The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 16, 1898, Image 6

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SATURDAY PRICES Of ICE DELIVERED! 12 Peuml* •••',?! , g(5 " • • *2® \ so * . • • . 20c k tOO ** • • 1 Adl« mint of 10 r*»r e#nt on «bov* It mod# to M purely»«rn of Coupon Book.. W* guoront## a ■ prompt and rwHabto aarvtca. Rkpine: £ CONSUMERS' ICE DELIVERY CO. HAND TO HAM* A Prt.#4# Tail# al t******* HCmom '** ##wA> d U*#a a® *‘' * M* ftwim ii jam b*e» »»<« b*f »*# •it hi hi*#* Won#**. *4 th# *••*>< SMoltn «Pn I* It* • tMHMt |*H4 m baud mmt im It* **»♦ ar* <br*>« h-ct* #*«* lM Am*. ! ' »•• •***• ' '• .. a hinWhof *<#*d •« «»*"• ID. NM*» at * MU gaari-og th# a* * j mm wad«m #toH la «b'* *•«*•! agcwriare lapMMrablr br • ballalt - qpu*y am gpaaiard# *-»** Mptlnao# In tba MIN at atoa* #**• holm H*'' I* ear mnn* !• *b"M tbmwgh. *■•* •ramli -baa* UN »##>•*> fn-l, bull*'. «Nb great rMMii* lata tb# APsarhaa* w tbay fmt«# tbfir **y •t in fe'U Ohr N.y® dropped #b* itm I nii.« A **dor aevgeaat rmNd th# own •a! tare Irrw N® Ib# «W*b Aac • m»: >n«.*»»b ib# ffgaaia'd* at ib* **H*a*t **d b# *w#l M tb* |mtf N'*a 4**4 Three o.' U AmortcHoa dipped lato lb# *®rt from abraa, it b#i*g u*r< »ered and j tb*. were HddNd Nib ball# l * Their , bad** ware wren tat #4 #iib ba> -an* J««I at tbit llbN flft*** M*r«i pri- J I,mi appe*red tm tba Mil* I facia* atr. >ny i farm The »-gb. of oar i# • rear i . mradr* *aa galt'ng Without a want ct <r ma>aad each of ib# nil*'* i •** iptttf tot«> lb# all and a «S eager ' a<t ft*hi fc Honed II Naiad «-»»* m'n-j H«»a bat ibr atari tliaa will n# or b# barren I *»i abot m the arlai,’ bat biltad tb# Spauls'd who stool m an 4 ton a*hi ***** tba piaiol b# »hot m • with Nearly a'l ts tb# A marl ana wore ananil'l btr tm Mia bill'll. On* of tba# aay* bablHiNTMir flgaulard* aioa# Ii «aa tblriy-iru »«*fnei our pTtaaa On* of nor boy* had a pi#-* <4 his no*# afajt off, and turning on tb« Hl>att ant who h*4 ttNlMari Yttm ha ran bia through with a bayemat. and. pin- { Blog blot 10 tba wail, bald him there for n aacoatl and •tcli'mad. Thara »o*; 4la. you Spaniard, dla' I'pon daatti of all tba Apaalarda. the droc wa« Award opao. and tba wound ?d man ra gainad thalr rrglmant. which bad Jual arrlcad” Walcbarl bad a wound In Iha wriW whlrb am dra**»<l and ha aittaiad lha ■aoaral fight Ota nett moritiag. O' wa* wonndad t*Hcf*'tt tHa Bit aM hob blad off tba field."’ Ita I4M YfffYtat and now waar* ona ha tack fmn a CuYtan Ha aaya the Mt4blt|l rarpi Ra* Ihora than It can do. and thin loltYlara warn art aaarm In cotnpariatwi dtlth lha dulji ratqulrrd of thard _that gnilii df our dead wara last unltlfflM thltif-Hit hour* without attrntinti (Mr ofi • m Yfsi *DCKLEN*S AttNICA BAt-VB. Tba bait Batva la tba world for Cula. Brulaaa. 80-a*. IMccra, Sail fthouen. row Sorai. TaUar, Chappad Hindi. Chilblain*, Corn*, ard oi: Sklc Eruption*, and poaltlraly curaa Pile*, or no pay r«gi*'~d II I* piarantead to glw perfect *atlrficllon or money ra liinded. Pric* *5 centa per bo*, for auto l>r the Howard A Willett Drug Co, The Tenth Rcitlm ;ut. Mary A, TecUmm. a bi s'it cr.lorad girl cf Augt *ta, baa thus toasted In rLyr.j. "The ITnlh Ytegltn nt," the ccicrcJ r.onii.aa;‘ j]bat made such u gal lant flgiit at Sntiilngo: They tay thci f&e mirot* ,oit cownrils. j J. ad will ecUx’% II ever rUsh torivard | To fight la their country 1 * name, Because they licit the patriotic flame, j Pi.t the Rough Ridera can tell Vuat they can fight Ivnvdjr and well; 1 Itcy can tell of lbs, nid that was lent, By our Ti nth uglmcni. They heeded r.ot ti • shots and shell That around tbelr beads U. tot rent* fell; They heard only their countie s cry. And for that they woo’d do and die; Vhey saw the Hough Rldeta, their fritnO* Hi white, Kightlug for wV*t Is Just uml right, Eo Into the thickest of the fray they went, Into thr battle rtube.l the Tenth tlg itnent Th-ey ate m<n who are brave nnd true, .And thev fight with thought tn view To show' that the negroes are brave, Snd all ate > not like the it oven slave; They need only to hear their country's call. And like other heroes they'll fight and fall; So we thank God because He has sent The men ftom our race, the Tenth reg- Imeut. Wo long to see Cuba take her stand With the other nations of the land When she and her sons ehall he free, As all people ought to be; •Then may the praise and honor be given To those negro heroes, w hether dead or It clog, Who so briefly into the battle went Along with the Rough Riders, the Tenth regiment. Little birds in their nest agree. They it rifely *7 HAlff) WOffti. Hhw Ike AtMCkrtM# fU4 (w l i*hi Sugart* ffblla. H V. luff lb C»s» rsamiaad*. of Ib# Tbi«r#aib l»fMiry ha# arntH aI Pact NtagMW «* bM r# «#r« bow# Pm# •*#*«***» «b*r« b# aa* ••Ntßdad Id ib# NMito «f «*• J#* bill, A bat!** #a4»r»d h>* Nil tbigb hear Ib# blp b»a». »*■**4 lbrwa«b lb# gr.h» pa# and ra«# «M tw»l»# l*cb#a barb *4 wb#t< II #w*arwC M# r#mal* rd (He a few day* # K*f Wa#, *»4 irrrinag a furbmgh ram* botw# Tb* henalag a* tb* raa#oa. ic#d by lb# HHN B*rri#e* W#b*P##d hi# Tb# #•»• 41## al lb* fori ga*b#r#4 aboal bt« acd wrung bN haad# aa to* walb#4 wtlh tb# aid of tola rnrtch to to# waatri*# Of tb* b*<iv« b# *ai4 •W# war* ocd##d la hcwib ramp al da: ngbi on July I »«4 aim f» «b# i fro# i, W# war# bad a loo* lb* »«ly road or teat I tbai ib#r» wa*. wbtrto wa* oa# w*4# by «m «•* Irowffw, waill *• #rrlt#4 tntar a bill wb## Oriawa h»* Wry wa# Bitag oa a blorhbou## oa Han Joan bill W-* rrr**#d a *«r#a* and he'tad ib#n foe about half an boor lo raabl* Hawbla# bet gad# lo raca# up *'W» w#wi forward about ball a #ll# sod erraced flaw Jnaw rlttr, Wr bod very good protrrttoo aloag tb* t**nk* of ihN *trr*m After forming th# lln# aa *MI aa w# could through a #»ry dlf ! Bruit p »c# of rouw'ry w# *d»anr#d !o#r a Scld of deep graas and ram# un der a bluff. wh»r* «f* wrrr thoroughly pr itrrtrd from tb# enemy. "We remained hi eblc poaMlow. keep ing up a roailnuoo* (ire for probably threo-wuarlew of an hour. About Ibl* time U«ut Parker of the Thirteenth infstilry. with four galling gun* of the la'aal model and a detail of about forty men. peeled hi# battery between our regtmint and ttoe brigade to our right He placed bia gun* on a little knoll land opened Are on flan Juan bill, and, to my mind, did more to alienee Ib* enemy than anything *!*#. Tbto work 'of Parker** ha* not rarelvrd the reeog ; nitton It draerrea. for It wa* of the high.*iit Importance. The enemy * Are we* silenced and we rharked over a Aat of probably half a mile and up the hill. •*ln going up the Mil we we# onm pellsd to tear down throe barbed wire i fence*. One fence wa* on*-tblrd of tb# way up. and the third wa* at the lop of the bill. T* enemy scampered i down lbs other aide. t«at*r they roun tered ua and endeavored to #t*k* th* hill. I «M then hit and came lo th* rrar. and don't know any mo# about th# haul# ” TEI.LOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should be sup plied with every mcatyi possible fur Its relief. It Is with pleaau# we publish the following: "Thl* I* to certify that I was a terrible auffafnr from yellow 'jaundloa for over six mmrths, **><l »«« treated by some of the hest physicians |ln our city and all to no avutl Dr. ! ttetl, our druggist, recommended Elec | trie Hitters, and after taking two bot i ties, I wrss entirely cured. 1 now take g nt ptcaHure in recommending them in any person suffering from this ter vlb'.e malady. 1 am gratefully yours, M. A. llogorty, lA*xlngton. Ky." Hold by Howard & Wlllet. druggists. TWO FAIR AI'QUSTANS. Miss Cates and Mlsa Scott Are Com plimented in Johnston, S. C Two charming visitors. Misses Cates and Srott, have returned to their homes [ |-v Augusta, after two weeks' stay at I Johnston. They ircelved many social Citantloti* while here and their depart ure elicited many expreaslonaof regret In the shape of tears, fruits and flow ers. Mrs. White, their hostess, eompll mentpd them with a moated, in which the talent of the town participated,! M!i. es Ellen Riadford and Nina Ousts, I of Johnston, and sweet little Miss An-, n'e Lou Cates, of Augusta, were among! the contributors who received loud ap plaure. A second was tendered the fair visitors on July sth. Invitations were sent as follows: “Come, unravel, guests, bid. bus*, eat and ent.?vtn!u Misses Cates and ] Seott, of Augusta, at the White House.” Refreshments were served and those whoso fortune it was to attend pro nounce the evening's entertainment as exceptionally enjoyable. The charming novelty of the affair at once establish ed Mrs. White* as the leader In pro moting the pleasure of her gue*ts.— Johnston Monitor. Hon. C. B. Bush, president of the Gilmer County (W. V.) Court, says that he has bad three cases of flu* in his family, during the past summer, which he cured in less than a week with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Piavrhoea Remedy. Mr. Bush also states that In some instances there were twenty hemorruhges a day.— Olenvtlle, W. V., Pathfinder. This rem edy has been used In nine epidemics of flux and one of cholera, with perfect success. It can always be depended up on for bowel ccimplplnt, even In its most severe forms. Every family should keep It at hand. The 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug 4 Seed Co., C. U. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug tilfOW fOMi HOCxUiH AM It# Mwataaw* tkwMaa f*W# *• a ltdpr • T Jwtf I* TiawNf bw# pwrebasad tb* *»«*» ll# t <# ssiif «*wl bff Mr* W- sMtffk I saw.# of CMwMMW wad »w* bad W •#* Imwml and huit-H # IN w* a b«w wwa* j •a### sms s*4 M bia WWW IWIWH With baatae ftNtltti# awd iwrwwffb tb» help wf wn ■wewtacinu* »**b. Mr C W IbMbwabse w«l w*N ibtwp* P»P ta tb# ww rn at He faw* W N Haatwa# A CN w»w «w*wp# la# bsMsae •a#*#* bt « • T'wamv. #Wd w*il b# gtaM •« «#• all tb»w frtawPs awd i mi.urn wt ibatc w»w s*awd M# wwaw»« t Qt H* M H Pat# tw t*N*r I Ha# aa4 alww# h#p feaab *#4* *ad a* #wdi#*H #*iNt» Hf awy btwd #f g*»MN pup raa ewtt lag, Wt prt#* «w ewu tbw * J, »T. WIN wbwPn##«He# tsaatw##*. I* *siaa»'wbt ream»#« ftw #M». CN#* | M In rntsataWl WWW* IW tfwda, to* Mi- hw«bl out Ib# PHChetl plare WWd la a few thf* «b# anwp of «b# aaw awd |U* baWMNWe Wilt b* *>e#r4 pwlltag up * large and rnwwnnltlms* -trueto# to tba d#w*a*d* of bw larrewaiag p Tb* Rwtaeprt#* glnnrry ha*# th#lr new bowa# la ««##« of aonatrwrnnw. and tudKMtg frrww tb# way Mr M#S*gn uianagr# affair* K will wot b# lone hw to# Hodge# raw boaat of aa elegawt Hrteh atrweut# wWWb will b# aa o#wa ment to tba aaww TbW ewmgaay #k ■art 4*> put la uaw marbltrerp. all fkr« rlaaa. awd pia a bai# of roMoa every i mtwwtas. Wblleftb* bwlkfiwg boo# I# on th# lowa. Mr ,C O. NtrhN# baa caught tb# btttldiag fArer aad M I* ataiad that b# W to atari a larsa Mora building ad lorrgt to tba larpa aad spartou* toons# I*# Anar ttprunUfi H# f ottOS IMS hut kin m*rUng fstr lag qualltla* haaa built h.ra up a trad# that will anon# or latar waremfla'* larger aaartera Mr Cro#er has Jftat flalshed up a oeatrart making threa hundred thou* a3d brick, Kek llarla had the mtafortuae to to#* a valuable mllrb cow laat week by druwalag ta rtw* rreah near which ab# waa being gra**d. Home unknown party riding a wheel bad the ebeeh to pull a platol and de- IlMaately killed Mr. Tom Miller'* dog a few day* ago. la open daylight. Mr. C. W. Bills ha* been aery 111 for a fortnight. Mr. J. 0. Whlta of Birmingham la la tb# rlllagt. Mia* WHIN Stale* of Abberllle. I* visiting relative# here. Mia* KatN (Waa McOlll ta risking her relative* and friend* in Hodge* She I* proud of her city of Greenville, and II delighted to live there, yet aba love* old Hedge* Rain ha* fallen plentifully and gras* la limply getting there. Ml. Pros pect for plenty of hay thl* fall good In ; our community. THE C\ CLONE. The Work Done By It Up the Georgia Rond. Special to The Atlanta Journal. Warrenton, July 15. Late yester day afternoon, a aevore cyclone struck thii city and did considerable dam age. A mile out It struck the home of Mr. W. B. English, completely demolish ing his barn and five other oui houses, killing a colored woman, also three mules and tootses and badly crippling four others. The track of the storm was not over fifty yards wide at this point. Near ly every Inhabitant of the town wit nessed the magnificent yet destructive spectacle as it passed on toward Nor wood only four miles awa'y. Reports from the vicinity of Norwood say the cyclone struck the eastern suburbs of. Norwood, blew down the negro school tociißf and a negro outhouse. Huge trees were lorn up by tho roots und fence rails were scattered far and near. Two negro women were in the house ou Mr. Bowen’s place, but eacaped with slight Injuries, the house being demol ished. Three miles south of Norwood It struck Mr. English’s place and blew down his large barn on seven head of mules, killing and wounding all but two. It tore down the cook’s house near his dwelling, and killed the cook, Nora j Jordan, colored. Chimneys were l blown off the dwelling and the wln ! dows on one side were knocked out. I The carriage house, corn crib and two other houses were demolished. Orch ards ruined. SHIPPING RIPE PEACHES. Two Cars of Elbertas Co North From Dodge County. Harris & Massey shipped today from this point via the Southern railroad two cars. 1,111 bushels, of Elberta peaches. The shipment Is made un der the direction of the Fruit Grow ers’ association, of which Messrs. Har ris & Massey are members. These gentlemen will perhaps ship four or five more carloads. Their trees are only three years old. The soil of Dodge county Is well adapted for the culture of peaches and there are several orchards hereabouts embracing from 25 to 50 acres each. A man In Virginia rode forty miles to Fairfax Station for the express purpose of getting Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, end took home with him e dozen bottles of the medicine. The druggist, who relates the incident, adds: 'Tour remedy seems to be a general favorite wherever kmovvn.’ Its effects are in deed wonderful in all lung and throat troubles. Procure a bottle at Alexander Drug & Seed Co-. C. K. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. , the -A.TJOTJ BTA jB.mRA.XJD GooD IUCK r bimi BAKING POWDER* )STH£ BEST. Hfghpf of AH In LMMVpn- Ing Powmij WOMEN I.nThE MEDICAL FIELD (My Dr (tophi# C, Darla> The pengrea mad* ky uuaw* la tb* praeUr# as medtela# daring tba ywt forty year* raa b* glared la tb# ar rbtvea at our roaatry aa oa# of lb* "wowdara" «»f tb# alaataeatb eaatury Hbr adaptahllltjr to tb# 4wile# of tb* medical grofeasino baa *#»## ba#a doubl'd, for o# And Iter Ataaa* by b#r laiihful aarvlc# la mlaNttrtng to tb* ateb. aad in man * preaamlag lo dWtai* 'woman * aobere" o# woaCNr he did wot git* to her tba aatlra Arid of tba magical profmatoo. la rartawtap tb* hNloftc*! records ta* Aad "Pl*# hundred yaar* ago tb# women 04 K trope bad la their haad* aearly all tba genuine medical aad sur gical practice Tba Udle* of th# me dievat ca*tl#a aad later roaatry home* had a traditions! *kl!l la simple* aad surgery. Tb# regular doctor* of those time* ware generally quarks Medi etas passed from the women to Ibr men rht»Ay I hr-ugh lb* advance mad# by great ch-mlvt* of th# rougher ae* ” Whether th* reaacu Aral given fny th# disappearance of wemen from th# Acids of medicine Is th# correct owe or whMber It wa# that "when laatrurtloß be f n lo be systematised, when uni versities look eha rye of It and legal standards of quallAraliona were estab lished women were esrluded because •t the time no one thought of them a* either able or willing to submit to th# new condition* Imposed." we are un able to say. Be thl* aa H may. we And! that the dropping of women out of the field of medtetne ha* not manifested the spirit of the masse*, but the prej udices of the profession. The Ar#t woman practitioner of whom we haee an account wa* Agno dlre, * young Athenian woman, who lived 300 year* B. C. feeling tha Importance of putting to a right uae th-> talents entrusted to her by the Master, she defied public opin ion. disguised herself In mala attire, became a student of Herophllus and practiced her proleanion with succeaa for mnny year*. The syatem of train ed nursing so much practiced and com mended, Is supposed to be the outcome of talks given to the nursing sisters by St. Tnblola. a Roman woman, who lived In the year 400 A. IX, and who founded several hospitals In Italy. In feudal limes It was the custom to ed ucate the daughters of the nobility In practical medicine and surgery. In tjte eleventh century Trotnla was a cele brated professor In the schools of /i --blno. She also wrote a treatise on ’’Diseases of Women.’’ In her profound writing, which is said to still exist, she discussed all branches of patholo gy, and lv*r fame extended beyond Italy and continued to the thirteenth century. In all times and In all civilised coun tries woman has been to a greater or less d.grec interested In the study of medicine and she Is not. as many sup pose, the product of this restless and progressive age, but rather ”a restora tion of the lost arts." She cannot ho classed as the new woman though this would be none to her disadvantage. Hear what a veritable mate M. IX save: ‘‘That the new woman lacks that innocense of Ignorance and timid shrinking nature of her old-time sister may be true: but the vigor, physique and breezy, cheerful confidence of the nineteenth century maul arc fully as attractive.’’ HOHICIDE. Charley Honey Shot and killed at Stillmore. Stlllmore, (la., July 15.—Charley Honey was shot and Instantly killed on last Sunday about 1 o’clock two miles south <jf this place. A Winchester rifle ball entered the back of his head and passed through the brain and out at his forehead. The shooting Is reported as being accidental, but a cloud of deep suspicion rests on a certain man. The parties, both white, are reported as be ing under the influence of whisky at the time. HON. RUFUS E. LESTER. He Has Again Been Nominated For Congress. Savannah, Ga„ ujly 15.—Hon. Rufus E. Lester was yesterday morning nom inated for Congress from the First con gressional district for the sixth con secutive time. No name save his was presented to the nominating convention. There Is some little talk of Hon. Alfred Her rington, of Emanuel Bounty, entering the race as an independent, but it is not believed the scheme will take def inite shape, , *,, i— l> M «A*t M gftgOtfT.% TTTW JL JC3L JkSmi ST. ALBERT HOTEL As Hillman. Ca., | ts a*w ey>* tm •»# «—# M«b A AM 4 •aigm -aef* a< emaiaa atb N> agtN «•* iyMH s*mM **»aaa*#m a*4 misissai w#»s* *»•*»*****# tmswwg sou, *s*t haao. tiw )»# who at puam Jl EDlia Eiiliu. U ■ Htlel St Clllrt, oorsatf ntm ghsNuMy ytregesH t »#■ «*M» Ootetn Dsatesl Liwusa. ■ss#«*s ewe* r-e t.stnara*** Safas il.aaf* IJ-t* WN. P. —Y—. Proprtataa- THE REED HOUSE - AT HAXLBM Rdhdj For tb« AcfoaunodbUtm of StUßßtor UucaU. Me*. M. A. Peed ha* take* ebaea# as th. MaOei al Haetem *M the high mscmNcl sad *u|er» . tto*.ai<4ai>w* aIH h* sv«#» Ihsn awAotaiasd denag tbs otutsy imson Pet Haems sod Nairn aypty N MRH. M. A- KKKD, Harlem, Ga. SEASON OF 1898 HOTEL MONTE SANO HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. Tie Qm ts Heiitaii Beierls OPENS JUNE 20th- PRICES MODERATE. JACK H. CLANCEY, Manager- •srr® 11 PRETTY rough on th* chlmusy sweep. His occupation, Ilka Othello's, “is gone.” lat him get some cleanlier eni|Jorn>ent. Our bousekee |#rs won't tolerate dirt in any form In < onnection with cook ing. No soot to fell down into »our cook psns. I*irt and gas stoves are had friends. For particulars call at tho office of THE GAS LIGHT CO. OF AUGUSTA, *22 BROAD ST. FOR $3,000 I offer For Sale No. 425 Fenwick street. House contains 9 Rooms, Bath Room, Pantry, Etc., all in perfect order. There is also good Stable in yard. Lot 50 by 132 feet. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. IONET TO LOtS. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&Jolmson Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. hAlUuAfa agi«gk»»ot.«in Charleston I W Carolina •kapaa* a ##w**t**u amwP* IH ydmusis «a PPasa > #• :HA. P«P 1 * Aaaostf »r*s-,,e»sj k»>**■ ' 'a— *i|jilJPmi aa*.*... * 9HlUpp»pp«p mi ,:a: i * »» a » »pa 4 |BtJ|Mi «*aa *a** * CMpMttiMb *** •- - •###•-. i$ Jrtwß e * »-**• ***** * AWtWMWßyawma aaa**..f • **** * HIGBIHMMVapMPap t aaaaa{ PmPMD ******** At «jPPPPa#^j At mmm *********** vtw l * m (NVVMv-* *P«P> PPaaapppaJ f4WWN»a#a •** gs J Ml fl|bswms 5 rapiM ••••••*.««.• I »«#•#•*# * jßtPfPoao-.y*..*»-v»*i *Am^M• t* Aatfwoi*. tJgpm At All—Sets « a aaaaa aaasaalPPPPPPPai MJ|II * rS#fMße**uauu »« * * aa# a» | »### op# • } PoIWNR MfM-i *mm * PBHIRjIR aaaaa* ***P .. » T *¥& * J*iWl Bi(P®a aaaaa p aaaaa I lIARRBI| * MmA ~.0,-1.... ! *Msm * C%>rlM<ll«m....-. , I pal tJjpi . . ... aa * fa a j 4 ** 4iMHMMMkaaa aa* •••ppas ga»j>* ** j T MjMMM m jh&H pUblYeMap## aaasppa* Dc* u'■ f* . •#• • a I IV s •4 • * wfitie •a# * aawaaapaaaaaiamapaaaaiNMßhMß I * ikadlflM.-MM—MimM..-. II tfaH I Pt m tret* hem gaanata as*#** ON* reereettew attaJbooo gall* k* sil gaiaw • M.l. ftree naaeatka* at Otveawreg h* Ml tale's e* t. A. U off.*® fsdaagg sad ets'tsccuw with trnibn flst.wsf gat aay N> eatasio* ivtsiivs m ooh#ta ret# srhaduwe •»#.. sddtms W.J < a*it. u*- Paa Aa*. «. kt M-PTM bsMMtle* A*®- t. U hOIReoN 7re#K Msnaym A sgvata. Pa. ATLANTIC COAST UNL MtoPTfatr akp pritinrr *oct* iothk BAtrr apuhdhth fIHDRTBfIT AND QI'It’JCEAT ROUTM TO THE KAPT AND NOBTH. t iapm Lr.. Augusta. Oa..Ar | I fltn t aym Lv Aiken At | I lbm t.ltpm Dv.. Denmark....Ar j • t*pm 4 Wpmi Ur.. <tr*ngt>'g....Ar | f 4*sm I M|-m. Ur .flumler, fl. C...Ar ! 4 9tn t.ttpni L,v Eiorvcce—Ar ) 1 fise t# Upm; Ur... Payeltavllle...Ar f 1 l<pm 1 Ilam Ar.Peteraburg.Va.Uv f S tlpm j 4 Mam Ar.. Rl< hmond ...Uv | » tlpra I T 41am Ar.. Washington .Uv | t 44pm •:e*aml Ar... Baßlmore ...Ur | f :»pm H gun Ar Phitadelpntß .Uv ill n#pm 2 *l«-mi Ar,...Nrw Tork....Ur i t Mam Pullman palace buffet sleeping rare from Ma- on and Augusta 10 New Turk without change, ft. A. BRAND. <l*o. Aft., 7J» Broad fll.. Augusta Oa. T M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H M EMERfION. Q*W. Pass Agt. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE. Receiver. Ea#t hound. Westbmird. r‘-#t flec'd <j Ai Pl# 3 ! A#* d Class etnas X Class Class Mix'd 6 Mix'd Dty Dly. ; Station. Dir Diy. No ll N 0.4 £ No ll Mod AM 'PM.' (Arrive. Leave.,PM.'AM, 10 35 3:00 #1... Anderwon. ..#1 1:20 11:00 10:1*' 2:SS' Tj.... Denver ....f 3:41111:2* 10:071 2:2* 10)..... Autun f! 3:50 11:33 »:l»i s:tt »**... Pendleton 3:5*11:43 S t* 2:00 10! Cherry Croae’g f: 4:o* 11:53 j 9 42 2:00 11 Atom's CrtHM’f 1 4.14 115* »:26| 1:35 241... '4ENACA ...*j 4:2*12:25 9:151 I I i 4; **l 8 451 132'. Weatl Union .*' s:®*! I-|g| 341... Walbslla ...a| 5:17! AM PM.I |Leave ArrtvelPM .PM. No. 12 No.* No.ll N 0.5 • S Regular Elation. F. Flag Station. All regular trains from Andereon to Walhalla have right to track over trains of the same rlaea moving In op posite direction, unless otherwise spec ified by train orders. Will also stop at following stations to take on or let off passengers: Phln, ney's, James and Sandy Springs. No. 12 connects with Southern rail way No. 12 at Anderson. Nos. 5 and « connect with Southern railway Nos, 12 and 3i at Srtisca. J. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect, March «, IS9B. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta. Southern Ry.. 9:90 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:13 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & W. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 P m - Arrive Green Pork, Stago .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Roek, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER. President. G- p - A - Attention, Housekeepers When >n Need of Table or Cooking Sherries, Imported or Domestic Port Wine, Claret, Fine Whiskies, by the bottle or gallon (all popular brands), Schlltz Beer, Schlitz Extract of Malt, Bass Ale, Guinness’ Dublin Stout, or anything pertaining to a first class Whiskey House, send to or coll on T. P. FAG £N, ’lk- Wkh 917 Broad street. ORDER YOUR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantile and Quality Guaranteed, F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 Strowger 365 Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8. just received at Herald Office. JULY 10 hSUAUAO SORWUIJk S. C t G. RAILWAY CO tan t«4*uM*a ***** mmmmm , j-'*'- n*g» I-Stav O tm Uui V (k' 1 iIF l. MkMB aajlim -*# n aaw At aawmaa j.P»a JLgttii«r. wmt*ama At fbmftan 1 blßaiAf A«psil*®.N Mg? Srewp. iTway ln'ii»p tppiSp.ligWP u 'j'fg At taSSKT.U «•*•'!» IMpifß* Wght t»g<**»tiia 1 4*1# t tv paiPH^. f"*## At «*#>*#* . von# at Amp-mIN ibjga A.KWb Atti-HMOPATIDh (Dopy flap PaaAsg I it A **»• 4 lip® At V9fir*AM Mvnk Ha ukhMAU TMrewh Am*#* is aad Pmn Paw Ta»* 1. sagmia iSpdiTrVf TmOrimm At Ath*N«..dM«»wfl# wa*b*N#g kkam at Deaaiarh. AIXNs U# Drem*»| Almai At U mai.ldM Ar PMh'bm .MHami At Alba* IJAn Al flea T'#aiJhgm l A* toon, ldksm «.PonmA DITMKOP. BrntpEatogi Pasday lgL4 llf4|k.T. KaoT iIYSSrW I ehaadew -0N,.. I.SNosi l-*ea»* Üb« Area* TaaaOOk. tJßrm ongm t-«gm Antra Mapre.... *4pym< ukoMßt • Antm Dahlia.« * A®kym,-j D*a®v I*.*. Maaaa w.lttiboß iU*A*m leave TeeailN. ! A Islam | UMgm leave MatuNtaviU* I AJbsai Stag# t tv-vv A»aos«a ks*b 1 t-JSgai “ 1 a#awi Imu st ilsnreiim oiih S#o York lueaat. also wtta teesatM Nr JatbaaaallN gl*.. a* •*«## Aatea . Aagaam was the flaaagt* nod Need tram *U pNaa ffDe. L A. EMMPOII. < I've rest. r raffle Msoagaa g. U. ■xa***. baa Agt.. Au*c*ta Oa. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. H Paatrel TOw* Ostwrea Calamata aat dasb* ms nil*. iwo«tia.a#ew*** I amir ‘l aa# '*ther rgsW gffanivv J»a* M M# # 11 . s*. aa.ow a* XwlkNua mill, natty. Lv I TS* r *’ - It ml it Sr a* :: «»» £S£a? e "“ a r: «s: iJ5i i jr* Ii A. At Ashevtn*. * 1 Uv Asguvta. As- By | JJk ,» • UrsnllevUN jBW Jf HJ ißurlE III; Hi - Wiasstwew *2^l a“, •«* i'r “ DsaevlN ■ **** n*** l Ij> > AcKJchlsooA * *°* * m * U.1kb.0.4 "*• *' ** P ■etISMUC Dally. Itally. Lv Sew York.r* AH." ** " Baltimore IBp f®J a Ue. Wedi'toß. So By I# Op 11 Da Lv. Uv Dsn rills . 6SO a » ISp Uv. Norfolk ~ ®»p Ar Aressehoro 4 44 a C 7 ilreeneboro 7* a 7Up “ i-hsrNtte *»» 10 30p - fcv-k Bill Ml Jl » 11 IS P “ l *benter IOSS a, US7p * Wtaaahom. ...*. 1141 a tt»a Ar Onl'bla Btaad *at 12 4S»n lEa Uv. Columbia Us. dep t. 116 p| 4U) a '• Johnston*. IMp ®!ya “ UremlevUlo 8 3p! T£a Ar. Anytiala. . 4 IS pi *OO a Uv. Asheville * tßa- j Olp Lmpartnaburg II 4Uai (I ISp Lv Colbta.'g.C.AO.By S 06pi 700 a Ar. Charleston . ... « 40p 11 UOn Lv. Col-hii. F C.AP.By II «s t*47n '• hsTsonsh 447 p 6 20n Ar. Jnchaoanile. . »»P * 1®» ~ iCEtfim'iAt sektick Kirrlleot dally pawngor aerrlc* betweea Florid* and New York. No*. IK and SB— WRshinrton and Rout . we*Tera Limited. Solid Vmtibuled train witn dining c»r« and first class coaches north of * harlatts. Pullman drawing room aJerptng between. Tampa. Jacksonvfils, bavannah. Washington and New York A Pullman Sleeping Car* between (Tharlotta and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars ooj tween Green*l*oro and Norfolk. Close ec hos at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor car*, between Charleston and Asheville. Nos. 35 and 83— V. S. Fa*t Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet gleeping cars be tween Jivckaonvillc and New \ork and PtilF man sleeping ears between Augusta and Char lotto. Pullman bleeping cars between Jack son villa and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Tla Asheville. FRANK GANNON. J. M. CULP. Third VP. & Gen. Mgr. T. M-, WMhingtoa W. A. TtTHK, 8. H. HARDWICK, Q. P. A.. Washington. A. Q. P. A., Atlanta. GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, I*9B. Pullman Sleeper* between Macon and New Tork. Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au gusta and St. Ix>ul». Lv Augusta ..| 7:0oaml 8:20pmll0:30pio Ar Atlanta ...|l2.36pm| 9:2opm| s:ooam Ar Macao ....|U:15am|...... ..I «:45am Ar Athens ~..il2:lspm| 7:3opm - Ar Gaine*vllle| , 3:4sp~>| - Ar White Pl#|*l:oopmi I Ar Miirgefle .110:10ara| I 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m„ and ar rives at Mtlledgevtlla at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta s:l* a. nv. 7:45 a- m.. 1:20 p. m.. and 3:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, Q. P. A. JOB W. WHITS. T. P. A. _ : _ J