The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 30, 1898, Image 6

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PRICES OF ICE OELIVEREO! taPowndt • ' • * ,lj ftO * . . . ' . aoe .52 * aoe A of 10 p#f tiof on »N»W « w*o* to |Mra ii AMtrt 0| Coupon Book i. Wft ft pipjnpl |nd rallobl* Mkrvicft. Tlkitna CONSUMERS' ICE DELIVERY CO. SHfIFTER WIRES OF SANTIAGO RMIM*. Mt -Om* dbafi** *»• 4844$®*# R** n»in ♦ t4** ft *t *■*.*« Mn> •■•*»** —*>»»» N**' n»«* *wt *«mhm*. *««*» •** '*♦ *• trm> ft** m» Mi <b* •*«» srs:~--i-“ - ■Min* <• io* hNvm r *t * §*4 im>f»ruMifWNMo • ■■<*»* «r* BK«* *9 '**. in* < tIMH o«*t® *•**■*• Un** 4?* tifl MMNft *t #*»»*** ®> m**t it.)> • mill i |itin»>' h* kalkbßah- Oca WMfcef «kht*-* G»a r*»fW* r* mbM ii '» *»*♦ '*•' kasaten ■ Hi IW bA*e f f 1 * "*• #it ®*« •**•>* **Y* , ' , ,r : " , * we ' njiiwin fro« **•»•**• *• m ‘- , ‘ mmU >»i f «* »**• «• **• ■(. will win to gkff'•*"• tb» ut? Mt b*» »»w«i«»e*d<*l ib*> wlibdfswsl of tb* «*9»tnr i«< iWf r !»’'« »* ' ! 1 *»« l! It «*»>' 9* ox* '!»•' «f ttii Nftli *r»r wp* »lti ■> M- -> - tkuh'Pftut. U L. tan iMn i» **• jeArfaft MHoet tb* Mt. Thr f**lar» if lb* ailnatb n It *V MllUll Mtr»m of kali** * ’ «Y«t» pcasatlni ' lll** •*» I Fit gntW'le* lift •«»(«»( the UkH*d mt!'* «o»*ro ■tai Hr loaaes h*i« i*< »’ ,h ' b*-n« if Cuba* wro*a— to pr-ft*m. robber» i»4 aIMVr during lb* Wt»: Hum vaart. Tfc *# rlot»» tr* nnwp'lf r«n mix? with »• 4*prr**!o* of t**r*t Tbo till! |(Mit tw«*A through fkc jH,,* 1,000 fl ••( dlwnffWl that they «rc being usfd Ic take rum and libocni to ftpanlardt «i:b *lnm * good tra*r la k*fil up. In fuinr bear*rt paw'<l wil! b* f.-arthrO. All fortlpn erf!*** for p« I* tr* iMHinltfmaad''<l Tbtro 1* a rtittiari wntirrnt km f« r Ik* (•f'ntlooat on of occupation *n<! lb# ratabiltb asont of sn Order* err itftiWNl |ni|ft parturc of lh« Irtiaifiorlt biro TTie Tampa. Barat<ma, Tmjuftt*. Kolrkrr hf»ck*r not Satuaic* trill proliF'tly trie" lomrrrow uiA lb* c*th r or. 1 f< ! . ...V n* »•<■;? as ibtjr hnW dlich#rir<l their freight. rotton'.iT* tajr f ii mwHilactiir* tbw of lb* b at r*m.'dl'« »n ra.lh.” aald lb* mercantile Aim of llans, Har rl* Brtm * Mcljoln. of ftawaon. In a re rent lei ter lo Ihe Chamberlain M»<ll clne 0" Tbl* I* the unlvcraal verdict. Chamth'rlnin'a Pain Holm I* the flneet preparation In the «orld for rheuma* flam, peuralgl*. Ian;» bark, qulnacj, acre ih «•!, cuta. brtilMs, hunt, aeald*. paint and iwtlllnp A 20 cont bolllc of thlt liniment In the h. titc "111 *»ve « grent deal of differing. Tlnv It at Al e>Aider Drug A Heed Co.. C. R l’arr. cf Bell Tower Drug Store WAYNESBORO. Enjovable Watermelon Cutting am! n Ro\ al Bond Tim?. |'->vin! i i The Hornld.]^ ' Vr. yr et-N n. 0».. July 80. Mft II uin |,ph artl Mary Blount, wiih tii.'lr irknd.’. hr 1 a royal go>l tlno-- tl a wiUrtme'cu cutting on Fr rlcy affr ncnn. ‘I hose Invited to enjoy th!‘> hi«- c 'ns fruit were: Ml*a Winnie navis 1 . 11, Mir* &r.ll>' Cohen. Mira Stic Cates. Vl** MnttV Blount, M.sres Uuth ant jnnlc Tarver. Misties Mlnnla an I Mn aill? Humphrey. M!*?es \nn!e Mav rod Vivian Ty>r. M*s* Eligabeth McMastcr Miss -untie Rcyal Snndford, Miss Kd ryinQ Green. Master I Itiwoad Given. : # H> Ml*! Smile Cohen, of Anyi-'ta, 1* '.{feltiix MBs Winnie Oovls Be’l. Mr.'S. H lent* Is hen-■ n?Mn after a il'llghtful visit to Atlanta. Ml** Ethel Welker, cf Savannah, will ho the roost of Mrs. Lula Wilson next v "<'k. Mis= Mary Toombs leaves next week fir Waynr.svllle. N. C. After n delightful visit of thro > wc-'k.t. Miss Dalsle Smith and Misti •Then Eve.- who have been the quests of Miss Annie MoKmztp, loft for their home in Wadley Thursday. The many - friends of Judge k. F. Lawton will regret to hear cf his eon tinned- Indlsnositlon. He has been co.dined to his home for Ihree nooks with an stack of rheumatism. Mr. John Monnerlyn Is at Wadloy euccessfolly recruiting mm for the Second regiment. Miss Madge and Master Tennant Houston, the lovely children of Mr. and Mrs. Tennant Houston, nft.-r a pleas ant visit to their grandmother. Mrs. Margaret Byne, left for home yester day. PUTTING UP OUR FIiAG IN CUBA. oUjoff fA$ §m If Wl lit 9 WiMH-, l« 9 t Ml., ** ftAMlgi 9Nm*mi j Aff9mvl (Alt Ml ®f. t)»• pvw tt*w fM «M# Km Mvui* Ml j if IMI IMMI iflM ffm MM | ■ lit lift ill# M|sfi)flfl swM *4 ; i €**t*m* IM* §M*m, mHN» I.IWQI* ifc* MlMltlMi . [rfilfMMl Ms Mil Ml I Me* A tiff! UftMifl iilwNl *»t»f |Am **rA ■ # urt'ijrl MelfiMt i Ml IM* lemultli TM** 1 1**4 mm 9tlmm*r4* i«ff *a aM all, (At l-f’4#- r # AM-Ata MA l«MH|ar'« tmm- IM 4itwl- Til ff AAl' '"tlir tilftf IM<f * |#rrt Hi r*l AI O Mn AAfi AA AMWf ■ I |r## Haihi iff |p|fi lA# Iff. TM# | Wp>Nl —rArif lAa •*Uf* ft>f tA# i mmrm ai*4 tA* fltvtff fA*i4*M#A. Ma» (Alfa r*tfwai«*c Tift* ta f ill &**■ j At tA* Ammtwm aa4 M't* A Hill •r*» flflti CAff lAt |wwi ( t»*lf4 »«* TAt M«f t spl *it *4 ait drlM a t or* ©f iMMiil rmfi HOW TO tjnOK OfNiD. I Ootml t**At Aft fftliv m »n» than 4ttH f«r4l(Mi rs all lAw vital nfftm ts hm%* • 4y«ft*t»tk |m»A If y«Hi# AMrwfi lar# air* f<w hat» a t»lt»rA*4 I m* jMrrtira food Awaith a«4 /nm will aarw *ly lav# g«w4 I«m%A» ICllrtiir mtort * fla a |ac4 tlttmllff a ait latlf Arts dlrfrll) ca thf atcimarA. Iltwr sad AWS fiftjff}. { ui .H«w (be Mtgd. mm |>iffi| l** l*|« t*!v« and Wvfja, and |iv«« a gnod I < aw|4* l l* « Kv*t y bolllt guarsnfartl ! Sold it Howard * WUlet a drug More M nail per bottle. CAHD FROM CO. C. iA* t.aprcaaloi of Thank* Made By the Command Headquarter* Co. A. Camp t«M, tr. C. V.. Auguela. Oa.. July 29, I*9*- For gt>at klrntnew extended to Co. A Camp 199*. |f, C. V„ the undemlgagd (ommltte* ha* here? appointed lo re turn the aim ere thank* of the company lo thoar nhese geßemus aid contribu ted to the uniforming and pleaaant visit to Atlanta. , We dcalre lo expre** |Vr*' our {heartfelt thanks to the following as partakers with us of the great tureen schleved: Chapter A, Daughters of the Confed eracy, Mr*. W. F. KYc, President. Aug'a Brewing Co. Stewart i’hlolay. J Rice Smith. J. T. Both well, T. K. Scott. Mgr.. K. U Fuller, lion, rat'k Walsh. I’uul Muslin, J. C. C. Black, Miller. Nlx< it A Co., Judge W. F. Kvr, J. tl Lynch. J. B. Cummlng. W. 11. A W. It. j Tho*. I*. Branch, (Brigham, j). jt. Dyer, Ja> k»on A O'Cnn-1 W. T. tki:y, [nor, L, L. Fleming. J. S. Twiggs, Alexander Drug James Tobin, amt S. • d Co., M. J Downey, Hermit & Co., P. J McAullff. Flem'ng A Dunbar, J R. Lamar, T O. Hrowat, Alexander A S. Lesnar, TJohn-nn, Mr. Shadareaal J. Phil Welgle, 'Davenport A Phin- J. J. Cashln, |gy, Paul lutngdon, Sr., J. L. Roliertson. " • B- Benson, ,1 U. White A Co., L. C. Hayne, j, |*. Verd-ry, Scott A Stulb, O. H. Ntx « J. T. Orant, Oro. S. Oxford. Chits. J. Bayne, Garret A Latimer, Coskery A Klmore, Vail A Co.. Rivers « Stapleton Henry Oetjen, J• l ! - Noll, t). Sancken, W. 11. Harfet, Jr., j. R. Baxon. W. J. Craig, VV. H. Nurn. • ter, Frank Fleming. Maurice wall. , Chas. F. Baker, The*. Harrell Jr.. DcnltarA WUlloma 1 Jacob Phlnlxy, P. G. Hurum, W. C. Jones. J. M. Richard*. Martin Calvin. Wm. Nixon, H. Lanth. T. L. Murph y. H. c. Hammond. K. W". Deveny, J. IC. Tarver. E. J. O’C nnor, J. N. Cartwrlg’.j . W. P. Danforth, A. Carr, IT. J. Porter, Aug Lum Co.. J. M. Berry, Lombard Trotr Wws. Mrs. Keener, I)r. T .ocher, , Dr. Hickman, A. Weislver.’ ' She • makes'. N. T,. wniet, Boykin Wright, Mr. Mikell. J. H. Dunbor, Walker Inman. W, d'A. Walker, Harry Cashln, P. B. Tobin, T s. Haworth, John Welgle. C. TT. Howard, J. S. Patterson. D. Dugas, P. S. North. N. Wingfield. A. H. Davldsrn, !Bryan Lawrence, Jno. Schneider, Fred Lockhart. Frank K. Beane. ,Tos. E. Reynolds. H. H. Stafford, jc, H. Miller, Jr.. L. J. Henry, J. W. Dickey. Sanford Cohen, M. C. Jones. C. H. Withrow, C. IT. Cohen. H. Dempsey. ,T C. C. Blttek. Jr.. Tom SNmhotsn, Moses Murphy, Col. D browskl. ,7. W. Jansen. T. H. A xander, A. IT. Vonderleith. W. F. Keener. Wm. M. d’Antignne.A. Bind wald, E T Lyons. Howdre Phlniay, Louis Sehaul. 3. B. Schweers, Jas. U. Jackson. W. R. Young. I C. G. Goodrich. C. A. WITHERS. C. A. DOOLITTLE. I 1 Committee. THU Jk.TJG'UST.A hekald H*i ■ |f i<~ t* |mx% gfaNt 9*m Is ll# ft II MbAgMsdl At Atfts** 9* A*. • ii ••» i§f ft» 14 tttltai l* Hi H*l H H* fi44»f mi HfvwiflP* H H -4 trnmm fi'rttt Mt T%f4NMt lNt» fvMHfpMl 9VOA9 At tit* ll*** Ham i* t A*>» ims ia««*l Ht* nmif (SNNNMifNiH bm tm* mtmtA stmm Ms JMMk M 4Nlf FMMMt At*** : ||kf« ffINMM HMMIIi Mm Mml4*'* M* M tmmmm m * Me M»* IMI It'vAmr •*<* *A*« At *»»s»wnw tw tTksetsefna Him tf*A9.'* lA»Mi**a Is vteMlid Mis I Jsasm W*tsA si Ilk* Mu |>sn htalis* sod Ot l ** lA>m*M tsut twaoea f* raw a t Iswt s teS'gA* j Mr* CJ T ftslA Mk« *»•» ire [« Ml MM MiHt44 Ml C*%fttfNiMMMb-. M t mm 4 Mrt ft M MU**? mm msmm I j 4NIM • t** 4*fi Ml MMMMMMs M IX |jt Kt A ill HI fNNNtM 111 Mu Hill I Am*m*9* *«4«t <• TIM Mmmlntm fftit 4fw Iwr* •* ? 5* | ( til* SMtal Iks# IS AM»***s laA9 Ia I i sen "tsg ( Mrs ftfsUse* fkari-* osd *4llArm , is** est ata#4 from a *lf* t« Mr W Ills it fksvl* of Me—#*■ «»»»«* I !Ml MWMV:*#4. U» Iwp Mf'lMMf tm I Mm* Ri«l • «%© fc*« bN* fM» ]*nm tHMMtHi Mi MMrßvUl# m J Mn*n Trttrf MUtiltf »wi. tf**'** ! Mr* M r Umr*? Um sm* mm**** ftmm m 4kli§litNl rial* «• fHiiflrta mm* j fri#«»4t m CiirlfMH Mr* H K Cmpbfll »H Ml** K»» J Jktrbm return*4 Imm alftil *t**r a j [RIiMRMt tiall to Atla«u Mt* William MtUl olio I* mom r*p rfontlti * lit|r fttitlllMre boom cm | t|f roftd *a to ilf fltf today Mr Jas. I. Mstthews fireman of ] stesmer No S, left today for Lwuli i skiff if will spend kls vacattow. I Mias Km* Ha* aid M*aa Ophelia I Fulmer leave Itsiofto* for a two 1 weeks' *U»I lo frlead* Ml Oraagwbung H. C. Mrs. James While of Johns on I. If’., win ha* been tic grunt of Mr* Jo. P. H. ini, left today for Mayes villa. Mr and Mr*. J. J Evan* and daugh ter. of Augusta, apen. a part of thla week at IJberty Hall.—CraarfordviMo I Advocate. Mr. and Mia. Elea rvughry have re turned from an extended brutal tot:r. and are at home at Mrs. Stovall'*, on the hill. K J. Ly m and W’illiam d'Antlgmc I leave today for a abort trip to Glasgow. ‘ Kv. Their many friend* wish them a ' pleasant trip. i The friend* of Mr nod Mrs. W. H. i Gage will regret to learn that their I daughter. Mis* Cora Gage, la ill with I typhoid fever. ; Mr. John Bailie, an old Augusta hoy. I now with the Southern Extircss com pany In Chattanooga, la spending a few days In the city. Mr. of Augusts, has been here a few day* lhl» week with bis friend. Prof. Jordan Sanford.—Craw fordvllle Advocate. Mr W F. Goodrich left laet night i for New Orleans, where be will rename , his connection with the Sebauffer-K*h- I man hardware company. Miss Mary Lit Phinixy and Misses i Belle Harris of Athens and Florence j Yancey of Rome are the guests of Mr*, i Charles Phlnisy al GroVetown. } Me. H. Clay Hill goes up to Greene | county this afternoon. Rumor says that Mr. Hill's visit Is nf special im port and that he will not return alone. Mr. Clarence M. Murray, a popular young man of the South aOrollna and Georgia ralltoad. is on an extended trip to New York and other points of Interest. Miss Lorene Brinson entertntned her 11. tie friends very delightfully wester day afternoon at her home in Wood- Inwn in henor of her ninth birth day. I)r. Lansing Burrows left last night fov Savannah, from which blare he sulD for New York. Dr. Burrows will visit several northern resorts be fore romlng home. Mr. !,t’ Jordan, who was married to Miss Hottie Silver day befre yester day, was complimented by the Suther land band, of which he is a member, with a serenade last night. The many frlendj of Miss Lila Seago, one of the m: st proficient profession al nurses in the rity. will regret to learn that she is quite t-lck at her home on the corner of Bread and Cen tre streets. Miss Frances Johnson, of Atlanta, who recently made so many friends in | this city while visiting Miss Lockhart, j passed through the city teday on h r way home from a house party in Sa vanuah. The whnsT presented a busy appear ! ance yesterday. Foc.rt boats were in | port, the Murchison, Ethel, Cook and Wanda, all with the exception of the Wanda receiving a heavy cargo of way and through freight, j l’rof. Callaway, of Wilkes county, and Misses Pear! Rogers unit Eula j Kngllsh have been elected as teachers for tip? Warreuton Academy for the ensuing year. Prof. Callaway is a graduate of Mercer University and is a member of one of the best and most cultured families of Wilkes county. He is a brother of Judge Callaway, of the ! Augusta circuit.—Warreuton Clipper. Good BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BEST (lift Powrftf. I JNfl* .MAAk * f f9L M. - I /JrftiSSi r 4IA w7 s JJEjpqlnl *<Ct Bmm 9*m **mm 4ta©r*4M IW# •** Lrritati, Nil Il*» mm fm+* a tICMR lUFf* r««)4 m>* m* ta4a»«4 if Ym» a** ii la a© #•** I# tba itgtililf four rißfff t* rent IHf mtaf. Tit Gu Lilli Cl. If iUUtJ, PJ BROAD AT. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern convenlencies- No, 1251 Ellis Street. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 21 2 Bth Street. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 11l Oreette Street Is located tat one of the most desirable sertlon* of the city. House built sf brick ki a handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all *n good order. Lot « by HI feet. If you contain phi to purchasing a home It will be to your Interest to coo alder this properly. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. OON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 IiROAD STREET, And Get Your WorE Done Well. For the next 00 days Bicycles Enameled for SB.OC— High Grace B’ork. l.o*evt once- in town on Repairing. Second ti.tnd Bicycle* bought and sold on easy payments. ALL WORK GUARANTEED JKE jjERALD HOLDS THE RECORD, ITS CIRCULATION MORE THAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA and GEORGIA. Why-Why * BECAUSE IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. — “A Newspaper these days must grow on its merits as a Newspaper.” The Herald’s Wonderful Advance and Growth Troves the Correctness of the A»- t section, i ' t,-- i jMJftitflt Mftjaairt a st. ilb!fm At Hillman. Ga, to a»f* * §»# is# «|# mtwm M* * $ sm* m ‘ *4nM* Mm mmpim m*T ba *# bn \ ! «|mS >j* MX A " 1T 1 # ***** ! l 6 101 111 BOS4I Cl t:;e reed house . 41 HAMt I’M i Eg* J FaC <U *cre-ftlMMMhlt.l— Of Elftftif liiHU. Me* M a Mss* is* «*»*• .wasp* a» <i* M«as> ■ Mattsas and Ak* Mgi ******* I M*d #•*•*-** a«M>a*4w*M w*t is wxau MRU. M A.. Ril l*, IhrlrM, (k HltTl SIR. fluff. mrfmnf ikhm iji ii istftiti *nmm; j twmm* mm*mk * * «<.'#! mmCSCIwM* | BMiMMMM fw *»*ib>r»re Vale* II I*la Ij M . OwffAlw. . **. e. M on. FOR RENT. IHBitIIAKUE OUWSKKK 8T LOTH [lire NXHtUki lhnr bm4ihi **4 1124 ClflFfMnp l ftVfftft't .*»*#••#*#*•»* 4 f««M**ft <■**.__ ti riur v-ii. < I'*(|tain ft It t «ft ftg n i ft# < '*)# | !scm»fc mt tlrevn brfort so« go •wmjr fwr tire tmmmmr. JOHN W. DICKEY. 1 and 2 Library Building. Eagle Baking Powder IS AUGUSTA MADE EAGLE BAKING POWDER Is high grade. Very different material* from the cheaper Al um Ammonia Powtjer. lhat Ig norant and poorer people us*- — for which there la no earthly FAULK BAKING POWDER Use Eagle In plane of the 59c. Jb. Powder you now use. You’ll get the same result* In good wholesome bread. The 50c. Pow ders were priced 40 years sgo, and, like a Patent Medicine, It don't change In price. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Should be used hy Augusta peo ple. City pride should Impel them. If nothing elee does. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Simply asks of you a trial. •EAGLE BAKING POWDER if f Sells at 25c. lb. f"i THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. - MAKE EAGLE KEEP COOL by using one of our odorless Refriger ators—tlx* Dewey just annihilates hot weather. Klondike. Gurney and Eclipse are nil good; everyone guaranteed: wa ter coolers, cedar chests; ice cream fteezers. See our line of bedroom suits. $25. Baby Carriages for $6. We will make terms and prices to suit you. Fleming*& Bowles 804 Broad Street. ■ Alt Mu AD AftMktM'dtANk Cbarlnion t W CatoUni • «*«*«• a #.*«»«***• ««»«■>» is* a tsAaawk* At ftOas* Jsaa Mft Aaa . i «-*.**•<«>**{ * ‘kaAtPIMB a- ■**♦»■»«*iswi— mi * ep*. »•* «** ~jr *Minr 1 ft# «»>■ •#» *mmh * IMMPMMMMMi H MbN* MMpM ] 49 IPbMM MpMfiMP** **bMM? M*o4Mre ■ **■** j * iiriMl Tf*i . . in MJjMft f IP* * (MMPMDa ■**■*•*-•■« SAS***® | WMPM*; ft» #MMF*f*MI #;i . *■#•■♦** j I • r IpiM # m 4 #•*«« * Saa»A7MM-» Ma toMMMM* ..Hi? hma-A'9- | M4AMMt' ONMA* «** j A BpPtoMi *„t.f ,»♦, ,a I 4jpM|)«c« Mil i: jass; K n ii - I p4# * Mpmi; r PMMipMi mu ■i ■ iMkMMMb; fgMR 1 * Kin Mag-|f •«..* •••«• * § tMMMb ~ V»fnr I *gM>i T * _ mtaiiMOoTAfi* * NtUMM ..fa-*.. } » MMI *MpillaM#M -*••*.' I MIMM- MMM * Mb© MJMM t : *mm* * mm'aui.i. iiM ** MMmMMMMm*** *♦♦«***•** - H Mm ; At kmmmm »> » | Ml * t# •»#** ft* # ft M«M*# #MMM# #lMf : AMU* «MNr**r#i #4 4 #4N 4M A *Mb f#9 #il S4NM 4M M A. Aaa <>#p -MG «**i»M* «4 iMM*Mi m* m K#A mM. L ffl/i « MMI RnMMMMMMI 4B» tifbbf M4NMMMMM •#!■•*• Ml Ism Mil 4 MA M» Mreu h# 4# * »-»»twin f. ft AMSKMfk IfAft* M**a<ae .a i|i#> if* BLUE RIDGE RAfLROAD'. H f BKATTfX. bfffifff Em*M*mm* Wmtf^mA. r*M MNj • r|t ** mf* Ota rbim R Ci«M Mi# ** 8 ts Illy |||| * HfttF* Wf Df|, AM 'PM |Arrive Lease PM AM It K t M t!„™ &>«*•» .... f a II H •** I* 07 ; Jf ia|,.,.. Autun r a MU u tVi lIC 19).. Pax tte'oa .. s a>9 11 u »:I9 I *•!• CWtjt IVwi f I All U 9.« I;?w 19 A4J»'* PhCTi fi l:liUft til t iTr-pH . lEN'ACA ..a. 4 It Uft , tl || . «:# i'gj 133 Wes?l I'sioa »> CK t it Ns,., walkali* > l. am PM I »L*ava Arrtra PM PM. ftu.l2 N»« » No> S. Regular Walton. F, Flag Wafton. All rogular train* frooi Anderson t« Waihalla have right to track over train* o« the same etaa# aaovtog In «P --postt* dire !ton, unteas Wrwlaa spec ified by train orders. Will also otop at following otoitnoa to take on or lot off paseerig.-r. Phut ney's. James and dandy Apdng* No. It connect* with Southern rail way No. 12 at Anderann. Noa. I and • connect with flout hern railway Noa. 12 and 17 ki Aannrn. J. H. ANDEBAON. Auprrintendenl. ATLANTIC CONST LINE. tBOKTICkr AND ftt'lCftftCT ROCTk lOTHK EAST AND NORTH. SHOHTKBT AND QUICKEST ROUTE To THE EAST AND NORTH. 2:lopm Lv..Au«u*ta. Oa..Ar | 7:isam l-Wpm Lv Aiken. Ar | T.l9am 4:l7pm Lv....Denmark....Ar | «.!Tpm 4:4opmi Lv... .Orangb'g.... Ar t > 40nm « «lpm| JUv.Jhimler, A. C...Ar ! 4 29*m *:2ipm Lv Florence.... Ar | S.lSam lo:22pnij Lv...Fayetteville... Ar | I 14pm I 21am| Ar. Petersburg.Vn.Lv | t:l2pm 4:00am! Ar... .Richmond ... Lv | (t:l2pm 7:4lam| Ar Washington..Lv | I 46* m 103 am, Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv 12:25pm 11:25am! Ar .Philadelphia..Lv |l2 o»t.m 2:o3pmi Ar.... New York....Lv | 9:3oam Pullman palace buffet sleeping cara from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. R. A. BRAND, Gen. Agt., 723 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager, jl. m EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTH WEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March 6. 189 S. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry 930 pm. Arrive Chester. Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. reave Chester, C. * N W. Ry 7:46 a m Arrive Lenoir, C. & N- W. Hy 1:18 P.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage - »> P ">- Arrive Green I*ark. Stage .. -■ * 00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:3o _|^ rl - OW. HARPER, c 7 F. HARPER, F-e-idcnt. <7 P A. •Ml You Want to Make Money, Move in the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.” i - r SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING OUT IN LIFE. advertisers who use the her ald LET RESULTS. , WHY NOT GF.T IN THKfR COMPANY.! OKUEk YOU It COAL and WOOD FROM THE- North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantitv and Qnsiity Guarantord. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone SIS 4 Stronger 3d5 ft *t *» ftr* ii*im>(»ai» mmmrmM* S. EtC. MILIIT CO mmtPtiM #%«*lM9>, MMb- M Hl—ifkXk * i*e* iNMk- M my**, »*o* iSiW, V' Vl»«» » l * A # * 4# « Tmftl*»t«Ti > I* tiMMpINb4MNpMI A# *#*k ##•**_*f 4MNMBb.<gMMW^^ b ««mh# *l* #**'f* •##"’*** ■. IMMPN4 i - t k ft ' - * - * •*««** 44 • MMMfM If Mum •» 4M*JBM|mm La 84— I* * mt***.*MJm**s 4* « tm*m. . m iliii gt 4 I'iWv i’ATKkk. ItaMty lawn* Mk| i I, tei* t* afte**,,.■ - Aftyft A* a **ss» ... I-sno* aa a »«m*s **fj h' k.M Iktl Mil id VIA Ikflfttdtt lie-wdi iNoofos ko osd hi ken Ys#S 1 • dnynam- Ulyi I* *on~4SS)9KB t> kUkh... AHW i# hash tail tnkdk * f (»• n«*n#e. * i jma i * i vwis ora a ihss* a# iadkard lift* !>• ktsAv'd.,| itoas A# dftnM..Uik' alien unm At Bit >■<*!Jftw At 'w-ulMm (.gar94#lA ftlltyit. \ mi*~ wm i m»s T *■»'■■* "~llknss FlfySriS , vknndset »«**-..• i Msis > './■» 1 UMn «mVT<9*«l» ift* »u» »•»«• a #**sn Baiun.. .1 k11yaw........ IT*miir*9iHlki«»*iTT t--- 1 t»s»« ttssni ‘tAssa* liftvn G**» tseintWa. . 4 i«u4> . UMI lesv* kwelesavtßs. ■ ■.... «9*» ! alftM *******»enu Sony 1 IJlift < sskisssaasna s 4 >*> sal »-w York r'SSWSSm. sun W44i smMasSß ftg J ll ki i —ls- k ts. an teHln* dawn. AugM sat ii* <-x rs4* nod mend Vn nUynuM* l'hTaNWL 4 ’ Li. ITMItEPOft 4. *gi >en M**4fkt Ihi 94»ftk. t t. uim te. Ay? ■. > uerwtit lm r SOUTHERN RAILWAY.* -SR r H lr*l TM ■*•«*» ■MtSIs Swum aw c ** laaWa iU <HW« F«I»U. Hh w»» J»iy a —p «—Bm. la !*"■ SfWSS—sS- ! Ml). ■e USSi?~ At iww ««*» «»» E, I*a; iSj; Aa.tgaawabawr. *• * S 52 ** *2 At aSßisvwa Li Aitmn.rn *7 i 2 Sj <»r*s;t*v<Ue I»a - £*£*■%_ In At I‘utniakSl’* dept. Liot iw Mmhl * » *•*»• »2* : ZzssF "::zz?r\ SSa :8t - ?335l - i»p »s: it itSilSin « at Lvfl,.as«». I f JSJ •••»*•• ~ Danville ■ j »*»»; IS> Ar~BtH»a»n«d . «•» * SSlipjC^B.Jill : Rttir Sag 13: rnm , —- Lv New York. Pa IS ... . «®p llliat •• Philadelphia.. S S#p »■• * MsaMt - »*>p •at • Lv WuSM. 8a Ry .... Ml 48*, It ISs Lv~Richmond j llilOat IS 01m Lv l*uivlH» • I 650 * Blip Lv Norfolk •»p At tir«M*a»fc®vo * 46 »! Lv Grmiiboro 7U5 » 7 ttp * Ikrioff* t»® 10 *p - B«ek HtU 10 11 UOp - ci» io u®; n Up " TV;unt»boro. II 41 » 12 M ® At Oolhi® BlandV *t 17 46nti. 137 b Lv. r«lumbi*Cn Uep't. 1 ISp 4 00® '* JoIumUM. 2ißpj OOu® “ Tr««tr* I Obpi 0 25® ** Hr»nlt»*vi!l§ ... BHKp 7»J7® Ar Atijrnatm. . __4 15|* B Uo® Lv. Aahrvtll® j h Ju® ~'S 06 p Lv. Mpnrtannurg j 11 40®| fi 15p Lv. UnTMs. (kC.ftU.Rr 8 00pi 7 00» Ar 4'harlsstou | S 40pf It **)» Lv Col his. tCAP By I 11 »* li « » “ gaviuuuth .... ....I 4 47p Ro* a /■T .tsekHopvilla _ ! 9 2Spl > ISA fl l KI ISO CAB SEKVICE Exeeltrat daily [>.-is»en**r senrice bewet ri'.rlda and Naw York Not St And JS—Ws-htn*ton and Soutfcwrsl.rn Limitn.l IC, lid Vestihujed trnin with dining tars snd first class coaehtw north of Charlotte. Pulitusn drawing room sleeping car. between Tampa. Jacksonville. Savannah. Washington and New York. _ . Pullman Sleeping Cara between Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing room shs-ping cars be tween (ireeueboro and Norfolk. Ooae conneo ! tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFOBT. arrinng there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor car*, between Cnarlestoa and Asheville. Nos. J 5 and J*— V. S. Past Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping cars be tween Jacksonville and New York snd Pull nmu sleeping cars betwaan Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman sleeping tars between Jack sonville and Columbia, *n route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK 8. C* AN NON. J. M. d'LP. Third V P. * oen Mgr. T. M . Washington. W A TURK. 8. H. HARDWICK, (+. y.A. Washington. 6t, P. A., Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 21, 18SS. Pullman Sleepers between Macon and New York. , _ Through Pullman Sledpera between Au guata and St. Louie. Lv Augusta ..| 7:osam! 3:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm! B:2opm| b:ooam Ar Macuai ...,!ll:lsam| I 6:4&una Ar Athens ....Tiilßpmj 7:50pm)...,, .... Ar Gainegvillej*3:46pml !•••• •••• Ar White PI ei*l :oCpm| Ar Mill'aff'le .|10:10am| I 4:30ar0 Ar Wash'ton ~ilO:l»ara| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Milledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta S:IS a. nx. 7-45 a. m., 1:10 p. tn.. and 8:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A,