The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 27, 1898, Image 1

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n5~” •?*•***. * TtWeSdeat AlbVilAi t wwmm> UntO* taw* toe*K *►**•» Hit •a*** a iuiK t*»*»#» iMlwia ***** •• 11,1,1 ARHISTICE THE NEXT STEP! The President Hands His Reply to the French Minister Tomorrow and Spain's Sincerity Will Be Put to the Test. • »•!> It Tto# praatdaat j M rr— m»! towmuo torn n #•** «M Ream Rmß»S** »* *■' •mar* that aa §«*»*’•<* w»tt * M* low** toy a utatp «f R#**m «* #*rt*t* **»#»*: Mo** a to •** «**•) Beat will agr** » aa** IMIhW Sal*. Cum, Ja,» Mb»* .an nUa; M« *w SnH t#f* today: "At lb# rr*ar«< of the Rpaaudi government. ihr Tn orb •«ah*«**<k*' at Waahiagtn# ha* a*** aathwiaed toy th# Trvarb «tv*ra meet to l a note from tto* cabi net *• Madrid to th* «*»*« ot State*. It to t* th* nsm* of 8 pals that Camhon. who la t itaraed to match Spanish iotereets la the Called gutr« nude the «. nmumeatloo to president MrKnUy at the •tone yesterday to presence of Secretary Day.- , Mr dr id Denial*. L-ndon. July tT —The *qul acal de nial from Madrid wbsa iaqutriea were made on the. aubject of reported peace negotiations, ware «eea»!ngly g.vcn out at the Spanish caplul prior to Spain s former application at Washington for peace Many similar rootmunicationa, intended for home consurapt'on, may be expected during the negot.a ions, but the rnly put pose of such denial* is to allay Oa«(Ulian susceptibilities and A GREAT DAY AT THOMSON. Bis Rally of the Populist Forces There. Hon Thomas E. Wetscn Denounces tl»e 'Present War. Tbc Populist rally at Thomson today T’iiS a decided success. Mr. Arthur Ly man. who is reporting the nroceedings frr The Herald, wire! at 3 o'clock Mr. Watson had made a speech that won for him the plaudits of the thrcr.g present —a strictly gathering. Mr. Lyman’s report will be given in tomorrow's Herald. During the course of Mr. Watson's speech ha took occasion to denounce the war tax and the war. holding that the conflict was unnecessary and un called for. He jumped on the banking system, reiterated bis devotion to Pop ulism. declared that he and his house were Populists from principle, admitted that the party had made mistakes which would be obviated in the future, reasserted that the Populist principles ware the correct and true principles for the masses of the people, holding HERALD WANT ADS ENJOV THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN CEOHGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. trs cawr» a tom THE AUGUSTA IIEIiAU). m i mi * m tlty *n 1 f|M Ik* V**S ** I* OMs YU* MicM Tbiwt Tk* itwtM*t miwtouuo* to s*»»***r4 la an go*rt#t» aad la a*n»r» tto«***too*l at tMt fart that jtpaia at to*' tot* 4m« tto* t tkt ttot** fat itoe flew tm# dartaa ttot war aad (war* m leototd apna a* be-nt w*«b»a a Ta-m diataar*. It to ultra for ■taated (hat th# opening of negot'-a- I Hoaa impltt ttot rswaatma of horn ill* ties aad It la btUetod here that tto* ! t ailed ftia'rt «a* at Bret unoAciaily ! approach #4 aad cat# a gearral Idea of 'renditions atoe would insist oa to#fort Camboa preened the note and the I formal eegouatioas consist chiefly cf i tto* formula'ton of terai* already prar tically settled. t T A funny Strtemant. Madrid. July 2T. « p ro.—The goy ernment den tea that It has been occu pied with the question of peace. Pre- ' micr Stgas<a contrad.ct* ihr aiatcmant tfaat rsffir a! acgotlatioos are n pro greas but the foreign ofh< e announce* that (he negotiations are due to a pri vate initiative proceeding. What nr. Davis Says, St. laul. July 17. —‘'Peace la very tlr.j.rablc If It can b obta ned without too great a concession on our pari," up the light which would lord to the betterment of the eondiiiona In life. He took oc< v on to pay bis reports to the Democratic nominee, holding that Col. Candler was <U*d In the wiool in political ilngstering and alluding to his assnmaoy in Jumping on Gov. At kinson in "that epistle to the Homans.” The full report of the soeceh, when given tomorrow, will prove very Inter esting. A large Crowd Present. While there dirt not eerm to be any .cry laige outturn of pc pie in the city the large hall over the court room, in which the speaking was had, was packed. Tbc'.o were other speakers and other speeches, but no one re ceived the ovation that was tendered to Mr. Watson. He Is still the itlo. of the rank and die of his party, no mat ter what his former lieutenants say. Sturdy husbandmen, rugged tillers of the soil, the best manhood of the coun ty cere present They came in their shirt sleeves, in the city attire and in the farmers - uniform. There were pres ent a large number of negroes. When Mr. Watson was Introduced the scene of the day occurred. It >vas even a keener r' at lon for the Populist leader than apparently even he had expected. The men applauded and cheered and hurrahed and cried out as in a frenzy. Their delight seemed boundless . The hold which Mr. Watson has r.n his peo ple was shown, at least In part. It is a bold of absolute confidence, of trust and of devotion . The initial cheering was repeated throughout the speaking. The negroes present gave attentive and enthusiastic audience to the gifted Georgian. Other Speakers Mr. Hogan, the Populist candidate for governor, was the first speaker. Messrs. C .E. McGreggor, C. W. Gross and Mel Branch also delivered ad dresses. It was 1 o’clock when Mr. Watson was introduced. Mr. Lyman wires that since the meeting has adjourned there is every indication of the electric-like effect of Mr. Watson's oration. Populism had not been in such high favor oven in McDuffie. Pcpulists were lagging. “I'm done with politics of all kinds,” was a sentiment that got out. In an hour •ay* tomiar Ito'A rtoatomaa as tto* «»aaaait'** am **f*w* rrteu*** as th* ataat# "Tto# for*** rtuiaaaa tea*- am* <tUI hat* Bottom* I* do muh ttot t»m rr treaty aaaftl It torn totta acted *a i>y tto# yet drat aad ttot eatotatd. Ttot ' treaty will tto#* to* aabmNiad t* so* eras# aad th# araat# may toy a two i toll da rat ratify to - Dmtobsbing It. rart* Jaty 17—The piwail of Kraac# ha* notlfled all th# Trench cm bnsslea of the fact that Spain has mad* | proposals tho ugh M Cambon. Tren-h ambassador si Ws.blngton for pear* with the Cnlted Rtatea. The snag That la Strwch. Rfiecial to The Herald. Washington. f>. C.. July *7 -Tto# T~toHl|lpla*a to the gre«te#t problem In the |>eare proposition and over It. It la said, the cabinet to split. Secretary Wlnott to the only cabinet minister who I would give hto opinion. He aald: "I ■am for h tJng the Philippines.” „ The first Draft Special to Til# Herald. Washington. July 27—Secretary Day and the president completed this after noon the flrst draft of the answer to be made to Mpalu through Ambassador Catni«on. It will be revlsod, reviewed and discussed by the cabinet before \ transmitted. The official view of the situation this afternoon is that Spain ROUTED BY THE SPANIARDS The Wanderer Expedition has Been Unsuccessful. Six of the Boats were Wounded in a Fight. Key West, July 37.—The news reach ed here today of the attempted landing c.n the Cuban shore of a large expedi tion cf men and arms by the steamer Wanderer, which left Key West a week ago. Banes, west of Havana, was th© poiut selec-.ed for the debarkation, hut arriving there, the expedition was con fronted by a body of cavalry number ing a thousand or more and a sharp engagement ensued. The Wanderer was to have been met by a party cf Cubans, who evidently bad been dis persed by th© Spanish forces before the arrival of Ihe 3teamer. The Wan derer had a portion of her supplies landed when a sudden attack was made by the cavalry. Sharpshooters returned the fire and enabled the Wan derer’s boat to get off. hut not until six men were slightly wounded. New York Futures. New York, July 27.—Futures opened steady. August C. 80; September 5.53; October 5.87; November 5.83; December 15.34; January 5.73; February 6; Marco 0.03; April 6.07; May 6.12. ______ Mr. Watson has changed that. At his bidding bis devotees are ready to go ahead and McDuffie Is this afternoon premising to give Hogan.a majority of which he will feel proud. It was a Populist day, out and out. j There was nothing but the Populist— Hogan —West- —Watson. The Populist leaders are in great ec stacy over the success of the day. They believe their ticket has been given a I big boost. Mr. Watson promised but j this one speech. Pressure is being ; brought on him today to enter further j into the campaign. AUM M A. « A win am *<**•• **♦ *< »h* »«***» wo wrl w»to Uk ysi-wt »*t**atosa m that «#**•» *t»* t dtoa •« *• a—A*™* Yfe#s* to a t#*il •»•*#* to#H#f ttot. af* levan-a Hut tto# Bat •«» «•* til MMthst cftoatoia* tolow M *f*»* Tto* Mlwaiuw. t«y AmeOto'- d Wastoiagt**. Jab ft My taasnos aw «o< tamrat •«> kata dttstm *• I aad t% mtwaak*t»d to tto# l uod aaa toaarador M#l wtoat form of sstwa toad ism toward# rra-« M stoall latot It to litotty if tto# apasitto «ot ras*»w< to ttaily tot #arw##« * th# dtoto# N *##«# ptljf |pwv fUMNNK Wilt f' *MMW'o' ** •wtottc* aa a yr#l»m aary. H»* it caß to# stated potlUvrty that th# psrtWtmt I* detrrmtaad to UisO *T «■* thirnato Spaalah fltylumarj*. Tto# af* mistic#. If Stoatrl. will he co*lttwo»d th# OH'S* p•»<!«** that it to be f* Homed by a treaty of ymir#, Mortovyr lb# pretomiaaty »*fwm>#ot that pn-' idr* for tto# armiatlre moat roaatuut# la Merit aa uodmahlaa oa tto# part of Spain «• a*lilt to rert»ia toroad roadll 'ins Imposed by ttot foltrd Rtatea as a heals of pear#. Military operailnr.» ar# to ro on steadily fotoard #o fat aa the Called Htaiea are lonwrnrd until th# *#*oUa ilowa have adeaated iam b funb#> than at preeent . They are aubjert tot lt»t#r nip: ion at any mom. n* by aa nrmta* tie*, but It mini be aald that thta la e*prt-t#d Ironjrdlately. II I# res lld d I ha; when the Spanish fo*- « rnm«>n' trams Ih* e»lrnt of th# de nlands to be mad.* by tbe I uiled States Brat Ihr rß«et trtll be to Ildar# a re lies mo» ‘tr>ent tohirh. In turn. wHI re sult In the rontlapat on of aellse hos t Hit tea for a time. This Cme to especiad. toitcysr. to be brief, only perhaps ao long aa !* n#c eitsry for Miles to romplelely Inveal San Jnan. The strobe it to thou*lil will bring the Spanish pswernniSßt to realising the b'pelesa»"»a of further resist alt. r If It has oot befoc* Shat Hmr yielded lo the earnest represents, tlons of those Kuropean powers that have been so persistent in the efforts to secure peace. Military experts allow two »e?k* S* the maximum period of tlnv necaaaary for Mile* to necere this communding position and therefore It Is hoped with in that space of time the Spanish gov ernment will have been brought n d. exactly lo “ n approval of a treaty of 1 p.'are, but to an application for armls j ttee on condition* that will amount to the concession of those things most desired U" the ''nited States. MUCH DELAY, Troops Getting Away from Chlcka mauga Very Slowly. Chickanmuga, July 27.—Owing to an unexplainable delay in loading the First Kentucky regiment did not leave Roseville until an early hour this morning. The movement of Grant’s brigade is unusually slow and the Indi cations are that the Third Kentucky, "the last regiment, will not get out be fore tomorrow .night. The Fifth Illi nois and the third battalion broke camp this morning and spent the day loading at Rossville. Thrs- two com mands start this evening. The entire brigade expected to get out yesterday. No orders have been issued for the other commands to move. Chattanooga. July 27.—The order sending the Fifth Illinois to Newport News was revoked today after the reg iment had marched five miles to Ross vllle and half were loaded on the trains there. The trains were unloaded and the men, highly disappointed, were marched back to camp. The Third Kentucky was then ordered out and vias loaded on the trains intended for the Fifth Illinois. This regiment gets away this afternoon. The Sixteenth Indiana was ordered to take the plaep of the Fifth Illinois In Grant’s brigade and will leave tomorrow. The First South Canolina was today ordered to proceed at once to Jacksonville to Join i Gen. Lee. The Sixth Tennessee was ordered from Knoxville to ChirUad mauga. Soldier Shot. I Ran Francisco. July 27.—Just after Ibe close of target practice by the first Tennessee regiment the pistol of Lieut. Law, Co. C. was accidentally dis charged, the bull Jet passing through the icalf of Capt. Heed's right leg. He will be laid up for several days. The News Confirmed. Madrid, Spain, July 27.—Inquiries ai the palace today confirm the report that the king is suffering from the measles. The nttack is- following the usual course. ■ “WHEN SPAIN HAS ANVTHING 10 OFFER WE wine consider IT I” BISMARCK IS DYING. Alarming Report From the Man of Iron Today. The Great Statesman Cannot Live Many More Hours. Special to The Herald. Berlin, July 27.—Grave news has Just been received from Fried richsruhe. Bismarck had taken a turn for the worst and is lapidly sinking. Dr. Schwciningcr and other most famous physicians and the entire Bismarck family have been hurriedly summoned to the bedside of the patient. Friedrlchsvuhe, July 27, 4 p. m. — Those in authority refuse to express an opinion as to bow long Bismarck will last. It is acknowledged that ho has been dying-since midnight. He is unable to eat or drink. FROH SANTIAGO. Two Gentlemen Here, Said to Be From the Cuban City. Two gentlamen from Santiago da Cuba. That's what th© register read, and also that they were In Augusta. y Yes; they had been In Sylvester's clothing establishment and made a few purchases. Their names Mr. Syl vester did not know. They told him they were from the surrendered city. They also told him they wanted no newspaper notoriety. They left this afternoon. The Paymaster. Washington, D. C., July 27. —Pay master General Stanton, of the war de partment, today ordered 15 additional paymasters to Santiago. They will take two .million dollars to help pay off General Shatter’s army. It’s a wise man who follows the races —at a safe distance. I ttot* roil AM A A to TAM to% | liM M»AI. JULY «7. *•» THE IRENE INCIDENT. A Statement Made By Prince Henry and Published Berlin, July 27.—A dispatch from Shanghai says the official statement from Prince Henry, of Prussia, in re gard to th© Irene incident in Sublg bay, Philippine Is.amts, hns been pub lished. Thu Prince soy* the Iren© went to Suing bsy to take off scan© Spanish women and children who were in dis tress. The German worship happened to meet a ateemer belonging to the insurgents, which left without Any dif ficulty arising. On returning the Irene was met outside Manila by two United States ships, which did not speak her. In conclusion, the statement sets forth thut th© removal of the women and children was "effected from motives of 1 humanity and with strict observance of the rule* of neutrality.” Five Men Killed, Plnot, Cal.. July 27. Early this morning an cxplaHhm toos place In the nltro-glyc rino house of the Hercules Powder company. No one was In the building at the time. Later a crew was sent to clear away and extinguish the Hames and a second terrific explosion took place, killing five men and, fatal ly Injuring many other. Other Reports. Washington, July 27.—The reports of Capt. Chadwick, of the New York; Copt. Taylor, Indiana; Capt. Philip, Texas, end Lieut. Com. Wfdnwrlght, of the Gloucester, on the destruction of Cervera's fleet, which was included in Admiral Sampson's report, were made public today. They do ru t differ in any articular from the reports of Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley, and pH go to show the remarkable gunnery. 1*.,, poorness and the enthusiasm of ev ery man in the fleet. A Big Race. Philadelphia, July 27—Eddie Mc- Duffle, of Boston, and Jimmy Michael will race twcmtysfiVis miles (dr a pufse of $2,500. the winner to take all. The race will take place at Willow Grove Saturday, August 6. All the great pac ing teams in the country will act as pacemakers. .. —, . I war rtAXTXM tOAX AM) tAVt^iOM PANS isuiufrs -a** aa*# •*•**#* !..» m waamsa ■ iisasa»‘m*» ittmhtoi I sal uuup as* ftoammsds •*m *l# A** l* GEN. SHAFTER ON CUSTOMS. No Ships Are Beins Turned Away From Santiago. There Is No Honey There cn WHc tv do Business. Washington, July 27.—The war de partment today made public the fol lowing from Gen. Shatter in response to u qyery by the department as to ' shirs being turned away from San tiago: Adjutant General, Washington: -The press reports are not true. I only know of three ships having arrived, erfo from Kingston, the others from the United Stales. The Britton has sold her cargo. The others, a ship from New Orleans, sold only part of hers; and tells me she Is going away tonight. I think she will sell betas she leaves. The trouble is they did not expect to pay duty and arrived here without money. / The Spanish customs as applied to a Spanish subject only has be£n collected and our charge is 20 cents per ton, as ordered by the. secretary. I discovered this morning an attempt on the pan of the munici pal authorities to collect a local tax of 40 cents, one hundred kilos, in this Instance amounting to $2,500. I had already settled the matter by ordering Its non-collection. The fact is there is no money here to do business and ; the merchants arc very timid about 'malting purchases, fearing the effect of the Red Cross supplies, who are really i feeding the town. A New Orleans man, for Instance, brought 20 head of cattle, which sold at SBS a head. The person buying kills cue a dav, selling the meat at 70 epnts a pound. Of course only a few people buy. The first, week we were here the people were starving to death, and I think a few are now suffering from effects of starvation. I positive, however, the customs have been honestly administered. SHAFTER, Major General.