The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1898, Image 3

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TMURHOAY HE EDITORS IN GOTHAM ){•« Tfcrj tri» TitlM M *l* llrtfifrtti f**«WM*4 fc**#.. «at tH# _ ffiMß iff A ?-** f -|M§t * *«• **f «( «#. . ,1)1# ,» "4,• || IP’MI •r«|«> , #4l M 4fH I" i C4UIHT A I tIbiLAR. Mr. R«Nrt IWI. •» Ww. Hm luNMI Uttrlwv TlOrl Os. Jit n ft. 1 CrntmAm* v««rta» of TIIU* In «H 1 »rw»nt«4 HI Ik# !»• „•» a I* Alton!* Thr kraal tni nart *«*»»*! sakwt MM Harrlvt In npHtonr for tfcr «n»p and nrarf v*t KM M»tn hs*H> kunurwl to ton Mr lhr fcaffM at Mr Mt.h#n MM. **■ a«4 ntrrto * ns4 <ni»r<4 hi* had tw*» (Brough Opr* window Mr Mnll h«4 iMirto n*4 »#* •*•*## Mm hm •If, wn* up I*4 mltnirf hrr ku« K H 4 ah# |KSI «4 rj bin I*l M< »'M Hnnl Iwlton* nfw# ibr flying h*nra. Iwi tolled w fctt btto Mr F"»d#r« da* VH then n#r«rr J I*4 plr f *«l on Ihe trail nnd nr* naMlm down Tl># ne gro la t *• mcaped ronvtrl from (hr l.atohrr r topno; * Mil's end re,orned that* ftg.urdny n-*h< W It It vtik MWirb ngwl Ihn* wt I non Mr J. II Wlta'd and hi* gi'rt nstlmt hi*, wife Mr Wilson ban bad • r*rf.- of lk< Hn-l nadir tor (In* pnat yrar. at I ba* (riv'-n nnlrrrrat aatlrfartim Ml* Iraar of Ik# boo** «*» a *h>rt (to*, and Mr Tttonium. ibr cwger. *lll row Uk» charge again and fbr travel ng public will b* *wdl nerved, Mr Wilson ram* flnutb i*<» year* ago and la morh pleased. no Much pl«o*rd that br and Mr*. Mm would not rcn#ider a proponltlnn lo return North Hr ba* offer* of anversl beta!* tn Iht* afntr. and it la probable (hat hr mar go #*th- j er to Wayoroen or Atkrn*. Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Cole bare gone to Trriu. In C« w»4a county, to r.alt their old home for a few day a Mr Cole thinks aerfral of hla old friend# will come thla way before- rJ' rl *Un ! " at we almidy hare quit# a number of good rlUarna from ofcl Coweta and all are delighted. BKKi UEN. WIK'JFF. A Statement as to How He Lost His Lite. Easton. Pa.. July' 22.—Ever since the trvi reached here ot the death of Act ing Brigadier Orn ral Charles A. Wik off, colonel of Uk> Twenty-second edi ted States infantry, in front of Santi ago, an effort has been made hy the family and friends to cb.aio some def inite Information of the c rcumaiances. As nm” could be had. soma w.-re In clined to believe that the r. pert that hr had bee a killed to be on true. Yesterday it was l.’arned that W. H. Wesiel. second lieutenant In the Tv.enty-eecond regiment, was among the wounded at Fort McPherson, Git. Rotative* of Colonel Wikoff t.Negraph ed to him t(T a statement about Col onel Wikoff's d'ath. 1: brought to the family the first news of how he was killed. Re was shot early In (he morn ing of July 1 on Use rotd leading to Santiago. IP was commanding a bri gade at the time and was alone, his staff officer* having br-n sent with or ders to diff-rert parts of the brigad". Private Bottlraai. of the Fccond infan try band, saw him shot. The bullet en ter.d his chest and depth came quick ly. Alter this the body lay fer hours, but wag examined by doctors before bt’riel. L ! eut. Chat.?, Crictiel Wikoff* aide, now in Cuba, has the location of the burial rlaee. Colonel Wikoff was seme <1 .dance in th' rear of the actual fir ing Ilf, his proper position to com mand a brigad', and was undoubtedly picked rff by a guerilla sharpshooter from a tr.-Hcp. Ho ermmar.ded a bri gade cc x;cscd of the Ninth, Thir teenth and Twenty-fourth regiments of rt gulrrs and was in l-awtoa’s division, ■fehich led the heroic fight in the cep. turo cf El Caney. v Col. Joo C. R ney left yesterday for Tbcmfcn, Oc.. ar.d with his brother, ju t:. Rcncy, cf Augusta, will spend a week at the old family homestead in McDuffie cour.ty, th' scene of their boy- days.—Am'rioos Rec-'-rder. A JUNE CLOTHING SALE! . • -UK hQif of cost We are satisfied to sacrifice every item in our store in order to ' n EER” rt Sunir^r o^oods^we I shaif not another seasfn. Price shall be the lever to move them, and at once. Prices quoted here tell but half the story. To appreciate the great values in this sale you must see them. §B.OO $12.50 Suits Reduced to ..... $7.50 SIO.OO Suits Reduced to . • • • ... ...... $5.00 ' ' L. -J-' - 826_BroadStreetj JOIN THE BANES Of THE ARMY OF PURCHASERS Shoes. Slippers, and nats! CENTS* $4 00 - Mg fctofhi iuiftM £ Anm r It'# fc #*4 t"hm llV* K OIMPt o*** *•* wIP m 4 mm a . t itrf 000M00 ‘.#f» tit - »9>tr» *i IN 00* •• •*** ***** **** ****** M * r Sl-SS .. ■ . .. a a * a* ato.Mto.MMM»g (la- * Mh*** (tn a*4 Cbiaw #( *** M** *•’ #*#=w ta - w ’ tkia walk# abn* $1.15 .ii Amur,, n4k.Mi«.».l^.^HwM«*d Oar pH! <*%»•'■*•••»''■ radahin Rid *to» #H •* *mu »#»y ■“ twm #1 t«M» RftiV r _ wlio.lHlM.lmtloo “ CUre y ° U " “ PUrCh “° r - Dint p. OTiONIOR SHOF oO - - 3TMww»r,sf^ **' Bp P "e l n7,Tn l dlro!r|o^yarCr^ i rC l e r I |flcate plan la ,1111 meeting with much favor and continues to merit IN A SOCIAL WAY £ JjL \ ! w &2*r v VjE F Wry % \f* { M X- -i, •:W fn I* Intros: Tins*. In primrose tins* I met the maid Whtae to t* am* like ■ Imry chime, ] And follfvtd he* 1 through d-'ll and glSil™.— In primrose lime! I rall d her «?y«* a little chime Or tropic tuoohtn* bloat w>th shade. Her lip* twin rosebuds la their prime. She blushed—l kissed her,—then she •aid: “Your hair is touched with early rime. Yet of stu b frost I'm not afraid. In pilrartme time! —William H. Haynr, In Timis-Bemo crat. • •See a Pin and Pick It Up.” It may to before long that our pins •vl.l brve to be dipped in carbolic acid before being put cn our bureaus. For pins have be*-n proved to be a prolific source of dangtr in spr-adlng ontng icus disease*. All kinds cf y. rois, It Is, said, can be collect'd ni ler the heads aid nurses who indulge the feminine bibit of bolding pins In th»!r mouths, lay themselves op, n to rcrious attack. Tiu dieters who warned the pub- \ lie say that ninny of i* e so-cali'd new pins are not new at ail, but have been picked up in the e-tt. its ai l laid side - by side with the ether*. The idea is net an allCE'ther pleasant one. and U, moreover, one llke*y / to Increaaa the ttninslnesa of the over fastldlous. There are romo women who are ao afraid of germs that th- y tva3h all their gild and rliver piece* before handllnK tb m, and who never allow a hank bill > to go nto tboir purses until it hasj been wrapped in com' kind cf rilsln- j feeling paper. They even r quire the shop girl” who ftad them th ir cheny.* to wrap It in rnper flnff- What is to be dr so, if all this is so. with .be popular rjpersti Lions about picking up all the pins that one and never parsing a penny in the street?—Harper's Ba zar. Lorens'tes and Boas. A lorgr-'-tto is a mayorful thing, as S r.tiiE'ftitrl Tommy often remarks. One with a sharp-cynd. woman peeking through it can make a wbcV earful of mc-:i squirm. Mere man will undoubt edly br phased to barn that the latest •gd along this line- Is not formidable looking. It is made of German silver, has \.;ry round oyer, and a short t*vlst -j handle. It Is a relief «o see plain giassev crc? mere, after the magnifi cently jev'oied or.oe that havo bean in vogue. «** Fluffy boas are much won with thin ! (own* The baad#r»t»*wi are made of 'goo Marh rhMlilte 4,41 ed llnwaeta art. end Mr# long amordeon-plaiifd end* that reach l» ike On*(urn of thr nhirt I. .a • tna la worn with awwiaarr .ilka I ar-l wool gr.waa TM ec made of while, L. rnllnw, pair ptnh. blue nf Ida# Pel are used with crgsndtea and rnuclin* and alao rr niag gowrna. Thla llillo arieweory la u*< ful for II la no! only graceful acd breomiag. hat alaa a a rm iltMt • bare park on a cool rr- A k oman's hair. A woman may br exquisitely gown \i d. but If kcr hair ooha «r|lim*4 It all • ounta ter notblag. Hair may look fluffy and currleaaly arranged and still isbew til#: II Is wr4l cartd for. Indaad. • one fare* will not bear ike etrry bctr-lo ite-plac* atfle of dmalng and d mand that tkn or, wn of glory dull be grrang-d wllb aludbd rarelcaanaa*. Tbtn la no tonic ao good for the hair as airtight and sunshine. Indeed, the •alter la the only thing in the world that import* a richness of rotor do aired by every righi mint*, d woman. The Orcah girls who sat on the walla of the city and gave ihc.r balr a dally *uir b«ub certainly knew their bual nor*. The modern woman cannot mount auch a (crcb. hut after washing her hair, which should be done at least once in two weeks, she can *H by a etesfd window and allow the sou's rays to beat In on her locks while she broshr* tin m dry. Thla nnlural hbat dr.'* not dry the ecalp a* ar.ifldal heat U bound to do. and Imparts strength and lift* to the hair. Those who have med* a~*ucrt.« of treating their hair claim that It should not he braided at night, but brush.: J and left loose. I.ocks Kxcuralon One cf the moat Interesting soda! event* of the week will be the Ixtcke fxcura’t n to be given under the aus p!c. s of the I sidle*’ Auxiliary of the T. p \ %t tomerrow, Spturday afternoon, and evening. The bout will cav" the hasln promptly nt fi o’clcck. A delight ful hand has been engaged, and re freshments will be rented. Tickets may br. er-MT'd from any member of the auxiliary. Mr*. TL 0. Milter has returned from i Atlanta. Mivs Carrie Goodrich is visiting | j friends in Covington. Mr*. Carr'- Hcrry has retd mod from ja visit to the Isle of Hope. | Mr*. Roland and Miss Katherine Ru ; land ar. visiting friends in Atlanta. Mies Josie Harden, of Columbus, Is the guest cf Mrs. Will laiw on Cum mtng street. Wits Hresl" Shields, who hss been | visiting Mrs. Percy IJanfcrth. has re ! turned to her homo in Thomson. Mrs. Patten, Mr. Will Patten and I Miss Paten, of Texes, have spent the i past few days tvlth Mrs. Elizabeth I Turpin, on the Hll. Mrs. William B. White nnd Mies Ro- Unlls Merrier will compliment the j Thursday Rending Club with an In formal morning picnic next Thursday r.t Lakeview. -A UOUBTA GAMAZG SOS THERE IS PEACE \rd Tint It I' Honor*Me For Spani'h AfWv Paris, July SS. It I* neported that in formal secret ncgotlatloua bar peace are la progress between the itpantsb awd Amerlrcn ambamadors here Madrid. July ti. Honor (lamaso the minister of public works, makew a statetacilt that gear#, honorable In Its terms for ihe Hpenisb srm> will be concluded shortly. oimvirrowN Non:*. Visitors Front and to thr Popular Piacr. j Umtrlowai. July C - Miss Ku*. ni» j Haines left us on Tuesday morning , n rout.- for flavannah Mrs Hal nielner toll on Ti tew toy morning lo attend (he c'.mfederate re union Hi Atli.iitn The old Steiner plnee will be lonely wlttsoul the fair lady of ('utoctoii. * Mian Coleman left (Irovetow n on Tuesday also, after a pleasant visit (o I relatives at Cotoelon j Mrs J. N. Flak has Jual returned i from Kills, w here she attended the neighborhood harbeewe slid spent a plet.sant wnk with her daujjjlter. Mrs. John Willie Olbaon. Capt. J. C. Hrooks, of Kdgelleld, S jc., is wHh us on a visit lu his ilaugie her, Mrs. Fleming Mosley, Judge and Mis. IT. Hrooks are also exported at Ihe Fleming Pto.i-e next week. Mr* Lamar has gone to Valdosta lo attend the carnival. Rev. Mr. JfOtnar la quite rosy, keeping bachelor hall, hut looks a wee bit disconsolate, j Mrs. Flynn of Augusta arrived Mon jday afteiaron on a \iilt to bet sister. Mrs. 11111. i Miss UIHe Holt Is exported nl Hun nyslde this wrek lo visit her friend. Mts* I.urlle Hmlth. l.lttle Master Jordan I* aiiendlng I some turn- with nls grandparent*, Mr. , an d Mrs. O. K. Ganter, at tlander ! vllle. i Srrvires will br, held on Sunday at the Christian rhurch. I Mr W. Edward Platt, of Augusta. I will hold services at the Church of ihe 1 Heavenly Heat Sunday at ten o'clock. He will also give tl.e Sunday schsil children one of his delightful little talks In the afternoon at live o'clock. A dangerous maddog run Into Grovetown this week, but was killed by- Mr Julian Flske before nnyone was In 'urtgl. Miss Julia Stovall, much to the de light of her many friends among both isexes, spent Friday In Auguste. She V,ys Augusts Is fascinating, but there Is ru> place like Grovetown. I Miss Juliette Tobin, the sprightly and sparkling daughter of Mr. James To- IPm Is one of Grovotown’a most enthu siastic and patriotic women. Hho Is fol lowing eur soldier boys at the front with all the interest of an old cam -1 Mrs Talley. Mrs. Stewart Phlnlzy and Miss Marie Phinlzy are spending today in Augusta. The scTan gitl had limn reprimanded and sent out cf the house to think over her wickedness. She was found r on the boat landing, dabbling her (bands in the tvater, and softly to herself ’ , . “Well, Lucinda, h iw do you fee! very unhappy?” asked the unsertipii icus young aunt. who is not believer in domestic d.t-c'pline. “Oh, no," said Lucinda, “'t.’s an ex perience, end every one that tve was great had a sort of uncomfortable chiUhood." LADIES' $1.76 ~ hc.,s . mmlim MM fVsfixde silk wgiU IoPUI 111 kid s*4 flit MM* 111 r I t*m J '#« .>r* f. 2J. »•» •* ** * “n ’-■v w xra»»fm«s w ' mi **ie lost. sltipiHMn #*»•• liww <» • •<#* . K ~, . tsk «.,!,• ,i flthf f-J eit «1 RltkkttMff# #iMl ffMM RNI W * * t < l)4*'T» -<*• tMf f W- ■"’*'* 'toW# V# #* •’ * # IffW ' " ' w»W "“ . i Ate «Kvfi #i*4 o«# \uu whi4 9m ##<t#!*««- * • INMIR *♦** Mmi i (t | Rt## CMN At III# •#KV% r mm 9 **** Mm*** mww m*** mm** ■*«'' - Misses’9B Cents m W »k tfr | l %r m« mil Rif • rr R|yti#A «pnim UtAfl Inf MIMMMi 10 T§o -|»f m M fc owm4a At# «w»fio twiW* 0# oAil l4t fMOO IS TROUBLE JUST AHEAD Atari Ihp Mo»f»tn:« of Ibr (irrMi Vnffh. Hfkprl#l tn Tft< Hmikf, ttnni Kf#«. JtiT| 21—It m »»- «tii >h#t thr fp«#ftt thr «}rtmin < ruiiNrtr m«i)r> m hurrtat itlji hrrr f»**m Mnntlß ### to #«*o4 • t> ng r*h|p ittatWl'tl to Hkprllti, Thr K«»rm**ri«n tn «tily*!fi p«»rt for twrnty*fm»r hour#- Hh* tH**n »uH* «#t Nirh t«» Mwtiift Hh* Wflvi'd m th> Mi»#w«rr. It I# thm»#hi oft tlta vro# mkT# nrrtvnt nt llantlo thr Or rin an# will aho* thrtr hand* AGDINALDO’S DICTATORSHIP lie Ha*i Derlared .Martial Law All Over Ibf Mand. Special to The Herald. Wi.shlngnwi, l> C., July a.- The following Is Just given out: "Hong Kong. July 2J.—Agulnoldo declares dlc talorshlp and maHlal law over all the Island. The people expect Independ ence. '* CAMARA IS HEARD FROM H« Is Miking For Outa lo Lay For Walson. Gibraltar. July 22.—Camnra and hla flert are coming lo Teirta opposite 01- hraltar to await Watson. Three hun dred fainille* have quitted Ceu(i* fort reaa. Doctor -I llnd that you are doing too much brain work. Howe docs this happen. I thought you said your duties required phy-Bical endurance more than anything .else? I'nllent— They do. The brain work Is clue lo the efforts I have to put forth to rr member nil the things my wife wants me to get for her down town every day. The friends of Mr. l'edlgo, who is a corporal In lhp Immune regiment now encamped at Macon, will be glad to s-e him on Ihe gtreeis for a few days. He will remain until Sunday. After an attack of malaria! fever, which lasted a week, Mr, W. N. Chan dler. ,Tr., is again on the streets. FOB S-A-LIEj. The J. I. Scott place, three quarters of a mile from the city rvew water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price. $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, tti iil K-tate, M 2 I'roml The Latest Bulletin. See Wicker & Pilcher’s Latest Eulletin of LOW PRICES 18 pounds Granulated Sugar for $ 1.00 Arbuckle's Coffee IO cents 3cakes "Dock Harris'* 10-ounce Soap for 5c 8 cakes Circus Sonp for 25c _ . _ . Good first patent F our 05c sack, $5.1 5 barrel The best 2nd patent Flour SOc sack. $3.98 barrel Good second patent Fiour 39c sack, $2.98 barrel Choice sugar-cured Hams IO cents Our store is filled with the VERY best Groceries and at the VERY lowest price. fficter & Pilclier.Wrectßrs of Higli Prices 954 BROAD STREET. ' S °" '* * * ,,H> <0 mmMt Oil,- \ <‘.ii, 81.00 HARPER’S WEEKLY vv ; ll be remembered for its famous "War Numbers” of the Civil War. its value during the war with Spain will be even greater because of vastly improved facilities. History is being rapidly made. The gravest questions of ourt imi arc coming to the front, and every American should have each week an accurate, concise PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THIS WAR from now until peace is assured. A brilliant staff of artists and correspondents are representing the WEEKLY at the front. Rufus F.Zoichaum, Carl ton T.« Chapman, Frederic Remington, T. dc lhulstrup, W. A. Rogers, Clyde. I). V. Hunt, and others, with a large staff of photographers, are accurately portray ing the movements of our army and navy and happen ings at Washington and elsewhere. Among ihe WEEKLY’S correspondents are Frank I). Millet, John F.Brss,and O.K.Davis, in the Philippines, John Fox, Jr.,with General Shaffer s army. Harold Martin, at St. Thomas, and others. By subscribing now lor one year, you will obtain the WEEKLY' during the most important engagements. Subscription for One Year Mrs. Bnaggs—There Is not so much to Ik ns there was about Spain’s selling Cuba. Mr. Snaggs—No: there is not even talk cf a fire sale, v:lth a marked down price for damaged goods.—Pitts burg Chronicle Telegraph. *4.00 HARPER & BROTHERS Pranklin Sq., ft. Y. City The sun 'which l*is refused to set on British territory during the past too 'hundred years or so, will now have to get up early to fltnd the United States Has flapping In the dark.—Chicago In ‘er-Ocean. JULY 21 ' '