The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 Close Oat He Balance of Girdles ec Band m hit 9ft ftA IM*"-"'** 1 S 3 00. *4. $5. 86 tod $7.00 Onea , Your Pick for $1 and $2. LFWIS J. SCHAUL. jewel's. VANKI.I. ooouce IN cun A ta Swwtact Merit- ta U» E*n of Um Soldier Bcjrv LB'S Bill SOI! IT HOIK NEW UPRIGHT PiAMOS • 140 UP SECOND HIND SQUARES $40.00 UP Parlor Organs S3O up Sacond Hand $lO up gvix inn or ar>iai. ooom at i bottom MM'im. Thomas & Barlon, w m RARRtnrr. R*wt*w. * * Dl Ahimh, <■*•• r KJCMEUGR TH| MAIN IViidi la Bujmg la to Make Bar* of Quad Quality. ‘ fur lull patiicular* and a Joat and Wirtkv riynttDdl&l all wo i tradition* a csre ful tad prudent egpendMnr* «f on»» #. tt» a«cu * o'Coaaor a ho*- ca. "mte »arae«Uy iimoau d lo our read r* *at a ffull* po«t la saving In the Ha® cf »hr*«. slippers aa.l haia t?prth-nty L r t 0 j, !ulrt Ml rhr ilrolr* of ll»l» Rio* s,_. dispose «|f all swpiaiee «*> «1* during Uir moiiih of July, and aura* apprecia tive bargaiaa are going with the ltd!' of inut*- now Rowing (rota thvlr store*. ,Tbi* mnltitnds am supplying them- j •alvia with lb* noil beautiful line* of ail nidi* r good* at Ibe moat salonUhlng- Jy low figure* Ort Into Ihr popular push and call and wind up your anm «nmr wania by securing then* (turn tbia Ira. LADIES’ TIES a# SOMETHING NOW J. KLLEBVALIEB THE HATTER. Kznsrox HATS AN 1 ORDER FOR GOODS. From the New Tork Pun.' To William McKinley * Co.: • Dear Sira: Your samples are satisfac tory. Pleaae deliver the following to us ■Without delay: 1 doa. Oregon* at any old price. t- do* H'klyais at ditto. ■'Kindly let ue know when we may ex rw < thea* good*, atid oblige your* very truly. The American People, per H. C. W. HIGHT SORT Of’ A HOARD. ‘ (Washington Poet ) It f* qssumrd that Admiral Dewey ts •cting n* a Board of Strategy for Aguinaldo. EVERYBODY KNOWS ALREADY. (Baltimore News.) Mr. Sagasta says he "will push the w ar tovtha end,” but he neglect* to odd what end. BUT IT WILL BE. (New York Journal.) ' Emperor William has not yet had It borne lu upon his imperial conscious ness that the Philippines are loaded. NBwSpringSoTelties MEN’S SUITINGS , “NO OLD STOCK.” Price, $20.00 Up FERRIS, 820 B-toad Street. HAWIMUi IN VAUCUML la* QsoffMfia wt fl*M ♦••• »*a4 nrad m s. i. C. RmawaHdga. \ §m#m Is Tfr* H. CSw ISf ft - Y%*t* • Ml 444*4 «• W#4» j >rr-tr- •##%*»* S « ll* mm : \*W ’’ : '*MI psftifft snmps Mss 44444 «4 Ylsrl«w IS Ml W 0. MissSssr>4s» ; Ist CSSINmSS. Ot Tlmi 9/44444 ss4 sssS'***sHWb *#r*+mm* . m*s sspMsssM Sf A T €1 Hprs4%t | ! ft p. f%# mtrfHH* sss • ssff Sssh ■ j # y%m ssvs ss «%* 44444 m sm: ! ftf* ?ss*•» wllrs ssS ftmt * i»fß 1 I r»,ftfs!*•» st its fsmi TV list»s? I yttftfisvfNlrf* TtossSss S-SSi «* Ills #«ft» tviMS Ist Cto§f"s*L Os. sssr* lh«v spi ,: ! w»iSt fSsftf fflrsS* sl#S tINSS S MSS sS4 SspSY ' i LSI j TM r.awywav W rwwa'Ug a* •■•awf r.awat pip* frMB fb* faranry ap *n IM aww-a TMr farpowr I* to *•*•»' » i f t a tan*, tga Myfdf la eaaa at Rm Ijml winter wtk#a lbe pnat<4B<w ant the tan* won** war* baitml lbn water jwwrb* did aeamely say good Mist* O P flab bi r ft P | awd Miaasw tfatr ttoaraltb and la* r grab ad war town alwadad »b» grand. baHwrwe aaf dan*. at Laabataa Wed j tnwday They ragntt baring a *rtl gond lint ftaw y e*#r at tbla awm a graad barhtra* and dam* •* glees at I l*aabaamg, whk h It alteadrd by ytv pi* fruaa twary wetloa of lb* Mate. | Tlie lanr frt#ada of Mr Man»sr*l Itrt.wo formerly of tbla place tort who ■baa been located nt Qreenwuud. A C, lbe past year. Witt be glad to bnoa that be baa accepted a responsible position with tb* fesbonrd Air Line at Baldca. g. C. The pns.ikm part 140 a tnoS'li II a mm ay Meads arc glad to bear is*! of protaotma. Our good friend. J. P. Couch, of Au gusta. was oyer the other dev to at* hit many friend* who are hi wars glad ho tee h% Wr are sorry to note that old man 1 Bpradtey Is Mill very sich st this writ -1 lng. Wr do hope hr will aooo be up < sgalo. Clever JrtNMr William*, riatrau. j «**» la town yrstrr.l»y. All the Khaol tawhart are preparing for the Teacher*' Inatltnle, wtl •{> meet a | over at Aiken Monday morning at 0 i o'clock. There will be prearhlng In the Mrth iodiat rttunli tomorrow evening. Hcv Thoa. K Seago. of tbla place, leave* tbta evening for Daren church, where be will rarry on a protracted meeting for Ihe neat few day*. Ms* Motile Arthur, of Granllevllle, came up thlr evening and will apend Kuntiay Id our town. On laat Wedneaday night, while Mr. O. J. Tlbblta and family wore down at Uranitevllle, the kitchen. Juat a few itepa from Mr Tibblt’a dwelling house, caught on Are and wa* burned to the ground in a few momenta with all Ihe kitchen furniture and a lot of groceries, ny hard work the dwelling bouse was oot damaged. Mr. Tlbblts ought to feel grateful to his neighbors for saving his house In his absence. HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks are really more than akin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organ*. If the liver la Inactive, you have a bilious look: If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kldnttya are affected, you have n pinched look. Secure gnyd health and you will sure ly have good looks. "Electric BlMara” Is a good alterative and topic. Arts directly on the stomach, liver »nd kid neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold nt Howard A Willet’s drug store. 60 cents per bottle, . WHY CEIIVEKA SALLIED OUT. Wounded Sailors at Santiago Say Ho Was Forced by Popular Clamor To Quit the Harbor. Santiago I)e Cuba, July 22.—The Spanish soldiers in the hospitals here who were wounded in the battles of July 1 and July 2. having been disem barked from the ships of Admiral Cer vera’a fleet In order to assist in resist ing the attack of the Ana rlcan troops by land, say that when the Spanish !1« t sailed out of the harbor half of the sailors and marines on board had : been lighting and working In the tren ches ashore for forty-eight l»ours pre viously. Admiral Cervera, they also assert, sacrificed his fleet In obedience to the popular clamor, both in Spain and Cuba, including Santiago, that she should give bottle to the American ' fleet. The big Government tug Potomac ar rived here today from New Orleans. She is provided with modern appliances , for wrecking, and, with the other ves- : sets sent here for the same purpose, will secure all it i» possible to save ; from the ships which formed Admiral . Cervera’s squadron. THE COTTON BILE ! fit Mm litttrtd* TH< U •a« Oa i .um«tgM Ism tspt 18 b**#*- tary an tsud L STL!r?fi-TJ^ [PM# (Pwl-iSS llSrSSit#* ! iwfctai *4 SS4ISSSI vSlr #SS 9mm sSm#l " l»i»ssssis. rnmm% msMss**** 8 * <^ss*: I Idtoi * %* •«• I ~u*w*p&4 hm&wmk Idm* Ii tS IKrtssSo C# *' ** %•* O*MSSS C#KIMS HirSttHl* Mwteih *m4 I-ttiSMHvfS LPSMMI Kt'MnS* ! < •*!«*# tTi * (#•><#. A \**4 »ss **% W**m*9*m«*?. MS* •#***„ [ • r n«lk f% O# | [ W W WH«#• «S 4 SlS#?# #V" M’t |g g |(BH)||f§ )|$M Y«rs •%4 • ! *4 94 fP# pt*# Y*#H Cottwa Raebaage "*All U>»#t MSSISSPNIfIMHI Msss* • 11# Twsstl i' f s •*• %#• wHS ## S##SlsflNlll9#f <lf t At IHML sMPiHi sill ShiS* s MM# St* ra* M tn»»» S lo 0 SiS#H ? #l Olxotp IS potMMIO Ml IS# r#SM MoS. <S#v »S*S I Sol Solos son O# IS Sc**## #1 ISSP sis* lor# fbofMlfltf NOiffl S? Soot-TO. 00 ts# s**### oooftos *S# #' Pni ooS too [ flNNfo#of I# iSo s#' Lost is Mo* Its Si* so ffoOMf# fSoo IS# Rf#tt Sol# o*4 tS#f [or# oooor#4 Sf (So oa4*ro#H#rs iSol If ISis Solo sums Is Soto# tS* rot# #f | morssrc still So #ocs siorS Soosoooml. j wruoooor tSo o#l#ssiao trosof* tioiMi I (loos So## stroo 1? ijft* ii I* sioP* SR* iMoflXs Is fr*lsSio P» •SISSMSto fooiitf fmm s It-bd-kwh bOS ! "The f.leerprol sad ftremra Cotton Kyrtwage* lay roaslderuble Mresa «t> >■ the nccess ty of a bettar rotarta* fur ration sod faeor a tin*, rloa# aoeea riatk. whlrb would the better preyen* Ittteraal damage, aad afford a Mrfee wb'rb would tstala (be mark* at*,* dtattnc’ly, * **Tbe board of managers of year ei change base sny‘tyl the** etimmsal-, ration* ay r\pryst ng thrtr hainy con currrace .a *h«* their rtraeat a.aTi lo co-operate with other lneH*pt">db hi ead*arorlng to telng tig 41: it'd reyglt and sow j regut at yog to b* otipllah the end 't view It .* to he Iwrrd that so effort, mil bn nptrtd td l tag a boo* the de sired reform, so that the present lr reirular shaped aad half-clad bvt* which b*y-* so tong dlagrsced tbe cot ton trad*, wilt lit a thing of the past. Your* respect hid/. "JOHN L BULLARD "Serf* tary New York Cotton Ex change." A BRAVE WOfIAN. sated llerself and Young tllrl By Killing Assailant*. Decatur. Ala.. July 21.-»-BurkHt's Is land. tvrrlve miles below here. In tbe Trunessee rlaur. was the acme of a re markable tragedy yesterday nfterooou. In which a wlhta win an *afed a young colored gtrl. Harriet Kendrlx, from a*- aault, hern If from tlichonor, and *lsw h.-r asaailaut. Mrs. ituil* Drake Mole* ha* for the pat* five year* been tbe housekeeper for C. N. Roblnaon A Co., who run a plantation, employing sever al hundred laborers. One of them was • negro known a* "Old Blue." who rame to tho Island, wa* taken care of by Mrs. Motea. and aubsequently given work on tho place. For setvral week* past, however. Blue ha* been noticed alnmptlng iibertie* with the house maid. who la a comely mulatta. Yeeter dny morning For.iman Peebles waa called away on business to a near-by village, leaving the two women unpro tected on the vast Island. About an hour after Peebles loft, Mrs. Motes hoard terrified rcreams Issuing from (he house. Rushing In she found Har riet struggling helpleasly In the grasp of Blue, whojs a giant In stature. Mrs. Motes ordered the negro lo desist, which he did. but sprang upon her. Mrs. Motes eluded Blue and darted In Peebles’ -oom. down the latter’s gun and levelling It at the black fiend she commanded him to stop. Ho continued to advance, and, seeing she was in a desperate situation tbp brave woman fired, the charge of buckshot scattering Blue's brains on the carpet and furniture. Upon Peebles’ arrival home two hours later he drov® Mrs. Motes to the county spat, Athens, where she gave hjyrself up. She was given immediate trial and acquitted In fif teen minutes. She was surrouuded by hundreds of men. who a congratulated her upon so bravely de'endiug her life and honor. - A .. CASTOTIIA. Bur* th* _ y»Tiie Kind You Haw Aiwavs Boiijit rr JOINED THE VOLUNTEERS. Mr. B. H. Getslnger, stenographer for Wilkins A Jones, left Monday af ternoon to take a similar position with Lieut. Col. J. H. Tillman, of South Carolina, and will go to war. He re ported for duty at Abbeville, S. C. The position he oeccupiee Is n good chip and , he will fill it to a “T.” He and Lis es timable wife have only been residents of Waynesboro o few months, but made many friends durkisf their stay*, who regretted to part with them. Mr. Get singer has the wishes of all that he will return borne safe to his family. Mrs. Getsinger left one day this week for South Carolina, and will remain home with her parents until Mr. Get singer returns home. —Waytaesboro Times. THE -A.TJQTJSTA IT JURA LX) THE COKIIG ClillNG. L L .-Ti . J* s (4P44 lUMmfif* ft w 11* 19* -- * #«iry H*ik4 hsff'h. ** I as tepasaw Mas Most * w»«A* f ■ rmmni ##•## No## *# mm** h* «#t y###t wm Wi9m in '##• N ill# nnmim 4* :i m *i» ittll llNf • #N|| MK l#o f *•#•< 9##NL #*•#* •at at *«A HM Sh «* <4 ftS'kft ato. |MMfffffSff II hAhts ** * *s*k I Ths ffsasas M al**4 «sar* *M*h a* i« 4*XT i **■ s* 4 » *«r* «hl null »*ai f- V* *<«•*«• mi* ijsiP cksrh AM a* to **•«** nf a*StM*tßwa«<. I SMI sully MMff 4* Mil) ha at be* h*4 t s* h* **i' *S off* i t one 14 ass tn IX* Mill MB***' | S*MA «• rvv* •«**%. faaa* *»#a ttA i aiweviw An ksafa s*s*ythiths that the®* §• |m Jm wmms • wUL M# tw j m . *" r**«»•*♦ oiiitii#tv I# oH !trl&|« ftlwMob###? ftms lioii4> fts4 t# 4# M IIN MMftt (UN 4a Ml f#|« fWW * Nmfcft Mu4* llo#» (No#. Ho#4 o##. •«4 omio #a ootrjr 4»/ —— Wiileat anas* bank lawcn as y*ns - (Mat saesawi. For lacki nf tits ytss •Ml tod yoanwlf handicapped all » >•* Mfe The awia thiac* «pe*lin* read lac •- an 1 aril IMS** Of «h**t m ssttat haw* st losas * fine knoartrdge ts hagts wph and then Ar, practice vnu wilt at length kreata p*c fort« 4la thria I Would ava I tn »?-lf of say npponnatty to attend a nHfHt srltSM. f know an except easily bright young mao who la n**w *be emsf less la th* card room at th* Argus' a will. who Jarnawi* hit lark of edueatlos. If* , iwstlses #ov that that os* thing ■ tbro|tens t" h* the gresiest olatt-W ia, his why to further aad high** advance- j stent. There |* a talk of start log a textile department ta all the mills of the city. * If this Is done her* Is lb* chance for th* ambitions young man. Let him en’er with a full determ'Balloa to auc ce: J When this movement has don* Its work th* nerrsalt, of sending tn tbe north or to Canada for some on*' to manage our mill* anil be for**** removed. Remember that shortly many more mill* will be ho lit In th* *o<r>h and all > of these must he officered and furnlahod i with skilled operatives. The field Is a! wid# on* Th* oppcrtaaltlea are great More anon. Good by*. m Hava you any «ld gold or silver* If you have rati at any new Ivwotrv aloe*, wher* ihere l* a lady tn attendant-*, and woe will either exehango for now goods or all cash given. Lowla J. p( haul, the popular priced )aw*lar NEWS FROM APPLINO. The bto y of Country Life Told in Paragraph*. Special to The Herald. I Appling, Go., July **.—Gentle spring ha* left us and now we have the glo rious summer at our doors. All the people of our little village are enjoying good health and peace and quietude reigns supreme. We ran now visit our fields with pleasure, and as we east our cyea up j(in the cotton fields and follow the out lines of the rows os they circle around .the hills running with the lay of the j land and we note the luxuriant growth —growth that equals ambition In man ! —then we see the tender blossoms al t’moat hid from view and both bitter and sweet memories are Stirred wlth’m us. as we think of the contrast be lt ween the two—between the flower nnd (the weed. Again we look and we see i the cornfield* In the distance almost dike a solid sheet of silver as the warm south wind gently stirs it and the dan dling sunshine pours down upon It, al imost blinding our eyes. Now a cloud I scurries across the sun and the silvery jeorn becomes a dark green color, then iagntn.qur memories are awakened ns | we ti|ink of the difference between the ■sunshine and shadows, j Are you the, weed that for a moment | hides the beautiful flowers nnd the ! shadow that darken the brilliant sun. 'or sre you the flower and sunshine that is enveloped for an Instant nnd then emerges again brighter and fairer than ever? Now we look toward our pen and po tato patches, nnd then to our pastures where our cattle roam, nnd we think we ore prosperous, but hold! we have over looked our gardens, also our chickens nnd turkeys that make such dainty dishes, and another lesson is taught us —"Do not overlook the little things.” It is now growing late: we turn cur footsteps towards our village poitofflfe Jto get the mail, and, as we return, we ■hear the voice of the yeomen singing the songs of the free, and we fancy that we hear the guns of Sampson and Shafter away down in Culm keeping | time with the songs and fighting for our rights. * We had a severe thunderstorm at Ap- ! pliug on Saturday night, JxflV- 9th. Our ■ "Swamp Angel” (our p ret Test girl) was terlrbly frightened, but she re gained her composure by the next mor ning. j Mr. Will Farr was stunned for a while during the storm. A ciVmney to his house was shattered and a dog was killed. JACK M'A. ! HOLDING BECK PET. -was# I tltlff lUßfly*! «l l> Kr|«tot | <ff to dam as* .aw** Nrw»»l fkgs to* I 'to'* 1 sf#t • F.-s>Att-«' f %k-d - -#k •cr« i|g *-1 i>iT|#n it 4*4 fufii# Jt *4#: #sf>. # it» t# <-#*#§ If tMR- ) ooft '4# <4 m *»*4k * *44 4' ' i a} . If*- fl 1* I-- # §»||r vE if #Hi* j ; t . v . iV ... i t | stmt i# ; tS’’ If •- •* §h • -fkafr As 1 fff|||ff ff llklf |#HE9#«pl t%# i#f IH« . ' f4t n# Iff***## tn fNttal IhA* IHNMR 1 'j, ,t t .rm,l tt » - - . •* r fir Hfif #il> { r fwN If ti tNM «%# mm ■ -J „ |luiif|B Wit\ #iiM*«## I bahokl Tssiil rrr loetltHt* tk< tofdtsr* flaatm — aad .a*wlal PAraawrta. |Mha CMiecw assisted by Prof Ryd ha* Urea u arsalnn her* aiaw Monday TN n« * i bfi f$Y4 i#)4 Ml it)**, <Ymrt Ituar. iN ti# fc*o iiirh ikff t4Ut t# ll# cofoiy ?#4ci#r* ft**.Jss tang highly kastrm-flv* to the nUov* named teachers thsp do good 'work by impreasiag upon the minds of ’those who attend them th* tapwtaar* 'of a higher oduca'km la th* stats, and !gtv* them as Insight of *h» mod. * I winds of lb* younger generation Prof • Wsnllaw will he ats atad Ss ht* dotles by Prof. O B Moore, of Fsrmso Uni versity. who will deliver a lecture »s Wednesday afternoon, and Prof. F . Horton Cokock. of the Sonth Caeollns' | College. Both thorn gent.Tmen will noi ; doubt attract a large andiema a* their i lecture# have always proved highly la- j structlve and de-ldcdly Capt. Hays# F. Rice has been for tbe past two week* endeavoring to organise a company of volunteers st this plac*. 1 Tnrtday Inst the rxamln'ng oßcers.' ! Capt. Fuller. Dr*. Wannatnakro and : Griffith, ram* down to examine the company, However, the m> n carolled did not stand up to expectaUoo* and only 17 were passed and muttered Into l t|x« service, Capt. Rice Is by no mean* discouraged by this unpatriotic begin-i i»U»g, but will put forth < norg- Le efforts! in endeavoring to get up the full quota ! Quit* an Interesting game of baseball v*a* played h«o Friday afternoon be-1 torren Brunson and Bam tier* n nca. The victory waa hotly conteated for. hut tbe Bamberg boy* proved too much Wr the Brunaonltea. and the score ro sdlled In « to 3 In favor of Bamberg Contrary to the existing hard times’ and dull summer months Bamberg la B'lll progreasing. The large brick mercantile establishment of D. H. Counts A Co., will In a few days bo completed and will he quite a pretty ad dition to Main street. Mr. Counts will reserve one portion of the building for the storage of buggies and wagons of which he propose* to keep a large and well serried stock. Besides the above named establish ment there are a number or handsome residences going up on every hand. Mr. W. D. Rhod 1s making extensivo preparations for the erection of a large and handsome brick store on Main street In the near future. Mrs. 3. W Penrlstine, tbe wife of Mr. .1 W. Pearlstine, died at her rtme on Midway street on Friday afternoon last. She had been ill for only a short period and her demise was unexpected. The remains were Interred in the ceme tery in Charleston Sunday, the Hebrew cereirion’es being complied with. Miss Demarius Carrol, of Lees, S. C., is visiting relatives In town. Miss Lena Karesh, of Branchville, ia a guest of Mr. J. W. Pearlstine. Treasurer J. Dickinson and Mrs. E. Dickinson and children are visiting In Atlanta. Mr. W. Clair Dickinson left today to Join his company at Chickamauga. Petcy All, of Allendale, was here last week. J. Pinckney Mattheney, Esq., has re turned to Bamberg and will resume the practice of his profession. He bas met | with unbounded success at Alor and j will be in that town two days each ; week to take care of his interests there, ’ hut bis headquarters will be in Bam berg. Enccursging. "When I borrow anything I take rv. good care -of tt as if it were my own." j ■•That's right, of course." | "gay, old man. I broke my wheel last night: wilt you leerd me yours?"—Chic ago Record. CASTOUTA. Bear,the Kintl Y ° U H2VB * I,VaVS BOIIgM CUT THIS OUT kVriig your ArtkNMrti—trktfffil Of* Will fetMikk, •fictot# •mount •»<*>»•«ry *© p«y <of •» f«4f»y liftoff* Hint |i you a «nf, »wl gMlhffM mail Of •wrtd It to THE HERALD. ADVUttI ISIiMKNT COUPON. TO inf AUrtEl A Mt.RAI.U piggw iiAAwrt lh« •dfffrtinmgnl writttn bg)ow'*-~' Urns* knyouf "WANT** columns, for which you will find •nefoswd • - OMVtf SION HERB | I' # I unity iff’iff • •#* tFv* -rsg»»*c-* ?• <«• • % A *n # gv |) vige t. 1 "*■#*# iNmi SNN#« 4#l# s Yl*» RntCil " LoT *w TKtoiRM A-I «»a to -*.* «e.od ONE-GENT A WORD situation wanted lv KICI Lit, nf «-fN*# WfLflt Itet©#huf« #r Apptf Wor AN tfRIK Oil f , I i | V | Ira WANTED—I""iMTIoN All COOK CAN sive isd itltnov. *ll Park ao*an*. BXPUiriEVGKD RANK MAN Ik apra las position <4 SOW* kiad. Ad dress O. R A., csre H*cold. Jly II SITUATION WANTED RY A WHITE hoy. Can Siva heat of refer**r« still from reliable peraww*. Apply 1,44 Green* street. ■ -Hv» HELP WANTED WANTED fgVRKAI. DOMPRWT dreaemnker* end one Aral ck»o* cotter Mu, fitter. I» tnke chatg* of ••«?x --r titna tn prominent ttooth Cstoltfi* town. Apply Mneaulny A CO. JlyD I WANT TWO HTEN'HIHAPHEUS. young men, to fill «o«d. permanent positions. L- J- Hinry. No. I Library building. Ju, Y ** WANTED —"I COATMAKBK AT ence Apply R- Ruben, 1417 Main Bt-. Columbia. 8. C. 11 VVANTEIi RELIABLE BUBINBB* woman for our order department. Al so «ne to travel. Addreaa Salary. Her ald Office. FOR SALE ■ CREAM—CUEAM AT 14 JACKSON BT. I VERT CHEAP—PlatoffA guns, mual. cal mstrumenta; watch** almost given away, tt Unci# Ltw’t. for 8 ALE CHEAP-A PAIR OF young bones Will work double or single C. H. Howard. Jr., at Howard & Willet Drug Co. June 2* ts i - FOR SALE OR RENT-HOUSE OF 7 rooms (VI Lincoln street. In good con dition, on easy terms. Wm. Schwelgert. j Aug 1. i FOB P.W.E-A LOT OF SECOND I hand doors, sash, blinds and woooden columns. Also a largo lot of roofing slate. In good condition. Apply to J*- jcob Phinixy. Au * 1 ■ FOR SALK CHEAP-SECOND HAND j Yost typewriter. Splendid condition. ’Slug:, car# Herald. I Aug 1 Tues wed frl FOR SALE-LARGE HORSE SUITA BLE for work in buggy. Would ex change for good pony. See him, corner Ellis and Mllledge street, city. Jly -7. FOR SALE —A NEW REFRIGERA TOR. Used only sh"rt time. Breaking up house. Will sell cheap. Apply room 22, Commercial hotel. July -- TO RENT FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHED BED rooom. 1001 Telfair street, city. Aug 1 FOR RENT—THE IARGE HAND i SOME dwelling No. 932 Broad street, i with yard running through to Ellis (street. Apply to Jules Godin. TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1 DWELLING 1.29 Broad street, containing ten rooms. Apply to T. T. Wingfield. July 24 ; ; TO RENT—FROM OCT. 1, TIIE residence corner Broad and Marbury street, containing twelve rooms, with all modern conveniences. Apply 1130 Broad street, city, upstairs. July 22 FOR RENT—FROM OCT. 1, 1898, THE dwelling No. 622 Ellis street; alto the new dwelling, No. 215 Oliver Row. Mon ument street. Apply to Jacob Phimisy. Aug It JULY 21 b r« MISCELLANEOUS ** I typ**riS!ft* 10. !W*y» *ol !tsrH f tom 14 pmn ««4 up übm. I WASTHi> TC» iUBUT AT ONCIt • If mii’f * f tlurcc «*f f«>tfr i uftdia to ttvt 'tn. or iftomi .A44tm* Rh»C Htnl4 of 'TW > HOAfIDHIUP WANTED AT 70 T#it*!r fttr##t. Cm gtvi m larr*'. pkr««af r* rn mltN two »*#«!*. rft#- .ftTH.&W© HIM. Aug X W AST KI» HOARD SQE TWO LA riEU h«4 ft KIM# boy, f*» tom# quiet fftmtty pr«*f**rr*Nf. AtldfVft* I, So. m 'ilnntl fttvrgf» July » Special Notices: SPECIAL NOTICE ; A PF.M-ASNUAI. DIVIDEND OF three and "tie-half per coot (3 1-3 per coat) the capital atnek of th* lrtvb*Are«rl(iQ and Dim# Bn\inga Bank wa# TtflH DAT decUrwd by th© Board of I>tr#c4or#, p*y*Wr on demamd- JOHN t>. iIUUHAN. Ciabmr. Auftirfa, Hi.. July 14, DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD STREET, And Get Your Work Done WelL F> r the nett 00 day. Bicycles Enameled fur |2 00— High tirade 'York Looest prices in town on Repairing. Second iund Bicycle# bought and auld on envy pay men Is. ALL WORK GUARANTEED SOUTHERN MILLS PROSPEROUS. ! From tbe Boston Transcript. . In addition to tbe oridenc* of re | nr w*d aciiviry in the cotton inrlustry , in the south furntehod by the fact that : many es the mills are running over ! lime, some of them with day and night bxnda, there conies now, in dividend j declarations, assurance that tbe busi nes* 'H vary profitable. In very many casts at 6 per cent serni-annal dlvi drud has been dt'larcd, after additions to nurpius or the rMting aside of funds for improvement, and a few Insf.'tr.ccs ora reported at 6 per row semi-annunl dividt ads. cnc ts them in the case of a rail! which has just comploied its first year of operation. All these records tveie eciipst <?. however, by that of a mill In Huntsville, Ala., which recently declared an annual dividend of 10 per cent, after setting aside a like amnunt for new machinery. Naturally, under such favoring conditions, cotton mill atecka have advanced in value. One or two Illustrations will “office. In Ral eigh a blo -k of $50,000 of stock of the Caralelgh mill there which has been in operation on’y about, five years, vas bought by the trustees of YVake Forest college, the trustees selling the =anie amount of stock in a N-w England street railway company to make the investment, because the cotton mill share* promised to pay touch better than the railway shares. CANADA’S SEVERE LOSS. (Pittsburg Dispatch.) Crrranza and D u Bose will not act as colonization agents for Canada, CLEARLY WRONG. (Kansas City Star.) It doesn’i :. ':TI right to name a peony after Hobson when he s a daisy.