The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 18, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 ■■ T** Close Oil me fialaece of Girdles oh Bald aMmiWNtoMMt ftF f&4* |toto#* S 3 00. $4. SG, »G and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. vankbii doodle tN wUBA Ol to Bvwtr«t Mask to Um« of Um Soldi** Bojt UTS Bin SOU IT HOME NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS $149 UP SECOND HAND SQUARES $40.00 UP Parlor Organs $39 up S«cond Hand SIO up uni op MUuri u uooua a I bottom rucas. TbODas & Barton, W H. lUINPTT Bwrtvw. TM Btwadwsy. Auftt* * Os NEW TRACK Aa lAugusiaa Ahead of the Bicycle A*«ectatto«. Tfc’ MU August* friend# of Mr J W watoh will be l»ters*t«l la the fol )o«im from the Charleaton News aad T'etarier: Ttf new Bicycle Track A modal lon vm formalyy ixiiolwl yenierday Mr. J H(b J. Waleh «u elarted pfwihai Cj4 Mr Edward Rtckcta vie* prrtWrni Me irhh E. Oooghty »« elected cap la!a ot IN- learn The other ntßcera ot Aaaociatlon will I* chosen later. Bids are being nailed In tor (he roe - _ t-oct tq,i ot the grand aland. The fence la already up and a number of espertv are busy grading (he track. It la ex pected that thlt will be Hi ahape tor the as am bar* to go In regular training by August 11. A haiMiaomt racing tandem and flee Mgr. a LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NOW J.IILLER ViLEER THE HATTER. iKiisroix: HATS racing wheel* were received Jwwe by the Asoolatlon yesterday. The triplet will arrive some time next week. Es- j forte will be made to develop the rac ' lug material here, and it la believed that with careful training many of the amateurs can be to carry off big prises. The work on all the departments of i the track and park will bs rushed .and the last of It will be completed by the middle of August. LANDO'S ENTERPRISE. The Harictta Mill i* to Be Rebuilt Sooh. [Special to The Hwmld.} The Manetta cotton mill (the old Fishing Creek factory) at Lando. S. C.,1 was insured for *57.000: tho insurance] be apportioned among a number of companies, as follows: Commercial Union, of , Fire Association, of Philadelphia. ss, ooo;* Delaware, Philadelphia, *5,000: American, Philadelphia, *2,500: Liver pool and London and Globe, *7,600; Springfield Fire and Marine, *2,600; Manchester, England, *2,500; Palatine, England, *6,000; Sun Mutual, New Or leans, *2,500: Harlford. of Hartford, *5,000; Piedmont, of Charlotte,, *5,000; I-fadgeburg, Germany, *7,000; New York Underwriters, *2,500. Tbe eottem warehouse, which was not burned, Is Insured for *9.000 . We understand the owners have not yet been able to effect an adjustment with all the companies. It Is said that the owners have no future plans until all the affairs are fi nally adjusted. Then they will prob ably rebuild tbe mill, and Install the most modern machinery, , WATSON'S EQOADRON- T« ftot# ll» *##*# toMlm Hmm An Airaagwaatd that I# Petwg Caa* #ft4*r#4 Ml Wft itolftftttoft tllgt HI itt*| tl Otot ft#*! '$# r ‘ ptlmm Pfl fltoftf to# ftftfti toNto# *w AlMf* mm inwiwnt <Mito Wmm*'* mu i fft##y fft* *&*mr*m**i M ftft m t sll»fl>| *fttft totfitft# fl# ••• Wrtoi *t 1% to## MMMft#. tiRiAtT BNCA*ii*r»Ehrr Iha AWtama Mew Hltawa N Maw*. Mg Thar* Rack HttL 4 C, 4alp 14- The #IH am am aw ot lb la mmiy bate arraageJ I* bate than eaesmpmeal at t.raab thla ten*. »« aaaal.. ih» date# hems Auguot Mb and «th Th* mwaiitM la char** haa a*leaded aa taelUMbag *• the Milt* stale r*e»ye a* party, to* (JaAPng the nnagriaaiiaal eaadldat— aad all will doubtless be ag bead Pea | atom Tillama and MrUtrlt hat* b**a, an bad M *i*wb, aad lb* lattee haa ta dirated hia latent**# ta be preamt All this gtate’a roagrraeana bare also Keen larftet Cot Talbert haa aeat hi* aeiaptaara. Mr D W. Evans, torawlr peeutdeot ot the state alllaar#. will el so ettred la \ Hal lone bate bean gt«*n Coagreeemab Lewis, of the Mate ot Washington. and Loot*, ot Ohio, who at-' both etpeeted to ettMid and deliver **•- The ill la nee men are espect lag a grand time at Ttrsah. DISPENSARY PROFITS Wbal th* N**t Quarterly Report Will and Won’t Show Columb'a. H. C m July lb. Repr*- acaiatives A. K. Sbod* r*. of Sumier. i and D. F. Eflrd. of LetHigtoa. of th* j dispensary legislative committee, srri-1 red in (’(durable Tursday miming and’ •t cwoe began work ua the dtase user* report for the quarter •nding last; mobth. Heviator Mauldin aad cither, ■Mtnhera the committee, was absent, hut II la thought bp will be on band. thla morning. Messrs. Sanders aad Eflrd thing that about lh« usual time will be rtsqulrrd In wblrb to got the report In shape, and they Hope to have It In th* gor. r- j nor’* hands by Saturday, anyway. Th* report will show that the dis pensary has oiade during the quarter Just ended something over 135.000, aa against 817.421.30, a gala of some 113.000. Rut tbta hardly gives any Idea as lo th* effect of the removal (ft {lie o. p. competition, although the o. p.’s were removed Inst before* the he- j ginning of the quarter Just ended, for ; a comparison between the profit* of Ibis quarter and the corresponding quarter last year shows a difference Ift favor of thla year of some SIB,OOO. and | this In spile of the fact that there was | no o. p. competition In either of tbeae quarters. The Aiken Times publishes the fol lowing: Under the agreement between the City of Aiken and the South Carolina and Georgia railroad company, the latter was to build and maintain bridges over their railroad cut at the promlnisit street crossings and to erect new bridges os the demand* of travel may require. Recently a ] new bridge has been built over tbe 1-ut m Fairfield street, and the rall j mad authorities notified the mayor that the bridge was complete In accor dance with the contract. Mayor Woodward hr turn wrote back 'hat the bridge had not been completed-tbat it I was not a complete bridge and as such [refused to accept It. | The bridge now- stands perched up ! on brlcH abutments ten or twelve feet above the level of the street, simply spans the rut and has no end ap proaches bum to It. and on this tbe question "ns raised. Webster's definition of a bridge is • a atructura. usually of wood, stone, brick or Iron, erected over a river or other water course, or over a raven, railroad, etc., to make a continuous roadway from one bank to the other. Thus It seems to us that the dc~ i flnttlcm holds the bridge between I banks, fuid do*s not allude to grading I approaches thereto. The contract, as above stated, "requires to build and maintain bridges over their railroad cu t at the prominent street crossings." seems to destroy the use of Webster In this case. We learn, however, that the city will contend for the railroad to fill In the approaches. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately If you want qui. t relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Oardelle, druggist, Augusta. Ga.. 612 Broad street. If you can’t solve the problems of tbe war. go to a comer drug store. They [ keep all kinds of solutions there. Kansas City Star. I A COLO in) SOLDIER. ] E|p Dm ftaltp IlMMalf <pb » ,rsp. n$ ***** m> 1i ■##» tmm MIMBNk If%- g t ■■jt-f itopMpa% &4 t »*** ft -I f « >m ) 0 $ I *9*mt*s to ••»«** 1 *#& toft* toft! ftft IN® to#fwis ftMfttoft wo I tow laitototo ftffftft#., fftftftftf Hi Storm taae WMb M «b| I ads nmni fVtMVI ##4*l, #•s *to##### #ft#W 4 I line anarnf-ft whb eipn iin - eepeea lal lathtag. MiEmh bang th* pe—a itiwn .be a*a*b «4P Mm Mean as »h* **a> j Itaav' in the Meat E*f Eaaah iganr I rhannet »ft*w hw help and *aab M»-' Rath, el tha parti athblh. •*•« he |he an* r**«had Reach aataad Meßath letmat the a*-1 aad lair* th* tma aeat' InaAe* bvmdhe* » ‘ naan* Meßath managed M bleb I tr *snsto (t# to#*fc |ftv totoM Cto#to to#- [IMMI itoi-r*## (to* Nhl? sr» WMTS fto* to#*to. ! | iMAtoto cto# *to()» totol to# tolHw i |sßdi'*to to# ftoMMMi tolto ftotolifw## ItoMrt Is#* fat* nM M *to# to##to Nkto «itoto tototoMi mm 4*to M ft## AH*f 4i#tto« —Tint 11*# to# w* R•# tottlt#fto I tto# towtoF « , #4to#4 to#4#NM*to I#o ft»» to# #•4 bet »|toi ii I# stoo#». srto#r# *fltot- to »#4 tofwiiM H tto to to### INuto ' to##, tft## BiiKto 4lNtor #Hf ##4 to#'4 [ #rof to. l»rcMs#lit t# #*4 |r#rn#4 totoril tto tw«r« DlftOOV NIUU) IT A WOMAN. AfN»*l»#* fffwit 4Nl<r ni'TTjr iMMi : tin. 1 «!lfr ***4 4«*ttk ****** j •**! I I ti#*p Mi# flMlty <H*r*»r#>f , »'d A •* Mwwy W parch, stwr of • k*tto , inf Dr King's New Wacnyery fnr Co*- Luntpti n and wwa on saaft nHi red taking tbe flrel dose that ehe slept OU j |night, aod wllh two Milts has been . !absolutely cured. Her name la Mrs j l.uther Lot* Thus writes W. C. Mara |wick A GO., of Phelhy. K. C Trial hot Itles Ike al Harvard A Wtllei's drug store. Regular site Me and IIW- Bvety , Ixittw guaranteed TO EXTBND WEATHER BUREAU. i •■'.money of Its Service Will Boot bo Greatly larrcaard I Wavh'ngton July 1*5 —President Me i K tales has . n hta desk thr draf- of an (order for making the greatest extension |of the twather bureau service ever made In its hiatory. The general d* Ikifary bill rirrtfd an »oproprtiHon of , *7S.(MW to rnatii* the praai.leal in hie discretion, to atilhoft** the establish- ( ment of observing and (sporting sta j nons at various points on the Carib beaa sea. but the promulgating of the, 'order has been Withhold pending the j Ire nrttmton of negotiations with the government* interested for the right tol . locate observers and stations. These [ have mostly responded favorably, and [in a few days the order It exptclcd. | The force of observer* and aaslaiaata . has baen selected, and It was In con- 1 | nevtion with tbla part of the work thatj Jibe friction developed between Proses-i [ sor Moore and Farmer Dunn of New York station, which resulted In the lat ter leaving the ter vice. The scheme contemplates the loca tion of statlooa on the Island of TVlnl dcd. at St. Klppa, Barranqulla, the Is lands of Curracoa. Martinique, lfayti. the Rarbadoea and San Domingo. There are Rlready in operation stations at St. Thomas, Kingston. Jamaica and fla vana. Tha latter has not been inter rupted a single day since tbe (rouble began. About a year ago the director of tele graphs of Mexico visited Washington, and as a result of conferences then held with weather bureau officials a line of stations was established Along the Mex ican coast as far as the point of Yu catan. An expert is now employed in adjusting the Instruments at these sta tions to the standard of the United States outfit and from all (beer the t>u. reau receives a dally report without ex pense to It for maintenance, When the proposed bell of stations shall have been located and are in op eration the entire coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean sea, the Wind ward and Leeward islands, and the pas sages adjoining will be covered by dally reports. The benefits resulting therefrom In tbe publication of storm notices will be to the commerce of all nations traversing those waters. TO SAVE FLOUR GOLD. Gainesville Man Said to Have Invented a Valuable Machine. Gainesville. Ga., July 18.—MaJ. W. Waring Habersham, mining engineer of this city, has succeeded in obain ing letters patent for a machine recent ly invented by him which, tt is claimed, will amalgamate and save flour gold that has hitherto been lost by the use of all other methods. Mnj. Haber sham's apparatus will probably soon be tested on aiarge scale, and bids fair to prove of great value to all engaged in systematic mining. Trunk Repairing By expert trunk makers. Augusta Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. 'Phone 2181. The Inhabitants of Cochin, China, much prefer rotten eggs to fresh ones. XHE AUGUSTA GERALD sHArrnH'SitFORT. <»f M 111*#9 # •# A# < thaaa bra a« *af Erwapa ba Re E*» larai i\^(pgßh *toito##U#< tto ttoto* ill# to4W? to»#toi«4Rs s t i #to#fi#4 to *to# totoff#to*Mto#to IHftoi i ah tto*# toMtottoto town toil ti# to## [ *afmrß tl## *ai#toto#tto #to4 Oto'VrtlHi- 1 totowi tot#li tto hps#•»•s I# <“#to# (totof tA# iMI ptoftot# 4toft»to Ito' p ##stol to#/ #t#itoto •# ttotoM •#*«# Tto# Af*»*«to ' iafvßßl s## tto to#lift #sSt #1 A##* -44# ■ . #tto (to# into 'tto <rf| #M. to»to*tolHtoto ■ tto#tt mm* m • #«'*•* •#»*•*lif #tor##4: apna la awmt <ba dtupatiibm •# tha Catted Rtade* gwawrataaaM M b*mp an* j b*f*t<eud that the Called A*ai-v man toiMM#to##ifs tot#i *#* "**m #i### | gpnamn netpiere rmnra ta Poa»a nub! the arm* he a* bravely d»leaded. Tb*e lea eve a ad the relate as arete entirety Hi Mm hande d the pneeen meat "IneNe at lemma ta the Met tbai M*e*a) ihraaeend have earn adrred m 4 hy Thral ta he ILddb epatwat ahom | a abt* hna net been Pred The twerp; !ta flpmn as tr*apa la 'ha dMt etnenat* ba abmil Id bib. err aad tap ta TnraK W. E RhafUe. fit. [ ORANGEBURG COTTON INJURED j > A o***B* of Btw iu>* Rally Family R*«v* i Orangeburg July U — Tb# Marring* i -al Dr tune K Jaw lag. of InM filar I ,a iAm counts aaA Maw UlUaa L Mar tag. <ouk gtnr* task wswh at * FAal .j Mvlbodlsl rhoirh Thn ior*mans want 1 gtkiras* by <be R»» R D CMltar. j Tb* attsmdaats wvrv Mm* Lula Hsstay j 'and Mr. J. C. JauAoa. of CbartaatuA; Miss Gillian Hsrtey and Mr Joans' , Book hard t. M u Mason- Rglgranr aad 1 Mr RtcuAnmalrv. Dr. Javdcn la a oraet trine pßynirtag' («f |man Star, wblta tbv brkta I* tbs. . daughter of Mr. W II Harley, of tht» rtty. S Tb* Patriot tbla week ha* «ho toitaw- Ing lairrrutlng (oral Mrs Halley, the 'axfiber of Dr G M S*ll*y baa la ber ] p-wseM'no an eld fashioned snshogany j chair that must bo noarly two hundred ' yean old tt bat boon tn thn Rnlley family since thry first settled in tbtaj county In 17tT. sßd It ta not known; Just bow long tbla heirlo- m had »f ! * ready been tbo property of tbs family ’ Several household art'rlea with n simi lar history were sen? to tbe New Or-1 leans export'ton years ago by Mr* Bai ley. but they were loot, and consequent ly oe-*er returned “ There baa been a deluge of rain dur ing the past aeeeral days, and tbe far mer* aay that tbe roc on crop will be , injured to a great extent. They aaf that the prosperts for a good corn crop are good, but jfiat tbe cotton prospect* are not an god CORBETT ASKS FOR MORE TIME Fight With McCoy Ret for About the Middle of September. New York. July 18— Notwithstanding all report* to the contrary, the match between Jim Corbet and Kid tMcCoy la a certainty aa far at the Hawthorne Atbletle Club of Buffalo la concerned. This much waa clinched on Monday night when George Consldine signed for Corbett. The original date wdected. August 27, will have to be changed and some clauses In the articles of agreement will have to be amended and acted up on before either of the principals will be satisfied August 27. according to Corbett, Is too near for him to fight, as he demands ample tins* to get Into con dition. He says that he will require at least two months of hard work to bring him Into real fighting form.- This has been agreed to by both the club and McCoy, ana the battle Is to come off between September 10 and September 19. TO EXTEND PENNY POSTAGE. Uniform Rate for the Empire la Plan ned. London, July 18.—After a long sit ting the conference bf postal represent ative® of Great Britain and her colon ies concluded Its business today. The conference resulted in a big step In the direction of an imperial penny post age. It is announced that the delegates agreed to establish a postal rate of 1 penny (2 cents) per half ounce in the United Kingdom. Canoda, Newfound land, Cape Colony, Natal, and any of the crown colonies desiring that rale. The date upon which the rats, will go Into effect was not fixed. Australia and New Zealand decline to adopt the rate, and Jndia has not yet decided hpr course in the matter. CASTORIA. Bsan tha Kidd You Hare Alwafs Bought *T" Tell ua not in mourn f-1 numbers Life is but an empty dream, When, at night, we rat cucumbers And then top off on iqp cream. BOYS IN OBEY. 18 # tbidßMw f *p lib tot M* ##*. flaanap tea at ad lat »#«#»* t .reeled * ■■ t # WtotoAMl to## >■ iwria tototoA t tofttoj ttotoMtoWtoPto* ?i•##!##. toto## tto## OtoKtoM #• 5 to# #pto*4ip## »#>'-wiE -ii ns# Mafttotottf # * *toM4 to# tMtoltof. I Itfin# ##4 titorto#*# #§##■■ t$ H## $H *se# PI «**bh# Tto# to*#to#to#r%#rs «i OitoilMiot »• j 1 ftorH fit# ft oiriTt ##4 Aft|#t## j <***.«-Itof UtMbff# ftuPtoMi* if tto# I#* i ta-4 fV-Ef r#fi to*#s#f##to toftto ftt#"i j «*#W, (tom toft Ii tft* tTftft#f: j tofl»i4t#to tot rM'ttototoit ptotft to* *»* ##"* ; j t#|ftt#to#4 •• J Jto’fttoMtot pM#to*i . Ito#to« vltf pt IMP* totod Ait MpltoFi , ] ftotoUtto# tottl to# tto* (TflWI •$ #i*4 4*#- j ■ f«A#ftot# #fHf rto##l#i#* tw T W j I Cltoto# AY d Aft **T4#4ftoft tftftt ft##*### ## j * w**«*tf £IT j #to# todtoftfd ftft#f tto# ftptmtf—S #r* ‘fir* j %#©S4 tto# IAI M #to#rft# If tfti* lie, ■« - - - rt, n, .ma'nVM Rfl’l to# (#i I *! ■■■ I t$ Ad## IF* win r* j rart from the rare Hi raah tnateed of iff,.it. eg rVrla from (oral raehiem on bath; PrrmxMl Mvattaa Vtoltark «• t*« lAfttrl*) to Tb* | Bath. July 1* Mraara CBaftta M L„<j Brier- W. Miller aad Mr. WllUa j Iftarry had a dvllßkifAl rid# os koraw ' hark from Augusta Mooday * Mias Dora ball* Webb Is spending arv- I I era! weeks with in frlebd, Mias Mary j [ Malta Walks'. [ 1 A party will las*# Balk Saturday af | tes noon, tkaperousd hy Mr*. 1A ii l,a** A, Garrett, (us Augusta. From User* tfcrp snll go to Rulllvnn* Island, where i [ikey will quad a Ite day*. Tha p»riy !coastal* of Mr*. Wa. A. Garmt. M'.aa-** !J, no, aad Lrola Garrett. Mtaa Baa<>a 11011. Mr, H-ary Garrett. Mr. WilUa. [ Holt aad other*. I Mrs Mary Lou Beeson ta vlaitiag in j j e« r HUIe nty. to thy deligkt of her j I many friehda . l Mr. James Tckln spyai aonday here with frlrnda Mr. Shepherd t* visiting at the home of Mrs. W. C Sibley. Mr. and Mr*. A, 8. Doughty compli mented their young ft lend* "On Bath" with a delightful dance Monday night. The evening waa greatly enjoyed by all ! who were fortunate enough to b® pro eat. Mlsa May Moorman, tha accom plished and beautiful daughter of Sena tor Moorman, has returned to her home la Columbia, after a charming vialt spent with her frtenda, Mlaaea Jenna uad Lrola Garrett. While here (be won many frifJtds, who regret so much to have ber leave. Mr. Thomas T. Miller came ojit Thursday afternoon to spend Friday wlih friends. Mrs. John W. Walker and Mrs. Mary Lou Beeson are spending a few days at "Hillside.” Mr. Orisby Sibley came out Wednea day tor a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Fleming are spending this week with relatives In Augusta. Mr. Wingfield's many friends are glad to welcome him back to Bath again. Mr. Ixmjl* Bucdelle has returned to Aqguata after a delightful visit "On Bath.” UROVETOWN. What la Uolng on lip the Georgia Railroad. [Special to The Herald.] Orovetown, Ga., July 18. —MaJ. Green was a welcome guest at Villa Marion on Sunday e-vo-nlng. Mrs. William Butt was among Grove town’s charming guests last week. Mr. Beverly Wall, of Augusta, was a at Crest Hill on Saturday even ing. Mrs. John Twiggs arrived at Grove town on Wednesday and after a short visit at Villa Marion, left on the mid day train on Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. Mixon are guests at Rev. Mr. Morris’. Dr. Mixon preached one of his fine sermons on Sunday night at the Methodist church to a most fttentive congregation. Mr. George Larkin, of Harlem, was 'n our village on Sunday evening, (he guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Heggie. Mr. Frank Walton also spent Sup day evening at Mr. Heggle’s. >lr. Walter Bell visited friends In Grovctown Sunday evening. Mr. L. B. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson are guests at "Little Pines” this week Mr. John Blun left on Saturday on his way to army headquarters. Mr. Blunt leaves behind him in Grovetown many warm friends who will read ihe war news with deeper interest because of his departurg. CUT THIS OUT WptiP fOUf A<lW r l#*^ n l ON tWi F?Rfblt, INCkti ■nwHint n#c#totdify to pty ‘Of e* tiigny ifyp#f* I tone pi you wbnt, botl •HIMPf ifr*ll us •and M t* THE HfiNALO. advertisement coupon. TO me Al <)l M A MlilfAl Hi ptabib inhmft th* •dvfr(iMm«nt wHUbn Doiow (or hhidi you will ( onctottKl ft ' • ■ c»nt* SIGN HERE ~ wash*. fcrw*mg Fern, Rale* •#.. ‘‘Stllßfwu»»7mihl‘ *Zr «8# toft* spccial Notices: wrbhe Ladpa, he. t*P. f.b A. M. b ngan 11 On. rely b» i«* . TNP PPtiflUli MOkIRI.T 4t rrrvi-'r-. 1 * Ream, Mae*Hall,ea bOPWTSI*HT. tan. mm , m a bbmmeMn Merntam mb. dna amtlc* Ifcete.f | V mag breUtren leedtelfr welromad, p. order t P. RaCRKARY, W. M. IC Et Ob FIR, bermtary • •FftiTAla NOTUS. A ftCM-ANNCAL DIVIDEND OF three getd no* "belt per cat II I*l per refill nit ttm rardltl It',l ft the lrt*h Asirikan end runs* Havings I lent wee THIS DAT darlared by •be Hoard of Interiors, payshl* on drnumd. JoHN D. SHKAHa.v. Om.. July M. IRP. INHTALMENT MOTICR. OPtee of Augustt Reel Estate tad fm* Auguste ot . July 1«. 1«w THE HROCLAR HONTHLT INItTAL MKNT of thla tympany ta du» tod pays Me at thta idbce ee MONDAY, ttth mat. W C. JOXRH. W B TDtfMO. berretary, Praaldenl. CON FRPbTItATE PCRVITObb A HPBOIAL MEKTINO OT THE CON FEDERATE Hurvtvors AseoclatHie, Camp tJS. V. C. V., will b* held al the Mnandk Hall, on MONDAY. July l*th. I*W. el 111 P «-. I® perfeit errangemsaia for the Atlantn re unioi. Bf or4*r SALrFM DI'TCHIA C#pt- *«*l Co#ftdTe quo. W. Mrlj#usrnan. Aujumnt. ATLANTA AND RETURN $3.42 ONLY 3 43 TICKTEB HOIJ) i July 17th. l»th and nth *f Good to Return until July net, 189*. Inclusive. GEORGIA RAILROAD PCHMDDDMC. CITY TIME Leave Augusta 1:96 a. nr, 4:10 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Arrive Atlanta 12:75 p m.. 1:10 P- m.. 6:00 n. m. Ticket* on sale at City Ticket Ofllee and Cnlon Depot ofllee. JOE W. WHITE. A. G. JACKSON, T. P. A. G. P A - Check Lost of $1331.31 , ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD RANK. No. 11107. drawn by C. W. Pilcher, attorney tor Jos. H. Spoor*, dated June 15lh Inst., (and mailed aame day) Hi favor H. A. Cook, for 31131.31. Payment has been stopped. All persons warned against using in any way said check. J. H. SPEARS, c. W. PILCHER. Attorney. Tie Aipsta Herald Lariest, Bri&ltest and tie Best Newspaper PnPlisiied ii This Section, Tm* QUICKEST TELEGRAPH NEWSj THE NEWS OF THE WORLD WHILE IT 3S NEWS. 12 TO 18 HOURS AHEAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA PAPERS. t - V l ' TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU, JULY 18 ONE-OENT A WORD Ml UAT ION W ANTED Wanted ifiPiTioN ah ibjok* j kKKTftt or ## ###l#l##t t> -titft Immptf ■ A| t$F *32 M#f#«44# #<f##l* «*lf. J WANTED 111 A YHI BO MAN KU J FLoYlim A|* ft Worli rk#is «r .<*# trttol (toi# sir# #'-tM<f r«trr*>iTrr« \sj H'A.VTY!) A FLaACVS Aft COOK OR “"‘juiyT* | or y>ort*r In #t«r» Apply *t» Walker street. WHI r«v»mnvrt>4e4. July » j WANTED—A Pt*mt>N AH MOCMM> I til ft la *»r #ur#» r»I iH'fTffrPTy afl ftflßSl. j Apply m Walker street. July It WANTED -A POHITTOy A* NTHUH j rr cook. Willing lo work* IMS Twiggs ; WANTED—POSITION AS CAIIHIEH, I saleswoman °r Indy’s eimpvvi ( *. Beat r *f,«.*:,c. glvan. w. M., Irar* of Herald. July U I WANTED—A pnninoi AS VI’RSD I Kmma L. Hurley. July U HELP WANTED ! WANTED—AGENTS AND CANVAS SERS. I’c:paralleled money maker for you. The Mean lihal Pin sells t» every lady on sight. No eompetlOon. Soma are making ft to 31® a day. Circular free. Mme. Thompson'* Hair Novulty Co.. 923 Broadway, New York rlty. July 19 FOR SALE CREAM-CREAM AT It JACKSON ST. VERT CHEAP— Pistols, guns. must, cal Instruments; watrbaa almost glv*a away, at Unci* Lew’s. FOR SALE CHEAP—A PAIR OF young horse* Will work double or single. C H. Howard. Jr.. «t Howard & Willet Drug Co. June 28 ts FOR SALE OR RENT—HOUSE OF 7 rooms <*i Lincoln street. In good con dition, on easy term*. Win. Schwelgert. Aug 1. FOR SALE—A LOT OP SECOND hand doors, sash, blinds and woooden column*. Also a large lot of roofing slate. In good condition. Apply to Ja cob Phlnlsy. Aug 1 FOR SALE CHEAP—PAIR BLACK young mules, sound and all right; al so heavy two-horse spring wngon, ?ar ry two to three thousand pounds; also harness complete, ntt rfenrly new. Call or address G. G. Witte & Co., Jackeon street, city. Jul, 19 TO RENT FOR RENT—ONE FURNISHED BED rooom. 1001 Telfair street, city. Aug 1 FOR RENT— FROM OCT. 1, 1898, THE dwelling No. 522 Ellis street. Apply to Jacob Phlnlsy. Aug 1 TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING 1229 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. July 24 MISCELLAN EOUS SUMMER COURSE OSBORNE’S BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial course reduced from SSO to $35. Short hand .and typewriting $45. Boys and girls from 15 years and up taken. June 17 ts TWO BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 Telfair street. Can give a large, pleasant room with two beds, on rea sonable terms. Aug 1 SALUDA, N. C., 2,350 FEET ABOVE sea level. Boarding house near de pot. Fine water, pure air. Mountain breezes. Climate unsurpassed. Jlrs. Fleming Taner. July 18