The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 23, 1898, Image 1

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THU " * I AUOOVTA; IkCMIA > U*IXOB iasHa* M* kiv Af**** r «*NI ■ iMiMt* fan* a* t»»..**iA A SPLENDID VICTORY AT RIPE BAY. Ltitfe Vi H‘irrt*r> htf If • riw (WiM Half (Ini'i V«i Yfc# Mma* mM MUfw N* •*»*■•* HIHOtW tIM (AKt*. •i Dwarf* Rr»**x» K>t tin. im »» Y> *•'•«« ant Imm 4* TMi v Mk mat%% conn** <•# jiilfWUff ll ssh (NiVtVtft INNMI IMfIPHM MW M*N|t# *»f H#»p| sjiiTp Pwt tan i# i#h#, M* #l’ •*# #!•#►.. •** »"• O'** ' ** r«««i imr*w»«» HwflMr w#*t Tin* «vs ***** part# t* fe# **»* Xlfap tPI 4MT*f*lN| «** «a*t*«#M JN**®:* Jf ***** A t*# i ten** N#!f «*f Klf** MM M«r«fl tMMi wMi Nl* u It k m Ik* Hawn. M|j #■ r . da %• ** ft * lularii *'*l tPsS# •*■*»* I#'*#* tip T*p* > lMi. ill# *ttt* 1 ' a it An* met* I* vnmmr* t** M "I*. kt-r* ||W |ff|« ft-.i'i| ( r tttlltp##*# t« ***** t»* liirM tw* *»*<*# tof Up liliHig **f *w irrmvm, Tit*- ***•*•* I*l #1 tWMHI.- TP MINI M*'l» «*plMvl 4t* t*t 4 tw* groan*** "•* strut Itt WP# *M *•** AipiPaa •hit*# «r*f* fltf tfi <P sn t*P *** r ‘ ttMt Homo#! tip fPi P* ariY# Two mK*'* •*•*» * *f* **&****• A Hff. fnt» |hr t*( r«ntar«t» forttftratt *nat. A _. A «§<. nik- i|]|M| M intMl fUI)l*Nll IM 111 ■ •Mr iml. Hr* rf*W took to tP wn** l TP Tepk» "PIN *kr thrtr Mtiitnrts o^r* Hr«n»*h Ncstr of oar * Thr American llrr «ir«v* th** *n**« - from iMr guns ond dtamintM* <rumhlra tkr forts lnt«» dust. fibril* from tkr f l * 9 * ***•' (x ~,i Ir thr town, on Uh !>»••» * «»» ro ll.! irsl tint Is fl- nt of tlK* Hnrr<» , A: t » oVlork thr Rf*ini*h fl • ? w*»w fcauM down in tote#:* of surrmder At 2 a’rhvh spit thr T»»reM oar for* rra w#rr Itsidlmr to ortwf th* ho Antcrt<%»ns \*rrr t' ■ l I * irabte Place. Nlr* •* a* °f «»>* >**' * n, ‘ mo *’ lm ’ portent tatbor* north °T * u **“ " * mile* fr. m Holguin Ship* <>f *» »'»*•» ran enter. Sampson will use It •» * n*. \al base. Our ha a i* not* (l««tlet* over the fort* awd town. MERE’S A MOWDY-DO. The Awarding of the Contract to Be Contested. New York. July 23 - Tho World says a lew. ot hoe boon retained by steam ehip romiuapiJ* who wen* the tineus ceeaftil bidder* fer the iratisportitiK cl the cipturoil Spant*h prisoner* at San tiago to Spain ami to begin action to have the contract made by the govern ment with lbs Compsgnle Trans-At lantic Kapanol set nsido. The ground ig that the bidder is a licensed cert'ora tion of a nation with whom we are a< war and according to n measure paaaed by tb- Spanish Cortes, one half of the re-eipts of overy corporation doing business under the Spanish govern ment meat be surrendered to the gov ernment to help defray the expcwseß of the war. By letting the contract to a Spanish corporation, the United States govrmn!.->nt indirectly pays Into the Spanish tree«ury an amount eejuol to one-half of the contract stipulation. Also that the government thereby re leases from blockade all the enomy’s vessels to be used in the transportation fir m neutral ports wiirre they are now Ui shrM'cr. AWFUL CRITICISn. Why Ne-.vspapers Are Held Down in Spain. Special to The Herald. New York. July 23.—A dispatch to the World from Madrid says: The government has ordered the censors to prohibit the printing of any newspa per declarations of general or civil of ficials. It Is forced to do so because several generals, Icnluding Weyler, Polavieja, Lachembre, Lopez. Domin guez and Carleja have publicly cen sured Cervera and Toral for not hav ing proparly employed the fovees un der them, both to prolong the resist ance and inflict heavier losses upon and cause greater embarrassment tc the enemy, who was in anything but an easy position near Santiago. TEDDY’S STAR UP. An Organization That Wants Him For Governor. Special to The Herald. New York. July 23.—The Indepen dent Republican organization of the Thirty-fourth assembly district, has unanimously adopted resolutions fa coring the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for governor cf New Yoili. HEHALU WANI ADb ENJOY THE LARGE*! CIRCULATION IN OEOROIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. ffr* itMA A v t t k Till] AUGUSTA HERALD. %tHI M»* %H m "um \(»n t m iiha nl* Qhn MI MM «*ui*K tsM | «kt fkpNMMI CkS(#» W»lH|i i •••* )l» win#rtitft- *m*4 m On> mtf 4m [ gMittfs*w l*a* ot-aa im * IS* it kit# Rdcminvo «h ru.T:.< f«. N*w Owe* Opt**4 Ip Ml Attgv.ta > MlFOiil fi*ilk # lifftMl fvtKMPtffcf *tki# jiori* . t|l TE .»»*• Hf tk# ktllk ; "’lf • SMHi to koik t«H« Ska spwp m U till m!4 for, If sea rsll*U '* - . Tfcomai ttlll Mir «ttk kim iMt Q. M HoUy. •* rort Gala**. - »- rkl* fvStJHBl# Kr . • \ /\\ . , vi • / \ V^T B i - . ■ tL ' I mMi ‘ Ift,] .y/'-"'" ' * I-*;',:' V ; -V , v 'v, ■'■.■■ — * -He - 3 p-Ta The recruits aa soon a* enlls.ed will be seut to Jefferson lutrrscks. St. Ixiuis. Mo. A number of aplpicathms have t.?en received. Another recruiting office ha* hren opcnril In Augusta, for the regular ar my. viz. that of Lieut. Cole, of Battrry F First artillery, now stationed at Iy. I,rr* Island. The recruiting office Is on the second floor of tho Montgomery building. In a eonverrntlon with Sergt. Hanvetl. hr said: “I nm very mocU dish, art cried over the number of appli cants I have had. It seems to be a hard matter to get tmough men. Dr. Forgo Is examining surgeon for these offices. OLD NORTH STATE. A Statement Made By Oov. Russell, of North Carolina. Washington. July 23- Governor Uu> sell, of North Carolina, today, in a dispatch to the Associated P-.cs/ denirs the* accuracy cf statements by the war department that North Carolina ha.-, been slew In offering volunteer:: and has not raise/l her quola. He adda: -Om throe regiments were organized promptly and large numbers have been offered in excess of the quota.” HEDI N’T WRIIE. Narrative About the Famous Garcia Letter. Santiago, July 23. —It lurne out that the letter alleged to have been ad uicssed by Garcia to Gen. Shatter com plaining of the treatment accorded the Cubans and advising Shaftor of Gar cia's resignation, was prepared by a newspaper correspondent named Ann 3, who has been acting on the stuff of Gen. Cas'-illo. It is not clear that Gar cia ever saw the letter. LIEUT. HECTOR SMITH. He Died This Morning In Charleston of Typhoid Fever. Wes; Superior, Wis., July 23. —A tel egram from Charleston, S. C\. an- j nounecs the death of Lieut. Hector, Swift, cf typhoid fc-ver. Lieut. Swift ■ was-Evvend lieutenant of Company I. Third Wisconsin volunteers. AUGUSTA'S SOIiDIERS (DARCHIHG TW) Ufl Tim* •* 3 *VM TIH rn*v At* mm TIM* W*y I* Mtw QW'lm. at rtnMsdkM. IHf. ill CHJM ItANT. Snl | 4 JfWf**oi l ‘*«fh lot tkt itwitf. tkmagk Ht I* (Mt| I f|f4 H« HU I to Make Ik# Ritf. A If# 4tt* slim Ik# ll«ft<4 #4 Ikt p4il!f «t to Pmw jßaofcu jgM i ■ '"; HBllI Jefferson county and the of " r ’ J. N. Ollphant, one of the mott pros perous and substantial farmers o county, was mentinnod In councc on with the senate. Under tho rotation system it is Jefferson's time to name the senator from this district, nnd the friends of Dr. Oliphant are urging him to allow them to use hi 3 name. Dr. Oliphant writes the Herald ns follows: Dr. Oilphant’s Csrd. Wrens, Ga„ July 22. 1893. I To the Editor of the Augusta Herald. Sir: 1 notice in your valuable issue of yesterday evening. 2Tst, that my name appears in the list of candidat- h for t.ffl-in Jefferson county at pri mary r.lcetton Aug. 4th. This is a mis take. I have been utged upon by many friends in the county to announce my s.if a candidate for the senate, but I have refused to enter a general scram ble for the office, and have given way to friends who seem to lie much more anxious for the honor than myself. I have Increased my farming interest :b's year, and have given my undi vided attention to the same, and up to the present date me prospects for a rich harvest are bright indeed Crops general!" -ire good In this section, and will continue bo if my friend Fisher will just send us a nice rain in a few days, and quit forecasting dry weather so much. Very respectfully. r. N. OLIPHANT. BE-.ACH HOTEL. ; Big Hostelrie at Galveston Burned This Morning. Galveston.. July. 23.—The Beach hc- J tel, located on the Gulf front, one rof ! the leading summer and winter resorts |in the south, burned today. Ix-.ta I $200,000; insurance only partial. AIAH.wTA. UA AtUMfAV tWAflKtl, l#t Ik# klokktt to tk kkk Ik# Rt* m+bwm 1A 0# "t***##* *1 too 10 §o* # /ff f kO4 nO# 41 %f tlijntf kk# i *4oo «t«tw ikoi 0# 0 t#OOIOO ik# ••• o i fy<o#o4i>o» #of##o«s Ibji lOf * # ONN'if kOO A * ««§• of ##4#fOO# tOe## tn*# ov I ■»<* f f (0# * *i| h kol t Qft - o«# HO CNMf t*' #o## M HkOE Tk#S Owl# ttff to ftkrn fnr tlMOkort entetv •*•. ' Ma ssy* ~m •*#<* la tfea mat tMtwga •**« ..*mwrt«A, Tha .»<•**•* w-tc atu*wa W hits an**- naa |kfikMi*k kw. m asytMMMi ahw.ii lha ttfwatwf* #a4 a** knew *kw* ihe ' ata*a Arivaat*. •*w Mi hat* :M**r h--4* Mtttf*» T*W Mb -*• taekttl i • -*d ,u»d .ytMnaUt- Th* *aila* mkAiuA *n atts*aha sg#4 I m*t4 *<A *«•»* IS# hay* <4 It and h.d to fwwis ban* tt »*» M» (-.M.IbV* for lb* wovrsl SIM# 4tvMfl»t t. . «u * laiaf*. The Ansantb dele, esie* did M stay t««e*he* •» hour sfier they *<'• Ihrre We had U> hueii* » irsiividual* and .•** t«* nor- ''X c W ht, . N-\ , A v.-ivos No ore met us and no one] seemed tp care whether wo were there ] or not. There were hundreds on the; grounds >vho were situated tho same j way. There was no comfort for any- j on.' so far as I could tsce. ••The Savannah veterans made ns good an r.peparanco as rny cf the vis-; itors. Our flag df blue, with the Geor- j pis state flag and the Confederate states flag painted on It, was one of i lie prettiest and most attractive In the ’lnc It was never with the delegation, though, beenuKJ the delegation could not stay together. The whole business was one big push. “No arrangements had been made to get the delcga'"S to the auditorium, where the retaking occurred, end we had to make tho best of It ourselves. Major Sheldon gtatos. however, thru some of the veterans seemed to enjoy the natives. There, were sotre- very lJasnV, greetings from old comrades who lAinot rren each other for years. He E! . Jts ir. tli • highest terms of At lanla's progi-sslveness and atntca that the city has gone ahead * good deal ov.- n ip the > hort time since he hat! b..-,n there bofoue. He. was asked if Savannah was not going to try and get the veterans to meat hero son: time., Ho fa'd he did no* know and he hoped nob The city m not large enough to accommodate* tha crowds. ‘ Atlanta was not itig enough and he did not; think Savannah ihad best tackle the job for some years yet. Colonel J. HI Estill also returned this morning. GEN GARCIA IS ROUTED IN ATTACK ll* Avv»M thr .s«frra4rri»s >fth- M. TM* Aiu«MN h*M Mary at lire I uW*i la. Ids at. tty the AssmValtd tV*sa, Nvo Vkl, Jolt ii a a tff#f#Mr'k to tv tf##Ot4 ftMM fklAftO## 1 #o.##. flfdhNlf K‘ < ttt OO# tm it <ha> 1 |f| f"#wf »•#<* k# O M-’ f f t*f Ml ! h I'atrdin* fkflt f j ttf f|n>H*9>f»«i Mt«f»fr»t|r rn««)iwMlai «lrO«M ml do i #lo*o Ortof. ••#• r«»«t#4 to * Do' r ffftrvi*#*.t iMiti o 4h** kifiwftt l of H‘**»*f hfffnO •*» otk#tl##O lit mmokf H# triklllf t«h**li 1*1» * •#%“• rfti votl«# «kt» #ti)r* R t*OIMIO# IlilNl •*! ftMIflY ta**## a#a#4*>4. Tk# 49#okk to## *#• the man and fleet to carry the war INTO SPAIN. Big Surprise. Nothing happening In this vicinity re cently has taken the American officers and troops so completely by surprise as this story of the battle between the Cu bans nnd the Spaniards. It is not known whether General Garcia was aware of the number of the enemy he was attacking. At bast five thousand Spaniards were In the body, according to the report, and they drove Garcias men Into full retreat a few hours after the battle was begun. His intention. When the Cuban general withdrew his troops to the mountulns he resolved to move on to Holquln. If the Americans would not ellow them to wreak ven geance on the Spaniards In Santlngo, the proposed to storm some other important place. It was with this object that General Garcia withdrew his troops from the American lines, and refused to longer ad ns nil ally of General Shatter. He decided to can tuie Holquln if possible and there to set up an insurgent governmiflit, mak h g that place the Cuban headquarters for the Eastern Department. In Good Faith. The Spnr.iords had been gathered fi, :n the fortified towns In the vicinity and were proceed Dig <° Santiago under t;,. terms of the surrender. They were seeking to carry out In good faith the agreement made i*.ith Genera! fibs'ter. but were not locking •>' a fight and were caught off their guard. Senator Tillman Here. Hon. B. It. Tillman, of South Caroli nes, is Vi the city for a few days. Au gusta is proud to receive a visit from so prominent a man as >lr. Tilims.'n. ftvfi rot uo a vm* |kAll«t*Al. AiV U. iH» HUiMihl l.b INI. rv Md IM* Malt Ml fa •) Tat Mass* past Mews. •ad sto* >srt 1. 1*» *m a m **•» jla* Amssml 3<*> ****** <**• aa I# ' IMr** Him Mares ikani M ads m [set** #*i*sl**r» ravp* ih# staaal iraa# M «t ihs Nitth f*M*d | Male* rasa If* sad i T at lb» I Mtaife l‘*i*ed Male. t*r*a«*v a•» [leti oa ial ins a* tar Madaori Washiaafoa. J*M f T** moomt 'ot rsealiy ttrsa r.*r Ala* t has* bara »4evsd la fUfawed la M»*sr«*l }»***. tor saddrhaibna Tw Met** It >am Th«a I tots*. If asamesi *mh ttoiaa-a hrt ' gade Tbs I foe *« «>e alt Imamma ones si* H>*'r a*. (MW ib* I s ia»l«1i*« I ire asp. I and C. at Near Yor% 1111*11 . 'file ameraar'* traofr ih'f'daa'B iws* I and the fhltsdr phis ells li«*M «t , IV.ail I esat* Ws.hiaa'oa ialt n-Oea. MDr* I* ' «•„« rsd of i’ll* llaeMea and ha* ! Massed Mole N» Ntrh dss Me I* he . t , j rf#rk of flHtr «la' tot for 0 dsy at la* ll I* sssnased HMd *M I* •ell aiiM. htar and ih* Raashi* Tal* •Hh the t«Mi*drf ot the heel mil jrasl s*rhc( loMoem* in the waters of rvmo Rleo at ihe *o’,n« seVeled for Idr hark alto* Thas ll may •«» » bap ! p» n tfiai Sunday which heretofore has ! tee* so l*rhy a day toe the Awertraa I military and naval operation*, will be | further distinguished as the day upon ! which the Porto Rican campaign will [be initiated. The is actively eo [operating with the army In mailing la success of the Miles expedition and will übl> every effort to land his troops. Tampa. July 23.---The flwt Porto Rle an expedition from Port Tampa will sail before night--the Eleventh and Nineteenth Infantry, the Mrst and Tenth cavalry and the Eighth batteries of artillery. St. Thomas, July 23.—The Spaniards at Sun Juan are making eteosive pre parations to resist the anticipated at tach upon the part Cf the United States warships, which it Is’ understood is convoying the army of invasion by Miles. There are no signs this morn ling of the American warships or trans | ports, but news of them is expected I shortly. ELECTED PRINCIPAL. j prof. R E. Rickenlaker Goes to North Carolina. Special to The Herald. Springfield, S. C., July 23. Prof, tv. K. Rlckerlaker, who has been teaching for several yoars.has been elected principal of the PaiUton High School, N. C. Tic many friends of the professor congratulate him on his election, al though we are loath to have him from our midst. ruKims I DAN ahd fAVJNOS riM. *oa *#a#E O a##M iwdHi fas**** r .»• ns I *••»*# «.1 i|W .asnsgs t*ggai*b I as a ansa I saw f.WkfaMwSs ] saw,, ms I THE GARCIA I BETTER NOT , RECEIVED Nhlkllg If kMtl at |l II Illlh agm. TaM la laiffty IMiM Ts*ai Usd. nhatise w••*.«>r>«* Jsiy Mk —lt la M*t*d I psalntili at il* **r f*.H*>ti list i|* lmlsr whirl, linreia repsewaied . <* ha.s .■ldeasis4 in Ue*e«*l dhnft »r. ' aaaounciu* hta withdrawal trow fur* '‘her fOß*Hratiaa with the Amer..aa ir.mfw baa *ot re*, fled Ih* war drfs**t> meat Thr odMSni* sea laeilaed la bw | iis.e I hat it Ihe otter really coins - ! and at that they bra Mitt* doaht I* •HI ~oeh Ws*hinai** oaly thmaaM t ‘he wall* frow Ks*»■•«*. da far *a mail re fort, of any • narseter hae* <owa trow Uenrrai dhafier alas* tha ism. ad la Caha !• the a real dtsais* out a law si of (be od- is*, aha am ant* • foaaly Isabili tor dsfnilrd 3<mstli ot ' r.rtala event# during the ptogees# of i -he iiwpaies lhai a eve ojiy ohsrarafT ■oil Hied hy Osneral Hhafter ll aa. hoped the sh. »*aul. whleh se | Heed yefrv'lay. would |»rla* a lot of I mail, bat it did nor do m, probably 1 ’ hrcigh fear of yellow fever The only word that has rear frow Shatter ore* i night was the rlllasdl 1 hat Imflrld left Kant lego fur home yesterday and that Corbin's son. who la irportad lo b# hnib-r. will leave for be me as roo* a* b - could be transpoMed aafely. He and Ihißteld are said lo have uttered the oaly two pronounced eases of yel* low fever la the Amrrteaa army. No word tins reached the department frrun any offlrial of our forces rslatlv# to the reported attack by Oareia’s Ca- Paris upon a body Of Spanish soldiers who were marching into Santiago to surrender. In the absence of a re port of this ocour/ence, which, if true, may be fraught with the gravest oop u-qni%as and nSecf immediately the attitude of the United States govern ment towards the Chibaus, there is a decided disposition to refuse to dis cuss the matter in tfie war department. y TO PAY FOR ORGAN. The Auxiliary Society of Asbury church will run an excursion to tho Ixreks on next Tuesday night, 26th. the proceeds of which will go toward pay ing for the handsome organ which they have just purchased. It is expected that a big crowd will go up, and there will be three beats to give every one plenty of room. Boats leave Basin at 7:15: will remain at the Ixfcl:s ail hour and a half, get ting back at 11:45. Music and refreshments will be on hand, and every one who goes Is in sured a good time. Notice. 1 lev. C. T. Walker will preach at Camp Dyer Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock to the colored soldiers. Dr. Kendall will return to tho city today and fl!l the pulpit at St. Johns t . morrow morning. Rev. Kdw..rtl Thomp son wll preach at night on a special theme. Stoy will bring an excursion tiorn Tennille to Augusta on August 5.