The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 19, 1898, Image 1

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TMX 9 tm«x AttOtWA, * .SET tuvixoa tteMM bank. JEE/ESS: •übma f.tda* tteltete SAMPSON'S ARRIVAL IN SANTIAGO CITY. The Condition of the City as It Was Pound liy the Americans; A Number of Cuban Political prisoner*—Scovel to Be Transported to the States Right Away—Both the Army and the Navy Claim the Prizes in the Harbor. (fkp| tight hr R*« T Jswrtet I Maattagn Mootey Admiral »•«>»> *rm*4 m ta# e,tp totor <*• »»* Osp« MI • •**•«» buvh Tk*y w##» termall* rwratvwd • guard sf buoor tad • sai««* at guns hr ll»« MlttMti fwteof. Oraerm MKihfcen. tat* «t tte »waaty-k*a« »* faatry, Thovaite M We rrawding ba.k t* th#tr knows They Sad lhalf kooae* looted <<* all valuables b> lh< Spaniards la the city tail war* finrtytwa Cuba* political prlonaat*. They hat. s*t >»l hM* ttl»»irf Aw enr them are •!* woowa. Oeue,al pflln mi apprised at Ihr tael this afternoon, anil th#ir rrhaa all! as suredly fallow. 0 Didn't Mention It. The Htwnudi uutborttleu mad* a* mention of tin* when lb* prison nee handed over. I interviewed th# prison ers and Informed General Mr Kihhen of the < harm ter of tt* charges against tlu-tn. alao verified thelr statement* by the flpar.tah AKwde In charge. The Cu ban# feel hurt that tfcs Cuban flag *»i not hDialed and their forrea egcludod. General Garcia mnrehed hla force# to the cemetery outside the city thl* af ternoon and decorated the grave# of Matte and placed over It Inacrlptlona hitherto forbidden by the Srsnlards. TJIECOHFEDS AT ATHANTA Th* Veterans Are J’ourins Into the Capital. Stephen D. Lee Spoken of as Com • mauder-in-Chief. [By Associated Pres*.] Atlanta, July 19.—Atlanta, in gala attire, today welcomed the first arrivals of the at.endanie upon the Confedeiate reunion. The city is decorated wth bright colored bunting and flags and decorations. The capitol, the executive mansion, the Capital City Club, and the principal hotels and buildings are es pecially elaborate. Pictures of heroes of the war with Spain mingle with those cf the Confederacy's historic fig ures. Kvery train which reached Atlanta today had extra ears attached and the crowd which is expected tomorrow will number 50,000. Prominent among today's arrivals, wero Gen. Stephen D. Lee. Miss Slgen W. L. Cabell, Texas, and Gen. J. I. Dickerson, of Florida, all department commanders; Col. Robert A .Smyth, of Charleston, commander in chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans; Adju tant General Moorman. New Orleans; Senator Clay and Congressman Living ston. Col. Bm-’th brought with him a large sizvd boom for Charleston, and says the next encampment will go there. However, a party of distinguished Ken tuefeians which is expected tonight will probabiy do battle for their state, as Louisville also wants the next big gathering. There is a strong boom for Stephen D. Lee for commander in chief. General Gordon, who has been com mander fer ten years, will probably de-' cl'ne re-elccticn, owing to his failing HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. ft* it*tt A THE AUGUSTA HERALD, vm iMi m ! The apari.a rtvM #>•**«•»•# Man, la •wd a pgaadateMksa the* atetuang or* .feting a general re»«mptl<n <4 bust geos All earwM the Mhnm are rloaed for th* prvoral To Uriah* N. | Miw Sf'sn»*li oArcra eafwvv* Uw j fldeo.e and teH-e that Santiago mil |ao<m he retaken by gpala We holated , (be flag over M-rro at II odor* thta !morning, amid a aeen* at groat eaihu team. A small American garrtauo was fiat there from the crane ol it*. war ship* la th# vie,ally. The gpanlah aol jdters are delighted at the autrender. .tripling th# livlt guard, who tee! their positions aiutely. Tha Ship* la. An the American traneporta steamed jin the harbor thla evealrtg. Tarenty Amertena ships are non anchored In the bay. It wMI be probably neeassary Ito1to blow up the Merrtmac to allow the entrance of the large warships In safe ty. The Red Crcsa ship Texa* la dla . trlhuthrg store# si the wharf. There i# Ino food In the city. The hotels, res taurants and stores nre closed. The In **’ *• a habitants are emaciated and are now crowding eagerly for relief,. The Battle of July l. In the battle of July 1, fifteen hun dred cavalry, the reserve beh'nd Fan I health. General Lee ma>' be chosen. | However, ’here are many who say G n- j rral Gordon w‘ll be commander in chief as long as he lives. MR. P. J. BERCKMANS- An Honored and Prominent Cltizrn Very 111 Physicians attendant upon lien. Prosper J. Berrkmans, whose severe! Hires* Is causing apprehension, decided today that the patient is net suffering! from appendicitis, but agreed that ap pendicitis rosy possibly ensue, it was decided that Mr. Berckmans was too 111 to permit of his removal from his home to the hospital, where il was de sired to treat biro. DESPERATE CHINAfI AN. Blew Up a flagazine Rather than Submit to Arrest. OaMf.nd. Cal.. July ll.—Th? Califor nia fuse works were blown uo by a murderous Chinaman this morning. Six deputy sheriffs were trying to arrest the murderer and were killed. The Chi naman had fortified himself in th mag azine and blew it up when an attempt to arrest him was made. THE TAMP,*. CAMP. The Government Orders That it Be Abandoned. [Special to The Herald.] Washington, July 9 —The military camp at Tampa is to be abandoned and some of the B,COO troops there will go to Porto Rico. The others go to Fcr nar.dina. Suspicious cases of fever is | the cause. THE PANAMA SAILS. A Number of Bridge Builders Leave For Santiago. Charleston, July 19.—The steamer Panama sailed this morning for San tiago with 500 men. bridge and deck builders. Two houndred negroes were shipped here. , t . iwk cbarged the fh.ak at .he Arnett ■a* s tea nr* bat r*tr*nt*d aas.ea lain th- dtp, aoffert g great bite. I Vlett ed th# not*. It la stream mth tha car • aaavw at b«cv*s left equipped aa they fed. The house# am th# oatahirta of th# jetty are tonphoied aqd th# street very j ’ strongly hnrrtraded. The rail nay bridge at Aguadoee* la nearly rebuilt ifttl Hurra mtglßeera are re-eel ahi lab ; mg connection with th# railroad al Ml- j>. greatly facilitating th# embark alloti of trends. Horn# of th# troop* nr# already embnilsln*. tMhera follow to i m-irroW. The Vessel* In Ike Harkor. The veae. Is In the harbor that are I captured are claimed by both Shaftcr and Sampson They are the R*ma. l#» Angeles Mortera. Mexico astd Conch* grovel returned a Mow struck by Stasfter. He was put In the city prison and will be removed to Slboney thl* evening. He will be transported to the sutca at once. Hla military pass was taken away. Ills naval pass was can celled some time ago. The sick acid wounded nre doing well, the result of the splendid work of the hospitals, surgeon* and nurse*. There are very f ce that are not reported convalescent. Tire fever l* evt the de crease. HURRY UP THE IiMIU.NES —; Gen. Shafter Anxious That They Be Bushed. The Spanish Prisoners Far Exceed the Strength of Shafter’s Army. Washington, July 19 —General Shtif- 1 t r ba: asked the war department to hurry toiwurd the regiments of Im mune.* Jor service in Santiago cltv and vicinity in order, that there m.iy, he the minimum danger of further infec tion of our troops from th? fever, Gwi leral Alger said this afternoon that it is probable that the tctsl number of, Spanish soldiers who, will have to lie; ttrm/potted to Spain will reach 25,000. 'ilils is estimated by Genera.' Shatter, as Total's reports did not cover quite nil the soldiers who will be turned over. The says the military I governor of Santiago has not yet been • definlcly selected. Our army took ten million rounds of ammunition with il j to Cuba eo it will not need such sup tdies lor some time. Washington, July 19.—The prisoners turr.'d over to Shatter In Santiago far. exceed tbe strength of his army. GERHANY o. k. Will Not Interfere With Up In the; Philliplne*. Washington, D, C-, July 19. Th? na vy department has received no dis patches from Dewey relating to press reports concerHing our relations with Germany, hut the officials feed much less concern over Germany's attitude, and there is good reason to believe.that direct assurance has been received from Germany that she would offer no ob stacles to tire execution of our plans. Alfl! MA, OA I HU K ii ii uui Tiff r«* If firtrf II I Uif H*m Tit* AfWrktei. Itelprlit I* Wl* «y Sir rtf a*l r«tr»lMa Rtrlrh Nil Ilf I fifrr #1 Ik ska Malta Goods Rem, ered and »#* tutted t« That. Rightful ownara It »#a ke-aer that th# burghMW would hr taken by «hr Augusta yallw **m Wpf «t hater The head ad th# gang is la custody now The polk-# warn yol in the nbh of time In m Idling th# nap tare aa it la evident that the thieves wet* making ready to lea** itu city with ohat plunder they had to- tired , are of the tblevao got away The es cape la told of elsewhere in thl# er ne ie Tha rtUef has bam a tehea Th# (Mrilre d -parrmenl la not UIMN lhal thta gang la th# chisel sang (he rob ' bar or robber* «ha have been uaina chisel* to pry apea windows and lo aearrh for m<mvay after Imring a#- -cured mgreao Othara than the pollr# j think that now (bat ibis gang I* bra hen up. all Ibis ay stems Hr robbery , mil end- that lbs chisel men belong to tt» asm# pgrty i The work of rapturing Ih# trnn wa« I pant erough ikgi of Ik# |.r..f -ssliw.i dot eel icK«t only ha* th# chief at the larg been la'en. but th* g-.-da have twee recovered—#vary Item that tea , been reperted stolen from different hcMiaea and Store* The police, special ly In view at the gevete criticism that thoughtless onra have visited upn lh»- department, are proud of th# eatptar*. and especially proud of the recovery of the goods T*vy are Justly proud. Thr Arm*l Today Detective* Wlar and flheron and Pat rolmati Hachelg wsre on special duty on thl* ease today. Who! rlues they have worked «n It I* not necessary now to say. They were <a a hot trail Hiolen good* from Augusta were at*out to t» shipped to fiavannnh The Ihlevea were 'stepped. They proved to be desperate jonf nrmed men Ag stated ow of them escaped. TTie olkeera eanteecd alien'.lon * on the one they believed to be the chief ,of the* gang and they were correct In their aurmleea. He raw aa If for hi* life, but the ofllcers were hot after him. The chare was kept up from the union depot to th* outskirts of the city and he was finally overpowered nml to gkec. He Is a negro. H - gave 11-*I 1 -* name !of At * Hauser and gave Atlanta aa ! hla he me. There were found on him j express rewlpl* for goods shipped to his own name nt Havannah. The goods ' were Schneider's goods. The robbery of the Sc hneider store has lieen told of. How They Worked, j It Is evident that the gang Is of the professional sort. They rob In one city nnd ship to another city, disposing of their goods stolen in Atlanta, for in stance, In Augusta, selling the Augusta stolen goods In Savannah, and so on. j The silver watch stolen at Card. Geo. Howard's and belonging to Capt. How ard's bookkeeper, hss also liven recov iered. The Nurnberger good* hove al ready been recovered. The Schneider goods are now recovered. The papers found on the arrested man show that he Is th,* leader of the ' band. The police say thnt there s no question In the world that they have |moat abundant evidence to convict. The stolen goods that have beon recovered have been Identified and are this after noon hr-lnji turned oved to the rightful owners. Another Burglary I The police have also tHken in cus tody Charley Simons, colored, a.nd have j charged him with being th? man who I robbed the place of Chinaman Schooo ‘ Wear, at Gumming and Miller streets Sunday evening. They have evidence on Which they say they will establish the fact that he knows of the robbery cnougli to be able to explain something a Pout it. The robliery was accomplish ed hy entrance in th? floor of th" build ing. The arrested man was seen com ing frem tindnneath the house. The I s raping Burglar. The escaping negro was a desperate fellow. He pioved this whew his arrest was attempted. The negro saw the officer at the same time that he was recognized and broke linto a run. ; The policeman and several citizens started in pursuit, and there was a great hubbub ami yells of "stop thief." | Mr. Ed Hafer, who was Just coming out of th* Georgia railroad office, was directly in the fleeing negro's path, and, seeing his pursuers,. started to head the fellow off. The ran his hnnd i*nto his hip pocket, and out come a loaded pistol, which he thrust into Mr. Hafer'a face. Under these circumstances, the latter gentleman stepped aside, and the thief darted around ihe corner and disap- I peared. 22,739 /VH'N. That is the Number of Soldiers Sur rendered to Gen. Torsi. Washington, Juir 19.—Th? war de partment has received a dispatch, dated j yesterday, from Shatter saying Ibe rosier of the -prisoners was handed in yesterday by den. Toral, and the total is 22,789 men. MILLS DIDN’T START: ORDERED OFF TODAY. There Was Some Mix Up in the Tele grams Sent Him Yesterday. o # The Movement Against Porto Rico Being Hurried By the Covorn ment— Milos Is Certainly on His Way to the Island By This Time. (By Associated tewoa 1 Washington July It - General Mila* did not ttatt to Porto Rico ywmsrday ; a* was rapretrd hot has rttter alrwadr •a.l*4 this mors lag or win g*d #•»» doring th# day Th# delay was «MC to tha falturr to rarrtv# th# terwsaory ortho* through seas# ail stake of p#f' sons through whoa# hands I hey trav eled Oen Milos telegraphed otrvr night 1 and the enter* were repeated to him an<t he was told to start for IVvrio Riro immediately and wilboat delay. «’hl< kamnuga. July It. —» General Brooke will return to hit headquarters tomorrow and then the question ha to whal regiments aw to go to Porto Rico and when the> leave will be definitely , settled. It I# generally believed that the regiments composing the Plral and Second division. First corps, will br the ones lo go. but this belief is, based on Doming official given out here. Aa far as ran be learned only ; two divisions will be taken. The In -1 illrntlon« are that the movement will begin the last of the weak. The rail roads have trolls* In rendlneac. Washington, July 19.—The follovlng regiments comprising Maine's brigade AMERICANS DISGUSTED. The Cuban Army Alluded to Now With Scorn. Feeling of Enmity Rather Than Good Fellowship Prevail*. [By Associated Press.) Santiago. July 18, via Kingston, Jttiy 19. — T bc physical condition of our troops hi not considered serious now that tne number of cases of fever is growing lees a'l the tlnv' and it is be lieved ihe disease will disappear villi the removal of the soldiers to healthier localities. Wheeler's cavalry divis'or. is piaeiically free from sickness ar.d will probably be alowed to go to Porto Rico to take-part in the campaign. The fact is impressed on the Ameri can oificers end men is tho increasing strained relations between the Amer icans and Garcia’s Cuban soldiers, in deed ilir. situation has now reached a point where there is practically no comr,rotation between the armlet and their ».cations border on those of hos tility rather than the relations one mould suppose should exist be tween aliles. Or. Friday last Castillo, brother of General Demetrius Castillo, went io General Shatter's headquarters in order to ascertain the cause of this, to the Cubans, inexplicable resolution. “Why is Santiago -to remain In the hands of our enemies?” he asked. “The Span iards are not our enemies,” replied Shatter. "We are fighting the soldiers of Spain, but we have no desire to de spoil her citizens. No Cuban will be allowed to enter the city nor will any American soldier. Th* government of the city is a matter for the people to decide. When the American army! l ive DOIUIA 4 »M* UfIMMI. JUMf Hfc **• haw bee# ottered to Newport N*WV atasrs thay *«ub#*h ter Porto Rico Th# Third 111 loo,* th# Fourth Bum aelsmnio. and FnuMh Ohio, ta add,Goa lo four baner«u at ortltlory. owhiaff | too m-n A hospital corps of SM sod | a signal rorpa o Iff* are ordered tn Newport News The First Kentucky sod the Fifth Illinois will alao go. K la iwlleved. Washington. July IP.-The troops under Topplnger uhlrh do not go to Porto Rico will be tranalnrvd lo Fer esndlno on account of malartn at Tam j pn. where they nre now quartered. fhaliaocora. T*no.. July IP—Tto* • f flclals of the Queen and Croeoeiit route have been notified to hold themselv-n | .n readlnaaa lo load 3,000 soldiers for ! Newport Keua within the next twenty four bourn. A CARD FkOM THE MISSION. Statement The! They Desire lade lo the IhiWtc. The Herald ha* not. In any form. ia-j ken up th* mailers relating to the work in Augusta of It# Woman’# Chrlatlan j I’nlon Mission In fad ,lt has avoided j the matter. The following card front I the Mission la printed at tha earnest j request of the Mission. It was formu-j la led at a meeting of the organisation j this morning. It la understood. To the Augusta llertld. City: The Chrlatlan Union MlMlon. rcal ixlng tha, we were only doing a part of tha work which God in tended should be done, when we res cued the low "one." determined to pul on the whole armor, and not only save those who had fallen, hut keep other* Mom falling We knew that our city code* went unheeded; we knew that leaves it 1 presume it will be turned over to you, but not until then. Castillo, who came direct from Gar cia's camp, did not attempt to conceal his chagrin. The Cuban soldiers now fully realize that there is a rising senti ment against them in the army. They hear nothing but words of scorn from our men as they pass onward lugging their bacon and hardtack Into the woods. Kven our officers no longer conceal their disgust for their aliles und it is understood the wiarnt friendship displayed toward them at first is now turned into con tempt, for the Cubans have neither fought nor worked. Tbe correspondent of the Associated Presp who sends this dispatch saw n group of Cubans refuse point blank to aid in building roads, and during the two day* of heavy fighting while they were loitering in the road our surgeons sought in vain to secure assistance front them even to cut poles for im provised litters for our wounded. Hun dreds of such instances are being told around the camp fires until the name of the Cuban is usually wreathed with camp profanity and very rarely is a kind word spoken of them. In fact, in some quartets, the-e is a disposition to prophesy an early col lision between our forces and the Cu bans. Gen. Shatter yesterday sent an invitation to Garcia to attend the cere mony of raising the American (lag over Santiago, but the Cuban general showed resentment by sending a reply which amply confirmed the course ■ which he and bis ragged ignorant sol diers took during the week’s hard fight ing. He declined the invitation, said he hated tbe Spaniards and added that be id not want to be where any of them ! were. “Strife” Tonight Don’t forget “Strife" tonight. It is a pleasing entertainment, Its cause, tool appeals-to everyone. fUNTVBS UUK AND fAVIKUS IAKL tail a torn as haaSta pattern *' ■ saps g'^SUCS, 1 * Fa#a igmup ate f.asgaaadk tteay ** mmapp ilth war* gate* hrngga •-* shttma m our beautiful street*, mu tel** cu Rllia bu, Matter* Jones Reyholte. hparhat. Tunis sad »vte a«rro«»dlM Ih# Dh etteoo grammar trfct«i. what# pro nous lilt I# latewtet rhlMreg are pa nt sad c <va*aiag Fan# teed no proof, tbo? dwtara t haute las* t And Ik* ladles of Iks Chr tl'.ag Fate MiMtea **•«#, ten* Ws do got par peu# prostag a thiag so wall hi»-wg. We a ill use ik# Ggit whl h that aa aeceaaary work would require lo lift up 'tew# who bar* beag ru ned through that natrummtality We have aadar takrn go am a cf prran stiog. hut oaa of gwrry sod love, as Ih* *c**o,y-#*e whom w# have protected la th# paat anil shew The Mies log la opaa lo ae*mlng pralteot » I-n*o and w* harm no wish to pm*rt*r I ho*# who rog- Gau# la the Ilf* of shame We taarh that Ocd# law miwt tw kept sad oar lateanon it lo help ,h* city faibert keep the law ahirh oar clip cod# p sta ll-proc la Imt Th# properly owners oa Rllia street, bur not on Kills alone have la coa amtoa with the rkrlstlaa Union Mis sion a*o, pet-Gs n* of ro-opgrn, !oa lo the mayor and police nmmltteu and police comraiaaicn. so l aßtr legal roa suliatton the above nam'd auihortGoa derided in enforce the law. And tbmo whom aw would like to guv# were qrtl fi-d that they were - olaiing th# law. •9d that the place# of sin must be closed The ffentieuM-a referred to aea not responsible ft> r 'he article which appeared in faturday'* Chroo’rl.* warn, ng a district br colonised by th# erring women of Augusta They have no pnr i poa* of rolnsiMtlou. and are not In fg >or of ike Urpn-c ty*tem Such a stain us thtvsa cannot exist bet*. Thera weiejrn ttmioutndmenl* given hy Ood and l,lt geventh be Intended should b« j kept as well pa the rdher nine. And upon ihai law it our city code based. While the Mission cannot offer lux ury to those wbo want lo leave the llfo cf shame we offer a home and protec tion to those erring women who are rrally penitent. Trusting that the pub lic now fully understands the action of the authorities and the work of Iba MUtlcn, we are lespertfully, CHRISTIAN UNION MISSION. SANTIAGO IS QUIET. Bad Boys frlv« the Soldiers Their Only Trouble. The Spaniards Are Not Worried Over the Situation. Santiago Harbor. July 18, via Kings ton, July 19. —Santiago Is now a city of sltznea. The American flag waves over the military headquarters on Morro's flagstaff and Bed Cross emblems are as plentiful as church spires. Almost the entire ropdlatioii are gathered ahold the wharves where tbe Span ish shipping. nqW friges of the United Stales Is boon he augmented by the large fleet of transports flying the Anieticrn colors. Some stoces, most.y for the sale of liquor or drugs, are open, but the patrons are few. Beggars arc in evidence and art of the same importunate sort which make Havana unpleasant for foreign ers. Now aud then a man or woman of the better class begs the corresyimd i nls for "milk for my little one in tho name of God.” At the dock where the Red Cross steamer State of Texas ib unloading and preparing for a long stay o guard from the Ninth Infantry lias been mounted, hut the soldiers bad litle trouble except from the in roads of bad boys, indigenous to sea port cities. There is no evidence of gloom on the faces of the Spanish mou and women. These mercurial people are already laughing and are pleased at the military and naval show and at the i respect of getiuig food other than rice and salt meats. Nearly ail tha- bi**ier class of houses are c-osed Tbe residents evidently have not tv*, turned from El Caney and other suiv burban places to which they fled on star of the bombardment.