The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 28, 1898, Image 7

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1 MMv • m sO* »*#••** w**** «* *ftt Ft*#. •*••*•*»*•***#.» 1 'MW tSsSuo to vwH ini* I *.. |t« * MN * **«h **»»»' •»•* * * t«M •a* ***• **** « #* *►■*. **# l*» M» •>**% *awt mm**--** rn **» ■ < »*,•««« #*m m**+ m* tw>4 !•<« mm ** #* i#*h» •* mm mm**, ■mm v xom <*>> «•** *•«** »■* Ml mm t lilMlM « «•! ** !•*« • tow* aw—t at •» Ms» l* »** mm t '*** ' ••* MM M tv* M* f> IfeMT MW • >»— MM *•* *—• mm ftmn—l It* —**» | ***** *—, mms lim m* t• *» m»t I •* « • ••** mi •*— m* mm* —h *•*.*# it k‘>* >»»«* ft**** w*4 w* #*<? kMMt H» Mm MM » ■awl #*«•» m m mmm "w* **» I* *mm ■ n »«*M <*•*» Jm mmm m «Ms kwt •M m mi titMf"* iM Hurt IM> <** <»**♦» I t**M •M MM IM **••**•• *W4 IW M» *m» *4 •M M*ri if IS*** rtwHt* m$ *hm •*<*• *• #*• *m*mt* I < • (tSWMft MW IW— tfc*«» fMM •■* taFts—*# Ji waa , » -S M IW ■<*•* ' ' o*s*swt #**<**» a uiii»wfi *•*»■% TV mm la# tm* to#—. »*i •*'*»»> * >m MW M*» 4 t*-fwg* a IM gwwf *•«.«»*. * lnii vwi ms fm m a o— ami • lMW r «W • •*«* 'Mil S‘.h>— TkM Waa Ml I k*4 w' M U » »%•»«*» •*•MW nf «M In I m m** I wif in—t s* #■» m*s ll* a «Wi •# Ik* Mi |iM« *m 0»r I twf mm wwia K* wf Mr*. Alhir MN »M WWty (WMII I M*t Mwiif ttw Tk»? mi* j— uk* a •Mr **4 aMMf k> m U** r - **• v-w --tww ft iMktl# t Iwftftft Ift ##* !•#* •■•# •Alff (|fft iftMlUff lit MM iMf# 1 t#B» ft fkM-* Iff (feat ift*# pa rwvftfftft. Wltk tlUft I tfft**i#4 I }r##oo» ftl Itrpftfcl? it iift4 •'•ft* teem III# orm ivkl Wktf* I ••• *Hi llmmi Ift #lkft |if M MB# (MS ; #*f*. ” wMfc I •# ■ rsiMft I 4n flip fttit # •nd ftgftlft W o*ft * ftlMNr# I »ft*ft# ftarl Imhm It# f O#K rftiUl 'Aftir l|r Mil nf Mr*. Miftn I fmtf Wirr t» *r to |n to lb*i> S Ma<* Mnabrn tfci WaMy *t'H writ* te a*. *i4 out h>ti« rio a <ir »*b- Ur of IM* mm* to w W ax wmutrKtaixo unrootur Tti-'r* *rr f*w mrn irm* »*4» • *•*• and rnl rptlair* than ll )*l'f A Wil!*t, oho •Pir* •»*> l i * B# t» *«'«»• ' tM Mil «f ***fylht»»i in iMtr ttn» fur \ tbatr mini' rwt»inn* Tt»v •«» h**« th* **lu*W* *i*-ni-T f°r ». KH* » | Jf*K t)*** uvrf) for Cwt'iWßlpll**. Couch* *nit Cold* Thl* la tM w»nJ*r- j ful rawady that la aofurlnc ro* h a u* ror aM *rw IW country hjr t;a many j atartllns cure* It ibmliiMjr curaa Aathma. Broni hltto, Itoaraooca* and all atfcctlona of Ua throat, cheat a*»d lun*a. Cal lat above dru* atom and **t ■ a trial bottla for Wf. or a rcoutar iur tor H recta and II.M. Uuaranteed to I cure or price refunded. MARRIED THE OTHER l-'ELLOW Sudden Change of Mind and F.lope me it of a Kentucky Ulrl. ShPlbyville. Ky.. July 27- - Bennett, a prominent end well-to-do farmer, of Graefleuburg. a villa*'' eiyht mile* eaat of this place. 1* the fothor of three pretty daugb'era.l-auta. Nora and Katherine, the first two twins. 16 years of age. and IN* la,ter 14, The brauty of the sisters mode them noted for miles around. Several n out ha ago Will am Jesse, the 17-yaar old soa of W. II Jrafc . a wealthy mer e’lar.* of this city, met the youngest funnel girl, and an animat'd rotmsliip was tbe tequence. Lest Sundry Laura came here to vlalt friends. / JrAse and O. For'.', who had been paying atentlons to Laura, made fre quent- rails at the bouse where shr was s guest. Thursday tn-enlpg they went buggy riding. It was arranged that Laura ahould rlfo with Jesse to her home, when sbtt- would change buggies end her escort was there to Join his younger sweetheart, Forte to continue the ride with tb.'- older sister. But in stead of going to tbe place agrtttd up on. Jerse and Miss 1-nura stepped at SiwpscnvlUe snd boarded a train fer I.on'avllle, the young Indy leaving word for her former sw. nhrart, who Arrived there in n saeond buggy a short time ofierward, that she Usd ccne’uded to dope with Jess 0 -. Tt:' - surprised and disappointed lover drove on to Orarffenbtirg and fold the young women's parents what had hap pened. Then a rar.y bark to the tele graph office at SimpsonvlP? occurred and the wires Jo Louisville sizzled with messages from the Irate father, but to no avail. The eloping eoup'o left the train at a Louisville surbur ban town and rove over the river into Indiana and were married by a magis trate at Jeffersonville. Hon. C. B. Bush, prasident of tbe Gilmer County (W. V.) Court, says that he has had three cases of flux In bis family, during the past summer, which he cured In less than a week with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Bush also Sta'es that in some Instances there were twenty hemorrahges a day.— Glenvtlle, W. V., Pathfinder. This rem edy has been used in nine epidemics of flux ar.d one of cholera, with perfect success. It can always be depended up on for bowel complaint, even in its most severe forms. Every family should keep it at hand. The 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. . . . __ ... - durrm m*\ tm to m-A*r WaJTwVW f«U I* !w*mw w MW IM MWUaf Miff** boa oM " had b WMIt IMM w M* aafo Mt.aiaaaM a# *M Wwora*** MM tW ! *•* (iuw M>>-* ll la fall law W« I WWW IMMWda f»Wf*««a t|al aMwM 1 War a MW* HMkMt <0» »*♦•*** (V i Mm# Mftt »#* ftft WMKftiMII Nft ift# f ftftfti’* ftMMfc ft# Ift# jftalftMft #f Ift# IlftM# #ftft P*ii#ft# lift## I #fta» ##• • ftft MM# ftfcftfi** " #ftf Iftftl ft# Ift ftwpfftlit tftpftMft ftl Mft# ' #ftft tft#i ft# ft#ft#ft fftt# ft# ft «<• M'fti fftMlMftt H‘ll'-tb-Sr# ftMi ftp ##•» •**• |ftfft ftftftWftWl •#*# Ift# •PMWft 'ftSiltltfi ftf H### Itftrift#'# §###•# I Tft#t ft#4 ftp Ml Mlft.:* ft# *#ft . #MI IftftMH Mft ?ft# ftPftftNL ftft4 Ift# pNM# •## PI ’ #ft«l ft# tftftt tftt ftp .nl pfppftl #* ft ft#P PI ftp#** Pftftft : ft# •'ftlft## pHiNPMftI- I*fft'ftWMft#### ft#- * | pMftl ftfftl Pi ftftftft##' ft# MM ft '•#»»■ sMp : s f t gp < #*4« #4 «w i fb# Bp# ftp# |ft (fpf f |#fl fftfl |ft ftft# ftp f* *«if-* sHMf % •.wfft pH* ftHMMI Ml ift# ynwftlp t»ift*s <#»• |♦ ♦pmi ift# I "•? , a#ft# #ft4 Ift# ' Aftp* iwftlP ftftlrftft ft P ftNpMt ftppft ft# j »’* C Hu* Oftff # #ft# #IM 4tii ft • ’lftft* tft i lb#' : #ft p#fiis ftftft IftP Ift#" ♦*'|» ftrv ’**fl#* ’ #4 |ft • ('- Alttfttf# t p ftftft'ftft Jtt/ft tftft Iftftift ift j Pa## ft fty#t»#y*t* r k#l; if fPf ftsftvi### i* • 1 allvriilP ftnft lr«ftl#. A#t# llrffitv in Hi# ftnfpeH, tlf#f ml kid jfPfft* f-ttrtiw* III# I4#n4. ©ftfftft pfp|4#ft. IrpftPlftftftMl* Kv#rp ftotlP ftuftnnitp#ft. m |4 f%9 |(«t#tr4 ft Wilier# dftt| iMfff. 5KEl.irrON OF riAATODON. Wtacooato Bo> I oeartha I* at Aa* jrr tun Mitt, N«sr I cnnlmorc. Fmn m re. Wi* . July IT.—'The hwr» rai'.gof the last few day* have brought ! so l ght th* remain* cf a prehiworlc ) ;<n'mat at Ac Icrs >& mill*, twelve mile* i On Thursday a son of John W An j dr,arm accidentally discovered the point of a huge tusk prou udlag from I the graund and at once net to work to I take It out. It rn then that he dis covered that he bad found what la nn -1 duubtedly the ermpiete akeletoa of a mastodon The tnak* are nine feet four Inchew In length and measure twenty-aeven inchca In circumference at the base. The rtba measure three and a half feet I la | ngtb and are eonnevted to the ver | tebraa by a ball and socket Joint. The tec»h are bright as agate. The largest of the teeth exhumed weighs four j pounds. One of the vertebrae has also | been secured. It Is Irregular In shape ! and measures ten Inches In dlameter t | the opening for the spinal cord meaa four Inchea acroaa. REI.IICF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved In six hours by “New Oreat South Amerjcan Kidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness tn relieving pain In Madder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Relieves retention c.f water almost immediately. If you want quL c relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Oardelte. druggist, Augusta, Oa., <lll Broad street. The Judge Fined Himself •'Judge Walker, of MayavMie, was very ptrlrt cn the bench, hut not al ways so In his private life," said Jrlln L. Scott, of Frankfort, Ky. "It had become tho custom of the, lawyers traveling the circuit to Indulge In n friendly game of poktr after court ad journed at night, and Judge Walker frequently Joined In the game. One night in BrookvllU, In Bracken county, the ccurt and the attorney* Joined in a game on the evening that they ar rived, and the next morning, when court opened, the Judge, in giving the usual charge to the grand jury, ad dressed himself to the attroneya: “ Gentlemen, yrm at® officers of the court, and as such are sworn to uphold the law* and the restitution of the strte. You hove been playing poker, contrary to the statutes In such cases mrrl- arid provided. Bach of you will he flnod 110 upon the return of indict m»nta, the bringing of which I have instructed.’ "Turning to the prosecuting attorney he said: ‘Wadsworth, you are not on ly a lawyer, but the prosecuting attor ney, sworn to bring offendera to jus tice. You will nay *25. ‘“Walker, laying hla hand upon his own breast, ‘your are not only a law» yer, but a judge. You have violated the law, and must pay sso.’ "He paid the fine, as did each of the lawyers, and it broke up the game on that circuit.”—St. Louis Globe-Demo- li! i —i THE yvTTGTTST-A SIfTR-A-X^lD mm MIRA PH Ml# #TA#T.| Pftppft ‘ Mi «#4 P*% Mppii Mft* ftftlt ipnp m*» w, IIP# 4ft* lp| jftSiipft# ft ftpft fti.Pfe ftMftPi wa*ft ppctMftPMl Ml Ij* Ml ftf MM |w <P i<P» ft ftft#% I t p| <»p» jMftfti ftp ftpft Hp#h |pi« «ft# iPpppp# #*«*» Wftpp# ftpft I MP*-«#tf p#4 Pftft pPPPPPKt ftftft PM- I 11### #pa Mm pwu ftp ppif** Imp pp I PNt-ft Ift iftftlft# fNNMft * ft* f «#*•# #(#" ft j I fifti# likflftfttt ipftt* TftPft Wftfftftf ftP4 I CM fp«p fftftl ftp ft ftIPUPP. ftpft * Iftntiitny * pftp fl-ftt *# “# Ml ft ftMKftiPft ; #■»#% «w # ■#.? ft* ft# #*•##• pp #•# | I Aftnft#. ftftft#ft #*> ftftP M#P*P j . r «;**«' t Ttcwtt |p PM f#ft##»§# j j #ti wnm ip M im «M APftfpi pi IdMMlftft II I * h fttfft ft## Ift# < ftlftt IM#l -I ftf ft lift###- j I ji** #ftft •Ml m- tifttl !P fttpftftftlt I wa ll * flftftft ftMftft#lk I '## ftp<*# I 'll , #prft Hft***lft ftftftP WWfPlftft-f: j ■ « ftftf H Ift *<?#*# fpHl* l * ft## “•* * ** I j fftltM'lf tftftfcnl PmmP ftftM ftftftP* I I ftiftiftM* I ftlt fpftf fft*k#f ftW*# • PftftM PM# "* 1 f T?. I ftiicpl, ft##M«# ft#* fftftftPP p##f» | I . i*»## .km | m*» up Ift Mm ! tnri ftfpi ms Mini'ft* j Lm- 11, rnmnmri. after *■#•'! I. _ , . • t*a «i* * ' \ tiff ft tftft* llPiflft 4 i , Ts, # HgM. t tftftk Him trosn Wa.b often obrre b* #•« ptaylaa * , ij B ikr ofthnifi. And Ik** ftmt [ ~ , jMW riw- #rro(# Hftft I h«* firmrslifl <Uy (lift first march k«* pp ira4#d t«l it»e itMnlftf It th# BinduM llurrk. I #im hftTft ih# rrlf i»ftl dre** In « n , n( l (| an lift • rfttlUm Olftr* h, S?' A man In Vtrainla rod* forty mllea to ipftirfsft PiftiPt* f* r Ih# #«f»r#«« porj»o## ‘ Us «.!«»«« CkftPilMrlftP ft ctmgh lUm #4r. ftnd i#>k horn# •ith him a doi*n ' brttlr# ftf Ih# #r-dlfln# *ft# drttf trial, I iwh«* ra>)«t#ft Ih# Ifiri4#nt. iddf: "Y*mr rtmfdf ft##m# In h# • ft#n#ral fivorlif «rt»#r#v*r Mnoam # It# #ff«*f*t« ar# In- ' deed wonderful In all lunc and tbmat j trouble*. Procure a bottle at Aleaander | T>ruf A Ved Co.. C R. Parr, of Belt Tow#r Dru| "few#. NEED NOT SERVE NEOROES. So Decided a Juaticc In the State of W lahlnrton. (Seattle Pnat-lniatllacncer.) I Jual'.ce of the Peace Frank P. Inner- J ' noil rtndrred a declalon In which be held that a proprietor of a realaunwi ■ cannot be compelled (o Mtvt • meal to a colored man. The decision.appl'ea. I also, to theatres, skating rinks, and i merry-go-rounds. The rase came before the Justice through tho refusal of a restaurant msn to serve a colored man a meal. 1 The colored man claimed that under j the laws of thla state, especial refer | cnee being trade to what la known as the civil rlghta statute, the reetaurnnt mnn was guilty of a misdemeanor If he refused to serve him. The Justice took the position that at common law and under the law with out statute. Inns and transportation companies are, by the class of business engaged In. quasi-public railings: and that Insofar as they are concerned ev ery clllaen has equal rights to enjoy the privileges they afford, upon pay ment o* the same rates. At the same time he holds that such place* as theatres, skating rinks, res taurants, and to CCD’ - go- W un ds ar" rec ognized by common law and under the lawa'V'* the state us private callings | and that persons conducting th"m. If not prohibited by statutory law. have 1 a rlrht to wait on and do bnnlncsti with, or to ratus* to wait on and do bue'nft* with, any person or persons according to their pleasure. The same la true of a shoe store or a dry goods store. The statute law of this state provides In Its Utlf.that it La an act to protect a u citizens In their civil rights, but simply prntnets a per ron In the rights he had before the passage of the ect. This bring the case, th.' eourt held that sine-' the restaurant business was on the same basis as a shoo store, thea ter. etc., es a private business the res taurant keeper could not be eompelled to serve persons with meals If he did not care to, any more than a proprie tor of a shoe store could be compelled to sell shoes if he did not so desire. Tho decision being against the state, It de volves upon the state to appeal, if ll believes that the law has been mis construed. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought AN foPEN LETTER •1 To MOTHERS. Mff JHuk: ftabft#»flp# ■ - fit YW* CWiMfM AT Yl fMfottY Hi I Twpww ft# «# ft## •»#** "VASefOWA.* A*t» •%. •* ffffYtltfl ft • J * 4Mk |M-‘H f I MAMC 4lllk I oh fftMuf* MTCHAR. «f %mk, littMrlkiWff, *%#• I*# (Mfitiif# 0 -C*SI ORl*,' lA# ift#» iMdl A## |am# md dm* #m# bt** m ***** |lc /|r < ilwt/r iijjMfi# qf Thti IS tbs |ft|iMl ’ CASTORI * ' stuck kss bets smi ift tbs boms* (?. f tbs Mfitkrr* of Amrtics fm sms thirty ysset, LOOK CAREFULLY st tbs wssfymr ssd ss§ tbsi it ts tbs ki*d #*V koto Missy* bcmfbi tm* 1 "* # skJ bs* tbs nyssturs sf C/mrtA: srsfh pss. No Aft# Aft* authority ftvm me ts uss my some sscsfi Tbs Crstsur Company, of mkuh Cbss. H. FkUhss ts hsmdesL Monk 24,1893 Jf / rf/ C t ■■€**o* t a Do Not Be Deceived. |Yh n«t IftiinntrT the life wf y»ur AhiUi h>* arcrptlng a t h< ,»p iilniitutc which muhc dniuftft nuy otter you ((•roiiia# He maWm a li t more jirnnw# on il). *he in* rmlirtiD of fthkh c%ti l he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BLAHm The SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind Tliat Never Failed You. -Oms WftWtWwW »»#*##* SO #wwwwa •••«(• WWW »>#ft o*oo READ KS3 i~h/Vr N />'N<A v—the— s AUG USTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Arrangement With the New York Journal and Published Simulta neously in The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News” "The War News Ahead of Other Papers in Georgia and South Carolina.” Best, Brightest, Cheapest Paper Pflislefl Ten_ Cents a Week Forty-Five Cents a Month $1.25 For Three Months $2.50 For Six Months . $5.00 a Year. ft is impossible for Herald solicitors to see personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below tor the time you want the paper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will b 9 sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ for which please send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. % i Name Street and Number Postoffice—— ' State >A ■- .. ... i_ ip CENTS MEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK Not Too Late to Buy a SUM HERS SUIT, • HiK th« >ftft*Ofi hi y*t to row*#. *fut uou #itt find many wtffit dftyi ftt W# Full whtn ft tuffiffftf't Swtt would not tie unrcmifortitbl#i Thor* ii onw fttftftl ailvftntAirw in tiitylnf ft •ult no# t you cm nrt a vary firm Suit too Ut* lift money eofn#ftTftei to wlmt Itft vwiu# #out# brio# At th# boglnning of tho aftor>» ftci(inon twftcl'KtMi economy• You *ava money by buylnii your clothing from ui> I. C. Levy*s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA • • • • OKOWOtA CAU. log AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY'S EXFOttl tU I.R Tea H.»i «m W. H. Lynch & Co., rVellcm Pine Builders’ Hardware ! Shingle*, WcodA Coal. Ktl fcIBIET. NFAR FLICTBIC BAIIWAY POWER HOUSE 111 AJ-Rwill 74. i l SVQVnS. M. Tivoli Brewery. PORTNER’SBEER FOR SALE EVERYWHERE Ilf AUGUSTA—ASK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent. 138—TWO TELEPHONES- 1.18 ■ FOR SALE gw I have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of tbo handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell same very cheap. Just the place for u handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1337 OREENE STREET. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILIaETT DRUG CO* CALL tog AUGUSTA BREWLNO COMPANY’S DM At OUT HLtk Tbft IM os Tb# Mark#!* Loors, sash, Blinds, Mculdings, Laths, FOB S.A.XjIL. The J. I. Scott place, three quarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price, $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate. 832 Broad Street. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY'. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 2lk. Summerville Plumbing Company yur-Plumbing, Sewering and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating £&*Estimates Given on Ail Kinds o' Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed.