The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 30, 1898, Image 7

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£ <*.' % :*\ ,^. %*> ■t ' y %*• *• Cl# ELLA HUII K IVAU rw ini Hiii i i^iiff (tt* 4m*' l # 4*4 gw*** Ml W44* *4 +%*>9p» timmPf iv<} mjnifliii'i MMfe* tm >1 #S# ®4®M ftMMfll 4—Ht!» 41 I®** l#4 t f •«s■* •4# f4#prM«* I# iNwr 4# • Mll4ai talk* M, >*t 411 »| ®*f fCtrJfcJ* 444* I» * 441 «fe» Imm t« 44# *4 4 04t*J»ct t*r • #nV4 Whtjr fan* 441# l»>ii<t 1444 «f lt**"*r mrn m IHm I* 144 fitt|4eat of VMMIf N>tr» 4B4«» #«4. (fee W4j (ft* 4t»J#rt «4 *t •mgr* 14 M 4 Hw» v* tfcrm. Nil Uwf. 44 K1g414l 444 nt4 m**if liv« 44 IhfWitty 44(4* 14 44114 44- •ttor »loty W t**"n 04* raflpoai to 1M44 rtf Ml till* Womm' CMtaMCIMr ***** nm **v ttKiawr *rl4 §*r**fm4n*t Ni* »h<* * tM»*» 44 4 4f »4|a*44t mg to fit * • X** k*» •*• «•»-* «f iH«u«hl <!••’ mmMool#. nftf r t«*4iin with bw. I**4 tn 4p4tNl to 44IT# «mt lot tb»*W ? '' ! v •** Af ter 411. 4**o# n'H iom* *»w t *a inntwto <4 thought-44«4*-«ti<*o •* tb* blfb* *t ffft h» th* fW4rt»l"« ‘if »«*- 444ofut *»rst*f4* Awl wrttl»* «B 4 t«ih* hMI •to hot two Dtnt*« for ’ho uumr ftiihv It ho* qaljr recently <t4«fi~t upon on* of Her moot •nktit tdmlri*rf thot th# WofMi Phllo4*gtwf olw4>* give* tiiiiibh htt» of In her Infotmol ItUle with* with Iff friends Tbr truth of th* matter h that thi* Ml vie* 4*4' orally th* atoot unwelcome of vaftfabt** grtlHea la no (r#ri*fu!lf dtfiytite*‘-.2 that If fa only after on# ha» profited t*y It. at llraf aaonaadotaaly. not aevan time*, hot oeventy time# acre*. that lie peat- Her valut dawn* upon oof* mental Igrlgoß. •M Silent Friendship. Recent tjr. In her present". a young vmmii crut< t.’<l the r ndu< iof a mu- arqtmintatu »*, a yoiany man »4 whom yfrtttea and fault* wot# some what cunfueingly Wended. VV hen the girl left, a man who knew very inti mately the one under dlavuaaloti re marked; “I iMnk Miss X was rather too hard «n a . You have no lde« h>w much he ad ml res her. and what a good friend to her he really has alway* been. The Philosopher replied quickly: “Neither hae ehe any Idea of t hie ad miration and friendship. Indeed, what right ha* the to suppose that It e*l»t" at all. alnee he haa never *hown It In any way? I happened to be with, her quite lately, whin someone. .«i spanking to her. referred to A—“ a* ’your friend. A .' ‘Why do you call him my friend?' she a»ked. 'Becauae,' raid the other, In *ome aurprlae, ‘1 have heard him speak of you »o often.’ I* that really true? I have the very slightest aequaintance with him. 1 think, during the thro* or four years I have known him, he ha* called Dot half a dozen time*, and I have never been out with him ’ “If a really «<lmlred the girl, why did he not show It In *ome way? Th * girl* of today, especially those of the South, do .not construe every little at tention into a possible advance from a would!)* lover, and how are they to recognize a man’* friendship (f b? docs not show a preference for their society, pay them some attention, or tell them he enjoys being with them? “It Is ere of th* greatest eiror* in social Intercourse that friendship of all kinds Is too frequently silent. We ate not all so spiritually superior as Emer son. that we can exist on tt>* mere name of a thing, Most of us are glo riously—or. In gloriously, If you would have It so.—hurnen, and we must have tile substance, rather than the shadow, if we would be happy. I go frequently think of I>r. Willetts’ response to a compliment paid bim by a woman who had just heard his charming lecture on •Burshine.' 'Ah, Madame. I th' nk you! I had far rather have a little taffy while t am alive than a great deal of epi-tarhry when I em dead.’ ••jf we love our friends, why do we rot tell them so now. while the occasion offers. Instead of waiting t ) wiite leng tbey In Memorlams after they have left us? W* all realize, when ft Is too late, that we might have or said so much more. But I am growing entir - )y too serious. It 1s almost o sermon I am preaching. Remember, though,” with a laughing shake of the heat! “that a woman has no right to sup pose a man likes her. unless ho tells her so, or proves it in some other matinm possibly more convincing. Just as *b’ has no right to suppose' he wishes to marry her, unless he asks in plain Kn gllsh—or. yes, of course. French or frerman, as the case may be—‘Will you be my wife?’ ” ... _ * * * m, fYttrr- f • MwpfMt' A WMM •** w, *miW■ ts •** •<u< mi MMk *•* **'—*•’ ka i **»T» »***»**• ♦ •• *™* ** , <i** r k *•- piM , Me 4MB B*** 1 * 4<**4 , f WMMNi 444 >p *' (M 4 fSl#* 44# B**44 If* ?114 44 B*BB»<4 fwm (0$ t|MMH4 (4NIP4' B*** P*e 1 »• !•*§* 4 PP4 » J|#4l #Pf4.,. If44r 41*44*4 t#-'4 444 8441 4lf4i**N 4P *4 |W*4e (NPppt-p** ’ f i • Bml#* (MB' MB (*P* ■ |sNf %p*i i44MM|N| f4P4Pe |p«P4» iiw»4 : f- p 4Me !'■♦* m 44 M wf»«4 1 14 1444 _ . w , ’ " 4*vi44 pße* I m-. ((-#• tfp(Bl s-r-f 4P44V4 m r lhA Aftijlit a|*f| |4t<r*’ ’ .p4#844 *•** ™ M t 1 I*4 *+%*;%* TM* 4-M>4 MBn** (MAN* * |4(MapfNkV , *l B 4 4444444 *p Bp wp ■• ww ■f, rturftlr r«* I rlcht *hm*< *44 thopckt I B«4 *w i«'r*wf#*4 fi4tnir*l'ly. T*» tfiy •U( r p***e» mrtiKr IN (tie In • ere#! bow • •* why t*ve v**u r»ut that vitee rlh , n t hat dusty blind?* I asksd in i ” Hrciutr t thought possibly th* sun might fade It t» th* shade I asked you to set.* ** ••• Talking Shop *1 (q not like thet itniii ** I “Why not?** aeked the WoiMB4 PW* ? lupijihrr ■ % “(i because he la always talking I “Isn’t the shop Interesting?” I The girl laughed. “Tea, I believe It I*, but It Is surh bad form to ronatant liy talk srop. sh p. shop.” ! “There Is no re**' n why It should i„. i ,,nsldcrrd had taste, provided the nature of the shop Itself Is not objec tb nable It Is rvas'.nsble to auppuae that a man or woman Is more conver sant with the affairs pertalnktg to his j~r her life-work than with those of »ny ether spheres of life. Aa a natural ’ ton sequence, they ran talk more Inter ’ cHtlngly along these lines than nn any j other topics, Just as a writer Is most 'successful when he writes only of the 'people and the places he knows best. : Aside from the considerations of en tertainment. no end of valuable Infor ! relation, sure to be of use some dey, can i |,e picked up from what you acorn «» 'the shop talk of well Informed people. (Then, too,—this from a very Hellish i standpoint—you. yourself. v»fll always appear most ( harming when you talio !>»'.«is to draw out a man or woman < n f ids or her .specialty. For a girl who , wishes to be popular, that Is something 'of a consideration. Is it not?” He Never Told His Love. ■B in *o noble,” someone remark !(*d. “He h»* been desperately in love (with A for month*, and yet he has never told her so, fer he i cables thot it will be year* before !>e can afford |to marry. Den t you think it splendid of him?" j "Thai depends,'' said the Philosopher. | "What, in the meantime, becomes <*f B ?" “Bl e doesn’t know anything about [ That * where he ha* acted so grand ly.” "No tlret is scarcely probable. If be 'love* her. a* you say he doe*, he could scarcely help showing it In some way. 1 In this world, s'-ntlmental in spite of the p-allst*. love frequently beget* love, and It ia barely possible that tb? girl! In this case reciprocates the man’s un- j spoken love. Rather a trying position for her, is It not, to feel instinctively that this man cares for her, to care ! for him in return, and to constantly !wonder why he so long continues silent on the subject? Tt would he only nat ural for her to doubt him or to mis judge his motive*. Perhaps, should he apeak. ffo would find that she I* even more adverse than he to marriage on ap insufficient or uncertain income. Nine times out of ten, a women is more practical than a man about these thins*. You claim that vour man is .noble and disinterested. Why shouldn't, he triv" the girl an opportunity of being j so beautifully unselfish too? I ran im- j aglno no greeter, torture to a girl of ; sririt than doing the Mariana in the' Mefed Grange pose while her lover , mnginifirrnt’l v. does the giving un. Pos sibly she. too; might enjoy the martyr attitude, so it’ is the very least he can do to afford her the pleasure of giving him un. tt may he that he is r.fraid it won’t he a giving up, and that means he doesn’t really love her at all. That; rmiED A. TJ Oh XT ST-A. ii ~ g«r- as -at** **a* <0 *•*» •»**••* ►*»**.. **4 I **♦*• h«t mm-* gWwadt 1* A gut aa* ImA ksag gass**«M t<A*at IMnA * uMi'i ***** ** I f-wifftt tMIMI %444 k *4444 tkß 144 44 s I " «4p 444 4RR4p4 4M B 4 4M 4*Bvß44fc 41841 it 4# 4M4 14 H4* 4444 #444 B 4 #‘’#44% 14411 ! BB'BMBB 444 | 4» 4 » fytm flu h4|4>iit bnM frtNMMNI 4 j m ,qp > n ■ % *m,. 414 4 kef# t» 14NI (mb4* j •AMU t«# 4 d%gl | 14 >4 (1- j M44"-wBI *4 KiMiir A 14441 Mfc* #» *4144 I #*>• fW'i 1 ' 4 # 4N*Ml4i* ** 4 1 1(44441 44 4441 4t#48P44 •• B 4 **B wim I j 4>N| f444(848*. MBA IB 14 MK»%i4*4t4 B 4 ■ i '1444V 4 4 §”«»■*'* #l*4 »«t #4 feM*"'' wPBwW I ' *4< a .aoj c. c-l IBM W BMrtrt #4* j a .,. mm 4 4*4(144 eßf f '4PBt4 r - \ mm || !•* |l>» I IMP >444 nil ***#- *44 l4»«* rt>-4k# If (%«*** 41i4t4 : V»Mirftl«w4 IlHlNr Mr Ht««l4 4t«n I .(gt-g itiM mi mm# t4»t444f‘»e IBvece yy, I•• t*4t y (igtffhd -f re fi®# l # > v . OiFirlllf W V . l*ilMß4<)rf TBiU fem > r4i hae ter» ywd la Mu* »i»f cmmm It <44 •!«•(« tie 4*v**i4#«t up <«4 for bowel rom|»UlnT. e%«*4 in H* n*not MMere f«n»e Kvmrp family »#mi4 keen || o« h««4 The SI *r«l II rent hot «f| o itf a | r ay t tHum A Brrd Co,. C- H. I’art. ot Ban Tower Drug PKRSONAL. j Mr W. F Cummlng ot the M»mp- Mr Hi. Julian Carwlle, a popular traveling man, whose home la In Kdge fir id, is in the city. Messrs Judson Mcßlmurray Frank dray and M O. Blackwell ot Waynea bero are at the Planters. I Capt. Alii*) Moragae of Bordeaux. B. C., la in town. Be reports corn and cot ! ton cropa In his nelgtslmrhood as good 'as the average and In super-abundance. Mr Marion Clark, recently n resident at Texas. Is In the cliy. Mr. dark comes to accept a posit tun In Judge W. M. Dunbar’s ne wmlll, which will soon begin operations. Mr. Britt Rodgers, the model farmer of Burke county. Is In list* city today. Mr. Rodgers Is. besides being a Brst i class farmer, one of the most Intelli gent Mid progressive citlxens of that section. I (hr.lni Charlie Parks, formerly of the Atlanta Journal, but now traveling for a Newberry rolfln factory, la in the city. Charlie I* dlkturlied about his phy sical condition. Ho Is fearful of Inanl He says he Is all right otherwise ond hss a packet full of rocks and no thing to chunk at. Mr. Parker Jordan, of Greenwood, S. C., waa In the city yesterday, a guest of the Arlington Mr. Jordan Is pres ident of a flourishing bank to Oreen | wood. About a year ago he organised a (niton mill and at the first annual (meeting of the stockholders they de cided to enlarge their plant. AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. i There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard A Wlllet, who spare no pains to serure the best of everything In their line for their many customer*. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King’s Ne’.'; Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold*. This la the wonder ifui remedy that is securing such a ?u --iror all over the country by its many istartling cures. It absolutely cure* ' Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affection* of the throat, chest and (lungs Cal lat above dtug store and get 'a tiia! buttle for 10c. or a regular size I for 00 cent* and JI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. THE LYCEUM. Important Announcement (lade Tills Afternoon. As has bun slated before, the Au gusta lyteum will go back to their old quarters in Masonic bail next season, ! end instead of one 1; eeuen with a (membership of sr”en or eight hundred there will ba two. Lyceum A and Ly ceum B, each with a membership of 800. This will do away with any undue crowding and will in many ways he picasan n r. The enrollment of members is pro gressing finely and President .Jones states that there are only six vacan cies left in the list of Lyceum A. Just, as seen as this list is closed that of I,cm B will bo openerl up, and al ready there are fifty names waiting enrollment. The season of ’9B-’99 will be opened on the 20th of October by: George Wendling or Dr. Robert Mcl;i-j tyre, and the list of attractions for the season are of unusual merit. Those of I.yceum A will be reproduced the following night for Lyceujn B. ——— H Miss Grace W. Root, a daughter of the composer, ended her life by the use of chloroform last week. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. • a* Tfctk wnfi mu lunwr w task tttu 4< 1-4. *•# I«»* • A*tf|»t4- Attt* *»r»n *•** * 4* »<» TtAOi ***t / (4 SAlMll 4TCHCH, *t HpUUUM, |4 angm*u* of Utf mme tktU has ban* md 4mm mm •» ikf /#«* * Bfndf liffßHttunt of wtmpptt. Tkt§ u tkt enguuJ "CABTORU* »4ir4 ktu Pm mini 4 (At kamra qf the Mnthtra qf Amerk* /or orrr Ihtrtq qntra LOOK CAREFULLY •/ th§ ir<fyrr mi Ms th§l ft 4 tkf buti ytm hw+ hrmqht ** 4 40 J 4«t ii, BigmtliirTa/ *r*fh arf So one hm ttUkurilq /Nm m# lo urn f*o M*f etttfi fkt> Centaur Commny, of mhuk Chm. H. Fletcher u /Vr» dent, 1 Vl / , —An . JD. Do Not Be Deoeived. Ho not th« life of y»»tir child by rtw-dit Miheiiiulc which pome may finer you 11* ran**’ he gulitii a few niofc prnnief on It), the in* irrctlknta of % hkh fit'll he cloc* n«*t know. “The Kind Yon Have Always Bought" BEAR 3 THE SIGNATURE OF . Insist on Having i The Kind Tliat Never Failed You. Not Too Late to Buy a SUMHER’S SUITj Half the sea»on ia yet to come, and besides you will find many warm days in the Fall when a Summer’s Suit would not be uncomfortable. There is one great advantage In buying a suit now ; you can get a very fine Suit for lit tle money compared to what its value would bring at the beginning of the season. Reason teaches economy. You save money by buying your clothing from us. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, .... GEORGIA -« I I J Ks l\ S ~1l J tional Photographers’ Association and will be pleased to demonstrate to my patrons several new ideas in Photography on and after Saturday. July 30. v n. O. HALL. PORTNER’S HOEBRAUand VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST AbK FOR TIJKM. wm. McCauley 2C40 WALTON WAY. PELL TELEPHONE NO. 2101. Summerville Plumbing; Company pjumbing. Sewering and Ventilating | Hteam and Hot Water Heating a Hpc< al y. Estimates Given on Ail Emus of Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACH E USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. SAIvB oF¥uburban LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville l.and Company will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of land" on the Harrisonvilie Road, m blocks of two td' teven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o’elcck p. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary.] Old Polar Ice Worts Machinery FOR SALE Praps, Taots, Pipes, Sc, Cheap MM Iron forts UP-TO-DATE METHODS ; ' \ UNTIRING ENERGY, brains and push, • IIUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OK LARGE SUMS OF MONEY SOME OF THE METHODS THAT (MAKE THE HERALD FAfIOUS, FOR SALE ggf-\ have for sale very desirable build in,. Jot located in Ibe centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the cily. Will sell tame very cheap* Just the place for a handsome residence lor your family. Wood titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, SO. 1327 GREENE STREET. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. READ RSJ! V TH® AUGUSTA HERALD Because It Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Irrangement With the hew York Journal and Published Simulta neously in The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News” “The War New# Aitend of Other Tapers Georgia and South Carolina.*' Best Brightest, Cheapest Paper PutM Ten Cents a Wvek ■ Forty-F : ivc Cents a Month $1.25 For Three Months | $2.50 For Six Months $5.00 a Year. * . It is impossible for Herald solicitors, to sea personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below tor the time you want the paper to rurf, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will be sent you immediately. To The Augusta Heraid : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ —for which please send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. / I h Name Street and Number Postoffice State 10 CENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Host on The Market. j CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUOHT BEER The Best, on The Market. i W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumberl ;B u ildersMfardware. toorß - 50,h ’ L riculclings, Laths, Shingles, Wood & Coal. I ieth STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HQJJ6E gt r- I£l£Jf&OX£ 74. • j AUGUSTA. GA.