•• i-atri’* «€ »• VlM## Ml t #r-#l« l lf#l« ##4 ###•#*« .<• t pfN#>t t#»ta.m IN Ana. ,««• tat It maitM AM M»r MB #•*!At farm#. MMAI "U IM# aaaMVM «4 AM mt.tti laapnwMMlT TMM* *M» An IftMfl tAtl *A* Mt* ftatar 11.1*1 AN* Mat. all A Aaalwaaa AUMiatt. !*#•> *Aa Ik##*# PiAiaa •# iMt *mmm pr»ta##. limlmiM Ai4- a iwintl aud iMftl aka 41# n«l in*.r#l##d «W lAa aa#a» pTW. ‘raaa rt'dW *# dr*g«a4 lat» Am tf fair#. t».l amwitt. Mad »aaM M#t»* :#f Ua #«d#a. I TM##a tlltam nla aa*a promM# «f t llaatir t#*M!t Am famllf. N*t*it, .had tM»# I" iMr r.m.luaam |M#« lha IfTinMHi Lmiw had aitaitxd #»• Nan nasMVat* tM IMti (A# rmm f#«M h# *#ll*#il On Km* tt«|*!W# Atl rafUMl lit laltr##Ar Prinr* PAltlp lA# Au#- r tad. rafMlai»tin atappM »». *nd I**# ‘cl.mad Ihtl pha## nf ib# #r..ndal Yielding to Temptation. The dispg ck written by Richard I Harding Dnvka d»*eribing tbe slicked I leirnhk *'timtlcn and terrible rondi 'tlon cf hhafier’s army in the trsuitssi | before Santiago dt Cuba, was cabled to Tbe London Tinwa. onapf tl*c neers ! paper* In tbe combination whhh eaa iplcya that shallow writer of fiction, frrit Tbe London Tlaaes office It was I distributed broadcast throughout Ru r. aod It# m -ml effect countsrietad > to a certain degree the oewa of the an- I r ihLatha of Certeia'n fleet. Krotn all accounts there waa nos tbe allgbieaf j basis for such a report. A* Secretary ! Alger pointed out. Davis made II #p p ar that be bad walked in perfect se curity along tbe trenchea where our Ik Idlers, to escape tbe constant fire of the enemy, were r.M'.gad to lie on tbeir {stomachs. Nothing touched Pavla, al though be made an invest Igat lon which ' enabled him to tell the world tha< our soldiers could neither advance nor re treat, could neither stir nor speak, and were absolutely dying by Inches for \be want of tbe common necessaries of life. Richard Harding Pavla baa played the part of a “Bull Run Russell,” and It la a part no less despicable today tban It was thirty-live years ago. Be ■'j • -J’ 5 j’, . xJ SIMPLE FRENCH COSTUME FOR THE COUNTRY FROM HARPER’S-BAZAR . thb attotjbta hbrald a nM«t. UN N tmt, IM% t* P# tarn#*. A# fMtt-a.'IN M pt*«aM# 9*9 *Na# 4 am iMUfINM II M *M«H Pin* h un amhpl#'m—«»n it • a## MMiaa (a# aa#N Wwa .»•* a# ha WAa. mm t» ptftt># an* ptMl*. WAt <##*•>* IM* HM AN## ANU* N«M *ttm t# WNfA at N*»» i **.. ••#*! m #»#»M an •tatty m#m it Nt a* may Nmaartwt* IMI twm #M Mmnii •BN Ma* tM •attar TA* AeaMß #< IbNMaAMt *^N' Baa W M «M * •*«*’• 4ty. »a< uk# ta# a*# •• p*h*. ri-a* #•#•! At'iimn #U>. Ik# •AA» tap mar. A ktua at aa*aarA«iy ~tT»i. *t» tUi'M*. iKtit imiPtn T»a oaMrtn #t At*# a •MU fa# rNaaina |A# a#l#l4# as ••»* *.«• aMr A fc#« • #aatf #1 Ik# AMIMA m mm oa Ik# till •na . limit ta #• papa IN aMa# M Ha alMta ft#Na til* a. 14 Ik# tktln# »Air# #upf*”l lAa tkalf -PM*# BUN AMa# p»a#l4#d »• praaaM lha ptrana tf#M faNtaa ti# M'.p#d kattMpt. |r#Hr ta #Nm t# |k# ptN* N m*a M UN I.nti. # ckan«M. ay iwin M a pirMt* ta>Nt •*#.-# mu na lha awmlnp #M»M. and M IMl#* ap Ay «A# ian##m In «»•• a •«#. A M Ika rtaritH •!!• •*•<*# «P“ ,na'r« th* Ma*M Ik. *#rtl.» tpfMlaf •• •mm »# Ik# rMNr fidla. A AMIN m.-ppat tnaanlad hy ■ Am Jara#r » I# mm*# «t tn altalN tp a hi. h fu# orar '#a Hack of lha AMIN #«ld bat • IAN# MclUm #1 tha an*, •lib tn*rntttNn« #hM#tna wh#t# It I# It h# ant I# op#n lha Null. UN rnbtiar tip# rlnMaa ##lotl»tllrtlly a# m*m •• lha pt###ura if IN liquid W tamnrad TM# Hfuinltk *Marp#hool. r h»« # pno* *y# for an amhulaarr TM# •«»- buiaar# dotaal rtiurn Un «rt yaa aaa. .hind “Mil Run Rusaell” atd* the **- 'ruae. at least, that be was an Kngl'h man. and nut of sympathy wlfwtbe ar- I nsy whose officers and operaMsma lie I pnrnoasdy and par.latently mNrepre ; sealed and maligned. Ru bard Hard ing Davis Is %n American, and even I were life fail as he reportedaihem. a !v*ry common pi are regard for iff* gold name of his country should have pre vented him from exposing our weak- I ueaa to the world. What action the i government may lake in the premises ; remains to be ate*, but It must strike I tbe average citizen that tbe expulsion [of Richard Harding Psvis from Shaf [tet'a line* would be in accordance with 'sound public policy. He baa violated I tbe confidence and hospitality accord ed to newspaper correspondents, to put !it in the mildest possible form, while the information ha has attempted to give to tbe enemy la a breach of mar jtlal law which In some countries might I make him answerable to a charge of high treason. But It la difficult to consider Richard Harding Davtsor hla offense In sueb a serious lighj.' He should be. passed on to tbe rear, not as a person who meant to Injure his coun try. but as one who could not resist the temptation of tuakiqg a fool of him self. FREE FREE m it* o mm ALMOST bCMItF. An Tonic Applied to tk Skin Beantifics it as by Majic. THE DISCOVERY AGE A WOMAN WAS TUB INVBNTO#. , 0 ■ fyr *>■ *S. _ <i hjM JL-Mf'-J * Vff r#, iN*r^aA Thnnaanda Mata Irttd fWua Urn# Imnw Mmttal b. dh##rM a#mr (4Mr»rl.a». tarn#*? ft art uk It# and -abat bapatNalicm# of lb# i*M»|ilttbia. k«U non# had y#t mo (malt* until Iba Ml«aa IMI, lb# WM NA# on# t tfiMiNrtim Ptm-NIM. #< T* Will Ar.nua. Mr* V#rk nif. o*M«4 III# P#A |h ihmr •ondatful i ..mpNattm T*mN 7u# t##.m M M«r l#Ut4 in mak# Mi# diantwtr bafntt i. bUin. iMaitt# Ibay Atfr #<* f 4k>»r-l lb# right |"rind|iN. Ilalm*. « mm.. toUon. Mr. attM bat# a hmi* r(N l upoa iba akin, bam# IbaUNlnrm. Ttia Ml**## MU * C#mpN*#m Took bw • mnM rthiUralin# t(MM npMl lhac.ila N. •IwulUuf and ctrtj.n* »t til linpurllit# m Id. I. lb# bluu* by IU natural actfo* i* o-n.ttniiy .forcing In tit# turtara ot lb# akin, ll U t-> tb# »kin wtut a Uttlldn# |.,nic t* |o Iba blond and Hrrr». * kind nf #r«r llfa that lauaadUt'ly tthUar*t#a and •trrnglhrn* nhtlttar Hpplir*. iNdunlc tfft. i ia Nit *lmn*t inimvditialy. tnd It •p#a-lily banhhtr fortr r from lb# fkl* frr. klor, pluipk#. W* khrad». . >*fh palclim. wrinklta. Ht#t tpoia. rnaMp**. ollinow, rruptiour, and diaixdortlum* ut any kind. 1 In o-dtr that all mar »* ttnrflla.l br llirir l.rral |>W-o»ary. tb# Mimaa IbdlNtll, during the pmtnl montb, civt tu ali call THE MISSES BELL, 7« Finn Ave., n#w v** cm*. MAKING ROSE JARS. Rus. jars see always delightful and a tew suggest ions as to the making of j them may M useful, especially If one . has a rne- tvome; for even In the Ist ti*r part of autumn a delightful pot j 'pourrt mixture may be made from the! petal, of noisettes, tea roaes end other fragrant hothouse bloomers. In the nrat n*ae», measure a liberal ] half peck of fragrant rose petal*, and pack them lit a bowl In layer of .alt, using a small bowlful of this to three of rose leaves. Thus keep them f..r Aye days, turning them twice a day “kid doing It thoroughly, too. Then add'' three ounce*,of powdered allspice and Une of stick cinnamon; allow theb»t*t- 1 I ure to stand one week longer. DJtdjug into the permanent Jar, mixing will! It one pound of alUplc, one of dried laV as before, thoroughly every day. At this Juncture put the prepaß*t(fl*l ender leaves, ona ounce of bruised cloves, one of stick cinnamon, a hht nit-g coarsely grated, half a cup of gin Americans in England. Tbs Americana in England figured prominently In one of the greatest of the English social and sporting demon strations.—Ascot. Concerning the Am erican women the various London prints say that on one cup day the duchess of Manchester waa In black and white (tnd Lady Alice Montague In ereen glace and a black hat with pink roaes. Among girls, tbe prettiest was certainly I.iSy Alice Montague. She looked particularly well in her pale gray With a ruse-pink tulle hat; •"«"££?* other occasion she wore a soft white Translating the Talmud. Mis* Rosamond Rodklnson is assist ing her father, Dr. Michael L. Rodkin scin, In the difficult task of translating the Babylonian Talmud Into English. It is the only translation into a mod em language of the remarkable book. Five volumes are already completed, and It will doubtless take two years to complete the work. The first two volumes have ben revised by Dr. Isaac M. Wise, president of the Hebrew Un ion college of Cincinnati, who, with many others, have given it high praise. Dr Wise was the first reformer of Ju daism In America. Miss Rodklfison was born In Vienna, Auatrla, and is a countrywoman of the queen regent ot Spain. She came to America eight yea>» since.and she speaks our language with rare charm.-Wlss Kodkinaon is natural « adept'Yn the Hebrew language, and abets Tube musician. Others rnem- ITere is aj jjerrid thqugbt! Was any of Admiral Cervera’s friendliness ha ward Hobsoti due to tbe belie! that Uie young Arrfe'fioan had succeeded in blocking rf# at iMI p#ri-*r« opr trial hoflla at IhMf i .naptribm aba.luMr Ma. and In or Nt that lb.-# «bo ran#.* call or »bo lit# away from Naw York amy bo ban#- Aia.l. tbtf .lilaandoa# boUlo to any ad dram, alt cbtipr* t>m*T«i Iba raraipl of » ranM jrtamp* or ell rat) b. mrtt mat of utrklnp and dalltaring Ttf prl a of Ihh ».' bmN N tl «0 p«# hot IN. and I 111. iiharal .dNt tbonld ba #mbrara.l hy all. Km Mima* Mr!) bar# jori piibUabrd tlialr or** boob. " StcrrU at Niaaly." Th- tiduaAN bork U frrt to all dwmnp H, Tb# K«A IrraU t>lwu*tl*rly of Iba important# ot a so* I *l f.unpN*lon; Nila bow a woman may anjnira brainy and knap 11. Pprrtal cl-plar. on 111# #art <4 U-bair; bow lobar# luxuriant gmwlb harm I— method* of making lb# hair pra wn* it* natural baauly and color, •#•• N •dratuvd apt Al*o Imlructhma how to banhdi euparnoou* hair from lb# fact, ntek ami arm* wMlulut Injury In she *klu. Thb*book will b# malNd toknyad.lrraxon MMMIi . _ Kit K.K Trial IhiMNa of W wpWtfil Cora pi.iiun Tom* frr# at p*fb>«*.iur » w!« (cl of packing #« >J uuulipg.Uo U»u*# *1 n r.irrmpaDdence cohftaTTy anWciNfl. Ad dsr* ger root thinly sliced, half an ounce of anise seed, ten grains of fnaton musk of the finest quality and last but not least of all two ounce* of on Is root. Quite a procedure. Isn’t It? Ysa, but It la one that pays. Hut we are twit through yet. All the afore-named Ingredients hav ing lan put toaelhrr, they shrutd l>e Mlrred thoroughly, and then they should he placed In a Jar of suitable alse to hold them. At any time there after add * few dfojix of attar of roaes or any essential oil or extract of (low ers. Then every morning, after air log or brushing out tty p»«l->r und'dua libg It, Just open the rose Jar and al lows Its fragrance, tv diffusa through the room for about half an hour. What will be the result? JVhy, a delicate* re freshing fragrance 'Will die given to the atmosphere, making the room, if the other conditions nre equal, like a par adise —an enchanted garden of the East. dress with a leghorn hat garlanded with forgetmenota and roaes. Lily Duchess of Marlborough came in for a large share of admiration in a dress of blue and black batiste muslin,worn over snow satin, showing through ln- KerllonH of fine black laco. Lady Ran dolph Churchill wore white touches of black about It. Lady Peerhurat wore green aillt with pule pink touches inside the hleh collar. Mrs- Arthur Raget was also Invariably bleu colffee, blen gnntee and bien hiiae, and princess Brancacclo was in the fashionable com bination of black and white. berg of her family are making names for themselves along widely diversified lines. Norberk Rodklnson Is a staff j captoin on a Rus*lan man of war, an other brother is ari eminent lawyer in New York, and a third son is now at ! tbe front under the stars and stripe? | as war correspondent for a New York i daily. The original Talmud comprises thirty-six volume*, having o text and distinct commentary by Rashl and oth ers. Dr. Rodkinson is placing the com mentary into the text, condensing and making It legible to the general reader. The editor's preface says: “The fate of the Talmud has been the fate of the Jews. As soon as the Hebrew was born !he was surrounded by enemies. His whole history has been onp of struggle [ aginst persecution and attack. Defam ation and deformation have been his lot. So, too, hos-it bene with the Tali mud.’,',, .1— j - - - We. 'didn’t want to fight, Bui, by Jingo, when wc thought, We’ll have their fleets all bottled, and tyfd'tl own the bottle, too. -»jr A. —Cleveland -Leader. Tlf AND II ID 16 We have a few more 3UITS than we with to carry over until next «eason. in Juniora from 3to 7 year*, and In Children’* from II to 16 year*, which, thi* week, will be told at a special low price. You will save money by buylna your child a Suit now. A good investment for an extra Suit i* always proper to have on hand. Remember The Children's Department I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. | AUGUSTA. .... GEOROIA Augusta Brewing Co’s GENUINE HjULT EXTRACT NOW ON THE MARKIT. CALL FOR IT. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber; ___ AND j - Bunders’ Hardviare. Lcors, sash. Blinds, L riuildinga, Lath*, 5 hfnglea, Wcod & Coal. leth fcTJIIT. KFAB mCTBIC RAILWAY POWER BOUSE gW lIIUtUvMM It. i i AVQVITA. SA. Tivoli Brewery. THE LARGEST BREWERY IN THE SOUTH. PORTNER’SBEER FOR SALK EVERYWHERE IN AUGUSTA—ABK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent 13B—TW0 TELEPHONES—I 3? UP-TO-DATE METHODS : v \ TJNTTRING ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OF MONEY SOriE OF THE METHODS THAT MAKE THE HERALD FAHOUS. TO RENT. v , y>w v*' -r Foil# rooms dtt Sand Hills In very 'desirable location. Bath Room, Hot and. Cold Water, &e., j. &c. Posscssfop July 1. " ' jOHN' W. DICKEY, f i> FOR SALE gjp-l have for sale very desirable build ing Jot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell e t m( very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good tit'es. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1327 OREENE STREET. iroSTs^LiEj. Hallock Cottage on Monte Sano- A new cottage of 4 rooms, Pantry, Bath and Kitchen. Two Lots well lo cated; high etevationjtong time; 7 per cent interest. CLARENCE E. CLARK* ■Beal Estate, 632 Broad Street,