The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 18, 1898, Image 8

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MONDAY THE BOLDEST SLASH YET Thi finger of prudence points to the ipeciil reduced pricos wo ere miking in every den portmont. Our buy*r, Mr. H, J. Porter, will leive in i f iw dsys for th* eeetern mirkete. Our Present Stock Must Be Sold, the Quicker the Better - Prices are Cut, Yes, Cut as Kever Before FOR SPOT CASH Our ontlre Moo of Children - * Strew Hat* f hnirp 50c and Sailor* worth up *.o 93.60 each v *uit»o uvu Children'* Wokhobl* Sailor Suit*, fobt co f hnirp lor*. be*t style* worth up to 96 each u w Ch '^r. , .nrr o^ , *v:iv,:*:p 3 1 choice soc c *°* Choice 15c Children's Straw Sailor* worth 25 and QhOiCG IOC 26 dor. M«*n*» Negligee Shirts, attached fontc collars & cuffs, our regular $ I Una. at ' J Our entire lina of Men’s Straw Hata at half PMC* Our antira line Men's fine Odd Trouser*. PhnirP sailing at $0.50. $7, 97.60 and $8 U,,, 2r J Boys' Straw Hats, worth up to 91.50 choice *oCi* 75 Men's Suits—small lots, one and two t of a kino, remnants of our best sel- I. N I If lars. at I * / V/11 Our entire line Men’s B nek and Bue i —' f\££ Worsted Suits—Serge Coats and |_"N I If Linen Suits at 20 per cent discount I » 7 v/ i i Our entire line Men’s, Youths’ and Chil- t i r v Cf dren’s Fancy Cheviot and Worsted | .—1 Ilf Suita at 25 per cent discount ...» • v - / 11 A money-saving story runs through this entire advertisement. Come and see for yourself. Plain figures and your money back if you want it. BMlllHllll. Thf Usual Robbery of a Store Oc curred Last Night C. H. Bohnlodvr Loan* Contents or Till and Muoh Clothing- The burglary business Is assuming oven a nioie serious aspect lhan here tofore. Fcr t o days or more, the av erage In burglaries hR» been more than cn? a nigh;, aomw'mea two or three. Tire regular night Job ocrurred last night os usual. It seeing that the Ih'.d has been go ing for money heretofore, but he found that most of the tills in Augusta were emptied each night by the proprietors and last night ho ch.ingcd his plans and went in for merchandise and man aged to get nway with a large amount of clothing and haberdashery. The burglary war. committed at tlie s»re of Mr. C. H. Schncidar. w hich is lo the J. B. White building on llroad street, a few doors nbov2 Kollock. Tbe miscreant who got in there last night made his entrance and exit from (lie rear and manipulated his caravan for moving the booty on the back street or In the back yard. Her.? also the cash drawer had been broken open, but the only thing procured from It was a dol lar's worth of stamps. Much clothing was moved from the store and taker, owny. The burglar evidently Intended to make a return tonight, as he had hidden In tbe btuhes of the back yard clothing worth about one hundred dol lars. » DAUGHTERS CONFEDERACY. Ail Who Wish to Oo to Reunion Should tlet Credentials. Mrs. W. F. five, president of Chapter A, D.of C., wish-rs to say to the mem bers of the chapter «vho would like to avrdl themselves of the privilege and entertainments of the reunion. that they can do so only upon presenting their credentials. She has mailed these credentials to everyone who has signi fied her Intention of going. Those who 3o not obtain these credentials can get them from Mrs. Eve, at tho residence of Gen. Evane, 442 Peachtree street. 10 BECOME fl mm. Lfeutcoiot Colonel Withrow Will Be Married Very Soon. He Is Awaiting ths Roturo to tho Regiment ofOol. Jones. The gentleman who at this writing Is more anxious for the arrival of Col. Jones, who is Lo command the Tenth ■ cglmcnt. is tbe lieutenant coioncl now la charf.-'. Col. C. L. Withrow. As Is known. Col. Withrow has. until his ap pointment a* lieutenant colonel, been practicing law In New York city. He was also about to forsake forever the red ms cf bachelorhood and Join the ranks of hen. diets, when lie received notice to come to Augußla and take charge of the camp. The colonel is now in a state of per petual anxiety in regard to the return from Cuba of Col. Jones. As soon as tba latter arrive* Col. Withrow can get leave of absence long enough to go to New York and there carry out his plans In regard to his marriage, which were frustrated by the assignment of him to this regiir. nt and his notice to report here, if the commander of the regi ment docs not arrive very soon the young lady to whom Col. Withrow is engaged will come here l with her fam ily and the marriage will be consum mated In St. Paul's church. The date and arrangements arc to be settled Just as soon as the date of Colonel Jones’ arrival can be learned. ARHY LIVE STOCK. Sixteen Cars of Horses and Mules and Attendants Coming This Way. Sixteen cars of army live stock and as many more freight cars filled with provisions and ammunition will arrive In Augusta tonight over the Georgia railroad. Here the four sections of this war train will be given to the South Carolina and Georgia railroad, which road will take them to Charleston. The train came from Chickamauga. There ere only ninety soldiers along with (he train, all of whom were detailed to look after tbe live stock. , TH® JLTJCnJ&TJL HBBALD. ; fit HRI NARIim. I I fila KdtUtkrta Vg Ht<t i Miitign HrsrMgTUt tt##v !N, t»*4 Smm o»wm*#a a*4 iwhihm «hi» «m»w< Bsaaa («*##•* yffeoft oft** lotftMl# dfed HI g| vIMtM9 I lHft* 9M tl ha 19*941 19 J*#M4; 1 n frit ft iHwl g f «# || <«f* Iftftttt I f%m #5*444144# 9N9# *4 It#* *4l ## WmM I IMfeta# () f a«» 4 9149 tft* 9#** MJH j I (pgMit Ml ifffti It |9 «49t ift** HftlMH • I fc«« m9m Ml 99 9a ft«•*! 99 99999 HMfe* 11191 #4*9** BWwa.fcg li*4p#4fe t*ff tft •*** : I#»r t f 9M99 ftwr Iffltgl fit 91* f< j|H| llb r«44 mam* 9i iftt* «|» It* ft## I ■ i jtafsil t9a n# |9# I * *99# 44# 949 at 1*99 f9* 4 t# #*» 19111ft# A law ftpya *#* 4 fta4t#f#-ftNHI 9*fti «*t# I #41991 «t«4**ft# Bft44# 9## •M» •» Mt —«*■- - *«—4 [i4ft tft»i lft#« NM 4# im •«>s* »99 **9# tft*# pt*«, 199999 ftr 44ytft44# a|V9 * I T 9 ia UuriAftl | Irani In aft*»# Ilka 9911*99994 tot Rtk 4*9 HMMMftT It* ** 4 Hkf'ltMtr* I9MMI 4441 9#4 [9999 Ift Iftft 49fttA ft«fer.-#o *r% *? •! 1*94*9 Mftftaft 99* #4lffe Mffe#9fe#rt 4f9*#* Iftftftaf «ii§*l*4rt Ift tft* #*»*M ft<i#» 194 |if ja mi ftftA iraftt nf Ha ••* I arvwafaai ayaka 44# Ift Ift 9a #*Hf ftif iftftNH TltrAty MAJOR HAWKE*. I H,m o*w I* OarttNttM T>l» Mars- I* Hrt«| • UiW) Mart. Major Hi* It, tba Vtlof »»M at, iSa Taiih U. S V.. fca# gnw* ! nwf la lwr‘tac<ua S (' lo Wlas froai tlial tits (ha rolomt comfit «**aa Ua, Sara rrafalila* liar* ll la aa* 4rrMoa4 I Sat l*a Dartlasiaa rt»iapaor Itar raarhaJ la raraliaaal Ifca jiw < auaibar aa4 altl aa otif la nap at oara, TS* raftala aV> aa* a*patai.’4 to iak* «ii*rg# at ttia Oarliaftoa roaipaajr U Cmpi Kilt), aho la a m«tabu ul ife* regular arm*, aa* la aoa atniul al mat poin la Alaaks. Oa arromit of hi* itMwar* froai tkla rooatrp It aa* aarmaary io ail • romaifMlniuNi 018 * Mr lo Darllactoa to Wine Ik* « >mp»nr j bar* anti Major Haakr* aa* rkoaaa. ANOTHER Cf»MPANV C JITES. Ifadlord. Vlr* ala. It N«* »rrrc*cnled < ul at Cantg Dyer. A rare pan? Irrir Radford, ft, ar- ‘ rived In Augusta ihli reorning to go Into carep at Tutpln Hill with ths Tsnth rent mom of United Btn!*s Vol nnteera This la tbe tenth company toj go mio tamp her* The Hpsrtanharc company has not yet hern equipped, nut probably will be today. Tbe -cre pany from Virginia which came In to day Is rommanded by Cnpl. Wharton. R alighted from tbe train at the Union depot and marched out to ths ramp as tbs otbsr companies bad done, Upo.t arrival they began Immediately to pitch the,c tents and dear up tbs company slrset. CROWDS AT CAMP. Everybody Went Out to See the Colored Soldiers Last Afternoon. The people of all color* flocked out to Turpin Hill all day yesterday. Ev ery car after dinner was packed to its fidlest capacity and tbe camp ground was thronged. The officers opened the esmp and the pnbllr werr allowed :o wander around in the company stress, to peep or go Into some of the tcute, and to do generally as they likxl. There was not a single disorder In the camp during the entire afternoon and tile only arrest made during the whole ilay was for a very trivial offense, ivhlch orrurrAd early In the morning. prostrated by heat. A Butcher’s Boy at Camp Taken to Field hospital. Dr. Fnqua. the surgeon of the regi ment. had his first emergency case yes terday. It was about four o'elork In the afternoon, thnt four men brought to the field hospital a fifth man who was unconscious. Dr. Fuqua went to ivork on him and in a few minutes had tho patient coming around. The man was not a soldier, hut a hoy who Ijad come to the ramp to get orders for meat. He was prostrated by the heat. BAND WANTED. Twenty-four Men Can (Jet New Prass Instruments. Col. Withrow’ wants a band. He wants it to be the official Tenth regi ment band and he wants a good band. He wishes twenty-four men, colored, to play In the band and one baud mas ter, white. The Tenth regiment will soon be ready to have dress parades and dress parades without a band are very tamo affairs. Col. Withrow said the men would have to enlist with the various com panies. two with eaeh company of the twelve, but that their work would be altogether musical, as they would have no other military duties to perform. The men who enlist to join the band will he given the t brass instru ments. Pay City Taxes. July 20th last day. The friends and acquaintances, and there ere many of them,.of Capt. E. T. Miller will regtet to know of his very serious illness. Capt. Miller Is at Madison, where he had gc*w on a visit. jWord received by his fauvHy from there [today is very discouraging. oiififi mu in T TTL, . TW OtSistt) 9U*4 kfiaft U» lr SSfftb j»4kr« *•* a* rnd >M »***• Veaa M« Pavara. f%4 ftftftPft.* «9 sis 99# 99a I ftRWMI ; Aft ftftft. 991 tin' r 19 *9* I lift*ft* •9 *4 Mft'fftMftA ftl *9tP** 199#• gklg|tMi |K«k «s*ft4f ftstfttwftl Iftft |9ftft9#9i# ill nft# 494* 4ft# f# I !MH*« 9ft 49ft 91.9*9. I#f lift**ftft ftftwftJHP# 194 ft ftftM’fttfti j IMsft ft 9 ft ft 91 iMKtfttftft... ft# «ftftft; iftf |ft« 9ft99#kft ft# Ift# 999* 99 &, T ftft# H* Itfttftfft r ftftPfw «4i9*«9MMK #ftf ftf#4|4 4499* •4# ' fftft9k III# f#wi;ffeb 'IS# f ftjftfii'ftftk **l Ift# 4 Iftft Ift lift* hfeiftf Ift# prfftftftft ft Iftf. i ftftftfftiijftWft Tft#4 |[ lt i119*9 |Tft*#fft f*i ? 4 I ftftt #4L ffttt Mft 41# ftffw 9ffN9 fftftftp j lifeft fftft** fftftftftftftif I*c4 V#ftft#4 f ftlftft t# ft** ftMM ftftftf. ; 9*9* 4*# ft#f ft >. S' ft tft' ' # ®.? *■ 4ft#; .#t!«949f (Pft'ftftftf. fftftft *•* ftf'ftftPft* '*»»»*a*a«)aa Mr laetk iri»4 la rfcra* 1 #ftfeFti*#tt ffftrtift tft# *tft' s ifeftsftf m Ilk# ftflft I 949 I ftftf Dft* 9*9 Ift* 4ft MB v49nl ift •#* j gg»fw ftf# Ift ftK»i ##4*491% ftlftft HftflftNllfttftJf *f**f 94# «#fft*9 fits * - fft <9# Iftft ftftftft ft# 19* 19C99H. ratp- fftft4 *4 4fftYft Iftft •*#** *••• ft* . 4#r«Hf'4 , 44 tft 49ft* -ftkMftftftft, fttl9 4 fVtfl*-'*#444 9 7 ftftftk* •fftft# 44 *4A |9ft#t9fft 4l*ffl4# 9ft l#»# ftftftftMftt l»4 #fkOft!#. 441 99>4 ‘I 19# |Mifl fftft Vftft# Hr 14 Ailcftiftft Pfrftfttl 4ft# Hf IlftlNPfft 9«f#9H*V# «ft Hkftft *9ft« Oiw n»Hftftt ' fcifHftl r*4*9t 4##l 44# 1)1 fr#!t49 Ift- | 4f4 f#ft 19# 110**4' ftftftftftf. ft4# Pfftftft ganilr bad M W for km. bat ik »ollr*aMa kramhi mm W **Maar* <b* bw <t adart bad k**a aatiraty laipantal •la>»4 ibai ia bi» oalaMsi Mr flavora ana a* faalt aad kr oaniawlf Sa*4 Tk* MW Of Rod PadgMi aad Mr* , Oa**ra wkk-k by ifc* aa* a»*r gMM-1 bt • bar* nrTTipti*i*il <b* *ff»» < t Saiarda* nlfhi. an pMtpMwd mill lopotf* * K>mi4| LADIES* PRIZE. Wo WkllNrlfl'* Smm *Mfer i Rlrlk lag sßt) HiHdift List of Prreinoi lo U4ie% fan Toa Writ# a Uoo4 Ad? If Sa, Head i lie Follow lag roodllloit Aad Yea May Be a W inner. A Striking Offer ol Fine Footwear to Ladles For Their Help and Co-Operatlou. To tks lady sending oa the brat ad- 1 vrrUscment of our great rkanlng sa'c cf Fine Oxfords we trill present her with any pair she may select from our entire stock The winnings ad will be ur.-d in Friday's issue of The Herald, so all competitors must have copies In by Thursday. 9 a. tn. The deta can fca itakta froni our ad cn page 5. Remetn bij -the space used la flye Inches, douh- IrMblumn. Good ads are never crowel led; they are well displayed; Ihey must catch tbe eye. and hold the reader's at itcntlcn until completely read. Thi* particular ad must impress th? reader Wjtk the feet that aa entire stock of fine $2.50. $3,90 and $3 50 Oxfords !• being told for $1 »k; It must be con vtnring There Is a grand truth to work on and some good ads can be written. The twenty-five best ail* will b- awarded with a handsome souvenir, , "Remember the Maine.” Wm. Mulherln's Sons A Co. Pay-City Taxes. July 20th last day. AT THE HOTfcLS. Those Who Are Quartered at Augusta Hostelrlcs. Arlington; D. C. Shilling. New York; Jno! F. Scbrc.-der, Indiana: W. 8. Rhodes, Florence. S. C.; C. R. Mullen, Florence, S. t\; A. N. McConnell. Cor- j nelti; H. B. Davis, Atlanta; Wm. Korb, ! cPtcrshurg; E. B. Brayton, Columbia. S. C.; T. A. Stanfrrd, Rochester, N. Y.; 8, C. Moore, Modoc. Planters: J. A. Allison, North Car olina; H. S. Harris, Nov York; Sam Rngloman. Louisville; J. B. McLee, Jr., Charlotte. N. C.; J. J. Kanny. Jr.. Sa vannah. Oil.: J. M. Anderson. Ohio; Jno. 8. Mnrphey, Nashville; E. B Johnston. Milieu; H. iL. Davidson, Louisville; F. H. Lambert, Atlanta; \V. H. Gilllard, New York; T. Goode meyer, Macon. Ga.; W. E. Snowden, Charleston, S. C.; B. F. Fair, South Carolina and Georgia railway; H. W. Webb. Baltimore. FIRE IN AIKEN. Population Turned Out to See a Box Car Conflagration. At 6 o'clock yesterday evening the usual quietude of our sister city Aiken was disturbed by a small Are Tn George's lumber yard, which resulted in the destruction of a box car from which the Are originated. Sturlie was seen in that direction, the alarm was given aud in a few min utes the volunteer to department quickly and promptly responded. The entire population of AlSIn was present and for a tvhlie excitement ran high, when an engine appealed on tbe scene ard pushed the burning box car on a side tra'k to burn in al) bs glory alone. No other damage resulted. Miss Agnes O’Dowd Is ft yesterday sos Tybee for a week's vigfy 1 ins 1 eaHi; Us Its* Lrs«N 4 djpm M*t«s Tferit l* WUI Msssg*. W aa< iSa CV> »*afc a Saa eaya Itmtt ISa H» a Maaaa •* Tftft f>i 4>ft*» i#• 9f I I jftiW*"* Mft*ftW#pft4 AsttftMM# #9 <*ftft n#ft* * f If ftftftft# tft# Cs*. 44*199 W##ftft ft l1 ’ I *##* 4#* I ft*-4# 1 ift* *#f ft#4»*9#»f 4ft# #«* I ftgfeft »9|j>4l9 #k*fY' Ift ftfMA Ift# ■ tft#*** I^4l In .4414*411 m* ftNMH Ift ft rftftft# 9#ftili*9994 4 ft"* I fthftft## 4 ft'-**# 'Hsimfs »«i n* 9«-f4# *ft* {#mv4>## f# tft 4 «4#f irtriftiiittfi)-* 44# tfftlft* 11444** H# Ift fftft# f* 9ft J 99 f*#4 iftHN## ft# ft## ft#*ft ftftf #*#ft* * -«ft* HMft - - I tft# fftNftftftMkl*# ftftt 19# 19#iftiTl 9###, 4ft# | 199 *#■*?• ftftfjr' *fti 4*P#t9#f ft"# 9# ftl ft'ftftf : ft* 944 4#rwM44p>Xidft## Ift life# ft*# 9t j Iftft 9fi##H #ft> 9ft'i ’•'-t# ft# 44feH9ftfe9B fts9 i - Tft 4 4*ftsftft#ft*9#. <NS‘ ftP Tft# fftft! ’* Hr i Hu### *9*4 1991 *"ft 9#ft#9fti «f 19# lit#* i f 4### <#P tft* til* ft! ftfttrft 9# fts'sftfft#' [ 19# #ft#fft ftiNMft HUH 9# 94# U#*ft ft#fft 1 I 94ft#ft 94ft# V »49ft 4 ftl MUHlftNf #4l*9 9NMI# 9# 19# 9*#t *'' *** r*4 »♦ '** * 9## j - 9# fti #ft**. ftl 4 f ,? *44t###49t* #4#M49# j ini# 1 trial# 9f«ft#*T «i< h H*4#r» KUift 'ft HHfc44*r fsf K«ft T«arl» 49# Ufefngft | tlftfti 9# 99# 9*#ft #9f* I# 9H 4 441 ■ [ft## 4# 199 ft!*#* 49*991'’* •♦ifftr* A**i * 9*l 1 T9ft «#9 (9### ft 94 ##(9 I 144441 99# 9I)CM If# 6# 99# lift# 49 #l4-* I ; ft4tf* <VNlSk49t'f4 4# 1-9# fftt*4(F|t, Ms j 4# fnggd 9941 r#fl4 4 *9i. V 4 4f91p9 9* : ilUlt #4ir« ftft«t)# 9# 9 - #9 911 lift 191*, flljf 44# 9# «9t49* 19*9 ftl 11 9# #044. ; Mr «r 11 9# ftirily •*! nm+4 to lb* t!lf. aad k* mil an* Had It bar I 10 awk* fiirada ai«b Ifc* Colarebta pw> PK f 01.1 It CAROLINA 1 HOOPS. Two Train l.aatfa Pmw4 Through Augusts Lost Night. Top trains of u< op* rum* through I Augusta last night, both of which wm! gar ard ever to ths Chartcstoa aad: Kptrre Carolina railway at thia point ' Both train* carer from Ksirlgb. N. C.J and rcTi.stned North Carol'na voioti tesrs They cans* ovrr different route* and tbrtr destination* are diflrrent. ft.* Soutlx m brought in one (rain, which wont rtr * n io Tyf)## i*)4Brt *a*l, th* B»4br*r<) Air Mb# brought In on# train, vh'rb #ra* *#nt to Port Royal. Pay City Taxes. July 20th last day. A CIVIC LEAOL’E VOICE. Answers the Complaint About Center Streets l »cleanlines*. . „Tbc writer cordially thanks the gen ij. nm i who protests agslast the con of Center street and Its n?igh ! ißghood on Bread and Reynolds. In behalf of the Civic League, however, to which he appeals, a member must gMdain that that organization can do nothing until It can prevail upon coun ; c l ID require the police force to nrrest oßOldtra who gw-vp locae tmsh In’o \ the street, and also to pass ordinances [forbidding the feeding of hones.and I strewing of melon rinds on the streets. Z. Y. Z. HRS. HAMMOND ROHHED. Some One Stole From Her a Dress and sls Cash. Last night some time before 11 o'clock a robbery was committed at Mrs. Hanktnsons boarding house on the corner of Bvoad and Campbell streets. The articles stolen were taken from Mrs. Hammond's bed room and consisted cr Af.een dollars in cash and a dross. The loss of the articles was discovered at 11 o'clock, hence It Is 'known that the robbery was committed early In the evening. These was no clue to the identity of the slick An gered percyn. The mutter hss been re the police, however, and they will make vigorous efforts to appre hend the thief. HR. BATTLE AT “STRIFE.” The Eminent Tenor Will Sing a Solo at the Production. It will be welcome news to music lovers that Mr. Samuel T. Battle has kindly consented to sing at the pro duction of "Strife" at the Grand to morrow, Tuesday, night. Mr. Battle has an exceptionally Ane voice, and his song will be a valuable addition to a program already exceptionally Ane. Mr. Battle will be remembered as a member of tbe Schubert Quartette, which appeared before the Lyceum two years ago. CAMP 435 TIEETS. Important Business to Be Transacted at Atasonlc Hall Tonight. It Is deemed most important that all members of Camp 435. Confederate Survivors, meet at Masonic Hall to- Dight at 8:15. It is especially impor tant that all members who expect to attend the Atlanta reunion will be present, as they will be given special instructions 1n regard to accommoda tions. etc., in Atlanta, in accordance with directions front division head quarters. IT'S NO SECRET. Our method at do* n* bu#m»•§ mno Kent. W« are lltftrel toward you bo* C«WMI it p*y« to ho HboroL Wo ore prompt ond oyttomotir hocouoo It pay* Wo ore runninp o tun buomooo on brood bubinooo prmciploo. tvorohmfy Mfto ftyyi of us ft#comti l cuotomor. Wo moOo him oo> It poyft. „ - . In tho conduct of our factory wo oporoto o proot mony hipn grodo woed* work Inp mochlno*. You could tpond on Intorootinf ond profltoblo ho If hour •monf thorn. You ought to coll ond took ofound tho lumbor yord and throuffh tho factory ond worehoutoo. You will oo o woicomo visitor. t\umi>i(i '>a*af <a>A Hflim GSRS DIRSIUD. iVrrrk sf Sift Msctlislr to l# (,f«rgia R*«i I* oapaM kroaaht la Bavaral Oa a < gkartabah • Frlaaki. I A ftsssr# «j| fgftft# 9fe4#4l<4##. 9#< 49 fMaljtirg < rri t#4 41 44 tmt\f Mir I a#*r R4tAA§# H 4150- Til* 4tMM>t est bur»4rr# 4ft# thn##4 9i!H from Aotuata aad fwtfkt iraia No It | > arelaa Ikta way p*w «f H at 111 c.'rlorfc la wHar way to* as ik* rara btraam 4*t,iM aad lki*a Sfiaraj | freight rara Nf tb* track Moat ofj liaare a*r-kred-d The t fkgfe gfg ! iorl Nil on 14# ftfkK Coy tft# itfifir train*. 4)19049)1 Ift# 1 1 t>t**#44*ni ifthi morn in# ft### ft nw» ; 1 tt ftnt 4fli|s4 If ft** litookl ro)rar«:ou* tfcil *9# 104# #**i BfY killt#. A color## tfßia! hand w4t tft# only 9ttff<r#r from Ift*] [arrtdmt. H*> *aa ataadtng oa nr of lb* cars wbtrb aaa litre*b from tbc rail# and I’iad a vary hard fall. Hr war asa foetid that no bon** awt hrok*n. j It was a rrry unusual tt, in* to aca lb* pktptnr bringing In freight ran. bat tba "PH" tta a morning brought dran wvf'il rant of prrlabahl* freight which was lo b* rushed through. nR. J. L. flow VERY ILL. The Phyaklaaa Say There la N# Hope For Mis Recovery . Mr. Jaa. L Ora la lying at the point j of death at bis home on the corner of Cuatuiing and Hay airaeta. He has a severe attack of brain f rer and ph. - slr.aas fear that he t» beyond recovery. : Mr*. A 8. Hatch, one of hts daughter*, i who was away, was telegraphed for. and is at home again. Mr Clow has j been in feeble health for some men:ha. and seven! days ago he was airtchen , dawn with brain serer, which he ha* surcumbed to entirely. Every ettisen of Augusta will regret, to hear nf the serioua mness of thla estimable gentleman, who baa been prominent in this community for many years. He was business manager ct the late Evening News, for many years having succeeded Mr. Wrlglc in that rapacity. Later he was the proprietor; of the Evening News, together whb the 1 !estate of the late W. H. Moore, for many years the editor of the paper. For the past two or th*<*’ years he has been retired. Mr.. Gow has a lare family. | who are with him in his present ill-1 ness. PERSONAL. Coming and Going of Your Friends and Acquaintances. rMs. T. J. O'Leary and children re turned home last hlght after a two week’s trip to Tytee. Mr. tVIUIe Meehan, who has been on a visit to his friends. Mr. John P. Kee nan. left yesterday Jor hte home in Co lumhia, S. C. James P. Armstrong: 'the obliging tetter of the lrlsh-Ameriean Dimt, Savings bank, left yesterday for a week's stay upon Tybee's strands. Miss Lillie May Hensley died last night at the residence of her parents, on upper Greene street. Her body will be shipped this afternoon to McCorm ick. S. C. Mrs. Punk and daughter, Miss Mag gie, I.rave tomorrow for Knoxville, Tenn. On their return they will speno some time in the mountains of North Carolina. Miss Gertie Comer, after a pleasant stay in the city, the guest of Miss Charlotte Peniffer, 1023 Broad street, has returned to her home in Charles ton, S. C. Messrs. Wicker & Pilcher, at 954 Broad street, are making things hum in the grocery line. Their lew prices in The Herald on Friday caused quit* a rush to their store Saturday. They are ctever young gentlemen and their prices are rock bottom. The man who boasts that he works with hts head inst-ad of his hands is respectfully reminded that the wood pecker ddes the same thing and Is the biggest kind of a bore. AkM IB unjpis. 1 1'rflN Oferti a# n#Ms tUtl Stft. Prtrhi«n I p a Triflr. Woa'ora Crop Raporta and Rumor Ab'ul Two New York Meeks. I ffocoftl r#ft##l# ffftft KrhtmoA* mi# ’tft#v tft# ###4 #t#9 ItfeffV ft## #*#* In## ’dimiff* bf #rr trfttfift 9vt It tlftr# , jp fg r oia *if kin 4 ##c4 It t ill ft# 4f * Tht# Ip 19# ffUKtIH Oftf Slip #f#4t## ) fftft of tft# cW» l#U I fit f*»ttl fftffedft• rrufft 14 9#o# rw4* fVnf-to** 04* m#f*4##*4#rit 4#* tft##* I otifhly flrtrttnlifl V# (|#t>< to 4 Boh»t» Tk# MetrepolHs* <o«panv has #*■ Iriattjr ißßouftto# that dflrik Uofl #lll 1 iftft a 04 W«#h#*4#y ftonplnf ft 14# j uad^fgrown# trolhry 19910 m tar th# j Mxtß 46i1 Hctltl 4Y#4l9* If### ft) New York Hty. ll ftl fftftlftfft r#rf4l« ft** t'\#t ! Hda for 9,1 lot* of tft# nr* *t»r l»on#4 Witt «»ot 9#t ftorr Hi*a 34 p#r rant. | Thor* is *#ftS#ftr* that 4 l»r«r |>rop^r» | iktt of tft# ho##* #UI ft* tol# 4t 4 m*f . k#t (irrmiun Tft# fnfhv Iff quotation*. rloslß# rrt jin uk#n *t J |>. m.. ar# c»%’#r tft# *po ciai ftirs* of f*#in#. MurpNy A Co.« CHIOAOO PROVIHK >NS WHBAT— <K>-o- Clooe. July "* f*** geplember .. .. *1 ***» IIH-crrelwr I (’OHN ! July M% **% j » M« Hi. i iimlwr .. .. 34Id* OATB - HeiAerelvr !»* >*% PORK September .. •* m •- .. 1-14 10.0 k LARD— j September .. .. S.ST 1.14 j RIOS— September .. .. .. .. .. 5.*5 *,"• I October «■ 5.50 J-R NEW YORK COTTON. January .. .. .. .. .. I M * #* i February IK —-*■ March « <» « «» August .. .. .. I W l M 'September .. 6*4 5.53 ! October .. .. .. 5.06 1 11 November .. 6-M 5 *T . December .. .. 5.M l.k Tone—Dull. Sale* —*0.000. Middling— -6 3-l«. NEW YORK STOCKS. Metropolitan 151 J4MI C. C.'C 40% Sugar 131% 132% Tobacco 117% 11*% A. M. S HVi C. B. Q 105% 105 C. G M #»% |j. C «•* >3j% 1 Loulavlll.' and Nashville . Jf% r *2% Manhattan 106% 10n% Omaha .. •• *l% 31% I’nlon aolflc 23% 23% Rock Island *5 05% Reading I* I ®% St. Paul 05% OS% S. R. Q 30% M'cstern I'nion .. .. .. - 92 91% LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.20 3.19 February and March 3.20 3.19 20 March and April 3.21 3.20 21 April and May 3.21 2? 3.21 June and July .. .. .. 8.24 3.53 July and August 3.23 3 22 23 August end Sept. .. ..~3.23 3.29 .Sept, and Oct 3.22 3.20 21 Oct. end Nov 3.20 3.19 20 Nov. and Dec. .. .. .. 3.20 3.13 Dec. and Jan 3.19 20 3.20 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling 6%. Sales 21. Receipts today 30. Receipts to date 375309. Stock on hand 17307. Too Late For Classification WOULD LIKE TO COOK FOR A small family, or get position as nurse. 904 Centre street. Ju'y 19 WANTED—PLACE AS HOUSE GIRL. Good references, Gracia Glenn, 1014 Ellis street. Jly 19 FOR RENT—THE LARGE HAND SOME dwelling No. 932 Broad street, with yard running through to Ellis street. Apply to Jules Godin. I WANT TWO STENOGRAPHERS, young men, to fill good, permanent position,. L. J. Hcmyy, No. 4 Library building. July 2 3 WANTED—MALE STENOGRAPHER and typewriter of some experience. Applicant must write good hand. State salary expected and came references. Address A. J. R-, care Herald. Jly « Man r _ rks the office, but the officer seeks the man. ~A