The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 30, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SATURDAY T** Close Oil lie Balance or Girdles od Haoa -| rr- ttfjf " .—■«# lb *B.OO. *4. 86. 86 and $7.00 Ones Your Pick for $1 and $3. i hwis j. schaul. jewels. , &M&. The Everett Plano Hi Ouarnntced For Unlimited Time. Come In and talk with u$ about It. IhrtQM MrdtrbU Ttrai Euy. First Class Tunlnjj and Repair Work. Tbomas & Barton, W. M BAJtBKTT. BgrUr*?. m prMiior. 1«. JAMR* L OOW. lich \. Orta <*•» horff i| tli* etty »( m tb# IM •» <«'* IM* (M Ik# T*th of /ttir. IM he rati «4 frooi hi* bom* o* sarth in water. u rr* ink, to Mi kon* la kaatm. Bf few individual* bar* sixty atn* tttit lift aon HIM with f'ert* of Ivaevoleocr ami charity. White fmw all who httv bln b* von lb# *- tnmetxietlon of bring a thor- C't'ily In if# man. Ihfff were man* * bo <vaM *prak of him In Iwai far *SNHI tro& t. H* itlwhar* <1 faithfully * a (full## aa a ritlaan. Hot a# a ftifiil. «ii bend ant! fhthfT h* ram# almoat. if rot entirely op to tb# full mraaurr of what oa# ahotild hr, Hr wn a Maaon anti an Odd Fellow Hut. la waa not through than# *•«-**- t loti a that b* dirt hit moat beneficeot work Ha waa a practical bdvvrr in tha railglon that vtotta lb# fatherlraa anrt widow la tbrir affliction. and In tba great unfolding of rltrallr alon# wilt ha known oil that b# did In thla Aina. Augusta baa not b«ti railed on to mourn tb# daath of any cltlann who labored more aaatduoualy or more aur coaafull)' for her Improvement, morally and materially H# waa the originator of the Krcn- Ing lb# pioneer evening paper of tba South, and be was ever ready to contribute what hn might wHh tongue or hand to the cause of human prog rets. A widow and live daughter—Mlaaea Hattie, Lula, Cora. Carrie and Joseph ine (low—aurvWa to mourn hie depart ure from earth. In the heart* of many he has left a memory that time will not efface. A Ufa Jiong Friend. Crawfordvllle, On., July SO, 1898. LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW AT J. MILLEB HLffl THE HATTER. KNOX HATS BE MERE HONDAY. Grand Chlei Templar Thrower, of At lanta, to Visit Odd Fellows. Grand Chief Templar, Mr. James G. Thrower, of Atlanta, will shortly pay a visit to Augusta Lodge, 388, I. 0. G. T. The Grand Chief will he here next Monday evening and meet with the Odd Fellows at their hall, corner Jack son and Kills streets. Chief Thrower le one of the leading contractors of At lanta and Is well known ail ovor the iitato aa a lender In the temperance cause. The mooting Monday night will be of especial importance and all members ■ ; re requested to be on hand. Chief Trower will give instructions on the work of the order at the meeting. New- crop rutul-ngae and turnip seed at Alexander drug store. oimxi toMs*A %’laHw* BBi t■* *<>■ «ai * •*» * *•* IlH* IS a>to» Mi t*m o. ■.»»**»* «**. m a** j HnagH PYfet'tpi Mi fiRMWRI 090 H& ®*§ *• \ «* fhpsia# M 9 §**••*• mrtMi 9mm 1 UPS M* MMm fffNf arf Hr* t«i» , Ifasri Hr* *M» IS MS sf UfoH* | SRSSI * Imi *as > **# SMI 9* "•Miis M* Mai Mm*** «t A«l***# *l* ] •Mi »f H# Hal rn tMi I M#% <W ** *N*Mf M 4 M Mis ■ lanflSf-t Hims HafA laPk, flMastpMl Draw Mm us swkk MM Hi* j Mm wpiQMI Wf IMmm«Mmi %•»*** i W* bob ill •*w Bm* i •I Mm* Bmm Ml Mi *MM*v H>i> Ml to* <m ] OIM’M’MI #8 pyWi • •*“ MB 8 Mi* haS'SKIf « 1 •« Kk<H Ml' •» MB MSB* i |< sf*m4 •»'•**»! toy* Ml hUMBB Aft* * pto»*BM vMI «• <WV to*P" •tto to tot *f M* aa* Mr* * * MmbiUbb M*b WttlM Lb** BM »W 1 j In* fIMKI to *«••• «• Ihtoßl ssantiM Hta fMJMtis left OtnMtt as TitatMas sms Ink (SsiSaitii Hf l*r» j la HaailKtls list Htas i«airs, t'tfsi rsMiHfcs WM HMisf MMil fcst Ai a; Mr* Hilt ta M«as tM is* si AaM* * aw* «fesMfti** fsm Intisa |Sa sv Span pa ; fAtn i Siam iwwt ewjttf sMa Mf* ft***# 99#**** • flflflMl Mhr* Q H* tm+ of ♦ llS#'® **##! *ll4 fW’®#®**#** T%«r«*#v It# m 4»»* ior ill* ** It I Mr Will *ntwNl m T%»r*4*j Iti*m M !*.**• M j * wrrxifbl f #C- t*Ki *r***i ll# *j#o «*'>k m *li# # n»B*n ***** fe# **f mm *rtwl »*4 m«<t* hi* |mnm*4 of ** • #•!##••*# ##•- [ Mra Cluuwhwtln sad daughter Jevale art • axing felaUtea at Mr and Mr* Mra. Isau r*t*rw»d to aa on Wert nrartay after a rt*Ughtfal ftatt u» her ] frt#*4# Is V*l4o#Uu fill# ***l [if Hi. Mr W. i«d Mr T K #nr**4l ipdt W (in«*ila) In Appling *tt##4i*l (if*Boci a• if i#j i' *ind o hrr buiißni Mra 801 l M'llnr cf#4f« -* *riiv#d «fi Thiii*!*?. to npmdl mmwb Uin# nlJh ! Mra C. J. Clifford at L ille Fine* A ■ hn»t of frleorte will well it** In her ibelr olden favurlle, Miea Emily Hi Igea. one of Oiewte*l i prrttlwt I and moat charming malrtenn E-,#'a taste has probably newer been ‘eo a verel; rr.ilnsed since the begin ning at over a boa of *twfb peach's i rccr-tved by one of car avenue belles, when a dusky spectator to Us unpark tag tamed sway with a soulful sigh, wondering. "If dec wus anv neaotv's ! like dat in the guarden wheu Eve look Ida< shine ter dem apple*.'' I A Isix of wonderfully prefect peaches was also received the other day by our little Sunnyaule blonde. She said she thought they come from a black-eyed "chap" up the road, which was proba bly true, as the bill of lading waa made lout to a Mr. Chapman, of olden tnemo- I rles. A big barbecue Is to be given at St, Mary's today. Some of the farmers want lo know If It la not about time llhe president of Grovetown'a barbecue 'club was heard from. Mr. Ah Benton of Kills was 1n Grovetown yesterday with a load of the largest and finest melons we have seen, as presents for his friend* Several Grovetown merchants and ex merchants have complained of not be ing mentioned In Grovetown’s part of The Herald and suggest a little advice to encourage them In well doing; thare fore we have ssked our muse lo accom modate them with a few strains on her lyre, as below: To a Grovetown Merchant. By Request. On the Motto "Knavery May Serve a Turn.” He who places lot west for an Idol 1n his heart At last must ask Integrity to play a martyr's part; He who sells his conscience with his goods and thinks to make A bargain, makes one truly, with only one mistake — For Satan, not the merchant, gets the better of the trade. And our merchant comes out lacking when life’s penalty is paid. That ‘‘knavery will serve a turn” may be quite true, but mind. Just look around the corner and you’ll surely find Thr devil walling quietly*for you as sure as fate. To take away the profits, and your trader, soon or late, —E. H. n A WTOTt T A . B*»r« tk« <9 Thi Kind You Have Always Bought T* - —— i Have yen any old gold or stiver? If j you have call at my new jewelry store, | where there is a lady In nttondanee. and we will either exchange for now | goods or all cash given. Lewis J. Schaul, the popular priced Jeweler. HON.UMWHON IS It 8 * •*•#•»* I«t Eit*i IMflil Hj*s Hit Mill ' A fNMi •%»* Pi* flptM* Map I t* tipppMktaai -•#' %&** ft »»aai *»■ j I ,«m8 si a*s* # as* asaapp < * *-■■•■.*■•* w*# ■ it ft • Si iBNMMt fas* »a*» ****** •Me tap* «fp*i t aawas* Msa is two* rat as iSM’Anf *** ** | laM aMNMpI I*4 y •'MBB*' j aSBP iSi*» «*»'• f [it tip ftaapiaa Siwaspli as Mafia 1 i j rn tSrHsa-wrw a wf a ass** I Ua#» ■ MMiantirrr ******** **«* ••] kaaMafisM at ts* ••• tsawsi • ss IpMMili pff «iS9 til* * a* |_j rpirnn | |*lmn«» liaM aa* tala*** * l< * j at aaM at M ”»ail# m-! i *a>iftaa liwaas as taa p***^a |«4 it* StaflHSNi •»«•* ***** pa»*M*f- ••*’* !• ataifisss tsMsM * •** s* *rßai at* tti t*aaiia isai* **“ •** ? :.|MWii»s , r. alfMSsa a»4 sm *** *•! t *r4inNf Ilk** I ttffi Iff fftlMff #f»* l * “ ffvitll #f * m »'*** " w ’ .. T | _ tJ - by ||c ih'D * r WI J, OrtiumUt «M ewvU '4 f *. 1 TM» *»r* Joy 1 4 * v, ’ w kKiiufh lh«* f t k% *• *i*nt trtfS In# #*!»#•*"# 9* * ,rtl.J b t »**t, b. H ooeuUt’ The qc"t»- tl-a ui permoet tu hie mU»d » •*. »« right’ And bbtrtßg *»eclrtert that dura tion tn Ihr afftriustlve. hr •#* •** * r • Igpf by hie learnlnc and *l«Hiurttce. he iaeearcrt a vcrrtb*t lu favor of hi* ‘ *- mt, who was awarded con*idrr»Hr damt-.e. j A fri«ed of the per, t”e dietreaeed and thr needy—ertueatrd. cotirtc-.u- end reflard -an braver, nobler, grant - r man could be elected to the high office la which hr aso|ri«a. ffouth Carolina may | y.etl feel proud of J' hn J McMahon, who. In common with hi* state, sulr erribr* lo that lofty motto: "Hum *ptr« '•pent.'' JOHN ALLEN MLTTE. Trenton, ». C., July, ltw* CHANGE OF H\SE. To You Peraonally Thl* Is Addressed: I desire to announce to my friends (bat from August I, 189*. I will bo found with "The Augusta House Furnishing Companr.” accep ted the position o( Manager of Its bus iness. Composed of prominent cill zens of the city, and always carrying a meat complete stock of goods pertain ing to the wants cf a housekeeper, 'his company needs no Introduction. A life-long residence tn Augusta as a business man, and as such thrown dally In communication with a large number of its people, m.v reputation has been open to the criticism of all. and on your Judgment. Individually and collectively, as to roy intcgriiy and capabilities. I am willing to abldei My simple request of the thousands who know me is that they call at "Thei Au gusta House Furnishing t Company" when In need of anything In ibedr lino, and allow me the opportunity of ex hibiting goods and making prices. With due appreciation for past favors I trust to still i erve my old friends, and make many new ones. W. 1.. PLATT, Mgr. Augusta House Furnishing Co., 836 Broad street. Visitors In the Village-Looking for Recruits —Sunday Services. Special to Tin- Herald. Uephxibah, lla., July SO.—Messrs. Frank Henderson. Willie McKane and Arthur Grass, of Greenville, S. C.. are visiting at the residence of Mr. J. L. Henderson at Walter, Ga. Itev. R. B. Seals has returned to the village. He goes to Plney Grove to morrow and will begin a series of meet ings ot Hopeful church thee. He will assisted by Itev. J. M'. It. .Teiikins. .Mr. Eulie Pace, on the Scale place, right mile* south, is very Ml. He has !typhoid L-cer. Dr. W. H, Baxley, Jr., iis attending him. Private R. E Carlisle or She Tybee heavy artillery is in the village loohing i Rev. W. L He!Oh will preach i«i Bro thorsvllte Methodlat Episcopal church on Sunday evening. i tub AUGUSTA ■m’BTHJk.JLXy I * V* * | S m B*Kv . ffc f **| *t I . I * Sls M * ««««» M- * | " i Mil* n , |B.. AM-8.« «M» Si fP t ! IN BISCAY BAY. *8 Aarrins fni«r * Curl TV w. Wanktof r r «*f CM* |t«ln»J o 4 A ir. . - t- rAfrvlßff **>rat»*ts4 of W*f | H lii*it»<9 m \lh mufltt fJ#li of »#f Hon I! K n K jui*F S* -• ■ N*ci fft * n # - eftert rfil&A rfpoHMi full M*oH* A !f l li MoviH ItKMKf fit HX HOtffUi. tHftrffitiit **<9 Bf#4*9#r Wi* f mtr I* W® Ao*jr# li) f "'Stw dr#*t AmtrHn C*r#. w It t* « |r*a( **» •«"««•* «f . Kfrlttig (trftnkptimn Ni rfU#kin| fi#srt j m i.n»4 Vr. hi4*#r# Imm’l, I# m*i# r v (vntcli-* RcUtvti r«tft)iuifi »*f **t«# •h.iij*t iißffM4l4i»tr If r<Mi wiuit «jui. t fr-sjrf **<S wr#. i* tlNi r#mf4jr. foM \»y L A n*r4#lt#. 4mg|i> ( t August*. Ufa., ftS Brn*d itrwt t9»# C*p* Mi Vmlc llfft thtt H|*ati» id dnrly pris«*«! | ta#ft ih«- o*p# V«kI« fl«t. jn+ day. it##ring farsight for Cubi'i land. I Ttl# > rrwi *ll lolly *Hd g*y. llut soon 'twa* thought that they weremt there. I gent* oiler course wa* moving. And th*n we heard, at Martinique, J Thi* phantom licet tu rruialng. Immediately, though, they had Iff move Kfae France be compllcatert. And then they ateered for San-ta-ga. Not knowing the fate that 'waited. They to the harbor’* entiv ee came, I Thla Iteet the fbwnlarda prided, j And enter* In w ithout delay j Not fetllna that 111 betided. Rut now loom* up another fleet, ! Uncle 3am with Me. Schley, Whs take* a stand without the hag And change* thing* thereby. 1 While Mr. Sbafter the hill, A-*p!lling human gore. The Spaniards in the bay are saying • I think we'd better go.” So. on the Lord’* day. morning bright, ! With ship* lined up alright. They made a dash for liberty. Then came the awful fight. ___ Now, <«te,bs on* they all go down, Tht* fleet 1 of Spanish pride. And now adorns the bottom of Th,- ocean wild and wide. Thus the fate of the Cane Verde fleet And the same occured at Manila. •Twould be just so with any fleet That tackles T’ncle Sam's flotilla. Praise now to all (he mc*i who fought 'With braVe Commander Schley: For he's the man in Just the place To watch o Spaniard's eye. —C. C. P. Branchvllle, P. C . July 27, IS9S.' A man In Virginia rode forty miles to Fairfax Station for the express purpose of getting Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. and took home with him a dozen bottles of the medicine. The druggist, who relates the Incident, adds; "Your remedy seems to be a general favorite wherever known.’ Its effects are in deed wonderful in all lung and throat troubles. Procure a bottle at Alexander p ru g & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. < Eitten by a Spider. 1 Mr. B. H. Walker, the popular as sistant any Clerk at the Arlington ho j tel, had the misfortune to bo bitten by Id spider a few days ago. The bite of the insect caused Mr. WalWhr to be conr fined to his room for a fe\v days, but he. is now out again aiuLat his post oT&W- ... , ; ._T RICIUITS arrive. Sltoli IVI StftS S r# ' fto ftnii %<*% Mbw t%** «e*M* | tiMpM to' Mto *«# A -* >• fto f ‘ ibi-im jivitf- ala'%i tofi s# *.*.-♦ f SPS #-=f #v<'4 Man *a (| ■> i « raia»tirt Hmseasi town mm«B PO Ttor *t# P • , (Wkttr laara : Jo* ph Eve Hurtcfcloa I# **v*e»at <4 UinSiml ru# m#iif ll** in #i##H#f*t V\vrin* *o4 Its »*4 o#or*- f s ramjrtr* I . . . . will « los ht» ffv j* '“*• »rl**w# . kftßßltY Of AftlM Ia |lh* I (rotL I The fflxthy-alnth New Tort «ri***rt i»,„ rt mova! of tnir r#;m#n« lo j «u (till |h#y ff |f th#< th**v | roupt drown tliwlf nor row# i* the do#- I [|g Oowt. and m pay 4*y had pa**« 4 - ...L. ..4 (K» rash rvooiwli# for n #rbol#fo«n* drunk «#** not to b# h*4. i-hey followc«i h-1 iron, cituaied gear their 'camp, flalah- I lug the work left undone by the prev i ion* rioter*. Up to a few day* at no* I the New Yorker* were doing duly in I Tampa, aaalatlng the cMy police. But |thi* waa for » abort while only, for the cb'cf of police went to Gen. Copplnfer |«nd begged for two hour* tao the re f pert go** to hav.' ! ih.» duty transferred to the- Gecrgln aad Maryland reglmcou. Till* wa* I done after hi* long and e*rural aollc- I Itatlon and now we *har# thla work j with the other regiment willingly, for I we feel tbo honor and compliment con ferred upon us. A tale la toid on one I I f the New York men. He wa* doing ! guard duty on Pont No. 1 and It waa his duly *o call out the guard on the ap proach ot the commanding officer*, us ing the regulation form, "Turn out the guard, (he commanding officer ap proaches." If the officer wishes to save the guard the trouble of falling Into ranks and presenting arms, he cries out. "Never mind the guard.” Th? 'commanding officer approached. The sentry called. "Turn out d? push; de main guy’# a-eoroin'.’* The officer anid. "Never mind the guard, and the sontry rev-eated, “Never mind de push; de main guy says nit.” Coldlng. BlUson and Benson were on provost guard in Tcmpa yesterday; Raley and Atkinson cm police guar-1 from Co. C: Cason, Whitaker Hid Troutwelnei wer.e on provost anJ Block well and Thompson on police guard from Co. E. Sergt. At halt, Coldlng and McDonald Invested their total bank account in a pie yesterday. It ivas only a five-rent pie, but it took all their cash to pur chase it. Vc-gcant Roesel was guarding a corra' a few nights ago and slept over a itlow fever cemetery. He captured one negro trying to steal horses, but the man was turned loose on the prom ise that he would not show his face in the vicinity again. The roport spread in Augusta that Alex Hol'ey, of Co. E, was sick of camp life and wanted to go home is altogeth er false, as there is no man in the reg !meut more satisfied and anxious to stay or go to the front than Holley. Co. C’s cook, “Butt’ was dismissed and wi'.l make his way home in a lew I days. j CHARLES GREENWOOD BENSON. CUT THIS OUT ’ Writ# yous CMt tbit WBmB, tf»flOI8 •mowni ntcfiury to tuv 1# u wm*> inter» t«eift ao to** went, am! tHhif mdt or boihl a to THC HKRALO, advertisement coupon. TO toe M'M FT* Ml kAtp flea** initfl tt# •GV6>rl'to»»r>#fil writttn tMrtow I'WMlny our -WANT” column*, for which you will find onekwd § - oont* SIGN HERE ( -i —-i. biibtii i* **••**# y •*, • H><b B!■»—** t*6**J’». JJjJgBSk, PbM to*66«K (to* to* W* ,yk*M|i. Be*. <AiAXNY ■A- B 4>fttk A. *Mi gBPil ONE-CENT R WORD SITUAI ION WANTED WAtfTfai* IIY fint'im MA9S- Ml* •»«<*#% t#ara w«*ti i , f *M* ,*ur ’» * v ' I'' *• it *•# «' i HELP WANTED •Paisa at S«at tl IS far Sai. f «»f fttnatlNi a <»Ht ataarasttar*, saai vtaatf** ; H W Hut Mai * <>.. UrttakifSa. H. wuttKo rmiUMrai to *nt~u h iit"tint* i«adi oit tbt taatatfaanl Ma Mo rolloclifttf to dk» Mchi rar- J » us » ...infant *M Br<*l RttP Cmfl hrtvaas It atHl ts • «tt. Au« t Tsf «M I FOR SALE CRRAM —(TEAM AT H JACKBOfI rP. vntT ewur-rw* »«•. »w. f«l tntirvmtnt* w«fh*l •!»<*» «>»»» | t*tr, •( u*t» ea«'a y.-m UAL* CHrAP-A PAIR OP y unc hnm*. Will work d-at>» <m •Ktklr. C H Howard. Jr.. At Howard A WlilM l>ru* Co. June S* If FOR BAL.B —A UIT OF HKCOND i hand door*. *a*M. blind* «n 1 arooodrn rolumn* Alao a lark# lm of moAo* riair. In sand comilUoß. Apt>ly lo Ja | rob Pbtaixy. Au« I TO RENT FOR UF.NT—THAT LARGE AND DB BIKABLE »lor* No. 'H Broad ilml ’rnCrr Ma»onlc hall Apfcly lo W. C. Jon-a. 706 Broad Auy I Ifor RENT—THE LARGE YIAND- I SOME dwalltok No. WJ Broad atroat. jwllh yard runnlny through to Ellta I atraet. Apply to Julea Godin. ' Aug t FIXR RENT- FROM OCT. 1. lW* TI!F. ! dwalllnk No. 6*l Elll* alreat. Apply «o Jact b rhinlay. I Auk I FOB RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE 1267 Gr<w«i«. with modern Imprommcnti. Rent reasonable. Apply j 1*56 Ellis. Auk I I- TO RENT FROM OCT. I-A DESIRA BLE brick residence of nine rooms. Stables and k»rden. Alao other house* I to rent. Apply 344 Greene street. Aurl ,TO RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS- Flret and second Honor at 6(7 street. Neatly furnished. All conven iences. Aug 1 TO RENT -THAT NEW DESIRABLE lesidence, No. *l6 Broad street, from October 1. Leonard Pljinisy. Aus * Mon wed sat 2«hs MISCELLANEOUS^ SUMMER COURSE OSBORNES BU SINESS COLLEGE—FuII commercial course reduced from 150 to 135. Short hand and typewriting 145. Boys and girls from 15 years and up taken. m June I" ts WANTED —TWO OFFICE DESKS. Address P. O. Box 694. Aug 1 DEW-WE SERVE BROILED SPRING chicken with supper. Why. yes. Come and see how nice. No extra charge. El lis Restaurant. June 30 AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN has sum of money to invest In an ac tive partnership, which will afford him a moderate living. Address W. care Herald. July 30 Broke His Leg. Mr W. A. Little, who rwrtdes near Allan’s station, had the misfortune to break his leg while in the city last af ternoon. He was attempting to alight from nm vehicle on Broad street, when he fell and fractured his leg. Mr. Little was taken to the city hospital. . . , JULY SO spccial Notices: NtPci. |‘Soß*>|Mfe *1 Jf ImmM SH % ##<•*<#. S, C. »t fft t m «t toNfiAT. A^m^m W §* OAfUfftßflk AmmriHHty AagsKi, Qt , J»}f m* UM 7 Per Cl L500.C00 YPer Cl ffiHrMH ('AHTAt.tfTf Wlf.f, IA»AJ* 91 A!«r A MtUrfiN W>t«f«AHfl «4I h*dtlf In AifftNvtn, Clf T l*#r hfil Pus tuflitoT inf».' 'TiSlkei •#* »h#4e laar, I*. J. *u2!i«A., Ks . *r Mr, t> il '--stcßl ■ Ml! Whitcly /1 Exerciser. 1 A prart Ta'. »t*ipXind • Tcwoi H«tu« fcxeMwh Vjk • A ona.ptciaUy art«|Jtrtfor Kl lari>«* ail children, hut \ f\ \ at sk* **iua tiiuaeanb* V M pri hub * iiwad py Ur A, ttrvngMt niklea / A vA \ 1 - i rice.- / It ky 76c.. tu*. it 6a i I «■ r Rlt YCLK6 - t'l.K .'E. I 1 I U.Mte »«> up \ IK- I | I I INI-9. Nil up. gkS-I \l UhON.-i. itaiip riioM-l _J Ah, 9*o up. < *ll and *•* M -<w ✓ them. Every one guar- 11/ anteed. 11/ Richards & shaver s6°° Suit Sale Think of It! For 9* 0# we gtvc you un re*trlcte«l choice of many style* of beautifully finished cheviots, caaalmeres and fancy worsted*. The fine tailoring of every garment offered in thla *ale will prove we are giving you the most reliable bargains ever offered in this city. You Will Find Many $7.00 SB.OO $q 00 and SIO.OO SUITS in This Sale i Why are we sacrificing? Simply this— we are making preparations for our winter purchases, and want to make a clean sweep of many style* that are not moving fast enough to satisfy us. We cannot guarantee your size in all styles, but assure you that the variety is so larße that you are bound to make a good selection and receive your cor rect size. We will exercise our usual care In tha measuring and fit of these garments. Be on hand and grasp a goidco oppor tunity. L. SYLVESTER Uncle Sam’s Navy, PjrtJ folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. I