The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 19 f'oundi • • • • 2ft - . »Oe ftO ** • •* • • too • * » • • ®®® A of 10 par c*n« Of» *hov* »• **»*«*• *o purctMtaar* of Cowi*or» ®oofct* ®®®F®*®®® * Tlli'lliia sC H' cORSUWERS ICE DELIVFRV CO. MIAMI. A % *.I Mil- UN TUI! IC* COAft tlftMMP® I® MM* ** ** Ihmm if * M* Inwa. ff®®** ■**•***• *** **• «■**«** mm ***** »» of mmmm , * IP **** fIMM |®M® WOT ww*»w * ®fiwi®< ®® 9M «M®® It*»j UNr t**®***® ®®ff F**® ” •® M ® **** ft m—t I# » lifHWf fi* *«**'•. f • •®iw® «®m* ***«® ®w •***»•!• ffmj - wtoi "®® •*■»* IffpfftilNMi ®l ®®i* * #*m* t %#.# ®PWtI • ®®** ®®® • *** * %®*»* Ml of wpM ** *•* •* M ®«m to to* ton to* *ft* f ®—i ®i# ®*® iff)®®**®* ff®*** r*#®*"*® 4 ®® K«t«f or mi itioppf Hi •ill*® mm i®®*-1 '#* *** •tof Ml I •V®*® Iff* ItolO* Mt® lii ******* ••* : In *n<i jr#nf ml. ®®WI ACtf®*®®* 1 ® n I#®.. t®®®*®® ®* "• ®ff® Kw*w*T*a _». r for#? n|tfrit »*! ,>f j M* oof hr iff li itrfi#® i ortih tit ImfetoH Ml* 111 rk^i^ f Im litrrT* ••?»»». r®»* a« •* ®*r of iM MU mhMtm , Worii*y kM Ivon r**dmt Hf on t*N mnuiii hr hi* aid* to k* «<* »t.k H »F Tk*" ISBg'r. • •*•*o*l**!' **(* Jnt ft Mto» I Ini'* k »*te*i*hl»e Archibald U|N >V *v<r<'h not h * •si srranxr tke s***» !• tk«lr pr«.p*» order which takes mam- r r lew lime, orrerdingt tv tke deftw.a us we'* ftn «*r». “Do I know It.*” k<* »*ld Bosllf when he lid sorted the skerla so ikst No. li vo longer followed pigr -. “I was there oner* son.* j-enrs sgn There wrrr not tnntis homes st thnt lints In Mismi." "Tell its iliodt If! 1 ' tint <♦ <Klt)f. “How eeer did tes, ot itl mnt. hsp ( pen to get lirsldM d tttrh so out landish Uttle bole* I swpopst- ike in habitants nr< rng.pi#ir Awharinna." "Not guiw* all." •nawa«s*<l Arthlbalil •lowly. Susan, a tall »wt *erf handsome girl | looked with some atirprlae and a little suaplt-ion at Archibald., Wns be reluctant to tnlk about this woodarful Florida elllageT What could have occurred In that out-of-the-way place to lee»e a laal tng Impression on a innn like Archi bald W'ortle) T Considering the reernt onlrr senl to Tiltany, and the vast nuntbn of wed ding cards being on which both their names eo'nsplcuously. as chief actors In the coming climax. Bite Carrington thought she had the ‘right to knew something of those epi sodes of formic years In which U«- had trken a part. Turning to took at her, Archibald the thought In her gray eyes, so smiled faintly a* h” smoothed out hi* papt r. "Shell ! t-rll you a Jrtr of the village hy thO reo?" he gsV d. leatilng back “Aat! may I smoke’” "Yes, do! You, dear, good thing." urg'd Kilty, enthusiastically. "Of course yon can smoke; light even a pltv* If you want to." Suisn said nothing, but went back, and picked tip her mnndolla. Piling up the cushions on her Turk ’ lrb ditan. she sal down and facing Archibald, played a lo»v and continu ous and fantastic strain, while he toid the episodes of o few summer months t. *t years ago. ”1 had Just bought the Lapwing, no 1 thought I'd go yachting somewhere. *1 me? Pemllcttm aud a few fellows at. the club and we arranged to run down the Florida coast and cruise among tho Antilles a month or two." “I should think you men would get mortally tired of each other’s company c-rped up on board a yacht for t>vo or throe whole months," Interrupted Kil ly, while leisurely disposing of lic>r cherries. "That’s where we have the advan tage of you women. We dont’ bore each other as you do." said Archibald. “Oh, yea, you do. Only you think it Is good form to stand hy each other and deny It," declared Kitty. "Who lived in Miami when you were there?” queried Sue. “It was this way," began Wcrtley. "We had been cruising «ml Ashing and having very good sport, slopping c eras tonally lor a day or two nsliore, end «ve had about determined to run around Into the Gulf, and perhaps cross over to the Mexican coast, when the weather suddenly changed, and af ter a threat of a few days developed , into a raging, blustering, furious storm We ran for the first good harbor we could find, and that happened to fee Miami. Mu (rs n&ftßM i* •%*•• «®<M mm 4 • «#.*-»**# gt»fr #slll A omf%mm *** N#s?ff m &m* Him* f®!«»® mm “Chmbv tv tke gsii mil WHy. "Kashi ml Mierlet," wsM ArrhtkpM. (mtr »ft ft * sat ae two after I *av r • iatV'4 that ike Lssiiii > islattn #c*e etrto‘it amt that obe voalt have IS he I towed a,nqi qkrr- alee Irf repairs, far. « rwt»rsw 1 eaatl sat let kef he fwtsvk * [#4 hr tke f--»ep wofkmea we toaaa la kat little PTofida eeaewet tees, wf I aafts hmhe it Nit Wes aa4 tke wtk ,t fa af*et*fl la the ftlimM e-a va »y* I?««at* mu* «<■ while I waited tv aea a "They left and I waa to |»ti thorn I two wee ha later at Mar Harbor." com I tinned Ateallwld. drawlag the pa*v I ortKtlwf <• • til h « mlaerablr Uttle ho> tor at lewal tra day*, when I chaacrd II poa a email atop# gray botiae half a mile from the village It waa bidkrn Ila a clump of palate and vine* , and I earn' oat, a a itnon was singing la Mpaatah, and 1 stopped short to lleisa ’’ "Of coarwr ek- sang like • nlghlto gale?" (the did aothlng of the lint! Sb. eana whh soul and feeling and I’ve never jet heard a bird do that. *, said Archibald with decision. "Did yoa ever v* her?" queried Kit ty. deeply Interested “I skirted her garden and just aa I was passing the front gat* l **• »*? upon by two dog*- -two splendid spec- Invsi. but dangerous animals. The song stopped arnptly and the dog* were , called back sharply and Imperiously hy the earn* role* I hod be-n listening to. They were savage toasts, however, nnd perhaps because 1 disliked to run away, kept marling and growling and ( showing their fangs In anything but r,maturing manner.’* “Good Lord! hy did lou not shoot I the (waste? The idea of being torn to pl<c~*.i h? Bpanltb bloodhounds!” said Kitty. • ”8o I thought, too, Sis. but I never carry arms, and I wst beginning to find the alluatton serious when she came out to my rescue.” -Who’s sb.?'*’ asked Kitty, grin ning ecstatically. “The singer,” explained Archibald, glancing at Busan, who sat allent and thrumming softly on the mandolin. "What did she look like?" asked Klt tv, sitting up in her steamer chair,, aud funning vigorously. "She won a beautiful girl,” said Ar chibald. slowly, "and to my surprise called to the dogs and rated them In good Kngliush. "When they hud slung hßck to the verandah of the house, where they stretched out on the dooratep. she ask ed me to. pardon tholr due atack, and explained that her father being away so much, the bloodhounds were kept as her protectors. She tcld me her moth er had been an American, aud that her fi (her was Don Jose Rodriguez, or old Spanish nobility. She knew all about the 1-apwlng runnotg Into port for re pairs. and finally asked If I Would come in and take a cup of coffee." "Ahem! Your ar*> no fool, Archie men ami.” said Kitty, “so you mvnl not tell us thnt you gladly accepted. We have quite enough imagination, Sue end I. to picture the situation. "But say." confined Kitty, “I thought Spanish girls were kept shut up and never allowed to apeak to men? How tu the world did she Invite you In to take coffee with her? Mrchie, my friend, I am afraid you are coloring your talc. Taking advantage of time and distance, tl don’t sound natural." “You skeptical young thing, did I not t. ll you h r mother was an Ameri can? From Virginia, I believe. She was called Nita. and prided herself on being absolutely American In her tn iK’pendrnce and habits." “Well, did she give you good coffee? And when the Don came home, (ltd he run you through with his rapier?" queried Kitty, with much enjoyment. "When the Don came home we had a good game of backgammon together, and a souper fin afterward. He was a highly cultured and agreeable man, and he worshiped the very ground his beautiful daughter trod on.” “Good! So you fell into the sensible habit of droplpng Jn to take tea with Miss Nlta t’« st* volt d’ici.’’ said IKtty, who generally slipped in a little French when she wanted to be epigrammatic or forceful. "Sue, did he ever mention Nita and the Don to you before?” I stalled apd concluded the last i wM* (at a •*•*•*** ana as* o»*»to* I MmMM JRMF M *** I «*m m *mm mts to*** mmm* ** I "to# fppafMtofc mm wNto itotofc*® •**»*•!§ **tt tto® (to#®® I i a .] ilmlm Ik g, 4 liM#t jw* IA , | «rith all <*# ssi eai-lssaasaa at, qimrsllr the nght thtag at Iks right Hombb* Iks siaa* cnstsqc M a rati , | aadMfce lk»a h*a4e*4* of aallts swap I oernaa the hUaaUe. all Meea •»* la •• j»M ehaaaaa Hi Ik* araeiaee at i a*’ ! - |H4 his hsaallfal 4a«ahla* a (Ml -hlai? Afrhta. aif agn. • »• sfr»l4 ya* !kdal nsilng(raplr ailk lhal •aaesnle mile NWa." aoM Ktitp. Ilghlly "Where ■■■ I t v ArHtitoM WertM mm »M mm ! ( ,tfr i» w%*t+ tout ®®i ••«** to ; rtmll*ri%t of iiVIA P*k*®*®l I |y|||4 i jtrtlrtflr ottf Wf ■ hurt* toMr (K® fsl®®4 to*® f#t*® |il4 «ni4 •toll* MtoiC tot I tr cf Hmt lip® i»4 p®Uhal Umk to to# death* of bet gtortoaa *»•* •Ha steapa aader tke skaoow of la* vtl'sf ekarch lo Ik* soaad of th* **er tsoling »*<m of Ik* saaetjore For tmn one lis t ok* waa my wife ” Kitty gated In hlaak Mhakkaslt |at her hsnrtsom- sooa to-bsbrolher j Uac rose, and posslag oa* white srm J rot ad his neck, leaned her lovtna head >t>a kls shoulder In loving sympathy ( "Wh*re't Kilty?” called ton » cheery voice from Ike ha!, II was Mrs C*«*r-.n chairman of I the relief fund eomrnfi'. *- for lb* ool j dier hoys down la Florid* "Oh. Kttfy. f«i edge tor your sub | script lon. nod Htnat* W* *r* going [ to *♦*!! ! off § Poss (oMOfrow mom inf early tor tlm Uuiislatm ragimmis. You I know the Fliat and geeond are In that tertblo plato. Miami. No on* ever heard of It before.” "Mra. Cameron .our purses and hearts are wide open tor ths Idulisna boys, ofrourte.” declared Kitty, kissing her elsilor with Impulsive affection. "But you are mistaken about Misml. 11 Is s lovely little elllng*. s most poetic spot, ft lies right on the edge of Ibe At antic, and Hn' roar of the ererlaat ing surf rocks one to sleep There ate no bad dreams or tad awakenings In Miami." - •*Wh»t In th# world U th# child t*ik- Ing about ” aatd Mra. Cameron In amaicmcnl. Hot Kitty only !m*h#d and cloacM the door of the library, where Sue and Archibald sat murmuring to each oth. er.—B. Rbett Roman, In New Orleans Times-Democrat. OAS FOK WAR BALLOONS A Plant For Making the Oa» Con structed at Tampa For the Porto Rico Expedition. Washington. July 19.—An Indication of the speed and energy that are being employed by the military and naval aims of the government .o hasten com pletion of the arrangemeuls for the ex pedition to I’orto Rico Is found In the conatruetlon of a plant at Tampa for the manufactory of ga» wherewith to, inflate the war balloons. "This has Just been finished," said Gen. Gresly, speaking of the work last, nighl, "and It has been accomplished under trying and adverse conditions. The gas is conveyed from the plant to the scene of operations of the balloon In specially constructed cylinders, sim ilar to those in which gas Is furnished for thr operation of the ordinary soda fountain. These would yot quite an swer the purpose; so we had some made In this country, and some we Im ported. until now we have about 500 or 000 of them. This number will cany gas enough to inflate the balloon three and a half times, and the plant will fill the entire number once in thirty-six hours. A portable aparatus which ac companies the balloon wherever It goes la used for supplementing the sup ply carried in the cylinders, and hy uniting the two we oan expect to Iteep a balloon going most of the time. We lost a balloon in front of Santiago, be cause some person, whose identity I have not yet succeeded in placing, or dered It to be sent up on the skirmish line. In a few minutes the Spanish troops got the rßnge of it with their Mauser rifles, and the ballon was per forated In a score of places. Fortu nately. the machine settled doevn slow ly aud without danger to the occupants of the car. and within our lines." A man in Virginia rode forty milea to Fairfax Station for the express purpose of getting Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and took home with him a dozen bottles of the medicine. The druggist, who relates the incident, adds: "Your remedy seems to be a general favorite wherever known.’ Its effects are in deed wonderful in all lung and throat troubles. Procure a bottle at Alexander Drug & Seed Co,, C. K. Parr, oi Bell Tower Drue Store. j.,_ „> THK ATJGT3STA HERALD Good IUCK BAKING POWDEJt 15 THE BEST. m ■- y.naaat.v High*** of AH In L*«vtn~ . in* Pc»w. jUST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS 1 ti*mr*ntit to to* ttowi«4to# it kmt***- *i® tin , July jatfc. Itoto rum* ntf \ ing tm tilt** tfitto will ffl*®** *»4 «k*f» ’ to® 4toto A f «liM t’T tto* 9®# \mm |A*l off® r«®t lit pm A. iJUUKfI lalffT II Uf* tl % Hists Hr» Harp toi* v Ms« ifrf KoHdto Q Urn Mflflt Crtm** lit* SI. ff 1 w Win®!# fl %|| *S W f p j s*t jj# llr®, I M I*ri*\r*n ||j ta y try l’ T h fVtH* n (V,_ -11 m! ti# WfMtO®. Ml** Mffl w Iff*®, "it* Addta Wells. Miaa Anna W»!k»r, Mias Kaalf Way. QKNTLKMEN'R I4KT A B J. Alatoa. O. Attaa Robert Am-, <%, Richard Al ts, Rupert Avoa. fi tt Atklas. H W M Blue, U I. Rarretl. 3. C*. ftorrscott. (tarter BunWl. p Georg C«*rt irlro (For rtgu). Charley (Njulty. Ho# R. H Csnaom fl Jack Duvall, 3. E. Uavea, Jam** fkiagherty. K -Chelle Kvsna. F R F. Feld«r. O C C l . Grant. Pope Gregory. H E a. Holliagarrortb. M-n HsrrUoa, Hall Houston, G. M. Husky. J - Tome Jones. L it R ml Iwimiean. 3. H Tsvtt M Dr. Carl Merck. 3. D. M-Dsnlel. T. McGr#«r. O- W. E. Osborn P Joseph Pelhsm Joe Porter. Ed ward Prrplrs. R. H. Phillips. R—William Rlrhsrdsou (tl. W. J. Rhodrs. G. H. Rhodes. B—D. P. Sauls. Jim Stsrleton (eol.L! G.-*>rge W. Simmons. C. F. Scholl. T Dr. Idts Thomas. W -Charley Would, M F Wallla. W A. ‘Whury, Wm. Williams. * MISCELLANEOFS. Southern Produce Co. W. H. Stallings, Postmaster ! J A ROW ON A TRAIN. Excursionists Got in Trouble News From Rrancltvllle Hrencbvllle, 8. C., July 19. —There was considerable excitement her* last night for the Augusta excursionist* on their uturn from Charleston Near thts p’ace, a burly negro Insulted and provoked n quarrel with one of our young mcu. who was also a passenger on the train, which resulted In loss of blood, ami some serious and perhaps painful scalp w,ounds for the* negro. It would be well in future for man agers of excursions who do not wish to mar the pleasure or inconvenience the welfare of these excursionists to run either a strictly white, or vice versa a strictly negro excursion. There l* "ery little' lnterrst manifest ed as yet by .nr people in the coming election, although our citizens will vote almhst unanimously for Col. C. W. Garris for railroad commissioner. Miss Flessie Ouzts. of EdgefVdd, S t who has born here visiting her college frienu. Miss Leila Sraoako. near bore, returned to her home yesterday morn ing. Miss Bertha Brill, of Aiken. 8. C.. spent one day here last week with her friend. Miss Pearlsttno. 1 Mr. J. W. Pearlrtine, of Charleston, is spending « tow days here with his relatives. Your paper is quite popular at this place, owing to having more graphic descriptions and to tier news than the other papers that reach our town. Two months ago your paper was unheard of in our town: now It is much sought af ter each aftEo-'voon. Miss Clara Langley, of Charleston, is vtsitißß “er friend. Miss Dukes, here. RELIEF IN SIN HOURS, ©(stressing Kidney and Bladder Pls *as, relieved in six huurs by "New Streat South American Kidney Cure.” (It Is a great surprise oci account of Its lexceeding promptness in'relieving pain ‘in bladder, kidneys and hack, in male ’or female. Relievos retention r,f water |almost immediately. If you want quL c 'relief and cure, this is thqiremedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, drugget, Augusta, Ga., 61i Broad street, . ... m *mm HMwt ik THE ST. ALBERT HOTEL At Hillman. Ga., HM* •pk 10* -Os >••«>• Pkll seat I »*• kigasH om**o» a«Mo*»sm #*4 I .aiqeiqi ••>•* r sau>to»««* Mm «•* I qpsMai too* ItossawM mass h» <■>«*• J 4 BOHOL BiUi U THE REED HOUSE A 1 MAVUV i hrAoj Rdf ika A(f(|lM4lllM of StnMf U nala. Mes. K A. Fss4 has ***sa *aa*f* at I Ik* He**: OI HeebNß 004 Ik* klfk *»!>(* ! *a4 sol***** isens*m -4atlinos o*# to »*4*| ( >kao t»otokstae4 4» *to* Ik* enaitoq *aoo* a j Fee Room*#o4 Hates opr la ‘mKH. N. a. IfFUfi. Harlem, (k : Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. John W. Dickey, 1 so 4 2 Library Hu ltd tog Tie Augusta Herald Uriesl, Britklest auk tke Beil Neisiaper Ptbli.-hei ii This Seciian. KENT TELEGRAPH NF.WSj THE NEWS OF THE WORLD WHILE IT IS NEWS. 12 TO Ift HOURS AHEAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND OLTH CAROLINA papers. awR trial will convince you HONEY TO LOU. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. ileiaffer&Jokisoo Agents Scottish Amcritsn Mortgage Compauy. 705 Broad St. amber cane. Sown broadcast now it wiill prob ably yield two fine cuttings for hay. Cured and baled, there will be no pricy hay than this. SOW AMBER CANE. SOW AMBER CANE. SOW AMBER CANE. FOR HAY. FOR HnY. One bushel, $1.50; sack at $1.30 per bushel. THE HOWARD & WILLBT DRUG CO, EVERYTHING ON WHEELS FIELD l KELLY’S Just received, the finest line of Baby Carriages in the city. Agents for Ramb ler, Sterling and Crawford Bicycles. MltfeUAU Ktlt’’|ia Charleston 1W Carolina _ • ft a »»#a * « > *> c t < • « ® • • ® > KI mm* to omm i®to Ito® j fST hmgtmkitj kmm * I fftf iM4to®toHN«MMN>* ««** , « *4nn i 4 MfftoiSfe*«•*«, iH(’.nr;mi{ fjBBPI [ * MMrftoto****** ***** ii 4 ygpm ] * i®%* • *** n| i m** j® *®*»® * Hma* Impmh m< ■ •*• j. i * Apmmmmtm* * ******* * t -mp m> * WlMF#*s >-s*V. i j HM*M) # —*•#•«*•+ j I * * * *•••' * 4>totVt® ; ffffHjffi' j>ii ' f t 1 tow»'i® ' ’«Mi®* * §pmmmm •••«»* 1 l "*wmmkmmm *••* torflto® *«»£«»’ 1 I * fN®MNNff®k*»a»*a - mat! H I toMI j | * MM*®** t * i * /. R-nfflpßi IMff j I * ffMMHIRNHff-f * #--•• • ®.?®lp®(® *»•* *•** ® f ® ngi'idf «< z. * • i mti, # ysZm* ** ®®9®® ! Lit «- 111 ■ tmA laaa* a. I JMlKtoNl**®® **** j At ff®lllpi** *•*••+* m fiSt Mitigaaiiltoffiimm I * (itpMto •*«•«• *#»»*«| ®4toMto *•***•*** \ *ltolNff**®*#•>*•«♦»+♦*■ fJto®®! ..a**#! M® Atop®toa«a« » «•••• * **»?* 4 * u*pm\ I at AffMtotot • ••*••• «•* •••la**4o«aaf iMffhN® I * Fan40a....„ w .E*. ig .. Mia *” %®MMMt«? ao.a«,*«*-| lIRP' ®u9ffjrfff **ltoM ••••«. «.. llMtotoi t ' * ffßttfftoHla •«••*••••. v. .••* - Off®®®] * diwtoto—lsa. • a » I«. MS* j l 'IBSSSSSm »a « « a• s k I t ** ttotMM*®® *• * ••• to—a aau ? > a*4l#*, j t ®®M® { * M*atoto.*k«. t.atotoj %Mmm *P®®®iMl*«*a*•••••••••«I ieMH» •4mm ' m wSSS*ZV*oIV./»l. 0a... «tof * |i»?cH®,|s,.s,..„m. *•* . II \ I&r In®® ].»* % ... I J9ff t to* la traio ik at a«»***• **»•» sfc>» i «*. -.*•*• eltsiaeo* >*t» tm ad Heal ! so K A. L. GanSSHtW* m HfOr**ee4 »- Ml . ret*"* <• S. A, L. »»4 i. 4 tl, r* ••*• j*a i ktaxee. »*» ollk Sauik ke>?*ev foi ear •okutooMoa btow ia btou . teitw .< kiuv «w m*.. oAsoim WJ i HA Hi, <to« r*a Aa*. i. M Routt. OMtotto* Aft t, M ikt Mu' talk ■.■ saw A U4> m» ATLANTIC COIST LINE. ißf itm up uririirt lorti j 101118 RAFT 4KI> XoRTN. 9IIOKTHST AND QPII'XIVT RoITTB TO THK KAirr AND NORTH. j 2 tapir, Ll.. Asfvrtl Ga. Ar | f Him ! I oopta Lv .. Atken .....Ar , T Itaia | 4 l-pm l.v . Ixnmatk ...Ar * t'.pm [ 4 (ap-n, Lv . 1 -raagU'g ...Ar % 40sm I a aapni. |#v Sitsnfer, 8, C-.. Ar 4 ?9am 9.Ppm l.e..,.Fl*iren«-e ...Ar il.SAsas, 'tS-33|Mc T.v Fayetteville.. Ar | I Upm | I'ium' At.lHlirohqr» vq.l.v * itvm i 4.atom Ar.. .Itxhntond ...Dv » tlj*m i 7 lism Ar.. Wsshingtoa .Lv , 1 to* I 9 slam Ar. . Balllm«»ce ...Dv j 3 Ilpsi 11 lie : t Lv 12 (4pm 2 93pm Ar... New Tnrk ...Lv 9 2tom Pullman palae# brißei Meepmg cars 'from Mat on and August* to New Turk i without chance It A. BRAND. Gen. Act , 723 Broad Hi.. August*. Os. T M. EMERSON. Traltli Manager, II M. EMERSON. Ilea. Pass Agt. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE. Receiver. ' East hound, Mesthour d. F'nrt See d 6 Flr*( Set d jClSbi Class 2. Claes Ossa Slic'd C Mix'd Inly Dly. i Station- Dtv Dty. No.U N't * | No ll N«.& AM I’M ! lArrlve Leave. PM. AM l*:3* 3;UO #1 .. Andareon. 3.30 11. OS 19.1*. 2:J6> 7 .... Denver ....(! 3.41 11:23 10:07 3:2* l« Autun fi 3.80'U;3J S.S*; 5.14,13 ... Pendlelon ...*! 3:59 11:42 9 (9 2:0417 Ch»Try Cross'g f 10*11:53 9-43|‘ 2:0018 Ad.,m’* Croas'g f| 4:1411:8) 9»' 133 24 ... IENACA .. s 4:»12;3» t.W I I l«' w ! *:tt( IX3I. West I Union -*' *:*•! 8:351 !J4 ... Walhsll* ...*!i:l7| AM I’M.| |L**vs ArrivsiPM PM. No 13 No.* Ntl 11 Xo & 8. Regular Station. F Flag Station. AH train* from Anderion to Wnlhalla have right ;o track over trains of the 4*ms clsos moving In op posite direction, unless otherwise spec- j tiled by tratn-orders. Will also stop at following stations to take on or let off passengers: Phtn ney’s, James and Sandy Springs No. 12 connect* with Southern rail way No. 13 at Anderson. Nos. 5 and 6 Connect with Southern railway Nos. 12 and 37 at Seitoca. J. It. ANDERSON. Superintendent. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 4. 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester. Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:18 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. oT w. HAMPER. C. F. HARPER, President. G. P. A. Check Lost of $ I 33 1.31, ON THE GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK, No. 14107, drawn by C. W. Pilcher, attorney for Jos. H. Spears, dated June 15th inst., (and mailed same day) in favor H. A. Cook, for 31331.31. Payment has been stopped. All persons warned against using in any way said check. (Signed) J. H. SPEARS. C. W. PILCHER. Attorney. 1 —— ORDER YOUR COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quanlitv and Quality Gnaranteid. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 Btrowger 365 Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 8, just received at Herald Office. , JULY 20 MU-tOAli RRMfiIWUUMto S. C 1 G. RAILWAY CO **o s>a*aas4«to ».*• rtxmtiji tji® koto toMk ft>r WmPmm ■l * k mp*mm * mmm ? « »W«pi Ttol \ a ri» t# ftowr !• fWitototo ® Nffto j * * ‘i 4» k—k $i mm* Ik# ® . * ■ *+mn lu«® *•» i •« « i - A• « V • " * f• * ►»« - i a a i' i»>m j® rim 11 f®i<*to®to t®toto Ip* nmpm*. ff®ffp®to^to4MMff )i 11 t wm * I mmm. * :l*Auwe?t*k *aa*4o F* Dtoeiaa,* ?.4awa a, . ao-.Mo «too tl Kisapetos > aym a (Asa a( > u ■ Ak4> AI ma 11 may M<a*i OtooAap l i • aoaussa. zaia t. vMoa..,, aiAaai • » * M 00... tJtoMO A* ."rusk* **|to ahlTe»«l tu STA —kMAfei Tit triirf® ®®p®f4Rt i® •♦at ®to® k-rm T ®t® (t .t ,<ok T’ Ttko Twojß Atom At Jlilim tl • *T*Ti“ Vto'kkl Ototo ** ,k.ow*. * IUO U fl— At Ro|i4a'4. A actor L* Rwtoa 4 .t lla«o A* awk *»» .ttotok a? ackto i, ims* at Re* t'4l ays It lareu ?A*Ma kBMMiIA PttKßng UaMp Kasap RaaAaF tototoß. fltoy i an a (rmTSB amsr * tko 11 aaotoei - *4... j I tootof I Aia| * Jfiito a rroa y.. attie ; iJOrsa OOfpM itoaua srHe* 0■»*....(0■»*....( « w*». aMa*i a me* 1*00(1*.- .? AlOasa , (tow lea** HalSs. Wifcto I Umm ■ . **«*»—»' tH®®w® tMi®*® i L«®*® f«ft®al*»—.*•* umm | ’ Vs•** I*mrn4*m* lll®.,.••** «J®»Mk S Vpm in** Mnswsm *.•»«-. ***** } Teltoto • «0«( to44t ; '«<•*• fit » t*4k» *4®B«4» •**k P4*V T ml *** -«Mf®. *®® «ii® » tot *k «. mm «®l®®®4®itoi A®ff®®*® «i® th* t*®® ®®4 If*® ®*i >®®® 1 w®ph am** Nni ®!. l J. H. KARIM. U.UIIIW* < *O.IO. M.osg*». Iroto H*e«aw F. R.Ritooa,Caa. AR..#to4kto ’ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. . rmai no. *■(»■»■ t.i.—oo. 00. !«*• •mvIII. Zmum IN., to.a. Co into 004 kto ttoo. ——— — - _ Si aa Ha. If iMkl'nl uoif. Iwtr. iJT.ui* ro—Hy | *2; Ar lutos L. ! I *<4a IN* iZ«WmMC—HR ...... I !»• **? Ar • • uietos I 10 gJE Ar *i.r*i«tol A- Atoetioa. .... ■ **.» »*> juTAusueus. to *y- • '•*». j J JJS - liOaewa* j Jlf B *2 u! Ar (••.tuwWafk *T'» I *2» 1. ( t.t'Uk Mtwvt c •< . !!1I « *Np .I** - Hack ton I I jfF IS!* Ar iltarini'f I ®LS® I ir ** ** I,» (irMulan ! !*P - Ar Ntirfvlk •• ... *•• -■ -* ~tosn. ~ imp i»> Ar Ha-hoioog i * *»»' *»l Ar WiahWfUk J> * *#P - Ptulad.lphw 82* las “ .Nto. *»rk »«P «•* Noulktound. "*• ** W * M Hewlhtouw*. ool!. I colly. I.T N.» V -rk.P* K.B. « *>p TlFlial ** ®hite4»mto I ®A6p "t*> % - Mftnor*. . .... * *j\> Lt 'Vaoh itiß Ho Hy. 1® 48p II Mm Lv. h -hm- nd | IS Itot !9 01m Lt Dtoorllle [ 6Mi «Up Lt. Norfolk j • Bftp! .. .... Ar. (♦fcmihore ' 646* Lt <4r*«»ifiboro I ? 06* T attp ** Ok*r!off# ®a6* 10 *»p - Hill ; 10 »* 11 06p •* rh. «i*r , 10 M* 11 »p “ >h t:.D*bure. 11 41 * 12 46* Ar ('«>n><T Bioii'l f«t Jl2 4&nn. 137* 1r i VlumU* In ..... f 1 thp 4 00* “ Johnnlnm 2 48p 6 o>* 14 Tronfoa | 3 04pi 6 A* ** (fnuiif4\lllc 3*p; 7 fiW * Ar AttfUNf* Lv. AiiheviDe M 25* 3 06p Lt. Hpartaohurg ll 40*| 6 16p Lr. GoCbio. B.C *u Rt ! 3UO p 7»• Ar (Ti*rl**«ton | 8 40p( 11 00 » It. OoTlito P.C.ffP.itsr- 11 44* lt 47 * “ H*v*nn*h 447 p ft OH • Ar J*ckwopviH» 0 ‘Api 9 Ui j hlkeFut® CAR nERVK'K ExcrtUmt dßily p»*4’ii|Br *rrTi('* brfw—tn Florid* *ml Nrw York. Non. 87*ndJh*—WHRhinftonnnd Soottwrittni lialttd. Solid V«NtibuJ*?d train with dlnin* ran and flr»*t ol*i«« fo*<*h*ni north of < harlmte. Pnllmau drtwrai room sleeping ran between Tmiud*. Ja( knonvtlle. Savannah, Washington ■nd sew Y >rk. Pullman Sleeping Cart between Oharlott* and Richmond Pullman drawing-room sleeping ram be tween Greensboro and Norfolk (Hose connee* tion »t Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT. ■ rriTing there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor ears, between Charleston and Aaheville. Non. 35 and 38— U. P. Faat Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping «ar» be tween JaefcaonTid* and N®w York and Poll man sleeping ears txtwaen Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman sleeping cars between .Tack sonvilie and Oolumbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Ashevilla FRANKS. GANNON. J. M CJJLP, Third V P A G»on. Mgr. T. M. W aahinfton. W. A. TURK. 8. H. HARDWICK, ti. P- A.. Washington. < CL P- A-. Hill® GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian lime.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1898. Pullman Sleepers between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:0oam! 3:2opm|l«:JOpm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm! B:2opm| (,:OOam Ar Macon ....|U:lsam| I *:4sara Ar Athens |l2:lspm| 7:3opm| - Ar GaineavlUe|*3:4spm| I Ar White Pl’Bi*l:oopm| I Ar Mill’ge’le .|10:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash’ton ..|10:10arol 7:iopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at August* 5:18 a. m, T:45 a. m.. 1:80 p. m . and 8:25 p. tn. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. 20E W. WHITE, T. P. A.