The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 16, 1898, Image 1

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THE W.EWO* ssr SAVINGS imam, name itaM, t«m • ■****• Bella-ted tar*«*M »ea lea■» Nil* Oa*Bai*a. TERffISOF GEN-TORAH’S SURRENDER T* SHiUH* Ult' l> Tfcir Amt i»4 lie (H)» Drfetm. TIM Madrid tH»*»aa**#l TMd. *eJ Ikf Mirr»l»f l» Cilflilt MM«r. *•* run M fct». i«i> »« —TV miwwmi t* eurrenler •Mi all of Ik* lelacsl «*f <•«*» »•« «* » Una Am a from ArratoC.a *«• *«gua de Twnem<. »a» *igne*l *1 « • clock fueler* tUr •Rmtahi I» »»• *!•»• rral Mwrtrf UHI Oeaeral TWwl «M V tar *y QMmi Him »n.l rtewecai Btaa. '• «ad await* iH» •Boroval of W»rt iegt'W gad Mwdrld TV- new* «f IM »■»«■*« r**Mved «I<>> yuMlatter *f lbs truwg* The Br ** ■*** ,mm» *« fc»ur after Ccl-msl M*“ "* ii. wnil Mlh* *t» «. **>* Captain ***** «uM. tlw llMflftW tar Oonerat *!»»• *H. mm tleaecal Tovmi An urderty.wh* «t, with them tVm, waved hi* **«t to ta# direction at the wfclh ,nf **!7 r Ttttn »'•* Ml* »»*•**> MW* 4 "I* oo Ttw math hoWlc# rellgloo* M’JW. *» mm iim *•«*«»■ "Mm*" «f Thee They «A*g|Md knaMWUy and btok» f . lid cheer* tlmerai WiMMlar rad-- up and ud thar* * >uld V m» «* w * fUMlnt The cheer* art* rfiw»«l »a« thf word «il Ihnuiid acrom It* r*- yum lo Dm tklrtMMA wVre the ever* |ng *** taken up and 11f.,. o« the w» »« Paper on a mule. aMrled up life Bill bent on carry!"* «V ■**•' lo '** **” for a dMtanre of »l« mile* * heertng followed the aide and •••***** ***?• A great reception w»* accorded Ueut. Him and Captain Mend •**. »*«*> they returned to tseneral Wheeler'a tent. Kveryhnd)- ehook hand* tlenerala l*« - ton, Pumner and took r»rl In the n a ~xr a T.~F?py xisr 'outposts s^.ittx^.c3-o. Jubilation, which lasted all night. The Conference. This morning there was a reaction of feeling over a report that the Spanish contemplated treachery and that they were parleying slmnly to gain time. Our commissioners to arrange peace— Generals Wheeler and Lawton and Lieut. Miley—went to the place of the conference with many misgivings as to the result. The Spanish commissioners—General Kzarlel, Colonel Fontaine and Mr. Ma son, vice consul —were waiting. After a pleasant greetimg the party sat down and proceeded to business. The terms of surrender are that the 20.000 refu gees at Caney and Siboney ate to be turned back Into the city. An Ameri can Infantry patrol is to be posted In the rounds surrounding the city and In the country between the American cav alry will patrol. Our hospital corps is to give attention to any possible sick and wounded among the Spanish sol diers in Santiago. All the Spanish troops in the province, except General Lugue's 10.000 at Holguin, are to come to the city to surrender. The guns and defences of the city are to be turned over to the Americans in good condi tion. The Americans are to have full use of the Juragua railway, which be to the Spanish government. All the Spaniards are to be conveyed home by American secured transports with the least possible delay and they are permitted to take portable church prop erty with them. This concession is in teresting because at the first threat by the Americans to bombard the city the archbishops, priests and nuns came out and demanded a safe convoy. They v.ere told to go back and point out to the Spanish the foolishness of further resistance. The Spanish are to surren der their arms. They Are Hemmed and Hawed. The conditions were lengthily discuss ed. The Spanish commissioners were HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. TEN CBMTS A WMK THE AUGUSTA HERALD. %©U MP VA 4t»t* wed In make |r«.»kte mat a gam* I whether the »ah«m»ei w> waa ta he a I euneager of and whether the# eß'uid air* up thett ana# eat | here theta MMfflMg of f«t#M lira ikreugh wl , The American* AerMred the pawt wae at trivial imjewtaMcs They MMfMrfed that the ApanMfda aa |y Baated t<> gam ttaae, aa the* argued •II macatog Uir la the aft e.awoa the Badtettaedtag wee et*te»d at upra tt»- I 'isawtutwaa Mated Thege were arttte* e«t ta depurate and eta red h* alt the rimmwi>«». ta lata, the taw hpanieh •Ahere end the KrtMah nAher •>«al"g •rat ta» rwp* wae *eat to Orueetl T»* rat ead taa awaatunr «f •nt«> ral teaa plaewd OK it hhafter atgaed the other Toral «aMad the r»*AHteae to Waar« ta Ma*r.aa and tepefied hla appro*at tleaerat Mttee aftrwred thr rimdlthm* to tara Waahlatrtnn rmd Madrid ate ywt to he heard trMa hefofe the Mara aad etrlpea will float ore r Marta Caatie •ad the City es Heattagn H«w They Are laOa. The Ppentek ate to leare the . tty alth military h«wta. hat aarrendettag their at tea before tearing. The epaatarda aleo agree to ro operate alth the Amertr.'M la deatmjrtag the Mlaea aad totptNdoee at the eatraare l" the hahoe and to the hay. Before the Aiwatelt eaiaattaaloaera latgned It. Captain Oeaetal IWaaeo Beat hi< approval of the agreetaeai, hat add* led thM la* atuet etlll c<*aeult the g”«- eraamat at Madrid. He. there.ore, wanted the matter poatponed tmttl he rrretved aa artaaer fn.m Madtld. The Amertrana rafueed thte. hut agreed that U» etgaaturea ahould he roadtunnal. The Hiwnleh copy of th agreentent wae eeat to Ittaaeo aad the Ataerhan ropy aae taken by IJeut. Mile) Mounted on a faat haree Ueut Mtley raine tearing over the ruade to g|honey to hand the ropy to Mineral Mile*, who waa at Oeretal Humphrey a tent nn the ahor of the hay Milea. af* tar hi* approval, congratulated Ideut. Mlley. He then weal on board tlh* Tale, aatlafled that thtnilaao aa, our rlty The approval of the government at Madtld ta e*peeled todny. Result of the Surrender. By the terms of the surrender twen ty-five thousand :< anlards lay down their arms, and submit to being taken home—a thing unheard at in history. While he is satisfied that the surren der is genuine, General Shatter will take no chances. He directed General Garcia, after the signing of the agree ment, to look out for any Spanish re inforcements. The returning of the Spaniards to Spain is a serious proposition on ac count of the scarcity of transports, but the difficulty will be overcome somehow and ttelr removal begun at once. The only soldiers in Santiago province not included in the surrender are one thou sand at Holguin under the command of General Luque, but I hey have no food trains and ore not feared by Gen eral Shafter. General Shafter declared today that intended to keep some of the Spanish authorities who belong to tbe autonomist government in charge of Santiago of ter the evacuation. The Cubans declare this to be n mistake. They say the officials are unfriendly to the United States, and if they remain in power the Cubans will not enter Santiago and live under rule. General Garcia will confer tomorrow with Generr.i Shafter In regard to the Spanish officials. The American offi cers think that In case of an approval of the terms of the surrender by the Madrid government it will take a fortnight to embark the soldiers. In the meantime the American troops will remain in the hills-where Santiago will be properly looked after. Not Until Fall. The doctors adyise that to prevent fe ver the larger part cf our troops should be sent home until fall. They ear the climate here. The officials are seriously considering the country Bade of Guan tanamo tra a place for a great camp. There is a fine harbor there, and cloth NEGOTIA TIONS FOR PEACE ON. SptnKk Piptm Siy Tfcry Werr OpraH Will WanklifttM M. Carbarn, the I rra*h Am ha tadtr at WaehtNgtoP. the latermcAtary. (it;* AiMPetaied Preaa 1 Madrid. July td.-«*vrral paper* any, the St-aai»h goferrMeal haa opened l*Mr tt~g( tie*lone today through the Frearh aMbpeeador at Washington. M Cam boo. with the gorcrameat of the t'nlted Stair*. It le raid in connect Mm with the Span tail auggrstiona of leav ing (he g< eat tea of the future govern* meat of Cuba to hr decided hy iota as Ite tahabifanta, that Spala will uara. •ervadly airepl the drrtatoo giraa la •uch cam. INSPECTION. What the Boy* Are IW*| at Camp thorn** Chh-kamenga. July Id.—The regular ing and supplies can easily be landed and stored without danger of disease. There has not been a case of sickness since the murines have been in Guan tanamo. The news of the surrender was received by the fleet from the army. Messages were wigwagged to Sampson. Everyone of the shirts of the fleet has volunteered to be the first to enter the harbor and the small ships have plead ed for the honor. The Bed-Cross steamer, State of Tex es, will he th> ■ first to go Into the city. If the Madrid government agtees to the terms of surrender,she will go right ahead. Nothing is known as to (he mo ving of our troops or of the next expe dition. The officers on Shatter's staff say it may be weeks before sny such movement may take place. Watson’s flying squadron Is ready to sail. Pert office Inspector Brewer died lasi night at the fever hospital. There Was a Hitch. Wheeler’s Headquarters, Before San tiago, Friday, via Kingston.—The pre liminary basis for the capitulation of the Spanish forces in eastern Cuba were agreed to and signer! under a picturesque delta tree between the lines shortly after midnight. On- com missioners were invited to ent * the city, but, at the very outside, a hitch occurred, owing to a misunderstanding of whot was said at a personal inter view between Shafter and Torai at noon. At that time, our interpreter, translating the language General To rai had given General Shafter, Miles and Wheeler distinctly to understand that Blanco had consented that the commissioners should have plenary powers to negotiate the terms of sur render. Something was said about no tification to tbi- Madrid government, but General Shafter insisted that the capitulation had actually- -been agreed to and no further consent of the Mad rid government was required. When the commissioners met In the temhly taapwttoa* wee. held a< an' r«mpa today aad the area rpeat mreral htMnu put (tag 1 Mag. ta ah*p* TV work pm Pf arrairt Magana** than aaual thte uteeb oa aermaat as the rataa at aeeecal Say*. »h ah preragla* th« area from gtvtag nmuae Matter* proper atteaima. The Imy* la t amp Th««aa* are ano« to he giv.a teeaoae la tv cot*tcarttoa of fortlgeaiUdta Chief Kagtaeer rtnd* MU had Made the r*dn*ait | im foe a eapply of engineer * laetruMrate for hi* aeaiMaat*. but ap to «hl» lime they ha*e aot hern taeeived The atgaal rorpa la brtag rapidly rev rail -d Hi la roMpoaed of aa etcelteat lot of ypaag men PhlladrlphiA Jul| IS*— TV Htltlah tank steamer IdHil*. heat k-te. Ma keen bought hy the gnrrraiaeai to car ry water to Cuba. Fra* iron on Aba carnet a Mililoa ga«loa*. u -i / /r^alßL *3 '^srfiywyl 't • 'cA laaM afternoon those in behalf of General Torai combatted at once the Idea tfcut capitulation had, In fact, actually tak en place. The consent of the Madrid government, they Insisted, was still necessary; hut. at the same time, they claimed strongly that it would tor forthcoming. This was extremely un satisfactory to our commissioners, who, clung tenaciously to the understanding that General Shafter had received ear lier in the day. Finally, with the ques tion still open, they proceeded to the consideration of the preliminaries.. Captain Miley had drawn up thirteen articles of a general nature end these were submitted, to General Total per sonally. He made a strrng appeal that the word "capitulation” be used in stead of "surrender." ond his army be allowed to march out, the officers with side arms and the men with small arms. He said that the army would afterwards be sent to Spain either on the same ships with the troops or on other ships. His Further Remark. General Torai further remarked that he expected our commissioners, as a brave and chivalrous people, wotild not humiliate the army or make It appear to have been vanquished. As brave men, his men desired to go home with honor. They simply yielded to superior force and they prefer dying to going home without honor. Our commission ers could not resist the appeal, but said it lay beyond the terms laid down by the government, and they could only recOmmend the matter to, Washington. A recess was taken until 9:30. The commmlsslonera returned, at that hour and the articles were again gone over. Various changes in the verbiage,which tended only t® soften the,sound of the tefms, without (affecting the sense,were prdpesed by Ohr Spaniards and accept ed. Shortly carter midinsht General Wheeler suggxsted that the good faith AITH STA *l4. rr? —; w m ijm * ■$ L /y e? & I'M J SAMPSON SAILS INTO THE HARBOR Oar Ship* Kodr laid Sibilsro Tib Mdfsiig. The Navy ftepartmeat So tutorm. J Today. fhpeiial in TV llu.ldl Waekißgiiui. aly IS—TV navy de partment ha* word that Sampeoa'a Beet entered IV harhor thla mornlag. of the Spanish commissioners tic tested. ' Ail the articles were read and each commissioner was asked If they were satisfactory. When they replied in the affirmative, General Wheeler asked them to affix their signatures. This they appeared reluctant to do, but all signed and the commissioners adjourn ed until morning. The present munici pal authorities will continue In control of the city until the Spanish troops have embarked. The Spanish troops from other prrtnts will be embarked at the nearest ports. Sprin Yields. [Special to The Herald.] Washington, July 16. Madrid has yielded and the surrender of Santiago Is complete. That Is the understand ing based on Shafter’s short cable and the letter of Torai. Secretary Alger says no timfe will riow he lost in moving on Porto Rico. Secretary Long says the eastern squadron will be sent to Spain immediately. Correspondence. Washington, July 16. The following is posted: Playa, July 16.—The Spanish have surrendered. Particulars later. Shafter. Washington, July 16. The war de partment has Just posied the following letter from Jose Torai, Spanish Gener al, commanding forces at Santiago, which have surrendered to General Shafter: Playa, July 16. To His Excellency, the Commander in Chief of the Ameri can Forces: Excellent Sir: —I am now authorized by my government to capit ulate. I have the honor to so apprise you and request you to designate the hour and the place where my represen tatives shall appear to confer with these of your excellency and to carry Into effect the articles of capitulation, rive I ot I AHS A Vf’AR AA f I WDAV, Jlt.V I*. !»•• TtiMl ROT MAS TAKEN THE CAROUNB ISEANDS. Moantaia AdvltPa lad*.ate Thai We Have Captured the Paw*Milena. Saa Ftaaeauw. Jaty Id -Ad* vlcea fr«m Hmmtutu ladtrat# that IV emaM defeoae C. A. t reset MuMlefey t»oh yam* Mop as the Carol tea Island* t«r* fore raaeatag Manila Watte la Huo<*lata. Cntomaader Leataa. of |V M«ate»ey. burrowed a .hart as IV Camtlaea from Captain lira*, of iV mtaatohaty hark Morning Pier and atao row nailed with him regarding ihe harbora of tlaee islands Cap* Lenta* promis'd tu rsturn the chart* a hen V reached the Philippine*. the basis of which has already been agreed upon at this date. In due time I desire to know the resolution of the United States government respecting the return of the Spanish army, bo as to note H»me on the articles of cnpltu intlon. 1 also desire to thank you for your great courtesy and yeur good gra ces and to return thanks for your great generosity and Influence In behalf of the Spanish soldiers in allowing them to return to the peninsula under the convoy of the American army. T have tlm honor to acknowledge myself du tifully your servant. (Signed) Jose Torai, Commanding. To Gen. Shafter. Washington, July 16 Gen. Alger states positively that the Spaniards will not be allowed to retain their arms. NO FEVI R. There Is Not a Single Case in the United States. Washington, July 16.—Surgeon Gen eral Wyman of the Marino hospital ser vice, says there Is not a single case of yellow fever in this country, as far as he knows, and no preparations are making to receive yellow fever pa tients. His understanding is that Gen. Alger will noon order the two compa nies of soldiers now at Tortilgas, off the Florida coast, to some other point and this place will then revert to the marine hospital service, in whose cus tody is was before the war broke out. When a man once establishes a repu tation for wisdom he can say the most foolish things and his friends applaud them as sarcasm. rUNTERS #« nmmb LOAN AND PAVINGS ‘*r*‘ „ fay# *•!#»«* sake. a#d c.mkw** .nuuttlea TNE THANKS OF A NATION TO ITSARfIIY Kfrvdil Wort* Kragt the Prrski««t Iml <.fß. A leer* Maokgge* at Orta flag so the Amert* can Army to Coha (gpartal to I*V lie aid ) Wathlutgon. July Id. The following m****a*w were scat today by Major McKiwtcy and (leaaral Alger "To shatter. lom to ending The Pmidewt of the I ailed Alai** **ad* to you nod your brat# atmy the profound thunk* at the American people tar t.u lirlllMtot nehtet.Aenu of Aantiaao. iv* •ulna* hi the tuirpender of thr city and nil IV Apaaieh lioup* aad terrltoiy un* der Toral. "Your apt ndid command baa not on. |y eadtiud Hut herdehlps aad sactltcas Iwrld.nt lo a campaign awl to halt!*, but. In the *tra»* of heat and wrathfr. haa triumphed over ohaiarle* which would have overcome men lea* bravo and d- tcimlaed. 'Tine and all diaplayed the moet con* rpi.uous gallnntry and earned tha gratitude of the nation. TV heart* of the prop!* turn with the teuderwt sym pathy to the *lrk »nd wounded. Sl*y the Father of M el"# protect «nd com fort you. (Signed!. McKinley." •‘To Shaftrr:-I cannot eiprtw* In words my gratitude to yon »nd yonr heroic men Tour work ha* been well d.-ra Ood Wean you all.> “Alger." NOMINATION 5. A Number of Them Mid; Thto Afternoon. Washington. July 16,- Nomination*: To be captain* of Infantry- Willi* £. Richardson. Walter H. CtotfttM. Joan Stafford. Daniel F. Angtum, Frederick T. Van Hew, Frank B. Anrdna, David C Shank*. Ontar Bendy .Walter M. Dirkinsun. Thoma* W. flrifßth, M» u gnt i.ioyd. Franrl* J. Kernan, Charles W. Kennedy. Howland 0- Sill. Joseph B. BmiqhaUQr., Henry C. Hodge*. Jr.. JarrA* mi* To be captains Fifth Volunteer Infantry—Wililam Walker. Henry M. Bankhead. John E. Taylor. James E. Shelley. : TO HUNT privateers. The Qovernment Determined Net to Be Taken Unaware*. San KtatHtf*' 0 July '3 The story whit,* has been widely circulated that a Spanish privateer is lurking in the North Pacific for the purpose of loot ink trcisure-ladon vessels from the Klondike is not credited in maritime cittelos. The govcionicnt has determined to take no chaneee, however, and has or dered a number of vessels to be equip ped for patrol duty along this coast. Ueut. Com. Mozier, of the Albatros, vessels under his command will in vcsßels under his command wil In clude the (Trant. Capt. Simm; the Cor win. Capl. W. J. Herring; the Rush. | (’apt. Roberts; the Perry. Capt. Kll g-ire. The Coywip 1* now at Sandiego and the Perry 1* in Columbia river. These vessels wit be supplied with new rapid fire guns and some of them may ultl ; mately be sent to the Philippines for Revenue work. “REfIEnBER THE MAINE.” The Shell Sent By Indiara Men to the Viscnya. Newark, N. J., July 16. Augustus Keller of this city is one of the gun ners aboard the battleship Indiana. In a letter to his brother Charles he claims the distinction of having fired the first shot in the naval battle off Santiago, a sheil fiotn one of the for ward thriteenrinch guns. fteller said a thirteen-inch shell froM his vessel went clear through one of the torpedo bouts and I hen exploded, sending the boat to tbe bottom. Towards the end of the battle, he writes, when it was seen that tbe Vlscaya was almost de feated, the sailors In his turret scratch ed on one of the shells in big letters, Remember the Maine. It was then run into the breech and the gun care fully sighted. Everyone was expectant as to tbe result of the shot. When tbe lanyard was palled, Keller says, the big shell was seen to strike the stern of the Viscaya. tearing it to pieces and setting the vessel on fire. HORRIBLE STATE. The Condition in Which Ssn iag ) Now Is. Playa, .Inly 16. The condition of the City of Santiago is said tp be dread ful with filth and stench everywhere. There is much sickness among the Spanish soldiers due to bad and insuf ficient food and there are many yellqw fever cages in the hospital.