The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1898, Image 1

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THK *»'***« SAYINGS hank. £m\rr: taakm**** r*M«a ***»■*>«* CftßClfl NOW KEEPS Alik A-GUESSING Trtt* IIH Mitrn Tk*( TWj fat (it Hack (• Finaltx Fantlia. At UM VMM tHk* «» ta Arvkkglkg la f*tny*. Jwly O -aatHWHrltM n»w»i-i ottiMi ii«ap»»wn that •w ha# k*w« t>mi»»«l mm »k*i th* ***•*“ n»ih»a <4 tin* mw*i *lvm • w fc"**tt m 114 f i;t *f 11# m,* w*» I# 4w#l ,SF.*a- i > *»> M*» a«*4 that. » ri*ia»WW»* * *4 •** tkt* h* Im ha* a hwwAi t* i«<w4** hi* r, ll *s ait a gvkttai hi ifc* Ckban Htatr. b* a h*to4 <• *•<"• hi* Hunt for a cofll*al with th* P:>*»lah j for re* of Holguin «wd Monganlllo. Tomorrow, H*n-ral flarela will t»**i* o daeree. rulhcrrlgteg alt the t’uhan* aho bate beta drtnx from ihetr plan tation* and country home* try th" Spaniard*. »nd who have tnkca iwfkge for sos. iy t*i the ettle* *nd H> 'u* to | r , turn to the corn.try »*>d *<* * ,,rk , n the farm# and plantallon*. a»»urln« them protection. fleneral Oarcia'* attMude !» inexpll'i ble. He ha* given IHimtnMon to th* men In the rank* to go back to work on th- farm*, and thl* I* constiued to mern an efforl to dUhond hi* force*. But lhl» may not t>* altogetivr ju*tl fled. It Is certain that r. great many of them will continue to light. Funeral Notice THE FRIENDS AND ACQt’AINTAN CES of Mr*. Marg»ret Sti jticl ar» re #re< rfutly invited to attend her fun cr#l from the Sacred H"*it church tomorrow. Soturday. morning, at tl o'clock. THE ADVANCE OH WM. COPVRiahT BY NKW YORK JOURNAL. Hong. Kong. Cavite. July 22.-Tbe entire First California Is m U ving to day two mites from the Spanish forming the advance of the attacking force on South Manila. The First Colorado and Utah battery, landing at Pavanque. direct from the ships. The Pennsylvania troopa, with the balance of the artillery, will land at Malabon, north of Manila. Green commands the advance forces. Anderson retains command at Cavite. //' ''** * 1 ' '' ■' SPAIN’S COMMANDER AT SANTIAGO. When GeneAl Linares was wounded In the fierce fight at El <.'aner, General Hon lose Toral v Volnsnuei e xceed’d to the command of the Spanish land forces .it Santiago Genera) Total has a good record as a soldier and is a hard fighter, as you will conclude from a study of Die above excellent portrait. %«U Mi %tt GEN. BLANCO TELLS OF IT (Its Dtm* M IS (tyiitatM *1 stun** M*t*a*, Ms fl •* Ok**'?# JR**** ha* I*kw4 a (KtarlMMMWa aama—»i*t Mi* mfWaTaiiaa at Am*#* I* **l* . -Aft t tkt* a*WM<l h*»n*f 4*4»k»»i |**4 away l>l<»»l> *tMMtat*. » r *‘M *• i>» fV »tN 9*l * m w ft IN i (MM! *'#***•?*. ilk* aartlaa • at MnhtMgw ha* !»»• tmr4 la <*a?iitriai* %»4et hclMkhda rratm aa a*4 with all ilk* a**o*a at I M«aat<h**«aatM • kata h* a p **»hl* and altbakgh Aa I hhkt4 yweatm *w#a fyc-nt Mxmds**it-• •iml *»«b.*kb h* raaM *»**4 fwtlt ■ i mhpm as 4 hit it; rwtataat*, aa-l a ihraatt a* tkigw a*** Mm cLy i* * a*'- [i«f raaNUsi of 4tfc»». Twal »** QITIBAL CALIXTO HABCIA. i atilt face to face with the fact tha: rr ; tr.rom-®?o*a won id only mak* fnr Ji< r inrewd* npon th* *tr**ky giwatly con luaud and nearly exhausted ilot* of provtalco*. The occupatloa Cf Santia go by the Americana la lacking In »tra tegk importance owing to the fa-t that the city had be. u prrvloualy e'oeely blockaded for a long time by the Amer ican ship* pud will have Itllc or no ef fect oq the fctuie dtV‘icpra-0. cf tha campaign. * "Tb SpanUh army '» Intact nnd cigrr for glory- Thl* army I* sure lo be triumphant and ylctorloua nt last in spite of so me'iy drngcra and Imped iments nnd that It will show on re more th’ Indomitable Spaniah character and well know n military talent* of our pro pie ranent be questioned." Mr and Mrs. T. A, Durkin and son, and, Mis* Annie Keenan, who have been visiting at Pittston. Pa., arrived in the city this afternoon. HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOU 1 H CAROLINA. tr* a »ifk THE AUGUSTA HERALD. THE ROYAk (LIEkCOIKE TO HOBSON tit Anlm l M\fNiallk ia Nt» \ «fk Ta4tt. nw«M. tyiw I Marta la »*t« IM y faMktati AttitfH.. ftfmr l*| 14 '|faa Il- »i 4 \<« Tart. J*i» St. t. ; *w»*hkb», M><laal Ikatwa Wobait* taro* at ill* Mttnaa . a mvv4 qm.ik* t l •at W'tf« rt*4 aa It* Tat**! P*ai** : •miliary rrafarr St. Peal latajr. f. * i iraaat Hit* a twain tat aaat iaiaai -1 (441 tar «*4-a that tar* row* t«*j 4a-*ti*a •) xt it* Mlntkf »*m al. Ham aa* M- haa A 4» rwl nampaon a «4h Art rt|ari at ttr alkhtag at ia* <>!»*•• ir. u«aitar tank c tara * • •'la'll* at th* vaataia at tt* rat '.oat •haa* a*4 «th*f gt*k*tdw* •••aiatataa a m «***»•*»■« attrt w*w* uw (** i rtrm* la a* latrawtatl (a th* aaaal titaa- ! nrii at tras«ail*aina A May at (irttUtt. Tt* arw* aomabew tat rpt<<4 aimia It* battery Am !aariw rwat (fait mat hk* a miracle. Thundering rtKfft lir*ut lloii* a aa t* » - rp? 1 naborw Tttrr- aa* a terra rMh to-varda hi* j Ttr (Hrh rat sat it* aiatt land a*#’, nuta. it* Mrrat ant it* pro« prftnia banc *r all <ri*t to ahat* tl* banta. The o mkhmh* ara* ibn II; m.iu *»a« rh>Mk •! H? ium*4 pair. ,n t | r , krf! atoned fir relief la tH ' aiamnariil Th* pnlt.-e r- »****■ trtr* tuulUr talM. A via o* of pol:** . »«>- ra a Jump They rlrtiel »t* ( | h greenit dlfllriiltjr aat land , d ,ti* h- r i ant <•» Jark,** rarryini hta hand ta|* and val **» Into *ata I They u*er* 4n<*n to (hr IVnaaylvania 4,1, t and It ok a irate to Waabinrioli fll* Interview. I bad to battle d**perat ty to get to Hohaok'g aid*. 1 «ked h'm hi* mta •tOD "I have very tittle that I can* talk xhtml." h* *atd modcit I ”1 bear Imprrtant dlspachva to vVashiago n, r-hlch w*r* gben into my hand* by Adm ral Swags m. and 1 bi s not a id mill of lime lo lose to tatrhlng my train. ••J will *ay ihl*. however, that no 'cae ctnld have b-en treated more courteously or with stealer considera tion than my mate* and t»:-self were treated by Adm'ml Cervera. "There was ne’er the ai’.ghteai rauao fnr alaim rn the irore of our welfare, i I'nfouunately. our many friend* 4n ' -- JUCHMOND PaARKIK JtOBMHI. could not know that. '! look upon the capitulation M San tiago as the beginning of the end of hostilities. It has been more of a blow to Spain than people generally realize.” The nerrimac. “Has the full story of the sinking of the Morrimac and ,he heroism of your self and your men been fully toldhe was asked. "Now," he answeied with a cheery smile, “you must excuse me from speaking about the Men'.mac Incident. I have nothing to say about it Hobson wore a light suit, a brown derby hat and russet shoes. He was aa brown as a harry. As he Jumped on the train he said: "I shall only be here a short time. As soon as I can get per mission from Washington I will leave for a flying visit home to see my dear old folks. Then I hope to go to the front again.” Hurry Up. Hobson said one of the principal ob jects of his going to Washington was to urge more haste to bo made in the effort to gave the Cristabol Colon and the Maria Teresa. II" did not think that much ccu’d be done with ‘he Vizcaya and Oquendo, wtiich seem to be hopelessly shattered, but. the Co lon and Teresa were still. in a fairly : pood condition and could’be saved if the government would go about the matter w!lh base. noth of those warships, he said, were 1 resting easily when he left Santiago ( Aim 'tA. OA DEWEY ON SAMPSON trial lit Tllfekt if (It Mfttiwt tiriin. Du Mk>" t*Sft#4 flltftAßi n«|RiHil • NfSit Mr If* *ft*l | 11*'« | test tl Tn lit# wl It IIP rti 91 % taps AmmpPMM tU t T NtP hhhss sf %4Ss*#i'* # _ 1 1 Minty tl e*i**4Mh Wt*M I Mltti : •*«a-*t i hat li* MaatM *ar "MM* ** M tcakh <* MR **a la*** i* l rbti aa : pMMa Ibmapt It* *aar»al. My Mbr*** SI mm inutiirlM ’ (jpg! tit ill fe’rt IS Cssss •HWk •mUS N'SI Hi MMNHI S*t SHKI «tsl lis flfMlSisil SM P#**9 IS *■** i if S«h Nf»H j -rWMi m* itftpssSM M* #t to#4 * j K4M Mir r "SWHNNIS* Slisllscflf ,b * t|pru«i S|lSltSK 'HI AtS*9SfS IS 4S#t IS ■ Umiiip Sst Is SsIS Stif f|itt lIMSf tpil ’ IM| mm !**•*• He* Tk. y f**«*tl IkaW •klfM to it* Meat #4»»*iae* akd ikkly an <n«4 or ha ra*l ihM (» r »*•* ik*ir <•*4 at Tt- *•*•!! tw» o* •'* °* lh< ‘ SkM lS#fS Hi* ISSr*S., ' .Heart sml ntels sit #«siS Its iinjul |tMM% I *i* Y«tsr «f tli# #lMp# #*ishM * l|rs#t tilt t*»r rsiMi nt lIR-? I*** , r# 00 iHttl se >t»rt IsrSftMMs. ***** I*o4* lo It* AMrrlrah people it* »*!• u# of e at rum* and well Ir*io*4 Map. ■Of***'- fMar.-y. ir*f AdMiral" CHARM STON WIM Hhc secure* the Not toa»*d*r*t* VRHWW. Atlanta July »• -Tb ri!f R <“»•** Tttf l from rad U> *nJ «"* ■**” mm* nad M**' n ,,| •, or buiMIM Tb* rlllMi* and ttm* in ( vim ilw *“ *■■*** • r'twm* wvlrov, OtlM «<J lb<r brat aa ,i th< rapidly Mt<»« veteran* th* bt-ur lor lb* para**" ha* brra B**l f«*r *««• o'rlrtk »nil th* mb to b* !*»’• crMxi I* *ttf ahwi. Rr*- it M ♦* Wlaolr IHvi*. Mr* Jbj,’ It. Uor Uto *i>4 Mr* *’ab*i • »rrv. prratdeai of lb* Gaugbier* of lb« ©»- f*d*r*ry. Mill €■ * ttp>‘ rarr.a* *. ** will *l*o <sm *i>‘l Ml * I- os*'"* 1 - Urn. end M<« Heater *ocl Gee Wat* Hampton. The *poo»or» Mill rid* I# i art lager *1 lb*, krai of ®ach di* *son. The parade •*•’ ** bsr ,h * 8o»* cl Veteran* »n<l heallh perwu iln*. O n Jctoa 0. Ojrdon will one* more rid* at lb* h**d of hi* m*u. lb* go-, inor. mnjra* and cca»milte# of tb* legislature nud city count I will r**lcw lb* paia te from ttlnnd* erected In dif ferent place* a'.ang the line of march. Oun. Gordon pr«tdr*l over tta* meet In* of lb* vrlnana In tb* auditorium. H* Introduod Wlnnl* Davl* *nd th* veteran* gave her a great <w*f on. .V resolution ha* passed c»nderaning th* expression '‘War of tb" Rebellion, and expressing deair* that tb* contest at arm* be known a* tb* “civil war bo tween tb* Mates." It v;aa unanimously decided tbn* the tint* of holding annua! reunion* be not changed and consequently the en campments will continue to !>■■ held In July. The aeleetlou of the place for ibe next encampment was special or der for eleven but It was long after the noon hour before Chairman Gol den announced that t»e selection of the next place was next on the pro gram. The delegates from the state* fighting for the reunion put In a busy morning among ifcelr brethren In the auditorium, yet when the convention was called to order neither had the as surance that they would he victorious. Charleston’s friends claim, however, that nssttrauc"* given them last night by the delegates from moat of the states ore sufficient for them to base great hopes on. yet they fear the final result. Baltimore has practically dropped out of the race and ihe Lou isville delegation made a strong fight for their vote but with indifferent suc cess. Each delegation has several speakers who presented the claims of their respective cities for the encamp ment. AWanta, July 22. —The Confederate velerans decided today to hold tbe next encampment at Charleston. Only one ballot was taken, resulting 1,020 to 810. The convention adjourned sine die. HOME ON A FURLOUGH. Sergeant Wri ;ht, From Tampa, Here For Two Weeks. Sery.ont A. D. Wright, of Co. C., Second Georgia infantry United States volunteers, is now at home on a two wo ks’ furlough. Sergeant Wright, as will ,be remember, d, wan stung on the leg while fishing in the bay at Tampa. At last account* he was resting exceed ingly well. on lasi Sunday, but he was afraid that before me wrecker* .mild get. to work a storm might arise and make the task raising-the ships hopeless. As Hobson descended from tho cab an old Irish apple woman, rushed up and embraced him and cried: "Its a great mini you are; we'll make you president) yet, if you U e to be old enough,-jGod helping you.” GEN.BROOKE Wikk SAik ON SUNDAY llr*y Hi* Slat(»• tWfrri it<<uu j hat. Neat Tairt. Ntta Urt Thera »r|Mi»> (Iff lr«a Chtak* eSNtes# ISle AliMFSSssf. tl t"*.* ff : AM#* eefs iMsoiftl e#S Sn **<•* •Ml •*%# llespinfl Pi#n*i *•* *S# MS I PlllliSll *«* ‘ 4h* * r4i* ' - ■■' « W9|T i too, IVM Hbo. diltliemii <k Smtf t$ - Tl»** itJtmret* . fttl <9fSftk, tSShi llllft t# mft l ftqSftS tVflillltl*»ti, ."'•"f'-i- arnff I a., m,..e aafttMtiliP, SfSl 1* * Xlne. Set . , ,*ti yp, upfiretr tr | la# *1 «* r v T # 1 ttainth. IpTI I «e|. !ML I Si# nwroina. for N*op»ri N»«* Tb* third IUMnO* broha ramp *M4 *aar»h<?d ta It* «pYlllr. natal |Sr ntli»f |IN r«9|ffSPS(* Nt<i«#4 st» Stmr af#ri At It fills. IW is«* n |twmt» t«if Um+ri mm i n«H S' it ere Al M#*#*"*! 3S#e» ISp lieiiimf 1 * err * te Imp. lit eeIIISS. *#*l H I* |*ritheSl# fSel IS# rrrfttfTtnfrA ellt fit HH*> l* *ln ItNe I# 'ia. vr* y «Sd*n lifer TSr Aepetfste ftee e #**#s' *iilSeeliiilr **# S>*S "Sl* r#fe i i 4 mm r#|«ArifNi ###f IS# pft*" Mntl of Sell## PHV|fr Watbinflon I* C., Jeljr » TSr eer dSferteipet i«ftiejr ftwHifl e eet*l#« greet fmet G* iwtel Mite* akonina that • n T;.j*o-i"« al T b m b* *ir «itll at <luan(*n*mo It «#* aa f«4l«»a: "Tb* in« treat* are Ktth me »b»***d Itanefotl* I* ib* iluaninnam" Mri.e -ntoolr l« Pneto Rlro I p '>ur hatterle*. third and ••urth *rtlll*ry. la*h'» I*l* l*ry It BMh artillery, rluli lllln-il*. •IxtH M**aa>*ko**lta. ISA m-taiia fir flfih mpt. MSty MeH at tit* •!**;*l rarpa tat aerenib beylttl c»rpa. 1,111 men all l<44.** !V a*hit.«l on. D- G.. duly ?5. ~ Tb* Valor, t **•*!<-n today urmtiiH *a bar and a half, devoted almoat ex rluMvely to the Porto Him expedition and tb* lnrtd»t.t xa«T*aalve Mepa «f the eampalan, An ■ t-|ir rt of ll*' Inland vac rent far dorlns the »e*#loa #• ,1 the hr.. M rarefully atudled. After the neaalon It vaa ape, irt« ally and noal tlvely Mated I hot iher*- had iaam no I'tariiiMum rrhatavitr* •• to the pm * •utlook. a* to the pen pha*» erext-d by tic* f'uluin ln*urtrent»' Independent atiltude. nor n» to ihe artlon of Ag ulnakio In the PhlMpolnea. tleneral Mile*' departur*. however. »«» mode • matter of Congratulateq and the »t>c* to folioiv were thoroughly rnvtewed. WnHtaington, D. C., July St.—The war department has received word from Mole St. Nicholas. Hnytl, that Oeneral Mile* and hi* fleet paused at 1:15 thin afternoon. tR. l-t’ORNn lIkITON. Me IMev in Macon After a Brief Illness. Mu on, On.. July 22. Mr. Kug-n« S died at Ur home of his fßthnr ' in-lnw. Judge 0. C. Halklnson, In East f Mnecn Tuesday night, after an llincas l cf sv. ral months. j Mr. BriUon was one of the best Itnt vn young uhnrmarlata in the city, I Severnl month* ago he r'slgned th* ' mcnagrmcnt of the Brown house ph;;r --' tnaev tr cerepi » more promising posi tion In Batrnnah. but nft/*r being in Savrnniib a !’'<v clnys wns taken ill ami I home. S'nee th-n he hns 'grown grmimslly worse, despKe the 1 n- Itler care of loving relatives and iri.-nils 'i ml the earnfst efforts of skilled phys icians. Pew, if any, young men ever had more fr'ends than Eugene Britton. C lilel at nil times, honorable and true, he was a yoor.g man to !)•’ admired and 1 rcspecthd. His death is indeed a sad lone, as 't Is the ending of a short and ! noble life. He leaves a wife and child. I ■ i. ■ MAJOR R. E. L. SPENCE. he Spends a Short Time in Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga., July 22.—Major R. E. U Spence was In Macon yesterrtey on ills way to Grlffiif where he goes to assume charge of his battalion. Major Spence is Just back from San tiago, where he was wounded twice. H tiago, where be was wounded twice. He was brought home among the wounded, but he was nnxious to get back into service and get pvou with the Span iards for sboting him. Major Spent.', iike everyone else who has tome in contact with the Insur gents. is thnrughly disgusted with tho insurgents, and says that they are nothing but a lot of bushwhackers and robbers. While in Macon yesterday Major Spence mol: Lieutenant Colonel It. L. Berner, and the two left for Griffin together. n IS NOT TRUE. Atlanta. Ga.. July 22.—Major John W. Bubb, commander at Fort McPher son. denied today that nny Spanish prisoners have escaped from the mili tary prison at the barracks. rtvt tem AIN A T» AM t MtHAVt JU V M, MM LE MATIN'S PEACE NEWS ll Itwfu Tkat Hr A ••»»*#!•»* Ai« TMi#t I idif ft '** t%* IB iMf Nt llfMwlf *W fjjpMMltftll 4MIB IO rt mt inNWU#’ IflHffv*9 H*R. til ill# pM*" 5 lIHM ptfwr# A# »H# AfiiflHfik Him 0| || j4b«aftiv «0 INM •* m Uomiifii m*#* 0 ## i#4»#o - ||o 0| |ff*rrnl RfHttlCMi Ht A### “ Mly •***»•> 4#rla<«h as Ik* rakMKd Aothiag iM*tM **l M«v* Ik th* 4l«xad*ki of | ear* ha* b**h ra* rMvatf ft«M a«y gw**>** UkMy i» ka *«lt MtwrM*4 *-# Ika tafcjwA. Tfc*- hpa* *k MkkiNnuNhM, Ommi A** a •ko aa* sM* rknl ak Ik* vAJ* * Mtt4s "Wf kata ka katra fp»M Madrid a*4 xe kata kk rxabaek ta *ay work 4**bkwi *t<p fck* btvk lahak ka v xJtY-W l\ >3 PL -Mr GENERAL EMILIO AflfV'” i. , Hcnor Gamaia'* xlnt-mcnt wouW indi cate. Paris, Jiilv 22 Ijt Matin tmlay pub lish-’* a paragraph saying, thai while in ibing definite i* known. Senor Ca*- ttllo. the SpiuPeh minister at Pari*, ha* brm instructed to nprpoerb Oen eral Horace Porter, Foiled* an tiasaador at Paris, with a vt''» of open ing naerel peace negotaition*. Fp to 3 o'clock tbi* alt: rnocn ther.' had not bean any meeting between CuatllH) end Porter, al though it is *a!d that possibly mi ti o meeting may develop from the 'situation. Any ncgotlantions. bowev.-r ore to be kept absolutely secret. FLAO PRESENTATION. Pv the Georgia Division of the U. D. C. i One of the interesting feature* of the auditorium <«crcisra tomorrow morn ing will be the piesxntat'on of the beautiful banner to the Georgia divis ion of the Vet. rans by the Georgia division of the United Daughter* of the Confederacy, Mrs. Haliis Alexund-r Itounsaville will present the ting, i T!;2 IdM is a beautiful one. and the flag, (’. signed under the supervision of llic committee, consisting of Mrs. E. G. McCabe, Mrs. Rains, of Savannah, and Mrs. Ida Evans Eve, of Augusta. s worthy of the idea. The preeenLotions cxcrclfoa will be jvery Interesting. I It now costs a man two cents every 'ume he attempt* to check the growth l of his bank account, j Some husbands do a great deal of ; thoughtless talking. 1 CAPTAIN CHARLES E. CT.ATtK “i am nerfluaded that, but for th« ojlwra •!*? ■>•* of *fc* Or**o» ti n ry.itfja! Color ml nsr"“ « the Vizcgva would es«*«<■” Tbv.c who ,«„d ot too .ane nifieeat performanrss of th* Oregon grille tlm ..»rel h«**»g° »Ul lw«rt»ly njjreo with this opimon of Captain CliU'k, bor galUtu itr. rumxt ;.**• • LOAM AMD 7 fAVtjNoa ««**#.»*<•» BARS. -iUg AGUINAkDO SPRINGS A SURPRISE !*<tatf* t<MlytkoAif ••! Nirtttl U«. Haa Ilk kitlta Attky (A *M tk# I alt*4 Mata* P • #«.. ft C * tt TH* tot* toirlMl #■#*«•*a**iMß #•* #►••• ##<• M»i #1 (to Hmh# ■tv'T Of'IRMHM i ** tt### (tuft b *TW •to totfiifi *4 Ito Wa %p Tto MMbHmi It t # <to ««i oßf AsuftoiH# (to mtmm 4 m* ■* - •*!*» mmi mm* l#l *•» 4tot #H *A# Hto • nd. Tb* p* p»* tat **” itki" aka***. |«e.<><r>w ' (-d CkMa -'«Mk- llk»«4l A*t4*MM-** Col All : cen tb* **Bii>r army .•ffievr at tb- Philippi*** " b#n th- dlt>- patib was *••**■ prulMldy ■**♦*,»• d»y* l.rfur* Its Hon* Kreig dal*. Th* ref erence to China ptmle* cu an* tt*»t Col. Ai.diison drains* ih«i kind ot c*v»lry animals. Washington. D (*•. July *2- Th* mbir.el I* In tension dlaeuraln* Aguln aldo’* proportion. Thl* b» cnuMder a very serious com attention. Utat* *Bl*4*l* advance th* theory that Ag ulnablo has been encouraged by ‘h* German* to break hi* compart with tbr United State*. Hong K. n*. July 12.—1 tl* leaicwd to day that the reason th* German crul*er rttsd u hurtled trto here from Manila Uins to send u long eaW* dispatch to Berlin. T:-s* Kormuran was only In port r it twtaty-fnur hour*. Hh* th -n start ,d bark to Manila. She received a leng thy anr er. It I* thought on the v»- sei's .orrlvel at Manila th* Germans will show their hand*. Manila. July If. via Hong Kong. Ju ly -e> Tic Insurgents are gradually Jetting the artillery tßto action against j Ptudo Santa Me*o and Mailt*. The I fighting is d suite, y. B I* sold cni semi [nftiulal Spanish authority In Manila that th** r*»fprt npvva from Cul>a l» a \i! Ef’glfp!' fabrication," that in real ity 111* Ppntrhtrds have been victorious that Admiral Camara’* squadron has coaled at Singapore, and la expec ted here July 25. Mrs. A. N. O'Keefe and daughter tir.d Miss Ellen Sheron arrived In the city today. They leave tomorrow for North Carolina to spend tbe* balance of the summer.