The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 30, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE IUGUSTI HEMLO itui OMMOIM ****** ****** -■***•*** ** ** *** _ llir *, frUH ®®*n »** ***** *#* *** £Hpm» 4hl 9m9mmm*m i * mm m#* *§**.. HI MAI t» |Tn «•»*•• •* ***»*••* IP tWP „._ *.#-. ®®pM® <S®i PP** you WIU. HW* ***C WtlWlH u iiip~~ “ ■— **•**• * M •N***f* . ~ ,*. |»to-. ss*♦»< t« NttMW"* 1 ",.;. I*4 •« «■•*'* IM~m***r* „ i, wm* *» ••• ••***• ** •**•* - 1 ‘ -*. im CMlM*"* I***. . ik ant* 04"** t» ftWOn--* 1 *** Z.._ a— t. Up* T'4» «'•#- *•*»*, «***' * |M W 4 r*l *»*»« jurstz r torn b* top***"# ********* 9009* „, - '”"« ATCH V(R« l-ABF.I-*- nm 4*** *—»»#«» >— **—•J*? !£ tah*d pasted *m r*m pmmm*** ttm* ><~* **+*•' ***** • mm* *• >— * umm *«••' «*» *•** ••+”? % >£ y#ptr •• N <»*«•<•*“• lr«.Mc swrf M*tol »•* ##•*« Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Rpsoms. . Tk* l)mU *bto r«» » ,M •*** * * mr*M of prt*». •« *o» *■#•* (.tier* wrlii** tr im an Anert raa itman lUouii Tti*s# <*t must tw Wi'IMM •O'*'* SZm d- plum# -nrt aft#* .b. , r .«|. .1 b». *l<«#«d h* »a«*e **• riM *HI ■* submltti-d I*> • com petent «nJ tmi>«rtl»l commit illln fur the •'••rdln* of prise* Th* *»*• name of Ik* •rtlnt. *» ** th* no*" ‘t plume, must m' rt mpany *mtm letter ***• •" l«* publlcatteto, for the purpose of Idroltfl#- , , CmlNlinU mast confine lb*l* |allere to a reasons!!*# length Contee’anio can "Hie «* n»»ny totters a* they wt.h f»r the ftrlar. but one contestant 'to «tn only of the prliet * . . Tbr llereld *»"'» >•**• »r*f>a h '- |y. goaetpy lelter*. **i>l the • pill TIT will he •w«rdfd for the beet, moot intereetln* nnd moot 1 readtble letter* of Puinmei Ke aort Weir*. * a Con'est Closes 0(4- I. JTOR THE TtßftT LETTER t» «• run THE IP BEHT 1.8TTKf1.... I* <» FOR THE JP I«*T LETTER ... *•** THE |-|ERALD IS DELIVERED IN SPARTA, GA„ Every Afternoon at 10 CenU a Week. Drop a Postal to Frank Neal, Agent,’ Sparta, tla. Savannah has Deceived her first bale Of new cotton. The aoclnl functions In honor of Cer Verr. have' now begun. The lltlfc King of Spain won not ex pecting the recent attack. Spain'* campaign of barbed win? utul barbarism Is almost ended. Jake I {yarns never allows any saint’s toys on the calendar to slip by unno ticed. Col. Candler practically says to the commissioned officer*: "Recruit or re sign." Hobson ought to bring his old friend Ccrvera down South and show him the sights. Minnesota has dedicated that stale capital she built out of good Georgia ouarble. The whirligig gets in Its work. The Colon went ashore just where the Vir ginias was captured. Prince Henry explains the Irene in cident by euying that he was tmwly protecting the women and children, but popular opinion is that he is using tire women and children to protect himself. . • w*a »r*aaa * i Is <0 YINRSiIWS *0 SMRfISt Hi HUiMfS SMrt* § ts9f 00* i s*mm 0000000 0* : 000 “ i i inSrs f * r : «imSM> 00 f+*« *4 *Si S SIASSiMS sf (mml * *'* IS i afrit SIS SMIMMMH Si* A * filMI •• [ (Spruiflaf fsSSi SM tSi 0 11%# ijnfS si INsAi if Vis s»nXH smR I t'ISsfUSS MSSSS** I# •Hill lit»f iSsif tsHfMl t<rwSAl SSi SSSII# MMM ! tit# SSSIttSS laAPMtHS S® i®i MIMS ■ \ mft* P&HO9 Ml is® If aar wf <h» »•#• ** ******* ***** i Mala t» that »aiiara»te r*«h*t Mb 1 t>»v ma Ml* #r ; fKtNMSS I# iMr fniM, «sis (HifWftn The Mxullitl mmr* M **» WMaet wf ff S# WWfMI iMItS (MM •S#Ml I® MM* !««4t# nf r»uiin. si irs fiMsis®, t®®« |if Ms Mslss® ®«t«sis tl® tartpMM®®- I tar "the *m*4 at the UW **4 at «M* ; m*~ «M titißhj wwth a*d » 4*4 thel arable Mir ***** ** •***»• th*»rw<w eltMh the *er» mm ***m4 ta Ra raarer mtm Otheoa eed the waittac rnm-m et m*4 MW ever the rafter es *i Woeid Mr Mateoa hate «e helhtt that thrr were wiefhrrere aad the! the A lalabi aerteted theta la hreahiag ne« of the tew cnwaiotartu * And thea therr waa fbltld- “the mta after tied * owa heart" rereta j tioa aa a warrtnr plarra hi* h»«h I aaKMic the «nwt a«*eralr of W* ® world Thoaeaade fell at hte Mde ead * ira thi ueead at hie right haad-*la* ( ]udlng the haabend of Bethtbeha. Would Mr Wilton hare u* heHete that attrh a aiaa. ahoae martial rarrer ' began When he atew the giant with See | *a* atoaea. »ad ew>'«t onlr with hla ! Ufa. could hare been the Al*!*htr'» j Ideal. If he bad 11 dated the eplrtt of i that rowrotnitment which ray*. "Thou ’ »baH no hll.f , Th? truth of the matter to that therr ' waa acarcely a rhararler la the early hlatorr of tltal religion oa whlrh flr tlltatkin and pro*r«*» are baaed who did hot offer up hla prayer*. Hhe Par Id. lo that Ood -who tea< hath my hand* lo war and my Angara to Aght The same thing hae bean true under the Chrtotton dlepeoaatlon which dif fered only In creed from the Moham rdan policy of carrying the ewoed In one band and the Koran In the othtc j No. Mr. Watm*a. ttor tbousaud* of eelf-aatrlAelng boya who Mood In the trench re before Santiago and decima ted the rank* of the enemy are not murderer*. They were no more mur derer* than the gentle and God-fearing Robert K Leo waa a murderer. Pat riotic would bo a better term, Mr. Watron, and It to acoonrtlng to that ; at (tuition that they will Anally enjoy the bleaaad immortality which belong* to those who have fought the good fight and kept the faith. A PRECEDENT FOR OUR MAONAWIMITT The action of the Untied State* gov ernment tn eeii ling home. at tie own expense, the 26.000 Spanish ivOi'ps cap tured at Santiago W frequently referred to a* something unprecedented. Such, however, la not the case, for in the Pe ninsular ctiiupaißU 26,000 French under junot, captured by the English under Sir Arthur Wolleeley. were returned to France ut the expense of the con queror*. MurUncau says of the event: "A convention hud been arranged at Cin tra, by the terms of which the French troops were induced to evacuate Portu gal, but at the expense of the British and in their ships. They were to be lauded with all their property between Rochefort and IV Orient, and no stip ulation was made that they should not again serve immediately. The ene my were actually couveyed at- our ex pense to a place whence they could, the next hour .proceed to attack Spain more convsuiently than from their present position. * • * When parliament met the opposition moved a vote of cep&ure on ministers for sanctioning the convention and were beaten by a majority of fifty, a majority which was considered, under the. circumstances, small. A political consequence arose : man sf S*K#»-SSni ®NM^® ! ttr f s® ills iS®*®sHfs m mm*4 m>* the hum ••*>4 at the awr - pr r-y* twffatwe the Aimenma ffeapto S»sf i‘ y sfMpMsMi IMS ®Stls® si 4 i* crtMaew* M aaadta# hatue the eagwed > h.*thy *4 Ikyeta nrucuttm rimmrt TMi f*%ls®®® tMf fl*psM ISSI Sslsi’Aii «®#*Hs islsfs s®f *0 iny«>t ware a pruepert *i phaty •htoh alamet aaah*a na feeffM that tbia hat brew «%rt<«ewa4 the ante at IMMft fSvtSUltf <M ®*rii srltl VtCSSSi • \ s#<s ft® st ii»®t®ssi s®4 fMTssfssSf 0 MK sf mt «*•!#•***•* jrs s**> | AIHMS Sts fallilM Olitr ftf Mrfc* m «rd tor a mnmeat me had ’hat tha j baab rtoatawrea n 1 the t’ati*d Atatoe , far IM7M awamat to a boat IM.atto.- 1 aaatmt. agaUiat H*t4**MM4 tor the ! preahwa fMt The hiffheat preeion. ;>ear waa IMI-hl whea they were l*» ' 111 sss.sss, •j S#s. IsnIII ftiwiftl* ti* fstsrr The Reporter hntoto out thla hllianag I sissr: "Never la Hi htotory baa tha «i**' weM loohed out upow a more apteadld proapart of abuadaace and enaaaarrnal artlvMp than U doea at the praamt • aoneai. Never ha* th* aymhrd of the bora of pfent." pourtag k*to wealth >4 all the harveeta. been more »bw»- lately Uue The rondMiona are all j ripe for an unprecedented teaton of rommorclal pmaperity. W# haee al -1 ready enb-red the promimd laad of which we dreamed ia fhoee four year* : ,4 depreaaion. The fartaera paid off ’ iheir mortgages last y*ar. With the J eecoad bittni* r crop they will lareat in tha eomforta and even the Imurim j,d life. The railway employeea and all other ahilled unekllled work ingmen now have employment and have again berome free consumer* * Tbl* to the merchanfa harveat : lime.” * The Indie-dual depoalta of national banka were about $2.000 000,000. an m ! rreaae of $272,000 000, The export* wore $1,240,000,000. against $1,032,000,- 000 the previous year, which wa* itself a record breaker. The governor* of Indiana. Colorado. Ohio. Missouri, Washington. Montana, Wisconsin, South Dakota and other atatc* write to The Reporter In term* which indi cate that conditions are more favorable at present than they have been for years. BIRMINGHAM'S FOUR MAYORS. Birmingham to about to undergo an experience which rarely comes to any city. During the next four week* she ! wilt have four mayors. Mayor Frank Evan*, who. as noted elsewhere, has Just taken unto himself a wife, ha* gone off on his bridal tour, leaving the affairs of the city In the hand* of four of the aldermen, who will divide the time, each serving one week. Alderman John M. Parker will serve (he first weett Alderman William J. Pearce the second. Alderman John T. Altman the third, and Alderman Wal ter Moore the fourth. Alderman Par ker stepped into the mayor's shoes as soon as the Louisville and Nashville train pulled out of the union station. He took to the duties of the office as naturally as a duck takes to water. The others will follow in succession, and thus Birmingham will go through an experience that is both new and novel. The death of Alfred Shorter Harper, I of Rome, carries saduess to the hearts i of his many friends throughout the I s tate. He was one of the brightest ! young newspaper men in Georgia and was warmly beloved by all who knew I ;,im. He was a brother of Mr. Hous- I toun R. Harper, of the Rome Tribune, | to whom deepest sympathies are ex- | tended. t _ L j idriki. wkki TBM AtrOTTBTA HERALD tin M**t* M#mmp*® i,»»isrfr®rii ftpuiMs sh^i mm ttm mm* *-•##»• a. ***»• <*» •Th* to** *l ,w*,| Ji.s*< «MM* At ■ ##-•#* l *<<l SS ®®P ® i*#Ss ttipMty **4 • h ■ pwiw—fw *4 • «p M* M ■ • paw «p*pw m*h Til# dfwagyttla Maw-s aey* ’th* ; aa * a r* a duauheriwis mr a a th# Mwt# ' **. a v age They t*t**A is smwl ht*h dew * a* Trma ii — It 4*** tm# ** it mw** , that gmahdy yaawm. • tm# Md hmuw - aw# rgjfi m t* high plgrau awd aw»w ] ! whit* hat* MMI haarni waght H> y*w«- ; • ■>»a fr-rm Ih# MM Alts of btorhgward* awd ewffhsh* tot aay de##ut mmmwaity fla* latisM tps Mir y*mpt# have hash taught l* mpava Mtowdy awd *o*hi*«. { Wa all kaow who *aw#M ihvaa** Thiiaaaaift «f swhMart »»H —mm b» i rMnmtaa m thia wwawtry fww t ami will arat '-■* alt over th# Paltad { gtataa It la ItwprrwUv* that avary dty a*4 partiewtarty Hmmw n tha South j should ha ahaeiuiwly rtoaa. •gpaia did an right to diawvwr w*. tM)| *k* WA 4* th# m'rtah# of b#r life.' arroediag to th* Colombo* Rogoleae- ! thm. -when ah# tailed to k**p batter postal about wa .Ow* <>f th# WratefO TelWlW* #B root# tor Maaila. wrttlag hach to hla father, tloae* hla last letter with, "I Irak* your son." Much tdMlty I* too* htag Rylvrwter Seme! la out In a card la which he darlareu that <:• * Shafter first assaulted him aad used language •eh eh no gentleman eotsld stand. According to International law. noth ing abort of an agreement tor an armistice, actually signed, stops bcstilitlaa lx t worn nations. "Let me die In my uniform.” wa* tha laal request of Private Henry Taylor, who succumbed to typhoid fevrr In Savannah on Wednesday. The annual convention of th# State Horticultural Bociety. which mor<* la Americas next week, will be largely attended. If a man hae lo master all the thirty one languages spoken In the Philip pines he won’t have time to get rich. Macon'a city council donated SI,OOO to the Carnival Asaoelati n. They are preparing for a great occasion. The bankruptcy law which will go into effect on Monday, will mark a new era In commercial circtoe. How many candidate* tor the New York governorship will result froip the”Porto Rico campaign.? The Macon News thinks Hobson Is to be a Iml red as much for liis mcdcsiy as for his bravery. W hat the Law Decides. The mere nssertbm of the value of property by the vender to the puchaner during negotiation* for a safe, though conscientiously untrue and rolled upon by the purehasor to his hurl, are held Si Gustafson vs. Rustemeyer (Conn.) 39 L. It. A. 64, insufficient to constitute an actionable deceit. The right of the state to protect fish In all streams through which they hove freedom of passage to and from the public fishing grounds is sustained in People vs. Truckee Lumbar company (Cal.) 39 L. R. A. 581, although the streams flow over lands entirely pub lic to private ownership. With the ease Is a note reviewing the athorltles on governmental control over the right of fishery. The remedy o n promissory notes and warrantmof attorney under statutes ex isting at the time they are made, which authorises entry of Judgment and issue and enforcement of execution thereon notwithstanding an assignment for creditors, is held, in Second Ward Sav ings bank vs. Sohrank (Wis.) 39 L. R. A. 569, to be an essential part of the contract which cannot be taken away by change of statute. A subscription to secure the location of a college at or in a certain town on condition that a certain amount is subscribed is held, in Rogers vs. Gal loway Female college (Ark ) 39 L. R. A. 636. to be enforceable where the parties accepted the amoifnt subscribed as sufficient and the college was located accordingly, although there proved to be a deficiency in the amount. JtHF CLUBS; THE SOCIETIES. kh«*a»-»#'» to# 1 aagrn ■ I g ffaauwvMM #ga* was *'uwa»4 [ftj Is#® IS® I nr i« ymm U>£ *lmM*** *4 ! [ f|—" s IS#®# ®f I®® 00000/0 ®RN | I mSo*‘ >®i» t F- f P Aw t f®sws *oo#* «In> I f “Hrff-j y# 0j i®# 9m S%O 9 I* A ®'®i mm on ®iimsi s - «• s# ®«4 i®fww| 9m. #®i m s®* >iit®»H 'ls f®nsi®iN®®® mm* i #»»* m * *#+ ®®H jti | H ®Mf BSfts®** SM , i®# m*m% **** 00 f 9* A mm | tf«i' isr* ®fl®t t*** t**>l a«d %guf t »a*w# I f®* fi®ML ®S® •'*** SfMi-Rf®. j |®§ Sim ®r~f 90909 ®S 9®S Ms Ip# 009999 s®s S P#*? IjW®®* P4II ®S ppM®l I® A«n®w**S - I # t>-4 ®®| s®i. ss ®®» si 99m PpppMSPS: t lt# »St t«* Avgust# pb# SSPlS'a®<w#w®v f'® |®MN®®f®p* , ®is f*®s®l®p *o4***om ! % t®st inPIS ®#t# s®di Im® <n®®tMi is l®Ft®s«iSi *%* r**m llaagtrtr- «$ Uwsrwaw lustotto# [ The Owughtew sd ih# Amsetoww R’» letoMtmi mw ds.«ag aptoadld wwrh la [th# way ad twiathg fwa#».. #♦*•*s■• aad IwthM awppltod he# tha M"#p*tal RrtM Ichmimi *4 Ih# t» A R’a. ea »t to [telted by *to» ewngwow •s»■##•! Th* | Augwata Chap*#* to waddf d. lug •«« I pact to l hi* good wntk through u eg#- i I. Ml raauHM aypsdWted by th# R* |g#wt far thei pu«p«to» lm«f Raw's I Mwury Aae*wsM»aw. T®# UAfpt'Y %m CNivMP 909m# I® ® trmmtkmWf |®pp®#fwi# Hu®. Up »ipi It pm%kf 4rs t® U® ts#i ffc®t It Is LT* ppts s< slglit-, t®ps •®«#m*»s ss ttpp&t * iuih f ip Hmrnmmm mm t® stsil UR®- fpf up Ertvtisf s®4 ®rO| I® • V Bti (Ikst s sotifelr s®ffv®MrisiM»s ki Mt m#4# for stw book* T®ss®s i® t®ts K#rr- stst# of sfstrs. tSsts It s 4sc’tsW# fcw®kt i®st roiiot At fousd os ®t lUmry 0090990* T9m I % Th« 999999099 of Ikt IaW um isß«»vMft i list *lr«SMty s!1 of IBs tickets far'•••«•»! right” to'rr ta.ameuts hsty to*a dlapovcd of. and that alasovt all tor the seeoad night have br#a e.-gaged «»W tn#mb#ru who am anitone to attvwd Ik* cwrsr this yen#* *r# urged to Immediately preorat their application* for memberahlg tor th* course of N and *M. The fact of ihelf having b*.m meauhem <b e# not entitle them to membership tor an other yenr. The plena tor duplicate lecture* in the Maannlr Hall, th* fir#* evening tor onc-bui* of the members, and the second tor the other half, arvraa to meet with universal satisfac tion. The Civic Leagtir- At the next meeting of council, the city fathers will be requested by the Civil lx agog to conaldrr. with the view of making a law. an ordinance pre pared by the League, which. If adopted, will result In a vast Improvement in the sanitary and aeuthetlr condition of the c'ty This ordinance prohibit* th.* throwing of banana peelings on the pavement* . and of watermelon rind* In the slrc.Hs. It also prohibits —and this will be more than welcome news to the many Augustan* weary of seeing three city afreets prevent the Rprearsnc* of untidy country thor oughfare*.—the feed'ng of horse* or the unhitching of te«m» on any of th# at re at* of August*. The Civic League to many hundred* strong, and It voice* the sentiment of thousand* of cltlxens, so It Is hardly possible that council will fall to respond to such a unani mous request In regard to the passing of thla new law. The King's Daughter*. A movement Is on foot for devising a plan v.hcreby the King’s Daughters may help the poor to be self-support ing. Furl her details will be publish ed at an early date. The King’s Daughters are greatly In need of money in earing for the many sick people now under their care. There is a special necessity for a fund for ice and milk for the sick. It would also be appreciated if contribu tions were made toward a fund with which to buy fruit and vegetables for the poor old people who aye not able to work, and who are supplied by the city with only fried rr.'at and bread. The King's Daughters again entreat the public, as they have so earnestly and repeatedly urged in the past, not to give money to beggars at the door, but to send It to the King’s Daugh ters, who investigate all rases, and give the money where it is most need ed. A woman, known by the King's Daughters to be utterly unworthy, Is going around from door to door now, and is receiving help that would be. if divided out, of incalculable benefit Daughters of the Confederacy. The following were the important subjects discussed by the United Daughters of tho Confederacy during their recent meetings in Atlanta during the veterans’ reunion. Plans for preserving the Georgia home fer veterans were discussed. Mrs. W. F. E\o eloquently championing the cause of the homeless old soldiers, but It was decided, to postpone definite ac tion until the regular convention In October. The adoption of a new badge tvas an Interesting topic. The local badge of Savannah and the state badge of Mary- A NEW LINE I Straw Hats ShifKMKf by mtßibb#! #mi map b# »oW At OfK«. SOI US AT—^ Half price DORR’S “Good Taste AppareL" 718 BROADWAY. m Help For Htrd Worktn IF. herd wark t* •*»» »• Oa sumuaM. ErarybeOr tod* a dteacliof Uflit !•* ®orß—« Bioo of laailac. Sslnr* real* a httl* bslp a Im* mwnite*. Ib#»a* a# hast#* (torts# ***dK«*'« tbas Durban (ww|«rtil» ffrerytody ought tu las# M. whathcr ib»y ttr: lbs* tb#v a##d It rn nto. IL.tU# sl.nh-!bre* for *2 30. B*by FoodE Th# hast a r •>***> <»* h* had fna u>. W* bar* it.mi. frwti from niaksrs. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda- Do«.*is ofdaltol.tful dftutaa* nyr Foowthto- TielW II for 50 for 91.00* IM Bin , , art Ttrs p feeli t aLbagw Itoau* and a ,t l^** l ** lor sotolis now. "and for cat* logua- Frm. Aleiaoder Drnt & Seed Co. H« BROAD AT. AUGUSTA, OkOBGIA. fob sale. The J. I. Scott piece, three quarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price. $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Rea! EM ate. 883 Broad Street land were both suggested e» substitutes for the present Insignia, a laurel wreath and flag, but no definite action was taken. The needs of the Battle Abbey were presented in a plea by Mrs. R. E. Park. Miss Alice Baxter suggested that In order to preserve historical papers, the U. D. C’s have a registrar-general, which suggestion was heartily en dorsed by the president and recording secretary of the IT. D. C.'s. This of fice will be provided for at the October convention. As individuals, the IT. D. C.’s pledged themselves to do all In their power to assist the Army end Navy League, the constitution forbid ling as an order any work not pertaining in some way to the Confederacy. CASTOR IA For Infants and Cnildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought JULY 30 BLAND'S IRON PILLS TNS ORf AT TONIC. Eeo#c>#lty f*c€>ittmdddsd t#r PgUp to* (umplfiiafl If# roil# paopto. VVUi mprov* (hr appgVH* **««! impn gtrcftfth I*# lot*# tO th# *»ftf ire* tyvtwm. they «r# utpd by Mil phy iiti«ni At I f#r*#r#i tame. When Ighon into th# tli>m«h IhffM punt pro* Owe# furrow* t A*lu,*.at# « form of Iron which it matt w*»>ty Mtti>miui**«l by th# •yilrnt and Ml th# btlt tome for tntfnie or cMit# Moptr or thoMwi who tuf» f#r from acrofubwi mt f#rtiont or any cii*#«a# of th# b»xKl #t It twppHOi to it thMt #tMm#nt which th# cl iagsMhOdf COO# I boot InOi cmlm M wanting. tOO Pittt 100 <!om#m for SO cantt. L. i Gardellt. Druggist I'orSale! TW tide* 1 lag p»'■party wMI he *#»g 'j®!® tm*m Ur®® &*» *** ®®4 f® ®»«*4 •ItNWt. yv-..*kf#®fc4lh® I®’# OfW#thP a®j dhV#®* t®®B ®t ’Oft. —oi ®l loot t# taw'lboo i®o®i«Ml ®®lf ®®f l®totag® ld» tto®fif l att## I t®i«® #1 attic 1 M** IH Rif® of <"OMft—®p| M f##i § i®r ®#o f®—oi»€ No* It I® itfooo® *34 fbof - nmm o o» try J# Tfoot* m cv X«t# (Rt mmo 999 l*h«#4 oft#®f. r«®* idiiatfo® v®® )®t®o 99mm o»4 «l #f ® toy «>%#e®p®4 ■** SB foot 4 in* Mm, t®®» mf#%9 t®« B I*l foot - U* tfO««ON®Nitrty in rm* of •*«%• 3«® C3P Hr y Rtr*Hf afr wot. 4® Tool 9 InC’Bon ® pit® f«**)*tf Mm- k 999999099 t®N®4 tfS font I ino®oo At#,, . .rtui An# i ds about >*• f*#t tt * m t MB feet deep tu th* Viitegu #f fitopiieecvlH#, fr-wring wi Jobs # nrr«t. being • pewttou «f the Mowru |H Jr Easy pujnswate will be gtewn "u art thv • MV# d###rtbed property. Apply tu Georgia Railroad Bank. auautt* agwm*. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., Anfcasti, Oft. FREE EYE TESTS for all defects <* tight, irlnilt It. prayw Mlmmum a»d WalU KtM' ih. m !>cimc* cut rate your fee*** while yo* waai. FREE OF Ch'ARuE, SPAIN 1H DEFEATED. I Again have the boya who wear th» blue whipped the Spaniards and plant 'ed the Star* and ftrtpes on foreign I soil, and again ha* F. O. Mertina de feated high price*. Look at this: ssc. Neckties 10c. 75c. and »1 Shirts Me. 60c. Suspenders 20c. $8.04 Trousers $5.00 A full line of celluloid collars and cuff* Just received. F. G. Mertln*. *2s I Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMUBION AIKRCHANTB. 803 Refolds st=Teießlionei£^.n 3 1 male Leased V> ires Lirect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires foe Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. References -National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or McrcantUa -Agenclea. RONEY TO LOIN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees.’No delay in getting the money. Alexaatler&JflliDSoa Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St