The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 19, 1898, Image 5

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TUt&DAV A glinct though our *tock of Lfedlm* Oxford* rav#al* th« fact that w hxv* 2.000 pair* of th#*a fina Shoe* that must be sold In sixty day*. Regular price* are $2.60* $3.00 and $3.50. an average of $3. It** no job lot. They are clean, nice •hoe*. Every pair up-to-date. You can salact any pair of Ladle** Ox fords in our store for $ 1.98. There i* absolutely no reservation. Willhn’sMCo. 846 Broad Street. $5.00 FOR $1.98 THE NAVY’S GROWTH. Tit Strife* if Om Tnt Aft nit*- In I*4. TIM MafcaHf •» the tea »**«*•« f%#oo» TV *rr»«n «t tV Miy Ml *m+ pmr V pf r «ii> I*-; ; * 41 n ’> TVt Jtuti i«im| l if (V Vimab et •*»!. In jAiiMrv |Vr* AjipfeUt t«> havt InJ sis (ti" W&flT, In (V fi in ’*■? Of Cm Mlm month* tfa or V* tltn •*« r * *• tk# mv| 141 ivlihHui til"** un4*-r cAMirvctlcn. TV Inert**# •me# that limr tut Vot 114. tnHudlnc Iht «>wl< of th© r»v#n»© mono, an* »*>» Im ludinf tb. iml «*rt of traasport* which haw born »e©*r*d by tb© wor 4er*rtment. by charter **r purr ha** At the btflt.mni «>f tkr )»w th-r* wrr«> many retired ufftrer* wi>» dUI tint tipH't to he uain uHI Hi the navel •a-rvtre T day there are 142 of tfcoa* aervtnv on *bdre duty, aa they are not railed upon to go aboard ahlp of per- July 1. a hen the rerfvter waa aent to KSn SmXSrSXSrZ has bffi'Ti • captain. Th* adva/vo©- ni.nt of C. C. Alllhon. fem" NonMcant cotnnmnd.r to commander brings IM ward D. T»u**tg to IM lop of ih. Ilcu t.nai l oomiraadw llat Th. war haa n«t nutdo advamnemml rapid, to a cry f.w offl«ri. moat of whom are In the Met of cap tains. But the war Is not yet ocr. FOI’HT WITH PIBTOLB. Mr Tucker Has n Shooting Match With a Desperate Negro. Sandersvllle, On.. July IS — A shoot ing scrape occurred on the Lawson place, near Ocoset, at a lale hour yes terday in which Ficyd Turner, a ne gro. .vis seriously If not fatally wound ed. it seems that Turner, who Is a dcepera'.e character, waa raising ron ■iderable disturbance on the planta tion named, when Mr. Turner, who has the place In charge, appeared on the accn.-*. whereupon he was Immediately made the large* for a 44 pistol In the hands of the negro, who fired three shots at Mr. Tucker lx fore he could bring hls weapon to bear upon bim. The? negro then h!*l behind a fence and emptied the remaining chambers of hls revolver and took to hla heel*, followed by the shot* of Mr. Tucker, thre of which took effect, one In the arm. one In the right leg and the oth er In the back. The negro at last ac counts is In a precarlout condition. Mr. Tucker eecaped unhurt Strength Isn’t one of the necessary qualifications of a shoplifter. FOR SALE 10 Counter Show Cases 4 Upright Case and Counters 1 Table 7 Counters 6 Wall Cases nu ST BE SOLD AT ONCE Wm.Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. THE YOUNGER SET. - TV) «i* Makltg Vrtal Ll* Lively •t Vi)mVa few Ml htws-Thllsn Is sm4 I row. the City. tfipeo tgl «• The Heeald I Waypeal* *it>. J uty t$ —flhtt fee th# I nafer •■ 4 ever eg* ’he e'ert (• fa $ I *r Irftalfticentl St the hemt n? Ml* J I *if grgmsif A Hu at Aeftlghtful eve- j .. |w« eras »» #-•*>! » t * 4 ’<l* ni - y * <tiit <r lxf •ftey vatr'i dainty ratteen* 'infill a #ae aeeved ahe rn! ' • I ’ lihie t»>atff-1 affair tram* Mtee Delay j I Horn Mims Miss Mill.* Jw Hurst. Miss lirsshr May Kiidls*. Mim Uwi* less limy. Miss rsoni* Grwhxm Miss Msy yui-nsv Mlas Thao C»s. MV. Anal© M> k-n» •*. Miss Daisy Mutti Mr. | HI mint psrry. yr Porter McCsihraw. Mr. Crsr *utss'V. Mr Mlrh Wi.rdHsw, Mr. Mefe. Bsrsisw. Mr Kafn Hurst. My. limrs Brinson Mr Harry Mims. Mr IVb \V * th.rshy Mr Millar Byna. j II r |v>uataa Attaaay., I y|r. 0. H- Joeaa left M’mday for At* Mr Memilt r Blount and Ills* *m- Imla Catea ar* %-teitmg their aunt Mm. j James Oruwetl *t Tift-in Mlea lui«y Rmlth a«d Thao Bve, two at tractive young woman of Wadley. are * tft» ffueets of Mlea Aftnh* M< Kensta Mr Orty Qtiinnay and hi* rlwntilfig 1 1 y.ung ststar. Miss Bawsta, last t<*dsy It > visit friends In Atlanta. 1 Mr Cartrr Hurdetl. of Augusta, but formerly of this plnca. was greater] , ninat i nrdl.lly by hls many friends bars , Miss Cnrlnr.e T>i< klrscn last yesterday ! 1 1.. the family of Papt. Rk-hsid H. Mtlledge In Atlanta Prum there aha ,«11l go north and spend the rest of Ih# j summer. V- I. *• OAMTO/TIA.« a. A Thg Kmi Tw Him tisin BMfHt AN ABSOLITE FAISEHOOO Dewey Did Not Mire Rngllsh Ounnerg For Service at Manila Washington. July 19. —Cap*. Croam- I iti.'b-'M, chief of the bur/mu of navipt tiun. said, when hls attention was ratt ;rd to the allegation of Cunlngham 1 Graham, in the British House of Com . mona. that Dewey won beesure hls i gunners were- Ungllsh sailors, "deror ; rd" from Britlah ahlr*. that this was jan ‘infernal falsehood.” and M \ Crowninshleld added: "I am perfectly | willing to be quoted aa raying so. Ad rairla Dew.?)- or any other admiral hna Ino fund for such use. No bounties ! have been paid In our navy for enlist, j men of men since the civil -var: fur j thermore, we have never been obliged jlo call upon the Bnglleh or anybody | -ire to show us how to shoot. If there Is anything Americans know h( «v to do without Instruction from foreigners It Is to fire straight. This has been <J.-mon£trated on many occasions.” Captain Crowninshleld has Just sent; to tbP treasury department for the prize roll, which m»v differ slightly from the muster roll. But the reports of the bureau, when Inst oompllod, showed that of the 2.84 R petty officers In general service, forty-eight per cent were native born and eighty-three per cent were citizens of the TTnlted. States, and of the 5.840 other men In general service, fifty-eight percent were native born and seventy per cent were citizens of the United States. WHILE THE WAR LASTS All who march, walk or stand, should shake Into tbelr shoes Allen’s Font- Ease, a powder. It cures aching, tired, sore, swollen feet .and makes tight or new Bhoes easy. It absorbs moisture, and prevents chafing, hot, smarting, blistered, sweating feet. All the regular army troops and navy men use it. Vol unteers in hot climates can’t exist, in comfort without it. Allen’s Foot-Ease is sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Samples sent FREE. Address Al len 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. OBSTINACY ABSORBED. McS watters —Why are those Spana i2rds so stubborn? McSwUtters—l guess It must be the result of eating mule meat.—Aiken Re corder. .j —a—u—. GEORGIANS EIITEO. | i lira TWaX* ii l» G«n* u r*ti« kim. th, *V« "lab w»t t fe #■»•« •w. wr*» «• IV N*l» M«-«* CVMSNSW *••*. a- VA* | t*n» Omsa* 1 * Nat* v«w*»wA *•**•*’• , ||mi ipfpiMlHii fMMl*w<t*ta atpnßliiiiiAi Ll «l m wrps Btvaxaa f» H>*igiNlHNl- •• INIPN* HkvVl. ofl% fly* . ItfMAP bM tlmpl Ii Aat •*♦*» i*** ■ | «y| iMv •• Nl TM*4 $• I i%£t H Viii IMVMi M* Hi tit# Hbßl. Btbffg I fti*fe Ip ss!»* m>» e**eU*Hl IIMMIf ml ’ lip* IMRI BtP IHpPtPg PI iW flßf PPSMgai, If PHPW ftKlMMlf bP iplplll IP la# . liWilMlf#* IP 4PPIP PWPIP aliewOp# IPPaP H lP# BfP • t IP*# Tl*f IP | [ IPg *# apnea i *aa ww p* • *»*»•# “““ ”- . tplpipM T%# PPltta ragHpapi I* •*** j la* f*g IfApal pga Vw*** af* pas |r |MP*i%IP I^. Th. ni«rd wf Cv I V CPtVPftMNM* WUtofP H<w 4 PIV* p*P AWftppApf. 8&. Mpr» iVmfPpy K mab m *M**Pli ffr-'P lofgp t- t glap lpm*t ltd Kpmpp ipp^p itrgvapl J If Nplppp CP. I (*t AltmPl Ii r arty Ipg • |ril4 PiM Hbirp |m fctfear. Col Thomas M • i ppp (Atiifl ill ibftNkgP lit lilt Psf I until It 4|l Pt Tifplp. MB. Jp*l ip* Ihfelanp ilto tin«>nsi> Pi* fp* PvY-fsg * .. t s •«•! it tof vism (Pa IPVOI I* p . f..tin T Ilfuia ii Co *i i Cn li t b«a siwWhml «A-fl 1.. fTffjtfd )i)f>ir «irrmu Ft I vat' Job a Adams. Oa Ih sick i wl«* cholera iwrtitlA Uwut. Thom*. Co I. haa wiw»«l 1f,,, Maty having tva at Mae>n coa ! erln« P 'from r 'h ” 1 liars'and ir«^rtc , <l jhere Wednesday. Privatca Baldwin. Lyons and Waed. ico D. are bark from the hospital. Cn. D hna not a single a»rk man g, eg, Uiwcntbal spent today In Meat Orayaoa. Co. D. visited Chat- J isankgs today. jtcrgt. J. B l.lndman. Co K la serv ing tha field oHirers aa stenographer. John Jc.rdan Brooks. Jr.. Co. K. la I detailed as *iv-rial clerk lo the adju tant. W*bb Brannon and Chisholm. Co. {K. have just aarv"! «*lrtf-al« hours | on no ©ptwopt. The boy* of Co. B. Ossyrgla artillery. 1 ar* greatly exerriaed over the o-port I that some of their mem tiers werr re- I rntly arrested by a provost guard, 't harged with holding up a train to the j park »a printed In these columns. It j transpires today that » was not mem hers of a Oeorgls battery at all. but members of an infantry regiment who represented UwTnae.vea aa Georgian* In •order to shield themaelvea. This o*l! be grateful news to the frlenda of the boys at home. Bug'or R. R- Wa’ker waa sent to the division hospital yesterday suffering j with measles. • Private Fred Drees# left for home last night to attend the funeral of bis brother, who died In Savannah on Saturday. Pour recruits arrives! for the battery today, leaving only a few men needed for the full complement. Rubber ponchos and a full supply of thoea for tho battery were received to-. day. All the battery needs now Is Its guns and the men are beginning to think they will not get these. The batter has Us Irorees but no guns. Ottior batter ies havp their guns but no horses, and | naturally there Is a suspicion that; there has been bad management some-j where. Privato A. J. Watt* lies been dis charged for physieil disability and has , gone to hls home at Griffin. Sergt. Wakeman. Coip. Shearhouse | and Privates George and DeFour, who! have been in the hospital suffering; from malarial fover, are convalescent and will be out In a few days. -j DEWEY HADE PROTEST. German Admiral Apologized For the Actions of the Ir ne Netv York, July 19.—The outburst between Admiral Dewey and Admiral, Dledrlcbs went much further than has yet appeared. The Irene incident was \ only one of several which Admiral | Dow-ay interpreted as menacing United i States interest. Admiral Dewey forth- j with delivered to Admiral Dledrichs ai written and strongly worded protest! with an intimation that he had felt it Ms duty to refer the matter to Wash ington and await the decision of the United States government. Admiral Dledrlchs’ attempt to cover hls retreat. In the case of the Ir.cne by an apology left. Admiral Dewey un moved in his determination to take a grave view of these German activities, activities which are exactly such ns would naturally follow a decision at rived at in Berlin to seize one of ihe Philippine islands a» a coaling station, the choice of the Island and the exact | date being left to await the arrival of Prince Henry at Manila. All some women talk about la—well, about eighteen hours daily. ■ THU AUOUBTA HBRAXD. — mi R • HakiN* POWDER ftmtuxr Nit «**♦ n—min mmm* m*. «e» mm PRETTYWEDDING. llAfTtAi# if llfatt Alt Catlrf I*4 Mr. B. K. Rianr). 4 l-f-usMl #«*4 f«M Mtstle, m At** at UfS«Ht« WW. fcai wiart*#4 m i|m» Imim* *4 tim luff* wl HHmI fflSllH# H«t Otitf* I* KnUM. In IB MMtl fj, f# ~n |La ts;ls train (at iMr *f* M!#•«*# «N»rrtv nt! r»*tf. iof Aufuit*, (]*., era yInIIIrc *1 ih' ’iMM us tbair groi)<lmot«*>r. Mia C. K. ,flan, Or*** aliwl. * M!«f Liti><‘ Courary rrlurnttl cm Sat* . unlay from • t«o *t*fka viiit to rrla 'tlvra In Columbia. 11-r frUmla are cb*- illlthtfod to hava br asain In ibair m uUf. i Mtaa Adrla Bhaw. of Hlrmtngb am, Ala.. aft«*r a ideoaunt aiay with tb* Mlaaee Flail, left la*t week fnr Hutn rocrvllle. *. C. The Hlawi T.agu.- »f NVwlwrrjr are .visiting at tlwtr un.-le'a. Dr. 41. A. Toiue, on Cottage »tr«*l Mlsa Mattie Dyke* of HUrkville Is enj-iylna a pleasant anjoum will, her ount. Mia. ciartauw Puw.-11. Hh,- ha* nuny frlenda In Gnmitevllle. who are wlwaya ready to give her a h.-atty wel come. Mr. ft. K. Platt, a popular young Mli-imaD til C'.ialu-ry & Hunter’s, at Augusta, was tn town yesterday clrcu- IgtVig among hla frlenda. Ml«l« Willie Bflle Munnorlyn of Au gu«!n ,1* visiting her friend, Ml** Nellie quleby, Mrs. K T. Johnson and children and Mrs. M. M. Heard n left a few days ago for a two wo-eka visit to Mrs. J. T. Poster of Greenville, i Ml** Lillie Hall«nK“r will leave In a few days for Atlanta, where ah© will spend aome time with relallvea. Itev. Mr. ilalleng-r and Mr. J. L. Qu.nby attended a meeting of th* dis trict ronfen nee at Columbia last week. Mr and Mr*. F B. Beaufort nr© !enjoying a ih-llghtful visit to Mr*. Beaufort'* porenta at Athrcia, Ga. Ml** Hattie Now by le t a few daya ago for a visit to her old home at Mc- Cormick. Dr. J. J. Selgler. of McCormick. Is In I town on a professional visit. The gome of halt Pet ween the fat and lean nines nttro ted quite a large crowd to Ihe baseball park Haturday after noon. where they were highly amused. At the end of th*-' fifth Inning the game stood 24 to 14 In favor of the fat men. The tie*'* of the depth of Kev. J. Walter Dickson cast n gloom over our community, lie was for several years presiding elder of this district nml had niu-nv friends, v ho sympathize deeply with hls family in their bereavement. Ti.- Infant child of Mr. nml Mrs. J. Ih. Temple* died yesterday ond will be burled nt Wards this afternoon. the WELLfTAN EXPE2DITION Rxpetlences of the Explorer En Rout/: to Greenland. \ art Joe, July 19.—The steam whaler Kridjof, having oa board, Mr. Walter W-ilman and the member* of his expe dition to Greenland, arrived here for coal, having left Solombola, a town n-'ar Archangel, on July 6. The party | rails northward tomorrow. I On July 11, In latitude 77 north, 170 ! miles soulb of Franz Josef Land, heavy j pack Ice was found. While at Arch angel tb9 governor of that place re- I fused to allow the Fridtjof and a Span ish ship to sail on the same day, say ing he feared the hostilities between Spain and the United States would cause an outbreak between the crews of tfc.* two ships, although the Span ish ship was a trader and the arma ment of Mr. Wellman’s steamer only consisted of a harpoon gun. This is for You. Would say tc all my numerou* cus tomers that J have returned to tho city, and.will be happy to see each and 'everyone. WiU.glso add ttat l will be pleased to »e»~enyone suffering from any form of scalp trouble. Let me heip vou before too late. Call on me at the same pfc/oe-825 Broad street. “5 MRS. SMITH. AFTER THE LIQUORS. !U*b Ttet Hit* ton b*fe il Ttcrta*. A I*4 |M omm # Hs*e •s« »aa (NafwA jSgMfMtJ t* ¥s"* t ;,**#•* I tb»#» \ $a I ■-’"•a as a t #* wat ts* ; raa t*MI «*i'o ||t« *4 •*»«• # Iqt- ■’9 $ : !'*« te# ||fep p-jf tumrir ■■■<4 ■ 1«* *.«■?# - mI übiMaXi ibM *aa («|n*h4 bf lit j «t ntbm Iba bUgMIf Wfel j | «bp Bfi.Bbaf - Ml Hatt la Mfet*# | (fvAavff* Im# lb# M»*W| ll#*f WIMI I Ila <tki* sprlkavi at Iba #t#ia If# b#a j !««»••»<(*« Lite *gb| WNb • . a Mt , n lljuf a# || I Mb fbiluHl## aa*lllim H *•* • iWBi t# *** * ball tram <*M lb* Yrblb* -few. I ibair •frtval a# Iba NIM |ri***4f Pal uf4af avaabag **a«ir » Mwf i Tba bat luDBiM fla# tt«»a ar4 Iba Afte v lira aflat« aMb 9b*.. It. I **w*li. at • A t , Va«#» Innc |rrjifl ft Nt* fltrH trrf'ir l«»N* h f rc ,»**» »»,f p a«ta fat abwa«l at tba • %"«** «it Van* *'?*•#. Mr tlwrga riii>*%»V« ll#aP • "* I Kiri U m t**m>y la att»«*4mg Mr 9Va ! u 1 i„u Morria It vrry abb at III* !«• x'ii- ip atipmlint bar Wa at# pi«**fd to not# (hat **ur fianala Rrd*t, la son# iPiirf iWmdfel mrrtin* will atari ««f »l c'hlM Apt Kg* hunday R-v. M w 1111 l wilt twin Rev. W. H Knewr* ’ in tbr Rir?lbf ; Tbr rounly »ampaMrn ta marine vary nkMy. Tbr numbar fef rvinditlaiaa **b,» have afiß f *ui>Y"a*t la far baboasr lb# I number that baa brntufure ruti ! nitig for rttunly oltl* m**ai rtHi* [epkmotia flffuiv lb Ihr aaifitmlpfi la Pan* •lor Jbn M Hall. nb« la a car,dl*tf»te for Iba Inaialaium*. Mr. D. L. Iba pre*e«tl rmmty fiUijrrintt'ndMl of ttuciOon, haa no of»* l*< .alt lon Mr, D. H Wftaa, who baa ha** coun jiy au«lHor f«>r tb' Ixst tbanty yaara. ! haa no opixwltloii. Tb** xsrmrat « >»tM of tb** * ampal|in will Im* beta ~fi Mr. J. 11. Wdam and Mr T. I*. Kiiliurr for rtHinty au|M»r vL»ar. Tbta la a pretty fat office, and {both of tb eae yentl*men would like 10 hava 11. It will ha the fifth of Aurtiat before Ihe happy rarnpalffn party reaches our lou n. HEPMZIBAH. The News That Come* From Our Neiboring Village Hephxlliah. <!».. July 19.-Ml** Lil lie Lor.»dell. an atttactlva young lady from Harlem, la In th© village. Mra. W. H. Baxley. Jr., dreett’a Out. la vtalttng at the rMhi.-nee of Mra. <). U. Huah. Mra. Kfigar CVorkott, MrDeau, I* vis iting at th© residence of Mtaa M. 8. ICv ina, two ml!©* aouth of th© village. TTj© protrarted mcctlpga at Milton chapel. Blythe, conducted liy Itcv. F. D. Cantrall. aa*latc7 by Kev. W. I. Delph. I* meeting with much auctcaa. - The protracted meeting which waa ito b 1 gin at Hopeful church Saturday ha* been postponed one month. Itev. Jack It Gun, of Macon, preach. «d two fine aermpns in Hop»*ful church Hunday. There waa one acceaaion to I the tAiurch■ j Dr. W. H. Bexley, Sr., and Mr. Samuel R. Clark will leave for Atlanta Wednesday. Tliey go to the reunion of Cmfederato veterana. Mra. O. P. Euah and family left at an earlyhour thla mooning for Poverty j Hill, s. C., where they will spend a few day* with frlenda. Ml**©* Minnie and Annie Mundy will return from a visit to South Carolina next Friday. iHIPPING PEACHES. Ben Tillman’s Farm Puffins; Many on the Market. (Special to The Herald.) Trenton, S. C., July 19.—Quite e number of young people from here ex pect to attend the Lanhom Spring plc- Inic tomorrow. I A tramp—who, it seems, was stealing I a ©id,,—g f >t his foot mashed so badly lon last Saturday n'ghl that he had to ihave part of It Amputated Sunday. Dr. ,T. J. Hunter performed the operation. I Trenton Is to he gay with visitors : this week. Seven or eight young !a- Oles are to visit friends hem. Dr. G. W. Wise. Mrs. W. W. Ad jams and Mrs. M. E. Gray left yester day for Cleveland Springs, N. C. Misses Luolle and Georgia Ashley have gone to Sullivan’s Island for a two weeks' stay. Mr. L. A. Ashley returned last night from a short stay at Harris Lithla Springs. Trenton can boast of a female base ball nine. Over 400 erntes of peaches and plums have been shipped rrom here already this season. The most of these came from the orchards of Senator B. It. Tillman. Luclndy Daddy, dis am Mlstah Johnsiug. dah ah wants toh marray. Uncle Rastus—Ah dunuo. honey: yo’ hud toh ax yo’ mammy'. Her rheuma tism am giltm’ pohful bad, an’ ah dun no es she’d he willin’ toe suppo’t an ex try membah in re fambly.—Judge. Qne T housand Mothers v CAN SAVB Two Thousand Dollars: By buying one of our Boys* School, * Vestee or Double-Breasted Knee Pant Suits AT COST. SEE WINDOW I . - _ -*■ J. B. I HITE & C 0„ CloHifli Deparimenl. ■■■■■—l mmmmmmm* Tftfl Nfitk STOUt! —f" ——— . M 4| It \A| A H4Of I AIN CM. Gil! * Vftti SH __«•* IW«>AI» ATNIII T. L The last, but on# of our #«ml-annu*l Challeni* . Sales will L>e crowned with an array of bargains, such as any store may be proud of. Some of the Special values are the results of our own efforts carefully 1 planed for the occasion many weeks a*o. Others, we-, are frank to confess, are rather accidental, merely J attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of . the enexpected turns the markets take at times. in all it is a wonderful collection of choice Shoe* that# will be sold at our new store this week for v sl.o© n Fifteen different styles In Ladies* Low and High ( Shoe - and eight different styles of Men's. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. \ i Gouley while In the East. 1 Agents for Hanan A. Son. Stacy Adams A Co., 1 Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE ILiC/ vs E :p *'* € l BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE £o9BroadStreet. AQATEWARB comes with riding a flrstclass wheel. Do you wont to see the beat bicycle* In the market? A call at our cstabllahment will afford you an opportunity to gratl fy the wish. Good, when said of a bicy cle, means many things; eo much, in fact, that many machines have no claim to the adjective. We Insist that our bicycle* will he used this season by more satisfied riders than any others. We offer our hikes as the best evidence of what they are. Study them. Colum bia, Hartford, Vedette, Jack and Jill and Juvenile —125 up. Wo rnrry a full line of wheels and parts In stock. We repair and make ony part of a bicycle. We carry a full line of Sundries and Accessories. nH . t!on ' Second-hand wheels of many kinds at any price, all in Al condition., and in our livery we have Columbia wheels to rent. DEVENEY, HOOP & COMPANY GUARD AGAINST SMALL POX by Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W. E. PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St„ Augusta, Ga BEAD HERALD WiTIDS. JULY I© I* new ronttlnp Seme of our prUa , beautlea ere (!«!■ i«me end dinner Min. One mlilit u wnil attempt la p«wl lb* rainbow, nr te dearrlbe all Hu* good Thr way (hey are aeb- Inn la a caution «o U>ooa wba lr-»ad purchase wbca they can bo bad for ■gfi ine »omo ar.mciir.ia.” Ec.ter pur rhaae wbca thiqr can be had for aucb low price# »a wo era c”er!n« IMi. Aa lor plasaware, irocSirf, lempa. Ac., tlmo and lanruaye fall ua la tall I of the wonder* that w# aall. Deo'i ror al that our aoro price* will keep raw cool. Remember the place Is a term full of tempting poeulbllltles/ a* defined In our stock. Here you’re as certain to find good things as you arn to see people in a crowd. Al values ic) agate ware come from us as uniformly ond regularly as your mall come# from the Poatofflce. We answer for the satis, faction of our customers, and expert, ence proves that our word goes ]1 for 100 cents.