The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 18, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD **•*• t»*!Li**** M —********* * *5 Z #l* MrtMfjf -••*« J ■ fH»w MW M«4TM . • f**r wMlv MrfINML *#» ««•• *** ! ' •* mm** AM***# m *4M«nw» *«*»«* *• *** ««mm **■%* mm*** °* ■ IB> *•• <“>#• _ >WWt MAta-V-MM***** vw WILL FIND Ttir. HrMAI D I* Alt.**—** M*<l.< *'M- •• 4 >■ a* **»... |l ** M UM Ot *•»!«** IfcW *** l - I* MoewM-A* 'A* Brewm#*** s*** 5 *** SM*t Mot**- ' _ |» HITT “ »•*• CMArmotre A| |)M UilWE*' t» New »«** aMr ~*L'!! l *** * tor* *M nftfc *wm» h* l * l • ***** At report**# n*» *»•* w l * a#** WATCH YOE’R LAMUS. Tlm M« tom IJ* liiHii #• y®* l ** ,#r ** * f llmt t«jr t mfirr# W Mill H »*<• *• rmt nmit ,,mf Mtn the M« ««»W*. • >•* »tit n tliKiiaUnH at lhat Itx tr«vb*e Hi 4m’« )’* w Herald Prize Letters From Imerican Summer Resorts. a . . TtM Hmlit this r—r Win att*t a at priirt fop the tpool written from in Aro»rt t m Hantnor Reeort Tb#*e tot - tor* nml bo published under • *OOI 4o plume. and, tor *bo rmteet tM rlnaed Iho whole **- f,mm will to OiibMtttod to * t«P potent and Impartial rommlt ■ilMaa for the awarding nf * prliw Ttee real noma of IN writer, aa wrll a» tbo now <s• ' plum#, moat eceompany each ' **> |p itor ocnt In for putdleation. for tho purpose of Idoatlflaa * ‘ lion. • Cnr.'i'ftUnti mutt confln# thHr lottara to a reasonable length f(inl.iiMti ran write »» many In tor* aa they with (,ir ,h * prlso, but ago wotoPlPPl tPP •In only on* of tho prim* a a o Th. Herald want* »*•. apMffh'- r iy. ftnwipy lottora, **>d the £ * prior* will ha awaritad for th# f. best. moat Inti raatln* and m art readable Utter* of Summer Re aort New*. Contest Opens June I 6. Contest Closes Oct. I. ITOR THE BEST LETTER J 25.00 ITOR THE 2D BEST LETTER.... l*.so >TOR THE JD BEST LETTER..•• S.OO "the herald IS DELIVERED IN Beaufort, S. C. pv#ry Afternoon at id Cent* a Weak. prop a Postal to The Bailey News Agency, Beaufort, S. C. — i Friday was the French Fourth of |uly. I The war baa left Omaha playing to limited audience*. * Albany also Is suffering from an ep- Jfierolc of burglary. ! The fall of Santiago also means o {all in the price of fruit, * New York state Is In tears. The huckleberry crop has failed ! This Is the week of the great en campment and the veterans are on the vlve. j P. B. Publico bas been doing his Tull duty In helping the government run this war. Nearly all the weekly editors have ter,? North on a frolic, but the papers tontinue to come out. The Mall and Express thinks It Is dne “to halt the War Lord.” And so Jo a great many others. Does Alf Herrington really Intend to appose Congressman Lester as an .Inde pendent. This Is very warm weather lor such vain and violent exercise, HA 8P48M4 »*n»lto I CtoAAf Mg AMfBVMM* Ls MM gamMH *toto*«to *• **** • it* «»** fti* «**M*o •"•*St Lto ft frMßatoh i MH4 M «Ao to'"** 1 "•* «••**•'• *** natld «W HAMMI toW" - «•*** Mto«M« I*MM» pt- ta~ a* 'to ■ o*»i**re *H *A* •*•* .Ml m »« «m4IH *»**a ■• •hRa Mr. Immo to ito ibmmmmw. Am area* to tor * totoW *f rrttoto M* AM Am* rttotoN *W A»«i4«atM ito mm «# MMHAiii— am# (Am am* tag MH* to* toad* to (to mwap Tto toktoM AM* AM* M tot** t«M Mto w lillwrni- «A*i to Am (tot crlM M* to -tototo AH tototo. to **wM?»«ref frew (to re** Ito #Mto M* «N to* to • MMtoto tto* to (A* CAM (MM Mew* (to Om rtor. Tto orMlAAUMlor* to «A# 4Bte, A* -w . (Am om M*to* to harem* «M» Atotok retoa **4* itoir M«to**toto** to Age*L Mtort •d ht» t» tred tto Bg*t A Mrtotfctotto •to PtoMllll (MM« I utotoMlM art tM will# hot dwter.nx ito pro* MdiitoAir- mmA to gamp r **** *toy mad* tto «*HA*»Mrv a Atuk to (to immorrettc pMtNrm to'ton to AM Aw pi«d«» M*tr to J«A* to aald: IwwlM MltfSP <M (to MAiitoto to any «tot(M • • • ottor (Am ito r*«t«tor todn* aw* If nomlnallM A few dap* bfwr tola tto prohibitM* .teeatret eomm.Uee eonatrolMd «h# ae* •mu of tto aula Democratic oxarutto* • oromiftae to At#** that eotea caat lor tto prohibit!"* MUMlaeo* woold not to moated, withdrew tto nomination* la ardor "to net It entire accord with (to ralea of Ihe DeganrraUc party “ Thm tawrpretotiao of to# rale*, aad rlnnal admlMioo that fto prohibitlo*- lut* ware acting contrary to Democratic rule* Mt aa* where I could not become aa ‘individual' candidate; sot; 1/ It war Decennary to withdraw the nominal ton* Macau** lA# orohlblllmil*U were a fac tion, then the moment I Miouid beroat* tto candidate of the prohibitii>n;#t* I woold vtoMte mp pledge, aa « op T am not nor will become the candidate, etc.’ "It was my purpose to make *n horn e*t. manly dtruggl* for the Democratic nomination and t (ltd not underataad the pledge to pferot the con st ruction pul upon the pledge by both the stale Demoarattc ami probibltkm romm It tiers would exclude a candidate if placed In oomtnatloa even by ‘many ritlseoa.' " Huch i« hie etplanation. But as a result of the proceedings which forced him out of the rat* he now proposes a plan by which thp fe me between prohibition and the dte peaeary may be dually and fairly Mt tied. “If we have reached the place,” eays he, “where the Democrat* of the Hate who oppose the dispensary cannot name a candidate for the regular Dem ocratic nomination, while the Demo crate who favor the dispensary are al lowed to put the dispensary a* a plank in the Democratic platform, then we have reached the point where we should abandon the primary and or ganize a Democratic-Prohibition faction and a Democratic-Dispensary faction and settle our difference* at the gen eral election.” Two years hence we may see a new alignment In South Carolina with Mr. Uruneon at the head of the prohibition ticket. ’ " » - THE EVENING NEWSPAPER. The Boston (Mass.) Transcript pre sents the following argument In favor of the evening newspaper as an ad vertising medium: “The value of the evening newspaper Is not exhausted when It has given the news of the hour or has helped the business man over the tediutp nf travel from his office to bis home. Copies are seldom seen littering the seats of steam or electric cars, as It Is taken to the household for perusal by the whole family. Of course, the evening is the time when it can be most thoroughly road and discussed. Moreover, so rapid has become every medium of in telligence Cjotn world’s end to world’s end, that the evening paper Is more favorably circumstanced than its morning contemporarlea for keeping pace with the genuine news ot each day. The facilities tor extracting the best essenfl* of tbe world * history for the day and the world's thought upon passing events, have been brought to such a high state or development that it is enabled to keep even pace with THB ATTGTJBTW J3TW&jb.l->T> to gang M "TT(IH **•* A* (MM AM* AmM »toIAA( At (to AAHM* ****** { •M’ M« Alto *»■#■— ito *AM»4 am* «*4 toxto" mllMt (MAM AM «m MIVI* Tto H-*t4 MMMflt M MI MAMMA* to tto aamhumm to #*4 (to M*HW «Mf*to ttoM to (to »M*W* to Mat ii» IN<§»—•<— *tN tto iii'iil M»*( a» m AtorHMt mm «m< »)M(tof It ito AMto M* MiAMt AM* m AwmOmAAi titt mv mmiAmm «m AMMIMMhto it M* M***Mt MMjttoMM •AHA (M M APMV M AM* Tto A** to (AM*. 9m mmmm mm "A fTMi NtoMtotAi mtoini am lAtoM *W» IA (to (MM(Am4 to tto •MlAtto MM* TAMV VMMMM AM AMM* »«M*4tM AM MIMM't iM »* AMMt to VM* MMMtto (M tto to MA «m mmL to*. W tolM *.#MMAit AMACtotolto HAMA «• *MMV Mto AAA* M AtotMrtM ava toiAA MtototMUr Mto (Ml*lU**Mir rwHtr»«to lA Nr AM* MM4 toto AtoM AM* AMto. Mto HI Hto) AA* (MVtoMM to (to tto AKNMto r*«*!»• to toM* (a rm f to aa mHa tmi Maptr* H (Am* tort* if* (M Miitotot Mto tto ma»* to tto HHto M M M AmH. tto maiaimhal Am ti«r to (A* aama i* MfArttotott mm** Tto torrm tortiac Ib (A(a *m4 av* N nolk* M* MMT AT Mto MMMt to « UIAIM> (Mr AHirMBM tor**ir. tto rtitoa to Bipt'ito—wy ***** a* tto m fttHf to prMBrtIM iMctMßrv Tto roAd op»«* m Ito font vmM I«*••»* Tto mm A bar iU bMA AM tto tot to fortln fra An Hi CANA Ja*M Alto Nn for va m (a (A# INrlflr into* II trill to ba Un pen BA l »»* tto ahx* 41*- UArtlr w» *rAba a trna*->»«fc«UMi f»MI bnsAM a (Act. r«>r*i«o tra4nr» u« ■hip oarfirn ara alrnadr tort ran lag xmAAmm i upon bmc* (a (At* doda aa4. arrurd or to Ito mpon of th* AHMNiTM eoAßto a—*ml at BbhrAoA pins* nr| brine Almsdjr laid to aarars th* ooab* mntrul plum wtoa It rlpra*. Tto fOt too of (hr couth will Bod n** m«rhrt« la China and Japan arAlhr la (to m rhaaft of roMHßodltlra aurb aooiharA porta at Norfolk. SAnsnnah. Oalvraioa. Charlralon. Nr* Orlrnna. Mobil* ala., will ba 'nporual point* to Import* and export a WMh Aatatlr marbH* la raacA. and with a plentliude to prod art* both raw and manufactured, to mart th* de mand*. anil the coincidence of **o •rapbtcal advantagr* no aanr man ran q oral too (hr pMalbltiUe* of aoutbrra rom mnsrr." Energetic aad concerted action on the part, of the tooth It necessary to bring about thm desired end. but we are confident that thla will not be lark ing and torn) the south Will be quean of th* western seas. The Maoon Telegraph says that Spain "can't light and she can't quit. The only thing to do lg to pulverise bet.” Germany needn't think the It going to make ue so mad that we will etlng ourselves to death with a boycott on beer. The commissioner of Internal rsve nus has derided that all telegraphic messages must be stamped by the 'Sander. Savannah hopes that Col. Bryan will come by and let her aee him In hi* regimentals. Does she suppose that his gold laet la made of silver? Julian Harris’ comedietta, “Di vorce," scored a great success In At lanta and his friends on the Georgia press extend warm congratulations. Editor Hull of the Rock Hill Herald pauses to state that "from mutterlngs we hear there are some political gods living In this eouqty that will get a tall a little later on.” Correspondent J. Wilson Gibbs wax es graphic, “Mr. Epton,” says he, “threw a glanceof his forget-me-not eyes at the audience and It was hisn— In Mr. Derham's absence. “Joe Wheeler,” according to the Co lumbus Enqulrer-Bun. “le the one con gressman who has earned the right to make Jingo speeches. He busses about as lively on the battlefield as he does on the floor of the House.” -» The death of Col. John N. Gilmore, or Sanderertlle, removes an able law yer and a good cltisen. He was at one time a member of the state Senate and has always been Identified with pro gressive educational work. . He has many warm friends In Augusta who deepiy mourn iu s loss. , j VMM tto ptoUtoAAlto Lsvrrs?vr* ''*•*■* ina Itow <bM| «Mp«r <*Aa •*•*• wAto Ato'O tor *«* 4PM (tot. AM »4*w* tomato tw *m**M aa*. am |m» mm ***** AAaMd to tomto A* iaAtoto*«na •>** <a Mum a Mto • A«*» awam mmo to mm***- •mam M» M*toW Mat • naato to hum mm* m*« «t am paato 4 mm, 4 a«»ll a tawtaa l»tot I* A*r Ntoto* [ Mai to tow amataaM t**m tM a** tto* to to* paa* fwr tto tretA 4Wm *a* a***•*• am MWtotidiataM w 4*» 1 Motor mm to ptotlA well taftotaato, •to wo An** Am* *o*n ore More *»**' oM ntArto rM M (Mto Mnaaora *M »M* H»to mo* to* MdH to AVoatAa**. A tremp abroad m tto m«r»*AA N* tarn toon I* ta Ptoto ttoa two at tto Iwm Moot irwbiaß for wwarUma in aw* A mao AM-ar maita** tow AM An m aat4 to to a MMtoai* Nf aoma *•*« ,0 Hw jalootaAt la A 4<*ton AO.u --! t*trr~a#e N**a. mwum its tt**n* a «o*to*a oariMa* anauw from a Mmawan t*A*v, rtewto* * *»* >iW* ton font amvriM o Mm# MM Mnpfrr ***- Hr Ito.** IPnt pod 4MMI •p*’* *• ruia NWi a QHMMH Will *«rt #M too# *M Admiral <4 Mpat* MUM ttowMA tom*. oM tA#w ato*d PaM aoow —New YarU Wand KM, ran tot tto mat," aatd Mra haw to bar bnrto. t "W 4 torn A* ndT wltM a to«A*~ a*»4 ito JoctmHy -Ito. aim wart nit with a pompodemr - •44*4 *to, wnnrtljr -Harprr * Umamr •Tl la nil nnour* aald (to Owwfto PlHlun«t>t>er «# tor tlai a wnmaat rap m*e a loot <4 a mnn nbr merely 4m velnpa him —lndian*poll* Journal. -How do you Mon** *h* la nrh*" -I nocht to hp.o lor N*o tor In* tor nlltnmr fa* two peor# row " Brnohlya U(*. Mia* Uammlt—Da you think poo* brat tor i> nudertria mu*h to tto arwtpf Mm* tmimada- "" Mr • amp*4 out with on all laat aommer Mort. imwt o* oat woihinir l* a drirtrif rain. Don't alt down and wait for pour for tune to turn up. Don't rrfuae to be a atar |u*t ba* rauae pou rao’t get the whole a how. Don't no pact to dmoanr n man who tan t willing to Hr* »ty*>ui work. Don't to a bane drum: It ftimlahea lota of aolaa, but tbara'a nothin* m It. Don't marry o girt who lan't willing to do her a bare of tto work on a tan 4rm. | Don't think hecau** a youth la n j blooming idiot that he Is the flower of | the family. Don't figure on marrying n model ! wife unless you arn an artist nod un derstand figures. Don't think It'S what people know •bout the hereafter flwt frighten* peo ple—it'* what they don't know.—Chi cago Ncwa. FRILLS OF FASHION. Warp prlnta In light rolors will ba < fashionable g«rds foe fall wenr. 011 k aeema to ba the moot popular for ityllsh gown*, as Its sale far ex cel# that of any other material. The fall plaids will be In much larger Mocks than are worn Just now, and less of the plaid wilt be apparent. The newest thing* In fancy drew silks are hi the warmer tints, those of the “neutral” having to *t*p back du ring the coming season. A gown that promises to be among the fashionable ones Is of blue eergo, appllqued with anchor# and trim med with military braid of the same color. Check* with overplaid* of yellow or whit* are among the fashionable style* In ginghams. Plain lattice check# are fashionable among the eilk designer# In Uqflln. - " r A Good Cigar. A good cigar, long, brown and fat, is nothing to be marveled at: And yet within Ite russet shell What, wondrous working secrets dwell! What, close-colled, soothing fancies that. Freed in the smolte. life's ills combat Fucoesefully, till cares that sat Astride the mind are lost In—well, A good cigar. How soon It prompts a social chat When cronies barter tit for tat Or tales of strange adventure telll What single blessing can excel Grim trouble's blissful bumlng-ghat— A good cigar? —Chicago News. Paris is emulating Chicago. The horse car running from tbe Champ Ely sees to Vauves was held up just outside the city gates by a gang of six men, whd after taking the edftductor's money started in to rob the jiassengers. They resisted and two were shot. Th * P°* lice succeeded in arreting four of the robbers, who were all boys 18 years of ***• , u. u L HERALD PRIZE LETTERS SDIIEB RESORTS. |?5 Tat (Av heat. sls Pdf tIM Stt Attf $5 Fat Hi ici \ Op*A to am A ant aatAQto. Tto tawrha.a mm'i'aMUoa Matiata »ahao*tM 444 a mus amwmiy aM par avoi r AM 4et oof AttMM •*♦» 4 *•■ fb tab I*4 Ml dm dree I trash* #*4 paoa«mto eipixaa 4*4 Id them laarwM t~tnr y~tf Tto ear*imp *•»* apawt M daorsHß to Ml AtawHM ad Mam a *M Mao mm mom* Mr* boa* Aata mmm •Mto* dMtimr tomp Hto «trm wto N4:p; • stop nod add to tto Mkjaptomu *f j HPti Mum Stow Car*tw mtam nil] bretto If Aar pnro MM IMtottort AM got ctomatM. tto 'AM4*r of tow* tbna ram toMrr* 4e*#«a whtM Mma Mai'*! Chao am. wtlb tor 4M** Ada reparrd' ** ait Aogoata ta ipraeii.d bp Mr (MiklM Oanw *m4 bm 'toad totoilp Mr m M Mm r 0 Cae»*f- Mr carte? baa tto dmuarttoA At toiiff roiled Ito bandonaneat maw at Ham. AptMAMHa rartamty ham tam r’ to ark a ream tatoot Mmana Mor? aM Magpr MTatab Mm# Hariar Mia* Agam Ooahf Mr rad Mra ProMiaot. with lAatr too an** Mr ImowaH Tar derp Mr MT I Moltmris aad oltora Tto damuata ram* to great aam bee* AM Toaodap. aM A**a toe* hating an* toon* tout amg aad il rmw Tto pwoag mra pr»f.t th* dawriag an*. . Dr MfsaAtorg of CMaadmt a*d Or Ihwoar. ad New berry, are grant argotai tma* to tto da* amarm .to algbtlr aareawdra from th* a*ag let member* of thm fratarattp Mare for um* bmag altaaead tto frng* to tto tato Tto afore mtattoaad frog* are anhamrd to Ufa op itotr releoa aaor again. Tto tmagoet to tto denMnt* lent **a ntng. giarw bp Mina Horn J. P Harrta, wm a *«ry enjoyable affair Tto long tab)#* were laden wkh gond <h:n«* aM tto rh***aca* dre-d frralp Ttore ware aaatnd abbot tM ladle* aad gentlemen Tto taaatmaatrr. Mr, J B Carl lair. In a very happy manner. I»»* th* following tngata: I. "Our Quart*. ~ responded »n bp Dr. J. W Booaar, t "dnurhern Dental AaanciaUoa." reaponded to bp Dr J. t. Power. ». "Iriah Writ.” reaponded to bp Dr J. V Cbappel of A'laaia 4 'Woman;'' arret gra re fully re ■poodad to bp Dr K C Jonaa 5. "South Carolina," Dr R. A (mar Smith « "Supplies;" Dr Samuel Hope. T "Cataphoreae'a;" Dr. B H. Teague. *. "The Preaent. Paat aad Pwure Dentiat;" reaponded to In rhyme bp Dr. O W Dirk. 10. “A BeeitaUnn:" hy Dr. Johnaon 11. "The Pioneer of Dentlalrp;” bp Dr O. P. 8. Wright J!. “Newspaper;" Oil. J. T. Bacon. JS. “Our Hoat." ntaponsee by T. J. Crimea, also by F. T. Harris. Tbe dentist* return hero for their meeting next year. TU* makes the fourth convention that will bold Re mratlngs at Harrle Ltlhla Springs in lfifiP In the auditorium which will be built this wnter, Although the den tlrta have gone and quiet reigns, we are still a happy throng. How could we be otherwise whan we have left with ns 001. J.T. Bacon to talk with the übiquitous clerk. Mr. Garrett and the orchestra to enliven the evenings. Dancing was in order until early In the morning, and Dr. Wlenberg Is not the only man who ba* toad to reeort to glasses this morning owing to tbe effect of the electric light#. gfrr PERSONALITIES Mre. V. 0. Grant and her daughter. Mrs. Sortorl*. are at Gloucester. Mass. Philip Sheridan, a member of the Montreal bar nnfl a nehphew of Gen. Sheridan, Is cm hi* way to the Klon dike as crown prosecutor and agent for several companies. On July 22, the citizens of Cleveland will unveil a statue to Harvey lUee, the first man to Introduce a bill In the Ohio General Assembly In favor of a public school system. Auguste Bruchet, the phllologlst.who died A few days ago at Canei's, was once employed by the Empress Eugenie to teach her how to pronounce French with a Parisian accent.. Charles A. Bosworth. who has been chosen assistant treasurer In the Unit ed States sub-treasury lti Cincinnati, was formerly associated with Senator Foraker In the practice of law. Tho present war has brought to light the fact that Dr. Antommnrchl, who uttended Napoleon during his last Ill ness at St. Helena, Is buried In Santia go de Cuba, where he gave his services free to tbe poor for many years. It is said that Perry Belmont will be mode an inspector general on the staff of Major General M. C. Butler of South Carolina. Belmont is counted as a. pos sibility for the democratic nomination for governor of the staff* of New York. Effort Is to lie made by the American Tract society to put a Spanish primer and New Testament into the hands of every Cuban family as soon as the war is over. Already the society has more than 400 publications in the Span ish language. Miss Alberta Scott, of Cambridge. Moss., has the distinction of being the first colored graduate of her sex and race trained entirely in the schools of Massachusetts from one of its colleges. She was graduated this year from Rad ctitle college, _ _ _ _ A NEW LINE OF w—^ Straw hats Shippm l by mttuk* •ml mutt Im told St ones. YOURS AT— N Half Price DORR’S “Qood Taste AppareL" 718 BROADWAY. Aids To Coolness Our sail will da am la seal you off sod brace yoa up than ativ other on* thing. Don't h* afraid In drink all yon want of M—if* retfidlf pufeead •hoirwm,*. ae troll ** t«ap'to* end doUooUs. AM the |-> t .ni>r flavor*, sod many eurlurie* oars. Fiutily tlekei* IS tor Sfc; 25 foe *IOO. Pretty Teeth, Round Gum* end Fragrant beeoth. Ue* our Oriental Tooth Wash—2s cents. Cures Prick ley Heat And ctiUilng. Mennln's Unrated Tslcnin I*. «d*r, (ih* genuine ) Beet for the toilet and uureery. Reliable Turnip Seeds And Rota Bt(t>, Besot and til other heeds for i H in t neglect jour garden. AleianSerDreiiSeeiCi. »8 BROAD AT. she Whltely /1 Exerciser. \l wA A practical, simple and V efficient Home Kierciwr, y:>, * Id oneeptcially adapted for I [}J* r_J ladies and children, but \ f\\ at the same time can ue xwtli. V t profitably used by the \ •trontest sthlete. / A JIIK \' L TRICES: / 1 m , L> ! 75c., *I.OO, 81. SO. I J BICYCLES - CILKVE- I , \ LANDS. S4O up; VIK-/ I l INGB. BJS up; GF.N'-I \f DRON9, $lB up; THOM-1 LJ AH, SSO up. Call and seel—-r— --them. Every one guar- \J / onteed. IS/ Richards & shaver 1 Doni nffip Odsys; Dakotacfflcisl sod AnMJLU 1 fcuttornev; Burke, Eastern “ffice. Y. Life Buildinc. Y. Legality Insured; iIITUiIUCIO [consultation Free. 'Write. FOE SALE. Hallock Cottage on Monte Sano- A new cottage of 4 rooms, Pantry, Bath and Kitchen. Two Lots well lo cated; high elevation; long time; 7 per cent interest. CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate, 882 Broad Street. JULY 18 TURNIP SEED. NI.W CROP iM r» ■ P- £0 I I f h*»e pmt sa«>t.a4 gap »appli *4 #»f I tutT 9tMls Hi'S# *1 IN WmW ##**ss of p* Tto paw reap dwm tmd «*oa* tote tto Mao da of tto aawdMMOO **<i| July i aad »* *fd«r» to w u «Mtg ms t pptf Mill at**? Cto w* *«<># e«ma* to Tu M«a*»*t *ar'*»«»r» and tr fuatrt* I* *• ito Mu mi wtoMaal* pfMMh I (Mar Mto (Mold* Mt» CaAhagp A**l f.»r fail #r-wt»t N«w ta to* cam *a ptoAt. after tto rein L. A. OAR DEL LB, Drug* and MM . til Be*M Ml PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 71k St., AiKtsta. Ot. •ms mil m Ts IT* far •n 4iOc<i tight. «rrt»«t» IH* nfyir gft*MNNi **4 W AftU | MART* ♦ik—k' I#**** cat into fvma lif** while j mm wwtL FREE OF CKARuE, . CMldreo’s Bair Cii while the weather is warm HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP Aten uu HKKKY'd MAGIC UAIBALIMR lor the HAUL For Sale By All Druggists. CSRI REPAIRS Mlf Dll SAWS. RIBS. BHISTLETWINE, EABBIT, &c., PUB AHV MARK OK hIM. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRFBSFS And f’-f-ilrr lor Miut. NhAltini, PiUct*. Peitlng. end Fltllair«. LOMBARD IKtiN IMS 4 SUPPLY CB, AIOUSTA. (it. HAVE ARRIVDD AT PORT. A large cargo of shirts, the sixth ex pedltion from. New York, to ~ugusta, has Just arrived. Dollar goods, with two cailter* and cuff* with each shirt, to go at *0 cent*, our shirts ore so popular they won’t May with us and we have to dispatch weekly for m re. Thes are the beet of the season. See our patriotic suspender*, the talk of th* t own . F. G. MKRTINS. 924 Broad St. «‘lf You Want to Make Money, j Move In the Company of Thosu \ Who Are Haking Money.*•; 50UND ADVICE FROM A SUC< CESSFUL FATHER TO HIo \ SON STARTING OUT IN LIFE. X- v ■ ADVERTISERS WHO USE TEiC iIER-1 ALD GET RESULTS. t WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.I Paine, Murphy & Co. (0i1511861 ON MERCHANTS. 803 Feynolds SL=TelepliOßß NhS;.2s 3 Lreeed Wires Diject to New York Ctihago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires for Colton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cosh or on margins. Local securities bought end sold. References —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencieo. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO.