The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 29, 1898, Image 1

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TttJg * ** AUGUSTA uiiia 0 MtlMtJt, •AVISOS SAMS *»• *4* A******* rmf 9 nwUTt*# I* »**M , fir ,-fr-t jhiltt topilMA ABSOLUTE SURRENDER OF PORTO RICO DEMANDED. Recognition of the Independence of Cuba; Cession of One of the Ladrones; the Philippines Left to a Joint Commission. One of the Most Important Cabinet Meeting* in the History of the Republic Now In Session—The Future of the Philippines Is the Stumbling Block Upon Which the Ministers Havo Not Agreed. The Answer to Spain May be Made Today. igt*# P C« Itiif 39 «■*- I •iw tt#***# <f eject's*# *•# **#«#># tw# iiiwi, j <#4119. H* *#s*• Ikt itinft tit fmefvct# cl are fa** MKMit ##4 til.lake tkt Pli tJcat I# itke. 16 be thi UtlSiWitMl ll;#4 Ae Hr |J#f tNifttai Ike Wbttn ■faHHHI fc# mi 4 * j feto .t w!’| tie #l lit - * t# f||»s n tf»4ay ** AH »*»•*#*'• •#•*# wrr e<) atrea. Mr. Orict*' IMM aat Matflac vTotrtilß at Nr raiwH th* WALK Hom. Al|if »*» th* tail to arrive Srnatr r Tlawra. atm rail -d on tin ptanlflrßA atH>‘ Im atu »#k Owflij Unjr Jaal before th* rmhnet a* id that tba I'll :;n>!a t Matter ba Ml cipra far futnre ONMMaratlna. I*4 <hat the tiljr (natiiae trrai ang *m)'U nrouid tr the of Ctit*a and Porto Kirn and coal In* atattona to Use lodronr* aad Caroline La lan da. Ita Ornrral Term*. Tfc* an*a rr. aa tnadr *p for *jh-1 to the cabinet, mak • the W (raring grn»-' *1 terna at our condition* of paaea: Tbs* ahasilnte teuton of the laiaad of Pirro Rico; tbe rel'Bqttiah the eeaaion of aetrera! ansa 11 inland* ad - Jarent to Cuba and Porto Rico to tbe Piti ed States; leasing the diap-eition of tbe Fhillppiaea and other talanda Its that Quarter aubjeet to future nego tiai id* Tbe present aim. tt la fur ther uta'ed, la to establish and main tain a coaling station In the Philip pines. with fully adequate land area, ale., in connection therewith, aad to build up there an American city pos sibly at Manila Itself. Important Event. Interest was focus- 1 tbit morning in the cabinet meeting. It was the general exportation that the remits of this meeting of the eablnet w mid prove to be the moat important that has been held, not only during the prrsenr. but during many ad m.nlstrationa. Open the nature of the answer to tbe Spanish over turn* for peree would depend the whole future policy Of (he United Stairs, for It would deter mine whether the nation should new ember.' upon a policy cf world wide expansion, or shall more raut'ousie con: nt itself with expelling tbe Span ish flag from the western homisohec'. while, at the same time, providing what may be r.n ample guarantee for the ex tension of our trade in tbe east. What It All Means. All this means. In substance, that, In the best judgm-mt of close observ ers here. the one critical point is the future cf vlte iTilippin.s. As near as can pe AEjertalaed from personal in- j qtilly, a "clear majority of the '-abinet j if disposed Jo be lontent with the re-! qtiirement of a coaling station in the Philippines, allowing Spa n to retain the remainder of the group. Howev er, it may he stat’d that within tho last twenty-four hours tho president has confined bis ' confidences closely to the secretary of state, so that the, remaining members of the cabinet en tered the While House today with their minds in a receptive condition as toj cny arguments that might be presented upon this important proposition. An Important Conference. In connection with the peace nego tiations. some s gnlficancc is attached to the fact that ihe members of the war hoard conferred with Mr. Long in his office Just before that official left for the cabinet meeting. Whtle these conferences are frequent there is a dis position to regard this particular one as having bearing on the present ne gotiations, as Capl. Mahan and the other naval strategists composing this board-will be able to give valuable ad vice on the strategic value and neces sity of coaling stations In the Philip pines, Ladrones and other points on the highway to the Orient. Secretary Day has a edear idea now as to what he desires and when he ief the stats department today for the White House, had his views outlined and ready for submission to the cabi net in documentary form. It may be that the secretary’s presentation of the case will fce so cleat* and conclusive HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. t*a cewf* a sw THE AUGUSTA HERALD. % m »*»r ' n. 4 ♦ Bur*# j * lypfe In t.i|ir I*■ ’ Ao* {** ‘ Jills’ MM# III# I# flfisl #1 UoU #Kmii ikt osljr «**tr#ftfct l><* £ * * * # M . n Aj, mil Am 'm # rt«i t r*s|wlrt , #ir#l 0! 4l|ilc»®i*l** |er«rs«t? ib4 10 fall I# ihii ipf**r**tty 1 ffistil m||i* «r ol9 ld Is* 10 B<!tf A f*** |n». nstramf th*? mltht wd la a tvrioa# I lattrrfpdon of To Be Handed Him. | It I. *a.d tbe wreeranrent’a will be hinder M Oaokbaa. wfcenre it ftM» fail Iv b# ta/erred ibat *®* t me»mMr Is to rail *n person for S«H ihe White Howee «« •**»*?! !*# he s not!- , . . 1 _ r 1. read* Id the ** cut I cf '• < being tent to him er handed to jh m u will be ta the naiur >of a . flna I'y. and there will be nothing re malninx for the atnbttMMtdor to do hot to forward tht runmumcatlon to Ma !drid. If. on tbe other band, be la Ib vnad to the White Houae to receive the c mmuniration. H opens up the poaai * blllty of a ro-tferenre between th«| 1 president and the «raleii»4i r, which I may carry forward th“ aubjeet far be yond th" point specified In the ansaee. jof tbe I'nited Statra gove.nm* nl. The! protable action of the government will | be restricted simply tc hand'ug the nn .ever to the ambassador, after which, i 'withrm furth'T dDooeslon. elaboration! ■ or explanation. It will be for Spain to I * make th« next move. tip to today.! tbe Spanish government has given no. intimation whatever as to Its attitude or purposes beyond the original propo-1 sitinn submitted last Tuesday, though! many public men say the adminlstra i lion fully expect peace to result from , the answer. Decisions Arrived At. * Later The cabinet has reached the | following dec’aicns: The absolute sur- I render of Porto Rico to th*' I'nitod jStatcx; Ihe rccognlticn of the indepen | deuce of Cuba; tbe cession cf one fcf the Ladrone islands to the United | 1 States as a coaling station; and thei crssiou to tbe United States of at I asi i n coaling station in the Philippines, i I The question undecided is, What dis- j I position will be made of the Philippine; Islands as a whole? It can be slated ! j that there is practical! : no difference J I of opinion in the cabinet on the ques tion of the retention of the Philippines as a whole, all the members being op ! pored 10 the acquisition of these Is-j ! lands. Th're has been no'decision, i however, as yet, on the extern to which the government will go in its decision respecting the future of the** Islands, | but It is probable Uir answer of the president will exnross the willingness of this government ta leave the matter of the future government of the Phil ippines entirely in the hands of a Joint commission to be appointed by this government and the government of Spain. The probability Is that tho United States ill insist upon the guar antee rs certain reforms in the gov ernment cf the Philippines. The cabinet adjourned at 1:30< to meet again at 3:30. Our anser will ma'te no menjion cf a money Indemnity. Neither will there be any armistice at all. The an swer will be in the nature of an ulti ma aim slid If Spain <lc»s not accept, ft will fare the worse in tho future. ! The note from Spain, it is said, was a i very adroit and equivocal • document, j fr. :n the reading of which one would think that the only question in clued was Cuba. Apparently Spain might not havo intended getting a direct ar-'-Wcr from the United States, but. on ly :o open diplomatic correspondence. This government will not have any such correspondence, but will make a straightforward- statement of its pres- ? •*«1 k R t* ttw* « t ifc«* I'alt* • - ■ f#i# 1*- ini tht 1 1 h**f<• *h* A r** a** atr* TMli V.DHK.nAN cam:. The .‘supreme Court Reverses the D. t ialuii of Court Below. ; The f* (lowing d rta<rn baa been tea- Rvforu Judge Calloway. Kebmood UUth. J. S < 1 Urn 4639 at the rluil j lW b anplkra earluaiveiy to rltrll raarx, ! and lh<*ref* rr tbe provision thvein which d.rlarta that the party anviyieg 1 frr •hp Mile of mt mari "shall iiv*i [bond and guod •eeurllv. rood timed to tmif tfit* a ]«f r< narty in tb# t*<im** j|u* irv mu*l ronciminatton tnoory" ia not j munit ipat ernrt rs a eljiailoo of • fitly ordinance ta seeking to obtAtn a Judgment reversed. All roncurr j mp. I*. J. Sullivan for the plaintiff in rr | ror. M. P. Carroll and Wm. H. Barrett t centra. , The sbr* l * case. It will be remem i bored, i. ncernr f the question whether < Mr. Mohrman had his bar exposed af [tef business hours as the law required, i Tbe case was taken to the superior | court of this county and he was found j guilty. On a writ < f cert r rari the j case *».ent to the supreme court and I the judgment, as told above, was re- I versed. There were grve-al cases cf like na ture which engaged the authorities’ at trntloo at the same time this case came up. MIDNIGHT INTRUDRR. A Burglar Entered the Home of Mrs. Mulligan Last Night. The rcsid.-*nce cf Mrs. Ellen Mulll- I gan, on Campbell street, was entered Iby a burglar last night. However ncU ng was taken and tbs only harm [dene was the- frightening of two young ladies In the house. ‘‘The turrglar, who was a negro man. inter; ' ;bv house late in tbe night and went into ti*.' sleeping apartment of the i yotvnfe lad:?.*. In hunting around the j rocni for what he might take away, the midnight Intruder stumbled against the bed ! n whieh the young la dies were sle wing, and aroused thorn. They scieamoT and frightened the man ofT, who escaped through a win dow. He c.»caped In tho darkness. DIDN’T ARRIVE. Col. Thadeous Jones Will Probably Get at 4:20 This Afternoon. Colonel Thaddeus Jones, who e/as expected ho*.e this morning 10 take Charge cf (he Tenth regiment, did hot arrive. He was to have gotten here on ihe Southern train at 7:35, and the officers at Che camp were ready to give him a right royal welcome, but the train came in without any Colonel Jr.nefl on board. He is expected on the 4:20 o'clock train this afternoon. Festival and'Concert. The Christian Union Mission will give a festival and concert cn ‘ the green between Lincoln end Houston streets, on Greene, this evening, com mencing at eight o'clock. Quite 11 pleasant affair it will do doubt yrovef to be. 1 he Gresharo. Montreal, Canada, July 29.—The Uni ted Stal. h revenue cutter Gresha—. has been raised and. put together end will leave for Boston as?‘soon as she gets cogl and supplies. At <H ,»l 4 04 IM l!ll «■ flst ft tiv M«i iwtiiiliMl run Autntc Hi* Kih !•«». Mfc 111* UlrgvaA I’UtH t iSI Artr»t TIU V (trt*•••. Aim *« cbwr««i nub In* i>M«m t *!•«*« M Ik* TTaI A A*nam who s# ot.mwl of w 4.»« igIHHNMaa a#4 •#•*«# lati#t# IMVipi | in <9mHN larva Hi fca# | j af *mt*vl ID lb* ANT- A**! ;i#f wclil mmum !*vap .fa ? HM* l >IM of UDRD AMD *4 Dhtrh IdUdA. j . lADßottur Bttry of vbv l’bi»*d «•*•« tVpDMAWDt, SM * «t Mr 1 | Mtiehal! Vt t Htl*. tlb of*-rovvoo . snvotrd Mrs K*t . UkssA. of vtmo AO. I iftifv a rt v4ual wi 11 >4 ts urwiik* to jus* j Per * noting letter*. 1 *r*bc Herabt iiwrn* that for a yaar or : m** Hr. H II- MIHMM'i tbv W«VP t B , f „. rtfrt ptrnt of un* «nid aad ob ! oThe/ritTsPO. cf Augusta have al»> Hf thr aame the f*ort to lajure I 'nod defame Dr. Raima in the eat m» jtkm of th* community and in hi* pr*< -] tite •* • pby*K*t»n lk»*e«» of tbe*« : missive* havo boon sent lb* • Augßrta post office, all «<f out tiRM' and aim to injur* Dr. Tbe 1 ph *ielan. so tt la underate d. bvrre tt ! us i ng a* he poasibly rootd and then employed ihe aorvkes of a detertivo. i Aft*r a long trial and mcnih* of futife effort, the search wns drooped aon tho detecting retired, admitting that be was 1 baffled. Mr. Barry Take* It Up Besidre the mental werriment and care, the money expended by tho* doc tor m hi* effort* to tm* hi* unknown I enemy has reached a very large sum. 'Still the filthy and unsigned epistles 1 continued to he received by the physt ftian, and frequently he has learned ! that various of hi* friend* and ac , oua.nianees were receiving letters ro ' fieri ing in horrible insinuation* and ' direct glatemenia on hi* character. Als ut a couple of months ago !n --! spector Barry arrived in Augusta and after looking ever the ground went to work upon Ihe ease. Many Were the plans resorted to. many the schemes tried, and the result was naught. A short lime ago a clue wa* dlaoov ered which led to important results, and within a day or two evidence was secured which. >n the opinion of the inspeclor, was sutcfflent to warrant the arrest Postmaster Stallings had taken a 1 deep interest in the ease from the very | first day that he became postmaster, and It Is said that bis advice in thft[ mapping out of the plans to b n follow ed. and other assistance, were of great value and benefit to the inspector. What the Law Is. The law on the subject Is to the effect that whoever knowingly deposits or causes to be deposited in the mails a letter of an obscene or lewd charae-1 ] ter shnll be fined not mere than five | i thousand dollars or seat to the peni ientiary gt hard labor for not more than'fb/e years, or bolh. In the (jmcre tlon cf the judge. This is the pun ishment for each letter and It is under stood that the postofflcff authorities have evidence that Mrs. Gleason has j lately deposiud some seven or eight of the letters. Upon conviction, therefore, for this number of letters, it can be seen that her penally will be severe. Mrs. Glea son v as arrested and to the fed eral building this afternoon about 3 o’clock. , The preliminary occurs at; 4:30 Mon day afternoon . Bond has been fixed in SSOO. a A Short Sessjon. The session of recorder’s court today was njost brief. The fines there were few and small. Carrie Ward and Lucy Childs, two cof ored part!.:*, paid $1.50 apiece for a brcjich of the. eighteenth, and Hud OJera’tnt 11s for a like offense paid a like fine. Three eases.were dismissed. Aged Colored filan Dead. H :iry Toy, colored, an octogenarian, living at Whiles* station, di-sd yester day of old age. Toy was the father of | Gaz and Elias Toy, well known colored citizens of Augusta, and was well known and highly , respected in ihe community in tehlch he lived. THE PORT OF PONCE HIS CAPITULATED. Grand and Glorious Report Received From Gen. Miles This Afternoon--A Small Skirmish and a Gladdening Victory. The CApitulatlon Followed Yesterday—Royal Welcome Given the Americans. Our Soldiers Being Received With Ihe Createst Enthusiasm —The Means of Communication With Miles Poor. The Last of Brooke’s Expedition Gets Away. lit TfcotßA*. Jatr 29 TV part of Nsk* Island of fVirto Rfoo. *atr» *4rr*d to t'omataadar Thtlklf tba aattUary gunboat Dl*l* cm tA’rda<*day TUtt waa so tw itsstf and tbe Amvrteant acie.«»lw mvd wab tt thi oiasnt The rapitulntion of hare took place Thursday iftrrtmg. w »»bington. Jniy » —The following from Mtlra la Just rwrttrd. Port of l'< nr* »ta Si. Thomas July 19. i —iio a. at.—"On the Jgth tbe gaiisoa had a spirt ted engagement tm the skirmish tlaa Our raaimltiea were four wounded, alt of wturm are doing well The Spanish lons was three killed and thirteen wounds*. Pom* was orew pird yrni-'rday. Hrnry’a division la (here today. Last evening Commander Davie, of th® Vixen, moved into port, followed by Capt. Illgginson with hie fleet early tht* OMralng. Urn Wilson and Urn*t’» hrtgadaa are now rap idly db-en harking. * "The Spanish troopa are retreating from tlis sonthern part of Porto Rico. Poare and the port, having a population of .Vi.oini are under the Amenrau flag. The populace received Ihe troopa aad saluted Ui# flag ntth I wild enthusiasm. “The navy has several prtira— all told arventy lighter*. The railway stock la partly dastroyed. The teln grahptr rommunlration t* also being restored. The cable Instrument* acre destroyed. I have sent to Jamaica for “This is a prosperous and breutifui country. The army wilt so n go n the mountain regions. Thr weather I 1* delightful. Tb troopa arc l 0 the best of health and gptrlt*. Wc anticipate no Insnrmountnble difficulty In the future result*. Thu* far our object* hnve been accomplished without the loss of a tingle life. In th* affair j n f vhe 2fitti. Capt. E. J. Otbann waa wrunded in the left hip; Capt. J. A. Prior, slight wfmofl In hand; Private James Drum me id. two wound* In neck, and Private Benjamin Ikialick. a alight wound* In the Wi arm. They are all of the Strth Massachusetts. All arc doing well. The H|.anl*h retreat from this pla ** waa precipitous, they ! leaving their rifle* and ammunition In Ihe barrack* and forty or fifty a.ek In the hospital. The people are enjoy- I ing a holiday In honor of our arrival. Washington. July 2S. —The change of Ihe hate of operation* for th* Porte R’eo expedition haa resulted In complete rearrangements of the plans of the signal service for the campaign. There will be no cable connec tion* made with our army at Ouanle.i as would have beer the ceo* 1 ' had th * original landing place beew taken. J The war balloon*, Instead nf being expedited, will be held at Tampa, pending further developments. All effort* to ! establish a cable cervine are abandoned a* the nearcat point at which a niw spur could touch an existing cable la said to be San Domingo. 100 mile awa”. In the meantime the army now eomewhere between Yauco and Ponce, larks the advantages of direct and immediate rommunlration with Wafhlogtrn. Newport News, Va., July 29. The St Paul sailed early this morning, being the Inst of tien. Brooke’s ex pedition to get away. MANILA NAS SURRENDERED A Madrid Telegram (o Paris Says So. W ashington Has Not Received Official hews. Washington, D. C., July 29. The war department would not be surpris ed If Manila has surrendered to Dew ley, but has no such information. Mad rid’s report of the Manila surrender, it , IS believed, may be due to tbe knowl- | edge that Spain has authorized Augus ts to yield up the city. Paris, Prance, July 29.—A Paris tele gram from Madrid to the European edition of The New York Herald says a cable dispatch Is received at the Spanish capital announcing the surren der of Manila to Dewey. Washington, D. 0., July 29. The iv a f department officials are inclined 'to bejleve the report that Manila boa ; surrendered, but they look definite ad- 1 vices* Admiral Dewey has 15.000 men, a sufficient number to hold the city , wHb ease, and the other reinforcements, —headed by General Merritt—are about due. As soon as General Merritt as sumes the governorship A "hal Dew ey will probably he called so Wash ington for consultation. ' ' Mr. R. D. King of Black Hills, S. D., j is at the Arlington. live I fHA.A«» A HAH IkIDAU All Mb «AfA Jin TILLMAN’S HEN. They Leave Chickamauga for Jack sonville. Chlckamauga, Gu., July 29.—The first South Carolina regiment broke c*mp catty this morning a.nJ marchc l to Roseville, where the Southern rail way trains for Jacksonville were tak en. The officers and mevi of this regi ment have been anxious to get away for seme time and the departure was an especially enthusiastic one. No otn er commands have yet received moving orders. The local railroad officials have received Invitations from tbe war de partment to bid on the transportation of the sixth United States volunteer cavalry and the fourth Tennessee In fantry, Knoxville, and the fifth volun teer, infantry, Columbus, Miss., to | Chlckamauga. I , STORH SWEPT. Much Damage Done on the English Coast. London. England, July 29.— The northeast coast of this country has, been swept by a great storm. The fish ing fleets have had a narrow escape, be ing obliged to relinquish all gear and nets and run to the harbor for safety. .Many other vessels were compelled to I seek refuge. Northbound trains have, I l»een delayed by the force of ihe winds? [which have caused considerable dam age Inland, the crops having been tlat itened. Fire Today. Jamestown. N. Y., July 29» —The Broadhut worsted mills were damaged |by fire this morning in J 60.000; in ’ sured’. tui mu LOAN AND fAVJNOA PANS. S* I *M4PB say® twk* '*•*# »*•« * tswaan «'>»l*a t #-»*•• •■** w*a 4 ♦***•• «t> 4<M> fata »»iwisnffi WM I- •- M»#«ia .*.*» w *a«M ROCKY TIMES IN HAVANA The People There on Ihe Point of Revolt. How Blanco Is Allaying the Public Mind. Special to The Herald. Havana, via Key West. Fla., July 29. —Desertions threaten to become wholesale among the volunteers and regulars till Blanco assured them that Camara's squadron was coming to Ha vana's relief. The hunger Is fearful. Deaths have occurred by the score. The mobs ore hard to suppress. One mob looted a baker's shop and killed Iwo ba kers. Three of the tnob are mortally wounded. They secured two dozen loaves of bread—all there was In the shop. Bread riot have already begun. ' The Insurgents are comped within a ride shot of the suburbs of Guanabc coa, Mariano and Jesus del Monte. News Is received here that General I.e ■ —with an army of 50,000 men—has lan ded at Plnar del Rio, a,ml he Is hourly expected to appear before the entrench ments. The Conference. Ottawa, Ont., July 29.—Sir Wilfred Daurier, the premier, announces that the International conference to settle the difference between the United States and Canada will open August 10th next.