The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Image 1

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THt • d *«€**», *l*l*o® ******* lAKK, SSSi*£^ h,»«4li NOW fUgl—- REUNION OF THE HEROES OF THE 60 S braM Unw« #f Nflf »i t *««r#rti# Litlwtfic* Ttae t MitlMi «4 the ttov ifMI Ml Rugrtoqtato «iim > o« J«ti •*—t*» ■*»*»* H»?as MmM VtatMtoauda Wf ►""I 1 * •** m mwi the *■*■*»> SCSUW Tawtotg-**#»»* b'** ‘ * HMIMNMNi Mml VhMMR f f'MJ'toMFM mw wp »* to******' ••* ,k# rol>wt^ ,- Ht ( et t%' 4c«* «*»w*4s I* l * irr*•!•£ ®*** *' * f-fWfNI Bltl UUt JrßPft* *f4#f t * m. vQHßfidp jbfc. K(rt t nca hi lo If kid ll *ay kw'l I ait night *ud but for tit irr*jt' Bran mill by tht committee whirl rtMwu>bf4 sleeping quart -* tor t.m> veterans ai tfce park any of the ->ld Irlttn would Have b»»« compelled »oj witlk the itrtfta. Tin laterest of tlv day centered Ml th* fWlvrntioa at Park Tka Kentucky dfl* 1 gatu-n waa tarty at work among t'w drlegaie* la efforts to aarora the an; eacampnvnt fr r Unkafillf. A delega tion from th? latilirllli board of trade hctrt had tbtlr I lota cot for some -Poe aad :ht delegation alrrcdy ts i good r«nlli. Cbarlmtoa ia putting up a strong fight. Tht claim* of tht South 4Jnrc ilfiiaai arc that their sign* furnished but"* won ia jtba civil war I‘uii K*a* turky and Loolsvlllq ia cot of the way. South Carol'aa hae the aupoprt of Tex as In the rootaat aad cialtna that that ■tatc bold* the deriding vote. Big Guns There. Among thoae who arrived early cad tcok teats on the stand were Geoeral Charles K. Hooker, es Mlialaaippl. th* orator of th • day; Governor A'tklaaow. of Ocuntla. General Dickereoo, eim manOer cf the Florida dlv aioa. ind G.oarral Stephen D. Lee, looked upon by rome aa a candidate for commander- In-chlrf. Ik tore tha gaiher'.ng wa» celled tc order Hire* rheern were> given for the "gi "otit sot of Alabama,'' Lieu tenant Hobaon. followed a mcmen! la trr by three mere for th' famous cav alry o®cera now at the front. General Jcr VVheelr. Grneial John R. Gcrdm, command er-in-chPlf. arrived at 11:20 and wot gh. n r. trcmsadCßg rva.lon. Ch'ter af t... ci- ag« rough iho hall and ihc g, ' (<•' con I nnl be af'llfvl f i five minutes. General Clenr-mt A. ®v-i a-n*. commander of th" Georgia dlv-- Crn. called tfcc ront. ation to order at half pas eleven and pray-v wa? oflfer cd by Rev. 3. Wt Hem .Toner, of Vir gin*.. fhr.eioin of the United Confcd crf'.f’ Vfl4rr*nß. Welccming mt*- <s*ltT-T*d by Mayer Coll'er, Reprea-mtatlve T. B. I'cld.T, Col. 'V. A. Hemphill end Gov Atkinson. The Impellent veterans multi not wait for th.dr idol and befrre tfi- music which followed the last wet coming edrers coasri, the rr>B ot ■•Ucrdon!'' "Gordon:" wore heard in all prrig rs the auditorium. Genera' Gor d-r. v as happily Introduced by General Evans. The general, although pale and showing plainly the effects of his r;c nt illness, said: Gen Gordon’s Address. ‘‘Governor, General Evans, Mr. May or and Genllrmon of the Committees — As a Georgia at home my proper place In this program would seem to be among those who bid therp veterans welcome and ni t as a moutii-p of the recipients of that welcome.. The official slrtion, however, to which my comrades have called me demands that In their nair.-' 1 reavad to tbcEi? heart felt greetinci-'from jay native state aud her capital city. Geographically, tharefere, T should play the part ot best, but officially I must spnak as vo.ur guest. Anomalous as tli -s double capacity may, It is not without its compensations. ‘ In my capacity of host and dutiful son I can lean as it were on th- bosem of my rocther Georgia i and feel her beating heart throbbing IkHh a boundless love and sympathy HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. VPN fcfiftTl A tof-IK Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. U4I*»I %«. (pp #*» ppr't'. an m® pwi • «ii»P J# IRks * tofto 4f If' Ks If KUt I HWNNI IM4 I | (%P M# HM* (Nf A A# I If I £ftf »■»#» I#***** 1 IfeMt f#***f»i *• » I 1 > »•*<* •# •*#•*•**•* **] |g| a». a <■# Mg. [ <Mk Wt ■#*“♦ wMM W* '■*» i fpMAHa MpM# 4n!#M (Ms t**# - #t ®: j |**Vfp9*<* liait tWf ifte ** a#hl tfcrtf fWnff wnnl^-* 1 *• ™ ” **** ■ . ; ** *«** *• ****** * ■ w,fwr I MMhMN ’•iMl l*€MPRr lIMMI ••f *•'■' n * • 1 m imt r ' f# 1 » ** "P*A. j jtoar I Mft * »*• »•** rotostopto'd £•#9 f'« ‘Ah)'' f' *’ lUTIMiPa AW 7 ***** I• ff itii« it win*'li Imp*# I**nni •ffiNNl# i r , *, )„„»•** tar Alsbuam tar M»«-j tiaslppi by Tegs*, by Virginia, by Ten- Pierce, by all tb# people wb«ro It haa bieu out fortune to eouvege. How nrsngr. hew marveloualy •!range must three annual outpour aga appear to • I peoples outside of the South a bortLrs- Coiifederata Rruwtoa ••On another oeeaalou I Wt impelled to advert to tta,» pe-utlar sign HI calico of ,ge*e CoafcjM ale rewobma; hat the mind eg* uever lift of lisslr aaalya’" -Philosophy. Patriot.»m. Virtue and may all f»*d and feast upon aceb a theme without exhauttlng it; and tb • spirit of IJbvrty. the reverence for Law and fer regulated government rtjtleea and grows strong In the »»a t:meat and high pt rpose which these (VUiirtngs evoke. N • other coivi-n --tlona of ea-atildlera In nil the earth are to fro* from *flf-#**hing. to untainted by oasaion or prejtidlfct, *o purely ph’l antbropte ncr mot* broadly ratrirl'e. So dltbandcd and defeated so!dl*ry haa ever turn for so long c period the apreial obJe<ta of *o unique iin d u'ni real approbation and aff*etloti by a people for whose cnnac that soldi-tv contended un*urc*a*ritlly.' • In everv ot!i*r age. in everv other load, popular plaudits have f, "n but the echoes of tb# shoots and martial paeans of vlc'nry. Pubi c honor*, cost |j demonstration* and universal ac claim have been the heritage of sue •" '' I GENERAL J. P. GOBl*>* eeasful armies. Imperial Rome, intox icated with the glory of conquest, ereet rd lofty riches to her mighty warriors, only when they bore her proud eaglea nbov- the ranks of conquering legion?. France was united and exultant under the great Corsican bo leng as he was victorious; but he waa defeat'd and at bis fall the legislative assembly of his r.'op!' abandoned and. demanded Hie abdication of this hitherto idolized leader. Nor do our own brave coun trymen, the brave veterans of »>)•? Fnior army, furnish any parallel to the conditions which surround us. When they returned from the horrors of ,vrr k war to hem os of Increased comfort, to augment. J wealth and with aims ,n their hands and victory on their ban ners. They returned to an established and grateful government. ‘ The return of the disarmed and dis banded Confederates, however, was to people made poor; to a land made flei oiftt, covered with blackened ruins, v licre every fjcnic was in rnouinincj, every breath was a sigh and every ft • Immas ifi rim v j SI liffY U Iftl WWAfi P fnl mwi ptmflkivM aid cnp*S aarauAll* I «* # ,-nm fvt pi • hki tlMr Anl tfitt it * ■*• s * I flisDcAi'S" Ife* •' **i *4 • w lii i jictsiim In w ttMt'Atf* *i*i ? }i sp'AMia. A.wpi r Na<lv# Id t*#«t Md s«i mb** tlfMW’ .1 |ui | , o%*t flßlAA SWllllMPfp Mid i mm rpt-- fuaUi *ld 111 totdfft 3*n»- a|# tfcrtf <|f «ot loft Id iNHf riMf Rail * Ld BifA-tiirH ft lln rs iii t }nm fdf'HJkdA - t, # ; f«r «|; jMOrt lo iMt pw rAt AfUtttf- IdVAff (M A«HfV«rS<l ff* j fMlfellr % Hrme iN fnNblK lit if* in f||-# ffpit*! ia4 mmm Lp-4 n# V< I* »h vlo |fr fO •tasf f«*r all «i«r villi NV- jnath Is drf«*orf of popalir tllMlf: JiwUff l<i da AfSl m 4 jNMttfd If* d«* fdtttff ■2! itffliant dfi* .Hir on wMiifitf and »!! manlila<t aliall know tfe* a aoiaa of ftlrw |»hrf|« nvr«l«l dfOHlMtnllOU OVM ,j, r ifciafte*) rank* of a krokaa. bat prrMl »nd rtar. r »UU«* rmr -Oar Irtolr br'Xli.r* at lor I alaa or , air ■ rtl m .urta mi» In ■aardltiit ibiaan v«a ft im ail*apfir.'4«Bal«Mi. and far Hi. recnoa I bat »b.r »**. no to, ■prak. th# •p« , lal nranhi of thin grrali nation. All of it* «-arr»lf*. alt of Its ♦ inflimra aod a t*r»i ttuirr of It* ia«-; lot ncw*r ar* *abjwt. »k»n rwiulred, * U Itarlr d'mand*. B aldn*. a* a rat*.'! U I. trar tbr world o\*r (bat Ylriory' KiHf r'mdlralfM, whltr drf'al doom* lo ! nit»r« pr« » nletion tbr raw* of Ibr »an- ■ t| itish-d ua How.*ar, that Impar llal history, aorttrrd throu#h lb. lalx>r* of err l.r« a-i-aila t*d and ablf» biaiorleil mmoM* • e. wilt avert frm our peoplr sorb a wroai VI hat I* tbr Vieawlnt? ■■At* *, ami flnallr. I prra* tbr aur»- llcn. what I* tbr Inmort mranlna of Crntrdrrair pa«r,inl*’ Are they dur io any rovert or alnlatrr alma, or, in lb* rrmotrat degree, to aelf-neek f lag? Their t pro aeaalon* and publish* jad prorrrdlnga. wbleh all the world '» 1 tbilleng d to larpret. furniah the an | swrr. Do the** r> unions and popular (*emon*trotion*. whteh attend the*.' draw thrfr inaplrntlon from any sug^ l | gallon of dtaloyalty to either r,f th». tr mrndou* reat'lta of the war —the freedom of ft* alave and the eternal |unity of th l Hepublicf The protertlon jof the nrgro by Bmilhern courta. hia re 'llanee for aceurlty uprn Southern aen*. J tint •it, and hla edueatlon tbrouglr | v.blt.*' taxation In Southern acb«AM ( furnish Ibe South's answer to the first. |To the second; loyalty to a p-vpetunl union of the states and to the honor lm-,1 glory of the r public-tho South ; lias beret continually answering sln«o ibe close of our civil war; r.nd ah" la answering today by the pr genre and prowess of her heroic sons at the front In the war with Spain. H. _ r Dee, her AVS. eior, her Bnzley. h"r Blue, her Hebron and her thoitsnnda of volun teers who sprang to arms at their conntrr's rail, are cnsw.~rlng from their pomps frr.m the Philippine aod from the Jungles of Cuba. You, my Confei' raie comrade-?, would be there If the count?’’ needed you. Many of yoo Eisombled I re would have been tb"re hot for impaired health and fall ing strength. But our sons and gt-anil sons are there. With our prayers and 1 hUsrlngr they are enlisted In this eon-, flirt with Sprln. tho freedom of on pritscd lelr.nds In boih oreanH, the influence of America in, the councils nf the nations, the Increased ifspret for her pow.?r on land and sea, there Is still another achievement to be attained, ho ices glorious and far reaching: namely, the obliteration of -ll traces or distrust among ourselves and the complete and too-long delayed unification of the American people, which shall be’called in question no more forever." Gen. Gordon was in good voice. Th" convention th"n organized and Hon. C. E. Hooker, of Mississippi, de livered the oration cf the da-. The regular business then occupied the bal-, ance of the afternoon. HERE IS A HITCH. A Spanish General Who Says He Is Not in the Surrender. Madrid. July 20.—General Parreja, the Spanish ci mmander at Guatanamo, rs fuses ( • be included in the capitula ,icn of Samiago. According to Span ish military law. a commander can stirrer,tier the troops which he person allyV-mmandfl. hut cannot oblige other emmanders at distant points, even though under his authority, to follow suit. Consequently, it is held here that the capitulation only comprises abaat 7,000 troops actually at Santiago. At tit >i v a* GERfIIAHS HAVE HOT DONE RIGHT Tfcrir frtsttr* *l Mtiill* Hi* Ij rotfigri Ibt Sptialnk I walls*. Saw. wa lb* Otaal I igtal wf May i Ml XawMta May . IHr 4«mj»-mmi hfR i VAAftvt f J«2f J» }>«C |mi krv »«!kt bf lb* Kmiif'M of In* l 4H kuR HtXMI K*>n® lb* c bkf MM* of jllMb iniHl Ml vlnrl bb f«Mv ! •Nttb4(t. (BHft* (Inn lib# #r> MrtNkfi# j lb# ft(Ni i otimr* i* wN#« > tlftk rttpt«ll«fp N*l(*f* «||#9 Iff Ml' ' p§\y4 la dn vn. Iral til# bR IkHM of lb* 1 |# RM|R#CN NtfUfklf blob HI aa«l # mi) ilbaw <vf Rmvp *r4 ii* tpßta * l# b ißtilfil l|# ( »«• If <aAr||!i 4o rm |'#f lb. lb# k|NitAfii will btvl j *wm» a lb* Apawlsk Saa lb* I# tM**w lllimiMw la tbi* eAert str m*tn4 Do * (May m-mrm. Tb* rarmyaaNMi of lb* Hoag Kntut per** «rt t n« wb d*r dal* cf Ju* SSrd nay* tb* < ht*f subject of dlarwmloa It Manila Cavite and tb* Am*.ionn ft**t. and lb* menn n( of tb* pr***ncc of Hr German tn*n nf • >ar and a transport or suppi) «***! in port “l have Just mt*r»l*wed tbr hadlna j ISngl'rhmau h»r* on tb* rubjert. If* , untaealtatingly tnf.wm d n»* that all for*itn*i • regard It it ■ remarkaul* demonatratloa I iHouraged Them 1 "I am sure,” h* continued "'that tb* KpjDlsril. bars nrca'vrd rtmiuragrwirni fr. m such a naval display A dpaalard I (Old m* that lb* coming of a larpa tier 'nan squadron was construed by him and tb* leading Spanish . ffinnla as a ■tlr»«*t art of friend)!* Inter»m sad a warning toward tb? Ynnkn « tbal they ct uld not go too far Now when a Spaniard of Influence, as tbts man waa. will talk like that. I think tt Is high t,!m* to ax.-rtiaio wbat lb* Germans mean by appearing h-r* In such fore*. “I am familiar," my Informant con ! Untied, "with all German .ntereata In Manila, and my nlatlon* with the Gor man* ar* agreeabl*. and I am positive on* Grrman cruiser would be fully able to protect them lo every moot re quired. The Great Tight ‘ Further detail* cf th* great fight of May I filter through some h'«ru offl : cials in Manila as lime passe* sow 1 itppcara. according to authentic in far ' mat ion In the hands of Consul , WU 'flams, that out of 491 men on the K’ ina -Chr!«tina. 3ti4 were killed, only ISC left <m the ship. An officer who was aboard and new In prison tells me that one could nut step a foot in any direction on her decks without coming In rontait -o) her with flesh or dead bodies. Hnch t waa the pewer of the American guns and skill of the American gunners. SENECA AT NEW YORK. Some of the Sick Sent to Swinburne to Be Watched. New York. July 20.—Tbo transport Seneca arrived at Quarantine today and Vi.* detained by the b-elth officer for disinfection. Six soldiers will be re moved to Sw!.nliurnc laiand for observ ance and treatment. I)r. Doty says. «bile these eases are not well marked, and are not by any means yellow le ver, he will not take ehaneea. ond, therefore, derided to remove them to Swinburne Immediately. The most se verely won,idl'd soldiers will be sent to Bellevue for tref.tment and the oth ers to Hoffman Island for observation. The Seneca left Slboney July Mlh with 99 sick and wounded soldier* and 49 passengets. The passengers were al ready aboerd when the sick and wound ed were received. The ship, being, in tended for transporting troops, was not in any wny titled for a hospital ship. The passengers'consisted or foreign na val and army officers, members of the Ked Cross society and a number of newspaper correspondents. The foreign army and naval officers aboard guve their quarters to the sick and took pot luck with, the convalescents. The stea mer between decks was filthy and not lit for human beings to occupy. The bunks were built of rough boards and ! looked like cattle pens. The lee gave lout first and then the fresh water be came vile and unfit for use. The wash ing es wounds, In many cases, woe done with salt water. The food was scarce. TV- passengers say I' yellow fever had ■appeared on the voyage home the mor tality would have been fearful. The Keneea brought the how ohnrer, or how gun, of the Vizcaya, which was put aboard before sailing. A CLOSE CAM. Asheville. N. July 20. -Senator Pritchard, of 'North Carolina, left his home Sunday to attend church, at ' Burnsville. It .-has been learned (hat when crossing, a swollen mountain I stream his baggy overturned and the ! Senator had a marrow escape with his itife. He had an exhausting struggle I with the flood-. The buggy ond horse were swept away, end the senator came into Burnsville bruised and moist and with several.(Ugly cuts, none serious, however. PORTO RICAN FORCE HAS NOT SAIUED . MUm Him Fa («•!•) iN I'm Ofßrb IN* Mowmewt «M OMMI «W --! tA»«b<agte* faty is AdfatatM Gen- I res I r -.bin ntya MMa mum tag that ! mu. uadi rot mi Cwb*. Tbi* •* in | |tk* face wf ataMMwta by G*a*rat Al-j !a*e and other* and la mmfwatag. It la' •iaiasM (be nvunm that Mila* fa no*' i g*g ting a was to dsw* to Gw* tort tltot j tb* navy to n*4 r-sady to f wrm«li Ik# j Mr tf»M Mrs Ilk M*f hM* Iwni f c-gi4f rißrr RMNMMkB *«fti i «4#f*4 j )« to ikat MIM to j I lf<t|Hi |tn» go IR IrdK ikf f . rftm, fill (W ICk# Wellington. Jnly M. - Cleweml Mite* rabltwi from atwantnnamo at 2 p m If* has t*n transport* loaded with ttonp*, larladtna ikme that toft Tamp* • ta* 4g;-« aa« He mbtea for ordrra aad naval convoy. Cb.iH.wton S. C.. July >•. Tb* eol-1 dUet la CharlMton were not taken out | .for a march yetoerday Probably the I ofilcera did no! In I end to give tb**m a long walk every day anyway, or possi bly the inctebe on account of prepn intion* whtrb nr* going on for Ibe em barkation for- where ? Thai active . preparation* are being made for a move lo the front la evident to nil who •pend half an hour on «•»* water aide The so biters are not having a great deal to do with lha loading of the transports, but they do guard duly and; over*** the nork. which la accomplish- J rd by gangs of tvgro laborers. The monster ship. No. 21. which lie* ; al the East Shore terminal wharves. wa* yesterday receiving Inlo htr caps- 1 clous bold thousand* of ton* of hay and other storm Bewldrs the f<*d the *blp I* »stpeeled to carry the Sixteenth P.nnay'vnola regiment, Ha wagons, tuulaa and a.orea. The n;on aru- compltdelv In the de-v as to where amt whfn they are to *<• but they srv behaving very well and not maklt.K any fuss about staying In Charttaton. It wos talked about yes-; terday that a part of the troops no_*v in Charleston might be sent to Santiu- j yo. This did not please the men worih j n cent Th.y said there was nothing lo atraet them to that spot now; tin j batik* had been fought und won .and thej clory hud all tmen appropriat ’d by the troops In the field; their arrival now would be something like the comln;j of a po'iremac after a row had been set- 1 iled, and toe br-lllgerenta had shaken hand*, or a‘ leaal stopped maulinr each J (tllfl 'ins new* tint the troon* wonlt piohahly go 'o I’ortc Rico was roe- It'd with avidity and freely discussed. All Monday night 'he men had be>n cx ! porting that the bugles inlgb' call them at any time to embark on the Grand Duchess, No. 21 and the Odam, but ■tip bugles did not sound until morn ing. and then It was on.y the regular ' reveille,” with the breakfast call focn after* ante. Frcm the wav Hurt things were rush ed ibonrd the transports Monday night it was generally thought that an early start was intended, hut something caused a change of plans, or at any j iate a delay. The work of loading went nprrtly on yesterday and possl- j bly today one of the fine ships will sail (Alt wllh a big cargo of supplies and Chr Second or Third Wisconsin regi ment for Porto Rico via Santiago. The tship Is expected to stop nt Santiago to deliver a portico of hr cargo—bespit-, cl supp le-- - which were loaded for that point. The Grand Duchess will then proceed tc Porto Rico. Ohlcliamauga. July 20.—The move ment of troops from Camp Thomas for Pcrto Rico begins tomorrow. Today Ihe various commands included in the first order to move are busy packing up and loading their effects. Gen. Brooke was al headquarters early today. He spent the morning in consultation with officers arranging plans of departure to Porto Rico. He declined interviews on the movement of troops, or any other subject. Although orders are not yet issued, it Is believed safe to say the Third brigade, First division, First corps, and Second division of First, vrps will Iwgin moving Thursday or Friday. The commands are composed as fol lows: Third brigade. First division— Sixteenth Indiana. Thirty-first Michi gan. First West Virginia. Second bri gade—Sixth Ohio, One Hundred and Fifty-eigh, h Indiana. Second Ohio. Third brigade—Fourteenth Minnesota, First Pennsylvania. First. Georgia. Another Company In. A colored company from Darlington arrived on the Coast Line, four hours late today, and have joined the Tenth, regiment. Mb t* (OUAVA A VtAf to f «|N| DAI, Ait Mb IN# SPAIN NOT SINCERE IN PROPOSALS Hff Prtr* PrfiffiblUa »• Sfr«» TtWl H*M«t«Mto* TktnMw total N Nwataed by owe Gwvarwtaivnd. fagM.ui to Tbs Itocabl | toadhinaton. Jnly »•—A high • M Hal of tbc.wst* d*wattn>*sl say* lb«t ; Upton's first proposal Mar will b* ’ of a nwtwvw that cannot bo a* t spivd - aod will be advanced merely to g*<» tltß# HustitWUe will tbsrwforw eon-; tiawn eve* though Apniw *w*w for pswc*. Who Opsl* doss ota*v sceeptable bn •to I bar* will be towtwnl vurprise Madrid. Jnly 5* —I a to The rows* rtf tana anaatwowaly agreed to seek for , pegwa, the respntastMWty for tb* captl slat ton taring Ml to faptain-Gaosrnl lit so.” nnd Genrval Torsi solefy. Isvndon. July 2*-Air Henry Dram mond Wolg tbr BrUlsb nmhnaandor tt Mc lrid bn* b**n folly Informed of Ibe terms oy.on which tka f-ntiad tatntaa govarnmeni Is rowdy to tank* pane*. > GARCIA RHWmTF.U KILLED. | Sc aval loonl Telcgttow Rstrived TIM* Afternoon. Neo York. July Id-A *p*rlal to lb# I’ovi from Kingston “J» j Gama la roported Killed. There ar* no particular* ex cept that he oaa shot. COALITION FORMING. It la Against the Government Bevauvi ol the Martial 1 aw. Madrid. July 20—Tb* newspapers here say a c-alitlon la being organlied briwran the different pnrtles and against the government on account of ithe suspension of the constitution. Tb* p,aru in ivcmrnl la losing ground and I the nevrsparx-ra vesture th* sttppatU' l.m that the British squadron would pre •-ent ibe Amercsn vessels passing the ctraita. but th* suggest lon la regarded us Improbable. NOT TO PAY OFF. [ ‘halter Thinks It Would Demoralize the Troops to Pay Them Now. | Special to The Herald. | Washington. July 20-The Resolute ■did not tak<- a million dollars and Pay |matter* to pay the lroc,ns a’ Santiago, as was expected. The orders weee re scinded at the last moment. Gen. Shaf t"r cabled that It might demoralise the | troops to pay them now. BLANCO’S CABLE. Toral to Be Tried By Court Mar tial. Madrid, July 20 —Blanco has cabled the Spanish government that Santiago surrendered without his knowledge. Total will be tried by court martial. L ONORE’S OFFER. t She 1111111 Take Troops Free if Liberated. Kingston, Jamaica, July 20.—The I Spanish steamship Leonore, held here! .since the beginning of the war under the neutrality law. offc-r* lo transport free to Spain any soldiers possible, pro vided she Is liberated. The Leonore is of three thousand tons. TEriERARIO SAILS. She Has Left Assumption and Is Bound Fcr Cuyaba. Assumption, Paraguay, July 20.—The Spanish torpedo gunboat TemcrariO,, which has been undergoing repairs here for weeks past, has left the, port, going in the direction of Cuyaba, Brazil. GETTING OUT. The Merchantmen Are Leaving the Port of Cadiz. Gibraltar. July 20.—Three Spanish trans-Atlantic steamers have arrived from Cadiz, fearing that (he squadron of Commodore Watson will attack that place and destroy all the shipping in (he port. THOMAS 1-EEKE. The “Father of the British Navy” Dead. London, July 20.—Admiral Thomas Weke-Massie, known as the father of Ihe British navy, is dead. He was born in 1802. ~CONFED SONS. Atlanta. July 20,—The Sons of Con federal e Veterans met in annual con vention this afternoon. Routine busi ness occupied nearly the entire session. f fMJ- r a Ttoto A IUMMUI LEAN AID tZwuwvwto r a vino® 'T*r_ >AM £5 vawaasrtn ap ***** *** J. F. (DYERS KlliliED BY (DR. WOOD SftNIIIdMI SlMtoUkt Affcif It UN® I‘rorwtoeot .*leo to a fatal Affray lo Osrogft. itnisabotw. Oa. J toy 2* —Mr ton to ynt revived hero that J. N Wood, a prominent tnrpeatiao opetntor and vita pr.aldsnt ud the Cwyler and to'oadtawrn rail way abm aod laoastty billed J r Mrsva as sttornry at Ha ben Oa. yesterday sftetoaota about 4 o'clock. Rumor say* that Mverv tbroatrnad to toll Wood oa * gb*. aad went to kin store with a pistol la kin ham*. , * and Wood skat him instantly. TmL CARLISTS - London I radrr .‘ays Big Nans Comes boon. lam d»n. Jnly N.-The Kngltob Carl- Ists are moat artlve and are la hourly expectation cf niumfntoua tu-wa. The leader of the organisation bare aayat ; “Wa are quite ready for active opera -1 lions. Moreover, there la oo doubt that the authorities at Madrid art aware that a Carliat uprising la immi nrm and that It will be surcaaatul. We are immensely strong In many parts of dpain and as tooa a* the news of the cowardly surrender of Santiago perco lates our force* will be greatly ia rrasaed. Tb? foreign enlistment act curtails eur activity In Ragland and ever since tb* Madrid govermnato bn- Ann to get into difficulties are have bcoa shadowed day and night by apica and dctectiva*. However, wn have money which it surely nerded In Spain." HOSPITAL CORPS. A Noble Band of Women Organized In Savannah. Savannah. Ga., July 20.—Mr*. P. W. Meldrlm. of thl* city. I* one nf the state vice presidents of the Daughters of the American Revolution auxiliary corps, whose purposes are to furnish aid to southern soldier*. This corps was organised hi Atlanta last month and rhaptera were also Inatltu -1 ted throughout many place* In the smith. In addition to furnishing need ful asslslance to th- soldiers the corps «11l siirply trained purses, a proposi tion which was accepted by the sur geon general* of the army «nd navy. This auxiliary corps has already dene good work In sending boxes of food and supplies to the soldiers at many camp*. The association Is gaining In strength nr.d Influence every day, os It Is eom- IHisod of the very best woman In Oeor : gi«. OCN. GORDON'S STAFF. ,;! T ’ ' r M t . The Members Are Sons of Confeder ate Veterans I Atlanta. July 20.-The aides on the staff of General Gordon have been ap pointed from among the sons of vet erans’. They ace a* follows: I’hll Conlt. Jr.. Charles F. Crisp. Jr... Shepard Bryan. Atlanta: Clifford T.anler of West Point, W. W. Davis of Atlanta, Charles A. Davis of Warm Springs. Harper Hamilton of Rome, C. D. Pear j son of Macon, Preston Brooks Tobin 'of Augusta. P. A Hlovnll of Savannah. I Albert Howell, Jr., F. H. Richardson of Atlanta,Edward Tavior of Kentucky, Thiamn* T.oylhss of Macon, I-uelen 'Knight nf Atlanta, Edward Hook of Augusta. Waiter G. Cooper of Atlanta. Royal Daniel of Atlanta. Joseph Pel ham of Atlanta, A. C. Morris of At lanta and J. W. Moore of Decatur. DEWEY’S SWORD. A Hagnificent Design That Was Received Today. Washlntgcn, July 20—The navy de partment continues to receive elaborate d. signs for the sword to be presented to Admiral Dewey under the act of Congress. One of these which came to Assistant Secretory Allen today Is the has relief of an actual sword with hilt set with many brilliant stones, repre senting diamonds and rubles. The de sign Itself, with many brilliants, is more cosily than most swords. PRINCE OF WALES. He (sail Right and is Progressing to Recovery. London. July 20.—A bulletin posts';, at. Marlborough house this morning ar - nounces that the Prince of Wales passed a good night and is making sat-, isfactory progress toward recovery.