The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 01, 1898, Image 1

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f#lt * MoTto «■»«***» aSST sa vivos t«AM • ■«« *e*-*P» fttoewd-e ****• >»« i led !*•*•*. totoVaacaa Veto at ttoptoto* BIG SHEWS HURIiED BY A WARSHIP MaliM feafad #T «T Sdlwtprti*. •jeetto Raetaf... «d • bin M Modi 4 *« t, Ad'w«w M ItaHM m* iha («*• tftMtod* M Mill toed W «V •Ml ■%*!•*« iwevr A* Ato m**% eeiehtp to tcfrftcA lc IM ttaicMM A d.rpeirh lc I*# ttoperciak Inw lllrm >cr» • tow of to tofeeiry eed ce.airy endcr ito I'wt 4 Ami reweiljr utrH a #rteriMvat cl Spent** eegia tor* at Omtwa Tht dlapat< a rldg ihal mm* wAcciasc* front Card**** «ret to IV caatot* Beet at tfcr mglaerr. aed the \«tc; »a» dr.iee off leering Itc »m dead on th* told.'* TV Rpar.Srh loeee.V* add to Urr bare an rifft led two ■or wooed rd. MOKSI)N IN OEOROIA. Tkt rtvro Putn Thrnaglt AllMta mJ tWl* MU rVHkcr. A Uni a Oa. Au| 1. Lieutenant RKhaid Pearson H bw». «h» *** b**n asp* ;"d In «v«r lint' ar rival in tfc* United Stale* rro* JUntl •Kl M «nh his m»t bn at flprln* UxU:. The Iteatrnaai reached A. Uni* at 6:10 this morning ami for several mamrnu the ua»ai beru »»• * busr man. He «II kepi shaking bands noil! every Individual bad been salu ted Litut Hobaon received the •»- tvnUcn shewn bin with the coolness wbicl* aiaiked bit tktd of daring on tb* limimar # Hi* manner »u cor dial, jm no: forward, bis bearing md eat, yet easy. When the train pulled up to the station at Utbla Springs, where bis mother salted, a crowd of gues’s fr tn the Swee vater Park ho tel gathered to JoJn tn the welcome. Ttu»»«n the mutter and son tbs mew ing was a pathetic one. Tbe son kit ted his mother, who thr-w her arms around bt* neck, and for several mo menia rested her t; 'ad Oft hla shoulder, shedding tears of Joy. The crowd stood asiCe In rtverenre to such affec tion Tc say that Mrs Hobson was over joyed to see her son would express It too mildly. The hotel parlor* were ri re.alec -rith the tnrst beaut ful flow ers, flaga were drap'd over the perl ter* and .he word “welcome” made In green leaves waa spread ever tbe door. Th llctn-nant will return to Washington temot , cr>. COHMODOPE SCHLEY. The Coolness for Which He Is Charac teristic. "Our commander, Commodore Schley, coolly snd deliberately tils-ed himself In the most ponsplourus places on the (hip, w here he c ould plainly ohtcervo ev erything and direct the man >eiiver/< of the Brooklyn nnd the fleet, as the N w Tfc ri. with Hear Admiral Sampson, had disappeared to the eastward an hour previous to the battle. This left the whufc command on Commodore Srhley, an<: he displayed seamanship that I rlo net hellevp was ever equalled In the history of the world. "It Is considered by nuval eomman ders to be remarkable and the height of efficiency for a ship of war to be clear ed for action in live minutes. However, on this occasion. In exactly two min utes the Brooklyn was sending In her terrible and destructive fire, and the Commodore was kept busy giving or ders. He had all the boilers going, fire hose connected all over the ship and a thousand and one other things In ac tion. He also had the Brooklyn headed for the leading Snanlsh shlo, so as to cut her off escaping to sea. Commodore Schley kept up a deadly fire abreast Of thj Spanish fleet. We were in awful shape for all of thirty minutes. "f cannot do Commodore Schley full justice. I and all the men on the Brook lyn and all those w hos • good fortune it Is tc I;e plated under his command agiee with me that he is a fighter and a thorough gentleman. H* repeatedly praised the men and gave then words of confidence and encouragement, one of his pharses being. ‘Bully, boys, give it to them; your shots are finding the mark.' I was excited s-mcwhat at tile start, but the men were constantly cheer ms. joirins and laughing.” ' HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN CEORUIA ANU SOUTH CAROLINA. tftto ACM* A tMK THE AUGUSTA IIEHALI). %o*ft mr %n FATAL HOTEL FIRE TODAY. At Cdrtf (Raw TUI Cm» lint Lit tv till AtoaaWtotl Ttowa I dure#* *%a I TV i»to* wt «V tbrw.a va*l 144 *.♦ • wrnpi. Wdt* totawd tf*m *ba»* il.vm a* ibftto lla ffRM4.M V »*wd »V bai to» V fto A* I*r 4 did IV btoaa a|W Ib#i «V RtoC and w -aa'C towed I Vto a»f*»a a*, off Race »WiWRa Irf »V Ida * Tifwr Itouc d» tow Mb# a mmm»m mt pm ***** to>a wh-4 cad braiaad <* P toe tod fc • IV •> 4b w.edawa to tV V a«a*l Wl-I IV fWI •e* <U «ry * rred II eae benu-m t ***** «e IV kwrr Otar. Itobun ««* tea-4 ■ »*» of •in w wb.'b a recced fV fftowta aed toy efffwerr-4 at IV eev* etc detoe if IV Vito m »V-r ei«bi etoirr AM in* twe* IV fury wttb dfadeei Ip ito *»e#»ee fury aed tirwde nf <vu toa-t» evetieui tV »«Udit «t *V fUtor* f«E M TV TO FKHtT. A Rnaloral laawed by IV Bt.hof es ttaaewe. Haraca Jala «.-f«N»pr right MCA. V A**o- tat« 4 t*r*aa Pram a ffeanwe Oar 'r-^—off ret *- TV **aV-» es HaraV HxatMc Manual to»’>»4'i » INui** toaa raMMal a peatorel itat twa vew •tacd Mi all «V rtoari'Cx. la *hih V {■Ore teal llm era Ha«« *Ve war to tfwa'lßahlc and remtoda da pewpto Ve ■fft Veto. to Maurice enl to JVfeeado iwaaa perfect la mlhrarr ******oao ■TV peeferaf pmreede: * TV war which R- ala to eoetetnieg again* tV I’altrd toatra to a Jw»t war. Moat* to iS.Jtog VI to defend tor right a -yet I hi* ». twraalnn Whra IV felted toaiaa ne«y«Vd a war l«* taV away to antoh or perto wVI aV-uhl a •*.»**. nmud and Hgbleoff* V-qUe do* RVuld tV|> grt> away Itorlr tutor In a nr nm- p ipwlwwa claimant? Co**. ie*.-e artora again** sueh ia)aait<-r and ito apywal to to IV )UM 1- • al God It la r«m to db- f«r «m»a i oenlry a in. |a Irtol' of Ood'a Joallee. Uf* without knanr to a tho*a*»d »>"**■• *ora> l*ian d-ath II to Imp-aalMe to aak the tornti- dnaftieti wrwir t" toy dawn lla arma wliVut a aitunlr Th» [Oathnttc Jdlffwi doea not enjoin upon Ita viantn iwk humitilir aa that Oth .arwtea nilkaa wuld V tool tV Ptor- I hinge of I hoar «ho do brlto*a In llmt ; The right to rrwl try torv* to *<H nwtr ty o rtulaalhlr rlllii. II to obligatory rlghl. In thia cm*-. It l» all IV m«rr ao Iwauar lh<- fnlti-4 Plate* d* -laird war In lh. daya of l>layo and IV llmee of Cal r lla Spaniard* ramrt nntl-ns ataml Ito numtot of their rtirmlw. II *** a ihimr to aurrrndrr, and lh»y did Col give up tVlr rlghte They fought l« thr death Nrllh-r tto army m-r IV proplr la IV authority to artUa tV* to m.i Involvad Whan Ito ««nd «-. a forth for raalatanaa for iovnaton all muat ©bay without murmuriUK or with- out finding fault. 1 Last ftunday. along the whole def.mse line around Havana, there was a sham defens-' movement. In which the reg ular tnfantrv and Volunteer troops- all under command of Oen. Arolaa, partle- Irated. Many foreign >»«wra were t res ent. accompanying the staff of Gen. Arolas They express'd ’.h msclvcs a« highly pleased at the excellent spirit of the men and the rapidity and smooth ness of the *»erclsea and evolution*. On the morning of July 23, and again yesterday several Amertean warship* bombarded Tunas de Zusa on the south coast of the Island. Details of tbe bom bardment have not yet la-en received. The Americans land'd at Tayabacoa, sind uniting with Insurgent bands there, snacked with rannon the Hpaieh forts. The g»rrt*. n defended bravely. Further details have not yet been received. Advices from Manaanlllo, uated yes terday, report that the city Is Quiet. The Amrriean troops are encamped at , Calleite, near Mansanltlo . ‘ Geh. Blanco has nuhlished a bando I announcing that Gen. Linares, com imandinK thf* province of Santiago a? (Cuba, has ceased to, gkerclse Jurisdic . non over the eastern seetlon of the province. Gen. Linares was appointed tn November lasi. i Gen. Blanco to night gave a banquet to the officer* of the French cruiser f’Estalng. The principal foreign offl clsls were present, togeth -r with the officers cf the general staff. Late Monday nlTht the insurgents, under leaders RecHo and Mario Dla/c,at tacked the Plantation Nuestra, in the Jaruca district. Th-* principal attack was directed against the main building. Th> wife of the manager, his brother ; In-law and two children were wound ed. The small garrison finally succeed ed in repelling the Insurgents, who left several guns behind them. PA I ' $200,000. Japan Being Satisfied by the Hawaiian Government. Yokohama, Aug. 1. lt is reported tha, Hawaii has agreed to pay Japan j 5. 40,000 sterling in settlement o£ tbe 1 dispute which arises out of the exclu ; sion of Japanese emigrant* from the. | Hawaii:! islands. — New York Futures. New York. Aug. 1. Futures opened - firm. August 5.85 Scr ember 6.90 October r >-9< November December ,6,00 Janua-.y 0.04 February ' 6.07 March • • ,6-10 HE SOUNDS ADVANCE TOMORROW ltd*. 111 In Iren lull Abril till tbr c itoftolct TV leHStoi Ma»* Atoaft »*»• Ran jsiy it na rm da toe* Anewat l -tto eeVtod * aaiawted «w ******* . Tb« af«a» <to dee feed tour *www TV dtot whim as a«tarb wto V la*a itote. U todbto *mm *t tv Mr Want rwad UCtowwl Kuw baa letoat •tot IV toxalerda *» oirnaM iMr T. aitor* iVw »»tV>ei est deny w <«m toaee lee be* at Mia, a*» «la*arel Mllae Va VMVI IV artMton aatoam end tore tv bee*** ameed IV alvaeaa TV Rpaera* »™ie*«vya era daeaftVff v IV wVdaaala Itoet beedm <d e-»ra terra up aed »ia«»«4 • raid, la- Hudilta rnlreato amp** in raptatoa FWtfftotaa dpaetorda triad to tortto lb-> t ops la - aeateat IV army. TVy erwa arraatod. TV tolltw alriead IV Rrte <*eafe ea Ibay wara bated lebae to IV jet! TV ******* pan*net eward lerpad «et aed reera up at d«ebla TV vd to dm aayrrel t4m **** IV Ved as tv arowd btoanr IV dtolttobeem «v ©•at lad Ceatedta CoUarttoe Od ffmd K Mill to a-ywieiad aeto Inma aatlartor. Major fell la poalmae lay (tenetal Mtlee Itot era al Vadevr lara that IV gaearal adtraem waaera lomormw acre I bey# Jual brnad ae fella hie authority Ibal wa have ototp pled Jura I Hal Major MarVnale, l«y h»« Matt met-* ad Ito epantah rear auard Vmt-rday• lla m anted U. VI l" Vad«|uari-to Ma -Meted a cat* "O IV airaei aed told IV rabby to drive him to IV R**lda dn- I a-Idler. I TV- ritltotan hurtled UP fcla torn and howled atott* Ito mlll t«r> road TV major wo* e up Inal Iff lima to dee tV cab apjwoachin* a ft* aeleh column. II wa. Ito Hstsnl.h rear guard Aa tV a.»l<!l<*ra aaw IV cab da-tong up and IV oflher. In Am .rtoan uniform. In II goattoulailng wild ly. I bay ahedaddjrd In all direct lona, and prrbapa are atlll running TV ma jor atoppad IV eah. roundly barat.«d IV rabwwff. and finally g*rt hint to ootnpri-Vnd that V waffiyd lo IV Am- | aritan and not IV ft|*anl»h line*. Vs * I’rw.lamatVff. At CToi*. August 1 - Th" mayor of fIAR tUKUHi till* "Cttlsen* t'n today the elttaena of Porto Ktcn aaslat in one of her moat tieautlfui fr**ta. The sun *»f Amerba shines upon our mountains and val ley*. It la • day of great and gtortou* remembrance for each of thl* t**- lovtd isle, because for the first time there waves over It a flag of stars, plan ted In the name of the government of 1 the I'nlted State* of America by Ihe major general of the Amelcan army.l Honor Mile*. "Porto Itlcans, we are. by the mlrar- . ulcus Intervention of the God of the I Just, gtven hack to the twseni of our J mother. America. In whose wateis na ture placed us, as * people of America, j To her »«• are given bark tn the name I o. h, r government by General Mtlea | nnd we must send her our moat ex pressive salutation of generous affee-1 Hon through our conduct toward the! valiant troops represented by the dla ttiigulshrd officer* and commanded by the lllustrloua General Mile#. Cltlaens, ten gllve the government cf the I'nlted State# of America. Hall to their valiant troops. Hall to Porto Rico, j always American." The rttiaeiia of the town hugged the Americans and some '■ II u. >n their knees and embraced the legs of the sol dlera. Afterwards cltlxens went % hunting Spaniards, as they later did In Ponce, j ami brought them tn to sign paroles. The city Placarded. p r ,nt e .was yesterday placarded with •posters issued by the mayor upon the order of General Wilson, the military governor, commanding the surrender of nil arms nnd declaring It to be the duty every citizen to tell If he knows where arms are concealed. This Is part ly responsible for the Spaniard hunt-, ing, the citizens wishing to perforin some duty in t|ie service of the Amer icans. . When the dlfcoateh boat left to flic this dispatch there was a pile o r sighed paroles cn General. Wilson's desk six Inches high and there were about hundred Spanhuds 111 the elty phlson waiting co sign. A great pile of aims has already been turned in and tWose not handed over at > promised tomor row. Besides the proclamation Issued’ the mayor Issued one of hls own ac count. It was of the same tenor as that 'lssued by the mayor of Yaueo, though not quite so enthusiastic, j Even the Spanish local newspapers ’profess loyalty to the Americans. The 'most rabid Spanish publication of them all, J.a Demoeracla, has Issued an ad dress. announcing the demise of the paper under Its present name and giv ing notice that it would reappear under the name of The Courier with a section printed In English. Boner is Orderly. j Ponce Is orderly. General Wilson has gat the government running well. He I has appointed new Judges for the courts, the present ones, Spaniards, wishing to go to Spain. Th custom house '.lteration* are conducted by the /. merit-ana, and th* receipts for the last ts, j.... days have beon 520,000. General Miles says this merr y will he used to UV;fray the extraordinary expense, pf the army" and adds that if the average of 'customs receipts is kept uri the Amer jjean expedition ".‘ill be self-sustaining. I Today General Miles Is to fix the rate of exchange for American and Porto AifM Jftf 04. w w I Marat aeM*t V ediiitoe to ttpaWM jeea Jed-an ttoea. al Idea to. *•«>** I (Pad * «•****• r >**m vdie *>***■'♦ Iw. ..*ev» TV a*Va» rity he* toe* own art ad eed t«.tpw>et* tot*, toe* '«**■»• V w*tee m ■ i»H«*d» -Mtoto .tog TV nedtot't «w ad aa* ame tv gata* «♦ 4 Rto rear* as ttgdtiad V .taa . rtoptri et iv».tot»» | TV tootnaati es tv ***** * **» •e» 4» ttoa let f -VrV* m* IV «*» I tto* ear* glttVay warn affhiffliVd g*d g | f* T *pa*t« Re My yieniial Ra» ) ftopaw Jed* » tea to Tveetta An goto |. .ravrel MVa Verty Mperla •ea ey*y*w es *V >reev»t» be tie* *e y.i. ry .ayi * to.. • dtaewayct « < jte* aaadyd awe end at- tv MM 'eae tv dfte -vadry -toaetel *»e*n * idfttemp ■ eviieff n* »«• ** »*d toftedteig M Jd«*>* es t.ivf, dd* •* day « to ffetr.* M*vmdi fwffl Tae V to JJava to V read* to bdd tV aaroffdii email to Pea Jean TV Idle | Plmeaatoaeta feg«Vae- «aa a* IV VarnMM toaardg Jeeeo. Inaa tdaei i mitre «*ib as Maffto eartoM# to Pee Jpae w«ag rath' tod ear# tbto «**-*> tea iVi (V Speed*<d* ***- vV! in# aatto- faatdn Meaea. •••gfpeiffp * 'wS»v aed NtdeiWM ** «*wi ena ragm TV I Iral »r.ldt»f TV Amt tael raetatav* la .ta*M •bee tV trenpe revb Aivenw. * note, toiu.ti *4 bate Alto ell • e#a a thmtaaed tom rbt.te-e TV reMtoed from fhatra I* Taere to e«*w to pern**- M«e of *m ****** ******** Pimta found gte m 1... .<e tV Ito* TW •ate dratmyad aed IV treeb »ea ue- Injer.d TV toe* towed IT ffpaetoida to IV Tamm Vapttal al M «toe tot toae w«»ei*ad <4 TV*day » Cgb< Tw» bare ato»a died TV torn* Veal toe Ppm-tofftatoMM tore brae toatawl by IV ambtottler as Y.Wn »» a felled , fft.tre rtty agptatolna deirgbl al ito aevyalioe aed IV admtetrtnPme as • lev al Mile* Ml IV , trnrpa TV irteyot «f l*<»ere baa eeltod up. e IV traldaela n» that Plato tot re eo-lee ralntweaa and rtt.-umrper-tm* uo der IV V« and *r***aWe nffdMMK He urg«a f. rl-afenra inward. IV *oMr •I ire re 1 enamtoa. Mwl nwtkvta.m Much • to evaryw here at* If*.led al IV atghl of IV alarn add M rtpee. Oevral Mile* Va I meed a I ngiht order as Inlntrilon. I« ‘ leoerwl iWV-n wto. will v (V mllllary got ereor of I'.tye prevliyce and rtty ue*n Ueneral’ Hrmdie * erytuel. Il to of IV name tenor aa IV towttwlhmr which Ilrvral Ml lea gam In U-n-rrl SVfler at Ranilago. l ocal OoverfftncM. TV local myynr. Judg * and police remain In null* rtly nubjart la IV or- f dar* of (Tesseral Vile H TV cv'om. hour*, olfirea will .tan V l ondected aa fcrmerly for the ereeent TV raeeiiti. amount to a eowddai*Mt aom of mon ey. TV volunteer* conimue to come Iff and give Ihemvlvea up. The health of the troopa ao far to good. : though the weal her la hot. AT CAnt* TMortAS. I The New Cause for l-xcimcnt at That Point lßy Associated Press! ! Cbicamattga. An*. 1. The depar ture of General Wade leaves Brigadier i General Frank in command of Camp Th; mas pending the arrival of Oeneial | Breckinridge, who has been assigned fto the command. It t# underatood {General Wade ia to command a orovla i ionai detachment cf fifteen regiments ; j from the states that have the least rep- I mentation at tbe front. Tbe men and officers of tbe various regiments at (’amp Thomas are in a slate of anxiety and will continue in such until It is known who will go. Ttys present in- ' diratlons are that the next troops to go ".-til l? from the Third e-irpr. Pow erful influences have been brought to! | bear lately upon the prlsident and (he j war denaitraent in behalf of the First' cVrmont. the eEighth New York and. j the Third Tennessee, (hose regiments cr mprlalng the Third brigade, Fi at dl-! vision, Third eorps. Brigadier General. I Leonard Cclby commanding. MR JAHES T. HAY. Who was to Have Been Brought Here Taken to Fort Thomas. Mr. JEtnra T. May, who was with the Second Georgia at Tampa and was stricken with typhoid fevpr, has be.?n errrleri to Fort Thomaß, Ky.. and not brought to Augusta, ns was supposed h- would be, as the following shows: Newport, Ky.. Al'g. I.—A hospital train arrived at 5 o’clock last night with 135 sick from Tampa and trans ferred them to the hospital at Fort Thornes. Among the invalids were H-nry Weiner, Neath Runden, James T. May, William King, Zeb B. Fleming rnd George P.* Miller, all of the Sec ond Georgia. Menagerie Additions The Lakevudv Park mcn-get-ie was ’ncrcmil this morning by the receipt if three beautiful specimens of Ihe Northern woodchuck. They wer.e re '■(iviil direct from the Orange moun tains. Dutch's county, New York, anil arrived in tlrstclass condition. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE RELATIVE* FRIENDS AND - -qualntanc'-s ~f Mr. P. J. Callahan are respectfully (invited to attend the funeral cf his infant daughter, AN NIE. firm his residence. 1497 Broad strict. THrfK AFTERNOON, at 6 o’clock. Internwnt at the city cem etery. (DERRITT HANDS OH THE ISLAND Tit Imirti iHtf HdMprrtkt 'lf Aatntitv IV » mm*4 NMft MJrn tam Ip le IV epwwak I »eaa V ti •* TV H<nM Vae. « Jff.a IP - It# IVCff •*«*• -*NrVra bea Van V nakrikd *«•’•« Up aa flar Mr. kwtttaae * V VM ’ Mb** eed tV •pffMtefdk TV Win ft IV aeriac* ..ia»S» atom IbW Affffiff dlAy'l ar tor. era Iff •atop.’' IV Afftof pea lump* Ha bin * V Atom fee. Mil Vtd *V . raft aed »M> V ff‘ll g» ipamyag TV laaaaltew fff Vrat'ldtoa [Sffffaa tV aeape* • ‘btM wav l-ed es (eagMiffttov era pmtdsv M leaarpvi ■ ffeaatob Qeneee alUkee* TV ft«k VI • toy uedto I*egt T «eg IV <W redo Viieltoe Cel Mctv» aed a V i« Hop es tV K gbieenlb ragwlaca tW Her lay. era mtm v>*hm tout iV ****»• Htto gl Malesr rafVclM Ito leant* ante Order* far tfcto voye **** tod ai to dtMkl alee «tdayy se carry IV ll—kn fora aed te tV vaiato Jr at |Ktea>bto la IV Va* ah Iteae Aim to. a Mfftoi ally itopriwiead by AgalMUbt baa dttopfpmwd aad la wa d nbte4!y abm Trlrai* Jobeame of Oregon died oe IV JWb cf typbtod fa rar Priraia N.oolr of iv riral reli fnrnto died M ito Ml. of lejnriaa on IV royav M-frill la-ted today V t«.e find lla- TVre to no mrreenw of all An... pom IV bag*? rkia lies Merrill * CaMe. |By Asaorlatesi Prew* | Waahtogtt a. Aug L Uea, Merritt Ihaa Main t»b’«d lb- wsr departrneul! ‘retails* to the situation at Manila.! e ht, a be find" very unaai startory amp da n ichis owing to the attitude of the! ItfQflCBU. il th* i>pil)o9 ot Gflifril Merritt the sttl.ude of the iasutgeotal there la similar to that assumed by Gtn Gama's t'uluias sirs the question at ihdr right to eater aod powers* themselves of rhe city, although, in 1 1 hla case, the Insurgents are a very! irarh more formldalble etrmrnt. bring j ' sit only m re numerous bat bettar avmed and Piled with arrogance follow ing numerous vlctorle* over thair Spanish so a. Gen. Merritt Indicates that he will do hi* utmost to protert i th- i huts fri m the savagrwy of the insurgent*, though his lash is a deli cate and difficult one, because of tbe | fact that hr must, while fighting tbe Spaniard*, be ready at any me men t to 'repel the Insurgents. The general gave notice that he was shout to combine «•.th He vry. in a J.nint d-mand for the |surrender cf Ihs city to the I'nlted { Hletes foiesg thus forestalling the In (P.-gests, and this move may cause a rupture It Is possible. In view of the fart that Gen. Merritt's cablegram was sent from Csvit* Inst Thursday, that this movement has already been made. - Washington. Aug. I.—-Secretary Al ger and Mr. Ixing are In conference with the President over the rorlotts sit uation in the Philippines. They have important illspntebes from Merritt and Dc-vey. Oen. A-lger admitted the sig nificance of these dispatches, hut de clined to state thGr exact nature. OEN. WHEEI.ER. How He Unmasked a Federal Bat tery. I At the battle of New Hope church, between Atlanta and Chlckumauga, |Gen. Walker sent Major Wm. H. Ross, who was on his staff, to ascertain from Gen. Wheeler, who pccunied an ml \anee position, what was in his front. He found the general on his horse, [with one leg over the pommel of the saddle. Haluting him. Major Ross said: I "(Jen. Walker would like to make a charge at this point and would like to know ts the enemy has a masked bat teryln front of us." [ 'I don't know. Major," Gen. Wheeler replied, "But I <an soon find out," and, swinging Into position In his saddle, he galloped up to a slight eminence, ac companied by Major Ross and his staff, ami planted a guluon. A moment later !a cuff of smoke In the distance, and the sputtering of a shell as It flew over them showed what was ahead. Turning to Major Ross, the general said: "Give Gen. Walker my compli ments, and say there Is a masked bat jtery In front of us.” I Major Ross ventured the remark that It was a rather risky way of uumask llng a battery. j "The first shots always fly high,"-was I the cool reply. "It's the shots shat fol low that are dangerous.” "When I returned and rejjprted to (Jen. Walker," said the major. “I re quested him to send someone else tli ■ next time he wished biil: lies unmask ,,,l by Gen. Wheeler." Macon Tele graph. “Whack” Bailey Dead Atlanta. Aug. 1. “Whack” Bailey j died last afternoon at his residence cn 'Coin(land street. He was unconscious | several hours before he died. H- Fourteen rapid fire breech loading tl- ( left a list of his pallbearers. He leaves a wife, but no children. j HTf toil AHA ft TTAI MUM>4%, AllH At *. iM ALABAMA BALLOTING. m irfprni Mitj Pn«m 1» m Tim Tali).'bgbaai *M I - Aa .anutxh IAnIT 11| * (Mfcdi 41fti pevHMf add eM *mp« «•*»** teted tod at* mama as iv »*prtov *mm, vwtbrea ts IV hffeto hareaa as IJ. pa toW aatitoblt Vtt IV atto*** add totoMa add rewdiy «#**»• Id Uto ee-1 rev ec edtwe TV ereiv* m yieet' w Vgl ftokitol toViMI is* to Ufato ■ tod to |pmt to to m t *»• V« IV uudidd prye-m'dad very ' neb Vreeaa es «V padatei apwbt *A«e pvweaMe. TV papeVta Mm te. • es IV pdto ton tot I*, tel r m tV eatevr es yag«w <ya a* >Vt tdy ■ t*> dtddri fraud. If mm ere mar , ■Mtwd bp IV daeearrw*. M AMM W ON HU % i IM All Tritopa V V TaV* Owl es Tht. •defied. i PPM* IV New add Cmlff I LA"aaklepMw Ja.y It Mr.r st.) | TV aaeretery es war Va drritrrd bto RUJto “» let* all of IV tr npi oai of IV Peeih add fddew IV* la KoriVre raatp* He did ihto id IV eerfue es a lath with Vm« Hum ynatardg*. eed V did H la a way (Vi aV«*4 tVi V eea le wret «e fcla dtwtare l toe Renat or Vi retoe to Waablep toe ft* IV perpnae es railing Ike et leMtod of IV war deperidtoat te aoew* of IV medittoda prcvall!eg ai fTUrk .mr'.ga aed le erge upon Ihe ternary IV eladnte of nrauerieg the irooe* ihrougb IV wore healthy port K-v of the ff«Mh. an M in ramey* ike daegm Inc idem npif kre.r v away Ihoua aed m-wi huddle-! *o> iker The br-ellk of lbe Irnop* them ha. been greatly endanger*-! try crowding IV men l'*g*lher le «ma’l iyt ff «h»i» ibry bava none of fV pmpey laeUltley. or re'ker where the eery p imher. bring about madlllnea unfarorahW* lo lhr h-allh of IV mm. Jaat a* the name crowding (ogrther at Camp A!r"r and clher pnlela ha. brmiffhl nmilar ro autls. Cot Him short. The m-Bator had Jusl tnlrodip-cd his {subject *%h n Hrrretsry Algtr cut him Ishtrt by th* de< a rat ion that he bad Iditerm ned In bring all ib- troops otic i of th* Booth snd place them of North I*m ramps. H* did not go Into iktili [as to bis reason* for doing fhis. bat In jdlrst.-d that the complaints of 111 I health snd the spread of fevers at some rs the rstnp* was the Impelling motive. Senator llaron asked If be had made no his mind irmurably ou this point, and th* secnrlary said he had. Senator Baron entered s protest sgeinst the reflection upon the health conditions in the entire* South, which sttrh ni t ion would Imply, lie slat-d to IN' aeeretary with great emphasis that such action was uncalled for. and that Die frouble at Fbiekamauga was not due to the unhealthfuiness of the climate at all, but to the action of the. i fllcera of the army In herding the men together <vbere thiy could not have proper aan tnry facilltUa. He called I be: action contemplated by tbe secre tory unwarranted and declared that if tree;)* were properly placed through the South it would be found that the health conditions were Just as good as In New England, of any port of the country. He got no aaiis faetton from the secretary, however. He Is Prejudiced From th.; first, the secretary of war | eeems to have been prejudiced against the South. At least he has caused many people to believe so. It ma. he , that back of this last determination on the part of the secretory l» to be found the fine Italian hand of some railroad influences that arc desirous of getting the haul on the troops. But whatever she Influence, the result Is an unwarranted and uncalled for reflec tion on the health conditions through out the South. H- M T *- thought to be appfndicitis Mr. W. M. Mxon, the Commission Merchant, Taken 111 Yesterday. Mr. W. M. Nixon, the well known Broad street grain and commissipn merchant, was taken suddenly 111 yes terday with an attack of stomach trou ble. which Dr. Wright, the family phy sician, thought might be appendicitis, 'll is lea:ned (hat a consultation is be ing held ns The Herald goes to press to definitely decide the exact nature of the Illness. Mr. Nixon suffered a great dual of pain last night and if the diagnosis bv consultation proves the correctness of Dr. Wright's opinion, It is understood! he will recommend an immediate oper ation for tbe extirpation of the Inflam ed organ. A Little One Gone. i The many friends of Mr. P. J. Calla han will deeply sympathize with him in the loss of his little ten months old daughter, who passed away at 5 o'clock this morning. The funeral will occur • at 6 o'clock this afternoon. mints ».*55R35 t**dg»to*M. I.'' III! VIM tAtK. ••• f-dfMji HO PLENARY POdJERS FOR HI. GAMBON. It* Il Mffpf) 111 Mdttl hdfff «C tiff Jfdlitft. INa A etwee f ipnlf Pefdfe IV fed V IV tornh (ffgmr al le TV 11-rwhA | » athraff * w And' t Andreev Had* -TM nr >dV topa V dam dwf mpert ffddtd’e ddawee la defy IV add df IV • »*h Me aej* M Cam line hae an *»■ i hour In ****** to «w d«wired. Ml ady chap* df hffd ****** m Madrid* Mad* 4. And V ” TV toietaMf es rw.ige affhira had rar*read a 1 Irgratd lifter fine aayieg tV iwply es IV IV J I*4 Put*. •le IV Ape*tab pnfe na Ore tobjac* at preew will he IMr-vardrd to Madrid ad* dMie't Tetto Anc I - H ta aeeeeafwd tola a* man. le a dlapaftb friffd Madrid ie iV T'ffypu that to* Rpedlah oeblttot la to torn tor. aftayeeaa aed dree «■ Rpeie . reply to lb* relied mate* The avert la IV p**U pfnpnaela. IV fIP lairk adda if le betoired. elll be that IV Rfanlab goy.ryeuei elll *r-wpt IV i*nv leer: aiefy after rfHal a»- yr I* atren te tone hnatsiltl** elll he ai-apemfyd la IV Antlllae TV Mad rid diapatok aeya il le IV greeryl V tldf toel peace will V te eriompllrbed tori t-eforc Auguat 11 M'arhlngtoe Aeg. I.~Thc day open . i quirtiv Ia tV riAfe. ear and aa*y 4 panmmta and toaye wa. a ritlhto waning of leicregi la IV ear. alioa tlOß Viag rather d reri 4 lo IV peer# negcilatlnea aoe »e pmgar**. A r.iim- Vrof raUery.walled Necrriary Alg-rat IV d-parimoni. amimp tone bring Col John Jamb Aator Col. Aator la a m-mbec of On stbafler'a aiaff and wa. .ml north with diapattb *a. tnrlndiDg. II la Hiideyylood. foil ar ilrlaw of to* i-apttnlalhin of Snnilagn. H* bad heca mcch delaml on arronfit of lh* quarantine ri-gfflatloaa. Hr eaa ,r, .mpon!..l by hla aecrriary. eho had charge of tV report a from Shaf.rr. ■which, by i h*i offtrorN dlrectloff. CoL Aator waa in bsttul peiwonally to Secre tary Alger and ao one Hae. Col. Aatof will go to New Torh tonight and ypend a fee daya before returning to the ll»ld. It ia rumored that he la to be attached lo Gen Milea' atnff at Porto lilco. Genera! Greeley, chief signal ofllrer. was able to announce with » great deal of grctlflention today that he was In direct esb’'' communication with Oea. Miles' headqur Her* at Porn*. Here tofore nil mesrage* from the general had come via dispatch boat to St. Thomns, thence by cable, involving a deay of from twelve to twenty hours. When the Spanish forces retreated ifrem Ponce th» destroyed the cable in struments. <Vn. Greeley succeeded In j getting the ( fflrlsls at St. Thomas to r*nd over new inslrnroents and thus jconimunlcrllon is reopened. Madrid, Aug. I.—The Liberal today says that the Spantsh-Amerlean peace are to meet In London and that the points which are to bo discussed will be the disposition to ba made of the Philippines, the payment of th- Cuban debt, the evacuation of Cuba and Porto Rteo uod the cwnv'r- I ship of the war material in the Antil les. Madrid, Aug. I.—The American r**ace terms have at rived. The most of them were known already through the news paper dispatches. But one Is absolute ly new. The special cabinet meeting convened at 2 o'clock. There Is no de cision yet. Sagasta. *iu conference with an important foreign diplomat, sold the terms are very hard. Another cahinent council is called for 5 p. m. It is understood that Spain's answer will be a request for a modification of the terms. An answer probably will he reached at nlgtit and will be forwarded to Cambon Immediately. It will prob ably arrive In Washington tomorrow sotro time. An Attractive Store. The plasterers and paper hangers are ci. ating havoc today in the haber drsktry store of the F. G. Turpin Co. When they are through, the painters will lake charge and Ky the close of the week the inside of the- store will liav. been thoroughly renovated and improved. It Is Mr. Turpin’s Intention u> make as attractive and modern an interior as Is possible and have h's store In Up top shape to receive the stock of fall goods now on the way. Scotchmen have another grievance. They object to the adjective "Scotch,” cspeially in official documents, and de mand that. “Scots” or “Scottish" bo used instead.