The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 18, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY MUW ****«». Q Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUST A. o*o*ol*. COM MIX, IU ti»t*fci» MKSriMHI ». *•#. fAiO I# CAPITAL aastm—. BIUSU 'fcaJJfir SclfsE Swsi EvS® BAPTIST DELEGATES. Nrft:A>l SayM (lurt Bite i RfffMfMfM*!* M MM l'«M M«M* lOg •» « V hM; U*W* • |l|MMl M TV Mw»l< I MM## Mk Jwy Nte-ftM- *•» * Om of Mmi. I* »»V vUlng* »»• mm urnm •** R B *—*• mi v **» mm <4 * »r«*»aw.*d «•**»»§ at M »* f«l fAwMfe th*A s***k At t rirmlrl ms rtkwrtß W>Wn •ttanter IV past** mt Urn Bap* js Hwrrft ktr J. « R J*#W am# V • T»«l»l~1f MMM ***** °* • l * •far. Itr MM ®MWk MM# Kmmt* W# «V has V-B •*• t-Mg fH<-*da «Nf OWW'WtI. *rt#r#*d V»V #*4*l-lag TV Itat'V t»i •< rfcwsrß. Vi • rda* utwifl IV fWJoartag w *#te imh la (V MMoa twrtit? M Ftarr Crr»* «a award** aad Mu iV ttlli aad Um M»t V* I W » Urn kin* V J H (X' «r. Fn»f B A LvMI. #*>4 M*aar*. r t Plwi 1 A r «r cartel im h l MatpVp. Mr C J Rkn! i AIL # o*. waa it IV village Miw Bml* N»r v. Rip «u la iV villa#* *a<arday ifmvxM Rf> H B iws.s rMina Hs'urday from a pleas##! *MH among friends m< nrlativs* hi iMikani Or-rila Hr la with Vanin of tV in# I Rn J W R JaaklH fNMM two! vlrg»*M arrwota n IV Baptfat chunk Sunday Tbr am. was era ml Ttt we#ih*r la vwry oppreaart*. Tbit la for to*. Would nr 'a oil *r numerous <•»*- l mm IVI t kiri returned l« the city. ant *ttl hr kafar to ■*• n>k ami everyone Will ala > add that I mil hr pleased |o orr anyone suffering from Mr form of iralf trouble Lot tor help y..u hrforr It la 100 tatr I'all on a)* •I iha same plat a *ll. Broad s' Mltk SMITH. HILLMAN LIVELY. A large a fid latcresllof Party #( Via lion there. [Rpeeial In The Herald.) Hllman. Ua.. July I. — Tier* la a large and ißtereatina party of visitor* at Capt. Join O. Hunter's popular ho tel at Hillman people from many part* of the ataie. and they masc» a moat congenial rompr.ny. Th«r* la no im k of business, which la an conducive . to our well being. People wbo com* h"»re sick and bro ken down r-rcnperale more rapidly than at any other place we know of. The day* are pleaaant and the nlghta are alwaya to rco! at to require cover for comfort. Located on the top of a very i high hill, thta hotel la flr.'ly * mated tor cool br.-firt and a healthful atmos phere. The table fa eplendldly kept and the unequalled water la a moat wonderful appetiser. It la fortunate ft r the people of thla part of the fiot ’h | that lurb an excellent health resort !• ao near at hand. J. W. C. OASTOTIIA. p. ITt «V(| Kind Yon Ham Aiwivs Bougfit STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Fortunately Mr. V. P. Tanner'* Family Wa* In Another Part of the Houae. Wrlfibtsvllle, Ga., July 18.—Tb<» resi dent® of Mr. B. P. Tanner was struck by lightning Thursday morning Con sldercble damage wsi done Fortunate ly the family were ail In another part of the building and thus escaped un injured. A great many men get turned down while waiting for .something to turn up. FOR SALE 10 Counter Show Cases 4 Upright Case and Counters 1 Table 7 Counters 6 Wall Cases nUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. THE TABLES TURNED. Tit Mil *N S«Mt (Hi I Wtntsi ML A FuteV* Can That OrnttM Orr* at MMhmm. IV'* 1 m TV H**#lll mamrnm tM Jmy W Ban r FHta» wi t r*oag aM# Mart tmmrn •V Va Vra at •«** a#w##d low# «**# : roar. a#t»ara4 0 JMin M a «•»* j #o4 watted <«r • otriaai ta* ov T B t Truant av V rtawart «* Ran *!• Uc*od kMkfllM matat*. MM BUS ■ rut • tut* V 4 vabaad ana «f »i*"» iooro ill Vl* .u#atd*»#tete , tp bit rtoava V>a« well d»*4 Ml blent I TV aanait att baort iM Marat•< Mr ttet MB la tort*.l tt atn ( ttt ratartM aVtrt t ttlarh ant bta pt i*ooar Moat eh aa M F Cteawat* caatr «o row* ttt hot t tarta* MaaM tar Jnata. »bt t«a aaaaaaHr itb*t rtatfr of ts CoatCtMr Uktrrr At Ibr prr M.ata Vawiat Jatra oaa aboot it W ttrvbrt Tfwtl Boat tat tt* trait**”* K* rot t at. hot Traiat mi aaaarf b*a aanoilatl t«4 Baollr h*«t h m fan In ibr trmaat Joaar *Vt aatrd OVI V «a*n< torltrot V V 4 I I tptMl iaaih-r Rr*t ttanr.tlod ita- II * titrotrlt out blaa la iV a*am> ! tmlioa. and tea.lf dlariarf-4 Tartl jatt V:d jonra la dMatll at lift anl wm latra to Sat ttbero Jail Mai ai*bt Us Mara Vi th to«m TV dortarot of IIV court oaa rrrotrod aHb appro* a I b* rotrpbotjr. ta rorrplbltc art! tt •tut a prrmrdilated attempt of rob bery Tnurtl haa a fair iopo:atloo tad baa t aitoord antttrr It Moti(<>mrrr runaty la> auppon at* om am hia aajt to are Vr obrn marked. Jonra lire* twelve miles north of here la lb la ■aunty ant Va t hat repo la-iou Mra I. B Brotru baa I# roarer of erertlou t beautiful and aril lor Met .In'll.oat near lb# fttlilmore Air I.lar paavtarr depot Tb* ho nee *UI he ready tar « upanry by tbr Mai of neat wreh (’apt W A Beale la now pushing ihe woth to a Amah on S R. Clark's dwell- 1 log. n*sr tb* Methodist church Hon. Gsx W Brinson haa Just had completed a most desirable building just opposite Dr. J R. Warren'# beau tiful suburban bom* on tbs eastern side nf town He and hid bride oreu ■ plod ll on the Hth and arc now “man and wife at heme.” ; K A. RdenAeld ta building thrm houses nonr the Stillmore Air l-lne de pot for tent. D. E. Brinson will begin work on a | splendid dwelling for himself next week. ECTABMHHED IWO--H*lJabl# TTnet* Uv will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of tlms on all binds ! cf personal property at a very low rats of Interest. All transactions strictly confidential, htael-llned burglar proof safes. Under th# Arlington hotsl, on Jackson street. ls J. Si haul. EDGEFIELD. What la Oolng on In That Village Just Now. [Special to The Herald J Edgefield, S. C., July 18.—Mrs. M. D. Schoffner, who ha* been spending two wicks with Mr*. C. H. Fisher, left on Friday for a visit among friend* In Columbia county, Georgia. Mr. Herbert Smith i* moving Into hi* lovely n*w home. Just about com pleted, on Main street. There will be a large party to leave on the early train on today for Atlanta to at (end the reunion. The Misses Teague, of Aiken, return ed homo on Friday. Mrs. I. . Fowl r was a welcome visi tor to our city the firat part of the >vcck. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Fisher entertain ed at euchre on Friday evening in hon or of tie* latter's brother, Mr. James W. Thompson and wife. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. HU! were the successful winners ot the first prize, and Mrs. J. B. Haltt ■vanger and Mr. Thompson the second prizes. Mr. James Tillman returned from Chattanooga, Tenn., on Thursday. Mrs. Dye and daughter, Miss Mary, after a charming visit to their friends, Mrs. J. Walter Hill, left on Wednesday to the regret of their many friends. Mr. Wigfall Cheatham returned from Harris LUhia Springs on Saturday and reports gay and festive times at that resort. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mims haw? a permanent little lady visitor at their home over in Buncombe. Mr. Frank Fair has gone to Buffalo, N. Y„ to attend the Baptist Young Peo ple’s Union convention. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fisher, with their litle daughter, Marylilly, went to Atlanta today to spend a week or two. A new type of fast torpedo boat des troyer has been ordered of the Fairfield Company, at Glasgow by the British admiralty. It will have a speed of 33 knots, like the Express, but will have forty tons less displacement. RETAIL SALESMEN T%S tad tt ttl fed CadtrtUtt II ft m. Amt* bw anaer aM tKM •t Mht frond*** •Mb** •»*•«W b«NV kt« dvatbtl ik* CW rvi'MMlea aw bad boar* ] «# TV Meran* O* »V at t* j area taw attaiv t aav-m pprteiva «bM IV fa**eo*Vb t# IV* etasaHla. taaaVt. V*ro TV Mroalt nor Ms e*b r* peyr Had IV pinamnillliV «t V* par* kbtreu* Ai IV **"»' r M»e.. Vib : iv pnanaMi <4 tv paaprr Isa*, um* PMMbrre at TV klreokd a«l V' fall* aaalttbif net v V aba* Iraki pto>< : M tv aiabt* rnboM aattraatkki at MM Baaoti BaMtavtt IVMautive AaWo lb*#. B'gbi Vre V iv bmV w Vamd ram It VI Ml TV Brel Win am re iknd by TV HrroHl an n«b» IV aovwod OM tat Well at *-*rv mm Aid aw MM It oea V IV fvll it IV b*pt • **•»■ N talk* vtSavtu# A bkiar aaa orineo *V ate Wttb mmAa »w pm t« a eaaal kat ll aaa IV Vr tVt Beak. o» CfMtt* OeV and Ca.a«a«a>» 1 mate (bwr hmt io hr irmtbrH * aptrrbaa «IV eo*alll«lie« M»* » end t aaudrret frwb W IV kali. dv*4 by iV aNatr «t IV «p*ab era vt IV pet tear* ant furbwaro of iv aorbit* paapb> outer an*M rtr* nmaMtne TV letter oar placet It , wbat at* tiler*ante dkarorepet In V e ham for reretrlac rami order# All nf lbta I dirooreret lbrer dare taler, mark In my torroo and aoaa#ded feel. i«t# a#d M m l# a.b for Hd*M baa. ■ rapee If lUrahtry bat ktn Mot# b* moult Vr* eulrlted aw ekai It worm parbape tour lalo tadian# b* lire. Bui you are *Va I fVltV* I# t neat polllM c«y like Annual a a f»» moalba loaacr I anil baoa Viter. Unit r#u V aald of IV cxmvrtttloa al prrretl. brtre I *lll make of Ihlt teller ohei I# mualr ptrlame oould V termer) a medley or # aort of prt, pour! a flair perbap* o# reflrrUoa Ike laal term *cmld toll Vet. We'll M II iv tl tVt On on* of tb* train* a ■eatleman dreamt hi IV Bill ttrb of t blryelt ridel r#p ahirl. ebov end hnlrVr-j korkera —lo fart, b* looked a d*a«l, paiao aport rotat'd ■*• hi rotreret- Uoo. and Dually Invited me Inlo’lUa smoker to *o)oy a emobe. BmolUof I. do not lodult* It. but to aan me #o*l4 tea rmltl foHowln# ibr man lo Ihe smoker Tb.t tetbi again, he again rommenret hla rapid trhig #f talking and. hy the way. a great plenaur* II '«m lo me. ll* apoh* of rowing, awltn i mlng. fearing, mualr. and when he struck tb? labor question be convinced you at once that be was for ihr peo ple. The brakeman called Chattanoo ga. He jumped up. apologised fur leaving, anld be enjoyed my company, banib-d me hla card and hastily I It. The card rc«d: —. H pastor, ! Preabytertnn church. Norfolk. Va. It look my breath. I felt back and ga.-p --cd. I'll V blowrd, and when I got back to the car where my wife *va« ahe atarcd at me and wanted to know if I bad bee# attacked by another spell. Perhaps acme readers will ace noth ing peculiarly loterexting in this man. To me, alter he had made tilmscK known, he was of great Interest and I! would be pleased to meet him again. Here was the scholarly, cultured man of Ood, who did not Impress you at once with hi* sanctity; a man who did not talk trade, and could make himsull agreeable with the masses. But to get back to my subject. The clerks had a preacher to open the ses sions of the convention with prayer, and soliciting the Great Creator for guidance he called him G-o-r-d. I do not think the Lord recognized his name, which accounts In a great meas ure for President Convoy getting mix ed. The following officers were elected: W. A. Doll Ison, Zanesville, 0., presi dent; J. R. O'Brien, Buffalo, vice pres ident; Max Morris, Denver, secretary treasurer. The latter reelected, and, by the way. one of the best secretaries in the country. Kansas City was wMectcd as the next place* of meeting. Now, I hear some fellow say, “I thought. Au gueta was going to have that honor. Can you sew up a mosquito's rye with j a log chain? No more can you get a j convention to meet In this beautiful city without an effort. The editor of The Herald and the paper were the on ly ones that gave material or any oth er kind of aid looking to that end. You can’t go to distant cities and back on an air cloud, nor can you put up at j taverns end give the prop, the glad, band in lieu of cash for what you ate. j But then Augusta was nominated and got a nice vote, and a good ad free. The printers’ convention meets at an early date. Let cur citizens make an effort to have It meet here the fol lowing year. Mr. Doar Is tho delegate, Will The Herald start a fund for that purpose? The convention does not meet until after Mr. Dear's election. On returning, a few days were spent in Nashville. Here I met many people who desire to be kindly remembered to friend® and relatives here through these columns. Among them are Dr. Duncan Eve, Mr. Crane. Mr. Coleman, Mr. Stubblefield, Sergeant Reid and Mr. Rogan and Mr. C. 0. LaHattc. Dr Perry Bromberg and Dr. Paul TTT® JLTTCHTBTsAs HUBALD. at watt ttt# a# vt# TaiirKiller ) Ptaw •* m #p pm ts IMV aaitssM* BB ttMMt* > *•*» vt t.astt mu OO* at Uaat* ■ttawawthMiw ftuynt rwt vwseo* Mini tteM »■* MMS*, I BCfkBV OAVI# A 808. Chutt#tt. tv at IV #sma pwartatti pkrkksaa of Maabsi b>. taw •s#mi#»» raw"** rn IV meeaouisuve I TV •mamma wdwwr of iV Raver. |Mr Roe*-* v*4 IV mtHm *f TV MmV4 a V* mmpaiatMk. wt kmptiaa IV MW t amdwidp I oa#ii pi V ibla Bweiaao* la BtabsiV lt rery fill, porakrulrrt* at IM* t-m* la IV pl#mbs IM IV o*4 rlgar Mdwttfy. lAbnr orgMittitoM ana o* IV boom TV W«fbib*#**a will bare ma w its* aa«# m IV Mrteuuiv* urbat. TV Akoaf prwmlerei ef.kro rs ah f T fbk*y. M 4 Nsass# U J Iwaar and J 1. Mraak TV M If AN •* abmil It atari Mb* bundles of a IUUNMM# Vfm* Tk.a ta #ak talk M«j TVraam B«*a sot deal 1# MM tapartM* Wkel V mra ran V relied m m 4 IV ksiMip mt IV OpaN will V eowmeacad at amc# •Vs all rl«ki . ! I .ill M Vke'a all rt«b«* * rJTf < * Wby tVrtiPwß Mamoy M a* pVaiilbt v ymala m a t«*t»r Indian Bui IV eompaak*' TV cooduct of *nm* of i V soidicra cm IV afryela |p a d.agrar* lo lb* Am- j erica# army TVy bat* #clik#r tV! mrnnere of man #o» 4f.» poll I farm of lb* devil Tb* preecacs of • mao do** Kan reotral# them aordV pr*#*ncc of a lady bold them In cbrrk. bui ibey i pour funb iVlr rll* sod Blthy lan-' goagr right atoag. O# Inquiry I Irarn fed that Ibr offenVr* wev* Naw York •old.-ft. I« *•» • < d V long hr for* lb*re will V a decrease la the Amort esa army, and they woof be alaln I* lb* front Aside froi# Ihe New York regi maml the saddlers or* all a well bt havrd and gentlemanly art. i The wag* earner la tn good ermflf. tloa here Everything Is organised Mr. Trill the president of the Clerk* uti -1 lon pends giertlag to the elerke of, i Augusta and dealre* lo open cdrrra pondeurc. What a pleasure II was in •hak.- band* with jolly, genial. rollMk* i lag Jack Akera: everybody knows, 'jack, the miniature Paleiaff. who love# hla friend*, but unlike that huge obes ity. he eechrrvs sack. . Mr. Oordon Russell, the national eight hour committeeman, says things, look eberftil tn Chaltanooga Phil j Maadnr Bud Brennan and Ouke send grrelinga. “l/mg Shot" Jone# and the j Irresistible Pop* Clemmons are In Chattanooga TV genial IMrk Averelt Is holding forth at Marilie Hall. This la enough for this time, tn Sat urday's Herald a full account of labor's i<utng In labor's domain will V chroni cled by Jerome Jone*. HER ANCESTOR'S FOLLY. She—Yes; my grandfather wa* a member of tie- United States Senate. He—That's too bad. She—Too bad? What makes you think ao? He —Think how rich he might have made you If he hadn't spent so much money getting there. An attempt to hold up a northern electric car was neatly frustrated re cently. He Imagined the unmasked men were patrons of the line and held j oo hi* course. OPEN LETTERS FROM Ja nolo E. Green and Mre. Harry Hardy. J*i»wr* E Omega, Denmark, lowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “I had been sick at my monthly periods for seven years, and tried almost everything l ever heard of, but without any benefit. Was troubled with backache, headache, pains in the shoulders and dizziness. Through my mother 1 was induced to try Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and l it lias done me so much good. lam now sound and well.” Mrs. nABBV Hamit, Riverside, lowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham the story of her struggle With serious ovarian trou ble, and the benefit she received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. This Is her letter: “ How thankful I am that I took your medieine. I was troubled for two years with inflammation of the womb and ovaries, womb was also very low. I was in constant misery. I had heart trouble, was short of breath and could not walk five blocks to save my life. Suffered very much with my back, had headache all the time, was nervous, menstruations were irregular and painful, had a bad discharge end was troubled with bloating. I was a perfect wreck. Had doctored and taken local treatments, butstill was no better. I was advised by one of my neighbors to write to you. I have now finished the second bottle of Mrs. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, add am better in evtjry way. lam able to do all my own work and can walk nearly a mile without fatigue; something I had not been'able to do for over two yeans. Your medicine has done me more good than all the doctors. ” _ ( THE BOTS IN CAMP. s#«a Fra* H# AtfVtl VaUmn ll Ta«t«. BBf—B> v Tiespa-Anadm MB Hw«» tfkpwMM t* TV HwM t Tamv n*. Jab IB •W# amp* <«m* p *ps»ii»d ibla atm*)*# V * •** «*«•» Um TTswuka tseisdi wbbb aaaa* »«wr ai ta wwa a*4 tas-ned at <t#b wraaa w puier airs,, ias slag a MfV sons*' of Miawsiama v aa—if—< .••*w smsma •aa d»i!***«t by tir M IvpßaU at TVBwawttka is a MB* aM MB#**** lie* naiNaihi TV paaMMa* «Vm 4iasw*rsssd mama uaw* psbgkoa# aV aad fea*r#*d Vsaa wbb IV tkwsea «f (V fI*«W«M bswa r.ogtad t# iVde sons far the* bad <*M IVlr program With IV aaaVtm#> air mt iMb" TV T M C ITmI I# a ptw* * T-ntr Bbkrb always baa ha ihiwag of wwm wrmaa Wim boam m p.a>-.Dg tV sosay canma faral*V4 by IV torn mmmlmma. a breach of ‘V V MCA. TV amuoavry a*4 pwa« Md Mb at* al«r fiwalaVd to lb# ms* A #ew large teal M »apart«d lo am** «dty for #»* psstWA aad ibis will no doubt sitteri a *4lll larger nogsber mt mm lo tb# cool abode ll will give aa abort* la u*e of IV g»<**aart*s her*. *1.4 Is md stipulated in IV arttrtea of «ar. sw U* U f army reguiatioae laataßl fur aMimei* rm pwi. fTWaia T. 1. Party, ot ('ompaor C. la mrtmmry ai Ibr Y M C A . aad M murb IlkV by all l V frrqueme?. of IV latH Karb regiment ba. lit Y M C. A, a**d iVr* le a large Vadgoartrre la Taam* Where all told tee* af* *a-»-4 In lead, wtll* or play gams* ll la ntueMem to say iHal ft la always well Ailed wbb IV •olunirwr* who ha** permission Ui I visit iv rlty. Our Sag has row* a» lost, and will probably b* presented In a few days, (bough Bathing definite ran be le-roid ...areining It. nr. Anderson has bran removed to the hospital In Atlanta, with many i* her* of (b* division hospital. Privates l-eon sad Sheehan returned 1 last night from De Soto park. wb«* I they were sent the day befons on guard, and had a lively Hose. Private Mayes wa* one of the thraa Inrn selected from the regiment to guard the ammunition at Port Tampa. ’Them am 461.000 rounds there fug the Second Georgia, and three men are rfe ! tailed each three days to guard them. ■ 1 * Captain Frye la officer of the day, and tn this regard It tnnat be said that !a serious mistake was made a few day* ago In my letter, which mad: ' Major IAI mood, the finest gentleman and most beloved offlesr In the regiment." It should have read: “One of the finest 'gentleman and moat beloved.of the officers.” For none in our regiment (or any other! could earned In gentlemanly bearing and soldierly qualities and ca ll.-ro of the men our own gallant cap tain Fry*, and hia equally gallant lieu tenants. The rain seems to have had a llttla merry oo ua. for only three showers have fallen In the past two days. The sandy earth, which at the first rain thirstily draws in the fallen water, la now saturated and rejects It. The sur | face of the land la wet, and Is a rause of a large portion of the alcknrsa tn camp. Sinks cannot be dug, for water ! !* found after only tr few inches of earth have been removed Artificer "Barney” Goetchlus has bad a shave. PEACMKH RUSHING NORTH. An Eastman Firm Already Has Three Carloads From 2,000 Elborta Trees Eastman, Ga„ July 18.—Messrs. Har ris & Massey shipped their second car load of Elberta peaches to the North ern markets Thursday last. The also shipped another on last Friday, mak ing three last week from two thousands trees, and the trees are atllll loaded with the luscious fruit. They .expect to ship not less than five car loads from this scaon’s crop. Grape, peaches, apples and other fruits are brought to town every day In abundance, and at prices within the reach of all. Good rains have been falling every day this week, and corn and cotton, ns well as other crops, are in splendid condition. One of our most prosperous farmers was heard to remark the oth er day that the harvest of cotton and corn this year would be as great as in any past season, and would have been the greatest ever known in this part df the country if we could have had- rain two or three weeks earlier, RETURNS WERE SMALL. Melon Growers About Pembroke Griev ously Disappointed. Pembroke, Ga.. Julp 18.—Crops all over are now doing well. Melons ship ped from here were sold in Savannah at a low figure, which brought, disap pointment to the shippers. At the time there were forty cars loaded with mel ons ready to sell. A carload shipped to a Northern bouse by a citizen here, brought $1.66 in return. Dry weather caused the farmers to keep crops until now and they ail seemed to ship at one time, swamping the market. Since the heavy rains set in every one has been busy with setting out Of sweet potato vines. The entire town and country have been preparing for this necessary crop. , „ A fii<»nco though our stock of Lftdieo' Oxfords rsvoais tho fact that an have 2*ooo pairs of thsss fins Shoos that must b« sold In sixty C 7 flfl dAyl, R# « ul * r pricss are $2.50* jjl s3.ooand $3.50, an average of $3. It's no job lot. They ara clean, nica FOR shoes - Evsry pair up-to>dais. You can aslsct any pair of Ladies' Ox- HQ fords in our store for $1.98. There 4) 1* (JU is absolutely no reservation. 1. Min’s Si Mi. 846 Broad Street. LAI'BKN* WII RAT URIAH REA HILT. I‘nadnilarafvd rbmr Maks* IV Rwg ftWYSM* Iburyn* July 11 apwlal -Ckafloy Masu*. a graUt*aM of polar, ka* b**a arrusiad for IV htlltaa mt bmnm Orlf An. aautlwr csriorod ntumm. mi Imsad furd lasi week. Charley was la amato*. *Va raptwrrd. us lw* h»ad aom* Bmllfc m Wnna plaude. Ow* of ll* *ha#a**n al IV r.irwas* a laquest l*oiM*d that befrws «b# hilling Masu* resnsikwl that "V beitewd V would kill a nigger." Bl* ru.i tmpmaibla that lh* pnaueaa.oa of aa uuui oally yffsetiv* annamcnl wa* a niruug lesnplatton lo do murder. TV lournaa steam dour m.lla are fnisi a splendid business Rssry day I heir mill ts autmunded wllb wagons bringing wheat from IV country. In I boss times of adulterated flour people nr* enabled through If lo obtain lb* very best of brand Good crop* of wheat hare been raiard la lb* county, and tbn mill was established at an opportune Urn*. It seem* that when purs Dour cm thus he obtained and thus only ob tained. at reasonable coat, every com munity In the stale and In lh* south would establish om- of these mills. A giini deal of war enthusiasm mani fests itself in the community, although It does not Impel people to enlist In the armies. Kerry morning the Drat inquiry on the streets It for war news, and for n while the telephone wires lo Greenville and Spartanburg are kept busy. Cap!. R J. MrCaughrin. of New berry. arrived lo the city yesterday aad expects to Dud some recruits for the company wbtrh he has about succeeded in raising for the Second South Caro lina regiment, ('apt. MrCaughrin gas many friends here, and Ijiureoa boys with a taate for military life will be delighted to arrve under him. ijiurcnH people tbia year poallively refuse to grow excited over stain or county politics. The candidates for the counly offices are plenteous enough, strange to say. Wby *o many men are eager for tho little offices paying six or eight hundred dollars at most la diffi cult to explain. With cotton at twenty four dollars a bale, a salary of six hun dred dollars perhaps has an exagger ated appearance to a man who lives In the country, but when he Is elected to an office and must come to town to DU It. be Is doubtless grievously disap pointed after a few months' experience. Mr. J. T. Harris*. Proprietor Harris LltWa Springs. Pear «lrj While It la contrary to my custom to give testimonial* to remedial agencies, I feel freed to atteat to the efficacy of the Harirs Dlthla, Water (when used In largo quantiles) In the Rheumatic and Gouty Diatheses; In engaged states of the Kidneys; In In flammation of the Bladder, and in all cases where there te an excess of rol lds In the urine. Yous respectfully, GEO. HOWE, M. P. Cnmdcn, S. C., August 24, 1893. Mr. J. T. Harris: Dear Sir: I enclose you In tills lettet several pieces of calculi passed by a p«- “Harrls Springs Water” for the past IS months. This gentleman has be*n a sufferer for two or three years with tient of mime, who has been taking the Cystitis, cadged from stone. The solv ent power of the water has been, I think, clearly demonstrated In this case. All these fragments were passed in two evacuations from his bladder In the past ten days. X consider Harris Spring Water a most excellent remedy in Hie Uric Add Diathesis,also in chronic dys peptic troubles. I am, yours respect fully, A. W. BUI/NET, M. D. THE HERALD’S WANT AES ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATi ON JULYf• K«de*!tb«#M4MNl IV iwreoam la (V patWstag power of gmswy, trvtag •apsaas* ta no towns as* aaiwlf tee* owe than Itef wuro mama more ago Water works stertem lights graded •rkoola Md IV lib* ara grswt cugoa# tesaroa and luturte* Pol l#*y mat tks low# man • good dost of money, sad most bo paid for R*#la mrm bkgbm. too, i baa they oast* wst* nod tt* mm# - try gentteenM «n R swried I# aa üßte* Unite that Ike salary width rvpew amda la aawwat a am crop of thirty hales of ndtna dwindles ptttfuily when It-* evponAsa of tow# Isfte snuat b* am* out as H. TV osrtam* ramps of Coafsdaraks VeterMs In IV count* will likoty Sik hs well r*pr***«t*d at tha grant ra unto# la AtlMta. For I h* past ten day* ralaa has* Van pit nt fat ta fsiurena Md tb* crop out* look will ta- greatiy improved after tbo weathrr rteara Iter. Robert P. P*ll president of ttaa Columbia Clot lego far Wnsnro was hi the rHy Sunday and preached la tV Presbyterian chunk. TV Re* B. J. Wmxlward. another visiting mtnlatar, preached la Ik# liapt - church on tbn same day. Th* Ptale Pentat Asaoelatkm met last week at ihe Harris IJthl# Springs hotel io this county. A number of tooth doctor* passed through the rHy rn route to the meeting, among them Dr. Ueorws Dick, of Surottr. Dr. Ba*li* Karl*, of Oreenvllle. and Dr. E O. Quailleliatim. of Columbia. HK MEANT WBuT” Mr. Wobble—lt haa always been my situ in life to say nothing rather than **y things (bat would make me aeetu rid tenons Mist Jollelgh—lndeed! Why, you're just like n Spanish gunner. Mr. Wobble—How do you figure out the similarity? Miss Jollelgh—You don't seem to bn very successful In hitting what you ulm at. CABTOUIA. Bears tks >plt* Xiad Vos Hm Always Bought Kngilsb Catholics celebrated July 4tht as the fiftieth anniversary of the open ing of Bt. George’s cathedral at West minster by Cardinal Wiseman, the firm Roman Catholic cathedral consecrated' In England since the reformation.