The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 19, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUESDAY 2 *■ i, -TO— f Close Oei ibe Balance of drifts oitM "'** ..... _win toM 11 —| *% *jl 5800. 84. #5. SO au i s7.oo,!©tieß Your Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. YANKEE IJOODI L IN CUBA l to ftwwtMt Misto ia Om E*n of Itoo Soldi or Boj» lits am son it son NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS • 140 UP SECOND HIND SQUARES •40.00 UP parlor Organs §B9 up Sacond Hand SIO up Wins LAVS BP KniCAL GOOD# AT bottom rues*. Thomas & Barton, W. H. lUWETT, ftl Broadway. Augvcia. Ua. LICENSE TO SELL CIDER. Tat rro a I Revrnoe Crtlleeter 0*l» After AUaiua MtrrhaaU. Atlanta. O*., July 19—Th* ta* tevec It spreading to Atlanta The war tax o » followed by * ClOrr tax. Inter **) RrvniM Oolltytor Hurker baa t »»«•,! mil whole**!* grocery man bant» a 1 commission men who sell rWrr to i -f way aa whole**!* liquor dealer* S_Vme of that* roarrbant* hsv* sold i«ly a* tuurb aa one fc*ff ol cider. s!* wrrtK, during the laat five mon'ha. oth er* bare aoid only fro at $35 to S2OO a vttr. juat aa order* for It ranie In Yet all who Mil elder bare been ssaessed iVf ...r.'lreale liquor tax of $lO6 and 1 h a ditcn • awr lieen taxed ssd. lb* P I *l ly for not paying that ttx th* paat year Thu* each merchant. aelMn« rider in LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLEBWILEEB THE HATTER. 8Z35T0251 HATS any way ha» been made to pay aa a Wholesale liquor dealer $l5O. Thu United State* statutes on th.s subject says: person who sells or otters for sale foreign or domestic distilled spirits or wines in quantities of not less than five wine gallons at the same time shall be regarded as a wholesale liquor dealer." The wholesale merchants are con tending that elder la not wine. Aa the wholesale merchants cannot under the law enjoiu the collection of this $l5O, revenue tax aud penalty put upon them aa liquor dealers, thair only remedy Is to sue the collector aa the representa tive of the government. A man In Virginia rode forty mllesi to Fairfax Station for the express purpose of getting Chamberlain’s Cokgh Rem edy, and took home with him a doxen bottles »f the medicine. The druggist, who relates the Incident, adds: "Your remedy seems to be a general favorite wherever known.’ ItH effects are in deed wonderful In all lung nnd throat troubles. Procure a bottle at Alexander Drug & Seed Co.. C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Orangeburg, S. C.—Most excellent prospects for crop noted since exten sive'rains have fallen. iwSpraglTeliies MEN’S SUITINGS “NO OLD STOCK.” Price, $20.00 Up FERRIS, 820 Broad Street. BATESBURG'S MAYOR. I Tkt Dm tot tIHfl Hsi ini Itotti **■ Iks YsM Westings MMpgMg »fwM AwtiSSl Mtsttss. (By AssswMSwl Fraa* | Iff—*-irg * Cm lw*y >* TBs !»•« ’• j j IrsitlnS Befg hues MAAf for tk* SMS’- i lies at istcaAasi aa4 laws wsid.aa, psawi u 9 vary gw*w!y. Mr Bug*** R . I tnatpyp rwsafvw* if *yt* r*r mmm l sgg Ms $ *ff !*»*s* mwtrf if vtttsg. | ait of a t«w*t «f M rwM that. For* •mkgg Ik V, A tß<a ww<r4 f»t »s»Ba*,, Jeks B*tl Twwltl M, M * mi ; U$ «J. i J Jlwwf si, W. A Orawrti, 4* and (X A latKU 4*. Mr. Blag*- 1 maa was ikwdnrs kwlsnd 6*iM ke ! US4sM and Msssrs W. g MU a, Ms Hall Tow ill. M R lUlwad «4 J. I.j Ns wl worn slatted to asev* aa ward**** , (Of 090 jrflf. Much t*lsrael, was MtIMM la th* j startloa and lb* stew adsrtl la rs*. I posad of am»a of th* bwt alUsvas eg this knwa The laat atertfags aow hatag eon-1 tsrtst at Folk aeadsaay ahoui four j ml in north of this ulara. knr has* j wail attended froas (Be l-wtwning and asa doing orach good towards getting j tha people to study thetr IMblra Rev., John A. Cavglla. of Alabaiaa, la an evaogvlM of tw*aty-gva year* 1 active I experience, aa doquenl spaakar amt oaa of the beat poeled blhtlcMs that haa aver hear Hi that neighborhood. Ilia eon, Prof A. k, Carglle. ha. rbarge of the mnatc. and with hie "haby or gan" addr much to Ike lot err at of the mast inga People who are ant atienrtlsg rail*-, too* service* for year* are takla**raat intaraat ia those asmttng* and II *a hoped That mm h sood may he done. Jaut Thursday our towa waa voter talaed by a visit from tha elsrß "t r<»urt. H. A. Spann and Sheriff-Thomas If. (laaghman. -After impanelling a jury, they left for Samalr*. where the cates of & M. and tV.HIam Wratmor* land against the Relvern and Knoxville railway company wa» to be heard. Af ter one of tha hottest legal Axhts known; In Lexington In recent yaara tbs Jory| un Friday afternoon returned a verdict fur tha plaintiffs against the railroad company for s27s. Messrs Meets* * Muller, on* of the oldest and best law firm* In the coun ty, represented the railroad. Th* plain tiff* were represented by Mr. Edwin Folk Strother, of this town, who han dled h!s Aide of tb« csss v.’lih uonsusi skill aud ability. Mr. Strother Is to be congrstulsted un bis legal victory over such able and learned couoaet of tbs law. Mr. J. W Bolter, cf the postotnt* department, was In town a tew days ago looking after the rssva against some tramps arrested her* laet Decem ber charged with having robbed the Wllltston po*toffies laet fall. Mr. Hol ler has been o gaged during th* past five months trying to ascertain th* gutlty parties who aet fire to the Lake City posioffice and so brutally murder.- cd the negro postmaster at that place. Mr. Buller 1* one of the beat detec tives In the Southern states and l\e has been very successful in all his op erations agatnat persons charged with ertmeq in violation of the postal laws of the United States. A great deal of fruit 1s still be ship ped from this point and the shippers realized handsome profits from the sale of their fruit. Several carloads or melons have nlao been shipped from here recfntly. Crops have Improved wonderfully since the recent rains and It ta now (bought that n heavy corn crop will he raised. Cotton te also looking fine. Mr. Malcolm P. Harris, a student of the South Carolina college, returned te Columbia Saturday afternoon. „ after having spent one week at his old home. Mr. Harris ia one of the youngest mem bers of the college. He stood • very creditable examination at the close of the feseion and Is fully prepared to en ter the sophomore class at —e reopen ing of the college next fall. The members of the Sunbeam Socie ty gave en Ice cream festival Friday night. It was a euceees and the lit tle folks deserve much credit for mak ing th* festival eo pleasant and enter taining. OASTORIA. B»*r« the Kind You Haw Always Bought T" CHAPTERS FROM COLUMBITSk Power Company's Electric Plant—-Pay of School Teachers Cut. Columbus, Ga., July 19.—Saturday night the Columbus Power Company, of which H. M. Comer is preside signed » contract for the finest electric plant in the world. It will develop 10,000 horse power by water. The public school trustees made a horizontal cut of seven per cent In the salaries of all teachers to meet a re duction la the appropriation by tbo city council. SPAIN IS NOW II IN GREAT UARM! Th# Ctoffiltt May Hit# and Civ a trouble to * R»g«nt Any Hour. Ts )§lf A s m* and AifitnuniUoni Ar« Siijftd on Fftfich TtffHof y utt tl Cam Ue Cdtrigl to SpAMlh Tgffllory in o Sing In Nifhi. u#i«iMnnt MTcul i«Mt [ MMferiNl, MMIMMfc teWMMP*. W9K§ W [la iMMtoNI fMM 1 Hi ml 9 rgf .ai v# Y? tV lltuviMl VI [ MtoitwM (Mi Hmi (YtolNiU fM» i urn* wgkaMmhMg arsvea d arata east [•IIMtoNHHVtMI Vi KHMiy HMM HiW|to> IdHtf df «H# «if pdtoA# It'iac fHp r*#t?rK * • « larda <d* she hrfrdev. rated* adfarewt w> •he Baaffae pro* Hare a. Navarre aa* I ffetifHn m. WHrn thd» VftMl §m i» gltoto Hlf irmi rttofi hm fifffN AT ELKO. riM Uudfr< «f New» Fro** that Pwabtwg I ItH* Plate. ftptorttot to TV 9l#>rfel4 ) I wkn « C.. July »» —Mr <1 F ' pvtoni will Iwv* to4tf fw !o« , wlwnf# M Me tor#wf»i«4 to (►**•• tlo* §• t#l«w raph cifNWtotof Mr. Dukr* has • w«f» toad t*o bright liUJt bojrto, w!»o<a »• will mum v«ry much Mr Rvk«t toiwt fc»rally b*v* •**<*** fn«ra<lii in lffllt*». wli« will wt»l» \h*m UvtfY pnpilbl* itifffii ii*4 cirtst phi ifii'iit [in their t»#>w h >mr Mr*. rHrik*** not l»«Tt u*4n • wt|»l« wwokn. Mr r. B Greew l*Ft ywlrrder fnr ! g« u tug, whet* he tew urewpted win* Mi*« Lilly Price, who B*» *w*« •lan ding some ttete with Mr*- O* D. Qrsta, j ilrft on Saturday ter her boro* la Au *u*t4. much to th* r*ft*« of her m«s*y friend*. The protracted service* *t the B*p tlat cteirrh conducted by the R*v. A*- kmi and R*v- Dyche* an* suit* >»‘*r 'eatlng. A $1,000,000 STEEL MlU*. Work Ha* Begun on the New Structure *t Ensley City, Ala Birmingham. Alfc. work has begun on the H 000.000 ate* | mill to be ered*d *t B"*l*r City. It, I* to be built by the AUbama Stee l and Bhlpbulldlng company, which it hack-1 ed by the TdBNN* Oo*l »uo Railroad company. C. H. Wellmaw nnd S T. | Wellman, of th* Wgllmw-Seaver F.n-, gtnecrtng company, of Utev*l*nd. who have .he contract tor the erection of. she plant, are surveying the *ro u " d The Hemet Bolvay Bi-Product, Coke| Oven Plant, coattng $1,000,000. at Ens ley City, will go Into blast next Wed nesday The Avondale cotton mills of Birmingham, will start by July soth. The Birmingham Nut and Bolt works. and the puddling departments of the Birmingham and Gate City Rolling milla will resume operations Monday. SECOND GEORGIA RAIN SWEPT. Th* Camp so he Moved to Higher Ground—Men Preter Not to Go to Santiago on Account of Fever. Tampa, Fla.. July 19.—The Second beorgia will break ramp In a few daya. The heavy rains which have fallen so continuously for the last several weeks have rendered the present elte almost uptenable. It U true that the Georg a camp Is lo better condition than Us neighbors of the Fifth Ohio and Sixty ninth New York, having a slight eleva tion, which anfflcaa for partial dratn age. but still this far from satisfactory. It has rained every day but one for three weeks. At first the showers were light and rrfreahing. but recently there have been one or two heavy rainstorms every day. The camp la well drained and many of the tents are floored, so the boys have suffered no hardships on account of the weather. The physi cian* are apprehensive, however, and the officers have urged the necessity for a change in location. It Is expected that orders will be issued shortly for a removal to Tan>pa Heights or Ybor Heights, both of which are said to be good locations for camp sites. There has been a considerable Increase in sickness recently on account of the un sanitary conditions. The division hos pital is full and some men have bean sent to Atlanta. There have been two or three deaths recently from typhoid fever, but none from the Second Geor gia. In fact, the general health of the regiment Is good, colds being the most common complaint CASTOR IA For Infent* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of C* «£ -mm A-YTOXTBI’-A. HBTRA 1 1 In* f)y«i|fe||pt m(I *NmH* WNi%* "f%O VMMI t«. am Cat llniilJi l tiiil T>firt> -so W> JiN|» mMHHY fMVWNPWe * Ml tMiriar tlifaMßifil In To* : Umt* aa4 A«41«il» ftrin*. IV v*vott*4 la M ta mvmmmm** (r*«*«• With brdh Oftrtkvtv to« 4 HffliK DEWEY TALKS OUT TO THE GERMANS! *’l Want to Know Whether We Are at Peace or at War?’* The American Advance on Manila Hat Begun —There Will Be No Assault, However, Until Merritt is on tha Ground —The McCallach Fires on the Irene. COPYW'RIGHT SPHCIAI. CABLE. (Copyright by DuugUul White.) Cavite, Manila Bay, July It, via Hcsig Kong, Clio*. July II —(Special TV Ingram to The August* MeraJd, Ju ly 11.) —The Am*ric'M advaneg on Ma nila will begin tomorrow. | Gen. Anderson haa reronnoltered all th* territory between the Spanish nut poet* nnd th* Inaurgrtit line*, and ha* planned hi* campaign. The movement i tomorrow I* to be the first step toward carrying out those plan*. Agufnaldo, the Insurgent leader, h*» hi* headquarter* at Bnyoor. having re moved from Cavite. There a arm, to be no friction between Aguinaldo and ei ther Admiral Dewey or Oen. Anderson. The health of tha American troops Is remarkably good, there being no algn of epldemlp of any kind. j kUtij.l. The Irene Incidert. A high German naval officer, Who granted me an Interview, said, concern ing the charge that the cruiser Irene Intervened on behalf of the Spaniards and against the insurgents nt Subig bay, l that the Irene did not prevent the Insurgent* from attaoking the fepatl- I t) ft f; t*rda, bp), merely refused to acknowl edge the Insurgent flag. Such recogni tion, eaya the German, was Impossible, because no nation has yet recognised \ the belligerent rights of the insurgent#. In fact. It is the unanimous opinion In both our army and navy that the German movements are provoking tn the extreme. No other nation’s ship would act in the way the Irene did, and no other squadron acts as the Ger man squadron doeo. , i • ysatim At Peace or War. fi •» f tc > ■ ■ . ■ i ' Admits,! Dewey sent * messenger to ~V- ' IS the German admiral, recently, to In quire whether America and Germany Mw N«n» tot mm «%»* mh»bi <m mmm* «*• *>«y» * ,m '* < |2«i2m* ■* ;* tw» m« • twny- <nMk w bmmMm TV» r> gas33gitgg tJT•pSTiSmBBmCE W* Tk»» ♦»_— l_ •»*» *. «*<»V Iww # *%. <m»«y 4mHm**#p JWy ittl «*•*» I■-r- v : .;.r # ..; ... lain**. n *»■»«•!»»•» ik» nwni* -n acuat'irrxrsja iaito*- W*» a* -to! MB* f*fto»*i •Mllmi •■J ««f «»4MaB >t**W •»« MM |M»- to* Mag }«M *• ««■< "' w*l mm «* r»nw®»«**i W’-**mm £fc» » V* ••►I *s>«mil Iff® **■*• •#** f i*». *i • ,* imml Mil*mb *53 i%• iMpv | Im4 • ■ t 0... to at Ini •-*• **4 Mato fatMto •Mb «fs«> iMMAtoMakH pmm to U» jtotoMfc Jtof «*««*« •»*»». <n|b **# *• taw* I Mat M» jyf fcgß are at peace or at war. If (bey aru at peaca. he demand- ! that th* German warship* her* pursue a different eoura*. If they are at war, he wanted to know It—wo he could govan* temaalf ac cord i t,f iy. Admiral Von Diedertch returned n verbal answer, which was apologetic tn tone and satisfactory. Rut. after wards, he amt ta Dewey a note, elat ing that he obfeetad to tha Americans atopptng German ships which hsve been In the bay once and been visited. Dewey In Reply. Dewey replied that Manita is a block aded port apd that he would continue to have all ships communicated with when he desired, whether on the first or the hundredth time of entering the bay. The German admiral responded, still objecting, and saying that he would submit the question to the senior of ficers of his other warship*. The cruiser Boston left yeeterday to meet the seccntl fleet of transports, which Is expected here this week. There Is no probability of an action until Gen. Merritt arrives. The McCullough has found it neees sary to Are a shot across the bow of the Irene, to bring her to, when so or dered. THE WORLD’S WHEAT CROP Estimates From London Place the Yield Much Higher Than Last Year. London, July 19.—The Statist thinks the world's wheat crop for 1898 will be 45,000,000 quarters larger than the crop of 1897. reaching about 325.000,000 quarters. Continuing, the Statist remarks: "We think America has entered upon a period of great prosperity, which will last for years if no great folly is com mitted. We hope the Repvblicans will have the firmness end patriotism to resist Ihe politicians and refuse to al low unwise currency legislation.’’ CUT THIS OUT J* WftlA yowf AdVtftiWfhfbt Ofk iWI Wfbk, Altolbl n amount PKtaiAry to u*y for «f many »n*#r lion# mb you want, and *’ *lu»r m*S or aand it to THB HfcRALD. .* ■-*4*t •wm a« «4t «•% l|H» • ••14 M m *• w m •f m mm • «» _ #•• frS? •*•• '**%.gto*to4 Im?*'* •to- ««M inc ADVERTISEMENT coupon. TO IMB AUH ATA Ml.lfAlUl I'iaskv Inidfl tha aOvartinament writtan —>timti In your "WANT” columns, for which you will find ancloaod V - oanta SIGN HERE Rate* ONE-CENTA WORD bITUATION WANTED references I «a-| at's n j iif y i (Ywiis w )ii $ WAMTKT> ~ A PLAi'K AM fDOK ON BBAffrtoiuaii Mattie Whit*. ItH j \V A NTKI> If »HITtON AH IH 'TI.KR nr pnrtHf in »tnr» Apply Mi W«tM«r W A KTKT> —A KiPITION AH HOCHK- | I niVils m mir*# EvMrteart4 tn botl. t Apply M Waller air*«! July It j WA VTEIV-A Ill'|UX An Nt rtHfa or .ijuh. W illing to work- l«* Twiggs UIKL ur nuia«. Apply IMI TVKair gt., j WAMTCP—A PLACB A* CYtOK Ofl I !street, city* July ** HELP WANTED fl WANT TWO STB-VOtIRAPHEns. ! J yiiußC mew. to fill gw*4. permanent I pofitiofui. U i. Henry, No. 4 Library j bulHlng. July 21 WANTED A OO ATM AKER AT j once. Apply R Ruben, lt3T Main St-, j . CWlumhla. S. C. July 11 WANTED—MALE BTENOORAPHER ' and typewriter of aorr.e eg|»rl.-OCe. j I Applicant must write good han.l. State .alary expected and name reference*. I Addrea* A. J. R.. care Herald. Jly WANTED—CANVABSEai« TO SELL household good* on the Instalment plan. No collecting to do. Padgett Fur niture company. Ml Brood street. Call between 10 and U a. m. Aug 1 Tues and sat FOR SALE CREAM-CREAM AT 24 JACKSON ST. VERY CHEAP—Pls'.ola, runs. musl. cal Instruments; watrho* almost glv«n away, at Unels Lew’*. FOR SALE CHEAP—A PAIR OF young horses. Will work double or single. C. H. Howard, Jr., at Howard & Willet Drug Co. June 28 ts FOR SALE OR RENT—HOUSE OF 7 rooms an Lincoln street, in good con dition, on easy term*. Wm. Scbwelgert A*ig I. FOR SALE—A LOT OF SECOND hand doors, sash, blinds and woooden columns. Also a large lot of rooting slate, tn good condition. Apply to Ja cob Pl)inixy. Aug l FOR SALE CHEAP—PAIR BLACK young •mulea. sound and all right; al so heavy two-horse spring wagon, car ry two to three thousand pounds; also harness complete, all nearly new. Call or address G. C. Witte & Cp., Jackson street, city. Jul» 19 FOR SALE CHEAP—SECOND HAND Yost typewriter. Splendid condition. Slug, care Herald. Aug 1 Tues wed fri TO RENT FOR RENT —ONE FURNISHED BED rooom. 1001 Telfair street, city. Aug 1 FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1, 1898, THE dwelling No. 522 Ellis street. Apply to Jacob Phinizy. Aug 1 FOR RENT—THE LARGE HAND SOME dwelling No. 932 Broad street, with yard running through to Ellis street. Apply to Jules Godin. TO RENT—FR'OM OCT. 1 DWELLING 1229 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. July 24 _. _ JULY 10 j FOR RgVT ■■'»**.a*M T*t%Kljjv*.- I•*!’? t- -t ii».m mMnruvlit. AjMpiy LQ3T AND FOUND HTUATtfii IN (H H IsOT O?* ItXY tl ‘iM Hrpnl4i *tf*rf, (iftiflM yh*|ffty MISCELLANEOUS Idi’MiiKV G?nnßKiri mi- I trtw4 a $4) tyisfWttfYiy Id (W| Itfb U r*ar» «t>d up tcliffk. T\\ * I WANTnD A WAYTF,IV~IJR.4I{!) FOR tWO LA IMr.“ to IJftl#* poy, in *<sm* QUlr* Special Notices^ n'NEHAL NOTICB. ; THKS nUEhVI»B AND ACQUAINT* I ANCfcH us Mr. # #nd Mrs. James L. [ Clow and ft mil* are rrwncd to tot* umd the futi< #al of the PViHMEH [ from bis Utt* res dmico. No 2 Cum j mifii to! I ft’tlHfk TOMORROW j (Wednesday) AFTERNOON. Sl'Et’lAL NOTICE. IA SEM-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF 1 three and tme-haff per cent (1 1-2 per Pent) on the- capital stock of the Irish-American uni Dime Staving* I Bank waa THIS DAY declared by the Board of Director*, payable on demand. JOHN D. SHEA HAN. Cashier. Augusta, Oa.. July 11, 1898. Social Lodge, No. i, F. & A. fl. A A CALLED COMMI'NICATION JIL of Social Lodge, So. 1, all be laid *t the Lodg* Kooma, Maeonic Hel , W EDN'fc&DAY NIGHT, Hub iuat., at h:3J o’clock. Th* E. *A. Degree will be conferred. By order THUS, C. Willi E, 8. W. WM. H. CRAXE, Secretary. REV. BASCOM ANTHONY. A Popular Pastor Who Bids Adieu to His Congregation Today. Macon, Ga., July 19.—Rev., Bascotn Anthony, of the Vinevltlo Methodist church, preached his list sermon Sun daj- morning and afternoon, and will proceed at onefe to Columbus. Ga., where he has been given a new charge, Mr. Anthony come lo Maeon from Val dosta something over a year ago and has won his way Into the hearts not only of his congregation, but of tha entire public. When he came the church building was In an unfinished condi tion, but he promptly raised the money for Its completion, and it now stands one of the roost attractive of the smaller churches of the state. Mr. An thony Is not only an eloquent preacher and an assiduous pastor, but be is a man of rare executive ability. He has probably built more churches than any other Methodist clergyman of bis age in Georgia. His good work in Maeon will never he forgotten and while the members of his congregation are loth to part with biro, they felicitate their Col umbus brethren on obtaining him to fill their pulpit BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVR The best Salve in me world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Balt Rbourn, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curee Piles, or no pay requL—d It is guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For gala us the Howard & Willett Drag CO. L - .XU _