The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 19, 1898, Image 3

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TUKftOAV INASOCIALWAY T# ft TftaftHftU 0 t#*|nr*« ftluf., Ift f*l» ra«(iftt 4 l ynf. fli f«M»f * I Afftft* Qlvft wf to ftif «ft 4 **••#«* Aft 4 tel ftif teofclftft fttftftft Oil toll m* •!«! ftilr * *AtftA» A* 14 |**t ft#* #t f tuiftfti Bbf tl##p# ff*# liftftM. I f f rA##*ft **A» Aft 4 l**i • to ftif 4NPVftftft4ft -41 sht jftwftfft (Aft tftft. •ftite I •***•* !#**• j t ftlftfft ftl fftftwr tel#* <€»•#• ftaft •#*«#. j Mv puis*# Ift ftteftltm Is As itol I tftft* •*. Tft 114 m* I roulft wM ft JV| fK*tM IQtlf |K». •ftf’l |llft#9 1 ftftft Mi iM'ktit tftlf m(]f, B*> #hft! ftf* ftftHitW now to m# | O t'MQOt boil **•?? **«r dm ftut iddi to cnv elatloß For Dterjori# t #• 4 that thft'li At mm+ !«*• your *otiftrfttaftitkm* -jraiUß 81X>ftH8 FEKRIB Ift (A# Buffalo CflOftftrrtil y.onty to Be Eipcftdtd In Aul««U Tber# bats been ft |fti( many nftulr* let rcmremlnft tbe «§##* to wblfb It to h* pul th# noo»y roller ted to Aopiin by th* Army nod Navy UWM. and a ffit was ripmmt ’ hat it would br Ml a*ay and would do needy Aucut- j ta eoktiqi*' aim no gtiod Those in* ts rra ad in th< U)|W cto*lr» to haw it! emphatically stated that aurto monry aa ia needed In Augusta by I boar entlti-d to aaalatanea under the lonailtuiion of the league will he kept here for dia-l trlbutkin. and only what ia not needl’d arnt to in r rewae the general fund. ft !a that thia general fund j be ape-dlip increased. A letter rereived by Ilia C. H. Cohen, vice president from Atlanta today says the alrk sol diers there are much In need of bed linen, to**el*. shirts, etr. Such a long time I* required for these necessities to be supplied through the red tape m-nh ods of the government that many of the live hundred wounded in McPher son » barracks in Ailanta are on beds without sheets and pillow cases. Member* of the Richmond County Auxiliary of the League hope to great ly Increase- their fund by th? lawn parte v hich they wlSl give In the Court House g-runds next Tuesday afternoon and evening. Thli entertainment Is to be on quite a magnificent scale. The grounds will be brilliantly lit and elaborately deccaated In the finlted States cokrs. In the afternoon games and amusements of all kinds will be arranged for the children, and In the evening ft promenade concert will en tertain the grown people. Delightful refreshments will be served. There will be no charge for admission. Much of the continued success of the Augustiv branch of the League depends upon the efforts of the vice presidents who will form sub-committees to branch out In all directions in new forms cf cork. Marriage in France. The future marriage question which ia being discussed so promiscuously in current literature, not only serves as a target for the tiresome “new woman Jokes." but is receiving the serious consideration of thinking minds. The French marriage of today has been se verely criticised on (his ride of the At lantic. especially in Its dowry feature. The selection of the husband by the parents of the wife meets with objec tion also, but there is something to be raid in favor cf It. French parents generally having the welfare of their daughter at heart, which Is only nat ural. do not think of imposing on her a husband for whom she has no pre dilection. A girl cf IS in France, hav ing a very limited experience of life. Is apt to be deceived in her estimate cf men. and her parents. with that knowl edge of the world which time alone can give, guide her In her selection. Besides, there are other considerations. The family ties are stronger than with us and the daughter can no more en rating herseif from father and mother than they can of scoavating themselves from her. The husband from (his rea son Internes as much a member of the family as if he were a son. This causer? them to exercise prudence, lest he who proposes to en*er*the family may dis turb its harmony. Surrounded by such restraints, and a social calamity as an elopement with the coachman is rare. One of the most object 100 a bio features of the French marriage is that it is »tetet ftMi lift tuft ftftftfti ift Wfcft tw* ft* *ftft f | F*Nftteft ftl# Iftftft ‘tel [fffitoMteto* ftl tftft ftp* *# I# ft# #■##• , Ift* ift# ftftteftftteft ft## fttftteftftft Ift ft* ’ I I tftft ftftNiftftft ft#### ftMP# ftftftP MM* ft#* I [ftftftftftteftl ft ft###### tm ft** ftteftft t#' s | j *4M ft tftft tftt Ift# tftft ftP 1 ft* fti* I fft#i «ft» ftftft-iMift ftteft** #• mm* |, ftftj lift Hum fttet HffW te #**#% ftft ftft tft I IMtffftfttftl Cm IHftft. | Ift H*tft'*> (Mm fMDtftPMffi ft! I til## teMfctf iff ffteftft# ft'lft * j IM ffMMff ftf #f *te * ‘te I dftftftft ft## ♦#r ft r*s* * t ##.*#l s's I# ft IHr |l!ft. M -ftXk Hfttf- WI Ift ill* mm Itft* U # Wrtftfti Mitel Htetoft M•• * I «*...mi »|.,s II «# M: I# 9( it Mm# Aft* I Tlftte# ftl to# lllteMttof * | > Mlftft (Tftifft" M'#ft (If### IteNift* ftl *ft* [ fir film Iteftftif Mlftft fteft# TftltMPftfft# t Mtoft RliaHt* W**ftftMft M* ft 1 U | ' ftNif Ml Iftteteft# Mftftten Ms Mptete* | 1 9t**%t#. Mr H#t*> lust Will* #ft* Mr j ilterftfttft m«Htok Mr Aiterv llftll M* ? rtete# lift## Mr ftf ftVrrNi Mr Onil AUtete m* n»rteF ct*k Mr Wlttj rr#«i#i#ft Mr Bifttetef MMlftteteteA* ftlr . »14 *- ?n MMr vftr\# to “ ft* _ »•% w■ ■ u M | 'al»wl m A ! laA | u>4 Mr Hfwry lUmiwood Tat kv - Mammon J A m*i r,*g* of *r**t aortal MuM *»j that of lira Haiti* Raoniror HiaaaJ mi Mr Htarr Taylor, »khl* Ukaa j»lar* lfc*.a **r»t»g at 7 SO •* th* Ural Hapt'at rlimrh paraoaa**. tb* R*v Or . lama na Ramtat oArkMlag Mrs Trank Harrla hJ» r* nr nr.l from Alb tot. Mra W, It Flyoo ia vltltlng rrtatl*** i ia Oravelorra Mlm Anal* H««!»nd la vloßlog rela- IMvea la Athena. Mr*. Curie B«>tTy la visit teg friend* on lale of Hop*. Mias |j*ita R* .'acids ia suiting Friend* ta Boynatoa. Mlaa Helen MrMnrphv la slatting ; relative* In ChtMtnooga Mi*B Halite Goodrich ha* gone to i College Park, near Allanta. I Mr Harvey Card, of Pert Royal, ■■pent yesterday ta the city. Mrr. Albert Martin and Mlaa Emma Dunbar have gone to Virginia. Mr and Mra Bte”e Russell have re-, turned from a vlih to friends in South Carolina. Mrs. D. B Plumb and Mis* Ro*a Plumb will soon leave for a visit to relatives In Rome. The Misses Ashley who have been, vlciting Mra. Duncan Jones, have gone 1 to Sullivan s Island. Lieut. Quiting baa returned to hia rompany in Macon, after spending sev eral days with relatives here. Miss Josie Stay the left today for At lanta to be present at the marriage of i Mrs. Ella Raines Tupper to Mr. George cams, of New York, vhlch takes place In Atlanta tomonow. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Another great discovery has been made and that too by a lady In this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood Its severe tests, hut her vital or gans were undermined and death seem ed Imminent. For three months she coughed Incessantly and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption and won so much relieved on taking the first dose that she slept all night i and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Luts. Thus writes W. C. Ham mi, k & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot tles 10c. at Howard & Willet’s drug I store. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Every bottle guaranteed. THE WAR (10E5 ON. No Cessation of Hostilities Till the ( Winter Sets in [Special to The Herald.] Washing.on. July 19.—Several con gressmen who have held a number of conversations with the highest govern- j ment officials declared this morning that they hardly looked for the csssa-, tion of hostilities until the winter. They ( understand that the attack on Havana : will not be made till the end of Oc-, loiter. One Hundred and Fifty Converts L. McConnell closed the revival ser vices which he has carried on here for nearly three weeks, last Thursday eve ning. The large tent In which the nn t ings were ire Id fell Wednesday might and the last sermons were held in the Methodist church. Mi. McConnell preaches in a way peculiarly his own. His thoughts are original, his illustra tions dear and forcible, and his ser- , mens are delivered with an eloquence and earnestness which seldom foil to bring sinner’s to Chrisr. About 150 con verts are the fruits of the meeting just closed. - SPAIN'S PLICHT Remarkably Frank State ment ot Chinchilla. Tft OM b Bnp( *c All || Will re*l>»»ie4 If Dm. a«4 'P|*»r4 If It Pant L VMfldl tM Ibv l«H*d M«»r* Ptwi Iwm am Tm »**•**. (T, prnghlM My epwrUM mM* | lily Ift Ore Clilftcltftlft. n !.t#»y cortfft l # #1 ftlfttof *4 ft pnftteiftr rrurcftt i#4 piteiftty Hit fttit ftittnrf 4 .f %fr tel ftvrl Ite foToftißl ffftftft i'll# # «• n« tte ffftftftftffttft roMltoi ftl **Wft irv trrftdtft# th# • a tetofOte,** declared Ike general, from which we i* an certainly that mmplhaiton* will not ari*r. Should peace he signed the matron teat* will nlllrui that the condi ! (ion* are not botuwabie. and take ad I vantage of tha opportun ty to atir up, , }f not a revolution, at least detnonatra- I mn* of which it to impossible at prea < nt to foresee either the extent or the result. “The rising might become very ser ious owing to the introduction of po liltleal questions and the probable union under one flag of the Carllats. republl rana and socialist* against the present regime. On Mtc Other hand. “On ihe other hand, if hostilities with I the Foiled States are continued the ! Americans will carry out the project jef bombarding the Spanish eoato. It is possible that in less than a fortnight I (heir fleet may appear before Csdix. Certainly we have ptephred for such a | visitation, but can only prevent the; I Americans from landing In Spain, whereas the shelling of our ports *.ll > lie a terrible dls&ster. Peace Negotiations. "J believe that peace negotiations are far advanced, but not proceeding smoothly. The United States condi tions are unacceptable, so much so that a successful conclusion seems to roc to be far off, unless intermediary powers sueceeed in overcoming the difficulties. “I understand, but do not affirm, that Great Britain is in an unoffleial way representing the United States, behind | the scenes as it were, and that. Austria is acting similarly for Spain. Great Britain.* Position. "Britain hopes to be rewarded by a bite out of the cake, such as the crea tion of a port at Tarifa, or an exten sion of territory at Gibraltar. Britain does noihing for nothing. As to Aus tria. that power has consentod to de ■ fend our interests, owing to the rela tionship between the queen regent and Emperor Franris Joseph. “There is another black spot on the horizon, the possible refusal by the Icortes to ratify the terms of the treaty |as agreed to by the government. Then the imbroglio would be indeed com plete.” He Has Resigned. "Do you know if It is true that the ministry has handed its resignation to the queen? “Probably within a few days, if peace negotiations are not successful, the res ignation of Sagasla will be officially announced, fn that case a new cabinet iis ready. Its principal members will be the Duke of Almodovar, Senors Na varra. Montero. Rios and Gatnazn. Mar -1 shal Martinez Campos will be appoint ed captain general of Madrid. The new cabinet would be liberal, and would be a government cf liquidation. The clouds ov<=r our unfortunate country are dense. “The terrible question is where and how the storm is going to break.” SEVERE STORM TN TEXAS, i Dallas, ha., July 19.—A terrific hail and wind storm swept over about a dozen counties in northern Texas trlbut taiy to Dallas, doing great damage to grain acid cotton crops. In Bosque county John McLain vas killed. In Johmson county Joseph Dalton's house I was destroyed and Mrs. JuMa Rucker was injured, it is feared, mortally. Rock Hill, S. C.-We have had fre quent rains. Crop looks well. AUOX3BT JL 3EI KRALT FALLING > MANILA Word Expected From Dewey Any Moment. Kt 4 ts Uto rtiiiHiitP* i iMptlxi ii BaftteA \m ttyirtMHt l.N&t F*r Ntv*| Cvrr) Hair. I II to Fsrfty Mkito I* »e*kl*|ts* ttoal o*4 apart Aon Ha* IW*S Atogaa Utiwisl la TV Herald ) torask Mina. Jaly If —TW navy 4a psMsartit to baarip nprtiii «w»n4 rterta Drary that Msaiia fa* faitoa. IN PHOSI’I,ROt S C KDIil I. \ not tor r Rank Open- la Ql% a Has Proper Facilities. Cortocto, Os.. Jaly 11. The apsami {of lto* Noylri task here add* asod-r j , insl.iiitlnn ta Cttdrl* totls-a ms-1 i rvr n* Tbs rim oo of a buatd nt 41-j rd la thr rhonalng of all of Forttoto t most comprlvnt and sarcraaful buslasas men John li Kyata. druggist. Hon Sam W (Vary, supply mrr bani, Hon lU. V Whipple, lawy r. Dr. Tho* W. Baber, physician, li C Draper, whole sale and romtnlssloft mer.’bant, R l iNr I Ison cotton merchant and l-ankrc ‘ The People's hank occupy Ihe stand formerly occupied by lbe Naval Store and Lumberman * bank, which went pieces here In April. The new bank ia organised and will be operated under whal is known all over Georgia as Ihe s to’ltham banking system. Mr. \t. S Wlfham will t>e the flnanrlal agent of the bank, juat as he sets for Iwrnty odd other banks In Ihe slate. The contest for the office of county solicitor has not abated in the least. Five active candidates will ask the bar and people of Dooly county to endorse them for the appointment. When Col. Candler enlera upon bis duties aa gov ernor, five of his beat friends will eon front him for Iht* yppoiutment. Kx- Scnator W S Thomson announces that lie will not be a candidate for the of fice. and that the suggestion of hit. name wa* unaiithoriied by him. The remaining eandidates are Col. D. A. R. | Crum and W V. Harward of Vienna, iftol* J. T. Hill. W. H. Dorris and 8. R. Field*, of Cordele. The fruit and melon crop through- ! 'out this section turn* out to br larger! I than expected. While large qoantltlea have already been shipped away to the] northern and western markets, there are thousands of It yet to be disposed I ■of. Melons are selling for two cents i i,m the carload lots. The melon *bip-| | per# And the market glutted and prices going down. Thousands of melons will he fed to hogs and allowed to rot in the i field, as the farmers claim that the price they are offered will not justify Übem to gather and load them aboard I 1 cats ready to ship. ma BARAEOJE IN FORSYTH -■ -Bud” Bla'ock Made a Fine Speech- A l J leasant Reception. Brooks Station. Ga.. July 19.—A bar- 1 bccue was given at the river Friday and quite a crowd went down and spent a! day long to be remembered. The after-1 dinner speeches were exceedingly good. | Hon. A. 0. Blalock especially made I line talk. The occasion was a complete success jand was enjoyed to the extent that ere, ; many weeks anoihifr will he given. Friday evening tbo home of Mr. anil ! Mrs.. Stark Hand was the scene of 1 much enjoyment and pleasure. The oc- j caslon was a reception given in honor] of Miss Horn of Forsyth. About twen-l ty couples were Invited. Delicious re- 1 freshments were srrved. The guests lingered until a la.e hour, and to their genial hostess expressed feelings or de light. and pleasure for an evening so thoroughly enjoyed. Misses Sophie Steinheimer, Posey and Sarah Lynch are spending the week In Atlanta. School opened last, Monday, about 90: pupils being enrolled. Miss Read, quite an accomplished and , pretty young lady of Carrollton, w.ll assist Prof. Hutchinson this term. Mrs. Mat Camp and daughter, of Dal- ] las, Texas a,re spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Boykin. -our customers say you moon fact lire three of the best remedied on earth,” said the mercantile firm of Haas, Har ris Brim & McLain, of Dawson. In a re cent letter to the Chamberlain Medi cine Co. This is the universal verdict- ChaAiberliiin'fc Pain Balm Is the finest j preparation In the world for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lame back, qutnsey, Sore throat, ckts, bruises, burns, scalds, pains and swellings. A 25 cent bottle of this linimentitn the house will save a great deal of suffering. Buy it at Al exander Drug Seed Co,, L. K- Barr* of Bell Tower Drug Store. . 1 Gov, MacCorkle’s Endorsement m-m w % ft###* -# •*# * M#n#«k •##» ft# «mm» •# Ift* tnwft ## I •ft li ill ww n lap##4Mtoto lit ft# *ft ft# Ift* tew—ftet m i rnmmmm** ft# 9m mm ft* ft *# -jjSk 4: % m l \ * A nP* Daft ft A ft> fti###* *i ft •# i‘«cft# r*%#ti*?t»* ft vi,teftft ’ft, tte* A# • m ft# Jftaft* #ftft Cft.v ( Wfttftftft •. 0. j <«Mft tvif * V**i rv rft ft# a# • I lotto. I* aft* m*ll#4, ft#4 Ift ft . ; ftaiftWaf aft eft##* ihit lift## ni#» i*4*f on oterftftUti it Imm hrftft *•#! fc# rftlarrli. or ftftt 4>*#■*# *M4» ft#* 1 lift nhfio to Uifti ftoltej, 14 hft* ft##ft | oft f#>«i h*t*(K IS* ri na lift# *»» I Hrftfty nrrotutirnlil iiift. ImiUi ft* ft tttto I •ft# r*l4.rrft rfotei W. A MftKOIIKt.r a mm W ft rmififßl ftft4 tottoh lift# nrv for tetor# It te purvli vtyvtol# ftft4 #«rV* Ift tiifftiftft with j ! ftfttov I #. Ail «lr«4ftgrtetft all 14. M AMINO I Rill TO TXRKIT I norm,hi* shipment* of ftootgta fcactocw l» North and Waal. Savannah, tia . Jnty If —The tim* ! gta peach crop ha* *,arred to market • with a rush Saturday the Central ’ ru-limd bandied IM cars, the prrvioii* day 126. and on Monday If 1* ronlldenl-, ly expected by Ihe official* that there will te 176 carload* of- fittlt of tha flneat qualnty started toward tbs meat marl- ta of the north and areat. So far tha return* from Ihe large .elite* have been quite Mtlafaiioty to l the grower*. The only danger Ilea ia an ever*!orbing of the market* A glutted market is thoroughly disheart ening. fruit or vegetable* sometime* not bringing enough to pay freight and rommiaaiun charge*. With Ihe erup of nurh superior quality and *o abundant I .■ this year, if thl* danger ia avoided the peach grower* will lie in fine fl nam ial shape at the elose of the season. The crop of Deleware and Maryland doe* not come into maiket for two or i three weeks yet. and this gives lime in ] which to handle the great part of the .Georgia crop to advantage. The Geor ' gia peach, like the Georgia melon, ha* !an established reputation throughout the entire country, and is everywhere j recognized a* having few equals and no superior*. The Central'* official* are manifesting ! a very decided interest in the market- I ing of the rrop so a* to ensure Ihe best | results, the management realizing that I good return* to the shippers are neces sary to encourage the development of this Industry and the cultivation of other fruits now coming in prominence in Middle Oeorgla. KANSAS TRAIN ROBBERY. Two Men Get S4OO and Kill a Farmer Who Tr!.-)d to Stop Them. Wichita, Kaus., July 19. —The pas senger train on the San Francisco line was held up and robbed at Andover, a I flag t,lotion nine miles east of here, on | Saturday night, by l>vo masked men. Four hundred dollars was secured from .the expires ear. One man pointed a six shooter at Express Messenger Davis. The otbet walked over to the safe which was standing open, and took out two packages of money. About $409 was in the two packages. The m. n then l-acked out of the ear. They es caped In the darkness, but not before Donaldson, who wns standing on tho depot platform, hnd tried to Intercept them, when the larger of the two men shot him. Then they made for a thick et cn the east side of the track anj rotl. - - away. Donaldson then fell,upon the- platform and died In n few minutes. A crowd quickly gathered and a dis patch -vos sent for help. Deputy Sheriff Duncan with a posse left at cnee for the sc’ne. The agent at Andover said that the men had been hanging around the deoot for some time, but just before -the train was dun nt 9.40 they loft. From his description It Is Frllcvod that they are the same men who held up the tcaln at Danville, Kan., -the other night. Their horses, guns and descriptions tally. One Is short and stocky, the other tall. The agent was nearly hit by a ball which crcashed through tho window. The tali that killed Donaldson passed clear through his body. The robbers made no attempt to go through the passenger coaches. Officers are hot ts ter them, but up to date no further n* forint; tioti has been received. ENGAGED TO THE SAME GIRL. The Two Men Settle the Matter with Pistols. Percy, Oklahoma, July 19. Near Cloud Chief. Newton White and Wil liam Yarbrough met lit the house of u young Wo!tu:.n each was engaged to wed. A quarrel ensued end the young men walked outside the gate and then fought with rdstols. Both will die. Comanche, Tex.—Cotton is generally in a clean condition and growing fine ly* i. . k.,-' “ ‘ -t-l *’al t .. . THE FUG GOES UP. Caimenera Surrenders lo the Americans 1 fate TltotlH NftottoJl MllPfl U) Diti Ytoir At•». ,TV I lit* Spiti"lt fititoat Uaftttl 1* Ntw Ovn* .Mar* aa4 Airfare Ovar Cal. (Iljr AiM»flftltel Ptto* 1 flftftfttf tttHT. fta tetftfft 4ftl f Jft'f l» Ctoffttftftftf* Ate* Tte j ff|>#ftl*A flft# ft ft# fcft«!#4 Aoftft j 1 Alter t*4 irr*t»t*fn« k ftt« ftfft ftftft l*#ift|i { j miiV fur tlr forwil tr*iftf#f tef tte titjf io tte 4ftftlc»<ft fftoftf» i ftlitiftttftiMl* AfiftftlftA ftoMiftfft AftVft ift*4l s tonftfi (Arif ftrtft# CClftAI AftftAf#4 ftfft j 111 ftft4 WftAl fnr ##f t lr#. TA# fftftAoftf I Aftftdonil I# *ivi>*f)ii (A# i*fif## e*Hur*4 j 19b# la a as-rvireattie lit! to warship and , I baa to re v«rr an Ire Capt Mrt'alla ] real lb* rratovr Marblehead'* lauarhj .to Vrrtoia. lb* fort nppssiu Cat are*- j frflrnl*y r#(#9'ftuOft. I or mat Notice. The officer ta charge *»»e formal not ire lo the 8 ■aniah rofnindcr to sur render. giving him four boor* to com ] ply with Ihe order. When told lhat Santiago na* In poareoakn of thej Americana and that General Torsi bad j yields' lo the I’nlted Bistre th# whole) ot the end of Ihe Island, the gpaa ardt 1 hantod down tbe flag. The Spanish officer* were warned that they must not destroy or damage any of their i weapons. They were told thnt they would not be treated na prisoner* of war If they tampered with the gun boat Sandoval In any ay. The arnlan applied also to buildings No arm*, ammunition or pitblle building* In !Guantanamo or Calmaaera were to br damaged lip With the Fl>g. The stars and stripe* 111 float over ; Guantanamo and Cslmancra and the I American troops 111 be In poersslon of the two places today. It was arranged . , yesterday a.tcrnoon to make formal I transfers of tbe buildings and arms at] noon. The Spanish will march out,; ; and atack arms whlto our troop* will march In and raise the flag with ap-; proprlate ceremonies. COTTON IN HAWAII. Efforts Likely to Be Made to Stimulate It* Production. New York, July 19.—Efforts are like ly to be made shortly to stimulate the cultivation of cotton in the Hawaiian ; islands, especially of aea (aland cotton. The general soil of the. country meets' perfectly the requirements of the sea] Island product, and tbe climate la cer ta.nly as favorable as any In the world. ] That, too, being the cotton of highest l consideration in the markets, It Is the ■ specY'ti to which the Hawaiians nat urally direct thrlr entire attention. ] One of the best experiment* at sea Is- 1 land eolton raising in tue Islands was begun Sept. 1, 1896. Tlw» seeds were; deposited In the ordinary garden soil; of Honolulu, and the plants cultivated j in the same ay ss a field of cotton | ould be worked in the South. The hills,! or stalk stands, were three feet apart each way. About tbo second week In January, a little more than four months after planting, harvest began. The yield In ght was then an aver age of over 10 bolls, or pods, to the stalk—five times what Is, in the South, considered a good crop. Harvest con tinued until about March 1. In the meantime new blooms and new pods were constantly appearing. DR. ANDREWS RESIGNS. He Leaves Brown University for Good Prof. Wheeler to Succeed Him. ■providence, R. 1., July 19.—Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews ha* resigned his place as president of Brown university, his letter of resignation having been received by the Rev. Dr. Anderson, secretary of the board of trustees. The letter, while not given out for publica tion, Is a brief note addressed to the corporation, saying that he resigns In order to assume the duties of super 'eitendent of schools of Chlcogo. The resignation is to take effect at once. A special meeting of Ihe executive com- | m it tee has been railed for today to consider the matter. The general Idea seems to be that no definite nctlon will be taken looking to the selection of a successor to Dr. An drews till the regular annual meeting of the corporation In September. Prof. Wheeler of Cornell seems to be the fa vorite candidate at this time, although the Rev. Edward Judson and the Rev. W. H. P. Faunee of New York are both spoken of. The Rev. B. 1,. Whit man, president of the Columbian uni versity. Washington, is also mention ed . Dr. Andrews was elected president of Brown In 1889. There has been more or less friction almost through his en tire administration, and his resignation is received with relief in many quar t*r*. . JULY tft STRUCK - m tm FACE. The New York Herald s Account of Incident. TfM ft Psfißl#t» ft IV Kite lUthtag. TV r.atN Offtfii Hi* A«»t Prn to* i'aftf*. | tl# I arca4 Htmavff la Ova bbafivr •ad Mapped Hl* las*. .•penal ta TV H-rat 4 l j New Treh. July IP --la r#**.4 la tha ! Ptoaftot'toccVrl buitt. *kkt area 4*44 .at la Jrretetd**'* 4s*a*-rbaa, Tha Nvw ! Varh M*r*l4 has iht* • stmnly afire - i a'rlrek Orerral Pbaftvr rrechssl his : headquarter* »■ me* hat fatigued hjr litre rtedkn of the day. ha< -sceadlogrty well aaliaftod. ta fart, the capr.ula im *aa road acted gtarefully by hot** *,de* The only incident nht, h marred tbv day *■* orwaalooed by the conduct Inf •ylvester Pcovei, of The New York World. When (he time came to rats# the flag flmvel attempted to a»k* hi# way ta Jbe roof of the pal ace will* tbe Intention of participating in some way in tbe -eremooy He waa ordered down by the guard. Immedi ately after the ceremony Acovet pushed hla way to Gvoeral Ithafter and *lap ■•ed the generals fare. He was very l-rumptly »rre*ted.” SEIZHD THE CABLES. No Wire Communication With San tiago For the Breacat New York. July IP.—The government ha* seized the cable* of the West Indies sad Panim* Company at Santiago, and , no ciitmtiuoVkllon via Jamaica or Saa #lll V (ftlowed till further no m ; _ ' J*, ; On Rag Carpetings. There Is so age of progreaaton in rag J carpets, as In the more elaborate wirka I <<f life. One may even go Into the .mountains and learn many new things. There the old women, who for years J have been carpet-weavers, no longer sew their woolen oand cotton strlpa to gether for their rag balls, hut follow an I Ingenious method of sitp-knotting two lends together j Cut the rags In strips 'about one-half jlnci* broad. Knlp near each end of each strip a UttM slit or opening large [rereugh foe % rag strip to slip through. Place the sllta of two strips to lie Join ltd one over the other. Take the oppo- I site end of one of them and pass It j through both silts; pull the loop to- I get her gently a.ul firmly: then it holds ]as thread never can. The mountain eers of Maryland use thia plan in prei ,’A<nte!tY> the viWtlme style with satis faction. Extremely pretty tugs for the hath room are made by htvvlng Italia of whlta cotton strlpa woven upon a blue thread. These ruga should be three yards in length, and have fringe at the blue thread at each end. They wash easily, antff are very pret , ty. ond quite repay the trouble of cut ting up all the old bits of white cot ton, which would otherwise descend to the rag bag. But all these simple fashions are not to he mentioned in connection with tha beautiful “catalon'' made by the weav ers in QMebec, They manufacture the most beautiful and 1 artistic carpets or hanging* out of cott-re scraps, and It Is well to know, now that there Is so much travel Into tbe Queen’s domtnlon In summer, that the Quebec weaver* will work for » trifling price any quan tjty of colored cotton, imto beautiful de signs. It is not necessary either that, the cotton goods sholl be prepared Into strips for them, as there is no nddl tlonal charge for cutting and piecing out the balls. Quebec also makes a specialty of silk portieres, and Its work ers take the utmost pains in their com binations of colors. Rag corpentines have been called native American ta pestry, and sometimes in out of the way corners one comes upon an unex pected display of native tnste.— Har per's Bazar. Webbs Lodge, No. .66, F. & A. ,M. Augusta, Ga„ July 19. 1-S9B.* - A COMMUNICATION OF WERR.9 Lodge will he hfltl ill the bloc Room. Masonic Hall, on WED NESDAY EVENING, 20th inst., at s;t'o o’clock, for tha purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother James L. Gow. Members will lake due notice. Brat firm of other Lodges cordia'y n T *Bv oroer” E. 8. McCREAKY, W. M. C. E. COFFIN, Secretary.