The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 28, 1898, Image 8

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THURIOAV *. ftP## *#o# •Bd Nf*. Wf’f* DM pKpvwg tm i ft« *t iiM Imimnv Hockt 11H toon arrive MMMMPw>- ; * We're dnnmf out al Summer foods at prices lower than ever before known m this city. Come and see cm mm back. He ArrivH Here Frw ( saiy Grift* Tela;. nn«M M«r* Mm W«ai«* ttr ik» •Mood 0«or|l» Umiibm l ( tp( Aft Mt. of Co I. TSlrt U< i in tsgunmi. M*»o IroM art*'. VM MoroVc TM# *opi».n hM Vn »r «M*p tody • ■*•* *nd •* *»* h - f • Mtp'M lid ■ **»T 00 r ' ” tp# <*pl»iD * Mir flVtldO I# Ol ttiM Koto* *#•!» •“ tom (’sprain *1»V*«» •MB** here 10 vi •bn hl» rnrr*ll>M d*«*ch«n**t *l» *• •Sri red Nf* ■ ttm dnys **'> u towards ptlHI »oUt-n for lb* <**•>■ pmity. Hi nmirtiid In • «h,s tnorrln* thnl *, »»• •**•** th*' tiT kll KO W»|k* Si n.u.h MM'in to tin toll * ni * "’* husiltog Iff fMMilu. b"t l*> B thir r *l»* toio i foil of to*. l o * l know. Mr itprri* •" *' r * mp * mors Strut* Qatrait hr* bum. Is "tbo - ’ n*r*»*»t of tkf <»mp ali, > thi August* company In Hi# banner or*. *|h* rnrni tbttic to anybody onto* •irk miu < tb,y l*re« a M»»t* ' lf * m * % Semi C»nm*f, who iwlfreril » kH th* mlrr day fro* • nIWH nervous at om of (hr m«o in tt**' company. who Mmnl to Ukr tk« eoUntOMVt onih. onir to Cnptnla Itovmen »n*t ttkoi thnt i* be given nnotbtw trial Hr *»» •ad in now in tbo army •**'* tc * stay tbo Spaniards •• quick •» A* next man Cnpt Stevens wl J only remain he - e • day 01 two. then vtall notr* othr t.rors'a ritjr, in fart, several other er \v« |t,. ta on an enll*t.m"nt trip te l desires flftreo more men for the resl mrnt. leave Neat Week. Next week Cnpt. and hl» re cruiting aquad will hid Augusta •<»>**** nnl tnke up eamp life emee morn. They huj r to Carry bark a few more men. Crpt. Ren Id haa met with wonderful sui ree* In a recruiting way alttco bin •lay here. Cnpt. Thomaa’ Recruit*. Cnpt. Hailey Thomas has up to .ln.e Millitef about n iloien men for the en gineer eorpn. He wiM send ofT what ir.t n arc unlisted by next Monday. Sev eral are being examined today by Dr. Ford, the examining surgeon. About half the men so far enlisted have come faom points outside the city, mostly Carolina. When the captain gets the desired quota here hr will go to Athena. DiL HARRY (JOODRICH. Leaves Tomorrow For New York to Accept a Splendid Position Dr. Harry (loodrieh, who wna con nected with the city hospital here for seine time, will leave tomorrow morn ing fer Charleston, from which place he will go by steamer to New York, where he will locate. Dr. Goodrich has accepted a splendid position «vltb a large Insurance company In that city in the position of supreme examlne-r for the company. While Mr. Good rich'* many friends will regret to see him leave Augusta, they will cong"at ulate him on receiving the appoint ment. NO CIOARETTLS. nr. Harris Q’Antlgnac Suffered For Want of the Weed at Springfield The many friends of Mr. Harris D’Antignac will regret to learn that he has been suffering, while sojourning In Springfield. Mass. No; Mr. D'Antig tnac has not boen sick, but has been ex periencing the woes of a cigarette smoker in o town where the soothing <v.x><Lia not sold. A letter received by a frsTud of his in this city today wrought the request: “For God’s sake send me some cigarettes; there’s none in the town.” The friend in Augusta sent, on sev eral packs of cigarettes to Mr. D Antig oac by tbe first mail North. Wt Wwr No choln* W« Uov in Upon Martol* WlAft I ro* I rom » W# Hovo o Boon p#r*onol »n --tor##! In ovory 9uH wm Our •lock »* no* h*Aviijf et»w®nn uy enn iifftmaflii, rtor do *ah«» •" “••‘l*’ ! r«U WiWV criwlH. »ho &•* nMth Ihti roof irvownod i»v fhofimi «fho oocwrocf ifiofTk oi umi«r-g»fic«* for tho <iwif 0 poymonl of co*h. Thodocounio moon o ctoon oovino to you, 2ft nor com off oil M#n‘» ond Youth** roncy Coo*im#ro. Cho vtcK oms Worbioti Hull*. 20 nor coot off of Youth** Block ond B!u« Wor*t id Suit*. 28 por eont off oil Childron'* Knoo trouoor kulli oil *tylo* ond *iio*» 60 por cont off oil Mon**, Boy*' ond Childron'* Slrow Hot* now ffoods. ome a wna wAt • A Han* and tarry Maatiai la Mr. B»aa<> crr«<# * saw O—OWM*. A Madly feitii nd *«raa to witU* p ottif* n# * 4 *<*'■ *>' <1 * nib »T b wit n? |Mlf (1 HraM St re** b*i |'i«»ta» i'tii) Mi Bill jftfSStß 1B«4 #ft "fYlfbuil ibWt C sVfarlt. Tifr** iMsrt# ss4 ssfry tf*k *i| !lo Ms, C. I* Rf kfidi. Un* rtMUrw if. i 1 bt fblßi* iM VfMk'tf swt slß'Nllr t I itir (hr ror** r Broi4 m 4 RiiVl #tirbra iti44rtilf ills • »*•'*% Is tf* rss bb4 til (H#l up IlftMl t *tr«st Bt B Uf#lf tsrt Am th ,i r *u o ff «fc» km fkNt ta oar #t4** by the flyiitr Ivsliicto to front at ÜbyWlmi h , B vh«H of th# *urry ifcw Ib the «hf I of ft hussy ilaNlbi to fni.D* ft* 1 the* •Ir w* Th# ftrlt thins tint | the tuoftffsr iw*N lot ) «m WUh 'b dßiri* k *im One whorl of ths Is*i f k&oflff i good ways ost of th# l Vr )ilf|/», st tbe of Ninth street »b# b(*r«i stopped with s badly flren »* I j-hffj mtrry sitsthe<t to It. Broml ! r trees wm llnef) with people #t filial i {b,i Ctifitifti ronawsy. NEW PHYSICAL DIRECTOR. Slate Secretary Mc'iHl. of V. M. C. A Haa Decided as a Haft. "Who wIU be the new Y. M. C. A, physio l director?" The above qi.-ry t*i put to Secre tary Stallings of the Y. M. C. A. this morning by The Hermd. Btate fterrrtery MeGlll has picked out a man for tbe position was (ha infor mation granted. Who It Is the Y. M C. A. manage ment are not ready to atat.» at pres ent. The last phytsleal director was Mr. W. P. Tipton, who left here a month or so ago. The new director «v!’l hardly be here before fall. Ho will not be from Au gusta, to far oa can be learned. Mohrman’s corner for root or lease. Store 30x 100. Apply to J. H. Mohr man. MR. w ILLIAH L. PLATT. He Hakes a Change In Hla Business On August i. MrAV illiam U Platt, who for a number of years has been concocted with Fargo’s furniture store, has been elected manager of the Augusta House Furnishing company and will assume control August let. Mr. Platt l» a veteran furniture man and knows more about the business than any man In Augusta, having been in the business slneew' was nineteen ft ay old, and the Augusta Furniture company is to be eongratplated on se curing his efficient services. We Have Made War And slaughtered nrires mi Trunks. Trunks made by expert Trunk-makers. Sold at Manufacturers’ prtess. Trunk Factory, St:t Broad. Belt ’Phone 2181. enToyinq barbecue. A Delightful Spreed at the Plat* This Afternoon. Tbo active and passive members of the Schuetzen Platz are having a de lightful time at the Plat* this after noon. Tho members are partaking of nil kinds of barbecue, cooked to the qu&on’s taete. The dinner was served from 2 to 8 o’clock. The committee in charge of the barbecue were: John B. Tischer, O. W. Marshall, D. Sanckan, Henry Sanckcn. H. J. Mackwalter, L Markwalter and Fred Gerhken. ATTEND WHITE’S Great Friday Bargain Sale tomorrow. Coast Defense Guns. Four large disappearing guns for coast defense passed through the city last afternoon hound to Port Royal. Tbo guns are of the latest pattern of coast defense cannotn. THJD ADOUBTA HUBALD. 1(0.. IMM I. MS. ftv fkyvMMk Ht d Ip*, «f IV I nil ftrt ink* Tnmih. 'M« **• Ntow* WM MM Ysto * th* PSMh**## 4 * [ Cisi TIN I #srsi W- fsNh# H- INI I hi * SSHBMWPI ## 1 ■ f shih 9m fthMh*##*** ®h*h •* | ilbjn# Pm#* •'*H s*f ## h### t»mm I WiIiIMHP'MI- HA* Um ******** I m tanhirr-r it iiwnnhi IM s»**• I ho* hMPS Ml € MVh ft*** is Mbs j 1 >ji siim MSf si #4 Ms»* W* «#s#' L*. s mJf I ' S II isk*r> 11* WNe ■ [ pi* # ♦ *A Ims fprysMiilsi is tiwlssM *t ss4 mw**4 fsr tvi’R#«# N» ssi I I iStSI t ’IKS' •■irTtf *s4 )r SPftt S# :in kmpm** IVt | MMN* IS S Sys4#NM# , r 4 Sftl raifti as# sss ss# *4 IS# J ’ • I inf ailrt is# ia#svsv* MSI St H* j !*Ss irs *«m| stssssl #s IS# H*l! : I tkt rurtiSTt s« til slf fC#f*S Cm- ; ■ ! .11** M* Mont I*l •> »4»tot I* japtototof tad* «*4 »**. «n «*ali4 m *«»• Mtm H* <Ms ss'sssl MMNNSMMW s# *Sr T##iisf ! f#iSlSß#Sl *t #S#Sl#y 4JS N#ft#^lsS## |ys ystt s« SNui ftWSn#tM f*f* imp* I I tSSI. «•*# SNn qi m»hi*#4 trt i rcyiSfi# y ' mi S«s f»s~si#s* s#4 »ls#S tSst *!•# Si ; bm* Ml tSst fmslllrs CSV I S*# I I mmt **4 s*#s m *** *mk l set S# bmrm j M tmisf I TS# *rm «»«jr r Sr IS# T*ft-I #lfl 1 m MftSf Miles pt ll« ir* tar (tiv SI « *»!» t'w ■ TkftllM* W inftN m*p tars Is' MortS Cftfftta, ••* ft|MM#l frns f NotiS Csroftss t*4m »# IS# I'kilH | ■ SKMMcs Mtltsr 9 P#qftß#sN#r i. j tm. irftlMNl Iss# H. liTf: mm»l |l»«f##isat Trsifc I? t rsrslry. |us# 11, ItTJ; ft rtf ISsirssst NrcrsftS*# f«,j tlTf Mt#9 pn»iii«S» H Qrn I h r*r-1 air- Or.stow l. I*»7. to IVeembrr 1.1 DON’T FORGET ' White’s *reat Frldny Bar gain Sale tomorrow. Spe* cial reductions in every de partment NO NEWS OF PNIBONS. Th# so«itH*r« biftrtM People Have Nat If ear d ol Their Arrival. Tea days ig> the South- rn Kif*re**| cc-spMfty Cl tbi# pise# tamed I(km#| !several carrier oiseosa with mr«assi*ai 1 attached to them. The p'.yr. n# had | I M j bmisht fre ts HrtdiipDrt, (Nina . [ and U was eiprrtrrt that within three i dsyt thf I *' would lie beard from st the, Strive place. Nothing has yet been h ard and It is supposed that stoimy weather has | delayed the flight of these birds of pAessge. ATTEND WHITE’S Imitation cut glassware sale tomorrow. Every thing displayed on center counter and the prices are less than half wVial others ask. QUICK WORK. Done By Capt. Stephen'# Recruiting Squad Today. The recruiting squad of Company K. Second Georgia, have done some (all hustling today in the way of recruit ing. They had up to two this afternoon 6 men examined b-; the surgeon and by tonight thcie will be 12 recruits ready to leave on the Georgia night train for Griffin. This is a splendid day’s work for the recruiters. Captatn Ste phens complimented them very high ly. 3 7-8 c PER YARD For your choice of our en tire stock of Scotch Lap pats, Corded Lawns and imitation French Organ dies that were 1 5 and 20c first of the season. J. B. WHITE & CO HON. JOHN T. WEST. How He Took Care of the Newspaper Boys. A mighty pleasant, genial and whole souled gentleman and host is the Into opponent of our present representative in Congress, Hon. John T. West, of Thomson. , On the deension of the rally yes’er day Mr. West looked out for the com fort of tho newspaper representative's and after the meeting insisted on tak ing them to his home for dinner. Aft t, dinner his team was hitched up and a drive taken into the country to inspect his orchard and watermelons. After gorging on the fruit the reporters were loaded down with peaches, etc., to bring back to town. Mr. West presided at the political meeting, his' Introduc tions being particularly apt and Unfit ly. ' IMITATION CUT GLASS Jelly Dishes, worth 20 and 25 cents, ’for 5 cents at J. B. WHITE’S. m» v m n*r* t«*»*». j tto Rtotoiw *)M>i iNaaMt to ***** tog t M*** * jfc ,- ( f 4, * || pfp *g #*k *1 * t I V : * iSpuftf as « «v-.H*a#*s *a# 4p*s##* I 4 «.* -mt* *iwM* #ft» S #MVS'’*# *to * #** fm»■ >: sis m-ff-4 « I*l# figr# #S«# ms u+mA *m ilmi I#-# lass I#*# ft M# I [**# htpH IS •%##» S ll#* MM 9m I t#NS ssml 0# sro# tUftid mm 1 4 at #4 Ml f (itftli) lifts Mill# ##4 U ti v# Y*** Kkoi iM mpmr*n «it#Mftl • I Mo* of in 40 #s#M fvfifv*!# ill so 4 |is fa qfooasti«o I*IIII,4OWAL. Csoii(*l so 4 Ow4ot si Voos THvoMs l#| OdS’MvtSO (##. Mr sn4 Mi*» WH«M jorCOFt# l # ass* M n !#y Aoosfti 1* Me. !*#« l # # v' Is srco4,st • J |4s.ys lo MUm*livlll#. 0- C t sit By frt* ||r«. Ka I Ro(ftHitS9 bb4 rßU4r#s SP%ll {f|Vf ft#l( V*fll wf S #Hllt 1(1 iff** *<r Has* N r f MLftttr lAftii sfrl Miss Msad# Van ff ft vnlui with frlsftMs. Mr. (*hsrl«s K*l**li4ut Is o sr rf Mr. si>4 Mrs. M#IIMoL Cspt. W. A. With st. b <##ll koosro •M popular rifae* of W«;*Htok«Wl. Hat r#!«rn#4 tm s trip to Sop* Sco* 1 Th# sttiy friftßds of Mrs. W, K. N# mm »U 1 r#gr#t to teora that #h# Is quite tick at her borne on tbe Mtlktlge vi!!# road. Jodi# Calisa** todsy r#sppolßt#d Mr. W. A. lottlmfr mm Miry Both well in th# pitta of Mr. Owp* K Lombard Mr, J. A. Con#. <vho hss brwi la th# hsrbpr Voslobbs h«r#. will shortly lisvt ,fcr Amcrlrw# to opt a up s ton sorlat parlor. Th? r'annli broke up the klneto empe exhibition at lAke View last night Tha vlrwe will be shown again tomorrow evening. Mr. R. W. Hudson, a popular young telcgrgph operator, ha* returned to the , city, after an enjoyed vlalt to hia old home In Apex. N. C. Mr. John Sledge nnd Mr. Frank | North, wbo have been guoeta at tbe | house party of Miss Courtney «t Sene- | ca. S. C., returned home last after- ! non. To Mr. John D. Hahn should be . awarded lhe palm of aervlng the m-st j delicious Ice cream in the city and it i i* only five cents a saucer. Try his cof fee ream. Miss Sallle Black, a charming young j Savannahlan, Is the guest of Miss Julia Mulhrrin. Miss Black la the sister of Slater Scholastics, the Superior of the: Sacred Heart convent. Miss Madge Houston, the fascinating little dr.tighter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Too nnnt Houston, accompanied by her brother. Mast r Tennant Houston, re turned this afternoon from Waynes boro.’where the” have been spending some time with their grandmother. IMITATION CUT CLASS Jelly Dishes, worth 20 and 25c., for 5 cents at J. B. WHITE’S. Hung Out Their Sign Georgia and Carolina Co. That Is the sign that now hangs in front of the Broad street office of the Inman Compress company. ■. This com pany was founded some time since, but only today was the sign put up. ■ They will conduct the business of compress ing cotton into tbo round bale. 75c EACH For the celebrated $1.25 Fowler Negligee Shirts to morrow only. J. B. WHITE & CO. To LJ'cenm Alembeps. Mi. Williaaj C. Janps. president of lhe Augusta lyeeum, desires that all • old lyceum mem bars who will continue nu mbers will send in their names by Augusta first, as after Itcn the list will be opened to the and the requisite number will be rapidly fiU °d. . . lOOKYS MIRHIS. IVI*! di***** ) l*f rm* ir I (MUM L*tto t **• fnt*U i Pw**%*4 N*to* L*M*f *t Y«***a *** H ••*#••»# **• (*to*to. I#®*- i*r##*#t’**<* ** .• . * m** At rit 0«N! M*Y .* •* •• **“ * «to * %f to# D#c. tftd J#i» .. re •• tm jirOl'BTA COTTOV. MM4Hr|r « •• 1-1« »#!#» PORT BBTRIPW, rtatmtMi . •• •• —— •“ Mpw Ort«*ar# .. .. « tU M*-btt# ~“ HavYinnih 4 .. .. •- • Nwrfulk 1* I?*^ IWwfon 40 W IMITATION CUT CLASS Berry Bowls, worth 50c the world over, for lOr at J. B WHITE’S. SMASHED THE BIKE. fir. Theo Richards In a Collision Last Afternoon. Mr. Thoo Richards htul quite a nar row escape from injury last afternoon. He was riding along on his wheel at a pretty fair clip on the upper port of ‘Broad street, when he collided with a i wagon coming In an opposite direction. He was threwn from hia wheel amt tho ■latter pretty badly smashed up. as ’he horse, hitched to the vehicle proceed ed to tangle its logs up with th? spokes of the hike and In rearing up threw the wheel about ten feet In lhe air. The machine Is a wreck. Mr. Richards was not hurt. IMITATION CUT CLASS Jelly Dishes, worth 20 and 25c., for 5 cents at J. B. WHITE’S Works of Art. J. B. White & Co. hav% on exhibi tion in their windows gome Italian marble pedestals and uins which were imported from Italy. They are very beautiful Indeed and are attracting a great deal of attention. Don’t fail to see them. IMITATION CUT CLASS Berry Bowls, worth 50c the world over, for lOc at J. B. WHITE’S. Mrs. Mary Easterling Dead. Mrs.” Mary Easterling, an inmate of tbe Richmond county home, who died Tuesday night, was buried yesterday from the cemeteiy chapel. IMITATION CUT CLASS Berry Bowls, worth 50c the world over, for 1 Oc at J. B WHITE’S. The worst whipping a bully ever gets is from some man who doesn't want to fight. Doors. Sash. Blinds. Lumber. and all kinds of Ornamental Woodwork i\iit|u.sluSnm()i»r^i tIY CHICKEN Hill:! , VMM to rnuto**a Dm C«w* mMI flilpt* tut* Mtaa*to| CMth***. am Ms B tffnvk Mtd iw w iiiii'f rrntaTpWce f I s'hr i hl< k.-n», rnhWa hf DON’T FORGET White’s great Friday Bar gain Sale tomorrow. Spe cial reductions in every de partment. BURGLARS AROUND. Citizen* Have an Fxcltlng Experience During the Mght. The neighbors in tbe vicinity of up j per R, vnolda at reel had quits a i.ttlo .grltcment at an early hour thia | m ming .the nenaion being an at !ir tripe,l burglary at the realisaca of j Mr*. Dan Crourb. A lady living next i door to Mr*. Crouch *>» awak med at about 1:30 by hearing a uo'se Juat out side her window and rlatng to Iqveati- I gme the rauee discover ed a mitn on I Mrs. Crmich'a kitchen ast -mping to j affect an entrance to the house through ! the window. She at once gave the 'alarm and the neighbor* turned cut tn i full force with various weapons to aid i in the capture of the would be burglar. ' who was nowhere to be found. * ATTEND WHITE’S Imitation cut glassware sale tomorrow. Every thing displayed on center counter and the prices are less than half what others ask. /Tarried Last Evening An InterestT.g event ivtiii-h occurred last evening at St. Foul's, parsonage was the marriage of Mias Mamie An deisnn to Mr. A. F. Cummings. Rev. Dr. C. C. Williams officiating. A reception will be tendered to the happy couple August 3 ot the resid ence of the bride's mother. Mrs. M. K. Anderson, No. 517 Cumming street, to which all their friends are cordially In vited. 3 7-8 c PER YARD For your choice of our en tire stock of Scotch Lap pets, Corded Lawns and imitation French Organ dies that were I 5 and 20c first of the season. J. B. WHITE & CO Death of Mrs. Finch. Mrs. M. G. Finch, a most estimable lady, living at No. 620 Moore avenue, at noon today, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Finch leaves two sons—Mr. J. H. Finch, of the Postal Telegraph company, and Mr. William iFinch, of the Augusta Brewing c-mpa | iv' —to mo-urn the loss of a fond and 1 devoted mother. | The funeral announcement v'ili. be [made later. JVJBV ft io mmi fiM. Ik* ftiftTfrifryil r*tttifi*t t* to lUM tiff* It / into. Wo Opp—WHß and W<m Marti la* tat## Is Uni * Ms C MraiT CMfeftO. wW# t# ti# Pm* y tit# itoafto 4mh rirt t^aaftwaSlfeHa* ATTEND WHITE’S Imitation cut glassware sale tomorrow. Every thing displayed on center counter and the prices are less that half what others ask. MEET IN MILLEDOEVILLE. MclHodi*.* ol Augusta Confer**** to Hoi* Session There. Th - regular session of th, Augusta MUrict « of rtar* ot th, Methodist jwtll be t :<1 ta MiN*4gcvtl.* ca Aug ; url 3rd to 7th. A rat* of four rents per mile •tiii he given oa th* raftren* front 'h r* to that place. All th* Method.rt imiaiatrrs of th, city will be tn attend core at tbo rnnfrrenc*. The dr legal, a from the Augusta churchea will he m [ I j-lovi: | St John*# church: R. H Brown, L. !s Arrington and Dr. La, Henry, j Bt, James church: J. E Barton. L F Verdery and T. O. Brown A,bury church: B. P Retd. O. W. jllcath and W W Benacn. Altrrnaufc W. H. Young and Albert Tanncv. ATTEND WHITE’S Great Friday Bargain Sale tomorrow* „ SHOT THE DEfHJTY. .A Surpriae For the Deputy of Sum merville. j Inquiries having been made aa to the | results cf the affair. It can be said [that Deputy Marshall Jeff Green waa not hurt by Mr. Johnaon’a fire the oth er night. I It seem* that the deputy hod been | Investigating In Mr. Johnson'a yard, having dieard noises that Indicate t that (that gentleman's property waa being j tampered with by someone. Th ' i ffleer I m nt away, but returned later. He car ries a dark lantern. The owner of tha premises detected someone prowling about on his place and opened fire with blrdshot. He struck the officer slightly |in the face, and peppered all c.round him, but did no damage. ~17.d at rest. _____ The Funeral of Air. Jesse Carpenter This Afternoon. Tho funeral of Mr. Jesse Carpenter ottirs at four o’clock this afternoon, frem Asbury Methcdlst chuTch. of which he was a member, and will be attended by many Borrowing friends. The pail heaters were selected from tha Orld Fellcwa and Woodmen of the World lodges, and the Enterprise baud, of which he was a member. A large delegation from each will follow the remains to their last restins place. 75c EACH For the celebrated $1.25 Fowler Negligee Shirts to morrow only. J. B. WHITE & CO. An Infant’s Death. The sympathy of many friends is ex tended to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ben nett on the deat hes their Infant son, Bi'ijamln. The funeral occurs at five o'clock this afternoon from the resid ence. Notice. THERE WILD BE A MEETING OF the North Augusta Development Company, held io North Augusta, S. C., at 11 a. m. on MONDAY, August the eighth for the purpose of amend ing the by-laws. W. p. GARDNER. Secretary. Augusta, Ga., July 28, IS9B.