The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 22, 1898, Image 8

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FRIDAY WE DON’T ADMIT TRASH No Induftmcnl stiff ><:«»• h#r* to unworthy C'lOthinp. If OOOC ftooplb bfb 100 fM«or to buy tutotAnlid> yoob* H*»> **l-l find owl to mo da y thbl inferior mgft hbndiM is very t)«*4kr a sort w# do not wan! ttiam 10think or «mv that they Eol a bad bargain htrt> No matter how >w our price* we maintain the usual standard of reliability* That s on# of the charms of tha Discount s»*t#. 25 per r#nt Off all Men’s and Youths* Fancy Casslmers. Cheviot A Wors ted Mutts. 20 per cant off all Men’s A Youths’ Biacfc and Blue Worsted Suits. 25 per cent off ell Children’s Knee trouser Suite—all styles and sixes. 50 par cent off our entire line Men’s Straw Hate--new goods. g«—ri w ** tr* *•*- •*»•* •»»«•■«*» toatat* • •*«* f' ■■“ t* §#.«•, i* y* P# * »#wl t»M **aai Ml MWW V*CH> t MW# HwM« •Wtf IHm I Irwnw CMMhww'* «%N»M<wk twiUW •«tt *» W 4 fOS , «l •*«» Spot cash Sale ict ins J HIM- Aftfi TMMrre* Dni lilrt* M*'i J*i? Do«bif FA It DnlM* #*»• #*»""»# to® ®“ Afttwatni Tt>» •••<•( 4wr |ffh “ Aaguas* *•*• fw f|,f{ t&mp* - * n **** • i'boui tk"lr daily to* - 1 • "* ** " iW l*W N t«i§l w* u I** T **'* to hard HUM ,ot f*>f Ib * Harsh* aympatkteas ib *u» '*"»'»■ An o» iopu* an attranm-o’ of **J* I M abroad nlb land and ibr pto* ' rrratn and fancy dnaba ai ***»• r. ulna will ba donbtoil h»*i wring *•» j nomi* ntorami It *■* •' #rw r*- purl'd that lb" price ts all w«l* wa-Wj drink* bad b*ew P«' «P •“ *•" c*nia and ih* q«i"s*i<>« twforr lb" hoo*r »*• , annwd a persona napecc boi inquny at: tfcoa* place* wfcerr aoda water la dip- 1 ncß*"d d«*«lopcd the fact (hat on If Ice j errant bad poor op and that c«-c» cola, t lemonade and plain aoda water would till remain the anmr ll to. boar*rr, bad enough oo the * welt rrlnp puliile to roak# tk'm pay tf>n for let* erf uni On ffdrrdif Ml prltiripM! d akra in lb" , ikmil'M BUM al'Ob He bavtrag** met and ipwiiml together, rcgardfng Ibr wat'i and maan* nl ni:*k-, lag more mooey pour Into lb" axc-h"- quers of lb» founts!** Tp>*» de. led that In cream wna ih" but a*lter. and that It muni go up. The W* nil* start* tomorrow »nd aftar aha* Bin* If .»*>« : eat fee cream you fount pay leu ctnti a aauerr for It . It bchovvex ibe girl* to bear lb:a in mind and not put the! homy-banded son of 101 l to embar- j raa«meni by ordering ten cent* drink* j on him when he haa come only pre pared for the ifk ltd C'-neortlans. "Well." aatd the laboring man. who j t/aa told about It. "that will make the poor wage earner buy tow. Thai’a ihe way with ua. The Sunday school drlr.k* go up to ten cent* while beer stay* down at flee. We are therefore compelled to lake beer." TELFAIR QCARDB. The Toting Military Company Now In Camp on Sun# IHHt . Yesterday affenmow Wbuut 8 o'clock at Summerville was a busy aceue, for the Imiv* of the Tetfiik Guard* were each busying themselves with driving slakes and raising tents preparatory to a "camp out.’’ as our boys call It. They will stay In camp until tomorrow evening. The boy* now have their gaits, which are composed of blue pants with white stripe*, a blue mili tary cap. and last night while stripe* were numerous around the camp lire. The captain. J. Coleman Dempsey, be lieve* In drill*. *o the hoys were well drilled, and glad, too, when the com mand "reßt” was echoed through the lines. Tonight Lieutenant Harvey Moore and Private W. W. Battey will be with us. GOODS GO LONG WATS. Col. D. Drcyer Sells Some of Hi* Stock to Partle* in Massachusetts. Col. D. Dreyer. the proprietor of (he Windsor Case, yesterday received an order from Massachusetts for some of his goods . “The order was from a party .who had patronized the Windsor and away off In the northeast longed again to taste some stuff from Col. Dreyer's establishment. Accordingly It was or dered. MH. PERKINS AT PARIS. Well Known Augustan Has Reached .France Safely. A special to the Herald {rota Purls says: "Among the Americans register ing in this city today were H. Perkins, of Augusta. D. Huauicutt, of Savan nah. aud Harry Smart, of Savannah. Mr. Perkins is Mr. Roacoe Perk.ns, the sen of Mr. H. C. Perkins. Mr. Roscoe Perkins left Augusta some days ago to make a (our of Europe, and it is well to know that he has arrived safe ly in Paris. MM M W. ItltOft'N Wo# iti# |*r tut ml Hr fßir of Oifonti At MulMeris a | B is ||f nitr 1 4 W« Unh \ ben* * Mum *Ckt« g-»e Ibe pkb «*l I IMto eat* Of tM U4k* Olt rtd* ta tb# tody eto gusli uNsil «b* b**i »n 4 must •Uiqrt.vwty *du** ltd. * bk *lrtrt‘»-m-n‘- *i*re ruvtvM II ••• • bou*.| *nd tnlere* lag d" piuturn oa tb* pan «f >bt* up-n -.laic wa* award'd to Mr* H y Hruwa ;<f No. I Goodrich tlraet. Au*u*o Ik 'aide* tbto prise. Wa Mulbrna’a Mon* a Co will dtotrlbut* a beautiful SOW I war cf the M.un- lo the twenty five | a*ti be*t ads All the ri.ote*»»nts have to do ta to rail for the awards at 1 Ibe store. LAKKriIDK CONCERT. . I Third One of the Merle* Wa* Given j La*t E>. nlng The Lake*ld" Club ga.a one of Its | delightful com-Mta and danen* a. tha II ini) tlOllß# 14) the • ater from laat night. Tb* aotonart wa* for the dub member* only and waa well patronised Many boa's floated on tb* lake |acd the music waa unusually good. Forj : an hour darn ing wa* Indulged In. Tbt( 1 laike*ld* Club at Ural made an extra a*sr**tnen! to rover the expense* of tb* concerts, but later found their 0-: nanclal rondltion wa* *ucb that no ex-J !tra asstwamcnl wa* ae«eii«*iy and ac- ■ urdingly those v.ho had paid the mon ioy had it refunded to them by the j ireaatircr, MIIS. J. JEFFERBON THOMAS. Picture It PuldUhcd as One of Promi nent Women at Reunion. The Atlanta Journal'* supplement tor ihc Wtcraua contains amt ug other pteturea a splendid one of Mr*. J. Jef ferson Thomas, sot a long time of thia city. Mrs. Thomas is connected with a large number of Augustan* and it la at Interest to her many friend* here to know that she is so prominent In the reunion festivities. RECORDER'S COURT. Very Few Cases Tr'ed Before Judge Baxter This Morning. Candy Williams hud Albert Tanky, both colored, were charged with violat ing the 18th section. Candy was found guilty to the extent of $lO, or twenty days. Itassle Thomas, a colored damsel, made the air on Broadway blue with oalhs last nls lit. and in consequence got |8 or ten days. Rose and Julia Blocker, two colored women, got into a light übont the lat ter's clothes. They were both fined $5 or ten days. TRAIN LATE TODAY. The Atlantic Coast Line Train Late This Morning. The Atlantic Coast Line train tvns one hour and thirteen minutes late In arriving at Denmark this morning and in consequence the Atlantic Coast Line fraln due here at 8 o’clock \his morn ing was an hour and twenty-five min ute* behind lime, causing a delay In the departure of the Georgia train one hour end a half. The cause ascribed Is exceedingly heavy business on the main Hue. TOO MUCH CARGO. Wanda Went Down tii - River to lie , lleve the Cork. The river boat W, S. Cook now down the river, evidently has n larger cargo than si,. can pull up to the Augusta wharves and accordingly relief was sent down to her this morning. The steamboat Wanda left the wharves at an early hour to go to the asiataace of the Cook, and Mr. W. M. Barnes, the steamboat agent, was aboard the Wanda and will endeavor to help the Cook out of her dilemma. CHHI IRON CRIP Drill. IN;* I* MM n lU«* Heeg Wfltthtrt ■wft alatanwi «f |»*>t*4 o«**»•** VaW'wewtbt efwabiwta lull rnt * Hr iRU fRIfMBiHM I #* pi \tm *** <-* : lit s |§R m*+i WMP Iw* M**' . if T" rH HNm Nl f'iß MwilF Rt ! sis R-* • ft*'* «•*'**• 0 1 m* - 3 nt*f &*** ft *TOe TtMIIMf ti*4 #HI RM FfWI f *•* |*|.|r| *|< tto * a #.**•* t fWm ' faf |MNMt WMI tß { f iwtiiin iff iße Ret <b" *•• «*•! b*4 be*W *• \ A t a. ~R|«ta | ftto f|f4 m t<M MUtFr li I*' » tev . . Al CDi rriMi Irak* trie, wan mm M : ••• | r*frt« n IMMf "*'■ * *2? I ||eei)‘ * j ; frocit Km* Ct«t* mm 4 r**. ; fftthlfTß «r*f* «»I4 Hi* ( 'yu 41 i M T i l*!iF 11 MJ M RFRY'II IW** j tIfRIMH fiMT ill* #e|FfT.MfNiR W Ri* f RTieRIM I Hi tluH Out Wiilw* It MMmtvt flertnl'liriAfl MRH rRp i Irlally mo re**f4itt* Ifc* HlfißtH of «mihd life »# ts ftfiftlt*# to Ik* NMI4iH a 1)4 4«tte# of I he Vfcfe* o***" I )| ••• reMrheA mtt nmt lo«« «*vtajr Ithfti MftiTT Kltkl hfttl larorreH the! roloftel'A 4«Mf)t# , MMlif r N thti re*P ! **'i j The Major broOftht 4* «*» • ro«|wiiif | .frt m tHrl.Rftmi A C* 4mf before f«R-l tri fifty th* Ift **l ( ftlfftß" it * »Rif» mu) hft4 orfleetH to t IB‘ ia’h Mppriae the rolmtl of him mctl*’** Of roiire# the tk/«»n 1 Hftft ft f*Mlr of L yrf j,, . ihat wa* fttlther hero ftor I there, and >on«aq«ew*ty. an H ta said the Malor waa called to h-adqna ner* and aJmonmbad regarding ibr matter gtaii is dtocipßoe and life ta a U. M ; at m«' camp It ta tbr IntmUon at tb* oMlcer* to 'extend In'ltatton* to oat ritlxca* for special day* a* Ibe regiment become* t more tvfklrat and are morn tbor- I uugbly equipped and armed. Tb* two essea of rourt martial wbkb | were to bava been tried yesterday i morning have toes p stpon'-d I To a query ovtr the 'pbcae this noon itegardlng affair* In ramp, the reply ' am* back In the suave and dulcet ■voice of Captain Hentty. the only news jhe bad lo communicate ara* that It : eta* hot hot, hot' WIRING THE FOSTOFFICE. Work In That Direction Will be Start ed About Monday Mtirs. Kingsbury and Curry, of the firm of Kingsbury. Samuels & Co., are here today preparatory to starting the work of wiring the postoflcc. The work In alt probability will be •tarb’d the first of next week and according I lo (he contract should be finished by September the first. The work when completed will greatly add to Hue beau ty of the posloflice and United Staten court room, as the work In there at present Is of a very common kind. It was at first thought that ihe wiring would be placed tn the celling, but It now tkveieps that It will be on the outside, bill will be quite ornamental. 'Lights will be placed over every rfosk in the office and It Is probable that the present position* of them will remain tho same ns now. Postmaster Stallings Is very cont< nted at present, as no or ders requiring very large changes are arriving^ DIED IN AUGUSTA. Mr. E. A. Outten, cf Norfolk. Brother of Mrs. A. Smith Irvine. Mr. E. August! Outten, a prominent citizen of Norfolk. Va., died very sud denly at the home of his sister. Mrs. A. Smith Irvine, on lower Greene street this morning. Mr. Outten was in Au gusta on a visit and a day or two ago received a stroke of oppoplexy from which he died. The remains were sent hack to Norfolk on the Coast Une train at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon. FUNERAL OF MR. MILLER. Occurred at 10 O'clock This Morning From His Late Residence. The funeral cervices of Mr. E. T. Mil ler occurred at the Miller home on Reynolds street this morning at ten o’clock. A large number of friends end relatives wore present, and num berless beautiful tieral offerings testilled to the sympathy bestowed upon the bereaved family. AN ESCAPED CONVICT. John Hopkins, a negro who escaped from the Aiken county chain gang a few days ago, was recaptured in Au gusta and sent back to the place from which he had escaped. He was captured by Officer Wren. Hopkins had robbed freight cats in the Hamburg yard ol the South Carolina and Georgia rail road and for this crime was serving a term on the gang. _ ■ •THU jftT7GT7BT.A. HERALD. mm m Minis TV (Mtfi riw IxxifeM iV ()) j Ug* Uat v**4 it PwM f>R*RM#— A## 1 A* l j Tl 4b • | CRv* Ift *ft f |pe «%##' ggf W *'' A *-*’#! f I at ft ftnf f" yfftneftt’ * s PHft J»i* 11 g* l f# I laftfjß. i f Tfe»«*ft Ik* P#ff«ilft of t*tri#« •*<) ?mt. w b*m ittr k »n tr frfft/r 4k*Fe tot ft<N"iftMMiF' If ft» k v «t flDfll i _ rnknl" hi,| If RArit»* 11 VFfY fllAl (AA n||it)liff i«« *h 1 I- % WitftOlft ttmli" and that at 'be tm* be wa* | injured he wa* atentfing to bl* duttoJ • hub be waa exposed, the petltloa I*| «<wrt a* agatnat a geweral d*murr*r. X Wtorir however Ibe raw** of thti injury waa alleged to be a pole. «*., iffflklK whttH tk<* pfiHki# Ift |Tti' r#l j M*nM» R®lY mM*!** tJ)*l It »** “IftAj near th»- track," aud the dafeuslaut by >penial demurrer mad* the potal tbal; the totltlm did aot allege "bow neat Mid pole wa* to tb- track.'* the petition oeght to bar# 1 eg ameadrd m a* to set for'k the (nets a* to tbla matter more fully and l**P’ eltly.and la tb» abaeti*e of *ucb an I amendtP' txl tbto court will wot reverse judgment sustaining lb* drmtirrer and dismissing tb* action Judgitv nt affirmed )B concurring Henry C. Rtmry. by J. R. V* mjr for plaintiff In error. J. C. C. Black, contra. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. Oust croc of tbr Snuggle* on the Big league D anion'll. The Guakrr* defeated the Orphans ti FhtUidelphia. R H E. * * 4 iff Cbicagn 1 ' - Csptairt Teb«nu. of the Cteveland team. wa* arrested yenterday for thi owing a bat Into the grand stand. Clnvpland won games from the Ori ole*. « * (Flrat game.) R. H E Baltimore 3 11 - Cleveland.. ® 4 (Second game.) R. H E. Cleveland ! ® Umlsville won two gam*.-* from Brivpklyn, (First game.) R. H. E. . . «> a Brooklyn - 8 ® D 4 (Second game.) R H E. Brooklyn .....4 8 5 Louisville 7 8 3 The leaders defeated the Senators twice. (First game.) r.. h. E. Washington *> 12 3 Cincinnati 12 IS 2 (Second game.) R. H. E. Washington ' 8 4 Cincinnati . 7 11 1 The Pirates and the Giants broke even In New York. (First game.) R. H. E. New York 1 * 1 ,> Q A Pittsburg - ■* (Second game.) R H. E New York 1' " 11 Pittsburg 7 18 1 The Champions defeated St. Louis in Boston. R. H. F. Boston 7 7 0 St. Louis 1 2 0 BOAT TURNED OVER. Two Well Known Gentlemen Had a Good Ducking on Lake, . - J'lD Last night' while rowing^on the lake Mr. MitleCge Lockhart, of The Herald, | and Sergeant Trotnmerhajlfier. of the : police, were turned cut of the boal into the water, to the great Amusement and edification of a score —of people ! who sat on the benches -.atuated in sight of the -scene of tbeljiiibmersipri. Both gentlemen managed! fd get out at) right and suffered no—ill conse quences from the aecidentj^ SUICIDE m r fOtllD Ti* F«im Unit «f I t*MM i n*a UM ftoasen Ml tt**t •* • J tbawr *•*'»* [ wmmtm aFtip“ ■ i L«| ftfl»-R»|R#4 t*e«eHk»t ****** ■*# j •• **• ***** **** •**rt An mm N«ri Aft«r *>** * (*# frft«*f fti*t ftfti r>T ’Rfl V** •!ft*-"**- I Uir r mim*, *k# vm mm 4 Nwlf *m*l ft Mr K vftft* Rffß ftMCk# t» «ttWlr I j ( 'H f|r ** hi flu iiTftfftftl 4 *t# #M*P oft l#*F* #r4 I*# ;ftAft* ! t*ftt« lARtRRf J \Wj&* **• «*• mnt •** mt*** *4! I HR *A ' I life# gtf'fft mg«4k# llftlhf *ftf i Lf’t- mi ****** 4**rrl*4 #tt «*# *«?{ |*»#f wmmm /■ •*# 't** l- "I *ft*ft| ftft4 tirt (ktttf k*t#tik k»fi#W Ift ik# f*ft4 rrfH f* •*•?* «A* Ift 14 *ftf 4t*> to tff# TAft Aft*# tßOftpfift 4*)#** 4W# ; jrftftftf. VftHMft A?t llfrob fifl Ifßftft to 1 i 1)0* ftFftf ImfMf A*" ft 't Oft DIM •#«<** ;A-nrft# t*«f oft ft to**r mmmo* mpnromrh #4. 4A* ftftftf. ftlftft. ft Aft 4 ft*#**4 A*f A# * mdU'** n onlii# to* *R* IftMfefti. m»4 AftrA to tA* frlftft4ir ***** r*V ftftMlß r* itrel • v • • v tt ui* fn fnffftf thou 'ftAfk#! RCf klft* Ift*. f'Aftf lift ’* *A* [ovped ".be electr‘c Mr augr •ebe*. | ~d -av .kail main toe ben.her [At i hi* Jtmetnrr cf toe game a woman i Ifeffttiiitiirf ptiifd Mlofty. tmk ift fA* k’tftfttkn. ftft4 pr#niM flftoo tM Hrtinkrf) t»r*#* A to rtk *oamt!#t!on j ruftil fftitftf to • nap la mots B*rto4*4 - ~— SHEETS WERE NEEDED They Were Called for Five Minute* After Tbelr Reception •Tb" folowlag totter received by lb* Relief league abrwa bow good tbelr Work is Jackson villa, Fla.. July It. 1898. i The Augusta Relief League. Augusta.! Ga. The wetcom- donation frem the Re lief League has Just reached u* tbto | morning. Within fire rnlsvus after IU 1 arrival, one of the hospital stewards t ame In to ask us for some sheets, pil- < l|ow rases and nlgbt shirts. Thanks to ybur society, we were able to give them j the sheets and pillow rase* immediate-' |y. giving them the names of th- don- j pr*. and they wishc-d to be remombetMl to you. and thank you Hi the name of the sick soldiers. Sheet*, pillow cases. *fght shirts and pajamas are articles' qf which <ve can use and Immense number and we are alaays grateful for them We are greatly oblig.-d to the j Relief league. Very truly. Alex Kent. Field Agent. Red Cross. THE WEATHER. What Sergt. Fisher Prognosticates About the Elements. Augusta. Ua., July 12.—Office located in the United States government build ing. telephone No. 15T2. Forecast for 86 hours ending 8 p. m. July 23. 1898: Washington forecast for Georgia end South Carolina—Partly cloudy weath er. with showers tonight: Saturday, fair. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity—Stowers tonight and Friday. Maximum tempo!ature —95. RIVER. The river nt 8 a. m. was r. 9 feet, a fall of 0.5 feet In the past 24 hours. SYNOPSIS. A slight depressivei Is located this ninrmng over lower Georgia, also in the Rocky mountain region, while the highest air pleasure extends over New England. Temperatures have fnllen along the Atlantic coast and over portions of the East Gulf states, hut have risen, as a rule, over the remaining sections of the country, the coolest weather this morn ing. 62 degrees, occurring in upper Mi chigan. Light and widely scattered showers during the past 24 hours, fell in about twothlrds of the districts of the cotton belt, none having fallen in Texas; there were also showers olong the upper At lantic coast, in South Dako, with tt fall of nearly 2 inches in western Missouri. 15. FISHER. Observer. Mrs. P.-lle Damlsh and her grand son. Robert Henry Weekly, left Au gusta Sunday for St. Simons Island, where they will spend a month with her brother, Mr. D. B. Stallings. (C- - To make fine turnips you must have choice seed. Gnrdetie, the druggist, is 'the man to go to for them. —— I Yeast —Jesse tells me he is practicing ii n the courts; I didn't know that he had been admitted to the bar? Critn sonbeak—He hasn’t. It’s the tennis courts he meams. i-tpain uses smokeless powder exclu sively in her hitless guns. OPPORTUNITY. Don’t loonn (he opportunity to come end *ee ui of write when you went V lumbet end ftnifil wood murk roc buikjine or repdirtnf. u . Aveil your*etf o* the oonortunttv to >e< our price* to wkd your meteriei* From e *»ock the! w yenerou* to e de eree to pet the kind or service you oufht to have. _ , .. * We ere moreliy certem the! there ere money-*evln# end s*t»«fectk»n |ivin| opportunitie* for you here. ’ ANOTHER POLAR KXPEI»ITM»\ I Caps Ikaeilrwg. o** *# Ra****'* €«•* pa* -a. Will Tty It. | Cftft* 4# * f 4#i>t» ft Aft ftf*##pi#RMi#f4 I KftftANl ftft At# ffip Ift tAft KftfttA IftMftft Ift ftft lAftftft ftn4 !• tAft ' fMiftk* ##*«*♦-- 9A* rtftlft H* l ts» rffvxMi (*•#! 9 N"»AfflkfKftl 9A 9*l* I Tv> j* (lheDuftrOl frf Air? < *l«? #" * *R tit mv«m r*> lft«*ft4 to rroftiMi; C##t' Aftrr4r»ji Af'roimft ftfil Aft tw4 a.tead cf real f r raohlag and light-1 lag purpwt* and there will be a •ap ply of ptovtotoM »uerla*t to auainia nx'een me* for fear years All kinds of de!!■-*<• Hr* have iw i a enptrtbuted t*y ,lrlit! and tvla fcnt-'li trtiv and th-i* lb* as wait am the Fram as they could at Tbr R -yal Graretoad Cogipane has agreed to furs lab fapt S-erdrep at G-dba'-en wt-h a'xty ton* of -oat. a* well a* w tb rVla-'i of d<ga The m m• hers rs the axpedHton. which by the j way. la rarale.n; bas-tesw ftnatclnl j vupport from the Norwegian go- rra mrnt, ar*. he*ldea Capt Sverdrup Na- Iva! Lleu’enani Victor Bauman, an as tronomer Idegtegant Joachrn. a atu d- nt of geography: Hr. Svendsan. me taorologtot; Dr E<l* Bsy a toolngiat: iDr Herman Slmmona a botantot. and Dr P ffrbrv. a geologtot. FDR ILLICIT DISTILLING. (Important Arrest Made Today by Dep uty Marshal'*. John Gamble Hoc-rates Flannlgan Ita the euphonious name of a Lincoln i county moonshiner brought In by Dep . uty Mrsshall* Stovall and Whlteley , tta* morvdng. | The deputle* got wind of the gentle man on the flrat of Juno, and, after I I onalderable work, they nabbed him, destroyed the "till and took him cap tlvw to hi* hoiiae. where, he said, he .wanted to *ee M* wife. Mr. Flannigan bled him to a hock room, irt-d. with Mr*. F.'» a**l*tance. he Jumped out of the window. *nd w«* off. j The deputies caught him laler work ing another still about four mile* from |the one they had destroyed, and to thia iMr. Flannlgan also acknowledged own ership. Meaara. Stovall and Whlteley took no chance# thta time, and, In default of S.IOO hall, he wa* locked up today. He gave a* a reason for Jumping out of the window that he had Important bu*ine*a vto transact at home and couldn't come to Auguste. Ju»t at that time." UNVEILING AT ELBERTON. j Com'ederate Monument There Will Be Unveiled Before a Large Crowd. The unveiling of the Elbert county Confederate monument was had last Friday, July 19. 1898. at Elbenon. The monument is twenty-five feet high, is made of Elbert eoonty granite, and Is surmounted hy a Confederate soldiers. Thor.' was a large crowd of diftlnguisn etl visitors present, among them being General C. A. Evans, who delivered the addtiss. Madison's Third regiment band furnished the music. In the afternoon there was a game of baseball between the teams of Hart well and Elberion. The home t.eam won by a score of 13 to 9. The attend aneo reached the enormous figure of 3,000. The new Baptist church tolnsPcrect ed In Elberion Is now complete, with the exception of the pews, which will be placed sometime wlihin the next ten days. The Sunday school will be arranged on the order of our I- irst Presbyterian church here. Mrs'. B. C. Wall and her charming; daughter. Miss Jossie, are visiting in Elberion. Mr. John D. Stalling, the popular salesman of Mr. W. E. Beneon, was in Elherton a few days ago on busi ness. A FULL CAR. This morning there slid on one of the tracks in the union depot a F. C. & P. R. R. baggage car from beyond Macon, loaded to the top with fruit, for the A. C. L. By noon today H had ail been transferred and was speeding on its way to the mountains of North Car olina. | JULY 22 I IftlTS MARKETS. (nitii QwH it I I*l# tkii, Wit) Stint ts 3M fititk fftMi la Op 9 (Nat*. Witfe Crop ft ft ft wf &e>*tt»r ft h*et I# A|» t>c# >■ r |#« reRC# Mil l r*9it«ft l# podlami MM AttMMMIM Ml 9t«ft 4 i C*A#C Mftn M4trlrwM ftUllp lAftl I Imp ftiMftMiM •ttftftlY rij ftA«*#t ileg 11WMM i.#MM.i4ft lift IVtnrf Ifl# TdMMft. WlfftM 9 Aft I FMIM -M ftTArftl A> Mfftt mm 4 pi pm 4ft ftM VDRVtAtA ft*T '*TO Rt l**ul ripiviPM t*p rwfw rs Umil *Ap fHHM MHlfft !• f 941 c MtoftM, nillft Mti o*» P«'»rr fnalßt MAf Aliit MR Iftf Mft4 tlMl TAr y%MA iff Ikr IturJkPitft TO r<nM4 9«pvp tPlttrtHNS fh*it» # four 4M ft ft* ieuf nf in»i rcikf, MMd fttftfo (Ami iAp mm I r* pfewrip pro #< «*4 t’% nfft tr Any, la fp< i, Sww Turk itecl drpll&ff Ml oft ftp#* tn« 4oim» »l«A It «)u«trial# I *Rtt cf RtMiPft IprlApt. prrfmU. aMM the fticftt ariiYP. ft It A PUfir md nalHMk* Tft* !n4 u« trial toll tnlßpft# ara m,? prnttm nt li 41\h)H on rail*top* cea taken at S o'rtoch. are tha *pectal wier* c f False. Murrhy A Co: It la Imp. aslble new la (he New Tnrk marker lo give the sales, the ex< banac. iM-gtnnlna today, refusing to *Tnd out CHICAGO PROVISIOSA WHEAT— OpM. Clone. July *% HffitMßlwr .• .. M *•% Becetnber .. ... .. «:% r.% CORN— July .. .. .. .• •* •••* 33 **'» Hrplrmlwr M 33% December H% *4 PORK »»ptfmlw IU 9.0 LARD— Hfptrmlwr 5 *0 l.|f tictober .. 4.*5 &.*♦ RIBS — * September .. S C * *2 October S *7 B*B NEW YORK COTTON. January .... * '♦ February 5.»9 March —*” lAuguat s*l IK .September 5.85 *•** Octohrr .. .. .. •• •• *• .. 5-*7 . I-W December IK S->2 I Tone—Steady. Middling—6%. NEW YORK STOCKS. Metropolitan 150% 151% D. & II »06 . Atchison, preferred 34% ' Sugar 133% 1«% Tobacco 110% 119% A M S 11% Jl'S C. B. Q.. 105% . 105% J C *T% » . Chicago (las 9*% 98% Louisville ar.d Nashville .. 55% Manhattan .. 105% 105% N. 120% 12*% Oenertd Electric y'.. 39% 38% Rock Island **% •■’% Heeding l*% l*% St. Paul 95 ®*% S. R. 0 31 Western Union ®2Vi ®-’ LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.1* 3.1* 19 February and March .. 3.19 March and April 3 19 3.20 Apt 11 and May 3.20 3.20 21 Jure and July 3.21 8.22 July end August .. ... 3.21 3.22 August and Sept 3.20 3.21 Sept, ond Oct 3.19 3.20 21 Oct. and Nov 3.19 3.19 .0 Nov. and Dec 3.1* 19 Dec. and Jan 3.1* 3.1* 19 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling 6a6 1-6. Sales 35*. Receipt* today 22. Receipts to date 375375. Slock otn hand 13832. PORT RECEIPTS. 1*95 1*97 I*9* Galvestcn 193 171* New Orleans .... 13 26 125 Mobile 1 3 Savanntdi * 1 14 Boston 25 31 57 Norfolk 127 21 24 Phlladelphio .. 306 131 A SUCCESSFUL EXCURSION. Mr. W. C. Stcy, the veteran excur sionist. carried 602 passengers, to Char lesttm. He reports a quiet and orderly, time. They arrived on time both in. Charleston and Augusta. All are loud in their praise of Stoy. Mrs. D. B. Woodruff Is now in the city, having come over to attend the Mineral of Mr. James L. Gow. WANTED—A POSITION BY COLOR ED ifiat) as potter in store or to do work around the bouse. Address C. M., In yard of 446 Reynolds street. Jly 23 I a FOR SALE—FINE HORSE BUGGY, i ard harness. Sold for no fault. Price ■ very.low. Apply to A. F. Crombe, Au gusta factory. July 27