The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 30, 1898, Image 8

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EAfUHOAV S? Basfsj" • fw*t *»# Immrrm kt<xk» will toon m«vr W#*« cWnmc flood* *f prktt bwtr than eve# ft known in c*y Come WAR *CRAI* BOOkA. RImM CJWS» Hf»| 'Wl«« Ift K hi Awfwtoa d »tw. aoaaoa r * fa** •*' MBftf ***♦? rtwall h*>v *" ,b * ' gOOM b*.« r*»mfth -» l * ' 1 ** ** l ’ Of '*» **e r,r ' ' '* ,S * smith wi*i *»« Br *MI of Mr and Mr* r ****»• |d* vary Hr** WHr **f *** Ynwtr" ’ * kta m»H#etu»a of »ou<r**« I l«< ptoritw so«* «>'>• * h * l>r»ootti<.i** 0 j tils «rn» hook are pn4f«to«« I* to fad on* 1 * AM «b* »••* •• •* **• ,low ’ •ta* Mtar* aaaM l»o It* hw a »»"•" Om> |«khi up th* hook rmn read ***** ■tar? «f «*# war by (to* pi#«r*w »s«"* ■o mmml •"• »r* lh*» srraag-d (te»< MrlMI *M •*•-<( In r*f*r In tctaromla* aowaop** *«»>•«* *'* fc wdtrh they MO MU*l'■a*r»*'M- IK *n*r , |OT in, hooh nil) h* *v*a m«.r» MHlliii ibtn a<>* it* pwi h* reter r*4 to tor any port bearing on the Oa has wat qrt»*t «>•> Tb* In mtlapier** to **» *>• 111 fated 'Mil**"' thin ta fMlnunl by Ih* plr tiif** »»f ftwoldctU and Mr* McKinley, oy*r whl< h *»»** th<~ >Ur> and alrtpe* o! (h* .tat** the b«*T kin* Of flpaln, i{,., qH -n regoat and prim* mini*!*-. Guarding rtihn'B flirk-barrefl *»* with « »ln*V star Jtoxt i*nPW* <ton Hu kttph lav. Hi* firm at Wilr l-kod. »• 1,0 «rac li ‘66 • f XI PP h* I* im. There *r* plriur** of Dr*iT *st tJampnon •*wl Ihr *tnrl>* of HwMr ll»*» In » nu<- •fr<rll; Dewey’* «e*4. tb* flying squad n*fc korpoii* bonta'tnfl n»* *pnni»h vesnaia raptured, lb* hrigndlrr geocr p! as tb* army. rom»ml»r» of ih<* navy, eapUdno. Ilmtrilili pat Junior ofll* rera views of nmp Hl# “I Tamps, Cupp, Ih* rblHpptos Island*, tb* ms rlnt bosplUt ai Key Wet* and Ih* Red Crass Menmohlp Relief # !lh It* ours** Thr picture of limit Hobson, the H*rn of tb* Mcrrimac, sham* the place of honor with that of Ensign Baglay, lb* Aral ttowiflw of Ih* war A totiflilng group of pictures ar* thos* of Ku.-Ik'H Bagiev with hi* arms around hla mother, his liody lying In Mate in the capltnt at Rallcgh and a Blew of hla flower-covered grave. Tha book la both Instnirtlve and ln tnrmding and Its yoflthful eompller desorve* much credit for the mantur In wltirh he has arranged It. We Have Made War And algughtered prices oo Trunks. Trunks made by expert Trunk-makers fiold at Manufacturers’ price* Trunk Factory. ** 3 Broad. Bell ’Phone «IHI. “now a major. Dapt. D. n. Taylor, Formerly of Au gusta, Is Promoted. Captain D. M. Taylor, the former Commandant at tho arsenal on the Hill, who left here shortly after the war broke out and went to Springfield, Maas., has been promoted to a major ghlp in tho army. Captain Taylor, by hla Jovial dispo sition. made many hundreds of friend* during hla stay In Augusta, who will be glad to hear of the promotion. Promotion la considered slower In tho ordnance department than any other, so the rise In rank of thecaptaln Is nil tha more gratlfj’ing to lita friends. A NEW RULE. Regarding Starting of Trolley Cars Now in Force. A new rule has gone Into effect con cerning the motormon of the street railway. The rule relate* to tha feed ing of the current to the motor, lli re tefore the man at the motor threw on the current at will, but now he Is re quired to rest the motor key two sec onds at each notch on the machine. This :« to prevent the current being put on too suddenly, which Is liable to burn the motor out. It will now re quire a bit longer time to get a ear go ing at a full rate of speed, but it will be a safeguard to the machinery under the car. Kentuckians to a man are in favor of war on the water. w« Wmr *• cu.m. W* Ih»> m t>p*« W« Ar* IfR I fflfli lAUAiWumiiU We Hav* • kftft* Irraal 111 gvery CWM Wfl •***». Our thab i* not heAvfty chftf»fl«» t»|r «wi* ..anmynlk, IftMlfl «*l MR —CftiftWß for iftnt opftdtt ihßßwio* fa» mxtth thft rotvf owfMKl tnr «Ni ttrm W Ho ftftcmnifr «h*m ftt uml»f-pf<f** for lh« ouh M OftymflWl Of CftftH. Tb# otflcouftift m#«n • cRM»n eftvirm toy«K*. 28 pi* oftrrt off «H M#«'fl ftnd Youth** f Aocy Cftftftlmftfft* Cfbft- VKH end WomtflP Soli*. 20 ptr coni off •# Mfln'j VcHifftfl* Black and |iu« Womt* oft Butt*. 28 par cant off all ChH4ran*» Knaa tmuaar Suita ail atyloft and ■■MS* SO par coot off all Man*». Boy»* and diil(tran*ft Straw Hata - naw jrood* ilajor John nm:v Tl* OMb at a Qmllnm tors Ml Mawrwd Ml Awgwaga. HtSlmr JolNi A* fllfft, «m# n| tiff IkMM ItBOSfSI SSNS ti <ORI Yinfwfeby art Wiitift Nri Mtmitmtiwm, MMif W*l MflllUaL Pt. Major rutm 9mm In lit fe*«illl tor pmmi sis MKNitto*, <t«rinf wJitrli tISBB In* M'S# ttfkdft Hr (SUNi of Ik# Mfust. i*r«ift»a« as th# mmtrr W* I iltfUst wmm rsjjSrt, ln*ti#f, ami 4li>i iioßt# tlftn Al# ftnllf an<t frtMii hat» 1 Nsiiinl iiis arsvii f m 9 lit# roMiititfwt i Tltf r#tHM» of III# flfMlll m#• ## irtfsr * tier# t*f thm tirrr Mr ### bora ##4 wsfnd I# An#tint* | hot hit (mm # fHtsts of A(l#«t* ifpcv IIH, AI tl<* act* of li ti# r#t#r*4 (A# rooMtrif# anay wait# a fttrtktit j* f|» mlUtary arsdrsif at MaHatta, isd [pis arrvlm wiffti th<* f#<ld| who tnst 'to ttw* frost of that iottitotlos. A#4> ittißA la Aliaata, A# rittnad tA# tianf* | tin tHalntis. la whlrti h# was r#ry str rafol. irrttotalaMaa a fostlA tabli , fortuno ssd Mtabltillat for h!«noalf a pfsltkm of l«a|H»»tttß* * In (hr rostomn* *lty. Mr Marrtrd Mir* Mariana Tor* sir, our of thr most bratitifol and bril liant jrirt* of Atlanta at that tlm*. ; rbry had four who tofrfhrr with hi* wife, •arrive him, Thr rtilkl • rvs aw Jam * Tutnrr KUtaa, f*lt |tra. Jr . and Mlsaoa Eflsahrtli and An* nit Ffttca. TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENTS Augusta Light Infantry Decides to Buy Their Own Lquipment*. The Augusta Light Infantry held a meeting last night. The company aboard up twenty-one numbers at the meeting out of llu? twenty-eight that now compose the command The company has loat aeveral men, who enliated In the T.nth regiment. It was derided last night Out Ihc members purchase their own equip ment, as such Is not forthcoming from the slate. The equipment ronalats of catfceems, haversacks and cartridge belts. The rompany will recruit new mem bers from now on. USED BRICKBATS. Difficulty Between a Trio of Ocntle mcn Last Afternoon. There waa a difficulty In the upper part of the rlty last afternoon that concerned Messrs. John Kelly, Henry Herbert anil James Herbert. The bone of contention was a few planks of cell ing that Mr. Kelly claimed and with the Messrs. Herbert also attached own ership. Herbert attempted to take the lumber away and Krlly put In an ar gument for Its remaining In shape of a hatchet that he threatened to use on the otlser parties. The Herberts pro ceeded to open up a brickbat bombard ment on Kelly—and this morning It was. Kelly, *1.50, Henry Herbert $5 and Jarnee Herbert, *2.50. THE THIRD OEOROIA. Full Quota Will Be Obtained in Two Weeks. Colonel Obear, the acting adjutant general, believes the full quota for the Third Georgia volunteers regiment will be obtained tn two weeks. There are now 600 n camp at Griffin and recruits arc being received every day. Fines and Offenders. Fines and offenders et the court of the recorder today were: Hill Stoy, *5. J.uey Childs, $5. J. H. Gilbert. *5. Jim Brochet, $lO. Cordelia Oliver, $lO. OASTOniA. Bears tho >The Kind You Have Always Bought Bijjtmtaro /l? , Old Glory. Old Glory now floats to the breeze over the top of the upper police bar racks. The flag was hoisted today by Sergeant Morris. ui , _ , ANONktflut» l ertii 1.4 k •»«#*«•» *•»«**•« Mm Mm kvc taMMftsfl fMM Alt trti'l%l mi am■sm i vm. #Bn| f% : 'fg# iA* *!■#**#■# tlM* jnRPNNrtNf ti# #|# M# rnnmm «4 n#« Haiti' at Mai m l-jaa# auawt, *§ n#i*itfi*Kßa ai l |«% # Wmmt ay at t%* |mmmi *i>a«i « • atuwA-i aaii t*a i apa afeai## HataAtM akiatamp* Mfcaapiri »»a atwraa# Hum MMwMMi 9im mm& H m Ha in HaM* in fMM ft afcAa MM flafffMfiwip tmmrn #•*♦!* ; Nia Hyp iHMkMNi aa*i A## tmffiiwi <imm wait at CM* AmM ant smmmm lift a Imai ***»##■ uni ta*** f * rnarnm 9wm faff# mmi HmH *ln* §at* ts» im#*** 9mm ftif mm*f ta ikftt#*<i mmm if fliaat Hi - lavip naif t# Ha ff 9nm it Via fa MHaMM ■*#»■##! tHHAtafa ai Ht*aa A# mwm Hat*4 tamrn «wf4a,jt. aaatata' < * •#»*»« *■# *ik* MM MM tAtwaail aft itHa* tmmthm Aa* faHt lit av# vMn ## fa all aaaaivt* 4mmmm* fit Halo#*. lattA aa a faf* *mm mmmm Ma * l*#at#t* aaf aa a H9* aam 9a 9(9# fafatWAHj a frtan4f*fit <Haa«faaf vita tv# ftk»*»'i«kr • ■** iaafvft4 tiwiaa Oa* #1 ta# faai aaffVpfN’a a tvt vt twaa aav ta faMHla#' a*# <4 tv* l*f*fa swl*r a Hi# fpata# at if* tJwA aHtlaf Ala fill av 4 vttf Ah 9V#tA*f *•* #iaaa Tv* **»«i<aw» yaata#4at **•- rgrtg g •tm’tsr Imiw l| hi* MO Ira swmag lb* M tot s*Wt wot by tb* guilty (Met. THEORIES ADVANCED, bmm ml |sm Talk Ttort la IvetN* of lb* Arrvat Haet tAaottiv Aa** A**v a4*a^# M *4 if tf* mmumm i Ov* ta «v (A# mWmei (hat atA*t *n4 an*** fwaitvrvt partna tAaa il# Ht arrg#t*4 at* tA* tirtvrJaala ia (Aa *aaa a#4 (Aa rwj«rti*f* *a« Aaiarfrl (tet |aaotli#f Aaa A**a (A* Artigt lor avf ifyt (##»tor AacrtA«r *tr»ry Atvrf mm (Hat ft Aaf | Aa#f (A# afrtalnv ml rtrtila of ll» of irtala vAo Aaf U**m varkiaa aa <*»« rmm <Aat tb# f#c«ar A>9 A**V »*<Nttl»f '(A* lifttr* to titaiirtf Tbli, of row, jwaa * spio<!M i»r ta* aavp*aiiifi of ta* : iv*< f*v fa*a Mtlll *ttoth*r alar? la that Mrs ON wra was frequently la tbe babll es vis it i( ISr Malone and showing bias let ters of the ebarorter sad tea* AreriM which gar ported to bavn btra tsMltfd Ta (be mail by herself lusf ictor Barry, who Is an old band at tb* toilitM. la stated to have said that tbia has brea the aost dlftcuit rase be has estt ond-rtakea to unravel. , He tots hero positive for some Uttto time Hurt He was on the rlgbt track, 1 but owing to the Importance and mast serious eftcc:* to tollow, AWermiaed to wait uatll tber* was *o poealbllity of failure In secure tbe most positive ev idence to ronvirt. Tbe moot Importenf evldenoe. It ls Itwrned. that will be put forward on M; nday. at tbe preliminary trial. Is the testimony of a letter carrier whs will testify that a rcrtln mail box at a cer tain tlm-* was ahoolutcly empty; that Mra. Glcsaon approached, placed some half do»c» or ao letter* wlth’n, The box was then opened and the Utters secured. DETECTIVE WORK. It Has Been Hard Work for the In spectors. In tb.‘ rottrse of their Investiga tions. the shadowing of the lady tn the atempt to secure evidence, the lot of the defective# has been no easy one. They have been on watch at all hours of the day and night. In the course of their aurvelllaocc. It Is stab*!, one of their number hid himself under the house occupied by Mrs. Gleason for whole nights. The question of marked stamps can not B<v°tn to be traced or verified. It is said that Mr. Barry tnadc re peated efforts to get marked postage stamps Into the possession of Mrs. Gleason without exciting her sus picion. That this was accomplished cannot be ascertained. WHAT nOTIVE. The Question That Is Asked By Al most Every One. The question of the motive for the continued and dnstardly prosecution ts an Interesting one. and it has been hinted, It Is thought, by some that other and higher persons may be found to be Implicated In tbe matter. The course pursued by the enemy of the physician has been systematic and thorough, and. as has been stated, the doctor is able to trace certain loss of patronage through the receipt of these eomrmioieations by his friends. At the request of Attorney C. Henry Ccben, tvho has been retained by the defense, the preliminary trial before Commis sioner Calvin has boon postponed until 4:30 o’clock next Monday. Tbe prosecution will be atonded to by Messrs. Boykin Wright and Hamil ton Phlnisy. It is stated that Attorney WHght called the attention of several parties to the similarly in tbi? handwriting of Mrs. Gfettson. when she signed the bail bond —which, by tbe way. was fixed at SSOO. and not—to the writing in some of the mailed letters secured by tho postoffitw department. EMPHATIC DENIAL. Mrs. Gleason and Her Friends Assert Her Innocence. Both Mrs. Gleason and her friends. thjb auotjbta hsbald. Vases *»tMa mm »»«•»* \ # »•*» amm •***•• an» •#* fla ■ #***•* <* V ft# *## f*N| **s#*. * f Wftftv ftAVMI A aoa J HAfvHCR V.A AUDI. Tto> l ##* 14*41 Hf # «#**«■* VwfV ti«a j ■■■■*!, 4f'a*c» • 9■via*"# ■ ia*# mm mi v»i am 4 ##4. a** #4** #*4 , aAMMa a«• aatvtvi wm* in vt* I MV Alt 4*#lA *# a* rfVftiitt MM* 4 a#“ tfti< *% mms r t» (■- * VMf s fft** * rV*» (|j< t «kTT»f iitf l#-* r *4 l* #l# t#tdN#t | *•* •#l4 tv#4 #a#il #t w i>wm a* #vaj**i * m (A* 4#at• #f «# «#; • * * *•%** •Aifl At fNr ia* **p>#n «4 Nmartf m#4fa ai tty AM## At* a* *##vi - ##4 aN*t AM 4§M| A* 4t*MA4 #• Vvfvr* VBN*4l #B4 9#A*** Bv*A AMvN9t A*- vviviA#4 iv iA* war «ov aa tatafvat .la #**'*#«a r*itfV>*4 «’ i-' k |w*vi»4*4 •• t# ! It, "ta* #Bl*4*4 v #a#f* mt mmm • • l lAM A* 9m ta# >ijHf>rt #4 aiy a# 14 ■MI »»4 M# Malty 'f’-'-D# ih# tftrai if ta# mmtmrml ul| vs ait «4l * • iM #f iff At# ti*#ia m A* >4|j fsi*;4'«t a** [ tvr*v ##* *AN4f## A»*» A*f (*4v* 11 -14 «a#( ftt r -m ts < «4#r # I s f r j* f r as ■ | «trvrttoa of ia 4**«a* ##4 N|mm. j ta# #**#Bl4# ###*#4 a# ta* mm, a w#. tat fafit#**# vf«a # a#- * t*a»lvfll (A* Man Mn4NN» a# no a# la## #• #vra acavXMtlty Hlßtl ta*t <* Vttrrnm V HMArp 4 Prtt*|A mti. 99 G» ill #4lflns r 4 Jtl fimrarrlaa ts. C- Ham** B®4 Maofy C##<aie fat TAfima# F wit Mia acid Joan T* \Vimt. rrvtr# WHAT riOI'RES >HOW. National I‘nderw ritrr* Attest to Ike Eflkletoy of the Augusta FN» Depart meat. The report of tbe i ommltter cm sta tlsrira of the National IMrd of t'ador- I writers bos rearbed Angnoui It la a cold-type trtbata to tba efll ctrocy of tbs Augusta Are depart meat that even partisan political flt«* lasur aore agrata cannot galasay and It romra to tell tbe record of a year s work la rcgaul t » Are iasursace men of Augusta ossai'ed the chief of ; the Aagu«<a Is* departmeat In fright* ' fnt mr un.r. however, unjustly During IH*7 Augi stas lire loss prr .capita was 37. There are some others Hi the South: Atlanta. «*; Columbus, j 1.61; llama *l. Savannah. 47: Blr nitngham. 51: Motitle, TIL Jackson ville. 35: New Or esns. 3.73; Chslta [nooga. 4 30: Knoxville t» 19: Mzmtphis, 33: Nashville. US: Ualveston , It; Richmond. 113: In Augusta during the year property valued at *478,340 caught fire; the loos [was *21.053; insurance Involved. *344.- [305; Insurance loss. *17.561. In Atlanta the srrne year property 1 worth *2.970.655 caught Are: the loss [ was *95,217; tnaurnure Involved, *!,- ; 873,517; Insurance loos, *87,300. In Savanoeh. property on Are. *2.- 250,875. and no other figures given. 3a vannnh hod a disastrous year. The ■ gross per capita was *1.47. I Macon hail a *24.579 insurance loss. It la Impossible to giro the whole re port. Of the 240 ritlas embraced In the report Avgusta has rank above all ex cept the following, ranking even at 37 with Dnyton. O.: Wilmington, Da!.. 24; Jacksonville, Fla.. 35: Evansville. III!., 18; Reck Island. 111.. 25; Fort TVayne. lnd„ 30; Tcpeka, Kans., 34; Covington. Ky.. 30; Newport. Ky., 13; Wiona. Minn.. 24; St. Joe. Mo.. 35: Lincoln, Neb.. 31: Bayonne City. N. J.. 30; Cemden. N. J.. 29; Trenton. N. J., 14: Auburn. N. Y.. 11; Dayton. 0., 37: Snrlngflcld, 111., 18: ZanoßVllle. 0.. 28: McKeesport. Fa., 27: York, Pa.. 17: Charleston. S. C.. 33: Galveston, Tex., 14. Of Hv* 240 cities Included In the re port. Chief Rnulett’s department leads nearly 220 rs them. He 1* led by 22. It does seem. In the face of this mag nificent showing, that ther.e must have been something other than desire for good serviee back of the bitter attack made the first of this year on Frank Rou'ett. Twelve Cars of Peaches. The big peach movement on the rail roads continue*. Today twelve refrigerator cars arriv ed here loaded with the fruit. During the stop made at the Georgia road the cars were registered and then sent on north. Every day cars of thf above fruit pass through Augusta, bound to the north. The majority of the cars come in over the Georgia railroad. of whom she has many, indignantly and emphatically deny the terrible charge which has caused her arrest. They say that in sctprr iuexpllcdhl.? way, which, in time, teidtonwd to be straightened out, she W\s become the vtcUft of circumstance*, k They point out the fact of her prevails good repu tation; that '.eh.? is the mother of a targe family and. Anally, vfhat possible motive could she have hadin thus per secuting the well known ji^ysician? gtt|, JOHN 111 JI tail. . ta a* Is toast aw a Mae*, to tor '"»M g tos Uses oil Awwsowew to <MOMto- At Jotos tod"-dae toflto tosfs tot At flwata, to a****** • kto»'*to* a* tto» aflto j | ta* Wm, Ivmi 4A* wm# mmm . 11# « mm m 184 VAMMAIB# 09 A#* **#’#a-an , *w* !#« iaamm* «mI 4*B** mm 999999 *8 wwma - | *B4 4iiV>. *vi *A* fttowa f... - ' * s t T | CA4 4(*'(M4a# artA* aw**# as iSNAw# •( • 8 A o#**B4l* (A* »*" fMfr* *l*9 Dl I MIHTM I EVEN*XI ‘ toe* O. H. ft, ftewtt rtoHftata» a* Noe WntoM 9m flVfjM**4 v*mi4 *9fmw *f iaaf *v*v» mm ••* (A* toffß#*t 9m*^ im ** . a # #*« m9FM #• **t aNMVIMM •pi lift Jaw# B*»* 4A* A«*r** »*• ##• W# ftofftft*# «V 4 #9*B*Bl*4 • 99999 VMMM #ga9toi#v***'<ft 999999 oW*m* (■Nb ! ft fftT»igto «t ft. ittoir toft*'*to* i Ift#* J ' L ftHMk Ht 1 1 le VO9 HW*lt*l ‘ , ft * 4 -1 fHlkto »9#a#fiM. Mr* J H wttft# * t J tw [#•#B 9 #?ot Mr Ruawi Mr* J A. Aaii. Mr* Ift**#, Mr#. VHaiA- Mft#, fIMivMNNrtA M'« A##**- Mr*. C A, Mr* J #ftf M • J I, • K>ty Mr* i ’ lift# vf' * K 91 H#*r Mr* F Ket!«ml Mr* A M Whiten Ms« H »«i4 Mr* 9lryv*ft Ur* !*»•* K»i. Mr*. K. A Itor tl Dr S, H. H*#t A*v # 111 N#*fi«* H#nr J B |jft«l*. Mr J [fVitwii, Dr A. A, D*vi4t i>. Mr. If. V. MM tifttof* Mr Willi* Hrymm Mt W, D, ! :Mk <»|( a#d Mr Jmmam WAit# of J«tm*t#»B l Mr*- Actosfl •#» (Ar r t##*! r?f m«Aft th«*ufhi of her trienda. THE I.YCEI M. A Dsytkitc Course Is Beta* Ar ranged Today. At a meeting «t the direr tor* of the Lyceum held this morning it wo* de. id *4 ih#t If iM* Auguit i f**«*|*l# * duirtlrmt* e«i*?#* f«>r (A* mtn* i ing tb*> ibouM D* #l> n (h* | pelvlleae of autwcrlbmg to » Tie- first couras has teen entirely fill ed end many applications for the aec '••nd have teen fil'd. Indeed there Is 'already a good nucleus for the second 'one. and It only temalns for »!»*• pe«' iple to say whslher they want It or not. 1 Tbe Hat of attractions for the next season Is unusually attractive and [there will possible be wets for every subscriber. Ttxe dulicate course, «» Its name «ug " ■cels, will be slwolutely the »ame as ithe first and will he alven at tho same !expmee. In order to sc. ure the va rious attractions, however. It will be necessary for the directors ta close i dates v lthln the next week, and these who desire to come Into the second course must speak at once. Tickets ‘may be secured from Treasurer Jones. COLONEL COfTES HONDAY. The New Commandant of the Tenth Regiment Delayed. I Col. Jones, who was expected to ar- Irtvc at Camp Dyer last afternoon, did ■ not do so. .... I (flexturn received states that he will not get here before Monday. | Capt. Tibbetts and Cspt. Mullarky are in the city today. I The usual quick schedule will be op erated on the Turpin Hill line tomor -1 row, and no doubt the large Sunday crowds that go out there every Sabbath 'afternron will be at camp tomorrow. LATE POLICE ITEMS. Alice Bevins Sent to Jail on Lunacy Charge Alice Bevins, a negro woman, was brought to the police station today on a charge of lunacy. She was sent to ithe county Jail. Tha Jail authorities say she Is more Intoxicated than suf fering from lunocy. I l>r. Rudell has reported the city scav 'enger, Mr. James Mennlhan, for a vio lation of Section 41, board of health or dinance. .... Tom Gardner has heen reported by Pcliceman Williams for a breach of Section 15 shooting a pistol in city limits. 1 BUCKLEN’3 ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Totter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay requir-d It is guaranteed to give perfect eatisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents pev box. Foi 1 sale by the Howard & Willett Drug Co. Broad Street Store and Dwe ling For Rent. We hove for rent a very desirable Broad street store with dwelling over head, w jicb we will lease tc responsi ble party at exceedingly tow price. Will make alterations to suit. WICKER & DAVIS. BOTH TELEPHONES. l| li«u 'jihflfla Nik 27#. 1 Slrnwgef pliOfii NO. Ho3* j Vow eft* iftt* (dHing your nriltf to wft> j You cto* I# tfl>f>*o*ft IM to a#*# o** of j our man (o ft* v# you tort vie* ©r hatp you 3 Uk v fT7#B 9M9 #m MCl'tS •ml I**l you quin* j tititoa nnd tun of flflytMtof you may You can loktphooft u* for prkrfti or mformtottoo. You can ttoiftohonft ft i*Qu«ftt to m«# j or flftnd you caialoftuftft, Dooklat*, Drift# j liatft, Ac. "V V # I | I l WHI R, ac . ' j . ; **osT cincr. cn vtonit*. NaMJ order Write to he CktS|to I not presort Has*. far‘to it*-* ftwsiilhg* to datertottotol ((l haea HBftraeMMtoM mad# i , a ||« (untnftrT hath* a*. The (, aMhLMh a#tot*«a(i»gto *««. 1 ia is * rrraditka that Iravea lota to ictiaa ft? igxpfftvegsema aa It. Tha ! hrtek anrstoaa at the atrvaf ut i arc fstl r>a ta (jiecra ia m*.*y p.*., e»o rtmt Dak* badly That MOf has he#a a fltost trmWe to it# o#' raamol. Hrwevrr thr froa ’tlng .ltd oat do ary ••soMscol , f i. 1 f■ ,r st i use the ylartrring to crock ta OMay $ tares : I*., Mialllofla has aa ay* art j oaty for rapatrteg th • huiid no of •rhilfb h* la rcstodlaa hot hoe eoeo ! mala o-< will be th-' rhaatftag aheut of the Otonry order sad registered to* • ! pi earn t on a liar with the general de livery window and stamp department. In other werda, nil ora In Uce. *AI present the arrangement of the depart- 1 mrai leave* little icom for the ms.' clerk* and rarrirra to w.irk In. Postmaafer Stallinito Isuxkl* chase-1 I tag the money order nnd registered mat) department lo the extrem" end at the pranent [x *toffice lobby, so that Th<’ regl*»er'xJ mall nnd money rrder windows will then he at right angles with the general jlellvery and stomp windows. Tips new arrangement will allow much more room in the general mailing department and th# strange thing la that such a pos't’en of the of ftraa we* not made he building was erected, Postoffice Inspector J. C. Holmes is here todsy looking over IK' bi ildit-jf and Is much pb.vaed with Pcslma'iet Stallings' plans. He will communlcats with Washington and approv™ them. Work will no doubt be started in a month or so, THE WEATHER. Fair Tonight am Sunday-Shower* in the Cotton Belt. Augusta, Ga., Saturday. July 30, 1898. Office located in United States Govt-ra nt. at building; te 3 ephone No. 1672. Forecast for 36 hours, ending 8 p. tn., July 31, 1898. Washington forrnst frr Georgia end South Carolina: Generali}’ fair to night and Sunday. Local forecast for Augusta and vicin ity: Fair tonight and Sunday. Maximum t?ninera<ure, 91. The river at 8 a. m. was 11.3 f»ot, a rise of 0.4 feet in th.? past 24 hours. Showers feJi in the past 24 hours largely.over tho eastern portion of the cotton belt, th? fall Leing heavy in parts of tbe Atlanta district, with scat t.?red sbowera In tb? central port'on and practically non? In the western portion. Sbowera a’so prevailed In tbe Mississippi. Ohio and lower Mississippi valleys and lake region. Temperatures have fftlien ov.?r nearly all section since Friday morning >vjth the northwest country In the fifties, but have risen along the middle and north Atlrntic coast, which is well up in the from New York north ward. The barometer is highest over the south Atlantic states end lowest over New England. The pressure is also high over the upper Missouri va’!.?y and low over the Rock mountain re gion. Broke His Arm. Master. Harry Shapiro, th? ten years old son Of Mr. Shapiro, vile rJothing merchant had the misfortune to fall wf-iile playrug leapfrog with a few companions last afternoon, wreaking his orm. He ts resting today as easily as could be expected under th> circum stances. . ■ n to- "" r ‘ “ Mohrman’s corner for rent or lease. Store 30x 100. Apply to J. H. Mohr man. jutv to SATI «DAV*» HWißn. irtiM t r • ftston to toll Wftso* Oft « w.«t kM 0w tiwqg a f»w ’< <• m ih* feTv r : -ft.* * fla y o-wfl r#ttok: 'tows tM **«• ■ • evragOg «f i- *a»s to Stow tank. l i - #mi m d -art ( -tor >wl Wilt at »••• be ebat "to ».,«#* i («4I- ■ .(OB Owl- Ts 0 * ftMT# *rtNVl *#if>Vi*(if* #f* Nft# 1 •» « 99,99$ ####* « Thftfr *«•# v»«k«* rntf*mm $ *4V-(* #| (INI *f * tr * * krt* #*4 (#* ■** tdftf l‘r r#4l U r-nVMI ****99 Br* . n r*r*«#t of »»H«/#c(«*»f Mi* Tl *' tv «*«*• *B # •*» Ur. 4«* %0 til# M*»f#BV |pprßß% ***** ™ 1 • jjmt*p*rrnrtmm n (*w Nf###iro te •{) *** *• (In##*** tA# ; MM#* tfita; rW'imamt, T7i Un'w Btmm MVMI B«|MjPM| : th# • utßf#*» tlwtv mm t In* :»*#*•*♦*«• ••itfti x!rrr»**flft to m##t I# MpAft » 4 *«l { fltoiMY cVtafftft *»<»V*y. Tt*# {«*ivfr of tt# marlwt w mW " u hpnl <. •**# v t m*m*f f *y tin* t#*( vj#lk- Tha ro ■•;»r t2* r u-i ft«ii*li huldVt# mt mm BRn*##*- Hiv-to in Karan# nn*llt«t# V fBtlHHp . n v m. w #«#*# h* t*4# tots w9tmmm Ku* *»f *. *Mh (h» tVipMM# •h* Kl*n«4iiM* «rtl! #ttH furttVT'BMi t it*** «ongtvtlon u 4 tiki mov*#' 9999* Th# ft*-* £■' v«-'tncnrßl N' ( ft4# h#¥# fen h'*<l !'M. "'rM/' 1 Th '.a! marlto* to n«tshty aettv* 1 tilng eicsdily. Tb f.,H..«mg lutoathma, the ctmung , n..« i»x.n at ts o'clock, are r-vae tha •I . • (re# ~1 False Morphy to On.: Knlli.w mt I* to* »ic!" ? ,JXnk stote ■ > i’ii t uiit ” It’D I*. < i■ .• »w* CHICAGO PROVUUONfI. 3i"* XT ~~' * °r 'iX, m!.r r . .7. **% 2% September tmeamher ‘ SBl OATH— July s*£ ~ l LARD — Sertcmher R’-BS- ifm* September * fSSn October •• * * 6.50 —— NEW YORK COTTON. New York, July 30.—13 m. *•** f ' 0J August 5.93 5.3* Sept, mh.'r *•** ’* ,«* October 6-M N’ovemhor .. 6 *2 5-*7 1.. 5.96 * W T. tt.- Steady. Midiliing—6.l-16. XVov YORK STOCKS. ! NVw York, July 30 —l2 m. h. rt t *W4 V tropolltan 1534* —— V. S. L 67% Sugar teJty 13*’A Tobacco 121% 121% X. » Yo’li Central .. .... 118% HB'4 ! O B Q 106% 105% (Chicago Gas »9% 90% (General Electric 3914 2*14 i. uisvllle and Noshvllte . 59*4 Manhattan 10794 16*% | B. & O M (\ c. C 42%4 —- | Hock Island 9414 m s. W 1304 a 131% Ist. Paul 169 **T4 IS. H. Q i 3*14 AUGUSTA COTTON. Augusto, Ga., July 30.—12 m. ! Middling « 1-1* Sales > •• 13 Receipts today Receipts to i/ate 375518 Stock cn hand 3125 PORT RECEIPTS. ' Receipts at ports compared with the receipts for the same day last year and ill,, year before, were a* follow*; 1895 1897■ 1893 Galveston too N w Oilcans .. .. 21 285 76# Mobile 7 Savannah 1 Charleston 2 X rfoik 8 2 Boston 342 , Philadelphia .... 53 . '*>3 OASTORTA. Bears the # ll,B Kind You Haw Always BotigM s -r