The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 DIE ftUCUSTA HERHO t)|t) Jl| |lnrl «*MN* a***#* «*» J '«•»***»*’*** *5 t«#** **»*•■» -«**«►* i»*r IHHffYH ■ «*«***** , , #*g «r«*4K A****** «* *■■'»••*•****• ** ! Amt—fa HnaM, Aw#***# tlCUAit* WW'**' HjjirurT Mill ton *<•» * 9^*990 k» ftopMMMMi ■■• v m-.. CMt #n**«r“-l*'4» ***. * ,ra *** t* -* Mas* _ __ ■art**? mmHm-***” 9 *” m VOCWUJL WNI» »* ** Al *° ta **•* A, **~ ~ 4 **?!*—£w—B~Al »to **#ta4 ; m * »*«*• *r« l* **—»-AI U»# ••*»*• " I, (MrtwM-A' »*• , ifc* ; ° ,y A :,* h J W _, r# ni fitit Iwm* »»*«**• lyiM **!«»* **" •**• T** •*•* £•*»■”»«* »•*•• Im . WATCH VOI R LABELS. Th# «*•fi" I'* 1 '* ** ,r M **T £ rv'r.T.TJ^ ai iii Mir iHtoi #%f**rr» y ti ( < u and aaad ta >'** f ,t | tarn. ~ at ull tim H» ••* <*•'« ■***• , *“ r pear! / Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. • . - n. H*r.w «»r«r •« aRJJ • wnn <4 pH#*# I«r «»E *«"** !#■•»*!* wrttt**» from #n t.a •*»»«' H**-ri. ™*** *‘ r tr-r, «nu*t t* p»W**»*<l «n° rr • w ,m *» ptaW'*. ■**•* <h * .sties* fc». <*“•«* '♦*• » h<l * *•* rt— will b* »übmii««*l t« * «>»* p. tent and Impartial " imni '* lulls* lor Ih* awarding “» prises Th* real n»m* of «b» vrltn, aa wall •• *•*» aom '* moit M '" # Mirr H#fl l» tur |UWHtt , *>l'i for tb« ffarpo— of Idaa.inoa tin*. . , ,i Oe*M #*♦•"*» rouat ronflri*' th*ir Irttrra to a rraaonaW" Coal*»tar»t» <aa write a* many tellers aa they trial* *° r ,he aiiao hot on# eont—tan! ran win only ona of lh# prla-a . The Herald want* lira, sprlgM ly. r-aaipy «*»*"*• •*V 1 ’!’* i. , prlaaa will be awarded for the I brat, moat intereatlna and meat P > readable tattara of Sumroei Ke ■ort Newa. Contest Opens June 1 5. Contest Closes Oct. 1 . iron THE BEST UETTEn PS »° FOR THE ll> BEST I.ETTER-... JS OO FOR THB *I» BEST LETTER,... &’ W THE HERALD IS DELIVERED IN THOMSON, GA. Every Afternoon at to Cents n Week. Prop e Postal to Frank rseal, Agt., Thomson, Oa. On lo St! John of the Rich Port. New York atate esteems her troops |1,600,000 worth. With tomorrow comes the Confeder ate reunion in Atlanta, Commerce follow* the flas, and the Sag has struck a quick step. * • • "No seat, no faro," as a street car slogan, ts spreading rapidly. Watson, the commodore, now wants to knew where ts Camara at. History still stands expectantly. Was It a mango or a cottonwood tree? Soon there wilt be nothing left for the army to take except a vacatton. Toral might as well come on to An- and play push-pin with Cer vera. The Princess de Chtmay Insists that she is not dead and she Is an author ity on what life Is. “When Governor Atkinson retires from the governor's chair there is one thipg that will ever be said to his cred it; 1* distributing the patronage of his office he never forgot his political friends*” says, the MontMuma Record, («U VW* WWW **»•*•» so * ffUtt MW** MfcMt 'IMV a» «4*». 1 fMMi ww Ml afpAAMI mRI IM |S**4 * * i •%* oMV*w> bf SMmMMI ■'"•l , * # I *, t * ' lj S' ;l ' H I* *»4% **••' *• *•'= | ««tM* •» H* In* (A* mW «sP**Aa***wv ■ way fa a*%aa *a> a*aa ••• h** *A4w* tM #MO*S «f »*«♦ smM «MM*y M'S* I <M •* * fwww**» Maw* Mill sAaH a*a IIMI fCMWM taMwtffeMMi €Ht i MPI i iff Hilt *. *#♦ WlffBMT li mms fjgi.OTtiri lif ti# •#*4* Ml iHf ll# ff«M inffttif m«» i( fill *«l •ft* wa #a a*t sow aawas Emm amne hfaaa ! raw# «mMi a*t a as ■ w.wa »•< a pa* Ufa* M but «p «a *A# aaapM’wt hah I* <tN»a*i*w*s «f A* away aad MW A» •isihaa swfivw la a Aa* *<• 1 1As part a# If* NBaae* as A* WMa ta aaM Hsasw w>»a Re bat *4 ewaafo •ArtM awtAnds ara MaafAsasa Ws has* aa Nfraa* *a oßt ft* if* takfaitlsa «f lb* paal- W B ***** ahi* ; rally pnssibls to mmk» IA table »l«*lo« I ropar taAls It ami* Asctttas m la RicA- Ls .Bd roaaty; for awe «A*> l*i«a»H» i in fewftMMMl bl b*** **■ | srn»pU* Vo oootrfMt# to VM corf**** r«ada by ah* A Mtta wrr* rat*»*. W# haws ant bias ta aay ta rraard to ' those lataaltlsa of thr yaat rwtft that I ifiy aswaf aaass aevar ays In Tha pa rity of the balb-t ataat hearwfnrth hs j a Pwt and ao* a phraaa Ta tha beat | of oar ah I illy aa aiuat wahs atcatwmi : for tha past. tb*a ao oar way aad ala I no more j This Hi lbs arntlatent of th* comtau | aity and aay awn atm darra utaprr with the ballot bsrraflef will ta aa*a | owiity dealt alib by the law. i There la bat oaa way to hrtna shoot this coveted reform Ws must all oalta (la a demand for while primacies, where f the will of the people caa be fully and , fa fly expressed sad candidates chosen ! whom all can tnppart with a clear eon {science. Tbs court house bums meeting has ! served Ha day It 1* doomed. It la an i wire preset) tat lea makr-sblft, a combi nation of folly and fraud. The time to begin our reform la now. : It will be a gr.evous error for the next election to be held except through tha , white primary. We hope that Chairman J. J. Rough- ty. of the county executive committer, | is in cordial sympathy with this reform. We feel tars that as the representative head of the white voters of Rlcbmotid county he will respond to their wishes and aid them lu thr movement. Ws trust that at th# aarllsat possible i date he will call hla committee together ! and arrange for a while primary to se lect county officers and legislative rep resentatives. There ts no time to lose and the mat ter Is of paramount Importance ANONYMOUS LEI TER WRITINO There ta one miscreant abroad in Au gusta who Is courting trouble If the efforts which are being made lo catch hits prove successful be will find that malicious slanders, at once baseless and base, cannot he circulated with Impu nity, and that when they are circulated from the cowardly ambush of anonymi ty, the offence becomes doubly execra ble. Tho strong arm of the law will he Invoked and he will be placed where his "disease for writing” will be effec tually cored. The fact is that there must be more than one of these craven slanderers, unless be Is possessed of a fund of energy worthy of a bettor cause. Cer tainly the number of his victims ts targe mid, like death, he has all sea sons for his own. The presence of this anonymous li beller has not been generally known, for naturally enough tho recipient of his Insulting letters, who are ladies, feel a delicacy m discussing the matter. But It Is lime the facts were made known and that a chivalrous people may unite in demanding that the ven omous social serpent be hunted down and disciplined. It Is an outrage which innocent vict'ms have suffered in silence too long already. There is no manhood or gallantry in such a reptile to which a manly appeal to desist ran be made. But there is no doubt an Instinct to take care of his own safety which may respond to a warning. TBH AtrOTTOTA. HBBALD $y m ttt HMW t§* Mb^if' i p r'Bftjiwf |§# t§ "■*#>* !•«€* *!»*■ * iHMNI min lift M * It* *##»»** HI ? *«» Mum *** s*+** •• I iimMMMI' It* |i iitllWNß *h|W'l Mi 1 i# HfM H li #•*•*•»**•% |Mf tin Ml*" M* Ml Mi HM M* §** *% *M% l i <M# IW ffPHN* 9 ; qpm m |pgifMf> Mfl MMM **"H | *Ml l bm! rtnifi i|rt «tt» M HI HNINI iM«t fiM 91 MftollMl iMIMIM Ml |Hip|l r > (Nil V'M w* M *# lii (ft is# Hit Hmi 9fpi> ml ppa*i*h g*fl a>w» "ha«**T *• «f*a ' has hswa *■ MMsh h»r»t4»4 fir I t Aadsawa ha* *l«Nd mm'*m*A« sf Ha ChAvMa paW* | Mhuois. as (h* IwShst I* ra**4 Th* taOefS a**a Rvwrtll a 4vM «H araiMais. Hi* Huagh Rlltw havs 4l»- I ripafd tkdt p**|ad»a** agala** daa 4Mb Tha tahsit# foAMtag as Tnr*t owe Spamtah Maortaraii* tha aa***aMiag ot lha Rqpaa waala to dlacaaa tha e*»- ring of a turbot They say that Laa la halag *av«d for lha narrh oa Mavaaa. Ha haa aa aa ia|ow*i with IMaaco aad should ha I allowrd lo hasp it tdaat Rlsadln. who ha* Jo*t «#d a* tha result of lajxfln focalvsd by tha biowlag up of tha Mata*, was a brother ,a Mrs. W. W. Bahia, of Ooiumbua. Th* frlead* of Bdltor Whit*, of tha MrlHifta Journal, ana glad to know that ha I* raaovarlag fro** hi* rsrwat 111**** aad will *oud b* at hla poM •gate. , , Bay* ths Birmingham Haw*: "And ; now th* Uaorgla paparv ar* rlalmtna Schley for that *tatt bacausa hi* grandmother a ralatlrs* ones tvuldad la tisorgl* Whal th* Oaorgta paper* don't claim 1* not worth out af ter. Editor Pleasant A. Stovall, of the Savannah Press, waa In AuguMa yes terday. Th* Pres* I* making a great many Improvement* and under Editor 1 Stovall'* magic touch haa become one of the brightest and newaleat paper* In the South. The Colombia Register haa entered the evening field. Of course the even ing paper 1# th* paper of the people and wa> only wander that Hip bright Regu lar baa been so long In finding It out At any rata we now extend oqr contem porary a cordial weicoma. One* mpra It la reported that tha troops encamped In Florida ara to be moved to a higher latitude. In tfila connection it would be Interesting to know wbat the commission thought of Augusta as a trtte Tor one of the camps. Our own opinion la that It is unsurpassed. Percy Broedccker, 10 year* old, while walking in hie sleep at his home in Mount Vernon a few nights ago fell from tha roof, a of thirty-five feet. He struck a tent In the yard be fore striking the ground, nnd when picked up, waa not only unhurt, but still sound alseep. Perry Belmont can now be seen dal ly at Camp Alger In the uniform ot a major learning the art of war on the staff of Major General M. C. Butler. He takes kindly to his new life and though he Is entirely without military experience has plenty of energy and practical common Bense and a knowl edge of the fitness of things. Judson Lyons’ name will shortly be in the pockets or the bank vaults of every subscriber to the national war loan. As register of the treasury, ■ev ery bond of the Issue must bear his name. On the coupon bonds It ts per missible for bis name to be engraved, but ba must with pen and Ink sign ev ery registered bond of the lot. There will be 40,000 bonds of the registered class, hence the register will spend some weeks in piguing hie name. tap *wat«****ft M*ai*B fiftMli tfti I M (Ml (PWftW#'«i MIVW M MmM I f iMmHI Mill #M#MhW*» M Ms (Mt | r.r« JttmMj ■ *4 tIwMV <mWI MMWMNI #*M 9% | [ m m Mmi ul m! ! tiiMMj MM MiH t** 1 M **** u ||ko |h| tig a I#* fcc - m gtM mmw - T M Smiv* II iImKS ’ ICJI J Mi mt WllflH #1 rrrtNl C*t ! »•#•*• Mii MctlMfijl ** ft #«Bl t i *.a Pw. i|.. a .so Iffihriufa to I hattav* that <h*4r gaaaar* hit aay thlag hat lha Mite. Hava Cavalry Hare— Art Prapart* Pm Waa. A waa har— la h—a.w ta ha r*»4y Brum n rtM# V# lisa Tl*#® in rnfMMl | t*n f fc. VMNnfff nil imhiM* Ihpi hh #n pin t*g m . <9«i nm «*f"rpin(| Itaall daring lha hasrn's fain* a*rag gl—. Hot aatll he ai*.i* hacli aahaux •d, nil a-tnmbto, and abswtng tha ■MM «< hi# eyaa, da— Ua* pfoial pra<- j Uca r— A flat lata aa thrv* leeaaaa of t IMs hind M la cnaaldered aafo t« n-ant him wRh a brldl. famlahad with a rar* Ml t’p ta this time th* h«ew has aavaa foil a curb Tha light anaf fta Is Mill retained. aa»d lha card hmdla M o*l> give* a gaalle pre—ara at Brm. jam rß<>ugh lo let him hnow it la thara OraduaUr tha mrvagihof lha pull la Inrwi.aad. and wlih IhW —f guard tha hart M taugld to atsod Ora from hla rldef'f pi*t <4 or rarbta*. In —rhtna praclkw th* horn# irm*l he thoroughly broken, aa both hands j ar* r*aulr*d In uetng I hie w*a|«»n. , * hvreas with lha plaioi tha rider may I mala lha bridle with ona haad ~ Th*« cornea —hr* prncllce. and that Is snot her trial ta lha hor— Again la he thrown lo th* ground, and whsw lha bright Wade of lha aabnt, with gulr* thrusts dashing bafor# hi* ay** and rutting the nir hi eA»* proximity to h!b ra, appear* ta him, be t* again tarror-atrlcken. A Railroad Cat. Thousands of people have heard at \ the railroad dog. which travel# ao ex ' tenalvely over .lha country and really seems to know a* much about trains aad lime-table* as a railroad ronduc ' lor bo—, but there I* a rat In Colorado which, alth'ugh not aa famuua aa iba dug In qu—lion, I* certainly remark able In tta fondness of railroad riding. 1 It was the pet of the wlfo of the en-' glneer of a freight locomotive, and now It accompanies (he engineer on every trip that he make*. When the train hs# to make a long wait at a station, the cat go— off In search of ■ mica, always returning when the whis tle sounds, and at some of the junc tion* where numerous trains meet It la quite a pet. When the engine ts rnnlng, the cat ■lt* In the cab nr on the coal, and aa Its fur la jet black Its beauty la not greatly impaired by Its grlmmy sur roundings. Pussy must have traveled many thousands of miles, for It has been doing duty for several years, and haa never been known to tpi»* • tr^p.— Ohio Chronicle. A Belfast i Me. i Lady. A Belfast lady recently picked up on the sidewalk two young yellow birds that had evidently tumbled out of one of the shade trees on High St. The birds could fly byt o short dis tance. The parent birds were not In sight, so the lady carried the neetlinga home, a considerable distance away. The young birds were left loose in the | room. Next morning the parent birds , presented themselves at the window of the house and made loud calls for their | young. The window was raised and the old birds entered the room. For several dnye the window was left open and the old birds passed In and out, feeding their young. When the birds become strong they were liberated and their parents took them away. Buttons For the Girls. A well known button maker Is vir tually ''coining money” by making up ; enormous quantities of brass buttons , such as are used In the United States j army and navy and sending them In big boxes to the various camps and ship- ! ping ports. There they are bought up tin large numbers by the enlisted men who have sisters, sweethearts and friends, who anxiously Inquire In their letters for "Uncle Sam" buttons ond who are not satisfied with two or three but want at least a dozen. "The girls don’t think what they are about when they ask us for the but tons,” said o soldier boy the other day. "If we were to send them oil that we got we would have to pin and tie our clothes on. so, for that reason, we buy and send them the fakes." CABTORIA. Bean tks Ha,a ® ou o lt %s r ITHE TELLING OF I FIB. iMMNi MMMMt I «g £ MMI " • MMM! lift* Mm ta*! Mr Hmm l# • yritttt|4 j Vi# 4 I 1 a— a rflMfl 'aa A* eaajeri. hitfwiH it bp a go«* ,V taU baacb was *■#—hlwl aa tN Ifq* a rar i* tb* aw—lag #ar* «f tha] t<**>r*ta Har Aaaariatloa. wh*a this q—t—i Hi *ibi— waa a*lra sg to CMef j—ki Mauaaa* [ -I refer >.<« to Jagg# t-Mpkla th* [rhalr—aa at ih# roauhtn— oa ethic# " —ig h*. Mail sag J*4ga Laaipkla'a reply wa# prompt “T——id he. “It la lawful for Nam !j*art to g» that. If ha ahoald stick ah 'eoletely to the truth th* vaawlta might | ba atry glaaat rows * Whaa tha laugh at thla —tty had aahetdag Judge Lvmpkia wm asked [ * hr' he* It was permls—t»le far Hr Jaa— to ds—lrs a craxy maa. "If that'* tha question." —ld he. "1 | should y unhesitatingly that Kts lawful Writer* oa moral philosophy ink* this paaUloa and I caa gtv* you higher authority for IL Whew the Lord told Samuel to ahaolat Saul, the prophet aatd h* would b# kllleg Th* I/>M fold him to take a heifsr along and —y that ha ram* for th* pitfpoar of Faking a burnt offering " There wa* ao dl—ewt from this •opinion aad n ih# judge* amlied ap proval of what Judge Lumpkin had L. J.aLlfj ! Judge John W Akin, president of 'the Georgia Bar AaaoMatloa. was about lo go to the meeting whan th# qu—tlno wn* qpbmmad to him. Hr amilad and said: "Peabody. In hla moral philosophy dak— the position that R I* right to deceive a crazy man." Judy. Parry, who was standing neat by, said that It waa justifiable to hu mor n drunken man or a lunatic for the purpose of protar lion from hla vio lence. , Bishop C. K. Nrtaoo, of tha Episco pal diocese of Georgia, was asked what he thought of th* moral quality of Mr i Jon—' action fn stating to Rliwe that .Ms name was Porter, that being hla 'middle name, but the statement haring lha effect of deceiving Rise# aa lo Mr. Jones' Identity. "Wh*t was the condition of the man?" asked tho bishop. "He Is supopsad to be crasy." "The answer depends on that. If he la craxy the statement la justifiable. It la perfectly moral and ethical to de ceive a craxy man.” Then Bishop Nelson was asked: '‘Suppose Mr. Jones did not know the menial condition of the man. but went there to find that out. and to as m-tain whether he had any motive which would' lead to further attemips at violence?” "That Is an entirely different ques tion,” eald the bishop. "It compl'eates the matter. I do not see what Mr. Jon— waa there for." To Dr. TV. W. Landrum, pastor of the First Baptist church, the question ask ed of Bishop Nelson were repealed. “The moral quality of that state ment depends upon the intention," said he, "and that depends on the con dition of the man and the object for which It was made. Mr. Jonea may have made M to find out the mental condition of Mr. Rlsse, Just as doctors In examining a man to determine hie sanity often make preposterous state ment* to him for the pqrpose of eye ing whether his minil is capable of de tecting their absurdity. In that event I should say tt waa Justifiable. If he ! was there to find out If the man had , eny motlvo for further attempts at violece T rather think it was Justifla ! ble.” Mr. J. G. Oglesby said when asked the questions; I don’t think Mr. Jones told a lie. What does the P. in his name stand for? I do not think Mr. Jones mani fested his usual disposition to plump the middle man. I think if I had been in his place I should have said: “I am Samp P. Jones, the man you tried to kill; what do you think of me?’ Then I would have watched the effect of the question on his mind." Mr. T. B, Feider said: ,r i don’t think it would be permissi ble for an ordinary preacher to do that, but It Is for Sam Jones." gliiijj. A NEW LINE OF , Straw Hats ghipptd by mifUki amt must bg hold it once. VOUkS Half Price DORR’S “Good Taste Apparel." 718 BROADWAY. Aids To Coolness Our soda wilt de mere l n» you off sad brae* you up fo.-> ip. utber oa* Utog Don i bo afraid mdriak all you want of ll—if* potbcily pur* sod whouanuo. as wail tampting so l dalteous. Ail th* puputar fl«>,>n. aad many sncturl— uorw Family ticX*<* 1 f tor 15c; its for I Mia. Pretty T«eth, Bound Go rot sad Fragrant hr—lb. t'ss uur Ortealoi loulb Wash—3J can ta Cures Prickley Heat And cl,*Bng. Menntn** Boralrd Talcum Powder, (th* g -nutne J Has! fur to* loiiel aad nursery. Reliable Turnip Seeds And Ruts Hogs', Beans and ■ll other Seeds far piaiiUng new, oi<a'ia*glcci your gordsn. AlemderOrDi&SefdCo. tee broad ar. The Whitely / J Exerciser. ( \ *ry A practica!, slmplaand Y efficient Home Exerciser, Vt* * f,\ oiiespicisJly adopted for jri ladies and children, but \ f\\ »i th>* saru# lims can be JKfYTIi. V ' profitably used by the strongest stblets. / |\ Juft\ \w, rRICKS: / Jl toy 7Sc., »i.oo, »i sa / ] BICYCLES CLKVE- I LANDS, 140 up; VIK-I | V INGB, *3fi up; GKN-I l \ DKONS, *lB up; THOM-1 LI AS, *BO up. • 'all and see them. Every one guar- \ I anteed. 1 J Richards & Shaver I DOnT nOlWlOdsys; Dakota officisUnd JBJOLUH « Bufiding* DITOBCES l^u.tWVTr’S: FOE SALE, Hallock Cottage on Monte Sano- A new cottage of 4 rooms, Pantry, Bath and Kitchen. Two Lots well lo cated; high elevation; long time; 7 per cent interest. CLARENCE E. CLARK, . Real Estate, 832 Broad Street. JULY 19 TURNIP SEED. m:w cuov .sv». I ***** pm Mwrfftwi «»* iMfmty *$ *9 trttfKNlftPft T*f*,iji P«r>it ts! (Iff ftiito ##*M A 1 ’ a» . «• _ _ gfo — f ft L. A. (lAKDEIJ £, Wuiftf ftftl M| tot ft, • . ill l#9i lm. ►* v PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7Ui Si.. AwjsUu Ca. ,■ . •fvt* mrc m Ttsrs ** a <**«Kte t.dut. ,»*'••*• »»>" «'»«»«■ mm* WmM* «k.» tnun nM ate ywu fciw wide fee wmi. FREE OF Cr.'ARuE, HAVE Tor* Clildni's flair Cat while tne weather is warm HICKEY’S BARBER SHOP Aten u-e HirKKT « MAOIO UAIKAUM (or til* li A tii. For Sale By All Druggists. GBRI iIEP/IIRS WCi U iVJ SIWS. RIBS, BRISTLE TW INE, BABBIT, 4o. t FOB AST NMCS OF MS. ! FNGiNES. BOILFRS AND PRESSES A I'd Hr pa|r» for •»:»*• Mi»rilag, i Belli a*. Inject ira, Ttpe#, Vaivee n,u I Htn&g*. MAID IRON WORKS 4 StPI'LY Cl), AUOt'llA, (i A. HAVE ARRIVED AT PORT. A large cargo of shirts, the sixth ex pertßi .ii New fork, to Augusta, has just arrived. Dollar goods, with two colters and cuffs with each shirt, to go at 50 cent*. Our shirts are so popular they won't atay with u» and we have to dispatch weekly for more. Tbes are the best of the season. See our patriotic suependera, the talk of tha £ own F. G. MERTINS *34 Broad St. - ,<if You Want to Make Money. Move In the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.' "> I 50UND ADVICE FROM A SUC» ‘ CESSFUL FATHER TO Hls ' SON STARTING OUT IN LIFE. v ADVERTISERS WHO US* THE HER-) ALD G£T RESULTS. * jr ri{ „ •. imr NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.! Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St=TeleßH^i&&.3 s 1 mate Erased Y> irss Biiect to New York Chicago and Near OrUuna. Orders executed over our wires for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions fur cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold Reterences —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A H EADACHE Land's Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO.