The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 18, 1898, Image 1

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TEX * a***#*, AtJoutTA ., lATtKOC Cm»m A *•*’••» j ■f ii.,## #* a.....t1# tafj §•*#♦#•! iMlmsit »*M *• Dagitos*. mi FIGHT FI ill Bltftt Sinrk Brtvtti Hill ltd tlr Nil Yml t«W Mil. Tbs M| Bii|art if ilm Gffiffib if ike T«i Niiku. tWiHi mt Ik* %mrrt ifcf «t IN City I* Dw AMffcM Fww*. An» f Kmum** vm tot#- tl ■- T%# gfaWOW* pWi ii of til# 9t tfc* #ltf toi l#* toaiPg kHIM »n 4 til* t#HR# **#•• Pi Hu rt Iff Iff fMkMN*. til# *«!#•! t* UrtN'f’ t##tl gt### y##l#tO#? •#*'#*» fgg tto fcgootof'd# toi#4i«g •¥#? t»#tr gfgag* try |trffttt«4 »ti**# *•*•* «n t*ha*t#r ftfMl Wa utaff a» tbr> rrm# tat# «b# t#*«*. w#r# a*«rt*4 «to tb# treond ruralry A# ttr* ninth #t*?#r#d th# Hty *h* j #l»#ol#rt# #«i Ihrtiliftff The ' c»f the hffßtf ##r# rro«4#d with pr®* y)# Muijr of them #alv#4 • welrome to our men. Other# their Ml* Miftion more quHly front non# *inv threat# or vorih of dnwontent. Even the Spaiueh foldlen, muted about, | tool the arrival of #ur men calmly Th# beat of pood order reigned Ic the atreeta. Our men. with a aplendW ##n#e of the fltn##a of thing#, tempered their etultatkift #o tt not to wound the pride of their beaten enemfttw, and Ur Ppen- Urdu oity atcepled the mew non-In.on of affairs. THE GENERAL'S DINNER. An Elaborate Dinarr at Which Victor and Vangutohed Sat. Onfitli Shatter, W'hwlrr. Kent. Lawton. Aim. Humner and M-Kibbtn rndr atrnlaht to the rapt* In general • pataca, where they .en- mat tiy tha municipal authorities. tty • ichhlahnp •( Santiago and the (cnerato of the de {r«tnl Spanish army, (tenoral Total and Eacarto and thalr staff* received our general* with avary possible cour ttiy. General Toral apologised for tha non appearance of Lieutenant General I-l na ten. who wai prevented from being I rerant by a perlou* wound. He will tail and pay hi* resoects to Oeneral Shifter a* aoon an he la eble to leave hla cot. An elaborate and sumptuou* dlein-r «■ a prepared at U* egptaln general'* p.lace for fifteen general?, end at thla banquet many of the detalla of the »ui ririder which have not been willed ware diacu?ned. While the troop* were marching Into the etty the vanguard of the defeated army began to march out, the Spanish soldier* depositing their nrm* at the edge of the city. All of the Spanish troops go Into enmp on open ground between the former tiring Hoes, where It will be comparatively easy to keep >thmi under control until the arrival of fi ■ transports which are to carry them ' back to Spain. The Swinish soldiers appear to be upon the verge of starvation. They hove been terribly underfed for week*, and their general emaciation shows It. They have had nothing to eat but rice, > a little cofree and sugar. ALL THANKED GOD. That They Did Not Fight Through the Trenches. Our troops found the entrance streets to Santiago wonderfully en trenched, and oil are thanking God that they did not have to take the city by assault. It would have meant fearful slaughter on both sides. Across each of the main entrance roads were four wire entanglements md six barricades. To have broken through the wire and carried the barricades one after the other would have meant terrible fight ing. On the San Juan road in particular Oil assault would have been disastrous. More than 25,000 troops are prisoners of war. The territory turned over in cludes Ports Azerraderros, Santiago, Aguadores, Guantanamo, Baracoa, Sa nto, Bones. Sagua de Tanamo, Mayari, and Cape Maysl lighthouse, facing Male St. Nicholas. Haytt. T:> gunboat Alcedo, now at Baracoa and three con verted launches, armed with Gotlirg guns, are surrendered, as are all forti fications, artillery and the rifles, small arms and accoutrements of troops. To rahs officers and men will be fed from American commissaries until our gov ernment perfects" arrangements to transport them to Spain. CIVIL CONTROL. Cubans Don’t Like the idea cf Spanish in Charge. General Shaftcr said this afternoon HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. ILN CtNTA A *£#* Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. %4N LUIS Vlt ORDERED 10 CHARIiESTON —“ I 1 A MtifiMl «( Tttopv J fen difltl' ***** 1 to'agwn freins Akt.iy re (he Way to UtortoHew. (WMhto. Mr »» * An tot*.; mSH nit I of ilk# Elrvi r irpa ata og oNl^r# M#aa«Mh> m ##r*.».. a*4 ! arllt be m«d#> thi# afttniatPß for r#fu* t •#*■# to fvlfftff |o the rlty ihould file#* ‘f«t« to 4# #o The t)lMr«a» among th# after Hfht 4at# only aranty relief ha# PITIAI LE SCENE. The Scramble In I rone of the f I Coney Church Door ' At Kt Caney a crowd of women and their way to tht# place of relief, they I were doled out a >I rale erne her #|»lf # The Red Ooa# people have vainly tried to move adequate anpplle# from tb-lr ■hip#, wed the army tranapeit« have barely .ufUckeel to supply the real merta at the front iff the form ire forre Or tain iifflrrm’ hoi #«• have been #up* ■ piled with oot«. 4e»f*lte the luxuriant ifra## A few load# of food *m»l4 IT heve the nt#rv*fix women and < hlWlren. Mini Rarton I# now ru the Htat,* of Texas, awaiting permission to steam to tontlago and distribute supplies to the f'utmns there. | Spanish gorrlsons of the various In terior posts will march to the nearest ' seaports, and the shipment to Hpahi will be cart led out as speedily os pos sible when the ships are engajred Things will necessarily move shmiy. No important moves ar * contemplat ed here at present. As H'dguin and Oi iiara have not surrendered, bnth are f\Hvd with aoldiers. Any evacuation or weakening of army surrounding Santi ago would Invite Oeneral Luque to march across the country and attempt to capture the city. ‘ The rains have thoroughly set in and during the next few weeks twelve hours of wet v out of the twen ty-four rroy be looked for. | roles* an attempt In matJe to reeao ;ture the news will not be rich from this point In the near future. It i m ill he a great while before the ar i angement* con he made to start the Spaniards home. It ho* developed that nearly ail of Toral * Spanish officers were killed in tb* fighting. Hhafter ad.nits, however, flow that he ha* ha* seen the defence*, that hud he b en compelled to storm Santiago, the act would have cost the lives of five thou«and American sol idlers. SHAFTCR AND SCOVEL. They Engage In n Fisticuff at the General's Banquet. The Cubans were not officially rep rerenicJ al the surremier yesterday'. The CHihnn flag waved ever Sohopa Castle for a fe v minutes, but the Amer ican colors were quickly aubaiUu' "d. iThe surrendered gunhoa A.varrz I out of the harbor flying the American iflr.g and niloted the Red Cross Statr o' Texas. ,v!th Clara Barton aboard, to the cily wharf. Tv:elve ship 3 in the harbor surren liiered. At the banquet there was plenty of wine, but eatables were-source. 'I he ccffee was exhauated before the round table. At the ceremonies Sylvester Scovel, correspondent of the \yorld. be came involved in an altercation with Genera! Shaf-er. Blows were struck. Scovel la under arrest. The Americana are busy pitching new camps on the hillsides close to the town. The Span ish soldiers are mingling and hobnob bing with the Americans. The Cubans ate kept in the rear. Washington, July 18. —American gar risons in commend of a brigadier wilt go tcv Baracoa and Guantanamo. Shat ter says he will net garrison the small er interior towns, but will let the Cu bans attend to them. Martial law is is declared throughout Santiago dis trict. McKibbon is clearing the city. He is not governor, but merely Com mandant Shatter's. governor of the dis trict. Shatter requests to be permitted to t: permitted tc return home as soon as possible. Ii 511 no oico m. If# U N tl* Ilk *M h Will tl* hr# Dittto*. [Tk# Tr«t« Till Hitt Bt»i A*-1 kif«H It Ik# Wwtu I ItotMg Mt Ui# Irss to IM (Rperial IS TH Hfl4 | | W«»klftii(«, July It ll#*# art tit |p#4iMc* C« tofto It rtfUk. K*r«#fftfc aM NlatUetil ntmm'if a# I Itttwlj Urtitofy. toil rivalry giffp* t»aii##v#a In. t»a4 Hitie #a4 ikttalk arta; rorpa I(Jfftrfll ttffxtkf «t!{ gfflfft 11fM , Otw. i [ Mile# g-ir* to 9V#«o Rldi) dm the Yate soa'a ft#*' *t»4 tlie an a#4 oUei W nm hnglob July Ift *<kl. flrooh# ! %igcr #)(b rrfcrrnc to th# praparw* I. . *La I) '..«•» .* ivultl t/waw I * ions lor ii*c rsns n>nin kih , Iwcw rood# and that h# Ijclicvcd they |igg hr cmbarhrd withlg g fnrtalgh* 1 mg~tf ft la iwdrrsuv*! thal Newport, ■Nc m ■ *! | tiff the pun fit d egg if ur# of the larger part of the expedllhm The! 1, 4 qj. 0? rrcup*i nto eaperted to ftra-. atoi of about yt. tioa men a* II ha* been ! decided tn take no chant"* of repent* Ing the mlatak- made ,n Shaf er'* rue of land ng with an Wiißr'eal force and jthen helng obliged to lit Idle at a rritl-j i tgl moment awaiting r#foforc#m#nYg. ■ Tha emptorment of gn owpowering. son o |g a ao ixpclil to aaos blfwfihM, Waabiagtcn. July 11.- The dale when the Porto K.ean ex peril I Inn will *t»rt i wa* Axed today at a meeting of the ; war board. We dneaday of next week was the lime sel.'rted. The troops are ,to land a few miles east of San Juan.| I The landing will he indeprn tont of the hr mbardment of the harbor fortiflea-' tioar. A second meeitng of the naval : war hoard wa* called for this even'ng ito assign the ships for Porto Rlro. COL. WH. J. BRYAN He and Hl* Regiment Are Off For Florida Omahn, Neb., July IX.—Mr. Bryan and the third Nebraska volunteer Infantry start for Jacksonville thi* afternoon. The regiment goes over three toad*. The colonel and hi* stuff leave on the Burlington and reach Chicago tonight. SAiT S'IALL NAHEI). ■He Is Appointed a Chaplain In the Army • [Special to The Herald.] Waafcir.gti u,,Jul” 18. —Sam Small, the c bugelis and newroaper mao, was upp'in.ed C lay a chr.plain In tbe army. Congressman Lewis, of Washington,; wns inhumed by the war department today that no more troop, will be sent to the Philippines. The troops now In the far west'will do duty at the armv posts and guaid against Indian up risings. IN SESSION NOW. | Important Conference of the Naval War Board. Washington, D July t*.-y* The naval war beard, consisting of Hecretary Long. Admiral Sic- Hrd, Capt. Mahan and Comman der Crowninshleld, are now in conference with the ( President. NECK BROKEN. Clarence Vinegar Hanged in Ken tucky For Wife flurder. Georgetown, Ky., July 18. —Clarence Vinegar, colored, twice convicted and sentenced to hang for killing his wife fifteen months ago. was hanged here today. His nc-tU was broken by tbr> fall. THE FEVER STATUS. Official Advices Say there Are Three Hundred Cases. Washington, July 18. —Official ad vices from Santiago place the entire number cf fever cases al 300 or less. The acting surgeon general considers the situation less serious than was feared. HA* SHORT SKIRTS AMD CORK. iVi«#tHW Kiwntiisii If h#i htrixt. : IkfKA'III CwiktoM APftot* to Mo.). I o,*. •aamaila ta sas##*. ski it* att *Mara toe# t«wat ; aa#j ! r 9wot«4 a «|i 14 •#•«#( ..-ii bmHb* aaall 1 1 »a a sene# of taaisaat aaaiaMai at on * rdeti OHffHi aa4 Main R tVoftli«agUML , All tfif g«~ni* r a f ß api. Ts 4 la *a# a#**' M-naiinlt of a fokgid glfi lilt C\K I* | <olofv4 |iri » appnrlst a of t*l#t*t rotor# Tk# tfi(#rfaigm#g! #m gl%#mto# (Ik#! tmff hA«iii dH'.r irit* and rngfoli fnt tk# mgbtrt cf tk# R vruiy-ifoK rogi curgl. Kt« York folrtßßßf, ao« at! j , jt ! Tk# audlaorr ftmiffisNi Ik# rmiiifitii of Tarrylowa. Irvlkgtua on the Hud eon. Itobh* Perry and H*ei tag* and ike night xraa mado a gala pup In Tar rytovn The |mtr«*ie**pe of th - e*t*g-' (atanvnt were Mr*. Kdtli (iouM Mte* if-lea Oouitl, Mm John D ArrhthaM, Mr*. H V. D Black. Mm W. L xlllt, Mr* qdorge Malm. Mr* C P Worth tagtun Mr*. Ito WUt Corhraae and 1 Mr* R E l-ewto. The Mime* Lcvcb pi*yfd on the ban jo and int< raperee# their part of 'hr rattrlclament with negro eong* and; melodlea The prr#rm*mw ended with ! a aerie* of jr triodi lahleanx. Utarty and Cub* band in hand, wlib a liberal ! sprinkling of Amarlean and Cuban j ' flag* aroused wild *nlbu*la*m and wa* the orma'f n for loud and coatlnocd ap plause. which wax followed hy the au dience rielng and tinging "The Slur Spangled llcnncr.'' Ml** Kthel Irene Uh- wart sang »eve#*l popular aong* Mm. Cochrane'* appearance la black J [ie> and short tkirta was the chief topic of ronvemation. both during and after the entertainment and It to llkrly tn continue the topir for the proverb ial nine day*. Everybody admitted that *hc mad? the aurrea# of the enter tainment assured. SPAIN WILL NOT SEB- She null Be Qivew Further l icking* to Bring Her to Her i-ense*. Washington. D. C.. July I*. The prolwblllllca of peace arc a* remote to flay a* ever. No move In lhai direc tion ha* he-o made by an foreign offi cial* here and. deaplte tre> pitiful cigi f'.ltlon of Spain, her pride oppear* to lvstroln her from making any direct overt urea. A cabinet official. In speak ing of thr situation today, said il was jumazlng that Spain acemed lo Inch all comprehension of her deplorable condi tion. Her beat fleet* have been .wiped out. her hold on the Phlllppltfe* is prac tically at an end and now *he has ap proved of Toral'* surrender of s,<><)o square mile* of Cubon anil, and yet, he 'said, Spain seem* to take no account |of he: misfortune* and odopts no mean* to limit the extent of her defeat 'r.nd losses. Under such circumstances, tb- said, tbe only thing left for this •country to do Is to pres* on until Spain leaehes some comprehension of her Im potence. It Is with this end In vlev that active steps are being taknn for j further aggressive rampai.yns. SEVERELY CUT. Dangerous Accident to a flent'eman of This County. ISpedal to The Herald.] Hephxlbah, July 18.—Mr. W. A. At kins. who lives about four miles soulh of the village, accidentally cut a se vrre ga l ;h in his left arm noar the el bew Joint witb a pocket knife. The bleeding wav profuse and was not stopped until Dr. Baxley whb called to attend to the case. •Unknown parties entered th? fowl house of Mrs. R. E. Cobb Friday night and stole twenty-four chickens. FIRST CAPTURED FLAG, it Has Arrived in New York-By Whom It Was Taken. Washington, July 18, —The first cap tured flag arrived this rooming. It was captured at Juragua Sita June 23 by Corporals Newman and Boyle, Pri vates Keyser, Cooley and Houghtailing. Company B, 22nd infanlry. ON TO nANILA. The Last Expedition Leaves San Francisco This Evening. gan Francisco, July 18. —The first Montana volunteers and about thiee hundred recruits of the first California volunteers left Camp Merritt today and marched to the steamer Pennsylvania, which is sehedultod to sail for Manila Ibis aiternoon. 'll CIS EE | wn «in I Tkt Fjtiffi linn Hi ikr KH «f (kt Wetk. • otrial Tkai Cunn K I oMitC II 0|( (Ml. ««•«« » M (to Alt*. «.oi»oro Itotor* tkO to Mk I* Out. I Wsstiing!'# iaty alt ■ Tl»# pUaa for I t*«4iag ffiliot'i Haaiefa H|na4ma to i tjain ittf t*artoi thH putnt »k*tf I ib-f aifti (4ktak in laaiiikHaii tlie I##gft Amy r ' s ill* - «irpsri uff #a4 R I#' sal4 Miailly# oi#n bats lota titiv to | Nil# tirfjrlhiai la feo4laeaa by tb# rf»4 of tbe sffk Two collier# which *#r# lw tb# fxfswiitioa at# \ I Ncrfaifc, haviag Habt balteri## poi la i Waabiafftoa Jaly I® Cass. Ctooal* «|ii>)4a (usd of ibr «M%Upafk«a bar#aaj dratrf that there will be delay la atari faff th# ftoatera iqsadroa to Hpaia Me i soya m mw o as each ship receives he# , stum>«nt son tbe squadroa tiill aaart. i probably Wednesday next The assy department declares I hal Uta informalioa that Camara la really | ordered to harraaa the American const )Is nffirlal. The defnrtmetvi hope# #in trerely that the order# will be instated THADDGI'S W. JON 15. Mato Nominated lieutenant Colonel of Regiment at Camp Dyer. Waalxingtnn. D. C., July IX.— The Preetdent Inday nominated Thaddeaa W Jones to he colonel of the tenth volunteer Infantry; Ham W. Small to be rha plain of the second volunteer infan tty; Hugh H. UulqUltt to be captain of the third volunteer Infantry. About four hundred young men were made llrat and sec'tid lieutenant* and member* of the engineer corp*. QUILTING DOWN. Things Are Not So Active in Wash ington Today. Wnsningion, July 18.—With the San tlngo campaign aucfOWfully dosed, there Is n lull In the activity at the) war ami navy deportment* today andj the officials th u- expreaaed the belief that -ae rtirring developments of the, ; last few weeks will now give way to the details of occupying HantiSßO, shipping the apentab prisoners to Spain, coping with the yellow fever situation and preparations for the next aggressive f campaign. No reports from Shafter ot, Sampson were received during the early part of tho day. A dlspatih was received last night stilting that the en- j tire number of fever cases r,p to that time did not exceed 300. This lowered the estimate one-half from that given in the press dispatches and was a source cf satisfaction to the authori ties. Cel. Aided, acting surgeon gen eral. says the situation Is much less se rious than appears nt first glance, for, whole the aggregate of 300 seems large • It Is relatively small when it is remcm- I bered that there are 25,000 troops at the front. Surgeon Artbur.of New York, hr* been given carte blanche to got to gether at the earliest moment, a large number of contract doctors and nurses ■ familiar with fever cases. They go to Santiago on the Resolute, which leaves tomorrow. MRS. ROCKHILL DEAD. She Was the Wife of the United States Minister to Greece. Athens, July 18.—Mrs. Rockhlll, wife of W. W. Rockhlll. United Stales min ister to Greece, died yesterday of ty phoid fever. OFF FOR SANTIAGO. Supplies and Ammunition For the Army and Navy. New York, July 18.— The Resoluto will sail tor Santiago tonight witb sup plies, ammunition. 160 surgeons, nutscs, 1,500 hospital cots and half million quinine pills. Brig. Gen Duffield Stricken. J Special to The Herald.] Sibcmy, July IS;—Brig. Gen. Duffield j is in tbe hospital tore with yellow fever. J .——l / A pickpocket’s \f ti is done in a mo ment of abstraction rive t CM I AK> A W AR MONDAY. Ml! Dk, tof* TEIililNO THEfI) OF SURRENDER | Tk* Wok# Ntu()li| ill ftf lid Tvop. !19 too fit (get Job than Was tta* • I TTLtwpmmJ earn# troobie Th# Ikpaniard# of U«mw I tanamo at# #%ldsa»*ty silll litertat of th# sofY#ad#f. and tin* iNthaaa ahdey | Niff hart dally shlrmiabe# till th# 1 iiinCsmlrrs of th# loara. srbo are appar ently tryina tn break thr mab tb# tinea sad fall th# Hpanish fare## at ftontia go Toral tall! aead ctorer# to th” dif* ferent garrisons la 9h# ffoflSff. toll* i tying them of the aarrreader Th# Rpaaiard# la Onaataaamo eaa eftalty ibe reached and they arllt he ordered I to mmr down the bay and sm render Thnoe Inland, toartar will be asor# (diflkwß to mminontcate witb INSIDE SANTIAGO HARBOR. A Careful Inspection Show* That Il to'sa Not toed Protected ICopytlghl by Aaaorlated l*re*a | Harbor of Santiago. July IT.— Almost Immediately after the Rag »** hauled down la Santiago steam tounch.a commanded by Lieut* Hobaon and Pal- j mer enteved the harbor. penetrating] :** far a* the Rrlag atailona of the »üb-, marine niiiui. These m'arw art Judged lo be not so formidable aa wa* r([-*ri-1 id and later in the afternoon they were nil exploded under the supervision oL 'the Vixen. It wa* seen that two mine* bad been exploded at the time of Ihe * meaner of the Merrlmac into the har bqr, but it era* not thought probable the! either or them had anything to do with the? sinking of the rrafL Big Prizes. Six or seven fine steamer* In the har bor fall a* prttea. Soon after non* Commodore Schley with Captain C ook of the Brooklyn. Lieut. Scar*. Lieut. Wells and three Invited rorreapondento of tbe Associated Prr**. went Into tho harbor on a steam launch In order to make clone oa**fv*tKiaa of the rtpnei** fort* and balter'.c*. Every on* expnwa ed satisfaction at Ike fart (hat Morro Castle vat not demolished hy the horn* bsrdnunt. Captain Cook aaying: "We need El Morro a* an object lesson, an 1 Ameriea to rather ahy on ruin* any how.'' The old fort *tnmto on a bluff, terrace fnshion. The Cave*. From the water* edge to the brow of the cliff there ere huge cave*, formed by the action of the wave*, and round, the bore and In the miperntrncture are not a few cave* made by the navy's projectiles. It would oppear, however, that only one baatlan wa* knocked to pj.-cca, mhllo the queer little sentry! boxes, dating bark to the sixteenth cen- ( tury. escaped almost intact. Morro i* the only formidable fortifica tion In the harbor and It to only so in appearance, since not one* gun was mounted within the crumbled walls Tn fact, all the batteries, masked and hidden, dwindled In their terror-lnsplr !lng qunlit!.?s as the Inspection grow 'closer. Crowning the hill on the west ■side ot the entrance were the fiimous |«-!nch rapid firs guns from the Rsina ! Mercedes. The Gatling Guns. These are ugly-loking and danger ous, Below on ihe brink of the moun tain on the west sh :re of the entrance wma some galling guns. These were the ones which poured such « bitter lire Into the Merrimac Directly east of Morro on ihe crest of ihe bluff, were six big guns, one or two of >"birh wet" dismounted. The Estrella hnttery arc,. Its small neighbor further In showed no guns. On the -nslde slope ami on the hill westward soroo hnstily con tructed but very comforting casemate* we-ro seen into which the Spanish gun ners retired when our ships opened fire. When the firing ceased the gun r.jrs only had a few steps to climb to the 6-Inch rapid-fire guns. At Punta Gorda there are two 4-lnch guns, one shove the other, neither protected by oven sand or earth. These command ed the harbor entrance pretty well, but could have been silenced by one well directed heavy shell. Commodore Schley has again expressed th? belief that our fleet prrobably could have en tered the harbor without th*' loss of a single ship. The mines might have stopped the Ingress by sinking the leading ship, but this is a chance of war and not so gruvo or serious as would have been the situation had there been good batteries properly manned in the harbor. _» SPENCE A LIEUTENANT. His Name Among the Nominations Today. Washington. D. C.. July 18.—First Lieutenant of Infantry R. 15. L. Spence and Second Livutenent Camp bell, of Georgia, were amoDg the nom inations today. f! axtixs I DAS ASP f AVISOS SANK. • tntwlto t.*a > * ♦«**•* t mum t*.*w* «»toga to«»» fat# aisfssi as*# < upiQi aps osspf «ig mosiha ■ls ■ 10 ill FI SI. IDm Carte Hat Affltsl m tka KntUat. I A Iliad tH T bo* to ad la Slflll It I Mica Six ii L th# Om ream sat Harf>lag Ah Tvaoff l turn the latrfhr. (iftrhl cab!# dispairh.) Lfoadoa. inly IS - humors at# ffytoff ihtoh and fast this iftsftsoii gofftf on tbe storii etchangt Tha belief a strong that tbe CarUata am imlf with a coop ft e*at They may ha## been mahlag eectei preporattofia for a long tlw# for a hundred (booaasida to spring up •« a sJgaai A <Hegram maitsf hers says im I'arl'As ha# arvieod ots | th# Spanish froailer, and any# that h# * «»asid#eed new th# moat opportune I time for th# Carttot stiih#. Hpala to hurrying a) I troop# from th# litfrlef to the mat and aouth coast. Th# !•• jurinr togtroagly Cmrliat. TO COLI.EC r CI STOTS. 11k t ntted statc* I* Take Charge cf tha kttmu al Santiago WashiagUm. July ii.— Th* I'aitad i giatm wtll lab* a(*pa to col- IrtM rui om* rnoim at Hutltgo a* a war (i DtrilMition and il to not ißyrob abto that a governn>*ni rustooia office *(B to* M» ned there and b* ready for I.aa early aa KHaorrow mm or. Thla ariion will ba takaa prndlag tha final aeitletoent of thr qucatloo of iba itatii* of Cuba after th« clot of tha war Serre ary Gag* and Autotaat S-‘- retar■ Itowell are burity n|i(*d t day going over the ruttoai ached ule* which hay* been tn fore* under ■he gpautoh rule, and It to expectad that * t*l< gram embodying the prlnct|ia] ■ fcaiurm of the new *ehedule will bo rent Gen Bhafler tooighl. The new follow more or lea* eloaely i howe hit# Ac in force In Cuba and will make no dtorrlfnioafioaa in favor or again*! citlten* of any foreign power, In-lotl iag the I'nited State*. Any tnoen*;*- tecle* and executive levte*. howrvar. anil be ron-et ted a* soop aa pow* bl-. Within a day or two a uatc mt oxrrrt will lu* fegnat.d lo lake rharge of tho dernli wtiAc under the ge ’eral di rection f! tbe adliUry governor of th" aurrendered territory, as ha* been done in the Philippine*, and a* rapidly aa pr**lbl° the printed form* of schedule* and record hook* will be gent forward. BOSTON’S PULLINO UP. The stending of the Teems In the National League. I The Cincinnati Rods are having • phemuncnsl run for the pennant In the National League. The team has been leudlng the league for six weeks, and the combined ofttts of the pennant cha sers have failed to send Kwlng to sec ond place. The close of last week, however, places Boston nearer the Reds than any other club has been this sea son. Boaton is only twenty-two points , from the top and tho word has been sent out to get on top before next Sun day. j The following Is the standing up to date: I Clubs. Won. Lost. P. O. Cincinnati 81 -7 .884 t Boston fit 38 -632 Cleveland 46 29 .613 Baltimore ft 36 .603 ! Chico 4R 35 . 563 Pittsburg <5 r> *s New York *9 35 .527 Philadelphia 33 3!) .45S Brooklyn 90 42 ' .417 Washington 30 46 .357 Louisville 94 53 .312 ,St. Luuis .. i. •• ”34 6* -300 ZOLA SENTENCED. • m Years Imprisonment, 3,000 Franc Fine uttd Pay Costs Of Suit. Parts. July 18.—Zola and Perreux to day were each sentenced to a year's Imprisonment, 3,000 francs tine and pay the costs of the suit. ALL QUIET. Report of a German Ship Leaving Manilla July IS* Hong Kong. July 18.—The C-epman cruiser Cccmoran, from Manila July 15, ; has arrived here. She reports all quiet when she left. New York Futures. New York, July 18.—Futures opened steady ; sales 7,600 bales. July 5 90 August 5 98 September 5 94 October S 95 November.. .. .... ..5 96 December 5 99 January., 6 03 February 6 05 March 09