The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 28, 1898, Image 6

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THURSDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! IffPeufMS* « # • • a* - lOe no • . • * • too * . • • • au * A rtlinum* o# | O pmf ceM on nfeovft Mr n*iOn 10 r , of Counnn toaofcft. W* IMMIHWi «ml r«iMbt» *«nrte*» Tlllllliti C- - CONSUMERS ICE DllllftT CO. THE MARKETS C**lm 1" 1 ffttoify *<*< Qw* ***-»#♦ «to Hiiw WVTIUii PM* H*w •** ,w ****** ** •*• *"* iftani *. •• ■** ** «*** ■ toLPYY i ° y p *f #4 #ik *■•*»•>•• Itteb, btebari . *a»t* m 9mm *»»*•»»» ...... .■ heists **»*>•. m* •* •*»*•-*• 4’Sk4**#* pa* Ssf .«••». 91 4b*64,1fl jCc . |M*4 «• »**• fm- VirfflaMt bsstedl mm •« •> *•* cbm**, .. »« .. .. .« fl* 0 t H ** ttmmm*. M*. (MM* . .. M •*•* * K iMI ■»>»>«• #** **■*» ** •• ” ** gtotowftww ftotototo -'• *• •«•• ■ ■* * • SBIMMk shm m •• •• m •* •• ** 14 U»K ■*«*•« KftMMHr Iktn 4b»n hwhhm •• *»*»’» r* M«>r fttefi *“*• •• * ' j* 9099499 toyttog l * *••#• *•** 49949499 |Wft|* totot#to •**••• ** *“* Msi*> immm, r*»ten* »• •»- lr* •• *• I* Mil'll Im* •*»**#* **l»a ••«• **o—®* Flag b**>«» .. .. «. m .. •••■ •• ** " Mui.a H 14 kill*, h* raw* •■ “ * Miln. 1* Mi* Ml *•*•• .... WOOPWAHK >»■ a«i». t»<« «o-».|i o. 0.. r-c *** ■ O.OS tiro h.Kip H B . per o** . t| Ikt" kM». **<ter, BB . P*r <>*« , IIR, MS Iteefcvts, B # !• B' dry oomm ftlMrt ikintisi* Mwl W»»fllrif»: Orteltevtll. I>4 ahlrtla# * Grsniteviii. HR! rtiniß* .. » «•* OT««ltev1ll». 414 K K abeetlag .. 4 *-* UrlcJtmil* 4-4 It M H Jnbn f* Km* 1-4 * R shirting .. 1 J«kr F. Im » tech H ( ’ * HIHKII. RII.K OmIMN. !• r«t». !• «M. v*r 04R..0 BIJCAI'HINIM. Mltrcllanmul krtiilo 4# 4* 0 111*1 rr 041* (MH4) *4«*4 * •** Vk-4orr .. * VNKIAN. Prgii ot 4h» loom. •» tnrlmt .. .. 4 4-t frill of III* loom. t 4 4Vt6Rm l, •• 4 1-4 O'.tmt, T 4 lac k** 4 I*4 Cabot, 4*4 .. .. .. •• •« •• •• •• •• * *'* Alpliw Rim*. 4-4 .. .. *• *'4 prill, of lb* W**4 41 l-I Jn<> f. Km* i-*lt B nhtftln* ... 3 1-3 Joo. P Kin* 4-4 A A tm**4M« .. 4 S-» t*oO*dnl* 4-4.. .. *. .1 .< t. *...*• 4 3-4 J*to P. Kin*. >4 Inch Ooonpa ... 4 3-4 Jno. P Kin*. » Inch EC*** It la ml 5 *-4 Jno. P Kin*. 3* mch Ex laland 4 *•* jno. P. Ktn* M Inch Superior .. 3 1-4 PniNTH. Amrrirfn *Mrtln*». 44x44 .. .. .. 3 1-3 M*rrlm*i'A ahlrlln**. 44x*4 4 Ch»il»r Oo*k dr*** atyl** 10x40 .. 3 1-3 Waahtnirtoa Olla tfancy) 4 Allen’* tfancy 4 1-3 fllmp*on'* 3-4 p*rcal*» 5 Coal** Spool collon, p«»r do* 41 Am*riran IndlK" blu«*. C4x44 .. .. 3 1-1 siator Oil* t»olld) 44x*4 4 1-4 Atn*rtcan !ndl*o blu**, *4x44 .. .. 4 1-4 Xnlernatliwal black* 44 x 44 4 1-3 Allen’* cardinal* 44x44 4 1-3 Allan’* talon** 44x44 4 1-! India blue India blu* 44x44 a. .. .. 4 1-2 Etlnßlant * 64x44 4 1-1 Garner'* radiant* 64x64 .. 4 1-3 hlartha W«*liln*tnn 56x40 3 3-4 Slope 54x60 31-1 Chater Oak*. 66x44 .. .. •< .. .. 3 3-4 TICKS. Hamp*hlre 1 6-S Amoakea* A C A 10 1-3 Amo*kea* A 10 Amoakea* C .. .. •• * 3-4 Reciprocity * •• 7 l* 2 piAin HOMEsruKe. city Mill* 2 1-3 Pour yard, good 32 Inch .. .» .. .. 6 1-4 Lodi *hlrtln*s 66x56 3 1-4 Lodi dret* atyle* 66x60 3 1-4 et. Clair drea* style* .. .. .. .. « Ocean solid* 3 3-4 Martha W**hln*tim fanclea .. .. 3 3-4 JAlicellaneoua brand*, ll*ht weight 13 l-2alr 1-S lauetta 6 yard* plain .. 3 1-4 Thorndike B .. 6 3-4 Hercules .. .. 7 1-1 Amoekeag 9 Craaccnt •• 7 1-S Pelham, 32 bal lto box 15 F. G. P.. 30 ball* to box 16 E. G. P-. 20 balls to lb IT 1-2 Muscogee B * 1-2 21 inch 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, best make -4 Slmpron’s silk finish poulards 64x 64 1 »*« Simpson’s solid black 64x64 .. ..6 Pacific mournings 64x64 5 China silks 64x64 4 1-4 Mlddleford .. 6 Bockport 5 1-2 Slater 64x64 3 3-4 Concord, 66x60 3 1-4 Rome 66x60 3 1-4 Edwards 3 1-2 Keyst (me 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue * 3 1-4 . KEARSET’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime , 35 Rosendale cement 11.45 Portland cement 52.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks . *1.25 Plaster In bids .« $1.75 ■■ApypWm Smftmw- m WMI t.. in :H) —~ • «•* ** .mm.**** |M|M*ta4 RtldeaeM: IBM «4M pm** **>• *■* « M>» t H p It .mA»t pane MM,*!* m, t , ■ WTI MM# M R a ; tape . *« a , h e w 0 44 aam tr. il. %mi _ M ft| 4* *■•**» i*MM>ee«a Am** pn* ♦*• *»>*•<* '• AMmiaapd p*t A>e , M $' 0 tpmeei* .i.«4**t 4HHOL par Pal .. M~t tieußM*. rap *ap. par Paa •• *m m 0 0 Ha an m rap tap raa*. taM«.|k n n n m rmt, par P 0 *» .... M P 1.. ee# 0 $ A l 4 Ml MM per m .. \.”m I $ * Harm epaatk, pat hep Male *b~*e per Pep .« .. «. «» *. aa.^ 'tMtea Tinfnt paa Paa pra 0 Ka«t 0 Rem nttaMpr praaa .. >1 ****** Repair i.aSV« I. P-r grata tie. leap, paa 0 .. .. ► CMtmi mrPa per *0 „ .. Aa» Ma4e»a K*. 1 par dag .» •• <• ** Av* fn n4>sv 9s#: A. fKW •• »« ; A|P# l t*t 4 *m .... HM& :|| m mAmm At 7# % Ml 4 4 14, Y« Y 14 i fSvfllA I ft, t«4 .. eg a* HI Y*t j ClPWfltt I l-fA. I*U « . If? *«• jam*** «i r«. ttu im i*i Afaratoi 41 ll«. Ml #* tit **p (IfOtfft* I l-r*i IM . . I#i gap Attyu*'* f«, IVM ~»* 191 »pp Allies €"#, 199 •e e 4 Mp a 4 a AUfttiHl fA IMA •*** IM g#P Autf«i«*« A l*T». IMA- M ... AMU «u l‘A IM? ..a. IM ... Attaint* la Itll .... IM ... AlMntaA Ta, 1«M .... IIS ! Atlanta f>. IM .... IM AltamiA 4 l*r«, IMS .. MA Altamta «*•. 193? ...g Mi ... iIAVtAMII 11. lAM .... IM )iasarmal> l‘i. ISIS .... HA *•* 'Hum* I'l, Mil ..*•«. MA ... riilufiit.tlK l’». lAA9 ... IA3 CotvvntittA, I I*3*A, M* lA| 4» Mar«»n 4 I-YV 199* .. MA 1A? Mnma r*. MIA 11l '•OoltimtolA S , »‘4*« .*#• •• 14 ••• |c*lMirta*At«>i» 4*9, IMA .... M M I * <lr»<|p*4 It AII.HOAD HONOR, flenrgl* K. It P Bkg Ca. r., »* (leorgla R. R. A Bkg Ca. | 4#; »• 'chariotta, Columbia P Au ! cuata. Ist s'*. >*r* ** 7 Chorlott*. Columbia P Au *uala. 2d 7’». 1414 U 3 Augusta Ho R. It , i’a. I"21 93 ••• C. R. R, Banking Co. Collat eral Trust I'l, 193 J 0 *2 Southern Hallway 6‘*. 1994 ~ 0 93 Central of Ueorgla Railway. Ist cobeol mort. S'*. 1946 .. ~ 0 93 C. of O, la* pref In ** t® Central of Georgia Railway, 3d pref. Income*, 1*45 13 14 c. of G. lit pref. In., 1945 .... 7 9 <l. S. * K., lat m S’*. 1945 .. 100 102 South Georgia and Florida. 3d «’*. I® 3 South tleorgta and Florida. 2d 7’a. IH*» IM 0 ••• Ocean flt»amshlp Co., Ist s'. FACTORY BONDS. Enterprise Mfg. Co., Ist O'*. 102 .. „ »• „ I®3 Sibley Mfg. Co., Ist *'a. 1902.10 Sibley Mfg. C«„ Ist *’s. 103. 10 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked .• •• *2 Oats, mixed, sacked *3 Corn, white, sacked 54 Com, mixed, sacked ss Meal, bolted, per bushel 64 Flour, common *•*’ Flour, fancy extra 5.50 Flour, aecond patent .. ~ .. .. •• S- 7 ® Flour, atandard palent * Flour, fancy patent * T 5 M’heat bran. 10-lb *acl«* *5 Fine feed, 10-lb rack* 10 Hay—native, per ton 12a14 Hay—Timothy, per ton 14 60 Hoy—choli'e, per ton 18.0 Hama—choice sugar cured .. lOatl 1-2 Smoked rib el 7 J-J T>r> fait rib* J s ' B Lard, pure lear, 0 tierces 7 Lard, kettle, rendevt'd In tierces . 7 3-4 ,-ugar, granulated 6 S-8 The" SATISFACTION OF T. Doubtitis 'Cltl*F0 —I would not mind giving you something If 1 were suie that, your bllndtP’ss w ere not assumed Mendicant You needn’t lot that worry you. You can pat yourself on tlK> back for your charitable acton just tbo same.—Atlanta Commercial. ”Our customers say you manufacture three of the best remedies on earth," said the mercantile firm of Haas, Har ris Brim & McLain, of Dawson, in a re cent letter to the Chamberlain Medi cine Co. This Is the universal verdict. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is the finest preparation In the world for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lame back, qulnsey, sore throat, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, pains and swellings. A 25 cent bottle of this liniment 111 the house will save ft great deal ot suffering. Buy it at Al exander Drug A* Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. EXCRUCIATING SUSPICION. <Detroit Free Press.) Perhaps a porHwr l of Senator Hoar’s spleen is due to the suspicion that Prof. Horton plagiarised his anti-war senti ments from the senator's earlier speeches. THU JSIXJOXJBT-A* .HBS’FtA*!**! 3 tM«t n«* »nw tv ti fatal Rggra **•* AMo*g»O*g 0 ‘2**or 0 0 ****4 *4*l *O. I ggg I*o wa»o Mg jMpwargMl o** t ffyMi Atom toil t AM :«*t AMtoA tot tom 1 )Mlt 0 tomto to' 1 *44®*' * * * ?, to. wwf ....» a|| # fsKsi to4AAWto*-A eh Ata ? . “ Atow lull AIT fjifltiA I A ltaN»toto lIM " totoA Ato 'W* •“ w* i %i«*af#4 lto lto# ■to totoAto'lto# toto %m* I rtototk fmNM HM MfAMi «4 * tto* i ito# mtofto to noi — into iml w YtaAtoA* *A# . Jt a u T?*## I AWtonM rlAtoftf »•* rMI liltAtoMtato. toA ftot. MAMAMMAto I® ®AA*A9I laaiul la grate. Rt. s*»o Mwrrtrgg. Hi lag lah-tfiSf ■a*»*r apokr 0 ik* j nd«aatag*a 0 Maßrtil «dae«*loa, |Tfca tofongaiuig Igßtl'f ST lk*#g prufaaarra MW M do«M groaa »f raUgaakla trglnr to Ik* fanaer* 0 'hi* root!) and It la kopol 4k*|f 011 l faigfg next y*gg. Tile yield 0 wheat »**•§ *p hat* harg harna*!} larg* la tkl* > 'gatf •• •bows by thg Inrgr wuteber o*ar*w«!» that surround th* roller bur will Iwth day and nlcbf. pafimUy awaiting 0, lr turn 0 unloading grain and fr> ftadteg wttk flour. WHILE THE WAR LASTS An who match, walk or stood, should I shake tet" I heir ahnea Allen’* Fool- I a p«*wd*r. it cures aching, ttped, wira, swollen feet .and wak.** BvNf or new shoe* **»y It abaorlw molature. and prevwir chafing, hot. smarting, hllateied. aweatlna feet. All the reaular army troop* and navy men us# 11/Vol unteer* in hot climate* easiT **4»« In comfort without 11. Allen’# Foot-Ea** la sold by all druggist* and ahoe store*. ’.tie, Ramplea sent FREE Addreaa Al len 8. Olmsted, La Roy. N. Y. AMERICAN HONEY. It Must Be Taken at ioo teats on the Dollar. Washington, July 27. -Major Snlffen, of the pay corps, ha* sailed from New York on tba OllvEdte for Hanttago. ac companied by Hire paymaaiers. They will begin the payment of troops on their arrival and In a very short time will be joined by other paymaster* who will assist in paying off Gen. Shafter’a srmy, nnd then will proceed to Porto Rico to pay off the army of Gen. Miles. A ratlwr fntereßtlng questiim has arisen in regard to the payment of troops. A telegram ha* been received from Oen. Shatter requesting that gold and paper be r-»nt to Santiago, a* the tradesmen refuse to accept American dollars at their par value, and rate them at fifty t ents ou the'dollar, like the Mexican dollar and dEtllars of South Am-vrlcan countries. Tt was Paymaster General Stanton’s Intention to send as little silver as possible, con fining it mostly to subsidiary coin tor the purpose of making change, on ac count of the greater convenience to take gold and paper, and he will con tlrfue to do so. Considerable Indigna tion Is expressed that American money of any kind Is discounted, and n sug gestion has been made to tyle secretary of war that any trmtosman who refuses to accept United States mouey of any kind at 100 rents on the dollar should be rotnoved from any territry over which the American flag floats. It is not known that any orders will be sent to Gen. Shatter on the subject, although the suggestion has been made that Amerlran money should not be allowed to be questioned by th.> countries occupied by the United States troops. The supposition is that refusal to accept silver Elollars is the result of a long use of th-o silver of Mexico and the South American coun tries, which has never passed for more than half its free value. BTTCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cut*. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Cha-iped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all SkiD Eruptions, end porittvely curee Piles, or no pay requir'd It Is guaranteed to give pertect eatlsfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sala by the Howard & Willett Drug CO. Aj- . Good JOCK BAKING POWDER* JSTHE BEST. of /Ml Im t f AViß* in* PciWtof. /A 4f ( TVRX\ \Lzir’ yy t>r v ~ SV (im4 10 famm wytto lto# *»»*•» 4m* j a n 4 r«n lto# *tota (if A4MMAMAA ® #to® , r*tor f*toto# I# Ato*t ftof tototoi. Tie Gas lull Cl if it[Uia, 423 BROAD ITT. CliiMrec’s Bair Cm vyhlie the weather is warm HICnEI S BARBER SHOP Ate. m MiCKltr* MAGIC HAlltAlJkK for lb* Haul For Safe By AM Druggists. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. N<ir"*t3 Gretna Rtr##t ia lto on# of the rioai sl#fir»bl© *#rtioti» us IH# /ity. House butU of brlth Mr» A tm* And 4uriW«* ftoAtolofto Con tain# #i*ht room*, bath. etc*., -toll in good or«ler. Lot 4Y by I*4 feet. |f~tou oontemplot# purrh**«inAi A home it will b# to your interest to co«- ■ktaN thl» property. John W. Dickey, 1 Sid 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Usin? Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD BTIISXr, And Get Your Work Done Well. F*r Ike next 0 day* Bicycles Enaaieled for S2.DC —High Grade Work, l.osett prices in town on Repairing. s#coml band Bicycles bought »nd sold on easy payments. ALL WORK GUARANTEED JjjE [JERALD HOLDS THE RECORD. I “ ITS CIRtTLATION MORE THAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA and GEORGIA. Why-Why BECAUSE IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. “A Newspaper these days must grow on Its merits as a Newspaper.” The Herald’s Wonderful Advance and Growth Proves the Correctness of the As sertion. *4 00 t M mi Mitrt * ! sf. iSfeOTEL | ii Hillman. 6a. I H +*• 9» tot to# **#**to to to to 4 Mtoll I #»• toA#*# '4O 00r*f gpMWNI lto***## toAMto I I#* A'0»0. totoiMto 9 »«0 11*04:1 itoto to to to* l ** i 6 Writ U THE REED HOUSE —at min i 0 —. * iLtlCf pßf t|W AcpcmßßßlalMMl of f ftHlftMff Iftltk I MU* M A- Nl $ l». liwyWm. Ue j r-* ’ Bittl 3lt Cliirt. to« lAtott ~Kto 1 WuJBM toWAIM •!•**'« M.oletj.o 0 0 F. «> I H. I>refwtee«. bagle 4T» Baking ; Powder IS AUGUSTA MADE EAGLE BAKING POWDER ftj bill grn4*- Wry 4if#eent mtiitobi frun (to# fleiptf At* tom AMtoffMtotto * Imi in* towAto? totoi |km»w to##—* I for to totfis Vtmrr ti no ciiibly N44M. • j BAUI.K BA KINO POWDKR DM Err!* In gdtofto of Mr. tb. |*o«i you now u»# Y«oi*tt gel til# »#m# feittlti In totooMtootn# i»##toto. THO otor. f*oto* tort w#r# prteed 4A jretPt **«». •nd llta# to rtot#nt Mndlclto#, It don't chtofito# In pHr#. KAOLE BAKING POWDER Bhould be Hied by Auiuatft r-.'O pte CHy prid# »b»u*l imptol lb#m. If noth*off #M# dorf. eagle baking powder \PH Kiinply Atohto of you • trU\ £*. I 8A<11.15 BAKING POWDER dfjj r | 8«, ls at 33c. lb. THE HOWARD & WILLET D3CQ CO.' -MAKE EAGLE.— FOR RENT. DRSIRAnLR GREENE ST. LOTS. r From October 1, I*9*. I offer fer rent | the following thoroughly modem and attractive residence*. 417 Greene street * room* ' 707 Greene street * rooms j 94a Orrene street * rooms 112* Greene street * room* 1134 Grenee street * room* These houses, contain all conveniences nnd ore desirable m every respect, jxiok at th. m before you go away for j the summer. JOHN W. DICKEY, 1 and 2 Library Building. keep cool !by using one of our odorless Refriger atnrs —tine Dewey just annihilates hot .weather. Klondike, Gurney and Eclipse !are all good; everyone guaranteed; wa ter coolers, cedar chests; Ice cream fteezers. See our line bedroom suits, $35. Baby Carriages fqj $6. We will make terms and prices tq suit you. Fleming& Bowles 904 Broad Street. Charleston IW Carolina to 4 A 9 toA to to A# A* A 9 49 4 A #4l«#to A 11 #to f rtififli • ptftto #<•*# *AMb IMA yi JbAaMtoi ** * i if i Mtot to ; •. I [ AgMMtor . . . ’t, '* f ■ «| toMK 1 “ftirrTTl »*! Igfto mmam * (pmammotm *+* *»-«#** * *SSS? ** * * fciu*to , •**#***. 4 'NWh *•***••• I * At#toMto##toto9toPtoooo> • A 300 ft [ : s. to AMHtoMiAtf>-- iw 0000*4 -. *-tototoi* 1 * m • mam \ f ■aMPRAbi 11 -T»i nr t ■ I»fIAI|AA tototo^ As A ft# ftutoj 91* . 5 - mt»« M **|j4| j UIMBMi,, . I Atoiiito'' »*#o**** I ' Jbf BAImII 14439104** *3 SW-Mbto* *o«ft*o* I | * PtolMi ■ 400 * *a*4oo#i' ' i1Mf.444944 I As AtoPPMriA •••«•* I •••* *4i *• f AMtoA9 1 * ftnro »•«* I****!***! Mwa t I * .. flN4o«4< 1 JffM nP|| * fcatoMM 00000* MAMMA Y JKmm * EiSt«t**#ft*»#oft **« 1114MMM YJMytoi I [ *ffttftnA Hi., |j[t : I*ooo# * AhMA l 1 -'"" I * * ~ I f totoftto 0 0 nipritmi #***•- - | tototok IbJAAto | I *fbtotoiM4*»**». **••*•* I faMpAAf A A A## | * 1 * WMMi4»»44W44#H444«1»— *«»4fMgia | " AR—Aaia, -i.oo* 4- IJS?* to# totor-wirm . L.s* •«* t Mi• f m m 1 S ,1* mmm , r * n - M* “* I • dbto to i##to M»to toAtoto#tol#to%»9 d# ###to#t«•*to itUlfft* M» •## toll ItoliL I b9m «« o«3«r*w to# A A# tot* i t#toto •# 9. to* U •• i •• 4 « A inst ! toto»Attof###MWV tohb Ntoitofto m p m ua li D ftoAtiito tabit# to luito tot AaSmAMM At. ttoitoto to . i < Vito Mb. Am lto to it. t> i ROM It taUMift. tit. t to bMltoab lufk butto to##toAto to# BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. AM I’M l Artur L»av* PM AU j 9 *2 3.0 1* ii*’. Oo| 6 4 tl ll 3l *34. I>3 344.,. 4ENACA ..4 43 13-S 9.1* t *•* 546 >33 Wtel I’atesi » 3*< , *1 Ul .. M* si 6 17; AMsfPM ! iLeave Arne* PM I’ll.. MaJ3 No-4 Ma.ll N 0.4 K tinguisr station. 1 Ftet fltalio*. Al! i ego la r trains fMn Aa6er4**fl 4* Malhalte bav* nghl to tr*rk over Irate* of the Min* rlwas moving 111 <>p- I Will *l*o stop at following staticn# 'to take •«> or let off p**»e«ger< Phi»- ! rex’s James and bandy bpGnga No. 13 connect, wltli Bvulhir* rail way No. 33 at Anderson. I No# 6 and 4 connect with bouthern [railway Noo, 13 and 37 al ftennen. J. R. ANDKRbON. fluprrlniendent. ATLANTIC COAST Llt.c. moETJf r akb tjru iKKT K-Hirn 40 I HK EA4T ANI» NORTH. BIIGRTE44T AND QUlt’Kf-HT ROUTE TO THI6 EAST AND WORTH. 3.10 pm! Lv..Augusts. G*..Ar I I:63am ' 3:o9pm; L* 31k** Ar I 7 l*sra 4:t7pm Lv f>enmark....Ar ; 4 17pm 4:6opm Lv Orangb’g.... Ar i;4oam 6:o4pm Lv..Bumt#r, S. C... Ar ! 4:24am *:*3pm: Lr Florenie....Ar i 3,-’a»:n 10:33pmj Lv.. Fayetteville . Ar ! 1 14pm 3:21aml Ar. Pattrahurg.Vn.Lv *:l2pm 4:00am! Ar Richmond....Lv ! 9:l2pm 7:4lami Ar.. Washington..Lv j 3 46pm 9 03am| Ar... Baltlmop*. ...Lv 2:25pm 1! 25am Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv ,12.09 pm I 2.o3pm| Ar.... New York ...Lv ! »:3Cam ' Pullman palace buffet sleeping car* [from Me. on and Augusta to New York without change. R. A. RUAND, Oen. Agt., 723 Bread Ft.. Augusta, Ga. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON, Gen. Pass **’• CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect, March 6, IS9B. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Auguata, Southern By.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester. SoutlK-ni Ry.. 7:18 o.m. Leave Chester, C. AN. 44 . Hy 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage i'M P-m. Arrive Green Park, Slago .. .• 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing ltock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER. President. 1 • P A **lf You Want to Make Money, 1 Move In the Company of Those Who Ate Haking Money.” ) SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC> ] CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING OUT IN LIFE. ADVF.RTI3EKS WHO USE THE HER ALD LET RESULTS. : WHY NOT GET IN THKTR COMPANY.* ORDER YOIIK COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality .Guaranteed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell 'Phone 21u4 Stronger 365 JULY fid «*U»C*AB |o4«bDf» •« S. C I G. RAILWiT CO *** 400040*00ft ®4OO •mmm tototo itotoc »«to Mtoto ItolPMßtol Ypitoto • iNftKbto Yi' to# 9NMM99-: L t too#Mi>lto toiNuto 1 • iWkm to# l 19 toitopii li ltoMNK>|pto to* **** Nto t,: u 0 |h o##9 - wßFmm*- m toutoi#.«i i.totofi toMtof ß l wmm Y'o C# «VtoiMiv . J^SS to# « 1* to»** to# |p»te#o*^o 1 * l«Ktoouw *toßHb f* « btototo * M>to to#« »9untotto . a msm It 1 totoitoitoitotototo totll# to* tvU9H*P4fIKM itbtof f iftPfft towMby 1 |• 41 «to<MiNk 4 m*m> I*# to totob** •• 4. ttoto to* a o #■* . f.tobto it to ngtuMto > Hub ill ilta Un### 9to#ftoto«#4 9mm >#• V#l J' y 9 » x*ff«*. * wb*###- f ri&to TtoiJMiMi to# to i» t# I*# t0 m4fmM.4444 9 # 1 i I* l# tbtoWMtob 4 limb tot imbib'd I 9i> I# taejiMto 4*l ttjtota to* to <xo6 **- ?jTtoto to# totltoto « «Y MM! b* « Y tot to Mrfttoto# . i-tobfttoß (.loitoito illtßßOP* pyii i K«fi 4**419 Utotf (.toiftto ir«to'- ftito * i , fte|Biii *■: 1 1 to-,, ,i i Yutatovtotof IJPM #9tto«T«H»iltoi! ÜBb t bfto Iftiiv taMW....: tofiod UM torn## «»*«*•**.• ta*«» t * r, ' jjo 27ZZZZ .. u« Z^rgfMm * «««# null •As.**##. *totaNiib w4fm | L * « f«w9b.M44.. 0* . ‘ 4*4*94 j llpi to ## */s:sr *.e** 4m*m % tS " ”Vtototo#to««*to» m * i* •* toT •*** M i UitourtT, fttate* toifb 999 « y to *toiUf.# 4*t4*. to^pMl «im tbt <««• +si* totoi to*** te+m toll |>Hto j m ftoHfto i.i.imitiinK * mmtm w*# +**+ tmm* f. Mto- 40 / 54#i"ftito Uto * SOUTHERN RAILWAY* f>*tf *%t ftoft M«9*f * «l0«tob<to toftftto * *•«- • j f u«iera tiMM 9*< ft>o« m t ft** 4%’f 9. >***• .. to«ttb#Mftft«l> (MMif. ttoMljr* i. ynjurrip u< . j »»• fifp Legate ‘f«* » ** Ar tViumb’S - ■ ■ **f «** L* Ck.r’t I »*f*<*«lt l *Jf * *f J * nj I *** »** 0 *”! I IH IB - JnhttM—lft. . I SM) (H a . a tnittArft't. 4 fI iV *ft 0I . i lup ft si* « ** , 9K p •& • - .c.trr. *■ tup :»• - k,.k Vtt*i . . 7 aip 7 a*• ~ KLg, ** .1 » I* p *•»* Ar <’ - w . 0P 12 tap FT Ar Xnrfrrik ‘ * Uaanlle. • II •1 p 1 •** ArTb.h’r.ued ' '*■ 40 p IT« , jUMlrm ! •' 42 a t«p “ EmSSilte.oK. . »tea, II »P - IhliKtr.pata . - NewYt'rk. !..!!'.!! 13 4*p 30* m , , N>v g- Se. 33 So«tl.U-n.A (>%U) |>^| r . 1 v x.» v'rii i*T« i. r7»p nu*t ■■ H itaddaUa.. *Mp ■ - hal»i:i..<r*. »bp 6SI a Lv. Waah'tua. «... Ry lu 4*p II 16a Lv Kichaond . UliWt 12 91m Lv Itudlk .... 560 a 416 p Lv Kn-f.Uk* - U 34 1- Ar (irfpablwM A 4&» ..... L* Ummiiboni T 0.» it t Sip •• n nrlotte OS&i* JO 3t‘p - HU I . !D»-i IIWp •* OMtot#r ! lOftto*! 1137 p - V innftbopu. < 11 41 a 12*1# Ar (Jol'bii* Hfar»*iV *t ....... |lf 4?nn. 1 8*» I.# Colombial*a.ti*»p‘t. ; 1 Isp 4 00* •* inhltetOQl 2 s.ii>' ll 9? to •* Tr»*fiToo . j iiOfeju 0 25» ** ClnutiteviUe i 4 Jsto p Tot * Ar. AuirrMft . .. Iftp ft 00 • Lv. Ashtovill# . ~ M ft 06p ; Lv. Spartan-'urg 11 40« 4 l&p ,Lv Cl l’Wa. S.C AG.Ry.~r~TI * Uop! 7 09* Ar (’hArl»*»tof» .. . 0 4«p[ 11 OOto Lv Corbin. F.CtoP By i 11 5S a 12 47* *• Navarinah j 447 pj 508 a Ar_J*u ksonvilift. 9 25p t Ift* | **i ii i i >«. « v»c iwurH r. ETu**:iftnt daily pftsarnger ftrrvico b#tw»*on Florida and New York. Noa- ** and &*—W atthington and Hont hwant om ! Limited. Solid VeitibuTod train with dining 1 ari* and first oiaaft 'Niauhes i‘.orth of i'hnrlotM*. Pullman draanngroom *J*fepingrar» between I Tampa. Jack»oi»vUi#, bavannah, Washington 1 and Nftv York. Pullman Sleeping Cam lietween Charlotte 1 ar.d Riuhmond- Pullman drawing room sleeping rar* »>#• t we* n < >reenahom and Norfolk Close ronne<> , tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving there tn time for breakfast. Solid train, with Farlor eara, between Charleston agd Ashevilb*. No*. 85 and A—IT. S. Pant Mail. Ttirttufr 1 draw ing rtroni buffet sleeping cars o#* t worn Jaokaonville and New York and Pull man sleeping unr* between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman sleeping ears between Jack sonville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and (‘inclnaati, via Asheville. FRANK ». GANNON. J. M CCLP, Third V-P. A Gen. Mgr- T. M., Washington. , W A. TI*RK. S. H. HARDWICK. _G. p. A.. Washington. G. P. A.. Atlanta. GEORGIA ■ • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) ( Schedule Effective April 24. 189*. Pullman Sleepers between Macon anJ New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between An. cuata and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ~| 7:osam| 3:2opmilo:3opio Ar Atlanta ... 12:35ptn| B:2opm 6:ooam Ar Macoo ...,|ll:lsnm| 4:45am Ar Athens ....il2:lspm| 7:3opm Ar Ga!neavitl*|*3:4spm| - Ar White Pr*:-l:00pml - .Ar Mill’ge le ,il0:10am| I 4:3oam Ar WaEh'ton ..|lo:loarn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:l* a. m, 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. m„ A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. , J