The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 20, 1898, Image 7

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SOOIE BEAUTY HINTS. VeqH M i«t» M M*M » • **M*e ItM* aa aaa ad Ik* trial Mkd* Ml MMriM fe*H t *,c*WMe* mm M ®ri‘**d Mi •* riq I** MmsmS* ■-*> ##*•? I* MM* 1 I* 4M* p|M MM! sdtri* *a*M* MkriS rik . •m«MC Ml Mmi •*•>»* »**> *», *■•*** MPfMk fPMfMk •*»■.„ ••Mr *•**■” » Mt* «»■•*■• •** F*< M •*M**M* MM MM* P*** I "** ** Ikdarik* #***# MM ** ***, IMM M*M mm* I* I* mmmmmmM* • *♦•*• pf WM*Pt fMMMPMMX* MMM®WMM** (NfeMfefe W WWWmWMWF I faMtiffct «N»ft Ot o—»* Mw*« •** . fekAMfcF fell* § fep| #t Ifefe mF# s *'* * mWfp l fw »r-j|iiHM feWfe ofe* *#mn*Nl fefe*** •*» *«• I«* i«m< * Tm m u»«**••<* *t '** i|MM MMI feUtfKMM# an* .*• •« TV •'«•«» *» •* I pi |f* KlM*** IV *M««* VMM «V WWIA W( mi H in n# 1 , tHMWMI #«M »«| C 8* P n«- r -* «... mi# f 1 mitiFi r » *fe**»i4 t** f*r« *y fi«#i »M rW. iMI l)M> PH* rilß V MttMkMMM **d IM A Mm hi 40>o** mr* «****■•* •PM p r --r)- mfir-r*f V pM**< Ml * v |,| *>.«< «M task 4 IM »*l» MM**r Ml TRkl TO Ml. II I TO WBf. M KW. *l. I*l* M«ml M# MS* ****•. ** ft* Ifn# Ml IM#. •§ t feHfefe *# t lM 4 *. |g iim I, (iMiaf <n Omi nun wt mu w tit•* U# trfefe 4hP*f luH, flit UltM l» iNHSttfU m 4 nocv* Wt#i t «4 it, mtt only •*< * Only us tw my »< tf Km m 4 tnriinu. I might lean MI7 triad MgMlt.a( thy VMMt. * El#® U • Child MTt-TVMd Mill ifeory tway*- With kchimt taft, twnw. tohWM*. to U* •Mt, | Aad iVi*. MWtutil. »t»r*. Thai may KtKHtM thou true to Ms.'; tin msj I Mill asy hopeteaa fanry yl»M«, Hy empty arma outstretch 4 aye to throe m la ftakma im'h a* thcae. Afc. caroethean* Bla*’ oar dead paat llvrtb r*t— Bloaacnaa afroah more braraly thaa of eld; Yet moat I plead (for treat draad maketh bold). Never do thoua forget —From "Tawa," a hook of reraoa by Roaaiarnd Marriott Wat eon. Hun. C. B- Bu*h. of the Gilmer County <W. V » Court, aava that he haa had three raaea of lHi» In hie family, during the paat eummer, Whleh he cured In leea than a »eek with Ohnmtiertnln'e Colie. Cholera and niarrbora Remedy. Mr Bush a’.ao atatea that In aome Inataacee there Hera twenty hemom.h«e* a day.— fllenvllle, W, V.. Pathflnder. Thte rem edy has been uaed In nine epldemlra of flu* and one of cholera, with perfect auc.-eee. It ne alwaya be depended up on for bowel complaint, even In Ita most severe forma. Every family should keep It at hatul The 2t and M cent bot tles for sals by Ale*and«r Drug A Heed Co.. C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Kngliah a» She la Wrote. The following U a list cf Englieb oovela aa they apprar printed in the Circulating Library Catalogue at Ver ey, Switaerlaod: "Kavanagh a 'Levcn year* and other thalsa,’ 'Too stange not so V Two,' Dlcken'a 'Skatehea.' Mn. Hoey'a 'Oolde Sofrcn,’ B'ack'a 'She- ad ventures of a Phaython.' Trollope* ‘H*' kn I ** he waa Rlgt.' Mrs. Craik's •Hla title norther and other SVethM,' Mrs. Marshall's 'Life* Aftermatch.' Forbes'* ‘Sodiering and Scrlbbiag. Motley's ‘Gance at the Pabst of English Uteratur.’ Bret Harte's Tankful Bos eom,' 'Note* from tbo pocklt-booh of an opinmTeeter,’ 'Conferslona.' 'Alio ereakspays’ ('Who Breaks Pays’),'How to V Ahotigh marrier' ( How to be Haoy Although Marlred’).” mu INTO YflDB SHOES \llen’a Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cuts?* painful, s-.-olien. smart ing. nervous feet and instantly takeo the sting out of corral and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ego Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or t ,ew shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callouß and hot. tired, aching feet. Try It today. Bold by ail druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. In stamps. Trial packages FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. ■ ■— ’ ' U Women gnd Men. •*1 ge a woman has been saying that as she grows older she becomes more and more exclusive In the mater of her frl-nds,” said the man. “I don't know how it is with women, but I think It Is alwyas the case with men. When a man gets to be, say, mirty, h,e looks at every man he meets, with some sus picion, and he has to know him a long time and very well before he will call him a friend.” ' “is O’Rourke a good policeman?” “Good! He won’t even let his own children set on his knee.” *■ t Corn and oats are splendid; Grand crop of wheat; * Summer crop of islands Can’t be beat. H , TV* tVf *M"«n*d V «mM «**• ' a*4 twMV'd *'*tA * Mkß •*;" VMaA 1 PkMMdl M*m aril A tMMk pwMdM *M gtvw IMS M* ri»k M*<M IMMIM HC" A I ft!# m* 4MiMM# t# ###■# IH l*%# #***# m fc llfei §(M# I aHAM 4 iwi*i If • Mp (I# ■ feli# #4# l#wMMofef twf Nl Ifei 1' ## |fe## fe# Mis mfepf A# MllMffff «#*• »M« I lAflrrif fe# ««mI [i|t —fefnH I# Ml. #• Mil m4NM#M |m II *VmM V It m rMUMHNI ill** IV | IfMIpvfMfMSM Ms M VdVkeaM* *A*Mkl V flMliaidMMt Mkldl la MMIVI| •wrwt a»4 d#*v* Vdcw M» wiaMwwv ' ■kimH MMI A* allw*»«d Ip Ml wp Ml! I May mm !•* iAm i»i’Mi w im iami It 1 (Ay pvMpwr way im mmcmv* i V Mm* wt • j ntaiMwi TA- eMM •<*• too raM. IV*. vad «ft*M dawp from IV »r iwwn at . *ie ywwrtat ka and ewadcaidMg mm lA* iwaewwr •»»*. WMIII IA«» Amv* Vvmm» iradd awd claMMar AM lA* mmltcnmm im I ipa wi'CMIM AM Am twt keep lA* win d •«* ap Alt May CHIIiDTREH AND HUmAH NATURE. TAtMfSa* aa one arlll tkoti the aria** | liAr (raialag cf cAitdww, lA* Slltle folks Ip IV Mum It Mo* MMMv Im M mtmmu aAoat Aumaa mmimc* lA*« «oi »*#t ra who art brought ap artvn fiflcally tear* la laa year* A llttla East Sid# girl of t, wAoat knar la la (Aa tluawlctt of N*w otrk t *laa>*. •posed IV wye# of a faoAktaablo wo ■wta rccvwtly. TAi* «> maa AaM gnat over to i»tcA la ik« mUlaoa arwiiig- M-hool and thla Ittil# sir! waa la A#r data. Sh# pc ra!»* dln catling tV Itacbrr "Mlm.” and lAr i#acb*r didn't ■ kr iht* aa ah# Aad married jfat Aar lata la life. TAat’a had on* more of IV avi a title tdkwrarraciea TA* loarVr correct ad tA# child w#»k after week, triting her every time tknt the waa BOUNTY TO DEWEY AND MEN. They Will OM *l« for Each Man on the Knrnsy s Skip* at Manila. WasblngiOM. July 1».- Tb* Judge »d --vtcatv genvral of the navy haa docldad tke qutatioa as to Ik* superiority of lb* Amman or Spanlak squadron In lk« halt 1* of Malnia bay. Undar th* la* concerning the distribution of bounty or head money lo lb* cr*ws of vassal* that destroy tb* ahlpn of no *nt my. tb* Vn'ied States government pay* a sum of money for every man in the cofr piemen t of a vessel destroy ed. fbe law provide* that when the American watahlp is superior to the defeated warship of the enemy *IOO shall be pa d aa bounty for each man on the enemy’s vessel, but If the Amer ican vessel la inferior to the other then *BOO shall be paid for rack mem ber of th* enemy'* crew While some of the Spanish ships that met defeat from Admiral Dewey's squadron were superior to w me of the American gun boats, as. fer example, the little Petrel, It was decided by the Judge advocate general that distinctions could not be made, and the relatl'.-e strength of the opposing squadrons was /nade the bas'.a of settlement aa to the amount of mi nry to be paid to the American offi cer* and sailor/. The Judge advocate general therefore decided that Admiral Dcvcy’s force was superior to that of Admlinl MontoJo. and the distribution will accordingly be made on the bsßls of *IOO for every Spaniard attached to Montcjo's squadron. Secretary Long has written to Ad miral Dewey requesting him to furnish os nearly as he can a statement show ing the number of officers and men on the Spanish vessels. No money wilj be paid for civilians or norw-combatants on board the Spanish ships at the time of the battle, except those regularly on the muster rolls of those vessels. It la estimated here that the Spanish crews numbered 2,000 men. If this is correct the amount to be paid to Ad ! miral Dewey and his officers and men will be *200,000, of which Admiral Dewey will receive one-twentieth, *IO,OOO. SPAIN'S CRUISER ALFONSO XIII. She Didn’t Acquit Herself With Credit in Her Trial at Cadiz. Cadiz, July 19.—The Spanish second class protected cruiser Alfonso XIII, haA a trial in the bay here yesterday. She made a very poor showing, her maximum speed being only eleven knots. She was rather unsteady, and her movements created the suspicion that Bhe was topheavy. The cruiser Vitoria has taken aboard Six more guns. The trans-atiantic liners Leon XIII and Montserrat, laden with provisions and stores, are here awaiting orders. “Our customers say you manufacture three of the best remedies on earth," said the mercantile firm of Haas, Har ris Brim & of Dawson, In a re cent letter to the Chamberlain Medi cine Co. This is the universal verdict. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the finest preparation In the world for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lame back, quinsey, sore tbroot, cuts, bruisvs, burns, scalds, pains and swellings. A 25 cent bottle of this liniment in the house will save a great deal of- suffering. Buy it at Al exander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. THlffi -A.TJC3-TJSTA HKBAIX> SWEETEST LOVE STORY.' WA****«e |d«w UruwvMna iw* 1 imnn av »****<•. b— ••*- iWHA lA# aaiiiidSa** *1 V* >»«<»»* Unix CASMrd Haw*«d «d Hal n **4 I AMpyAatA SwwM IMw«l#**« M lA* Imp* IiM»» thaw !*♦>» *»■ « jHt (MwWIMAg ya«M«M« WWA A*# *dh • I vmm At ■hgAwd *?>** •* * *d Lrvrvpl yvaau V l*>M«r*d V IV V<ta i In •%4ffe Ifesnr INM IfeMMR |n#4 Mi «fep»» t* f## mUm*++ ** m ! jo«wnl!» iaralad **d >!«*'*< »V MM*t*M laiwwaa MpwM wAIrA *A* IV HgAI ad AM Itinpg Aad rT~n —* Aad » after I oban tA* MpAi And **•• Vwm A a Ms». Ife* Ifen «PM #fe Mfe* Ifife at oocA SaptvmVr #*d I* lh# duo* *d ||A* ovoolwa • lAadcan »'• a*»V» bf I wfgkt Aava aooai v wAltw-Aaiewd a*** < kwx’iwa Aar * ■*■**' a* If Ml ycafcr | A»fwe* *V da*#*t «♦ IV A*e* **4 »t >ai cAnrvA la* HUM m»M lA*y Aava! rioapAl M wawgaia* W> *A» •** lAa. pr#a VwwiMna V bnar myniioa* tavtt imp Aad Md IV wvwtd la rogard Aimj M * aaa at **•»•** «H**w " Tcwov•<»« * To*»»». TV Tcaariwao lib* iVir amgriaa*.: arttlod MI TwkAaaAam aad amoag l*e. ' Mtatraaa" and Ml “MM* " But all 10l aa purpaaa Finally eh* got »*aap#r». J lad aad aaid la IV rhlld' “Why don't you bv.lova I'm married * Why do you inoMt apon cniuag m* IdlaaT New. tall aw why you dot I bollrva I'm BMirT -d." TV child hung he# Vad aad waa *H lout and Snally the HUM girt rnlard her big ey#a and aald- Wall. I tar her. I cant Vlltve you are married hreauaa you laugh ao much" ■ From that remark." «ald lh* teach er. rapuailnt ll u» aonw friend*. j|‘l think tkat all wiartr*d mankind m>4 womankind mtehi drnw n own. iot they won’t. Only ike cruaty old barh elorn will lake II to heart " SWELL GIRL NURSES BLACK BABY It* Mother** Sksll Had Been Frarturcd by a Fall From a Cable Car. Ao elderly negres* was thrown fr>*«n o Broadway cable car at Thirtieth i sheet loot evening through the failure of the conductor to wall tor her to gel off She had an IS-montha-oid baby In her arms She hugged tb* baby to her breast when the fell. A carriage bad been routing along' behind 'be cable car. and when the colored woman rolled Into the gutter, a young woman, diesaed In a I'ght b«- i ulf led gown, jumped from the can-lag? and caught up the baby. The egr stopped and the passengers climbed out. The women all ran for the baby. The baby decided that it didn't want to cry and began to laugh with big eyed good nature. Th* young woman who waa carrying It began to cry She told her coach man to go for n doctor. She walked op and down the street and the rbat tering crowd of women followed mr. The eoerhman mtirned with Dr. W. C. Gllday, of ISP Tklrty-aixth street. An ambulance was called from the New York hospital. t and Dr. Parker, the surgeon, and Dr. Gllday dresvr-d a gup Ing wound on (be colored woman's head. Meantime the black baby sat on the yrung woman's arm and made demon strations at her hair with Its tiny black hands. The young woman would laugh with the baby, and limn, glancing at the crowd around the ambulance ahe would cry. The ambulance colled away and somebody went up to a policeman who had been collecting material for his re port of the accident, and said; "Where's the baby?” The young woman who had shown such a lively interest in II was not to j be seen. Her carriage was not in sight. The policeman was frantic. Scouts chased up and down the street. One of them found the volunteer nurse vgJth ihe baby in a confectionery Btom-try- i ing to make it swallow a spoonful of < Ice-cream soda. Both she and the baby seemed to be enjoying themselves. When asked, somewhat abruptly, why j she carried the baby off, answered j simply: "Why, it was going lo begin to cry.” j Then, for the first time she seemed to ' realize that she was in a crowd of j omused and curious strangers. She put the baby Into the policeman’s arms, and hurried to her carriage, which was waiting around the corner. The policeman's record shows (hat ihe negro woman was Mis. L. Douglas, of 225 West Thirtieth street. Her skull was fractured. The baby was sent to its mother. The conductor of the car, Robert Brown, was not ar rested. Della Borosella, of 207 West Tvyenty seventh street, a young woman, who carried a 4-year-old child in her arms, fell while boarding a cable car at Col umbus avenue and Seventy-second street last night. She received a scaio wound. The child was apparently no! hurt. Both were; sent to Roosevelt hos pital.—New York Sun. Have you any old gold or silver? If you have call at my r.ew Jewelry store, where there is a lady in attendance, and we will either exchange for new good* or all cash given. Lewis" J. Schaul, the popular priced Jeweler. ■V *»# *iv #f* •»»••*» m* I V M" •*• lfl'S—s *«j , .ftSauMd wwb bdArr * ■*<** r«af *V |«F <m twiuMl o*e A*g 9* - 1 •-!*' • m*w**>4; b.-dS ad | «Hv4 l%« iwM- **mallw *w« '■Padira » Mkd led »*A* *V I « !#*«< maopii-u at wmmA iA« nn "it w*r* pewwut. and during ? j ia# iwntid <v pwaw adkad > jtV pat! A*U A* aupriwd AM VMM mi I ! Tmgrrr A* TaMtan* AM MM »yp»a» 11 nam'dtrorn* AM A»*t pe*uaad Aria f %< f|S«IfeNWMMI tfejflj fe* fej>4 ] tw# Hfewl \f«kt IM «fef (p it ! fwwKtn* | '1 1M Ms K*m i t«iH i«fe**«w ffetft# M fe*tw set . , . m> in# fHHPi • fffelf« tVP Pan at bwdwwdaaea an twfeeanMn* woe wwaauea •*' n «kn nr waguyara ywrved M ih* dnida* iud Iha A*e> AIAWM AaowrialMP I* j remit Iha dam at thraa at lit tatm I baen wAa pw to tb# wnr OSMrin at IV Irvgniar nmy aad wavy nr# fnvotod At m<mi rluba la 110 mol rs at daon, aa I if oaotm* propae that IV *aaw yeanurl I nmricoy nAonld ka ahown in war law to Marpe? * WanAly, at ai qer. fort Men V M- awn of Corporal Brow a- My Marlow* I m appear mu al Mddfrr. Camp Ala*#. To,. M r IT —T«4av waa gp of tV gutafeat Sunday* la IV Ala* lory of lA# tamp TA*r» w*ge f.-w vkd* 'lor* dad a* a rwaull of tV order ,»■ | *o#4 by MaJ He* Graham u> the iyl»- iBoM of lh- aaarfnl iwgiwwmr*. «d»V*- ‘ tag to IV tnd>arri*naoiv tabling at pauaw-a to awu tar mhno# aobrtefy fb* officer* could not vgwk feor awn ala-! 'lied Wnablngtoa Tb# Waa* of paaaa*' ' lo void let* of the Sisih P* nn*y 1 vnaln and tV Second Tcnaaawr# Ana b*ew iprohlbiivd by Iha r< mmatiding grnaral Home <>f iV mr*nb*ra of ibear two rc|i , menu have conduced lAemaelvta in a very dlanrderly manner while la lb# city, and tha good m*n have Vra made , to infer with Ike bad. Sure leva were held lAla evening In tb* No* York cavalry *qu*drm la memory of Ike laie Corporal Biuwn, pf Troop C. who died iaal Friday night la ike poet koapftal al Fort Myrr us ly phrkt fever Chaplain Harvey 8. Flafc ! er, of Ik# Hirry-flflh New York. o®i ,ai • Jed. Tke treopera were all la attend j anre. The mynlrrloo* dlanppearanee of Private Jcaaup Klrkendall. of C-enpany iU, Thirteenth f>enu*yl*noin. la IV auh- Ject of a great many conjeclure* by tke 'mm of bia regiment and suspicion* of ' foul plsy are expressed by many. Klr :hr n tall left ramp lasi Sunday with a I paas. and a march of hla quartern re- I vealed the fact that hla coal waa still lin his teat. Th* last see* of bint was 1 ■; a fartehouse. some distance from 1 ramp where he bad stopped for re ' fresbuienra One of his romtadas said ihat Kirkendall had over *7OO on his person last Sunday, as bo had counted it out for him The soUlar was worth *IO,OOO and had late.y drawn a large sum from the hank. TV police of Hoadlcy. Wayne county. Pa . the soldier's home were notlßed of AM ab sence. as wore the police throughout (be entire counity, but nothing favora ble has yet been received. A detail of men from Company B baa searched the roads In the vicinity of the camp, and a detail tons been aent to WnWiiug ton. but their efforts (o Iccote his whereabouts or to discover any trace of him have proved fruitless. INDIAN* LEAVING COUNTRY They Can't Stand the Curtis Rill, and so Are Going to Mexico. Perry, Oklahoma. July 19. Men from the Creek and Cherokee nations briug news (bat both tribes are making pre parations to leave for old Mexico, where they expect to make their future homeii. It is further reported that roost of the Indians of the five civilized tribes will follow Ibelr brethren. They propose to abandon all their United j States possessions. They do this because of their objec tions lo the late Curlts Indian bill which passed Congress and which they say takes from the Indians all their ancient customs, prohibits .them from I enforcing their own laws, and breaks |up their tribal relations. When the | terms of the new law were made known to the full-bloods many of them wept an t would not be comforted. Indians j a,ro holding meetings dally. RIOTS IN SPAIN. |: ■ ■ ! “Give Us Bread Cheap!” Is she Cry in Huelva—Private Houses Pillaged. London, July 19.—A dispatch from Madrid to th? Daily Telegraph says that riots have occurred in Huelva. Crowds gaihered in fronl of the pub lic buildings crying “Give us cheap bread!” Four thousand rioters gutted a number of private houses before the military could disperse them. It is feared that there will be a renewal of the trouble. SPAIN NOT A GREAT POWER. She Will Probably be Reduced From the Status lo Which She Was Raised. London, July 19. —The Chronicle says that after the var Spain will probably be reduced from her technical status of a great power, to wh’6h she was raised in 188',1 \when her legations abroad were “converted into embassies. T OJeady Always To discount competition. We make truoks and sill at manufacturers price. Trunk Factory, 843 Broad. *•** MM *•<*• *♦•*« mrm Pain-Killer. t**i tarn aaa v« a*** V «**■#* itUiaMA l*a*«t BtMitaii a#**»» m *»*«»«**• fe## feMfe# ftfel fefe##NM#i ' Mt*» MW Seasonable Scctls Wholesale. A NUNN CAWV-Vw>«rori nwm V* Map. PKAftt. ittJJVd** f*e g*w»* M»* •g*. CtHMAriN AND MFD CtnlfkX. PAMMAftIMt, Dd bUIM. MMNM. hevt* mi mtamd *riN »m nxm, HADIWM. «»NB>N SIK», TURNIP PMKD turnip ar— Ma» piionga RenA Has* twd, IDF HOVIROI tlllFT DRUG CD. FOR RENT. DRMIRAMU* tIRMCki MT. L»lA> Prom Ortriri L IM* I <dw N rv*' ikr Mtnwtaa usv-uMr mffldeim aad I attractive mddsaev*, I at 7 tlrws* rlori • r**wie vat rtww* rif*e» • rwncu* ! M flr*«*« **r##t * "*■" !nsa (Irws* *ir*et * room* IIM rta*u**» *ti»l * nwase TA*ew Nome* rsstsln all rvmvenlvmw* and arv VtisN* Mt rvary re*p*#l. I/..a,at Wfor* p«a go away for th* summer. JOHN W. DICKEY. I aad I Library Building. Home A* women citacredll this aa- IserUan. but those who have tried a Idas could viot be induced to adopt the old-fashioned method again, j You see It I* so easy to regulate lh.' I Gas Range. If you want one vegetable to eooti mure slowly then another, you have but to turn the thumb oerew you can reduce the he*t to #hy de- Igrce you desire. The nemo with your ; roast. If It 1» doing 100 quickly, you (don't need lo throw open the oven door and run the risk of chailing It You can {regulate your range to suit your meat. The Gas Unlit Co. of Anuta, U 2 BROAD 6T. Rare Chances At Grovetown, three minutes' walk from station, 40 acres good land, new house and outhouaea, good water, lot, and garden fenced: nice pasture, or chard, grape*, p»«che». etc. Fine crop on land. All necessary farming imple ments. Wagon, horse, cow and calf, turkeys, chickens and hogs. Party going North at once. To a quick buyer *1,200. Dwelling of 8 rooms, all out-houses, 1 acre land—desirable place for summer —home at Harlem—sl,ooo. A bargain on Reynolds street—big lot, good 4-room bouse —-bring *6.00 per month— always rented—*4U®, Leonard F. Verdery Real Estate Agent, 8 Library Row. TO RENT. From September 1 st next, office 739 Reynolds St,, next to Exchange building. Apply to W. H. WARREN, 828 Greene Street. HICCOUGHING. For Than a Week, and Is in a Serious Condition. ChSlieothe, O , July 18.— Mr. John Curtis, of this place, it slowly hic coughing himself to death. Hs began to hiccough on July 8, and has not Been able lo stop since. Everything possible has been done for him, but the hiccoughs have been steadiy con tinued. For the pa3t week he has not been able to sleep on account of the persistence of the trouble, and his condition has "become very serious. Un less the hiccoughs can be stopped in some way he can live only a short time longer. Not Too Late to Buy I ’ a SUMMER S SUITI Half IN* A«Aaon Nl yet to t ome. end bevdet you will find many warm day* in (he Pad when a Summer'd Suit would not be uncomfortable. There t« one great advanta«e in buying a •uit now t you can get a very fine Suit for Mt tie money compared to what lie value would bring at the beginning of the aeaeon. Reaeon teechet economy. You save money by buying your clothing from ue. I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. • • * • GEORGIA Augusta Brewing Co’s GENUINE jjJJALJ EXTRACT NOW ON THE MARKET. CALL roe nr. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber; ■ AMO Builders’ Hardware.' IC(l fcaJIET. NFAK ILICIBIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE lUUkukl TL t • AtuUalA. OA Tivoli Brewery. THE LARGEST BREWERY IN THE SOUTH. PORTNER’SBEER FOR SALE EVERYWHERE IN AUGCBTA—ASK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent. ISO—TWO TELEPHONES—I3B - wm. McCauley 2040 WAI.TON WAY. bell TELEPHONE NO. 211)1. Summervil'e Plumbing Company ggr-Plumbing. Hewiring and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Specialty. ***-Eslimaica Given on All Kinus of PipTWork. All Work Guaranteed. JOHN F. M’CARTHY, Solo-Vioilnlst. Late of Royal Conservatory, at Leipzig, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. For terms, dates ,etc., address 512 Ninth St., Augusta, Ga. TO RENT. Four rooms on Sand Hills in very desirable location, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water, &c., &e. Possession July 1. JOHN W. DICKEY, Li l oors, sash ( Blinds, riciildings. Lath®, Shingles, Wcod& Coal. FOR SALE ls-l |Hive for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell fame very cheep. Just Ihe place for a handsome residence tor your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. .327 QRHENE STREET. hen r y-remington Having accepted the dealership for 1 the Kemington Standard Typewriter at Augusta, I will be In position to Sup ply machines on short notice. The Remington is recognized as the Standard Typewriter of the World, and needs no recommendation at my hands. I have fought it In competlon for mapy years, but have always recognized ita superiority. L. J. HENRY, No. 4 Library Building.