The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Image 10

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WIONttiDAV Wfcl DON'T ADMIT TRASH Wo indwonunt iuWioni Niw A© IlfllktlfOty A* tskif PAOJJm MP® |my agyi |„ ()uy hwtMlt AMI.A' gtkkls Mill find owl lofnt tfAy !**•! HifwhM rncffhandiMi ii v»fy d**f, §wf w* tk» not wool Ihbin to ihlnh Of My IHai ih*y Mot o had OorfAin Nm. No moiUf How OM ouf pfkM w* lyiiifiMio mamal •Modiini of rtHoMlny. “Ml* »«• of In* chdftnt of IH« Eliocowot a Ml. 21 per coot off *ll M#o*« »od VomlHa' Ftncy CAoMmor#* Ch*fW A Wor*» t«d *ui* a. 20 por cool off *M Moo'» A Voulh* Bia< k *n*J B<uo WocttoM Bull*. 21 por cool off ** tfOUMf biiilA--*!! fly** AO<l • i *M< BO por cool off owr oollff iloo Mon i ptfAw Mot*--now good a. JEW* St mm tcsz Rpkkkkk^- m**m<"* tm.mtff Spot cash Sale /TuaI»TA.OA. It PM IR Ml far ofrn4 F* Hr »*K» *< »* Arttna Am' Ur H Lasifco-ff "f a*#** 1 * ▼*••■ g %*«# || s«»f 1 b« tla'Wkd. * Mr H l«-*«€. ***> • J’*-'*. pgwwt. »•* <■■•* »■<“• **"**?**' w* iirat > Jl ' *** ' In «Wrb mw |rtiHNn«* *• H*®*** •Mm. i tw mml *•* wbah »** < I»*«w4 M J'****'"" ,h *‘ lb* AmwKWW »"*'• "•*#*“ Mr Ur*"* IfrtMW M <“* ■** NmKl Tb» Iwtnetwcriaa • a i*«r* »•• •»*< •• ,hr Trm| “■ lb' IIm» •* Jawab *» NaWiWri Bataatw. M ia* a ll ■‘ k* r •* »ibmim4w <M*-1 *• * mm Ing of tMNf* *# The pr*>" thaw rtmtlauea as im town: *t», (M. f*«m# t« W* **•« m * f * dfMl *W f I* k#ki • '' ! prmjr* . W» •r*- F«*Mf #rnrkM# ckM«f**f» d W# »i»n l in y*« Holy *l**l F‘ ,tt * * * H< * AfwrHMi |*rethr«fi »( ' ftlate*. tb* wallow In »b‘< h y»u "■»» llwnted th* love »n ’lwm » th * "***' cuttne nun* H« n»r«nr that on gout aartb This nwit*-w **»* <*” 10 • arvxt nab! «*ai«m a. •n***»> Tt» Amerbaa* *o Ml •>> •• •«> a****** their country, th*v do m»’ •"w* l * take away »mat*l> ¥"4*" •>»*» mly toon to makr th* rib*** ft* they .ml> wont to prate** lho wmiti from th-" •rrnig.'i brother*; *b»T **"’y M ju.ticr i« 'bo *Ml<l| n» yon.*!>' nay. In vawr ■»* ’•••’ V*" only want P—t» and * u " rv "• y, ‘“ • lod. knuwr't* »« »»• «f '!> man O o*o. I** down *•"» Heaven u|M.n th* American* nrbo am «-.lna «<* the haClHleld and bright n y«ur race u,*x them; they went prepared to the battlefield to dir, but to make l he t"*' •lavra frrr fr> m tbrlr murderers tied, help tb*' brother* In Amrrtca Hrnd your anael from Heaven to pro tort them, and ««* ’bat every<* heie they no they nhall anln. at«l that /• u Z>> honor the Pr-ndm. of the ed Stater ofd »• h.m hl. omee.. ln thelr inana*emenl. and Th' hold up Thy hand and break tn • trrnath of It*' enemy. Ihe nation, the land «hlch M t maUr.t n the hloed of your children. You ahall I revrußo now up them unmerciful n. lion; Thou .halt wrahm the i Of tt»-rn. and they rhall !»■ the nation in the world from today for ever and ever, and the nathma will know that Thou art Ju«tlce and do lustict betww** nations, * , " 1 • nhall know th#» «»f Thy king dom: a* you. Ood. the Kina forever and over and looKelh upon the weak, end your reatlna-placr la In JertUtnlrnt. Amea.“ A PLEASANT EVENING. Organ Fund Entertainment Was a Success t.ast Evening. 1/tst evening at Aabury Parsonage yard, the entertainment given by the T.adlea' Auxiliary Organ Fund was '< grand success I*' every way. The la dles wish to thank each and every one who assisted to make It such a success m>d hope all who are well wishers of the Auxiliary will go with them on their excursion to the locks on next Tuesday evening. July 2«ih. 1S!»S. What Is more delightful than a ride on Use waters of our broad and beautiful ca nal. and where la the gentleman that would not try to take a lody. or. 1 might say. hla best girl, on such an ex cursion? Now, come, hoys, take your girls, and he with the crowd, that will step Into the good and safe boat on next Tuesday evening. FEIX EROn CAR. Ed Daggett Who Was Riding on Freight Box. A colored man by the name of Ed Daggett fell from the top of a freight car In ih< Georgia railroad yards this morning and sustain'd'. »? it was first thought, duite severe injuries. The man lay insensible for a little' while, but through the ministrations of oer ta:n embryo doctors in the crowd who losened his collar band and cliafod liis head wish water, he was brought to Fnruntately no limbs were broken and at the end of an hour he was able to go to his hcnj«. _ * lIWIA-bMMiH n tV.A TbfAWeg Mae Ikien It M Met Us. I Rffffrkotfy Ml £«§««*• liott ! **4 Ik* i«rt» M»)Ofllf of Ik* 1 «ff ••frliM %MI» HlfMW* 11* i *#f « f, f ill (In* NMMfofKilki Tk# Fit' w I?tsik mooMjr run- I umrhNl ik# kikxnii wik** «rs k»*r• i*» *k* ortoofUtMi no if mm*trn ht llM» ! Inf Ifß iif TkoBM H tkvk iM Wilt . f K« «Blk TkfiWßt If (toft*, of Ik# llfilflfll Avm of tkvk A K«*Bk h** i l»U f «ri«ki Ik liilllMl «« #ok< »# • ((MMI of mo |rf fifft •HI M #ip!»M#4 hv kl* krai •#«! •** L. Us lev!, h busily scoptrd la the p«cperatiM> of an up-i« data •» ,lr«ma to h» railed Auhk la ih* latter pMy lb* paMtaa «l Tar j y■(■*'§ H(*t| Will ll# ok »B# Milk llt!4 «, ri aipanlm. it of »<rr»B>l«* *b*lla ; lid hfiff i tS| Iw.fßb# iufar d»rcctMMi of i*kkrl#B I. <***• i*oa at tb* star Tbeatra. the *ce«lc es lerta for Darto A Keugk * ! pro im non* are rapidly belag con s' ruri/*! A rtosm plays ara to b# »qnipped Ihronghoul aith arearry. mr !. tw ill. »l amt . Irrtriral r«rrl. .(Mether j with properties. »tc. | •* ‘tjpm li» Hlbcrla.' 'Thr (kldca Key. I 'Paddy * Markrt tmughlrrs of lbs Poor 'The dtara nod Stripe*.’ and The cacwl Haatlar* ar* *oa»e of the new played to be tourrd by Darla t Keogh nest sfiiof). •‘Out of Ihelr many pa*l aurrraaea ; they hare arUrtrd thr following well ; known 'wlaarra' for next ».*a*oti’a cam tpalgn; 'The rudewalk* of New York. I p.iira Among Thlerea.’ 'The Or-at ! Train Robebry. 'Down to Dixie' and Heart of tbe Klondlkr.' I "Aim ng the cngagrmmts for next .eason s com-rty son -a are George W Day, Al. H. Wilson. Bobby Mark nrd Fanny Blocdgood." • BASE BALE. The Outcome of the Struggles on I eacue Diamonds Pittsburg defeated the Champions on ' thr lattrr's ground*; R. H. B. Boston 3 10 2 Pittsburg « S 2 Cleveland won from the Henatois In Washington: R. H. K. Washington .. 2 1W 1 Cleveland 3 13 1 The Brooklyn defeated Bt. I.oul* In New York: • • R. H. K. Brooklyn .. 7 13 1 St. I.ouls 1 * 3 Tire Giants and the Colonels played five innings at New York: r h. a. New York ..2 4 0 Louisville 1 4 (• Two gomes were postponed by rain: PhUadetphla-Ctmckinatl and Ralilinorr- Chicago. BASEBALL. Herald Carriers Defeated the Bull dogs in Bat Game. The Herald I vis tackled nnd over come many things, but yesterday af ternoon was th,* first time thet It has i u*i up against nine bulldogs. The Her ald prevailed, however, in spite of the awe-inspiring appellation of its oppon ents. The contest was a baseball game between The Herald carriers' team on one *ld« «n.l file bulldogs on the other. The game was played on the Richmond academy diamond, and was witnessed by a number of spectators. The batteries were Dodge and Magru der: Morris nod Ceno. The score by innings Is as follows: 12345678!* Herald Carriers ... 0 0 It 0 1 6 4 3 o—l 4 Bulldogs 14010000 o—6 BARBECUE POSTPONED. Complimentary One Given to Deiilch er Club. - The grand complimentary barbecue to ■ D<ptpehet Bchu:ta< « Club tq its octive and passive members lias been postponed to July 28tb. This change es I [late was made su as to gratify quite a number of the members of the club,w ho j wanted to go with th- veterans to At lanta tv:wl who. at the same time, did not wish to miss the grand treat. mm foil in mi. i Ballet YtkMM* * Jl*» Ut’ r rauit ( Ftf lid k*HMI ’ Waj»lg M—OAAtg* jfA'AIAAf AAAafA, ®MWkk*##l #^»*Fkkfk### I Ikiii* r i fk»#k*t klki • I'*# kWM“f | i«« kk «**» *' tk t I ifetkißt k tk? k , **kk* im tkkk * I#kk Mki kMßkk flkk Ik® fWNkMNI ik**T fkkk *k4 kHHkk kkH kkk #kw \mhm kfk <&m*m <* ***• «»r *ko kkk# m*4* **w k i#r#«M*# m tIMkF tkikktiok Ik k#HHk# fin*##* I iiftTffl Mikkfk VfR kki k# I fflttkkl kFfll#k wiiiwk* ks f®»k ** • kk#*i#ikk |*ki#kt 4 o# i* s kki*f F * k*«kki •**s**♦•. ktork* Mkdkt Ik! IPkkl (MWISiaT* * w ■ ftVkkkff *. Ikkncrkkk««kv likna«fkkk#r* mm «*i rrl bmw k**k lk<k# fIMM fk «k# *** at ikplkklr i art 9*v**uns kl j . I . .. j — £g|g utrr I Tk# ktstl«a of t* f> #k||lkf<*f* rompri## 4#f#k4lak «k# wait kUk lor f l#yjfrfk« *kMMkk. mlal»«. fiktrfHkk; •Milury Midi* MWiil. He'd Mil ratloa; atiiliaty *urr«y*. aiibtary map I TV c ;«tpaat«a /w* r d u, aM r ’’ »**• drilled a# lafaotry RapreaewllAA * *p Ha) arm, the aervlre ifTi the advaa’Afc* es laatrActlve duty, and i mib pa>F* i Tb- f.itlowloi la the rale us pay. >a : addttloa to rlothlng bciMlng. rat urns mrdtrlnr and attendance when alcb: I i To a grpul pay l"" r dumth In time of war. »«20 la time of pram |J«w To t quartermaster »«rge*nt. In litre of war. |43 $3; la time of rpace *3* » i To a chief muaiclan. In time of war, $72 nu In time of p To a principal muaiclan. In of war. M4U in tin* of pear*. *22 «» To arrgranta. In time of war. *4O »0; In time of peace. *3in*». To e'rporala. In lime of war, 121 00; | in tin:-' if peace. *2O 00. To musicians. In lime of war. *ls 80; Hi tldb of peace. *13,00 To private*. Brat claaa. In time of war. ,2<* 40; tn time of pence *l7 00 To prlral. *, second Haas, In lime of war *ls 80; In time of peace. *l3 00. " JJ .... _ the POND'S THE THING. Paitle* of Ijidies thilng Over to North Augua’a This Afternoon. This weather raus>-a one to wish for ' the seashore. *mt It * A usual* P-Hih' have a splendid sutwlltule in the North j Augusta oatatorlum. Isist evening, i there were a gieat many at the pond, including aeveral paitie* of biillea A number of ladle* have learned to swim this summer, thank* to the existence of this clear, cool pond, so well fixed up, for G»‘ purpose. A gentleman who ww* oresent yes terday at the pond, and who had visit ed several parta of* th • world, said that he had never seen a party which con tained aa many excellent swimmers as the party at the pond yesterday, ll l» understood tbit several parties of la dles will go to the natatorlum. The ear*, beginning at five o'clock, will rim during the afternoon at Intervals of 20 minutes, leaving the monument at 5. S:3p, 5:40. 6. etc. USHERS MINSTREL SHOW. It Will Be Repeated for the Benefit of Soldier.*' Relief Fund Everybody remembers wilt* pleasure the ushers’ minstrel which was given last spring In the opera house, by the boys who have acted us ushers for the pai-t year This performance, added to ami embellished, will be given again In the course of the next two weeks at the Opera house. The proceeds derived from the repetition of the ploy are to be do nated to the soldiers' relief fund. It is a meritorious step on the part of the hoys, and they deserve patronage and encouragement. A TfcXAS SOLDIER. Mr. Holmes A. Hay Is Among the Troops of the Lone Star state. In a clipping from a T.?xas paper it is learned that among the soldiers who collated from that stnto is Mr. Holmes A. May, an otd Augusta boy. a brother of Mr. Percy E. May. cashier of the National Exchange bank. CITY COURT.' Adjourned on Account of the Absence From the City of Judge Eve The criminal session of the city court met this morning aud adjourned until Wednesday on recount of th' absence from the city of Judge Eve. who is now ia Atlanta attending the raiinion. AUOUBTA WBSH^XeJD. SI'CR! SKIRIS m CORI 1 A •£«*!• (ill! liyiwl it IVi ll limiaAt. %. I. '' ftb« t%*a>*e«Mv f .<*•»•*«* Alsa ktkMr# t- ii# # #■* •# . lif 1 k k |?|i 9* MkmM Hunnrr 1 MM* »M* lr*k* j Ktdwm t MAf •####•■ p n l*ww* owur • MtV fs^-liroA** i AppPAriMV • w : i fk* M*d ohort #•* * kl#T I l»|Hf* As rßMrdfMitlk, Iwftli ‘lwn*l k# * I ft*# *nt##talam#!»t. §»»4 It I* |to «*AntlA«# til# tofk f«f !k# |ol filno* d«|l. Rv#ryhAfF »?lfnt!l#n (hut ih# IMhk# ike *»###•• «f tw taeiment aaaursd. PERSONAL. Coming an J Goto r of 3 our Trlen** and Acqualnlanca*. Mias Mamie Dow. * popular young lady of this Htjr. ha* none to Marietta j Ito visit her slater. Mr*. Frey. Mlaa G<-rtrude I’amptwll. a very pop ular favorite of this rtty, left laat eve. n «ig for Atlanta to spend a month with friends in* that city. Mis. Anno Robert*, a rharmlng yniaf lady of t’ss city, left for Atlanta tsar eight to visit relative* and friends anil ‘she sill Is* gone alsiut n month- I Mrs. All.e Kcndilch., one of Augua- Ita'p 'favorite*, nnd her lovely little d lighter, Alma, after spending aeveral weeks in Atlanta and other point*, have relwmed home i Mrs M J. Gallagher, a ctnrmlng la dy of Stavannah. Gu.. with her two bively children, are tbe guests of Mr 'and Mrs. John Harden on the corner of jtMntmlng and Tails-tt street. The Jovial and Jolly H> cry Allen and the handsome and popular George Hoh ler are thinking of joining the Cincin nati hall team for the season of '!*». Whim two such ballplayers a* Allen and Bolder piny with Cincinnati they ran expect a winning card. Good luck to you. boy*. THE WEATHER. What Sergt. Fisher Prognosticate* About the Elements. Augusta. Ga., WrdncrJiy. July 20, 1898. Office located in lfnio?d States Government building; telephone No 1672. Forecast for 36 hour* ending 8 p. v m. July 21 ,1898: Wrahington forecast for South Car olina: Fair tonight and Thursday., cooler Thursday. Washington fcrtcast for Georgia: Fair weather tonight nnd Thursday. Local forecast for Angusla anil vicin ity: Fair tonight and Thursday. Maximum t. .rrpcra'nro. 94. THE RIVER. The river at 8 a. no. was 6.9, a fall pf 0.9 foot In the past 24 hours. SYNOPSIS. A decided fall in temperature has occurred ever the entire northwest country, Bismarck during tho night dropping to 38 degree*, with tbe great er portion cf that section in thr fifties. There were also slight temperature fa Is along tfco upper Atlantic eoast while the east Gulf and south Atlantic states have become warmer. The rainfall over the cotton belt In the past 24 hours was chiefly confined to limU. d areas in Texas. North Caro lina ami the lower Mississippi Valle;', with n heavy slicv r at New Bern. N. C. Showers also fell along the middle and i pepr Atlantic coast, over the great Ink:*, uil-r Mississippi vsller Kansas and Missouri. The barometer has vapidly over the northwest section, where It is high* .it. and ts lowest overiilfcepr Michigan. Tb? air pressure is alsc_Jjigh along the central Gulf coast end low over the lower Rocky mountaiq Jregicm. Santiago "ill become one of the leading winter reports fe Ibis country. s-> mm 10 m jiui. 11 itk£ )Mk i#mv k* $ tan l|f ||i|kflfln Ml ta tfeMNb I fM »i4 H* a *# Wmm *$ mmmm th##-#*#**# ak MaaMkakk i •• i J Mx |k H i-rrr no uomr* cottr. Ik# kkikiff Trkfkfl*ft Jifft Mk«9##. I Mr IWa Th k| ah ««• k#4M« IS Hm i •cut mrvf oat kl# iat*a Tk* l rr Ttulrr tef * 9b kfvr t ft tin IntA | <ii*pltt# kiln # HI I fr|trv| l##t O> K ' ##<l Ml#Al|*t ’ i„ udmtnktrr a tMpkRS. tMtk tk# r#» iitbM ihm | ltt|» rr .«b#| «oU«rt<4. At* Uk4 t***l M Ike »rr#«flHi and f«»ll#tr.#nl •CO Ml. <!####<t AM taken I# Ike Us Tkt# m vrntnjr all ieiiiiMttF h»4 kl#- I-TI eared and 'be tody rberrfallp paid II h# 9b Da# . (Irifl# (1 rf«r,m4A IntjAlffl la a flght with a former frbeid who had lexpeaaaad th* Intentkm >* Mhug h.m < llfv Vra* UklAf A*' rhao* ( an«S Nut nt#ht *ai tk# hitim w. H* am ftl U A. k. rim. Maq.a r^atill # ridins hl» bkrf% -I# rm Ik* #ia#walk*. nnd Wm Bi«ab l**»d IS Sk f,ir © plain drank- NO BRITISH OUNNERS. j Navy IVpartmeut’s Statement I* *•' •|*wer to Cunningbam-Graham. O. P* Waahinctun. July 25.--Tha I’nited I States governmt nt is prvparrd to an- Iswei the inqutry of the British govern- Iment aa to the truth of ’he statement made by Mr Cunainghamr-tiranam. a J former mem tier of parliament of ecceu- I trie reputation, that the gunn e* of I Dewey’s ships in the battle of Manila Hay were British seamen, bribed to leave Her Majesty's service. Mr. Cuu (tlnghame-Grahani sa:d that A IOO a mi mh was effereil each of these gun ners for hi* s»rvices, and that through their present ‘on the American war ships Dewey’a ■ ctory was made possi ble. Noboil ■ here believed that tbe British government would pay any nt ten i»n to Mr. Cunninghama Graham’s d mand for an Investigation, but since London press dispatches say that the Inquiry will t* made, the na' y de partment has prepared a atatwnent on ihe subject. This statement, which was completed today from the muster rolls cf Dewey's squadron, covering ihe date of the engagement with the Span ish fleet, shews that of the 1,445 men on the American ships only 67 were aliens, and of these only S were British subjects. Four of the Biltlsh wetv on the Olimpia and four cn the Raleigh. Not one of the eight is n gunner. They were ordinary seamen, a carpenter's mate, a coal passer and a water tender. Th!rt>'-one of the 67 aliens were Chi nese mess attendants and cooks. These 31 are the men in whose behalf Admi ral Dewey has rpcomm , 'nrietl a special provision of law to enable them to be come American cllirens. CAR Kl LED CANINE. Summerville Liner Ran Over a Sleep ing Dog Last Night. A lr.te car coming down from Sum merville last night ran ever a large dog on McKinna street near Greene and killed It. The. dog was lj-iug on the track asleep and was not discovered by the mrtorman until the car was almost upon him. The btakes were put cn anil the bell was rung, but the ac cident occurred nevertheless. NO /TORE BURGLARIES. Arrest of the Chief Pot an End to the Alldnigbt Robberies. Tbo report hook at police headquar ters today shows no cases reported, which is a most excellent record. There hove been no burglaries committed within the past twenty Tour hours. Th: captain of the gang has been caught and the systematic burglariz ing of houses and stores has come to an entL. ALL COURTEOUS. • Thf dr*k«. Micftfttfft mJ aH ofhttt A) mu ftnptoy m tfdittfil id tttif you cooft* We tfatifw out (rto4' f»ltn«vth to fft You to fwfftf tf*J MV Item 01 bf# an 4 ftl luiiter *ofot*nei»o. Any i>f ite vouni rmd ia cot ofttev %isl tlbfifuk liiu TOM tteouffc ite te luttiter >jf J (Ktotv ana wartteHttc. You our hi lo art vte >mmmM and tvibrAui Mb MJvh fMi which have lift! at* rived and art now "J»tng duly.* te Mirpmcd to rvalue how quickly we con* %ert ite much lumbei Into Ite perfect imi'ted I'fwducL > ll you write US, wt muff you or a prompt and courteous rente. Ask '.h IsUOM and lind OKI more AIKH*T I'i WEa,L TELL YOU. . Wf waul K> mAf rout f *t jffgl |naa ytM »<« A*J tmoo vOt* al»*afv *f C1«IB to f .l Art*» *d«4b*M •«k earti «M* f Doal ym «k«* »# • n*wt, l sk. l amMt. .MMaglea •at all M*k»s nf bartrty » dwavdi YENRSUHLAV NEUTRALITY. vpanfh NRkU m 4 Csmpo* AM Spmim ! n Jaly *• - Th* ah»»t« at l e-muff f#|Hift* 4k#* #***•'' *4- | I k»rt«irk« Mntkif w*## #* j tc Ik# l#«f fcf PfH tetefd ks %*#k*'ik#lk. Ik# Wkkl Ik- j <!!#•, rhtn» »q 4 fk# Tatkkl of kk#«*- 1 hut Tk# 4**r** ** • ititiN# kff fk# ir»l ok# »•#*><**. • f »4 m«l#«#r Ijookk iifte##l tk# *»•* ftiyrtoktii tkkt ft '’yw fh# m »rv #«#rto#!*r to lnk«r# fk- aratrkl ; l-y M VriMMMta agalnat {kr atiawp. oil tlpan'ih t~* , ‘-'*** a»d •) mpaihls'i * *• ] carry okt for aiding Spal* l» t*Of praaaat nstliit M holdlag public j m 'tings and oprpln* oOcc* for th' ( subscriptto* of moo'? a»d the etiHat-l meot of ■»“ la tb* cause of Bpaia ’ j the Art* provide*: “That all th* federal and slate an- i thoritlea shall eterHa* the strictest vigilance tn th*lr napsrllv Jurisdle- 1 ttom to pn «Mt the accompHahmcm ot j any act contrary to neotralUy. auch a* th* en Hat meot of men,, the collacil in j cf arms, the formation of riuha. ihe fitting o»it of exjietl tiona. etc. “Article L A* to the comwete' of) Vonrxnrla with the belligerent* tt toj limited by th* prohibition to carry coal j contraband of ear. tht* Including tb' j transportation of comapondenee and) person* engaged In military s'cvl.e; i also by prohibition to violate astablish ed bl s hades when r wwrnal warning i ha* been given by the eommalMw* o 4 ihe ships engaged In making »a d bsH'kade effective. "Ver.?xuplan* arr fc.rbldden to t*g* out letter* of marque If the belliger-nts adoiit thla method of warfare, which neither of tbe two has renounced. "Von*melons who fall to reapei't these otiligatlone. or who in any way take part lu ihe hoatllHie*. shall lie subject to the consequence* cf 'heir conduct in accordance to national leg islation and to the penalties imposed upon them by «h offended bHilger ant*, ami cannot appeal lo this gov ernment for protection. "Vessels of war of the belligerents and privateers with prizes shall not be allowrd to enter Venexuelan ports They may. however, be allowed to en ter ia case of urgent necessity, afier renvdyfng which th.T must leave wiih out dejsy.” THE LAST DAY. Large Crowds Paying Their City Taxes at Treasurers Office. Today ia the last day for paying etty j taxes and that portion cf the rioar pen pie who do not attend tq this business ( today will have flnrs to pay. The crowd at the city treasurer's office to- j day has been a tremendous one and the g-ntlemen who look after affairs around there are working hard. The prayer meeting at St. John's church at 8:30 tonight will he lead by Rev. Sherman R. England. The pub lic is invited. FT’NERAL NOTICE. THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Mr. and Mrs. Manning D. Fitts ere respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of their infant son, MANNING, THURSDAY. July 21st, at 6 o'clock p. r.i., from the r?sld;>nc.» (iMis. .VI. K. Fitts, No. 228 Tel- j fair street. ~ Too Late For Classification BAUD'I . X. c.. 2,350 FEET ABOVE sea level. Boarding house near de pot. Fine water, pur? air. Mountain breezes. Climate unsurpassed. Mrs. Fleming Tarver. July 18 FOR SALE-LARGE HORSE SI'ITA BLK for work in buggy. Would ex change for g-'oa pony.- 'ice him,, corner Ellis and’ Miiledse street, city. Jly 22 JULY 90 :' IM S MM). [ —— (’•KM I*»i itKl the Ut|N Dijl it AnesMi TraiMrtfd. H X rtOOMBd b» W B Wkii* to lb* August* Comp**mi I 4'nMa* uittnu** I* g ’ 4«*n. • hiwm. Ml Ik* t*rgm day's hiimne— pmtaaHy as fir fur Its* jiar »a* Itiat . ' shout «.*M hal.-* at'-rvd la the |[{*4 ma f ‘houe ?. sold try H , B U* Hi te tu Ilia i Augusta nuapwia Wheat id up a rant and firmrf *o rnf* irrins by il<*!a and rstmrla <»f I*im|* to lb* mg la liar mttkmt l»y fr->*l 1 tail night : Tha Itsht (r« *t In Dakota *!»>uld r*llr ; v ora * im. IrtplU good wee! her alas* !« bars The vMtbrr ptr wlrr that tkfff i ill f 'fsiMv la fr-**f In Michigan. Wipe |« n*m and Dakota The Nr* Turk at<» k mark*! stag* I nant. Ttir nimmlifl»n l>uam»a* la •' a standstill and leondon Is d< In* nothing. Doutavtlte and Nailwlllr broke on th* yeUon fever report*. Thr m* government hrrota «. toned a| 101 >ld It la reported tha ralilat la doing Ml [ natmmM hualt.saa | Thr rationing ggotatlon*. Hosing pr|- <-•# takrn at 3 o rlork, am over th» * pe tal alias of Pal nr. Murphy 4k Co. 1 CHICAGO PROVIHIONB. WHEAT— Open. Cl om I July .. .. .. .. .• •• *• 7&% 7*% September **% lUnoigd'O* Sill tt% CORN July .. .. .. .. •• •• •• K’» 33H Heptem tier ». 2fS H'i Deem her 31% 33% OATS— July . »% Septemlier .. 10% 13% PORK— Sept >m ter > *S * *3 l-A Rl> September I.M —• October S.*2 RIBS— September 5 II 5.79 'Vtober 5.73 •, NEW YORK COTTON. Jrr.uary .. .. * * 00 Fehruary *O7 March «H<9 August CM f J. 1 Set 1 on her 5.05 5.»:t October 5.37 r * 91 December .. 6.00 3.1*11 Tom—Steady. Halva 75.000. Middling <>Vs* - * NEW YORK STOCKS. M tropollta n IK'i 149 B R T 55 54% Sugar 13'- Vi 1*3% 1 Tobacco .iW% 119% I Atrtriion. preferred .. .. 33% 31% C. B. Q I<*% '106% Chicago Gas 9* 98% 'j. C 88*4 SB?* I Louisville and Nashville .. 52 52% | Manhattan 104% 105% Omaha 82 81% P. M 28% —- Rocft Islpnd .. 05% 95% Reading 18% 18% St. Paul 98% 98% S. R. Q 29% 30% Western T’nlon 92% 92% UVERPOOI. COTTON. January and February 3.20 3.19 20 February and March .. 3.20 21 March and April 3.31 April and May 5.22 iJuoe and July 3.24 3.23 !4 jjuly and August 3.23 3.23 24 I August and Sept 3.23 3.22 23 Sept, and Oct. * .. .. 3.23 3.21 22 Oct. and Nov 5.80 31 r Nov. cm: Dee 3.19 20 Dec. and Jan ,2.19 20 ACC. IT ST A COTTON Middling 6%. Sales 6255. Receipts toe day 9- Receipts to date 375345. Stock or. hand 16522'. . , PORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 ISM Galveston ' ?•* New Orleans •• 48 13 1-4 Mobile *- J * Savannah \ 2 Charleston 8 ~ Norfolk * 7