The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Image 3

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WIONtbOAV WIIDMXN ASKS EXPLANATION. Hi TUf H* Ni w ! ItMtHC I'MMA AaMWbßmM* *i Ommamt'* 1 ftiiiH'ii Ums, 4Mf f* s TiP •** **** I m I#** •* • ***** vt#®#*. #- •- *'m~ r* lb** ®ifc#4 #• | VMM fWViPP PP #P fIpPiP"PP ™ . HgryriH *M N* WPtiPi ♦ t* '#f* pMPPii MV m i s&* PufM •# TIWPM#* Ul W*4NV AWi % feHll.l ®Af3< Of*«M MNb U#.M«w*l bt '**> till ■jmiit* •* Kb* •*•*•"» 1 mt~r J«R Mi - A <H|iw> t**m Ito l.a m lb* t%.iY M<h*» «•** ib** *b*, ft### l#**#®#* Ml 4*144 *•* ••• ****' i >64 »i f 49 it 444*MN”"* MPM IMP CIttMMMI 4ft*f IM **• “* f t«* «of* TVP iMrMPr ip# *•#* wtf J ®*tr**»>4»#t ei*# IMP «* p*w* f*4*s# lilt Mft4 |ITM Iris Ip* n» J*ttl4«*<* ’ lit nirtmi *it !*«trw« : *4 Ml t<l , I trt 4#** *p4 MM CMIPM IMP m #* frtmm* mmH I P» pm mi* , l it*»tUM PPM ••** 4*MMMPPW *** tt# rtPIPPI IPpp fHnH4 M*<P IP#, fpr .! *#•!< fc #44• tP#l * I# ttf fft># j l r|i rpii# riMliit #1 MiiiP *• PM r*#» t* mi OP#nt pm Pppp • Mr 4*4*. I■# .4 letri*et »*»* • *f%+ A f4f*f#T"##< #f# PPflt fee## ®4***# t# pMVt *tt w 4*#J**® «wmmm T4#f M«f |mo«m#n» ip «w«4m AMrfrMf *• <P» MMI of Pt«k*ft4. THEY FEAR WATSON’S FLEET A Pig Coapit DfeiriSsiitK lb ski|n> cutting TH«»i Iwt of III* »i| •! lb* Am rruia Vtiidi. flibnlltr, Jll; Tfefl Span *li tranr-Atlantic mw« I -artnc Wi - ion i Im, an ItiiriMiH their •(cam era to foreign port*. The Ciudad. Caudal. Hrban* and Gataluna ar# no* enter ng the port. THIS IS MVSTIiRKM 5. Report b> Admiral Sampson About a Shell. [lpwial to The Herald.] Wwhloil*. July jo. Sampson re pir.a a »tar.lip* eorurrecce aboard the Indiana. In the night, while no Brin* nn |rini on, with no ilrtb or report, a mortal abell fell on the spar dec It, It exploded and d:d much damage. No cae * a* hurt. It la a mpaier? where the shell ram' frtm. It I* not the kind n*ed by American*. The Spaniards have uo mart art. Shatter tablet (hat ten million round* of ammunition and orer ten thrurand rides have been turned in. Today be will *erd officers and men to rfce'ce xrrrender of 20.000 troop* ,n the interior and ecaat garrisons. RIOTINO IN PORTO RICO. American Sy mpathlrers Slain by the Spanish. ICnpyright Cable ] St. Thomas. July 20.—Serious r ot* ocrurrod at Mayaguex on July 17. The Spanish soldiers atiack'd the Porta Ricans. believed to be American sym pathisers. Nine were killed and nearer wound 'd. It is imported here that the N'w Or leans has captured the French liner Olinde Rorlrlgurz while attempting to run the San Juan blockade. For Sale! Thie fell' tving i r perty will be sold upon reaarnable terms: Brick building No. 454 and 450 Broad street, containing two stores and dwell ings overhead—lot 58 feet 10 Inches, tunning half way thiough to Ellis ft r ret. Brick stable No. T 26 Ellis street —lot 34 f 4 't 9 inches, running back to Greene 155 feet —now occupied by J. Travis Yeung & Co. Ncs. 627 o.nd 629 Broad street, con taining two large stores and fln? dwell ing overhead—lot 55 feet 6 Inches, tun ning back 271 feet. Lot immediately In rear of above No. 630 Reynolds-street, 4X feet 5 Inches frcntftge, tunning back towards Broad street 142 feet 2 Inches. Also several fine lots about 100 feet front and 200 feet deep In the Village of Summerville, fronting on John’s street, being a portion of tb- Moore property. Easy payments will be given on all the above described property. Apply to Georgia Railroad Bank. 14‘It*# vl UN. b». vttA*AHtie OrVft, q|l(% IP #% t Ilf: We Alwavs Have, and Always Will Lead in Real Bargain Giving No misleading, dlMppolntm.nU, .».*g.r.t..l oMh!»*a'>od» '2«!v u a*. c *£ »d study for yowmelve* the money saving in this groat sal#. MEN'S DEPARTMENT W. feat* . mwM fcN Ms lb** » tNubwi’* dt! -.A M 4 CfcßFSlMMSpfe#* •4 VtM It* taM* **».«* ««y ..4 Ims « Mtt >i•» »#4 Ms* Will «Pm# MM #1 pi $Ni s (d#aif '*• I.*# nmlat r f%4«ifo4 ft <•**(*# la#tfI a #tf t 4k# # *3# f##t. # * *#s lP#l Par Poo# gf-fi|t* P| gj, |# pm ll* •*#.-■ • ff%4# «## «#| #P|M <#44 #*M P# Bear In mind 1n,.r..U alw.y.on th.looKout lor th. b..« lor our patron., and our .llort. aro u.u.lly crowned wlttt goed rasults. Be mindful of good advlco and seek us for bargains. RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE GO. - - IN ASOCIAL WAY Wjw HI Sfi V /llj .»f 1 ’ N y \t - 'm* V v^ T® Mill* Dorothy. 1 1 |mr« whftf In b«**»7 Hi ft fir.. fa* • ccrtalft llttS# frl*&4 of a j a nt* Dortiflijr, I km* whffr fliiiin j Tin aoly *» » iiuatl h»tidi» lo law* j twine 1 A wt »e ti far tin b • gold ti fceed i| I j i The thorght that thou art coming make* all glad; Thr bouse la bright with blossoms sod low. | And me ny a little laa* and lad Kapeetantly are r<mn>ng to and fro: The Are within our hearts la all i pylf>w, j We want tho*. rhtld. to *hare In our; delight On this high dap. the holiest and beet. Brcruic 'two* then, ere youth had ta ken flight, Tby giandmemma. of women lyv'*- Mad? me of men most honored and most blest. * That naughty hoy who led the to sup i He wa* thy sweetheart has. I grieve | to tell. , Been se n lo pick the garden's choicest 1 rose And toddle with It to another belle. Who does uot treat him altogether j well. But mind not that, or let It teach the* i this, • To weste no love on any youthful rover I (All youths are rovers, I assure thee, miss). | No, if th<u would*! lure constancy direover,’ Thy grandfather is perfect as a lovar. 8c come, thorn playmate of my closing da; - . j The latest treasure life can ojfer me. ! And with thy baby laughter make ns B-ty. Thy fifth young voice shall sing, my Dcrofhe, Songs that shall hid.' tho feet of sorrow (!-c. —Gladstone. Our Women at Paris In ipoo. In t?..y July Ladies’ Home Journal Edward Eok notes that American wo | men are arranging to make ‘another exhibition of themselves” at the Pj'ls Exposition In 1900. proportionately similar to the painful "Woman's Budd ing" at the World’s Fair In Chicago in j 1593, and urges (bat tfc.o painful mi:>- j take of Chicago be not repeated at the ! French capital. "It is not," Mr. Bok | says, “that the wot-’ n who prelected the ’hen-house’ (at the World's Fair), ! ns it was Irreverently ciile i by many, j were altogether to blame, nor was its ! failure due to lack of er ei gy. Tire ; failure was in the idea itself. It was. unwise, and Intelligent women on all sides did not hesitate to express finer cpinloas. They objfod, and rightly so, to ho classed apart, and have their handiwork shown as that, of a set of freaks. If their work was good, they asl-nd. why should It be separated from | the main exhibits simply because it was the work of women? What d.d their sex matter if the work was of merit? "There is no sense, however, in mak ing this mistake for the second time, particularly within the boundaries of j Rice&O’ConnorShoeCo. rvi#m*'tr ##4 VMS *e«*'h*f pre* i 1.1 K a| Tkn ; »p n at I’l* * A*# liuUdma at it*. World', full I* m r.J i .». s ■mrtfbfl w tnAShood in hf> \%t I ■ ■rAfnant InifSO'lV CO# ka f» rllrQttjHt ; hihit st tP# Paris Ktpoi-tion I# IMP Mtl . i_. mual he ahnttS » ;fh I! .o, .part I 'from M. The Imukih mual bo mforrH. . upon I’onUaratal Kuropr th.l In Am* erten mrtU u uroßßitrd Irrmpertlr* | T.iv lor- Mimmonil Ttvr Pinas AUpiUI rburrb ptnonilit wm th. «rtm |..t f>v«alng of • qu.flj bnt bn.uttful and imprmtvr rwuiiisx, 'that which In marrlag. Mr*. Karsh Kotiniifw Hammond to Mr, HM-j |ry Ta; lor. The young couple wan nr-j r »pan lt dby Mr*. McClelland and ' Mr. John Hall, th. former bccomlng'y Igownrd In whit, organdie. The \ gown was of wbib> orgMdll ertf aatin j with lardicc cf taco and ribbon A ! huge bouquet of brWal roa.a «w car- j l rled. Itrmcd'alcSy ihc cremony, *oj j imprs tivr-fy performed by Rev Hr. > , I-suing Burrow., Mr. and Mm Taylor •-ft for Tybce, where they will atay for i come ■veskr. Mr* Taylor l« a very J I*andacm* and young w'otnaa* I who haa *cor.»a of frlmda and admlr«i'a. ' Mr. Tsylor la a popular employe of ln« J. B. Whit. Co. A I'nlque Wedding. A widrtlag as which several iin!q». features wJI 'k introduced is that pf M:*s Aiys Kuhlke and Mr. Harry Hah |ioa Morris, which Uliea place at she, Klr.l Baptist church tomorrow at 12:30.: Rev. Or. Lansing Burrows . fflcialiug. ( It will lie si typical summer wedding. In decoration and in costuming. The j bride will bo gowned in tlltny white or- 1 organdie and carry bridal roses and j ferns. The gioom and his four ushers, Mr. P. Baxley, Mr. Charles Stafford. Mr. 1-oulg Merkel aud Mr. Rob Ruther ford, will wear suits of cream flannel aud while canvas shoes. The young couple <v!ll leave immediately for Ty-: Ixe. and will upon their rPturn, l)e at home at £>24 Telfair street. I A Successful Amateur Performance. Miss Dais:' Barling is being warmly congratulated on all sides today upon th? brill.ant success of he. production rs the four-ad comedy. "Strife,” at the Grand lasi night. Miss Sailing has exceptional talent as! Jn elocutionist, and as a teacher is, remarkably successful. Too much j credit cannot he given her for the silt- 1 (tisfiil manner in which she displayed, in her piay, her iaic gifts as actor and. teacher. Her acting in the leading role! was very good, and called for reiterated! applause. Her support, trained by her self, iefleeted much credit upon the teacher. The leading male role was skilfully enacted by Mr. Jack Young, while Mr. Bruce Young and Mr. Charley Smith did the comedy parts. The other mem bers of the cast were: Miss Vcnder leith, Miss Keener, Miss Bettha Sar ling. Mr. Actor, Mr. Percy Clark, Mr. .Ice Gardiner, Mr. Russell and Mr.. Os car Thompson. The ore reeds from (he play were de voted to the soldiers’ fund. Ice Fete. A generous patronage is solicited for 'he Children's Ice Fete, which will ink' 1 place, this afternoon, from live to eight, on th lawn of Mrs. T. D. Cole man's home. The affair, under th.? r.hlo ■.lirectlon of Mrs. Coleman and Miss Katherine Black, cannot fall to be a signal success. There will hr a number of pretty dancasand drills by the child ren. patriotic songs and games, and de licious'refreshments. The proceeds th® aUOUBTA ICTi A xx> Mpq's AW AnMd Mi* c#tf Absisw w bmw and «••»»*•* bus bggvp, bsl m~ « •,«»>> «mi r»M It * ••><■** tb* • ««*•• «m* psww win br It » g Hut* Nit BMtd Am* f»11«< fbM* *wtb Mwl »>«•*• •*», ««wsa*w*4 psml tm It J* tmi <«M bt w* f*t it *■ l^ c at || typtfm *%#■ #t>4 fit 44 4lf#«i ff#f* #b#t l»*4 4### t# LADIES' DEPARTMENT *n of mmt Ijutir** M KM m 4 *t •* lUiwtt TIN K*4 «*A Vwrt* «n %ammr* tarWMMUI tb* fund few lr* fro tb# *irb and * •enrtr'4 «olAlrrt MtM Jwlt l>tlt Ml lAMMd llW» MI., jmif Wall baa twtwmad from \| *« |lt It r I® % i#4 #4® mm lttlHll# Wlllil#* wM frfMf#«4 Til# Mltifi IWom# #r# tiiHilf frN*#4l tM Hfi |* M WhHin*n |® % lulling U >«4® In Mlsnmnt® Mr Louts Bust haa ralurnrd fpsa Cape May and Waafelwgtun. Mr* John Harper Darldann has rr , turned from Hulliran a laiand. Mr and Mrs. Robert Walton are among the Augustsua la Atlanta, Mra. Black, of Charleaton. 1* the j great of Mra. John Harper Itavldaon. The Tburaday Reading Clnb mwti ’tomorrow with Miaa Annabel Cranait^n. Mr. and Mra. John J. Cohen and ! mi** Roselle Mrsrelar have returned | from Tybee. Mtaa Klberta Orombe Wbeleaa fa aia -1 ping ber aunt. Mra H. P- Vl»r»nt. In Sumuu rvllle, N. C. Judge end M-a. Bre rnd Misa Kve were among tboae who wet* on the fast train teal evening. Mtsa E. Clarlc# Brrkadale l"ft »h«a i looming for a vlalt to Mra. E. B. John ! *ton. In Griffin. Ga. m m Misa Katherine Pickens Boggs, who haa bred vlalllng Mrs. nutt, has gone to Virginia for the aumemr. Mira Josledelle Bighnon la vialling ; friends and relative* in Atlanta. She will be gone until September. Mrs. B. M. Weiaigrr la spending Itie balance of the heated term in the mountain! cf Western North Carolina. Mies Julia Carmichael left yeslerdav for Atlanta, where she will act as mald of-honor to Miss Henrietta Robertson, sponsor for Camp 4- >. Misses Marian and Bertha Welgle k-fi yesterday for Aiiania. where they will be the guests of Mias Mamie Ful cher for about two weeks. Mr. John Sledge and Mr. Frank North left thla morning for P.'nacn, S. C„ where thev will be gueaia at a house pary given l»y Mrs. Courtney. Miss Gwendolyn Hays, one cf Augus ta's popular young ladies, left this morning 10 attend the Vcnfedm-ate re union in Atlanta, the guest of relatives. The numerous friends of Miss Mark Berlorelli, on* of Charleston's charm ing young ladies, will give her a de lightful bike ride this -■ -ning down Lover’* Lane; where a dainty littlo luncheon will be served. 'JOHN F. LOVETT. The Death of a Prominent Citizen of Sylvania. fSpedal to The Herald.] Sylvania, Ga.. July 20. —Mr. John F. Lovet, a most wealthy and highly es teemed citizen, died at his home in tills town yesterday evening. His :iih was caused from continued fever from which he had suffered for five weeks. Mr. Lovett was one of Screven county’s most prominent and success lul business men nnd Ills death lias caused, a gloom ov. r the entire com mon!!}'. He leaves n wife and three children. ( Because thy sexton of (he Methodist church in Rtnnebunkpcrt. Me., refused ilo let a crowd .of men and boys ring jthe bell on t)ie Fnuitb of July, they assaulted liittt. smashed the windows, tore dowt) the fences, and beat the po liceman who tried to stop them. TWO 834 Broad Street. Name AcrostSidewalk STORES 722 Broad Stroet, oppo&ite Monument STORts GEN. ffllliES ASKS PERMISSION TO CARRY HIS ARMY TO SPAIN. ftPECIAI. TO TMK nr.RAI-O. M'AMOMOTOf*, l» C.. JOLT R.-ONNWAL MILKM »!*«• BKKJf UR Of MO THK PRKnIUKMT AMO TUB MAH BOARD Tvi <tIVK HIM PMMMMnN VO MUD AM ARMT <-F INVASION Tu APAIM Artltß THK CnMorrtrr or P**HTr» KltX». TH N IMMItTtW MCWON To PnOTPOMR AM. wrKRATIOMA AOAINVT HAVAMA t'MTIL THK KNI> OF oCTOtIWH. t-KAVCT OVKR THRKB MONTH* FOR MW PROIMWNO IM VAWOM OF KI*AIM. AMD Mow THKHK AHK TH«vo»m IM THR FIF4.D Tt» CARRT OUT THK pmoMRTRATION. T»I«*A FAH THK AMKWKR TO OKNHHAI. MII.F.F HA* HKKM: "TAKM POXTO MR TItKN « N wh.l. CONWDKR TH K oTHKH PROPORITION." tIKNKHAL MIIJ» PI-AM* AIIK To TAKK PORTO Itlt'o A* A IIAAK. AMD O ROAM IKK AND *TAI«T AM AHMT OF IMVAAIOM AOAIMHT THK OA MARIK*. f*ROCKKDIMO FltoM THKIIK TO HPAIN * Ct*A*T. WITH SPAIN lIWTITITf OF A NAVT, OKNKRAL MILKS A ROCK* THAT IT WOCLD BK KA*T TO CAPTCBK AN IMPORTANT ABA-COAST CITT IN SPAIN. AMD FROM THKHK THRKATKN MADRID ITSKLF PKAt'K WOCLD THI S l«K FORCED WITIIOCT THK HEAVY M»*S CERTAIN TO RBFCLT FROM UWIBaINO HAVANA. , THE AMERICAN SOLDIERS ' (DAY SOON BE FIGHTING THE CUBANS SPECIAL lO TME AUOL’STA HERALD. NORFOLK. VA.. JCLY 28.—AN ARMY OFFICER OF WIDE EXPERIENCE AND INTIMATE KNOWL EDGE OF THE CUBANS, MAKES THE STARTLING PREDICTION THAT WITHIN TWO WEEKS WE SHALL nE FIGHTING THE CUBANS. HE SAID FURTHER: THE CUBAN* ARE ALREADY DISSATIS FIED WITH THE AMERICAN M KTHODH. THEY WANT TO KILL PRISONERS. AND CANNOT UN DERSTAND WHY WE DON'T ALLOW THIS. THEY DON'T WANT ANNEXATION TO THE UNITED STATES. THE END WILL BE A FIGHT WITH THE PEOPLE WHOSE CAUSE WE HAVE ESPOUSED. ' The Cubans Are Acting Very Ugly SANTIAGO. JULY M -WHEELER'S DIVISION OF DISMOUNTED CAVALRY. INCLUDINO THE - ROOSEVELT ROUGH RIDERS. HAS BEEN MOVED FROM THE TRENCHES BEFORE THE CITY TO THE HILIJ4 IN THE REAR. PREPARATORY FOR EMBARKING FOR PORTO RICO. GENERAL M KIBBEN. MILITARY GOVERNOR. HAS ESTABLISHED A THOROUGH SYSTEM OF PA TROLLING THE CITY. A NUMBER OF ctIBAN INSURGENTS HAVE ENTERED THE CITY DISGUISED AS REFUGEES AND HAVE TRIED TO PROVOKE THE SPANIARDS TO m< *TS. WHEREVER DETACHED. THE CUBANS HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AND TURNED OVER TO THE CIVIL AUTHORI TIES. GENERAL GARCIA LEFT THE CAMP OF THE CUBAN ARMY WITH A DETACHMENT OF PICKED MEN TO CONKER WITH GENERAL GOMEZ. THE SPANISH SOLDIERS PLUNDERED MANY OF THe'bUSINEsS HOUSES THE DAT BEFORE THK SURRENDER. THE MERCHANTS ARE STILL MITCH ALARMED AT THE SPANISH SOLDIERS AND PROWLING insurgents, and have asked general m kibbem to post guards IN front of their stores. the VOLUNTEERS IN THE SPANISH ARMY, RESIDENTS OF CU B A, BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE TO BE SENT OUT OF THE ISLAND. ARE GROWING RESTLESS AS D MAY PROVE TROUBLESOME. THE ARCHBISHOP RECEIVED A THREATENING LETTER FROM SO ME OF THESE VOLUNTEERS. DE MANDING THAT HE CEASE SHOWING FRIENDSHIP TO-THE AMERICANS. .JUSMA.Sb.-~. No More Arms For the Cubans. WASHINGTON. D. C., JULY 28.-NO MORE ARMS OR AMMUNITION WILL BE FURNISHED EITHER GARCIA OR GOMEZ. THIS IS THE FIAT ISSUED THIS MORNING. THE GOVERNMENT REALIZES THE SITUATION IN CUBA. THE QUESTION OF TROUBLE WITH THE CUBANS HAS BEEN DISCUSSED AT LENGTH BY THE CABINET. THE PRESIDENT FEARS A CLASH AND THE STRICTEST MILITARY RULE WILL PREVAIL UNTIL THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE WAR DECLARATION ARE CARRIED OUT. THE EFFECT* OF THE BREWING TROUBLE FROM THE CUBANS AND THE VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE RESIDENTS OF THE ISLAND IS THAT THE ARMY OF OCCUPATION WILL HAVE TO BE VERY LARGE. EAR GREATER THAN LAID DOWN IN THE PRESIDENT'S PLANS. THE COST OF THIS WILL BE ENOR-, MOUS, AND THERE WILL PROBABLY BE BIG LOSS FROM DISEASE, ETC. RESULT OF A JOKE. Eldora. lowa. July 20. A, J. Springer of Whitlen, died this morning as the result of a joke. He was pushed off a porch in fun by a relative, and Imme diately became paralyzed, lie was an old settler. No one is blamed. j m*T Tba* • malty mm* mn #» •** »b» ***•• **• H W* Mu *Hm> m >«t »b.»«> «<i»*>«» • tai *9 • a*** IM cbmw litr l n*»i|rT IH’ b 8M *)••* feWfepM*. **• «***• * Will* e-»I Sf «M». - b-8. tb • *4l fW»« 8 *B*4 »•* Mi b*F!b mm %s *•<•** I* »**b Wll? ft#®** ilN4# #*<• M ft . - *»«<'» ** M#C *4 Vm e *•» * ’ i * ‘ * M•* * “ w > -■■ - M«to4 tMMI mm <•<*•* IMbfeMb, 1»*. P*Ms*i UtMlFf l»M **F* am irpi-tiittY *:<* tm t*« «M •«*»* •*.•♦» im* mmam tb* **-*• I9m®9 #®4k, m*s The Rev. W. A. Van Ciundv of Hut chinson, 111., led his 5-year-old boy to tilt; reform school by a leather strap, one end of which was tired around the boy’s neett. After the boy had been placed in the school the father return ed to his church and conducted the | usual service. JULY 30 MlfKI- The Prince of Wales. London. July 19. The Prince of Wales, who is suffering from a fracture of bis left knee cap, is making satis factory progress toward recovery.