The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Image 5

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WCONK4OAV —■ vests«. ' — Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GKOHGtA (OMMrvt U M>IHW J*. r4MM,f CAfItAU • ••••• ■ 1 OUTTOSi t««K ftta** * ornm f» , U' ,** , s* - * a ftwaaM*. Hmm ( **»*««■*** L l 7 Hd««4 imS| Jpi* rIMi wsk ***3m3k ***** 4 Hr* w%m NEWS FROM CtMP. UM ftNwn Hwri If AtgvMt Ivflk TIM !%m MM *•*• h T««M» tup* lipMftl >« Tip HmHI FteUtt** torn* H rii»|i Psis TraiN** yis.. ini it •* tim* fluiitiy * 9tm4» 4ra? Mi i*t imr *44 94* mm in 4f-< -»|(p4 499144 |lp 4r4***l* •'*> I*9* 49 ftp i«*c Mm 4§4ftM*4 Hft 94* M 4§9ft4§ TTir**rlig RsmM KMiffiT In Ms PI 4*ps4 s*MH*SI si 94* ft4§M§ **4 «*f *4* *Cf**i, 444# l4t 9NMUW. *44 14** *4*» 4#** 44 9*1**4414 44*4 9Mt til* 4*4*4 14 >ll*l 94 14* 41*1441 *1 • *••4 *o4*4 W4l<4 •?.••*** t4llT 4* • (hi 1 44* 444449 4VTMM4 A *•" 914* H 4*4* 44 9941*44 4* iNpppnMSm* 441 H *4 14* lf§4ra 4*n*s ♦** 444 4*4*4 M44M4 99*» (441 (941 I*l 49 wi**M 9*4 9419 4 414 iMtriir tlfl 4f Kcrpii, §1.4 i4r In is *4*4l f isftiii 91 *4 H| 44? A*f 111 l*§(p*cH 4* AUSMSfS 44444* 4MM4*4§. A 4 ill' Iff q pi 4*4l* 14 49**9* ft*** PSIKSA? Ifr*i4§ 49 i 4*l4*4* (MMI l4t §44* •**« S*it* ***** •** I*ftftftl4§ *4 *4 W!|Bi ■*• ft*9ML 94 9*4*4 44499* 544 **4§* 94 (•Ml 1. § 4*C«l4*J T4i* 9* • (Ik ro4p*9 soMisssrH* I *. Wil l* •** 14*4*114 14i* 94m C9HC44S«I4* (tU(9 to 499449104 4* 4* eM4*4 **' tiftt raiwt (4# 4l*}*** o* 14* wifiuoa, S4<* ks fram§ 9| *4§ §©•*! *44 *•#§.! staking k « pwnMl " |M«nl *lr<i pmKm*M '** vurk (W ■>*• k°®' Afi*r . .mtsord. r Em sssdc to* »»r»*y * n * <hc roßwnrtfr of tk» «*P* * r e poetics of arms ik» «#• ar* ra ‘** f " [jf iks sty will fnw pi*- 1 Private «. W Bssterlto. who h*' Im tick la q«art*i* for two w«*ks. la vow eonvsiwclng »w vlll *>• *M* *° do f O J! -July la a few day* Ho hat been bu(lrina with tnalaral fever and un able to leave ble quarters, but the . him hv the officer* and kiiiH ■W'" * wi™ u ' lß ® u,u wea hare alwcet repaid him Ik' 111**** la proving its* great number of frlena* be ha» mad' Rcrgesr.t Wrtfht will leave n» tomor- j nr morning for borne on a fifteen gara' furlough. He la to be rengratu lated on having obtnintd leave of ati eenoa. aa they are not extended to, many applicant*. He wilt be mleaeii now even more than when be wa» at (be division hoaplUl. for then the men would go over to see him very day Ilia retura la anxiously awaited and all hope for hie early and complete recov ery from the wound he received. R.crults Josey and Thomas arrived yesterday and are right welcome *•» the ranka of Co. C. Jim Joaey and. Quartermaster 3 ergon at Jim Reanc' - 1 tmt together and both have- got the bluet since Jotey a arrival. Each Is trying to console the other. Corporal Jackson la on provost guard at D« Soto Park today. , j Corporal Oates has been detailed to tmlp drill the recruits and has a fine squad, vjklch will soon be admitted to the ranks of the company. CHARLES GREENWOOD BENSON. OASTOHZA. Kind You Hnw Aiwa n gougM Hixon—Spain's navy doesn't seem to | be scoring many hits. Dixon—No; I don’t believe th<> Span ish gunners could shell peas.—Chicago News. FOR SALE 10 Counter Show Cases 4 Upright Case and Counters 1 Table 7 Counters 6 Wall Cases nu ST BE 50LD AT ONCE Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. GROWING TOBACCO. | lie* t( I'glHTgle lie fn*fl la Ilia c'gaaiif. AgrvwNwewl HepartsanH Itjrd «• stake N a kf«M Mwdy | t4# §*44P4M( 4>«4*4 «as 9t«44((4 M•* j 14*4*41 MMX 4 MUM 14 III* «*49*4 | U*4 4144* (Iti 14m A4f9*411494* 94 ' *4l** 41*41 «* 14* dl *9441(49 *4*ll pH j Ib.» 4*9lr|4 44H 4 I*4l*l |p4t*44 - T4# **4’44 k *4* UllflF hf |lk 4§9 Mil 4* |, f iMa pi ipaillm a tana a wtM«a ta i UHet Mtlaas, of i«w Tbbaavw Is* «» .that tike grewtag milag and bawdlitMi leg tabae •» ka AtWerewt (rum the easktua iat s|m aed away otbav mrUrUm M ’that M rfaairn sbeaillr tiwtawt k> j abURb tM bast »ea»Ma The »»«»•* 1 t in4a-Ikbb «f tektrm ta the IVH d ,-tiwUw Ma iswrbad 4be mvanw ft* i area of pcaatka a year. a ate 4i tobacco dealer* Char tee T.j ! abbr> aad Ur Mailar. who la aaaoeta ted wttb Ur bath apprwved the ,4« a. sad aatd (bar a Mil covert a* the i wc old bare beew pieaeotaf lo Coagrcaat !•« tu laet seeatoa If the nub of baa., .aeae itrMaal ta the aar bag aot era 1 *<frred a heart ag aa It Impose IMe Tbit llt awt tor the eetabliehawat of a *ep- I !# 4eu*r<aieat ekowdatl it abowld j he to atvgy se raubrelty the growing, cortaa and baodltag of tobacro la the I l aiud StfctM. At prevent the govern mmt has as expartmewtal atatton la iCcinrertleut and another la pa*n»> I vaaia and U did bat# a thifd bar in | riori la Tb«ae ataUoaa, tketiti email ead poorty equipped bare already I gabb goad work ta detarwlalag what kings of act) are aiovt valuable la tbetr •partMd dietrtets and aettllag qaeaiinre f ran aad fvrttUtatfoa. But wbat the i»3bareo tqdmtry aeba for ta a large I red live d'patUn'Wt. which will do ! this oa a large arale. Mr. Abbey and Ur Uuller arc both I >f the opta' xi that we can raise as K o«d tobacco in this country as in Cu ba They say that the cultivation of. the *verd det-code on iu aclcntlflc .handling, and that tb.* queatlona of climate and soil are secondary coaald- • ■rations. Mr. Abbey thinks that the Cuban# pesf-wa son*" secret tn regard to I r are and handling of tobacco, and that jby mcana of It they are ab'w to pro gore auch a floe article. Thla secret, whatever it Is, can only be learned, hr te!d. by .experiment, and for that rea son the government should lend Us aid jto Its dlacovery. The great trouble, he asserted. In Introducing new Ideas Is the unwillingness of the grower* to i dopt them, atilt the more Intelligent I planters would do ac an<l In time oth- j ■ era would be forced to follow. Thta j would lead lo thr production of a hlgti ler grade of goods and would, no doubt, stimulate consumption and export. Thla is for You. Would say to all my numerous run- I tomers that I have returned to the jetty, and will be happy to sec each and ] everyone. Will also add that I will be pleased to tea onyone .suffering from jony form of scalp trouble. Let me help you before It la too late. Call on me at the same place—>2B Broad street. MRS. SMITH. A DESERTER. George Dillon Leaves the Tampa Camp and Is Arrested.' Griffin, Ga.. July 20.—Bailiff Ison and Policeman Bob Gordon arrested George Dillon on a charge at desertion from the United States army now at i Tampa, Fla. | Dillon Is well known here. This place j has been his home for »ome time. He enlisted fretn here In the second Geoo jgla regiment and went to Tampa. While down there he became dissatisfied and naked for an honorable discharge. This was refused and he heard then that the second Georgia would soon leave for Porto Rico. He then deserted, end. walking part of the way and riding part cf the distance, he reached Griffin. Soon the local officers here knew of his presence and knew that he was want ed. They telephoned headquarters in Atlanta and General Graham order ed him brought to Atlanta. His pun ishment will probably be severe. Dllhn practiced law here fer several years. He hos always been unfortunate 1 and once before has been In trouhV. He will no doubt regret this last misstep. YELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should he sup plied with every means possible for Its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This Is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from yellow jaundice for over si* months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, otlr druggist, recommended Elec tric Hitters; and after taking two bot tles, I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them 'to any person suffering from this ter rible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. |A. Hogarty, Lexington. Ky." Sold by Howard & Willet, druggists. FANNY'S FATAI FAT. 1 V|i Kfii DitfifdfY h S»« fritt* rqli| )!i S (Mto Üba IMa* UgbMg (Mart •• •»* §4*§ W|» 94*144* I 9P4* 4**'**4* mm*m» m P**4t 9%H; j !§*«• I*9M*4 4*4 «K4f't9Hjp)U* 4*4 *4* 4*9*« ] j *m* m* I*4* I+mm 14* ix# ■ ****l4 | I M*( IN*** •* *44 W 944 I* (Mi* * **▼ j I **4M fttkm K#4 44*m*4* 4 99999* *j .g»M*MM444 Mh 444 4549 H 4*ll I* '§>§- | [|||»9 *9(4 9t*f 94*949 9MN»4tf 44* 44* 199*4 44l<t I* 1 mi4lt 9# 144*49 4"191 |MI *944 94 44 4»9H T4n» iib-K4(fl» ’ «4k *44944 4* 94** 44 4*4* IMi j f*P4 449*44444 4*41(4 VI 419* I*l f*49§44 ] minMmw I* I*4 #(9h *4i *§* | 4494* MmUMM * 4*944*1 *4 f.(ui*nHt **4 14*9* 9§9'ml 44*4 f#*l 14491 (494|9*19| f 4 9** §9*99*4* tmM VMV •*4*4 #4|p*r9*9>(9N§ *f 4(9 (*<****• *9*4 j 4fNH4 *9*49 M'«* d*’**’* 44*4* (**fl»*N** #( 499%!-•§ 4 944 i* 3 i944 9*91 9444NM44 44 |b#f 4**f td*MWi> < 4l 9*l* 91**1 IM* §•*•§ : 44 *4*414 *4ff**44 *1" •» *9 4441 9** 9*4 ttirtilirit 41 w<i 4*i 4lmp4 if 4-** 441§ (T444C 04§44t9*H I9**9 9H* %9*i*4>Hl* 9Mw*i*4r Mi *TNlllMil*'* §M 4*9 «f flM'Wlll *. +** r**M* Iran H*( 4h4ih*9**4* h* §** Oral 44* 4f*4t It §44lt* H*§ * w ] j «9f9*4 9H 94 444 4f I*4 *H*t MU* '«••*• Hf §*** f* l §*9*9944 19*4• 4** 9»**f j s *4«M*4 Mil l( A994*1 MiKM’*. Tmmmf Hn*** 1 *! f*fwiira® 14* 94*^*» t I >ll <r*4*lT 9944114 ft*’ ot»t4l*4 it I* ,ed to her foewwr Mae ah- made the , Thro she kw«* ta a<-»umuta«e the reslrr raid of l*e large fortune she ta now supposed to poaarse In IMI she | rettped for a year from the atage and went to Europe, fwirtpa thle period ;SU“: ac«4*dr» U The play tor 'this country Tn act tod-ru w.lghlngl 'aa much as she dtd was quite out of the questl«e» She atudted lbs- play and at the eame time started to reduce h *r deah by dieting. Astonishing si'Wlun I were told as tbe thirty mite wo> ta Which She took daily and as her ehetl necce fr K* food. One story was Ibdt •he ate for a period <d three mm iha , only lomatoaa fln seed with ylnegar 1 and occaaloaaJly » flltle p<ilatn salad snturated with the same sour comll- j m ,ot Tbeee stories were undoubtedly eaarcernled. but her cure was strenu ous enough to lose her alq-ul flfty : pounds When she reappeared aa Ee- I -ra In October. I«M. It was aslon ,iMn| to the auillence to olaerve Ihe 1 ■ hsngc In her figure, bhe was agnln 'slender and gnaeeful. an almost fault- ! leas specimen of feminine physique, tier beauty, however, was never Ihe same after the severe strain by which she recovered thr lines of her flgute. I Margaret Matter w«s thought by some of the persons Hi her company ! to have caused her death by Ihe use of some reduction remedy, which she was taking In large quantities to decc-ase the threatening excess of fl<ah. Hl»-j was not on her last appearance In this I city any stouter than she had been slat : 1 years before. But she feared the time* ■ wus coming when, like Lady Jane, In she could sing. "There tvlll be too much of roe In the coming byo ' and bye.” So she took the medicates , which some persons believed had an ef fect on the chronic disease from which she was suffering and huh■■d bar I death. Amelia gomervllle. whose case Is hl«- , torlc, has appatenlly escaped all evil j effects of her heroic course of reduc tion. Mine Melbo keeps her flesh down J by avoiding nil sweets and pastry. This has been her rule for several years and j has done as much to preserve her voice as her figure. During performances she sometimes sips sweetened water to preserve her throat. Dorothy Morton, who la growing so stout that her future career will be brief unless ah'» la able to get back her girlish figure,har strug gled without success egalnsl fl-sh and tries vigorously every mvthdd of re duction. Marcella Sembrlch. several years ago, grew quite stout nnd reduced ! herself under the direction of Dr. hthwenlngsr and today diets very strictly. Vl-glnla Burned, who grew stout at one time, eats only meat and toast and drinks only teo during those p rinds she dedicates to reducing her fl- sh. I Rose Coghlan, about five yeats ago, re peated Fanny Davenport's effort on n less heroic scale, but was careful lo explain that she reduced hcrs-lf not because she looked to large, but be muse she felt too heavy for comfort, Calve to reduce her flesh takes a French medicine In which she has un bounded faith. As she is a small eater and an abatemius drinker, there Is very little variation in her weight from year to year. There Is scarcely e woman conspicu ous on the stage who is not more or I ?s actively concerned in keeping herself from growing too stout, unless It be May Irwin, Alice Atherton or Mabel Fenton. They know how valuable a feature of their stage work their av oirdupois is, and they would not lote a pound of It. May Irwin has been for the past ten yeors quite as stout as she is now, and has never once troubled herself about trying to train down. Dllllart Russell varies very little In weight, complains about the unfortun ate features of a tendency to flesh and lives on sweets. Pauline Hall, ten years j ogo, devoted one summer to getting thin, and has never since been trou bled. Sleep rests us, because while we ; sleep hope and fear Bleep, too. TJRE3Q •A'OOTJIiT.A. UlimJU^D. DON'T LIKE CUBANS. I a. J flti um ft & l- if*** of, tM Iks taflto «4 Baa Ta»i *»•'»« <m 9**' m* f*4tfflii #4, Hh §»Mf§ S H I Ifca* ti§49K *§ MN §HH4(<» IMMI 944*499Tq,M *> 44 s * , *x | *( ®9* *ll *| i4k f%i*l %ra144104H. 11* **M4h((449*H* 4 s * 444914. 44 ** *■* 1 #4*l *w*rt* §§K4 4M9f9HI In 19*944 I SMMNWHk *A Ura* Aw** *» Iftf4§*§9*lMN§| fc§ ti*'*s4. *•*} 49444 K *• 4 Itt<m «mt 9*l §44 *§ MW* f i'll** Hj-..«?•.#'» 99a 94I** **4*4*4119 4f I *44 Ca*** 4*4o9im> *4§ •**• <mw** H 44§ **14f944(4 §H* 1* (I*** 1 14 9914*91 94 IyNNI 4§*l*4 H •§▼ • 4 • *4% 449 141*9 t ’*&■ S|v» c■« 5, * i *ni(* it IfNt* Mlft Iff 1 4# 49*4. *M 94* 194449§***9§ 9** 44*9 44§ *49* •' J •• 4* V** s 194 9*49*. 9W§ |4f§M 4 lit* §9 *4* down all tbs aftavaona aad Iba nt«*'t atv retd aHlk Matt aad eakaaltky ftl tii#ft»l *#• •!fftfKr4 til# 44(4444* ! i e aa, , J. A|u | («)« •'(»A *114*9-9 4lt* *l* 411 rial* but Mfi (*r f»|4 4lf mxnt'd **49tr4t* 4*l 4*§ (Ml* *!*t **M «u 4 H* Mffrft ffa4 l<m iiki«,„# 4 fk«k* KOTlful 14 (I*9 Iff |4*§ 14c al4rr 4 »4* «*nra»g4 (4* few*4 ( STITALINO nOONi Tit RtMlI if l*r Trkp to 4 * 4t§f» melon 1*414 4. Mii<«<.«, (1« ,*Jwljr 30 Mr. 4liltMy fufcliy *«Min<lc§ • *r|ro Oihtnfi whom Ik machi I* *t» IN4IC*. tHIIon iu44 4 ff*ot4un I«y§M «rl(4 S*». | L Vf r rdf Th# . muurk 09*4091 .Ih KKht l*» W fntal. Tht* (hot 1 n> a*4«»men.*n4 «t (4*9 munt* ■ Ar n«* In • rrfUcnl Dr. W* r (Vr*m. wbo I* 4ltcn4mf him. **l4 t*%t h.. rould not tnll until he mn4«» n full whether O.hwm • -Id live •or not. but the ln>pt*»alon to tha* Ike shot enter d hto lot etlaea and that per- Itonltto wdtl re»olt I Tim negro, wtih two others, one «t them a brotlmr and the other Will bi»- ler were In the melon patch eteallng when dlscor. red by Mr. Henry Callaway, formerly aitpartoladne* of ll> If Homs. Mr. Callawrny Infotrared Mr. Dillon and he went out two the Held ! with Ida shotgun When thr negroes saw him coming they ran. «>n« of the Hibsons was wfihtn Ih*- range of the 'gun and Mr. Dillon Bred Olhaon fell, while th- Others ran away. Mr. Dlll«n jsent Glbwen to his home, on the Co humbus road, and I>r. Worsham was summoned. It in th*t MifdKdy nr*i , been regularly raiding on Mr, Dillon's , melon patch and that In this way he had 10-en given much annoyonc*. Likes the Front Seat. ! Slnecua— Why la It that you always make it a point to sec-tr# a aegt on tha, ! front of the open trolley err? Mintlcua- When I alt Inside, the la dles expect my scat, but «b.n I ait outside they haven't nerve enough to come out. and. by standing up. vltual- j j ly compel me to git up. HAS CAUGHT THE YANKEE WAYS. (WsHbington Post.) Agulneldo ha* picked up several 1 vcunts and now ha* a little , ! navy of hi* own. There I* evidently a jrtreak of Yankee pig In Agulnaldo. STORIES OF RELIEF. Two Letters to Mrs. Pinkham. Mrs. John Williams, Englishtown, N. J,, write*: “Deak Mbs. Pinkham:—l cannot be gin to tell you bow I Buffered 'before taking your remedies. I was so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor without falling. I had womb trouble and such a bearing-down feeling ; also suffered with my back and limbs, pain in womb, inflammation of the bladder, piles and indigestion. Before I had taken one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Co/npound I felt a great deal better, and after taking two and one half bottles and half a box of your Liver Pills I was cured. If more would take your medicine they would not have to suffer »o much.” Mrs. Joseph Petebson, 513 Kast Bt., Warren, I’a.. writes: “Dkab Mkh. Pinkham:—l have suf fered with womb trouble over fifteen years. I had inflammation, enlarge ment and displacement of the womb. X had the backache constantly, also headache, and was so dizzy. I had heart trouble, it seemed as though my heart was in my throat at times chok ing me. I could not walk around and I could not lie down, for then my heart would beat so fast I would feel as though I was smothering. X had to sit up in bed nights in order to breathe. I was so weak X conld not do any thing. . “ 1 have pow taken several bot tles of X>ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and used three pack ages of Sanative Wash, and can say I am perfectly cured. Ido not think I could have lived long if Mrs. Pink i ham's medicine had not helped me.” A HAST! MARRIAGE MU# fit i|i ntUAfUn Tft HlF' qtM Lam. 9n4*Mi *4§ Irani 99ra§*4§§4 *9 *99 Hi 1 49 1 li§**9 94(1491 444 tm Id 4*4 H* ' #*m n i iini H ill ••# §9*4 j fYatit MmH 1 **• *49 : Ht ilnindii 4f1ni444 T4* iXfiftf* ; I PCldnjiir 44k H .*1 If** |§H* ?ra*4 r l!| Iwl§4f I*4 <*4 444W44JC I wW. i*ra f44iH144 ***** ***% »49ft l»§rf9n fW 944*9 9*4* • I n (ii*in> H n§4 nf jf§n 4ft 9*04*4 •4144. 44§ l*ra 4*Xr«l 41 •*•§♦# H 4 #l4*l fiinfirarH 4ft 194 1 Wf* 4ft§* ' **ra*4* 9*4 4*4 ra4 IM§ 4§> ft 4 9*449 Mi : m f 4 ni |g- i •*Kl** g •••s#'• 44*4 fi'* [m 44 *l9 *49941 4999*1*4 ftMUf | IMHH4U4 f|i 4 lira 919*4 9*9 9*o#49* § { %K> W9t4*l 4*4i Ultra IraraH §9* 41*41 trar> «9 l*# 9*4*9 §ft§» Hi* I | ld# a(t | ’Ma T%K** fcflCd •ra»H§ 144 9'44r* 444 4W§ 444*9 1*194 ■ Ipifd mmrt -*#4 I* J«*« mi l**9 fWO, 9p§4 1 hm lira §n*tt> *I * trataMira ml V*«, j Hififno TV t«4slM 41 I**4 **i ' r mt ii until nmui m *in» * 14441* w tti(|4 |4 Ml* >*tf raco ft 9*4** | ‘ (I* 44§ (*• 4CnHN4§ 41 9*14(1(9449*4 § •0444 id. (I*# §*T *cV«9*ft V9*§ 14 j TM 119 4*f €4144. Ml If 44t 4f ■■ f4pnil‘l'‘l hro«ll*f»1 ItrifiH rat* •r I**4 frafrafitMi i*ra Hra*i v rani Mr ! Vriiftl 4*«* M 4 *O4 * toe***** fur • inra (4 Tharara dtrat, t*4i rltrJ rmmjki I*C 4*9 f€*o He 9*14 Mlo mmm that hr had almost daHdad to •alist laaaaad of dto«oora«.wg Mm. as Ih. et per ted *ha advised Mm to aa 1M Miss IHotaer’s father la a veteran 1 of the Civil war whit* her matmiiat I .ratclfllk r gave hto life to tha I'aka j I ranee so that she mtaeo fairly hy her! natrtotir spirit as a matter of laherl- j IV.. lie, w | iranrra. j on Thursday last Mr. Wright started not from the atpee la which he la em ! ployed for a collecting tour While go. I lag over hla route he pa sard a (tailed ‘ Slates rrrrultlag olflce He entered ! end almost hefore he knew It hr had ! enlisted la the caralry rervlre for two I rears or the war. -I suppose, said he. when the bu*l | news had km roac'.oded. "that 1 will j bn allowed time lo adtla up my pri i vote affairs before ret*orttag for doty “I am sorrv. " said the rarruitiag uf i fleer, "to tall you that you can be al | lowed no grace whatever, la half an hour you will be on your way lo Tort ) Hlor(i4." A ronmlnn wm fjowcTcr. I when he had axplhlned the allaMlna, I nnd time was given blm to go ttack to '»he store and pay In the money ba had I collected for his Arm. Then he repor'- ! »d for duty, and wea sent at once to j Fort Slocum He wrote at once to I Mias Bloomer explaining the alt nation, and on Friday she and two friend*. Mr*. Mary C. Smith and M>as Harriet Itronksbnnk. went to Fort Slocum By that time Mr Wrlgh' had learned that ! be wee to be *ent with a »qtiad of men to San Frarcltco on Saturday after noon. Then be and Ml*s Bloomer tV> elded that they wou.d be married be fore ho went ttway. An Interview wa» •ought with the commandant of ihe i post, and lie said that umW the clr ct-.malances he would give Private •Wright leave of abaance from Saturday morning unill the hour set. tor the de -1 perturc of the squad, which was . | o'clock Saturday night Then Mlsa ! HiomAr hurried borne Vo arrange for ! ,J,v wedding, which waa to take place at noon. Shortly after, the time for the de partum of the *quad wa» changed tu 2 o'clock p. m . and Wright was noti fied that hia leave of absence- was can celed. He w one* telegraphed the fact to Miss Bloomer. and her friends iv.-nt to the Grand ConUal station Sat urday morning, intending to go to Fort Slocum. When they reached the sta tion they were exceedingly surprised to find that the squad, of which Mr. Wright was one, had already arrived on their way to Whitehall street, where they were to board a Central railroad, ferry boat. On the way to the station Miss Bloomer was permitted to accoropsny Mr. Wright. They decided to be married at once. Mrs. Smith found Rev., William Jones, superin tendent of the Seamen's Friends’ So ciety. He accompanied her to the ferry, but only reached there Just as the boat was leaving. He Joined the party, but before he would perform the ceremony he insisted upon asking all the ques tions required by law. By the time these questions had been asked and answered the boat had. reached Jcrspy City, and then Mr. Jonee declined to perform tho ceremony because he did not think he had the right to officiate In the state of N-*w Jersey. The di lemma being explained to Sergeant Sullivan, who had charge of the squad, he gave Mr. Wright permislson to re turn to this city on the ferry boat Communipaw, provided he did not leave the boat, and returned on her, it being within about thirty minutes of train time. The wedding party, with the exception of Mr. Jones went back with the- party on her return trip, land ing at tbe Central station at 1:X0 o’clock p. m. The train started at 1:50, so that the newly wedded couple had just ten minutes for their farewells, The bride bore up bravely sustained by the hearty congratulations of her hus band’s soldier comradee. When the train bore them away Mrs. Wright and her friends boarded a Newark and New York railroad train and went to hei All $3.50. $3.00 and $3.50 Oxfords Look Alike To Us and hiv« toon knocked from (heir lofty perch becaute of condition* that create the neceeftity of moving two thousand pa«r* of Fine Oxfords within the next sixty day*. This la no job lot aale. We have all »l/o** stylo* and co lors, and For Only $1.98 you can have your choice. We posi tively make no reservation. Do you know a good thing when you see it ? Look at our window. Wm. nulheritTs Sons & Co., 846 Broad Street. h mmm 9* Wrpl (Wrgrft* 4**4o *M 4llt uratdra 4*tll It 4i*ra*4 M«rs» dra 19*Nrra|944 araif nratfaiakMikisi fnai til frv trale yrasiinftaiy. tlp4*€ of ilk* (sura fniUßlk mi 9m*4 (if) raeraor Iralsra 9*o44** If * fplmdwi array 90 |ti s (rarartWd Msr than 44 rkHSL €944 ** Mrs Wng*t (*oiig*f it weskl *n(g» kNK (uractiNf *•§ * *#rav m M 1 I Mil# 1 4M»r* Into ra*o4t 99 Ha** I ever lira 1(4 «M arra* tmff b***f ' ra*4 1 hong* fl*rafft(4 I* 9nira. »*# 414 ! pal *ratir%ra *4if ranslft (iff tv* ralfnl 04 to 09*41 *i trairaom Nrra Tor* Tin CASTOR IA For ißfiutU had Children. Dm Kind Yea Have Always Bought | DECEIVED UY A MAKKIED MAN. i Rubart Or toy by Mail to Mlm Bellamy, of Kentucky. I Kewante. 111.. July IN.—Dtoappolnt i men! has met the efforts of Ml*a C. A. i Bellamy, a pretty Kratucky young wo i man. to And a In Kewanee. Hh-i engaged In ccrreapondene’ with | Robert Orrey, a farmer living near this j dty a-ho la 80 years old. with a view to. i mcrrlage. They Brat darted to write • to each other through the agency of n. ' mairlm nlal bureau, and Orrey nepre- Imhikl that he waa a young bachelor, I wl-cna* he la a married man with aev- j cral grrwn children. He persuaded j M>** I'.-lUmy to leave her home at j Buchanan. Ky., and come here, prom- I*lng to marry her upon her arrival. | She duly reached the city and finding no one? to meet her proceeded at oner j to Orrey’a home. When *he met him! and «aw hfa broken-down habitation her dtoappolntroent wa« Intense, and angry word* passed between th~m. Bbe j came back to town and stopped at the hotel. Her atory became known, and an oth.-r man, named Raker, living north j of the city, took pity on bar. and, after j a call upon her at the hotel, offered himself In marriage. Mias Beilaiof. Mr. J. T. Harris, Proprietor Harris Lit hla Springs. Dear Sir: While It is contrary to my custom to glva testimonials to remedial agencies, I feel free to attest to the efficacy of the Harirs Lithl& Water (when used In large quantltes) In the Rheumatic and Gouty Diatheses; In engaged states of the Kidneys; In in flammation of the Bladder, and In nil cases where there Is an excess of sol ids in tbe urine. You* respectfully. OHO. HOWE, M. D. Cnmden, 8. C.. August 24, 1*93. Mr. J. T. Harris: Dear Sir: 1 enclose you in this letter several pieces of calculi passed by a pa- VHarris Springs Water’’ for the post 1* months. This gentleman has hren a sufferer for two or three years with tlent of mine, who has been taking the Cystitis, caused from stone. The solv ent power of the water lias been, I think, clearly demonstrated in thi» case. All these fragments were passed In two evacuations from his bladder in the past ten days. I consider Harris Spring Water a most excellent remedy In the Uric Ackl Diathesis,also in chronic dys- THE HERALD’S WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCU LATION JULV*> bowrvar <M4 net aragt him nt oner, hart I. war tanking up hto record and togntalton Tha ronag womna la vary gand-tonking aad attrnrta nark UM> Una. H*« family la amd to ha nlk isuvi 9m mk4 akowt Buckanah, Ky. TirroM nmot ffbtnmrete <# Oachaa and Ornffi* ■ Ttfi * New Sawmill Tlftoa Oa . July Mi Peachea and arayas ara> being *Mp«sd from hem «*» - try dag The rrnn la about tan (toys lata on account of the dry voilkrr. The crop will be light hot the peockea are tha Imgeaf and beat ever grown In ihto section. Shipments will con tinue for about three weeks. Tha n> reaaive rain* are hindering fruit grow, tn to gathering and | .•king. II H. Tift, who krai his large saw mill some lime ago. will soon be run ning again, having nrbuilt at the same old aland a much brrier mill. All tha mccbtniry to of thr lataat patent and (be beat oa (he market. Mr. Tift has been operating a saw. mill hare for moo. than thirty years, hot still ha* enough timber to run for about fifteen years. Hla (ram* and rail roads txu-ud twenty and thirty miles ground. The Hotel Sadie will change hand* on August I. Mr. WlUon will rating to [take charge of another large hotel of | fared him el*owr»rre, end Irwin W. I Weyrr, one at th* most popular young m.*n of Ttfton. will manage the Sadie. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD bTKEKT, And Get Your Work Done WelL F r the next On dsys Ricrclas Enameled for 12 00—High (irsde Work. Lowc-l price* in lown on Repairing, second naml Bicy cle* bought and *oid oa •any j-aymen!,. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.