The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 18, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY CABINET DECIDES. QtrttfcMto fa«f4 o* T*« *}• Ml'ftW* tt»* .Ur*d «*s», M N>ww<» W #<®> >ix >m» _ t* c* 9 imp tt UlrlUrl fc«# imrldlHl MV* *4 *o# IW®-*#’* «®# #1 ill# Mtfl l f #i itemt*#®’#* mWil#rt §niif#iltMNlt f *m-*> ®#'«* 4*» Mm#4 I Ni w®»®#4 t® r*#i#»r» *o** Bi##l Ml o** IHOOOO ill# fWf» A GREAT DAY* ( crrMpofidfit W Miw »f lb* Firs* Fkak. W hat OM <N tIM *W»»4«U sto* *• Mr «e «. A r<'HW|w*A»»i •*#«»»« lk» i»Hlal# I •It U~ m follow* is ib» Or"S»bam H*nM cl IM r*<#s» phoU I km Oa Tl«ft4ay, i%»« it, t»r iifttuhii I W# #tt#i*4~4 I If III* * f *‘ I pf R|o§f MouitaHi No. IS® I of L©#aw®tiY'* nrw®.] •« Aitfttata, Ga II tia ialatU a iraa4| #fT*r #vd •• Mi nr m* inor# #»*Ft j b*.t «» •»**• rttrr OM f*«l »« kctw •ad Mkjoj (It maaioa Tli# Mtat waa I*l4 la Ha b#*otlfnl J iron calN (If trlmfiito ®®®f J tbr Fund Mill*. Tli# ground# *r# rn* I cleat! fcy ® ®#®t ftaft «nd *» tfccj gn##l" t««#r*d rnrli #•• l*rro • I fk#i | •ad a b*<l*' it# eomtHttt that f®- j tit ltd tbtn to frt' *####• to ftfrythlaj • Vidiftg—fool #•»&<!*. ®§t®o®Bt ##•!#. j hammock*. swings, Ic* water and de llrtrcs IcntuAf At oss o'clock dlaaer wa* served Is. ■ tong pavilion v here four hundred guest*, brt'il-* children snd servants/ sat down st tables laden with good o'w-fitshionH barbe.~i.-d meats, Brent-. srlck strw. vegetable*. breads, pickles. * etc. An abundance of everything pre vailed and there era* no need for anr roe to go away hungry. We noticed among those prefect Mr and Mrs. B. I. Waller and children. Sieadames Ab.' Gull! sad Charles llurmott, Messrs. J.| W Watson and Claude McLaughlin, of Villon Point, and a few ctd ncqua ul-) aneea of other place*. We will say for the benefit of the young ladles who d'd not attend. If the "Fire Boys” make aa gee <1 husband* aa thoy do hoala, they will do no bed thing to of the ( KTb, and w* have learned that liter* are lots of them unmarried. The Broth, rhomi ia a benevolent tn atltution with several thousand m n m- j hers, and when cne of them die* hi* femily get* from SSOO to $1,500, and <ve ere told that they brd at the last report J $3,000,000 in the trr a»U"y. There ia n'eo an accident policy from which the member* receive great benefit. Toward tfc.j close of thfa memorable day we boarded ao electric car (with a friend) that took us to the river, and frr the first Cm* we *tood upen the bonks of the broad Savannah. Two WErmbcat*. th: Etbd and the Wanda, v. re in port, silently waiting for the nest cargo, and a long legged .crane atood upon the brink of an Island watching for hi* prey In the yellow stream. We crossed the bridge and visited the bistcr’c city of Hamburg. Ther. err began a speculation about the location of our great grandfather’* residence, who lived there about a hundred and thirty years ago, and we wi ndcred if the corn to grew looked as luxuriant as that we saw growing, per haps upon the very soil he cultivated, j As we wended our way bark we found a horseshoe upon the bridg.?, Just half way across the river, and we exclaimed what a lucky thing divides the Palm-tio state from ours. We ac cepted the ctr.rn as a good cn* and ehcll keep the trophy as a memento of n very happy v,sit. cW spent a ccuple of day* in Au guftn. the guest of Mr .and rMs. Wal- 1 trr Clary, who did everything possible Tor our enjoyment, and should 11 eve-, b*- our pleasure to ent:rtaln them, we cm only hope to do half as much. We v'.rited revere 1 noted places while In the city, v's: Bread and Greene street*, i the Confederate monument and others. | "but our time befog limited vr.e could| not lake them all In. trusting to a fu ture trip to see the rest. Friday *rc returned home mere in leva with Augusta than .ever, and thrnking the eGcrg'a railroad as well as the B. of L. F. fer one of the great est pleasures of cur life. E. D. A Terrible Accident. Andersen, S. C., July 17.—W. M. Crayton, a grandson of the Hon. R. L. Crayton, "an killed Thursday at his grandfather's home while working with n thresher. A loosened bolt caused a disarrangement of the machinery and the machine was entirely torn to pieces, o fragment cutting- the young man's threat and another striking him in the breast. His death was instantaneous. A negro man was also struck by. a -piece cf iron, whirl) fractured his thigh and leg. causing his death also a few hours later, _ . . •~ahr-..l Rice&O’ConnorShoeCo.Us^- We Always Have, and Always Will Lead in Real Bargain Giving No misleading disappointment. ~«««, ratad study for yotirMlv.s Ih. money saving In this groat sala. MEN'S DEPARTMENT W* M«< • *•*« W at P»« * t*a»AorP • <M»«*4 *»4 IV’W*AW. «4 Vpi KM I*o Mmmm. <or (i 4 I mm, w«ni **4 •*«•. dMo mh •« IMP A M i Hhiwlii > .potatoA Part L»** Map »-■» *•»*. • ”** list dm Km whip* tor ISM, MM U»* pm* tw* ppp «• •*«« MM *UI M> It M ZSaaamnßam saiKaarse war “ - “* - - “ a ~ ' RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE CO. - m opposite Monument STORES IN ASOCIAL WAY | | ! wT> i i - . "/ The Mom and the Wsti Oh. ascot I* the hush In the pine-tree ■ bough*. I And saeet I* the breath of the night; When the esrtb quiet he* And tk* grass wave* and sighs, , We are watting the beautiful nw*l ,Oh. loir moan* Ih# dove In the ptm tre# bough- And low moon* Ms mate on her nest; While the »lnd whisper* low ! And the soft wster* fl«» In the sheen of the pale, tender moon. Oh. clear shine* the light on the r*ne tree ooug?v. • Oh, clear shine* she light »f the moon; When the cloud- *nflly lie On ibe bright eaytern *ky. They ore bathed In the gleam of the j moon. Oh. dark wave* the tbps of the pint - j I tree bough*. ■ Oh. claik waves their top* gainst the #?ry; While the earth and the fkr And the soft w.dor* lie In the light of the lieautlful moon. H -lrn K Harrison In the July La- j dies' Home Jourral. Reunion Entertainment. I The following list of entertainment* ■ to he given visitor* during the Confed- | etalo reunion ha* be n arranged for the convenient- of those who expect to j visit Atlanta this week: The Ladlef' Auxiliary of the Young . M.r'» ChrUtlan As*<«-lr.lion will give j the visiting vetetan* a reception at the Y M. C. A. build;-,g Wednesday even- | Ing from 3 to 11 o'clock. At the homo of the president. Mrs. W, L. Reel, the Older of Robert Id Lee will entertain the veterans. A* Informal reception will be giv»n in the parlor* of tie Klmhaji Weds* ■*- I day afternoon c.t «;S» o'clock, to the j sponsor* drd maid* of honor. Wcdnesd.'.y evening, there will lie a j reception tendered the survivoi* of | Fart W. F. Wane's company by bis »rn, Mr. W. F. Plane, at his home on Piedmont avenue. | On Thei»<"ay afternoon there will be reception!! at the residence* of Mr. or.d Mr*. Hoke Smith. In honor of the sur vivor* of Cobh'* Legion; at Mr. and Mr? W. L. Peel's, In tumor of Cook's brigade; at Mrs. Frank Bill*’, In honor cf Mis. J Trenton Dt.vls and Miss Du vis: afYlrs. Eugene Spalding's, in hon or of Mrs. Simon Bolivar Buckner, and , 'at Mr. E. S. Mum ford's, In honor of Mr*. E. Kit by Smith. ' Friday evening o reception tendered by Dr. a-fd Mi*. J. S. Todd . Friday afternoon a reception from 6 to 9 hy Atlanta charter to United Daughter* cl Confederacy. Friday evening, the grrod entertain ment for sponsors and maids of honor. Army and Navy League. An informal meeting of the Army and Navy League was held at the library Saturday for the purpose of completing arrangements for the festival and open air concert to be given for the benefit of the League ot City Hall Park, on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday the twenty-sixth. . The following ladies have been ap pointed to assist Mrs, Battey and Mis. IJawson, ' ho form the orlg’nai com -1 mlttee: Mrs. C. H. Cohen, Mrs. T. *K. Scott, Mrs. Thomas Coleman, Mrs. 'James Daly, Mrs. Hamilton WI Ik ids, 'Mis. Thomas Branch, Mrs. Smythe, Miss Mary Hull end Miss L< vy. ■ The committee reported that th ■ ser vices.of the Enterprise band had been obtained forthe evening. At a meet ing at the library at 6: 30 this after roon, oil the arrangements will be per fected. Before the meeting adjourned, it was decided to gratefully accept the ser vices of two young men w«o have very volunteered tQ collect the dues rx Murrat IWak. of Mr, Ttiomaa Hstrti tHI# *»«nt» • a -4,i, h i*., ,* lltttm ilttt«* 1 jrr I to Mr #OO VHs##*H M«mjr. j Itba Rrv. I*r. Botolo|. • «rw * mrior to ht-r<■ tit# rrmni#!? via# At its* ait»<n<ed boor, to the itrsm. j Ls MMidvtmobn * W -dding March, the jtirbt- ml red with the gfnom. miring i' lTt.' hu'b never looked lovelier than L her wedding gown of while organdl* |elah*>mtely trimmed In lace and rib j Mr and Mra. Murray left tfnmedi, j ■ rely for (iressiville. g. C.. whirl* plat* the)- will make their home. They host* of friends who jttln In rongratula* it long :>nd good wl»h-s for this popular , (young couple. I ogan-W hitgker I A lieautlfut marriage wo* aolemnlt- ! led at Ht. Patrick's parsonage by Ilev. : Father M. Mahon on the sixteenth of j July. I tow. at * o'clock, a. m . that of ; Mr. M, J. letgan and Mias Llssie ■Whitaker, two popular young people. After the ceremony, n delightful ibreakfast was served at the home of the (bride, a*,d. at *:ls o'clock a. m . they (loft for Asheville, N. C., and other j North Carolina points. Miss Whitaker Is beautiful end ac complished. * n< l Mr. lergwn Is to be congratulated upon winning her. Mr. Logan Is a popular employe of |U»e Georgia Iron Works ard I* highly i teapecled by all who know him. Mr land Mrs. Logan Will bo at home to their friends t;t No. 1019 Talcott street j a Iter the 20th. Anbury Church Festival. I The IvOdt s' Auxiliary of Aabury church will have their festival cm lo- I morrow. Tuesday, evening. July 19, at the Anbury parsonage yard. TSw la dies tequest that all will enme at 9:30 (o’clock, p. m., to help in the good eause. iThe proceeds go towards the new ami beautiful orgc.n they have just put chalked. | Refreshments will be served, and all who go will be welcomed by every I member of the auxiliary. The festival was to have been given last week, but the roli.i prevented. -Strife ” The eagerly looked forward to and long postponed play, "Htrlfe,” will be I given at the Omni tomorrow eventing, erder the able direction of Miss Har lling, win Is nsslsted by very effi cient amateur tai-nt. The proceeds are to go to the soldiers, and it is hoped a large sum will be realized. The Misses Wingfield are at Harris Lithia. Mrs. Frank M. Butt left this morn ing for Atlanta. % _ Dr. end Mrs. John Morgan have re turned fiom Saluda. Miss Jatiie Timberltdte Is visiting ‘friends In Grovetown. Mrs. B. O. Miller goes tomorrow to Atlanta and Decatur. Mrs. J. K. Sanford returned from Crawfordville Saturday. Mrs. Jerome Jones is visiting rela tives in Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Dan F. Donohoe, of Atlanta, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. Willie Saul left yesterday for n visit to friends In Savannah. Mr, B. F. Taylor has returned from a two weeks visit to Columbia. Mrs. M. L. Walton soon leaves for a lengthy stay on Sullivan's island. Mrs. W. K. Miller and Mrs. Cas well have returned from Grovetown. Many Augustans will regret to hear that Miss Mildred Lee will not. on ac count of. illness, be able to attend the Confederate reunion. Mrs. C. A. DpolitUe and Mrs. Al pheus Richards, left, this of ter noon, for Atlanta, where they will he the guests of Mrs. Haralsop Blcckiey. THK JkJJQXJBTJL AMr* ah **U4 Amta Poll (Mwo*. m tw» m 4 mmm ** iml • .#«»#• os* toll It »• *•*•<*. tM> >'•»! «*••» P*MM •«« MUM A tfc**« AM AM* HMI« «*»f AM* «*iP •** *«*•» «M. m*M salts. for It JA, Mit **l4 Of mW II «• Mm » m>4 tMy. Nr MtUM Utrso lift* WPrM4 4»pa U* *M. LADIES' DEPARTMENT AU ml mar lasdtos PaMc* MMm4 *M» Outer*. Vtrl Kl 4 o*4 Vnrt If?# AaiMkjr dr? I# on lalllvta'A I |ir !!•*«!ltaMer la on fhiflliia • 11 *t**4. 4 Mtaa J«*9tfti# t#r W»n«*» la flailing lilaa IWHHa W«*s4, «f L|<i 0a« Na# vikHintf lll## i*lan4l# 1 Miliar, has returned homa. Mias Ollla Bwrvta leaves nwwrma for I Hone, where she will *prnd the real at { Mte* Willy# Roney leavaa'far Atlanta tomorrow, where Hr will he ih* giieat Ls fxf ntNtrr Mr* William Htctonrctarin. j During the reunion In Atlanta. Judge and Mrs. W. K. Kve and Miss Kve (will be the gucslS of tlen Clement Ev- Mrs. W R. Young leaves tomorrow j (for Atlanta, from where she will go to ’New York and the various Virginia re- I Mis* Husle Mlllrr, one of Augusta's I moat beautiful and allra<rtlve young ladle*, ia spending a few days with Miss Leila Verdery of Morth Augusta. Mr W F. Goodrich, f.r many years corn-acted with Daveney. lli»»l A Co., and later mam.ger -f the Houlhern CY jrle and Hportlng Goods company. Is ' lank from New Orleans this morning to spend a week or so with relatives »n>l frier.ds m Augusta. Ready Always I To discount competition. We make 'trunks and sell at manufacturer* price. Trunk Factory, M 3 Broad. Vl-ST END NEWS. Rev F. P. Spencer ha* returned from a few day* visit to Covington. Ga. Mis* Nellie Douglas, from the Hill, n ver." pretl;’ and winsome young lady, spent yesterday with Mia* Ella Hohler. Mr. J. F. Partridge, of Watkins at reel, will leave In a few day* to visit hi* patent* In Lincoln county and to recuperate from til* aevere Illness. Mrs. Sullivan i* moving today from Crawford avenue to Brood stroet. The Infant of Mr. and Mis. Taliaferro i* at 111 quite sick today. Their numer ous friends will regiet to learn of this. Misses Pearl Myers and Etta Olive, from the city, two very charming Hnd fascinating young ladies, spent yester day with Mis* Minnie Ballantine, of Crawford avenue. Mm. S. E. Tharpe Is still quite alck todsy. Miss Bessie Ballantine will leave this week for Alabama, where she will spend several week* with her sister, Mr*. Fowler. Mr. B. W. King was ever from Bath yesterday visiting friends. Mrs. Platt and Miss Cook have re turned to their homes In Urnnitevllle, after spending a few day* very pleas antly here with the family of Mrs. W. G. Cttllam. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur returned to liielr h me in Langley yesterday. Miss Nettie Cullam left Saturday af ternoon for Johnston, S. C., where she gees to recover from tier severe Illness. Her numerous friends wish her a speedy recovery. The numerous friends of Mrs. Arthur will be pleased to, learn that she is rap idly improving fitooi her severe illness. The day being so warm yesterday it vas thought (hat. a very few people would attend the churches, but they did net let the heat prevent them and turned out In full force, all the services at the churches were well attended. At. St. Lu'.tes last evening Rev. Spen cer delivered an excellent sermon and two additions were made to the church. A.t Berean church Mr. Eubanks' talk was very entertaining and appreciated by all present. Master Floyd Spencer has recovered from his recent illness, to the delight of many, . Miss Jones, from the city, spent yes terday with her sister. Mrs. W. A. Matthewson, of Crawford avenue. Mi. F. A. Ro(ji k eits will leave in a few days for Sajqda. N. C. Miss Dorn has,, returned from a few days’ visit to B^th. The work on the new houses of West End is progressing nicely and will Boon be complete^. Mrs. Shedd ws| leave tod a- for At lanta to spend weeks with rela tives. iMr Dunn rsturned horn# Saturday •4§ot frnai |4*ir o<to maaty. | Mr. A. i, I’lm i® HnprwlM frwa 01® I vary a##### ill®#*#. Ml#* B*ll# «l!) rHiirn to o*# 0o»# in* Hiebi loiter from H#r*#ll*. Mr Iterdf a*4 «Uu*hfrr o*## r#* j ;*rit#4 onm* to (’oiuvlut aftrr •pending finiurda* here with friend* Mr* W. t. Tbnnaoftd t#ft Rat«r4*jr in spend several week* with the fa».!y td 1 Mr. Morgan, ai Farksaill*. S. C. Mrs, Arthur, of 8t I dike's street, has j recovered from her lllneaa. lo tbs de ll ghi of many. One of West End's fair young ladle* was the recipient of n lovely souvenir I from one of th* hays nt Tumps last •reek Miss Jarrell has returned so her home in Dooley county, after three weeks de lightfully spool here with frleods and relatives. Miss Flint, of May avenue, has re turned from a very pleasant visit to relatives in Lincoln county. Miss Aunla Rom. from th* ritf, la the gprst of friend* in West End Ibis week. Mrs. June*, of Wright* seen tie. Is ex pecting to uislt relatives at Ellis, Oa., thl* week. The Weil End pharmacy yenterday was quite a popular place with a large crowd of West Rnders, and the lake also, the cars being crowded all the afternoon. Mr. Story ha* returned to West End from a three monlbs' stay In South Carolina. CROPS IN iOUTH GEORfIIA. Good Rain.* Have Given an Impetus to Vegetation and Everything Hopeful Hon. R. H. Jackson, the regular trav eling agent and correspondent of the Atlanta Journal, who has visited dif ferent portions of the state In the .n --tcretta of the Journal, came In this inurniiig from hi* work. He reports that the crops through southern and southwest Georgia are very good, es pecially along the Georgia and Ala bama railroad. Mr. Williams, who Uvea near Collins, will average 60 bushels of corn to the acre and hi* long staple cotton will average a hale to the acre. The long drought which has prevailed tor Borne time throughout southwest Georgia, has broken and the farms are beginning to show the effect of the f1r..3 rain* that are falling. The sugar cane crops are extremely floe. Although the crop Is not as far advanced as it was at this time last year, on account of the drought, It will be far superior to last year's from the* outlook today. There are a great many persons bus ily engaged in the turpentine business, and are doing well ini that line, and It furnishes the country a revenue for flip spring expenditure*. Quite a num ber of the towns In south Georgia are building up very rapildly. Statesboro Is a flourishing and enterprising town, and as an evidence of Ihat fact, they have flve hotels. The hotel known as the Merchants’ hotel is almost a pal ace. Ex-Representative Brinson, of Srreven, is a candidate- for judge of the superior court. He and his friends are very cheerful over his prospects for election. The Hotel Morris at Collins Is kept by a lady, who manages It in fine shape. The Hotel Kelly at Lyons Is an excellent home for the traveller—At lanta Journal. INTERESTING ITEMS. Three pints of liquid a day are suffi cient for the average adult. The effort to make sugar from beets date's back as far as the year 1747. Ninety reporters are employed In the gallery of the House of Commons. No one can tell where the diamond goes to in. combustion. Burn it and it leaves no ashes; ih* 1 flame is exterior, like that of a cork, and when It has blazed itself out there remains abso lutely no trace of It. The first article made in aluminum was fi baby’s rattle, intended for the Infant. Prince Imperial of France in Isr,6. Its lightness, brightness and ring fitted It admirably for such a purpose, hut only a prince could afford such a rattle In those days. . ; Have you any old gold or silver? If you have call at my new jewelry store,, where there is a lady In nttwidance. and we will either exchange for new goods or all cash given. Lewis J. Bchaul, the popular priced jeweler. log Top* * pr»nt PMHPPPH HP* -•** •»• PM »»• P»M» •»* Am M> W* M» ptmrmt IP Mtr «P*P atoAno. I t*M U<M» Tm *«M ***“•'*** i i»|.ind ntforrf. and Atr*p PHpprra, mama At *** «"** • "**• *** "* •tat. Mpr. ifcst Pill post. • po*4 IIM PP4 awrtp f*w* |S» AP op l» •» Will rhooMMo. «mm •• ll St . w . Wa Mtr Aim plow* m Ifci* «MP* PlM»»~teP*f *PM *•*•'*? teotasl m 4 aprlop Mr»l Mrop IHpfAW T.I P*tMM MaMMt JJ* ar* soprani *l»* ter harm AMfM** »M •orlA ■*** <A«o 4«MMo tb# prw* that •• •**. HP „ ’ A** +/>.' # ADMIRAL CAMARA. Th. Cadi* fleet aomaGnin railed th* naarv* Seat at tha Speak* aavy. his h*M w ol .hr furaUhed b, th. Ihs-dsoar th. «*. Adm.nji a. abo Mud* hign is thr **uu>*Uoa of Spanish authontMS. crmiaaad* tki* fi**t. THESE SPANIARDS MAD. How They Resented the Sur render of Santiago- Key West, July I*.—ln prote*! agaln*t Toral'a surrender, the Spanl*h light keeper* at Cape M*ty*l and Cape Lucreca, both within Ih* district sur rendered, have burned down th?ir lighthouse*. The Spanish garrison at Guantanamo Clly are reported to have spiked their cannon said blown up their magazine*. The gunboat Machln* brought the new*. The port of Nu evltas ia blockoded by Badger. A number of small Spanish ship* are bottled up. ' COMING OVER HERE. Washington, D. C., July 19.—The navy department ha* received official Information that Camara'* fleet, divided In part, Is to come here to bombard the coast. Part of It remain* to protect the Spanish port*. Naval officers say they only hope thl* Is true. They say Watson * fleqt will not have to hunt for the enemy a* expected. OUR NEW POSSESSIONS. Washington, D. C., July IS.—Application* are made already for author ity to establish national hank* in our new possession. All the titles are "First National'' of Honolulu. Porto Rico, Havana, Manila. Henry W. Can non, New York, wants Porto Rico. Perry Heath, assistant paymuster gen eral, wants Honolulu. • 1 - • ' ' ■ V GENERAL NELSON A. MILES. JULY ia